SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS - Local Action Plan Suceava - Urbact

Page created by Evelyn Wang
URBACT II                                          SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                Local Action Plan Suceava
       Document prepared within the project “Sustainable Urban Markets” Phase II
                    Co-financed by URBACT II program, Priority 2.1

URBACT II                                                                                   SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
   1.1. URBACT program.......................................................................................................................... 3
   1.2. Local Market Operation Background ............................................................................................ 4
   1.3. Project general description ............................................................................................................. 5

2. Legal framework .................................................................................................................................... 8

3. Identification of factors involved and establishment of the Local Support Group in Suceava.......... 16
   3.1 Identification of Factors Involved in Activities Related to the Project Matter ............................ 16
   3.2 Presentation of the Members in the Local Support Group in Suceava ........................................ 17

4. The market – integrated concept ......................................................................................................... 31

5. Development of the swot strategic analysis for the Local Markets in Suceava Municipality ............ 32
   5.1 External Factors, Opportunities and Threats, Respectively ......................................................... 32
   5.2 Internal Factors – Strengths and Weaknesses .............................................................................. 43

6. Setting the General Development Vision for Local Markets .............................................................. 47

7. Actions proposed to be implemented during 2014-2020 ..................................................................... 48

8. Funding opportunities during 2014 – 2020 ......................................................................................... 80

URBACT II                                                   SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                                      1. INTRODUCTION
         URBACT is a European program developed within the European Union cohesion policy,
Territorial cooperation objective, enhancing the trade of information in order to promote sustainable
urban development. The program provides the possibility for cities to collaborate in order to obtain
answers to major urban challenges, confirming the crucial role that urban centers play when facing
more and more complex changes in the society. URBACT supports cities in terms of developing
practical, new and sustainable solutions integrating the social, economic and environmental
dimensions. The program facilitates the exchange of fine practice and experiences between all
European specialists involved in urban policy matter.
         Currently, there are 290 cities, 29 countries and 5000 active participants involved in
URBACT program. The projects financed within URBACT II program develops in to stages:
the development stage and the implementation stage.
         In the context of long term challenges intensifying, such as globalization, pressure on using
resources and population aging, as well as the more and more severe European and governmental
regulations regarding carbon and water taxing or the costs for waste storage, it is mandatory to find
some means for urban economic environment public acknowledgement regarding the need to
understand the concept of sustainability and to adopt measures redefining new operating models for
personal businesses.
         In the context of trades activities and areas intended for trades activities without precedent
in Suceava Municipality, the local administration is responsible for intervening and initiating
project providing for a sustainable course of local development, to preserve the natural patrimony,
to support the creation of a stable local economy and promoting a degree of manpower
         All such commitments aim to meet the objectives in the Strategy for intelligent, sustainable
and inclusive growth - Europe 2020, aiming to achieve, by actions at the community level, the
transformation of the European Union in a 21st century economy – intelligent, sustainable and
inclusive, leading to the growth of manpower employment, productivity and economic, social and
territorial cohesion.
         The inter-regional territorial cooperation program for the urban development network
URBACT II represents a program for the trade of experience and know-how for cities contributing
to the EC initiative “Regions for an economic change”, with the general objective of meeting the
demand of information during the process of rendering the urban development policies more
effective in Europe and supporting he preparation of projects developed within national programs.
         The programs shall be implemented with funds from the European Union by means of the
European Fund for Regional Development through URBACT 2007-2013 Program (80%), from the
Romanian Government (13%) and a contribution from the local budget (7%).

URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

        Suceava is a trade center of reference for the northern area in Romania: the malls and
markets herein are visited on a regular basis by thousands of local buyers, as well as foreign people
(also from Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova). Large trade centers have the advantage that they
provide a wide range of products in a single marketing place, however the activity is deployed in an
impersonal space, without allowing the direct contact with the primary trader and fail to always
provide high quality
services. The high
number of such centers
located in Suceava
Municipality         and
oversized in relation to
the local needs renders
the same hard to adapt
and this leads to
financial         issues,
closings, relocations
and        bankruptcies
occurring.         Local
manufacturers can sign
rental agreements for
marketing         spaces
inside supermarkets,
but the conditions
must advantage both
parties, an alternative
being     the    market
located on the public
         Currently, the
Suceava City Hall
develops the project “Sustainable regional market BAZAR Suceava”, fundable through the Swiss-
Romanian Cooperation Program and which aims to become a pilot project for the refurbishment of
trades areas. The solution adopted consists of a set of innovating technologies in Romania,
including power efficiency, green lighting and sources and is intended to transform the local market
of industrial products in an attractive space providing for quality services to the local consumer.
        At the same time, the need to refurbish the remaining urban local markets was identified, in
a unitary manner integrating all dimensions of modernizations and using innovative measures,
according to the EU objectives.

URBACT II                                                    SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

        The project “Sustainable urban markets” is co-financed by the European Union through
the European Fund for Regional Development within the Inter-regional cooperation program for
urban development network URBACT II, Priority 2.1 Attractive and cohesive cities.
        The urban market approached in the project context in Suceava municipality refers to a mix
of buildings / stands / sale points intended for traditional food and industrial products, including for
those certified under the brand “Produs în Bucovina” (Made in Bucovina) already known at
national level. Thus, by providing the full access to the market, the Suceava City Hall can also
support local manufacturers of food products, craftsmen producing religious items or folk clothing,
preserving at the same time traditional customs. Suceava Municipality aims to develop an
integrated network of 3 local permanent markets: the Central Market (Piaţa Mare), George Enescu
Market (Piaţa Mică) and Burdujeni Market, as well as seasonal markets (temporary) organized on
the central public domain for local events.
        Starting from the conviction that urban markets are a driving force for the local development
and urban regeneration and that they also create potential and an economic, social, touring and
cultural, also urban planning impact, the general objective of the project was established – proving
the feasibility of urban markets designed in a sustainable manner and stimulating the businesses of
manufacturers producing the goods in the brand “Produs în Bucovina”.
    The main objective of the project is to prove the feasibility of a local market for agro-
alimentary and craftsmanship products made in sustainable manner, stimulating at the same time
the businesses of the manufacturers of traditional goods in the brand “Produs în Bucovina”.

   The specific objectives refer to the following:
       Preparation of an Action plan to support the development of local Markets for agro-
         alimentary and craftsmanship products located on public areas,
       Pubic awarness regarding the potential such sector may provide for the development of
         local economy considering the measures to preserve and improve the quality of urban
       Information on and promotion of the project by activities to encourage and support the
         businesses of food product manufacturers, craftsmen producing folk items, to preserve
         and continue local traditional customs and to develop the local touring market.

   Development period: 01.05.2012-30.04.2015, respectively 01.05.2012 - 31.10.2012 for the
development stage and 01.02.2013 - 30.04.2015 for the implementation stage.

   The planning and promoting activities address 3 key intervention domains:
   1. urban regeneration in the central area, by creating a favorable background to boost trading
      of local traditional products (craftsmanship and local food products bearing the brand
      “Produs în Bucovina”), by means of interventions such as:
            Introducing the urban market in town planning, the same being considered as a core
             for the development of services and activities in the area of action
            Estimating the direct and indirect impact on the local economy to influence the
             decisions at administrative level
            Involvement of key actors in market regeneration

URBACT II                                               SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

           Finding funding alternatives – public-private partnerships, establishing the degree of
            intervention and control, public vs. private responsibilities
     Finding means to communicate the benefits of a local developed market, adapted to the
     customers' expectations

  2. promoting economic activities with low emissions in the municipality, by means of
     intervention such as:
           maintaining the collaboration between the RURAL and URBAN areas to increase
     the quality of life in villages and to develop a balanced and sustainable territorial
           the market seen as support infrastructure for the communication between the 2 areas,
     correct and effective means for promotion and regulation
           development of local brands, green products, specialization per type of product
           reduction of mobility effects due to the operation of local markets
           an effective management of resulting waste and measures to recycle the same
           proposal of measures to use green energy, benefits and funding possibilities to apply
     such measures

  3. creation of jobs and entrepreneurship support, by supporting the business of local producers
     and by stimulating the local and regional economic development as well, considering
     elements such as:
URBACT II                                              SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

           The effects of developing local tourism as a result of modernizing the local markets
     and promoting the same a touring location
           any business needs A MESSAGE THAT IS EASY TO HOLD IN MIND AND
     RESONANT and also a marketing and communication strategy including zoning, segments,
     allocation of spaces positioned and sized on grounds of a strategic analysis

           going beyond the stereotype of the old fashion agro-alimentary market and finding a
     client focused operation system: variety of products, working hours, value added innovative
     adjoin services
           increasing competitive capacity in order to meet the market competition from
           the market as core for the development of other direct and indirect economic

     The activities to be developed within the project are:
         Transfer of know-how, experience and fine practices with the project partners by
           attending international meetings
         Debates and consultations with the Local Support Group during local meetings
         Preparation of a Local Action Plan to promote and implement sustainable urban
           markets, as well as the publication of the same
         Organization of the European Market Day – October 2014
         Public dissemination and information by means of information bulletins, roll-up,
           press conference, press releases (written and on-line), brochures, flyers
URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

             Preparation of a catalogue with the main food products and local craftsmanship
           Informing of the management authority for Operational Programs, Ministry of
              Regional Development and Public Administration
           Informing and influencing the European authorities in order to allocate non-
              reimbursable funding for such type of actions, through URBACT
           Training and informing the GLSU members, organized with the support of
       Training and informing at the decisional political level, organized with the support of

                                  2. LEGAL FRAMEWORK
The general rules for the practice of specific retail trade and service provision activities in some
public area, as well as the minimal endowment requirements to realize such activities were set by
the Government Decision no. 348/2004, respectively the amending decisions: Government Decision
no. 1334/2004, Government Decision no. 164/2005 and Government Decision no. 321/2008
  In the meaning of this decision, trade in some public areas means the trading activity involving
products and services permanently or temporarily carried out in markets, fairs, public passages,
URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

public roads and streets or any other area intended for public use, except for specially administered

                                                                     Thus, trade organization in
                                                                    public areas is made according
                                                                    to the following provisions:

                                                                       ART. 5
                                                                    (1) Retail trade or service
                                                                    provision in public areas is
                                                                    carried out in local markets and
                                                                    / or delimited areas, especially
                                                                    arranged, appropriately
                                                                    endowed according to each
                                                                    activity, providing, by the
                                                                    public area administration
                                                                    services, the general utilities:
                                                                    water, sewerage, power, gases,
                                                                    as applicable.
                                                                         (2) Trade operations are
                                                                    carried out in sale structures
with permanent, provisional or seasonal headquarters, as applicable, in public areas only on grounds
of the authorization of the local public administration.

   ART. 6
(1) In public areas, the following can carry out activities:
   a) any legal person carrying out retail trading activities;
   b) family associations, as well as authorized private individuals, including craftsmen;
   c) individual agricultural producers and associations of the same trading their own agricultural
and agro-alimentary products;
   d) private individuals selling own goods on a provisional basis in markets organized for such
   (2) the persons carrying out care activities in public areas and stated at paragraph (1), are
hereinafter referred to as users.

  Trade organization in markets and fairs is made according to the following provisions:

  ART. 7
   (1) The types of markets organized in public areas are:

URBACT II                                                    SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

   a) agro-alimentary markets: trade structures intended for the trade of vegetables, fruits, milk and
local products, meat and meat products, eggs, honey and apiarian products, canned products, fish,
flowers, including artificial, and articles for the same, seeds, cereals, birds and small animals,
including articles for the same, as well as some domestic items, manufactured by the small industry
or small craftsmen, and some non-alimentary items currently used;
   b) fairs: trade structures intended for the trade of vegetables, fruits, live animals, including
articles for the same, wool, animal food, cereals, seeds, craftsmanship products, industrial products
and construction materials;
c) boroughs: trade structures intended for the trade of agro-alimentary and non-alimentary products,
craftsmanship products and entertainment activities intended for spare time;
   d) mixed markets: trade structures intended for the trade of agro-alimentary markets and fair
specific products and services;
   e) street markets: trade structures with utilities, namely water, sewerage, power, intended for
retail trade and service provision by users from trailers, special vehicles or stands appropriately
   f) rag-fairs: areas delimited by the local public authorities, organized on a weekly or regular basis
intended for the sale of personal effects of private individuals.
   (2) Depending on the operation period, agro-alimentary markets are of the following types:
   a) permanent markets, located according to the local needs, usually in commercial attraction

  b) street markets, located according to the local needs and with a limited operation period during
the day, organized in areas set by the local public administration.
   (3) Fairs can be:
  a) general – containing in one place various groups of specific agro-alimentary products and a
diversified range of industrial products;

  b) specialized – selling a variety of products in industry or organized for a certain group of
products, such as: animal fair, vehicle fair, ceramic fair, pet fair, etc.
URBACT II                                                   SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

  (4) The types of markets stated at paragraph (1) are hereinafter referred to as market.

     Market location and operation:

   ART. 8
   The        following
principles shall be
considered         when
locating and realizing
the market:
   a) the framing in
the general town
planning schedule and
in the area planning
schedule, also from a
constructive        and
protection view;
   b) easy access of
consumers and users
into the market;
   c) provision of
connections to the
main access roads;
   d) reservation of
sufficient space for
the activity carried
   e) existence of
parking spaces both
for market users'
vehicles,      allowing
procurement at the
sale points, and for
      f) existence, as
applicable, of storage spaces for freight and equipments required for the market endowment.
   ART. 8^1
   (1) For the establishment of street markets, local authorities shall identify the best locations
within 15 days as of the enforcement of this decision.
   (2) In the spaces so identified, street markets shall operate for the trade of products by producer
associations and individual agricultural producers.

URBACT II                                                   SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

    ART. 9
   (1) The markets can operate on grounds of the operation permit issued by the local public
authorities after obtaining the sanitary operation permit and the other special licenses according to
the legal regulations and observing these provisions.
   (2) The markets are organized and operate on grounds of internal regulations prepared according
to their type, according to the provisions in this decision ad observing the model stated in the annex
integral part of this decision. The Regulation is subject to the approval of the local public
   (3) In agro-alimentary markets where traders retail specific products, their access is only
allowed in specially arranged spaces, in an area separated from the one of agricultural producers.
The sale points for legal person traders shall be endowed with cash registers, the same being
obliged to release fiscal receipts to the buyers, under the law.

   The market endowment, according to Decision 348/2004, shall be made according to the
following requirements:

  ART. 12

URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

   (1) Markets, except for those where live animals are traded, shall be equipped with services
enhancing the activities carried out under the best conditions, according to law and sized according
to the number of selling points and the market type, respectively:
   a) storage spaces for freight and packaging;
   b) spaces for the storage and rental of scales and protection equipments;
   c) places for control scales;
   d) divided basins for fruit and vegetable washing;
   e) drinking water jet fountains, located on the plateau or other sources of drinking water;
   f) administrative office;
   g) spaces for the storage of maintenance
and cleaning materials;
   h) parking spaces;
   i) collection point for the waste resulting
from the trade activities;
   j) fire fighting post with initial means;
   k) public toilets.
   (2) The market administrator is obliged
to provide a series of operational scales to
be rented by the agricultural producers
trading vegetables, fruits, cereals and
seeds, in a number at least equal to the number of sale points intended for the same within the
      (3) The market administrator, except for street markets, is obliged to ensure the operation
within the market of a series of balance or tipper scales having the capacity of over 30 kg for one
weighing operation, required to scale the freight sold / purchased in large quantities. Such service
shall be free of charge.
   ART. 13
   (1) The markets where live animals are traded shall be equipped with specific services enhancing
the development of the said activity under the best conditions, according to law, namely:
   a) drinking water jet fountains, located on the plateau or other sources of drinking water;
   b) public toilets;
   c) administrative office;
   d) spaces for the storage of maintenance and cleaning materials;
   e) parking spaces;
   f) waste collection point;
   g) fire fighting post with initial means;
   h) veterinary control point;
   i) specially arranged space for suspicious animals liable to be ill;
   j) sealed tanks made of corrosion-proof materials, for dead animals;
   k) septic tanks for organic residues;
   l) other equipments stated in veterinary laws.
   (2) In case of mixed markets, where live animals are also traded, the provisions in paragraph (1)
shall cumulate with the provisions in art. 12.

URBACT II                                                   SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

   ART. 14
   (1) The public food service provision activity performed in the market are only organized in
specialized sale points, observing the provisions regarding hygienic-sanitary conditions and also
those regarding human life, health and economic interest protection.
   (2) In case the trading activity is carried out in agro-alimentary markets or in markets intended
for agro-alimentary product retail, the market administrator shall restrict access in such market or
sector for the persons failing to demonstrate the observance of legal provisions regarding the trade
activity involving products others than agro-alimentary or domestic products.
   ART. 15
   The market administrator shall set the fees for the services provided, observing the legal
provisions and shall advise the market users in appropriate manner by displaying such fees in
visible places, easily accessible to the users.

ART. 16
   The market administrator shall award the sale points to agricultural producers and domestic
product traders in the order of the request submitted and within the limit of the existing sale points
in the market sector intended for such products, according to the market regulation.
   ART. 17
   In order to perform civilized trading activities and to maintain fair relations between the market
users and consumers, the market administrator is obliged:
   a) to ensure the metrological verification of the scales rented to the market users, on a regular

URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

   b) to verify whether the measurement means owned by the market users are verified from a
metrological view and to prohibit the use of those failing to meet the legal provisions in force;
   c) to provide, free of charge, control scales, verified from a metrological view according to the
legal provisions in force, for the buyer to check the fairness of weighing.
   ART. 18
   The market administrator shall provide the daily sanitation of the market, as well as whenever

URBACT II                                                     SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS


       It is well known that public participation and citizen involvement in the development of
common understanding means for objectives, issues and possible strategies providing for solutions
to such issued may improve the quality of decision planning, implementation and assessment, may
increase the financial effectiveness, the effectiveness, transparency, acceptability and public
support, as well as its legitimacy.

         Benefits resulted: quality of decision is improved, certain issues and difficulties are
identified during the planning stage and the consultation during the planning stage leads to
agreements on certain controversial aspects and to the prevention of opposition occurring during the
decision making process, can prevent the occurrence of delays and reduces the costs during the
implementation stage, increases acceptability of measures, makes the community members more
responsible, the decision making process becomes more democratic and places the power to
influence decisions in the hands of local communities. Also, public consultations consolidate the
capacity to plan at local level, the public trust increases in relation to the decision making capacity,
learning and trade of experience.
    Therefore, local institutions and organizations operating in public and private sector, capable of
influencing and / or are influenced by the formalities for the urban local market development have
been contacted. Thus, 16 institutions have signed the Association agreement no. 24950/27.08.2012,
and have formed the Local Support Group in Suceava for sustainable urban markets, which
deployed the activity during the project development stage. The first two meetings, during the
development stage, were organized as follows:
    1. September 6th, 2012
    2. October 31st, 2012
    These allowed for debates leading to the clear understanding of the project objectives by all
participants, facilitated the completion of the study regarding the existing condition of the markets
at the time the project was initiated, allowed for the preparation of a brief action plan which, subject
to the attention of such partnership, could be the basis for the substantiation of a pack of activities to
be deployed during the project implementation stage. Also, following the proposals submitted by
the participants, during the subsequent project stage, the partnership extended to 20 members and
the Association agreement was again signed regarding the participation within the Local Support
group in Suceava in order to realize the project “Sustainable urban markets” no. 11950/22.04.2013,
sanctioning the approval regarding the involvement of such institutions.

The Local Support Group currently consists of the following:

1. Market Administration Service, Suceava City Hall
2. Suceava County Council
3. Agency for Payments and Interventions in Agriculture
4. Bucovina Touring Association
URBACT II                                                SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

5. Produs în Bucovina Association
6. Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Suceava
7. SC Relians Corp SRL Suceava
8. Ştefan cel Mare University in
Suceava, Faculty of Food Industry
9. Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare
Suceava, Facultatea de Ştiinţe
Economice       şi    Administraţie
10. NGO Association Ecologic
Cooperation Group Bucovina
11. Monitorul de Suceava
(Suceava Journal)
12. National Organization
Cercetaşii României (Romanian
Scouts), Suceava
13. Commercial activities and
cultural event organization
licensing service, Suceava City
14. Touring Department, Suceava City Hall
15. Shopping City Suceava
16. Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Service in Suceava
17. Environmental Protection Agency in Suceava
18. Travel agency Monny Travel Suceava
19. NGO Association Promotorii Bucovinei
20. Crai Nou Suceava

    The first two meetings during the implementation stage, organized on May 28th, 2013 and June
26th, 2013 aimed to know the Local Support Group, to establish the main fields of experience and
activity, the manner in which the same are affected by the market development stage, the
weaknesses and strengths, the interest manner and the possible involvement in establishing an
implementing strategy for the modern concept of local market and for the development of a
sustainable logistical framework for an attractive commerce, well integrated in economic, social
and environmental terms.
    Confirming the election of such organizations as a part interested in the objectives of this
project derives from the personal presentation each participant within GLSU submitted during the
events specified. These organizations are presented below, seen from a personal point of view:

URBACT II                                                 SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

        Strengths                - knowledge on the laws in the matter of environment applicable
                                 for the development of impact projects
                                 - knowledge in the current situation by monitoring the economic
                                 agents and projects submitted for approval
         Weaknesses              - possibility to participate to projects impacting the environment
                                 - impossibility to access funds to maintain the environmental
How do you think you shall be    Directly
affected by the development of
        urban markets
  Possible involvement in the    Indirectly
    development of urban
  Please detail the manner in    - the investments projects for the development of all markets
which your organization shall    (the 3 ones) will need approvals, agreements both during the
       be affected by the        design stage and at the time of starting activities, thus needing to
    development of urban         meet certain conditions in order to avoid environmental impact,
            markets              as well as to adapt environmental friendly solutions (low
                                 emissions, appropriate waste management, etc.)
                                 - the market subsequent activity shall be monitored in order to
                                 observe the environmental laws and to avoid affecting
                                 environmental factors.

  Organization – company               CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY IN
          name                                                SUCEAVA
        Strengths                - a mainly young team, well trained, ready to accept new
                                 challenges, having ideas to develop the organization
                                 - modern office spaces and modern class rooms
                                 - sufficiently large spaces to organize economic events an fairs,
                                 as well as exhibits
                                 - a good location into the city
                                 - possibility to access projects supporting the development of
                                 small and medium enterprises (SME)
        Weaknesses               - our primary funding sources are the contributions from
                                 members (SME) and paid activities – during the years of crisis,
URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                               we are directly affected by the SME cash issues
                               - small parking area
How do you think you shall be Directly
affected by the development of
        urban markets
  Possible involvement in the  Directly
     development of urban
  Please detail the manner in  - we shall be capable of organizing thematic fairs in modern
which your organization shall spaces and we shall be able to promote more economic agents,
       be affected by the      both nationally and internationally
     development of urban      - we could place the basis for a cluster in the matter of traditional
            markets            products, for which we can achieve European funding and thus
                               promote the companies at international level, supporting the
                               same in signing new contracts
                               - we could organize economic missions in the countries with
                               very well developed and organized local markets (trade of

URBACT II                                              SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

       Strengths              Objectives:
                              - food safety and implicitly public health – official control in
                              processing, transport, storage, marketing and public alimentation
                              units .
                              - approval and authorization of projects / objectives observing the
                              national and European laws – including the field of traditional
        Weaknesses             -
How do you think you shall    Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Indirectly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   - possibility to create new jobs – by employing veterinary staff
 which your organization      (doctors) providing for the official control according to EC
  shall be affected by the    Regulation 882/2004 – on the entire food chain
   development of urban       - participation to the promotion of local products of certain
          markets             manufacturers

 Organization – company        Commercial activities and cultural event organization licensing
         name                      service / Touring Department / SUCEAVA CITY HALL
       Strengths              - diversified network of well located markets
                              - area of interest for tourism and investments
       Weaknesses             - old infrastructure – no modern services
                              - lack of interest from local manufacturers
                              - difficulties in terms of mobility
                              - lack of space for extension
How do you think you shall    Directly
   be affected by the

URBACT II                                              SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

    development of urban
 Possible involvement in the   Directly
    development of urban
 Please detail the manner in   - increment in the number of jobs
  which your organization      - increment in the revenues from the local budget
   shall be affected by the    - promotion of a better image for Suceava municipality; brand
    development of urban       "Produs în Bucovina"
           markets             - sustainable improvement of urban aspect
                               - implementation of non-polluting systems
                               - balance of demand and offer – a better satisfaction of the
                               citizens’ need for green food products, etc.

          name                                                  HALL
        Strengths              - markets located in areas with high agricultural and touring
                               - markets located in branch points and with good commercial
                               - creation of customs to buy fresh products
                               - parking space in the central area
        Weaknesses             - open markets (George Enescu, Burdujeni)
                               - presence of infiltrations in the roof of the Central Market
                               - lack of parking spaces / insufficient parking space
                               - lack of aesthetics and style in the general aspect
How do you think you shall     Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the    Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in    - market modernization by means of investments in buildings and
 which your organization       infrastructure
  shall be affected by the     - point maximum of interest – tourism integration and
   development of urban        connectivity

URBACT II                                                SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

 Organization – company           AGENCY FOR PAYMENTS AND INTERVENTIONS IN
         name                                            AGRICULTURE
       Strengths              - direct contact to small and large manufacturers
                              - farming support by means of subsidies developed by this
                              institution, both from European and from national funds
       Weaknesses             - the laws limiting the involvement of employees in solving some
                              issues raised by farmers
                              - insufficient staff, with a high amount of tasks
How do you think you shall    Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   A.P.I.A. involved in the organization of some festivals, such as:
 which your organization           Festivalul Mărului (Apple Festival) – Fălticeni
  shall be affected by the         Festivalul Lăptarilor (Milkmen Festival)– Câmpulung
   development of urban              Moldovenesc
          markets             A.P.I.A. – involved not only in supporting and encouraging farm
                              production and development, but also in capitalizing the products

 Organization – company                   S.C. MONNY TRAVEL S.R.L. SUCEAVA
       Strengths              - knowledge on the local touring market
                              - possibility to contact travel agencies at national level
                              - preparation of travel packages, offers
        Weaknesses            - poor infrastructure, low accessibility
How do you think you shall    Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   - we shall be capable of organizing local fairs, with local
 which your organization      products, and provide for tourist flow
  shall be affected by the    - possibility to increase the number of nights in the city and
   development of urban       adjoin area
URBACT II                                               SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

 Organization – company                       SUCEAVA COUNTY COUNCIL
       Strengths              - existence of a „Development Strategy” prepared at the level of
                              Suceava County, comprising all areas of activity
                              - public authority coordinating the activities of City Halls in the
                              county and becomes involved in all activities aiming for the
                              county development
       Weaknesses             - low interest of some local public administrations

How do you think you shall    Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   - urban markets are integral part of the county development, at
 which your organization      economic, touring, social and environmental level
  shall be affected by the
   development of urban

 Organization – company                  „PRODUS ÎN BUCOVINA” ASSOCIATION
       Strengths              - the only association of the kind in this county
                              - high representation degree
                              - provides for authentic products, from most fields of activity
       Weaknesses             - limited organizational capacity
                              - heterogeneity in terms of member size, markets, technological
                              - primary manufacturers’ failure to integrate, obstacles in terms of
How do you think you shall    Directly
    be affected by the
  development of urban
URBACT II                                                 SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

 Possible involvement in the   Directly
    development of urban
 Please detail the manner in   - direct commercial interests
  which your organization      - platform for the presentation of members and their products
   shall be affected by the    - involvement in the inter-organizational collaboration
    development of urban

  Organization – company                  „BUCOVINA” TOURING ASSOCIATION
        Strengths              - over 11 years of experience in the matter of touring promotion at
                               national level and in the preparation of advertising materials
                               - active involvement of members
        Weaknesses             - limited financial resources
                               - touring stakeholders’ reticence in becoming members of a
                               professional association
How do you think you shall     Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the    Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in    - diversified offer regarding the town touring objectives
 which your organization       - the Association can develop travel packages and programs
  shall be affected by the     including urban markets as well
   development of urban        - a better vision on the activities in the area and on the actions of
          markets              the Association
                               - proper locations to create events (tasting events, food exhibits)
                               initiated in partnership with the Association.

URBACT II                                                SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                                     (ROMANIAN SCOUTS) (SUCEAVA SUBSIDIARY)
         Strengths             - involvement in the education of the young by means of the scout
                               method (learning by action, unofficial environment)
                               - voluntary works, youth projects, participation to national
        Weaknesses             - need for adults (leaders) trained in the scout spirit in order to
                               educate the young
                               - location for a proper office
How do you think you shall     Indirectly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the    Indirectly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in    - the social and community development affects the young:
 which your organization            Knowledge on the tradition factors
  shall be affected by the          Their involvement in the city activities
   development of urban             Realization of their projects in a properly arranged
          markets                      location
                                    Promotion of activities and scout spirit.

  Organization – company                  PROMOTORII BUCOVINEI ASSOCIATION
        Strengths              - promotion of cultural values
                               - support for the talented young in various fields of public interest
        Weaknesses             - limited financial resources
How do you think you shall     Directly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the    Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in    - location for the development of cultural-educational activities
 which your organization       for the young
  shall be affected by the     - location for organization of activities as alternative to spend free
   development of urban        time

URBACT II                                               SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

         markets              - promotion of young talents, traditions and cultural values
                              - interaction between the members of society

 Organization – company                        S.C. CRAI NOU S.A. SUCEAVA
       Strengths              - credibility, informing, transparency, direct access for the citizen,
                              experience, professionalism
        Weaknesses            - low on-line visibility
How do you think you shall    Indirectly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Directly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   - local development = economic development
 which your organization      - example of fine practices
  shall be affected by the    - source of urban legends
   development of urban

 Organization – company           „ŞTEFAN CEL MARE” UNIVERSITY IN SUCEAVA
       Strengths              - well trained professors (experts)
                              - involvement in research projects
                              - high number of partnerships signed
        Weaknesses            -
How do you think you shall    Indirectly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Indirectly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   - services for business development support
 which your organization      - the university is influenced by the development of urban
  shall be affected by the    markets
URBACT II                                               SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

   development of urban       - the markets shall generate new jobs for graduates in adjoin
         markets              industries
                              - the university shall be capable of providing support and
                              counseling for the market development

 Organization – company                    S.C. SUCEAVA SHOPPING CITY S.R.L.
       Strengths              - located in an area of local interest, good visibility
                              - wide area of services and products
                              - good accessibility and facilities for buyers and tradesmen
                              - located in an area of commercial pole
       Weaknesses             - inhabitants’ low financial power
                              - strong competition in the segment
How do you think you shall    Indirectly
     be affected by the
  development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Indirectly
  development of urban
Please detail the manner in   - developing activities by local manufacturers shall lead to
 which your organization      prosperity and more products and services shall be sold, thus
  shall be affected by the    leading to economic boost.
  development of urban

URBACT II                                                SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

 Organization – company                    S.C. RELIANS CORP S.R.L. SUCEAVA
       Strengths                  14 years of experience in the management of projects with
                                    non-reimbursable funding
                                  More than 400 projects funded
                                  More than 150 projects implemented with RELIANS support
                                  More than 1 billion Euro the value of projects funded
                                  The success rate of the projects realized is over 90%
                                  Observance of international quality standards (SR EN ISO
                                    9001:2008 certificate – quality management system; SR EN
                                    ISO 14001:2005 certificate, OHSAS 18001:2008 certificate)
                                  AMCOR certificate (Association of Management Consultants
                                    in Romania)
                                  The general image is a result of the experience accumulated
                                    by our consultants on the four stages in development
                                    management: Development strategies and opportunity
                                    analyses, Project management, Assessment, monitoring and
                                    control, Technical support
                                  Professional team
                                  Regional offices in Iași, Suceava, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca
        Weaknesses                Insufficient staff for the amount of services provided
How do you think you shall    Indirectly
     be affected by the
  development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Indirectly
  development of urban
Please detail the manner in   The development of urban markets involves economic development
 which your organization      and the need for an efficient management of the businesses in the
  shall be affected by the    matter, therefore constituting a possible client portfolio to realize
  development of urban        funding documentations for the following program period and for
          markets             counseling in the matter of business management

  Organization – company                      NGO Association GEC Bucovina
        Strengths                            1. Credibility
URBACT II                                               SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                                            2.   Experience
                                            1.   Professionalism
                                            2.   High number of volunteers
                                            3.   Knowledge on the laws in the matter of
        Weaknesses            Limited financial resources
How do you think you shall    Indirectly
     be affected by the
  development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Indirectly
  development of urban
Please detail the manner in   Reduction in the air pollution level
 which your organization      Reduction in the phonic pollution level
  shall be affected by the
  development of urban

 Organization – company                    Monitorul de Suceava (Suceava Journal)
       Strengths                            1. Credibility
                                            2. Experience
                                            3. Professionalism
                                            4. Popularity
        Weaknesses            Limited financial resources
How do you think you shall    Indirectly
     be affected by the
   development of urban
Possible involvement in the   Indirectly
   development of urban
Please detail the manner in   By means of direct and wide access to the groups of citizens, we
 which your organization      can improve our activity and increase the degree of involvement
  shall be affected by the    in the local community, thus increasing the business level as well
   development of urban


URBACT II                                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                          4. THE MARKET – INTEGRATED CONCEPT
         The model of future market is based on the premises that the market should play a major
role in the community’s life within the local commercial activities and the local urban development.

                                                     Local manufacturers

     Wholesale networks                   Sustainability         Traffic                    Tradesmen and business associations
                                          and km 0               generators

                           Mobility and                                       Touring
                           distribution                                       attraction

      Investors                Urban                                     Economic                  Local authorities
                               planning and                              development,
                               real estate                               jobs

                                                       Social and

Associations of neighboring citizens                                            Regional authorities

        The local working group with ongoing activity consists of local manufacturers, tradesmen
and business associations, local authorities, regional authorities, higher education institutions,
consultancy companies for business development and attainment of external non-reimbursable
funding, education organizations for young people, while, to be able also involve the remaining
interested parties, it was necessary to realize an individual questionnaire for market tradesmen and
buyers, thus obtaining opinions on the market perception and on the shortcomings identified, as
well as some suggestions influencing the strategic planning process.

URBACT II                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS



were analyzed in detail by means of the PESTLE methodology, defining and analyzing the main
fields influencing the markets,
establishing the following factors /
fields as analysis directions: political,
economic, social, technological,
legislative, ecologic.
    Each sub-factor identified is
analyzed from the point of view of its
possible implication, is grades from 1
to 10 meaning the importance of the
possible implication (between 1 –
minimum and 10 – maximum) and at
the same the possible actions are
suggested to fight the side effects or,
as the case may be, to exploit the
positive potential.

    From the analysis of external factors regarding opportunities and threats, the situation analyzed
presents as follows:

URBACT II                                                                                                           SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                                                                          Political factors
Political sub-factors              Possible implication         1   2   3 4 5 6 7 8           9   10        Possible action to exploit or avoid sub-factors

Fiscal policies             - healthy economic growth by                              x
                            reducing inflation
                            - competition growth by
                            increasing the offer, not by
                            reducing the demand
                            - encouraging / discouraging                              x
                            economic activity
Commercial policies         - market regulation                                               x        - co-optation of the currently existing internal expertise: in
                                                                                                       order to determine the manner in which the market internal
                                                                                                       regulation can be improved
                                                                                                       - analysis of improvement possibilities concerning the
                                                                                                       contents in the market regulation
                                                                                                       - improvement of the market internal regulation
                                                                                                       - activities of the local commercial police aiming the laws and
                                                                                                       regulations to be observed
                                                                                                       - extension of retail areas for local manufacturers
Regional policies           - promotion and development of                                x            - communication between all local decisional factors for a fine
                            area specific economic activities                                          area promotion = creation of a communication platform
                                                                                                       - coordination / correlation between the local institutions when
                                                                                                       events are organized, between the Chamber of Commerce and
                                                                                                       Industry in Suceava, Produs în Bucovina, Suceava County
                                                                                                       Council, markets, etc. = a common agenda and reinforcement
                                                                                                       of cohesion between the institutions authorized and informing
                                                                                                       the travel agencies
                                                                                                       - a site with transparent results of the product quality analyses
                                                                                                       - reinforcement of the regional local cohesion
Social inclusion policies   - increasing the degree of                                x                - promotion campaigns for local manufacturers
                            civilization and occupation,                                               - organization of experience trades events in EU states with
                            reducing crime                                                             the participation of some local manufacturers / tradesmen
                            - prestige                                                                 - organization of free specialization / qualification courses for
                                                                                                       unemployed / young people
                                                                                                       - organization of perfection courses for tradesmen (courses
                                                                                                       funded from European funds)
                                                                                                       - jobs for „homeless” children
URBACT II                                                                                                       SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

Environmental protection   - capitalization of green resources                             x
policies                   (solar and wind power)
                           Healthy and clean environment
                           Improvement of life quality
Rigorous enforcement of    - stable market                                                     x   - analysis campaign for the level of pesticides used by farmers
laws                       - loyal competition                                                     - regular control campaigns for product quality and publication
                           - product quality guarantee                                             of results
                                                                                                   - adaptability of market regulations
                                                                                                   - increasing the degree of involvement and the role of the
                                                                                                   Association for consumer protection which operates on
                                                                                                   grounds of GO 26/2000; also a member in various national
                                                                                                   structures, such as (Inter-ministerial Commission for Market,
                                                                                                   Product and Service Supervision and for Consumer Protection
                                                                                                   („Comisia Interministerială pentru Supravegherea Pieţei
                                                                                                   Produselor şi Serviciilor şi Protecţia Consumatorilor”),
                                                                                                   Commission for Product Safety („Comisia pentru Securitatea
                                                                                                   Produselor”) and Commission for Abusive Clauses („Comisia
                                                                                                   pentru Clauze Abuzive”)
Political neutrality and   - continuity in economic                                    x           - support for the projects priory initiated by a political group,
stability                  development                                                             even in case of the leading party changing; we must outline
                           - project sustainability                                                the significance of actions for the best interest of
                                                                                                   manufacturers and not of the political class.
                                                                                                   - process finality: the documents concerned to be approved by
                                                                                                   the Local Council
                                                                                                   - preparation of a market development strategy and of a
                                                                                                   favorable and stable legal framework for the operation of

                                                                           Economic factors
Economic sub-factors         Possible implication          1     2   3   4 5 6 7 8 9 10             Possible action to exploit or avoid sub-factors

URBACT II                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

Budget limitations          - budget fluctuations                    x
                            affecting the urban market
                            continuity / sustainability
Development of              - diversity                              x       - identification of new possibilities to market products (new
distribution networks                                                        distribution channels)
                                                                             - differentiation per categories of goods

Development of              - growing                            x           - market penetration with specialized procurement per categories of
procurement chain                                                            goods

External funding            - major impact                               x
Internal funding            - major impact                               x   - economic instability
mechanism                                                                    - high funding costs
                                                                             - currency instability
Integrated system for       - unitary presentation of the            x
temporary markets           market concept
Stimulation of adjoin       -increasing competition and          x           - concurrent hygienic services
products and services       product quality                                  - regional traditional products, no necessarily food products
                            -the region economic                             - operation spaces for economic agents willing to operate within
                            development                                      markets
                                                                             - release of new products associated between various manufacturers
Specialized retail stores   - specialized offer per target       x           - adoption of successful concepts and their implementation on the
                            groups                                           market
                                                                             - adoption of promotion methods from successful brands

Establishment of new        - possibility to develop new     x               - informing and promotion campaigns
national / international    thematic markets, seasonal /                     - fairs per categories of products
thematic markets            permanent
Creation of new local       - diversity                      x               - maintenance of local traditions (re-establishment, promotion,
brands                      - attractiveness                                 support)
                            - improvement of local                           - establishment of new companies adopting the local success
                            image                                            methods by new development methods
Collaborations and          - development of the flow of             x       - collaboration between the public and private areas
partnerships                goods
URBACT II                                                                       SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                          - change of mentality
Creation of new jobs      - major impact on the         x   - development of production facilities and distribution networks
Stimulation of            - diversified offer       x       - creation of quality standards in production to obtain outstanding
competition in order to   - possibility to choose           results
create high quality

URBACT II                                                                                                                  SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

                                                                                  Social factors
 Social sub-factors                           Possible implication                   1   2   3     4   5   6   7   8   9   10    Possible action to exploit or avoid

Attitude towards agro-      Positive – future markets         Negative – current                               X                Attitude towards agro-alimentary markets
alimentary markets                                                   market
                          - modern sale conditions            - insalubrious
Buyers’ own values        - value increase                    - lack of product                            X                    Buyers’ own values
                          - client fidelity                   capitalization
Consumer opinions         - positive                          - neuter                                             X            Consumer opinions
Preferences for certain   - possibility to manifest           - insufficient                                           X        Preferences for certain brands
brands                    interest for certain brands         promotion
Market cultural role      - growing                           - insignificant                      X                            Market cultural role
Life style                - growing                                                                                X            Life style
Consuming habits          - growing                           - average                                                X        Consuming habits
Demographic changes       - change in the young buyer’s       - aging                                          X                Demographic changes
Social activities and     - new entertainment                                                                      X            Social activities and entertainment
entertainment             possibilities (social activities)
Population education      - creation of launching ramps       -                                                    X            Population education and informing
and informing             to increase the consumption                                                                           campaign for the consumption of local
campaign for the          of local products                                                                                     products
consumption of local
URBACT II                                                                                                                    SUSTAINABLE URBAN MARKETS

Perfection courses for     - professional training              -                                                       X           Perfection courses for retail and
retail and promotion                                                                                                                promotion
- religious factors        - offer growth and adaptation        -                                                  X                - religious factors (fasting periods,
(fasting periods,          depending on events and                                                                                  ceremonies)
ceremonies)                religious periods
Market impact on the       - increasing comfort of              -                                                       X           Market impact on the neighboring area
neighboring area           inhabitants in the market area

                                                                                Technological factors
Technologic sub-         Possible implications        1     2       3   4   5    6 7 8 9 10 Possible action to exploit or avoid sub-factors

Introduction of          - product and                                                         x   - monitoring / control, product evolution follow-up – product tracking
technology and           manufacturer                                                              according to the laws in force (178/2—2, HG 984/2005)
machinery on market      identification = food
trading                  safety

Fast changing            - cost efficiency                                                 x       - procurement of machinery and systems (equipments) with low power
technologies and         - reduction the                                                           consumption
machinery                environmental impact

Market promotion by      - public information and                                      x           - information by means of newspapers, TV, radio
new technologies         promotion of locations
Information              - connection to the new                                       x           - market endowment with electronic display panels (minim, maximum
                         media technologies                                                        prices)
                         (electronic panels –                                                      - identification of manufacturer, retailer, products, by means of cards
                         minimum / maximum                                                         - display at market entry for minimum and maximum prices
                         prices, currency exchange                                                 - manufacturer identification data (access card at stands / market)
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