Volvo P 1800 - Brochure 1960

Volvo P 1800 - Brochure 1960

Engine. The engine for the Volvo P 1800, which is         Suspension:                                               cable between ignition switch and ignition coil. Pow-
of completely new design, has the following spe-                                                                    erful headlights with excellent distribution of light.
                                                          Front: Independent suspension with coil springs
cifications:                                                                                                            Dimmer switch and direction indicator switch un-
                                                                 and control arms. The control arms are
Four-cylinder overhead-valve engine                                                                                 der the steering wheel. Headlight signalling device
                                                                 carried in rubber bushings and ball joints.
Bore                 = 3.313" (84.14 mm)                                                                            controlled by direction indicator switch. Combined
                                                                 Stabilizer bar.
Stroke               = 3.15" (80 mm)                                                                                stop and tail lights with built-in reflectors. Flasher
                                                          Rear: Coil springs above rear axle which is
Capacity             = 108.5 (1.78 liters)                                                                   type direction indicators front and rear with visible
                                                                 carried in rubber-mounted support arms,
Compression ratio = 9.5:1                                                                                           and audible warning device on instrument panel.
                                                                 torque arms and track rod.
Max. output          = 100b.h.p.(SAE)at5500r.p.m.                                                                   Twin horns and extra loud horn. "Courtesy" ope-
                                                            Double-acting, hydraulic, telescopic shock ab-
Max. torque          = 108 lb.ft. (15 kgm) at                                                                       ration of internal lighting when either of the doors
                                                          sorbers front and rear. For constant operation
                        4000 r.p.m.                                                                                 i s opened.
                                                          even when driving fast on bad roads, each shock
    Twin 1'/4" horizontal carburetors. The cylinder       absorber has a freon-filled nylon cell.
block has been designed for the stable suspension                                                                   I nstrument and operating control: Speedome-
of the transmission with the clutch and the starter mo-   Brakes: Servo brake with 5'/2" servo cylinder.            ter (0-125 m.p.h.), mileometer and trip meter, revo-
tor. Crankshaft carried in five lead-bronze bearings,     Front: Splash-protected, self-adjusting disc brakes       l ution counter (0-7000 r.p.m.), strip-type tempera-
surface-hardened journals. The cylinder head has                  of the three-cylinder type with 10 7/8 x '/2 "    ture gauge for water and oil, pressure gauge for oil.
separate induction ports and special cooling                      discs. Liberally dimensioned brake friction       fuel gauge and electric clock. Charging indicator
through a water distributing tube. A full-flow oil                area of 14.33 (92.5 cm 2 ) on each front   l amp. Indicator lamps for flashers and full headlights.
filter is included in standard equipment. An oil                  wheel.                                            Rheostat-controlled instrument lighting. Steering
cooler is available as extra equipment.                   Rear: Self-centring hydraulic 9x2" V-type drum            wheel with recessed hub. Horn button in steering
                                                                  brakes (leading and trailing). Brake friction     wheel hub with lever for loud tone horn under stee-
Clutch: 8'/2" single dry plate clutch with hydraulic              area 34.5 (223 cm 2 ) on each rear         ring wheel. Centrally-located floor gearshift lever.
control system.                                                   wheel.
                                                            The handbrake operates separately on the rear           Other equipment: 2-speed, self-parking electric
Transmission: Four-speed, fully synchronized              wheels.                                                   windshield-wipers. Electric windshield washers.
sports transmission.                                                                                                Thermostat-controlled fresh air heater system with
Ratios: 1st          3.13:1      4th             1 :1     Wheels and tires: Pressed steel wheels (4'/2"xJ).         separate defroster controls. Two separate air in-
          2nd        1.99:1      Reverse .... 3.25:1      High-speed type, low-pressure tires, 5.90-15".            takes for summer ventilation. Safety belts (optional).
          3rd        1.36:1                                                                                         Padded sun visors and instrument panel. Ash-tray
  An electrically-operated overdrive is available         Body: I ntegral construction, all-welded steel body.      and cigarette lighter. Complete tool kit and spare
as optional extra. Ratio: 0.756:1.                        Two-door, two-seater with two occasional seats.           wheel. Mud-flaps. Grab handle for passenger on
                                                          The body and other sheet metal components are             i nstrument panel.
Propeller shaft: Divided propeller shaft for vibra-       rust-proofed. Complete undersealing.
tion-free operation. The center bearing is suspend-                                                                 Principal dimensions:
ed in vibration and sound insulating rubber               Fuel tank: Located at the rear. Capacity 10 Imp.
                                                          gallons = 12 US gallons (45 liters).                            Wheelbase                 96'/2" (2,450 mm)
blocks. Self-lubricating ball bearing in center                                                                           Track, front                52" (1,315 mm)
bearing.                                                  Electrical equipment: 12-volt battery with a                    Track, rear                 52" (1,315 mm)
Rear axle: Hypoid type rear axle. Ratio: 4.1 :1           capacity of 58 amp. hrs. 30-amp. fan-cooled genera-             Overall length             173" (4,400 mm)
or 4.56:1 when overdrive fitted.                          tor with automatic voltage control. 1 h.p. starter              Overall width               67" (1,700 mm)
                                                          motor. Starting switch combined with ignition                   Overall height, unladen .   51" (1,285 mm)
 Steering system: Cam and roller type. Ratio:             switch. Special "radio" position for ignition switch            Ground clearance approx.   6.3"     (160 mm)
15.5:1. 3 1 /4 turns of steering wheel from lock to       allowing use of all electrical accessories even when
l ock. Turning circle diameter approx. 31 ft. (9.5 m).    engine is not running. Tamper-proof armored               The factory reserves the right to modify the design and equipment.
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