Capacities and technologies linked to Industry 4.0 in Catalonia - Technology snapshot

Page created by Karl Medina
Capacities and technologies linked to Industry 4.0 in Catalonia - Technology snapshot
Capacities and
technologies linked to
Industry 4.0 in
April 2021

             Technology snapshot
Capacities and technologies linked to Industry 4.0 in Catalonia - Technology snapshot
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                             April 2021|   2

Capacities and technologies linked to Industry 4.0 in Catalonia: Technological Report

Regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya)

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The use of trademarks and logos in this report is for information purposes only. The aforementioned trademarks
and logos belong to their respective owners and are under no circumstances the property of ACCIÓ. This is a
partial illustrative representation of the companies, organisations and entities forming part of the Industry 4.0
ecosystem. Some companies, organisations and entities may have not been included in the study.

ACCIÓ Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Unit

ACCIÓ Business Innovation Unit

Barcelona, April 2021
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 Table of contents
       1.     Industry 4.0                                                                4
                Definition of the sector
                Importance for industry
       2.     Industry 4.0 on a global scale                                              8
                Global data and forecasts for the sector
                Main regions and hubs of relevance in terms of Industry 4.0
                The top companies worldwide in Industry 4.0
                Main global investors
       3.     Trends in Industry 4.0 and impact on the SDGs                               26
       4.     Prospective applications by demand sector                                   35
       5.     Industry 4.0 in Catalonia                                                   37
                Value chain, ecosystem and map of agents
                Key data from the mapping and quantification of the sector in Catalonia
                Business support initiatives
       6.     Industry 4.0 business opportunities                                         48
                Innovation opportunities
                Internationalisation opportunities
                Foreign investment opportunities
       7.     Industry 4.0 business cases in Catalonia                                    54
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1. Industry 4.0
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Definition of the Industry 4.0 concept
The Industry 4.0 concept represents a paradigm shift in the
way things are developed, designed and produced. It is a
convergence of technological trends, such as
digitisation, autonomous robots, cloud computing and
artificial intelligence, that contribute to transforming
production processes.

I4.0 represents a new approach to control production
processes, providing integration and synchronisation of
entities and workflows within the value chain in real time,
automating and highlighting the importance of data,
increasing flexibility, enabling unit and customised
manufacturing of products and optimising production times
and resources.

Since its introduction at the Hannover Messe in 2011, the I4.0
concept has undergone an evolution over the years, with an
increasingly broad and general approach that goes beyond
conventional industrial production, interacting across
the entire value chain and with other megatrends, hence
inspiring numerous neologisms, such as logistics 4.0,
marketing 4.0 or education 4.0, among others.
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                     From the 1st to the 4th Industrial Revolution
technological progress

                                                                                                                         4th Industrial

                                                                                                                    • Cyber-physical systems
                                                                                             3rd Industrial
                                                                                                                    • Convergence of
                                                                                              1969                  • Complex technological            technological
                                                                                                                      dynamics                       convergence
                                                                      2nd Industrial   • Automated production
                                                                      Revolution       • Electronics                                            Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                       • Information technologies                              Big Data
                                                                      1870                                                                  Cybersecurity
                                                                                                                                           Digital twin
                                        1st Industrial      • Chain production                                                          Cloud
                                        Revolution          • Electric power                                                        Internet of Things
                                        1784                                                                                    3D printing

                                  • Steam engine
                                  • Mechanical

                                                                                                                                                     Source: IDOM, 2020
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Advanced Manufacturing vs Industry 4.0

  Industry 4.0, understood as the application of digital tools in the industrial value chain generating impact on business 1, has
  evolved and boosted the concept of Advanced Manufacturing, making its implementation at any stage of the chain as easy
  as possible.
                                                       Industry 4.0 Technologies
 Advanced Manufacturing                                                                                                        Industry 4.0

     Advanced Manufacturing encompasses the                                                          Industry 4.0 is the application of
     set of I4.0 technologies and others                                                             digital tools across the industry
     developed in industrial environments to                                                    value chain to profoundly transform its
     make manufacturing more agile and                           Robotics
                                                                                                      operations and business models.
     efficient. To this end, it uses applications of
     advanced digital technologies in the
     industrial environment.
     It acts along the manufacturing value chain                 Photonics
                                                                                               It acts across industries (including the
     and ends with the production of a good                                                   production of goods, ecosystems and
                                                                                                                      related services)

                                                                                                                                     Industry 4.0
     Advanced Manufacturing

                                                                                   Source: 1. "Advanced Manufacturing Beyond Industry 4.0", MINSAIT 2020
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2. Industry 4.0 on a global scale
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Technologies included in the Industry 4.0 concept
The technologies considered within the framework of this study are as follows:

                    Additive manufacturing                       Internet of Things (IoT)           Quantum/Photonics
                          3D & 4D Printing                                 IoT/IIoT              Advanced & quantum computing
                            Bioprinting                        Tracking & tracing technologies             Photonics
                                                                      Advanced sensors                       HPC
                                                               Horizontal/Vertical Integration
                                Cloud                               M2M communication
                      Cloud & edge computing                   Remotely controlled operations             Simulation
                                                               Smart Machines/Smart Energy                 Simulation
                                                                                                           Digital twin
                                                                                                     Virtual industrialisation
                    Augmented & virtual reality
                                                                   Artificial Intelligence
                                                                    Artificial intelligence          Distributed Ledger
                                                                   Machine/Deep learning             Technology (DLT)
                                                                  Computer vision/Scanning                 Blockchain
                  Advanced networks (5G and 6G)
                  Fixed networks (LAN and LWAN)                          Robotics
                                                                                                            Big Data
                                                                     Advanced robotics
                                                                                                           Big Data
                                                                   Cyber physical systems
                           Cybersecurity                                                               Advanced analytics
                                                                    Human augmentation
                            Cybersecurity                                                                 Data mining
                                                                   Hyperautomation – RPA
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  Additive manufacturing
   Technological                                  Sensors/                Advanced                     New                                Intelligent
   components linked to                           actuators                robotics                   materials                      computer-aided design
   additive manufacturing

  Main current capacities                         Additive manufacturing technology            Size and forecast of the global 3D printing
                                                  was already expanding before the             market (billions of dollars)1
                                                  COVID-19 pandemic and is likely
                                                  to continue to expand afterwards.

                                                  The growth of additive                                                                                                        32

          VAT                                     manufacturing after COVID-19 will
                              Powder bed                                                                                                                       26

     photopolymeris                               depend significantly on the                                                                          20
                                fusion                                                                                                           16
                                                  technology’s practical applications.
          ation                                                                                                              7,3
                                                                                                                                   10,2   11,8
                                                  In the meantime, new ones have                 3     4,1     5,2   6,1
                                                  been developed in the care and
                                                  health sector.                                ´13    ´14     ´15   ´16    ´17    ´18    ´19    ´20   ´21    ´22              ´23               ´24

        Material             Direct energy                                                                   Forecast       Covid impact scenario            Histórico
        extrusion             deposition
                                                      Leading countries2                             Main application sectors3

                                                  1       USA       6       Japan

     Material jetting        Foil lamination              United
                                                  2                 7       Mexico                                                        Other              Health and
                                                          Kingdom                                                                                            medical equipment
                                                  3       Germany   8       Switzerland                                                   goods
                                                  4       France    9       Italy                                          Electronics

     Binder release
                                                                                                                                                               Car and
                                                                                                 Machinery and             and                                motorbike
                                                                                                 capital goods                            Other
                                                  5       China     10      The Netherlands                                electricity    services             Digital and audiovisual content

                                                                                    Sources:          1. Own analysis based on data from Wohlers Associates, 2020
                                                                                                      2. 3D Printing Sentiment Index (Ultimaker, 2019)
                                                                                                      3. 3D printing trends (3D HUBs, 2020)
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  Advanced robotics
    Technological                                 Sensors/                                     IIoT/M2M
                                                                         Artificial                                              Edge/                               Connectivity
    components linked to                          actuators                                    Communication
                                                                         vision                                                  Cloud Services                      networks
    advanced robotics

                                                    What began as a simple design
  Current main categories                           to help humans lift and carry                     Collaborative robots market (billions of
                                                    heavy equipment has evolved
                                                    into an advanced machine,                                                                                                                7972
                 (Domestic, medical and             capable of thinking, learning and
                 entertainment) service             performing countless activities
                 robots                             without the help or guidance of
                                                    any human being. Robots are
                 Drones                             slowly becoming a crucial part of
                                                    our daily lives
                                                                                                                        803     981
                                                                                                        361     566
                 Industrial and collaborative
                 robots                                                                                 ´17      ´18    ´19    ´20e     ´21   ´22       ´23     ´24               ´25         ´26

                 Autonomous                             Leading countries2                             Main application sectors3
                 Guided Vehicles
                 (AGVs)                             1         China         6         Taiwan
                                                                                                                                                                      food and
                                                                                      Italy                                                                       gourmet products
                                                    2         Japan         7
                                                                                                                         Materials and
                 Robotic Process                                                                                                              Car and
                                                                                                                         raw materials        motorbike
                 Automation (RPA)                   3         USA           8         France

                                                              Republic      9
                                                    4                                 Mexico
                                                              of Korea
                 Cyber Physical                                                                        Pharmaceutical     Electronics and
                                                                                                                                                                e-commerce         Chemical and
                                                                                                                                                    Other      and distribution      plastics

                 Systems (CPS)                      5         Germany       10        Spain
                                                                                                          industry           electricity

                                                                                          Sources: 1. Interact analysis, 2020, Markets and markets (2020)
                                                                                                   2. leaders based on total industrial robots installed (World Robotics, 2019)
                                                                                                   3. Roots Analysis, 2020
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  Internet of Things (IoT/IIoT)
   Technological                                  Sensors/                 Wireless               Connectivity                                                       End user
   components linked to IoT                       actuators               interfaces               networks                                                          devices

                                                  It is estimated that by the end of
  Main current capacities                         2020 there were 9.9 trillion                     End-user IoT spending forecast (billions                                     1567

                                                  connected IoT devices. By 2022                   of dollars)1
                                                  this number is expected to grow to
                                                  21.5 trillion.                                                                                                 1.079


                               Traceable                                                                                                        594

      Identification            objects                                                                                               418

                                                                                                                     212    248
                                                                                                       110    151

                             Data objects                                                              ´17    ´18    ´19    ´20       ´21       ´22      ´23         ´24          ´25

                                                                                                    Main application sectors3
                                                      Leading   countries2

         Signals               Interactive        1       Sweden      6         Denmark
                                 objects                                                                                Logistics,
                                                          New                   USA                                 e-commerce and
                                                  2                   7                                                                     consumer goods       Smart Cities
                                                          Zealand                                                      distribution

                                                          Norway      8         Ireland
       Processing            Smart objects        4       Finland     9
                                                                                                                                            Health and   Materials
                                                                                                   Machinery and      Energy and             medical     and raw      Infrastructures
                                                                                                   capital goods       resources            equipment    materials          and
                                                  5       France     10         Bulgaria                                                                               construction

                                                                     Sources:             1. Statista, 2020
                                                                                          2. IoT Daily, 2020
                                                                                          3. Top 10 IoT Applications 2020 (IoT Analytics, 2020)
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  Artificial Intelligence
                                                  Sensors, chips              Advanced                          Cloud                                                     Software
   components linked to the
                                                  and processors              computing                        services                 Big data
   Artificial Intelligence                                                                                                                                               framework
                                                  Artificial intelligence was
                                                  invented decades ago and                          Artificial intelligence (AI) software market
  Type of artificial intelligence                 was mainly used in robots,                        revenue worldwide (billions of dollars)1                                                 126
                                                  but      advances    in    this
                                                  technology        and        its                                                                                         94,41
                        •   Deep learning         democratisation            are
                        •   Machine learning      expanding its boundaries into                                                                             70,94

                        •   Neural networks       new sectors and applications                                                                 51,27
   Weak artificial      •   ...                   that are getting closer to our                                                   34,87
    intelligence                                  daily lives.                                                            22,59

                                                                                                         ´18        ´19    ´20      ´21         ´22             ´23         ´24              ´25

                       • Human level AI                                                             Main application sectors3
                                                      Leading countries2
   Strong artificial
     intelligence                                 1        China      6          Germany                                                       Digital and
                                                                                                                                                                      e-commerce and
                                                                                                                                           audiovisual content           distribution
                                                                                 Norway                                   Finance and
                                                  2        USA        7
                                                                                                          Other            insurance          Education,
                                                                                                     consumer goods                          training and
                                                           United     8          Sweden                                                       publishing
                        • Smarter than            3        Kingdom                                                                             services

                          human                                                                                                                                 Infrastructures Consulting
                                                                                                                                                                      and       and human
       Artificial                                 4        Canada     9                                                                                          construction   resources
                                                                                                                          Energy and
   superintelligence                                                             India
                                                                                                        Car and
                                                                                                                                           Health and medical      Catering, tourism,
                                                  5        Russia    10                                 motorbike                              equipment           culture and leisure

                                                                      Sources:            1. Statista, 2020
                                                                                          2. Top 10 countries leading the artificial intelligence race, Analytics Insight, 2019
                                                                                          3. The promise and challenge of the age of artificial intelligence, McKinsey, 2018
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  DLT – Blockchain
   Technological                                                                                                                                        Distributed
                                                             On chain                                               The cloud/p2p
   components linked to the                                                            Cryptography
                                                  SDK       code/Smart                                               connectivity                         Ledger            ...
   DLT – Blockchain
                                                            According to Gartner (2020),
                                                            blockchain, along with artificial
  Types of DLT technology                                   intelligence    and    machine                 Blockchain technology market size
                                                            learning, will be the most                     worldwide 2018-2025 (billions of dollars)1                               39,7
       • Public                                             transformative technologies of                                                                           33,9
                                                            the times to come. Blockchain
       • Private                                            has found application in almost                                                               23,3
                                                            every industry.
       • Consortium                                                                                                                              12,7

       • Hybrid                                                                                                       2,2      3

  Main applications                                                                                          ´18      ´19     ´20      ´21       ´22       ´23        ´24            ´25

                                                            Leading countries2                             Main application sectors3
       • Digital currencies
                                                        1          USA         6
       • Smart contracts
                                                                                                                                                                 Health and medical
                                                        2          China       7       United Arab                                             Machinery and         equipment
                                                                                       Emirates (Dubai)                                        capital goods
       • Titles                                                                8
                                                        3          Australia             Switzerland
       • Record keeping                                 4          Japan       9         Singapore                 Finance and                                     Public
                                                                                                                                               Energy and
                                                                                                                    insurance                                    authorities
                                                        5          Estonia     10        Malta                                                  resources                         Content…

                                                                                    Sources:           1. Statista, 2020
                                                                                                       2. Blockchain Council, 2019
                                                                                                       3. PwC Global Blockchain Survey, 2018
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  components linked to                                Virtualisation                Network                       Storage                              Web services
  Cloud/Edge Computing

                                                  Cloud computing is firmly
  Type of cloud computing                                                                               Global public cloud revenue (billions of
                                                  established as the new normal
  services                                                                                              dollars)1
                                                  for business IT. Across all                                                                                                       354,6

      • Infrastructure as                         industries, the cloud remains                                                                                  308,5

        a Service (IaaS)                          one of the fastest growing                                                                   266,4

                                                  segments of IT spending and                                                   227,7
                                                  one of the key cross-cutting
                                                  technologies in Industry 4.0
      • Platform as a
        Service (PaaS)

      • Software as a                                                                                          ´18               ´19            ´20               ´21                ´22

        Service (SaaS)
                                                                                                            BpaaS         Paas         SaaS    Management and Security                   Iaas

  Type of cloud computing                             Leading countries2                                  Main application sectors3

                                                             Germany       6          Singapore
     • Private Cloud                              1

                                                  2          Japan         7          Canada                                                      Other             Logistics,
                                                                                                           ICT and digital         Public                                         Energy and
     • Public Cloud                                                                                        transformation        authorities     services
                                                                                                                                                                e-commerce and
                                                                                                                                                                   distribution    resources
                                                                           8          France
                                                  3           USA
     • Hybrid Cloud                                           United       9
                                                  4                                   Italy
                                                                                                          Catering, tourism,                        Other      Infrastructures Materials and
     • Edge                                       5          Australia     10         Spain               culture and leisure       R&D        consumer goods and construction raw materials

                                                                         Sources:             1. Gartner, 2019
                                                                                              2. GLOBAL CLOUD COMPUTING SCORECARD (BSA, 2018)
                                                                                              3. Degree of dependence on cloud computing by economic activity EU (Eurostat, 2018)
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  Augmented and Virtual Reality
   Technological components
                                                                          Artificial               Wireless                           Intelligent design of
   linked to the                                        Sensors
                                                                          vision                   interfaces                         3D environments
   Augmented and Virtual Reality

                                                  2020 has been a year of growth for
     Current virtual and                          augmented and virtual reality. From            Projected virtual and augmented reality market
     augmented reality                            entertainment        to     business           growth ($ billions)1
     capacities                                   applications,     these    immersive                                                                                             95
                                                  technologies have made their way                                                                                  83
          • Fully artificial                      into every aspect of life. The                                                                          72
                                                  outbreak      of    COVID-19     has                                                            60
                                                  significantly increased the adoption                                              40
          • Virtual objects                       of these technologies, as companies                                        30
            superimposed on the real              have implemented home or remote                                  20
            world environment                     working.                                           4

                                                                                                     ´16   ´17     ´18      ´19     ´20    ´21    ´22    ´23       ´24            ´25
          • Virtual environment
            combined with the real                                                                                Creative creativa
                                                                                                                 Economia  economy                Othersectors
                                                                                                                                                 Altres sectors
                                                      Leading countries2                         Main application sectors3
          • Full immersion in a virtual
                                                  1        USA       6          Italy

          • The real world enhanced               2                  7          Japan                                    Catering, tourism,      Digital and       Consulting
                                                           Kingdom                                                                                                 and human
            with digital objects                                                Republic
                                                                                                                         culture and leisure     audiovisual
                                                                     8                                                                             content
                                                  3        Germany              of Korea
          • Interaction with the real
                                                  4        France    9          Australia
            world and the virtual                                                                                                                 Other          Other
                                                                                                                                                                           Public authorities

                                                                                                                         Health and medical
            environment                                                                                                      equipment           services
                                                                                                                                                               consumer   Education, training and

                                                  5        China     10         Canada                                                                           goods     publishing services

                                                                     Sources:           1. The promise and peril of immersive technologies (McKinsey, 2019)
                                                                                        2. Linknovate & Iplytics, 2019
                                                                                        3. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, 2019
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  Big Data
 Technological                                                                                                     Algorithm/minin
                                                  Data                 Connectivity
 components linked to                                                                         Storage                                                Visualisation                                 HPC
                                                  collection           networks                                    g platform
 Big Data

                                                     Big data analysis is changing the
      Current Big Data                               landscape        of      business
                                                                                                        Big Data revenue worldwide 2016-2027
                                                     management. Thanks to new
      capacities                                                                                        (billions of dollars)1
                                                     cloud      enhancements       and
                                                     additional    technologies,    the
                                                     scope and use of big data is                                                                                                 38
                • Storage and                                                                                                                                         34
                                                     growing rapidly.                                                                                       31
                  management                                                                                                                   24
                                                                                                                                       20                                                     23          24
                                                                                                                              17                                                  22
                                                     Nowadays, the introduction of                                     14                      16    18     19        20
                                                                                                                  11                   15
                                                     artificial intelligence, machine                     8
                                                                                                                  10   12
                                                                                                          9                                          26     27        29          31          32          33
                                                     learning,      IoT     and     other                                     19       21      24
                                                                                                         11       14   16
                • Database                           technologies has increased the                      ´16     ´17   ´18    ´19      ´20     ´21   ´22   ´23    ´24            ´25          ´26         ´27
                                                     quality of data-driven solutions.
                                                                                                                             Services         Hardware       Software

                • Processing                             Leading countries2                              Main application sectors3
                                                               United                 Republic
                                                     1         States       6         of Korea
                 • Data integration
                                                     2         Canada       7         Russia                                                                                 Consulting
                                                                                                               Energy and          ICT and digital                           and human
                                                                                                                                                          Other                                      Public
                                                                                                                                   transformation                             resources
                                                                                                                resources                            consumer goods
                                                               Japan        8         India
                 • Statistical analysis                                               Middle East
                                                     4         China        9
                                                                                      Region                                                                                 Logistics,        Health and
                                                               United                                      Finance and                                Materials and         e-commerce          medical
                                                                                                                                Other services                             and distribution
                                                     5         Kingdom     10         South Africa          insurance                                 raw materials                            equipment

                                                                        Sources:         1. Statista, 2018
                                                                                         2. Top 10 countries and regions leading the big data adoption, Analytics Insight, 2019
                                                                                         3. US Bureau of Economic Analysis; McKinsey Institute Analysis, 2018
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   Technological                                           On chain
   components linked to                                   code/Smart                Cryptography                     The cloud/p2p                                Distributed
                                                  SDK      contracts                                                  connectivity                                  Ledger              ...
                                                  Cybersecurity has become a priority for
                                                  many companies, as the world becomes
     Core capacities of                                                                               Global cybersecurity market (billions of
                                                  more connected: the introduction of 5G
     cybersecurity, according to                                                                      dollars)1
                                                  and the rise of cloud computing are
     ESCO                                         some of the flagships.                                                                                                                248,26
                                                  A Threat Horizon report reveals that, in                                                    184,19
       • Identify                                 the coming years, organisations will face                         151,67
                                                  cyber threats under three key themes:
       • Protect                                  disruption, distortion and impairment.

       • Detect
                                                                                                         ´17         ´18           ´19          ´20         ´21           ´22             ´23
       • Respond
                                                                                                     Main application sectors3
                                                       Leading countries2
       • Recover
                                                   1                    6          Singapore
                                                                                   Spain                                                    Consulting    Infrastructures Other transport
                                                   2        USA         7                                                                                and construction   industries
                                                                                                                          Public            and human
                                                            France      8          Malaysia

                                                   4        Lithuania   9          Norway                Finance
                                                                                                           and        Education, training   Health and                  Other    Machinery
                                                                                                                                                         Energy and
                                                                                                        insurance      and publishing        medical                  consumer   and capital
                                                   5        Estonia     10         Canada                                 services          equipment                   goods      goods

                                                                        Sources:            1. Statista, 2020
                                                                                            2. Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), 2018
                                                                                            3. IT Key metrics data 2018; Key IT Security Measures: By Industry, Gartner, 2018
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   Technological                                  Operating                                  Photonic/                     Computers
   components linked to                                               Firmware                                                                       Qubit storage
                                                   systems                                   Superconductor                (hardware)
   Quantum Computing and
                                                   While quantum computing may not
                                                   become a reality overnight, it is worth
                                                   considering, for it will change the                Worldwide quantum computing market
       Type                  Applications
                                                   world in the near future.                          size forecast (millions of dollars)1                                 1430

     • Quantum           • Optimisation            Companies      such       as Atom
       annealing           issues                  Computing, which leverages neutral                                                                           1060

                                                   atoms for wireless qubit control,                                                                770
      • Quantum          • Quantum                 Honeywell’s trapped ion approach                                                          575
        analogue           chemistry               and Google’s superconducting metals                                               410
                         • Materials science       have shown early results.                                         235
                         • Optimisation                                                               90
                         • Sampling                                                                   ´19      ´20   ´21    ´22       ´23    ´24     ´25        ´26          ´27
                         • Quantum
                           dynamics                                                                  Main application sectors3
                                                       Leading countries2
     • Quantum           • Secure computing
       universal         • Machine learning        1        USA         6         The Netherlands
                         • Cryptography
                         • Quantum                 2
                                                            Canada      7          Russia                                                          ICT and digital        Public
                           Chemistry                                                                                               Energy and      transformation
                                                            Germany     8          China                                            resources
                         • Searching               3
      • Photonics
                                                            France      9                                                                                         Catering, tourism,
                                                   4                               Korea                    Finance and                                           culture and leisure
                                                                                                                                                   Health and
      • HPC                                                 United                 Japan                     insurance            Pharmaceutical    medical
                                                   5                   10                                                            industry      equipment
                                                                                                                                                                Other consumer goods

                                                                       Sources:            1. Statista, 2020
                                                                                           2. Analytic Insight, 2019
                                                                                           3. Distribution of quantum-computing use case, McKinsey & Partners, 2019
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   Technological                                  Ultra-low latency                Massive               Millimetre                Network                         Heterogeneous
   components of                                  communication                    MIMO                    wave                   management                          network

                                                        The future of the connected world is
                                                        not    just   about      new    frontier
     Type of connectivity                               technologies like 5G broadband and                  Global 5G and private LTE market (billions of
                                                        low-orbit    satellite   constellations.            dollars)1
                                                        Much of it will be defined by the
                         • WI-FI                        expansion and evolution of                                                                                                     3,4
    • Cellular           • 5G                                                                                                                                           2,8
                                                        existing advanced connectivity                                                      2,15
                         • 4G                           technologies, such as fibre, low-to-                1,7       1,8        1,9
                         • 3G
                                                        mid-bandwidth 5G, Wi-Fi 6 and
                         • 2G
                         • GSM
                                                        other     long-      and   short-range
                         • GPRS                         solutions.                                          ´18       ´19        ´20        ´21         ´22             ´23            ´24

                         • ...
                                                                                                                        Network        Devices      Services        Total
    • Long-range         LPWAN
                           • SigFox
                                                                                                         Main application sectors3
                           • LoRaWAN                    Leading countries2
                           • NB-IoT
                           • Cat-M1                            USA                     Italy
                                                    1                       6
                           • ...                                                                                                                          Logistics,          Energy and
                                                                                                                                         Finance      e-commerce and

     • Short-range       •   Bluetooth              2           China       7          Spain                                               and           distribution          resources
                         •   BLE                                                                                                        insurance

                         •   ZigBee                 3           Sweden      8          United
                         •   NFC/RFID                                                  Kingdom
                         •   ...                    4           Australia   9          Switzerland             ICT and digital
                                                                                                                                                     Digital and    Health and     Education,
                                                                                                               transformation            Other       audiovisual     medical      training and
                                                               United Arab             Republic                                                        content      equipment
                                                    5          Emirates    10                                                           services                                    services
                                                                                       of Korea

                                                                                Sources:          1. Mobile Expert, 2019
                                                                                                  2. Statista – Forbes, 2019
                                                                                                  3. Keysight 2018 State of 5G survey, 2018
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                           April 2021|     21

   Technological components                           Advanced                                                       Algorithm                   Machine
                                                                         Big data     Virtualisation
   of simulation                                      computing                                                       design                  learning and AI

                                                  According       to     Gartner,
                                                  simulation is the use of a
  Main current capacities                                                                 Global market simulation (billions of
                                                  mathematical or computer
                                                  representation of a physical
                                                  system, with the aim of                                                                           9,2
     • Prediction of machine operation            studying     the   effects   of                                      7,2   7,2

                                                  constraint.                                     5,3    5,7
     • Stock prediction

    • Simulation of real environments for
      worker training
                                                                                           ´15    ´16    ´17   ´18     ´19   ´20   ´21      ´22     ´23        ´24

     • Product development

     • Error detection in a production                                                Main application sectors3
       plant                                          Leading countries2
    • Digital twin (digital replication) of
      assets, processes, people, places,          1        USA      6       Germany
      systems and devices                                                                                                                     Other transport
                                                  2         China   7       France                                                              industries
                                                                                                               Car and motorbike

                                                           Japan    8       United
                                                  4        India    9       Canada     Electronics and
                                                                                          electricity                                    Infrastructures Health and
                                                                                                                                               and        medical
                                                  5        Brazil   10      Mexico                             Other services                            equipment

                                                                                       Sources:            1. Statista, 2020
                                                                                                           2. Million Insights, 2020
                                                                                                           3. Allied Market Research, 2018
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                               April 2021|   22

Key strategies and hubs of relevance in terms of
Industry 4.0

                                                                                                                                  Source: Own compilation based on IDC.

                                                  Note 1: Compilation of some strategies, road maps and hubs of special relevance for Industry 4.0. This compilation
                                                  does not include vertical hubs by technology.
                                                  Note 2: More information on the European Commission's Digital Innovation Hubs - Smart Specialisation Platform
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                           April 2021|   23

 Industry 5.0: The road to the new industry
The European Union’s recovery becomes an opportunity for accelerating the Green and Digital transitions. Industry is a key
driver in building a society based on a more sustainable and resilient economy. The report prepared by the EU Commission
goes beyond the goals of economic growth and jobs, turning the industry a provider of prosperity, care for the environment
and protection of worker welfare.

The key features of Industry 5.0 are:

                Upgrading technology: Industry must become a solution provider for society. Attracting future
                talent is necessary and technological upgrading is key to position itself as an attractive option
                to develop professional life.

               Digitisation of Industry 5.0: Digitisation must offer unprecedented opportunities. Artificial
               intelligence and robotics are seen as elements that interact with people rather than replacing
               them. Digitisation is therefore seen as empowering.

               Green economy: The ''Green Deal'' will be successful with industry taking the lead. New
               technologies must rethink production processes, taking into account environmental impacts.
               Industry must lead the green transition by example.

               Workers at the centre: The impact on society is a key part of Industry 5.0. Workers are at
               the centre of the industry, and they must be prepared for the new stage. Role changes can
               take centre stage, and their skills must be constantly evolving. The new industry demands
               new skills and adaptation to constant change.                                       Source: European Union, Industry 5.0
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                  April 2021|   24

 The top companies worldwide in Industry 4.0
Cloud                                               AR/VR                                 Big Data

 Internet of Things (IoT)                           Robotics                                    Quantum /Photonics

Cybersecurity                                       Artificial Intelligence               Connectivity

Additive manufacturing                              Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)   Simulation

                                                                                                              Note: Partial illustrative image
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                                   April 2021|   25

Main global investors
Over the next five years, advanced implementation of Industry 4.0 will become a “qualifier to compete” and is also likely to be seen by
investors as a “qualifier for funding”.
Estimated investment required to implement a Smart Factory between                                     Investment in selected I4.0 initiatives
2020 and 2024                                                                                          (millions of dollars)
(billions of dollars)
                                                                                                              Made in China              $3.000

                                                                                                      Research Innovationi &
                                                                                                         Enterprise 2020

                                                                                                            Industrie du futur    $1.800

                                                                                                              Innovation 3.0
                                                                                                       Factories of the future            $1.120

           $68.5                                                              $161.3                         Productivity 4.0            $1.000

                                                                                                             Robots Strategy             $916

                                                                                                         Manufacturing USA             $700

                                                                                                                 Industry 4.0          $550

                                                                                                            Catapult centers       $430

                                                                                                                 Industry 4.0     $280

                                                                                                         Intelligent Factories
 Source:           1. Industry 4.0: Rising to the Challenge, Siemens Financial Services (SFS), 2020
                   2. Roland Berger, 2018
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot   April 2021|   26

3. Trends in Industry 4.0 and
impact on the SDGs
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                              April 2021|   27

Trends in Industry 4.0

                   Biological                     Human-centred        Smart automation on
                  Technologies                       design                  the rise

                  100% remote                     Advanced materials      Sustainability
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                               April 2021|   28

Trends in Industry 4.0 (I)
Beyond the current technologies analysed, new technological developments are foreseen that will change many paradigms in the industry
and will be transferred to society in general. With these advances, an exponential technological leap is expected to drive the society of the

  Biological Technologies
   In 20 years, synthetic biology could change the manufacture of biological products. Along with advances in genomics, proteomics,
   systems biology and genetic engineering, synthetic biology will provide a toolbox of standardised genetic parts that can be used in the
   design and production of a new system. The catalyst for new products will increase understanding of cellular functions and disease
   Industry 4.0 would then mutate into cyber-physical-biological models, further blurring the line between the biological and the digital.
   For now, some experimental areas in this field are neurotechnology, genetic decoding from artificial intelligence and biosensors.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                              April 2021|   29

Trends in Industry 4.0 (II)

                                                                                                                             12345 6
  Human-centred design
  Despite the exponential evolution that industry has undergone in each of its "revolutions", especially the one we are currently immersed
  in, there is one thing that has remained constant, as a common factor in each and every one of them. This is precisely the human
  The success of companies will lie in the fact that, within this context of social and technological development, they will be able to
  adapt and enhance that which will never be replaced, that which brings human rationality and emotionality to the processes, products
  and business models, i.e. the Human Factor.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                             April 2021|   30

Trends in Industry 4.0 (III)

                                                                                                                            1 2 345 6
  Smart automation on the rise
  Smart automation has become a key element to consider for business investments. According to the Smart Industry 4.0 study, prepared
  by Everis and Advanced Factories, 73% of companies already consider it as such and have opted to integrate it into their organisations.
  These figures represent an increase of 15% over the previous year. The most pronounced growth can be found in Robots, Machine
  Learning, NLP and BPM solutions. In addition, the COVID-19 crisis has led 33% of companies to push automation to meet the new
  challenges of the pandemic.
  Process robotics (RPA) remains the most widely used technology. Optical and intelligent character recognition and business
  process management follow in second and third place.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                            April 2021|   31

Trends in Industry 4.0 (IV)

                                                                                                                           12 3 45 6
  100% remote
  The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for technologies that allow us to carry out more and more of our daily activities
  This paradigm shift is expected to continue beyond the current pandemic, impacting sectors such as education, teleworking and
  manufacturing, among others. Technologies such as the digital twin, augmented and virtual reality, process robotisation, among others,
  will begin to be part of our everyday reality.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                           April 2021|   32

Trends in Industry 4.0 (V)

                                                                                                                          12 3 4 56
  Advanced materials
  We can identify companies and startups that are developing sustainable, smart and responsive materials, which in turn offer
  improved physical properties. For example, biodegradable plastics, thermally adaptable fabrics or flexible screens. New formulations,
  including nanomaterials and biomaterials, add new functions to existing materials, while expanding the scope of innovation. Additive
  manufacturing, advanced compounds and 2D materials also lead to the development of various lightweight materials. Along with
  computing and materials management, surface engineering impacts a variety of industries, from energy, automotive and construction to
  biotechnology, healthcare and textiles.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                              April 2021|   33

Trends in Industry 4.0 (VI)

                                                                                                                             12 3 45 6
  Some sectors, such as the automotive industry, are beginning to coin the concept of "Industry 4.0s" (Industry 4.0 with an added "s" for
  sustainable). According to the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers, this means moving towards digital leadership and
  climate neutrality, while putting in place fair transition mechanisms that leave no one out.
  Among the areas to be impacted through the incorporation of Industry 4.0 are Zero Emission, Zero Waste, Zero Accidents and Fair
  Transition. This trend extends to other relevant sectors with a high environmental and social impact, such as textiles – fashion, energy
  and food.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                             April 2021|   34

  Impact on the

                                                                                               Improving education         Optimisation of
                                                                                                 through devices.          food production
                                                                                                  Identification of          (primary and
                                                                                                 poverty pockets         secondary sectors)
                                                                                                 through artificial      and distribution. 3D
                                                                                                    intelligence.            food printing

                                               Connectivity to
                                                                       Ease of teleworking      Smart water, smart
           e-Health, health                    support online
                                                                        and, thus, work-life    water management            Industrial IoT to
        monitoring, age-tech,               education. Application
                                                                      balance. Reduction of    infrastructures, leak        optimise energy
          early detection of                    of virtual and
                                                                           gender bias in           detection,                consumption
        diseases Customised                 augmented reality and
                                                                       selection processes.       optimisation of        Optimisation of power
         prosthesis printing                       additive
                                                                        Detection of sexist    wastewater treatment      distribution networks
         Tissue bioprinting                   manufacturing to
                                                                        language/attitudes.      and processing.

                                                                                                  Management and
                                                                           Accessible              optimisation of
        Transformation of low                     Intelligent
                                                                        environments for         municipal services       Flexible production
         value-added jobs in                   management of
                                                                           people with         Improvement of urban          allows you to
           the industry into                infrastructures, their
                                                                      disabilities Extension        planning and           manufacture only
              skilled jobs                  use and maintenance
                                                                          of broadband              infrastructure          what is needed
             Generation of                    Improvement and
                                                                      connection around the         management           Optimising of demand
          economic activity                     automation of
                                                                        world, promoting             Sustainable              forecasting
              around data                   production processes
                                                                         social inclusion       construction through
                                                                                                      3D printing

         Selective recycling
                                                                                                   AI software for
           through AI and                                                Measuring air
                                              Detection of algae                                    participatory
          computer vision                                              pollution, better                                 Facial recognition at
                                              blooms through AI                                 processes Detection
         Reducing waste and                                           management of land                                  borders AI for tax
                                             Sensors to measure                                  of illegal activities
           greenhouse gas                                                 ecosystem                                        fraud detection
                                             the level of pollution                              through computer
            emissions in                                              preservation tasks.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot   April 2021|   35

4. Prospective applications by
demand sector
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                                      April 2021|   36

Industry 4.0 applications by sector
Current                                                                                                                                          Future
Applications                                                                                                                                     Applications

                                            Additive              Predictive                     Autonomous and
         Smart factory                                                                                                          Simulation/Digital
                                          manufacturing            services                        collaborative

          Logistics 4.0                      analytics             AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle)                            Self-driving vehicles

                                              Smart meters                 Distributed energy resources                      Quantum computing
           Smart energy                                                                                                       problem solving

                                                  Customer data                              based                                VR/AR retail
             Retail                               acquisition                                services                             applications

                                                  Field                        Satellite/drone                                   Advanced crop
          Smart farm 4.0                          monitoring                      imagery                                       condition sensors

                                         Implants, Orthoses       Customised telemedicine,                         Remote
           Smart health                   and exoskeletons        wearables and monitoring                                             Bioprinting
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot   April 2021|   37

 5. Industry 4.0 in Catalonia
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                            April 2021|   38

Value chain, ecosystem and map of Industry 4.0
agents in Catalonia
              Training and technology transfer                          Clusters and      Other entities

                                                                                          END USERS
        SOLUTION PROVIDERS                                       INTEGRATORS

                                                                                          Automotive and
         Additive                 Robotics                                                  motorbike
       Manufacturing                                               Installers
                                                                                       Machinery, metallurgy
         Cloud                    AR/VR                                                 and capital goods
                                                                                        Health and medical
       IoT                        AI                                                        equipment
                                                                                       Logistics, e-commerce
        BIG DATA                       DLT                                                and distribution
                                                                                       Chemical and plastics
                                  Quantum                        Consultancies
         Cybersecurity           computing/                                               Pharmaceutical
                                  Photonics                                                  industry

         Connectivity                                                                  Energy and resources
                                                                                         Circular economy
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                      April 2021|   39

   Industry 4.0 in Catalonia: main mapping conclusions
                                                                                                 45.5% of the companies
                                                                                                 are less than ten years old

   1,111 companies         €5,564 million                                                        28.5% of companies are

         The                                                                        Degree of internationalisation:
                      X  3
                                  to 2017                                                     31.3% of the companies are
     represent a

                               90.1% of the                                                      55.1% of companies are
                               total are                                                         located in Barcelona
 26,394 jobs                   SMEs

                        42.6% of the companies have a turnover   The technology with most companies detected is
                        of more than one million euros and       cybersecurity, but the companies with the highest
                        15.6% have a turnover of more than ten   turnover are those focused on artificial intelligence
                        million euros                            and the Internet of Things (IoT)

                                                                                              Source: ACCIÓ
                                                                                              Latest available data on turnover and
                                                                                              workers, mainly from 2019
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                                                                                                   April 2021|       40

 Impact of Industry 4.0 technologies in Catalonia
                                                                                                                        Cybersecurity is the technology that provides
                                                                                                                        the largest number of companies, but those
  Number of companies, workers and turnover of I4.0 by technology
                                                                                                                        focused on the Internet of Things (IoT) and
                                            Number of companies offering                                                artificial intelligence have the highest turnover.
                                                 products/services                            Number of companies and turnover by technology
   Cybersecurity                                      361                              400                                                                                                                                          1600
   IoT                                                251                              350                                                                                                                                          1400


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Turnover (M€)
   Big Data                                                                            300                                                                                                                                          1200

  AI                                                  179                              250                                                                                                                                          1000

   Cloud                                                                               200                                                                                                                                          800
                                                                                       150                                                                                                                                          600
   Robotics                                           147
                                                                                       100                                                                                                                                          400
   Additive Manufacturing                             100
                                                                                       50                                                                                                                                           200
   DLT                                                  74
                                                                                        0                                                                                                                                           0

                                                                                                                                                       Additive manufacturing





                                                                                                                                            Big Data


   Simulation                                           18
   AR/VR                                                15
   Quantum computing                                    11
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                April 2021|   41

 Companies providing Industry 4.0 solutions in
Additive Manufacturing                                Robotics            Cloud             AR/VR

          IoT                                             AI            Big Data               DLT

    Cybersecurity                                 Quantum/Photonics   Connectivity        Simulation

                                                                                     Nota: Imatge il·lustrativa parcial
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                      April 2021|   42

Industry 4.0 support ecosystem in Catalonia
             PROGRAMME                            PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS


                                                                  Note: Partial illustrative image
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                April 2021|   43

TECNIO centres specialising in Industry 4.0 in

                                                          BIG DATA                           AI


                                                     PHOTONICS       CYBERSECURITY     CLOUD

                          IOT SIMULATION            MANUFACTURING         AR/AV      CONNECTIVITY
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                            April 2021|   44

       Sectors mostly demanding Industry 4.0 solutions in
                                                                                                                                                  10.2 %
                Metal·lúrgia    and metal metàl·lics
                             i productes  products                                                                                            *

                     Food and
                Alimentació     gourmet products
                            i productes gourmet                                                                          8.2 %

         Logística,    e-commerce
                    comerç         and idistribution
                            electrònic   distribució
                                                                                                                    7.7 %

                      Machinery andi capital
                                     béns d'equip
                                             goods                                                 5.8 %

                   Infrastructures and iconstruction
                                         construcció                                       5.2 %

                         andi digital
                              transformació    digital
                                      transformation                       3.3 %

                                     Other   serveis
                                           services                       3.2 %                                                         Associació
                                                                                                                                        Persona  Física
                                   Altres indústries
                                   Other industries                    2.9 %                                                            Micro

                                TextileTèxtil i moda
                                        and fashion                    2.9 %                                                             Large

                                                         0   10   20       30         40             50             60             70                  80

The metallurgy and metal products sector is the most demanding in the Business Competitiveness Coupons aid programme (Industry 4.0
Coupons), followed by the food and gourmet products and the logistics, e-commerce and distribution sectors.

                                                                                   Source: Own compilation based on data relating to the 660 applications for
                                                                                   Business Competitiveness Coupons – Industry 4.0 Coupons, granted by
                                                                                   ACCIÓ, received during 2019 and 2020
                                                                                                               (*) Percentage of total applications received (660)
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                  April 2021|   45

Catalan participation in R&D projects
                                                               Evolution of the number of European projects in
       Main research data
                      Projects               € of investment   60

                     251                      151M             50

                     189                      1,441            30
                      Entities               Partners abroad
                                                                    2016     2017       2018       2019       2020         2021*

                                                                           (*) Projects planned as of November 2020

                                                                    Project keyword cloud
In Catalonia, 251 Industry 4.0 projects (2014 – 2021) have
been started on a European level.

There has been a considerable increase in this type of
project over the last five years. In 2016, 19 I4.0 projects
were started, while, in 2020, 58 I4.0 projects were
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                       April 2021|   46

Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia                                                          

                                                                                                   DIH4CAT is Catalonia’s
                                                                                                   connected network of assets,
                                                                                                   infrastructures and knowledge
                                                                                                   to boost the digital
                                                                                                   transformation of Catalan

DIH4CAT is set up following the model of Digital Innovation Hubs established by the European Commission and is
configured as a networked service community, through which industry and public administrations can access a set of
services, infrastructures, capacities and technological and non-technological solutions to boost their digital and technological
transformation, acting, in turn, as an advanced connector between supply and demand in Catalonia as a whole.

DIH4CAT offers services through infrastructure as well               Digital and                                 Support in the
as advanced digital and technological capacities                   technological                                  digitisation
                                                                  infrastructures                                  process

      Technological and digital maturity diagnoses      Search for technology partners and providers

      Infrastructures for testing and experimenting    Search for funding
                                                        Best practices and case studies
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                      April 2021|   47

 ProACCIÓ 4.0 programme

 ProACCIÓ 4.0 is ACCIÓ’s 4.0 aid and services programme aimed at SMEs. It acts as a
 one-stop shop in Catalonia to raise awareness, support and advise Catalan companies,
 especially SMEs, to tackle the 4.0 technological transformation                         Programme

                                                                                        More information about the

Collaborators of the ProACCIÓ 4.0 programme:
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot   April 2021|   48

 6. Industry 4.0 opportunities
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                                                    April 2021|   49

         Innovation opportunities (I)

                       Additive                           Cloud                        IoT                         Big Data                          AI               Cybersecurity
                     manufacturing                                                                            Diagnosis and forecasting of
Industrial            Optimisation of parts                                                                       process anomalies             Servitisation
systems                   Toolmaking                         Knowledge of the manufacturing process/Process optimisation
                                                                                                                                         Production optimisation            Avoid process
                                                                                            Predictive/preventive maintenance                                            interruptions due to
                                                                                                                                                                           external causes
Food industries           Food printing                                                               Quality control             Monitoring of livestock fattening
                                                                                                  Field and crop control
                         Customisation                                                                                                                                    Avoid information
Health, well-                                                               Traceability/Monitoring of chronic and disabled patients/eHealth
being and life           Surgical guides
sciences                   Bioprinting                                                      Diagnosis/Prevention/Drug design

                     Prototyping Production
Sustainable                                                                         Prediction of traffic conditions                             Autonomous vehicle          Avoid service
                      process optimisation
mobility and                                                                                                                                                             interruptions due to
smart city                                                                                                                   Crowd                    Flow, traffic        external causes
                          Customisation                     Identification of pollution peaks                              management                  prediction
energy,                                                                      Manufacturing process control/Identification of leaks and faults
                        Development of                                             Smart grid/Prediction of consumption and peaks
resources and
                        printing materials                                                  Waste management/Symbiosis
                           Prototyping                                                          Intelligent product design
                                                                                                    Home automation                                                     Avoid process/service
Design                    Customisation                                                   Customer knowledge/Virtual assistants
industries                                                                                                                                                               interruptions due to
                                                                                                   Stock management                                                        external causes
                   Replication and conservation
Cultural and                                                                             Customer knowledge/Virtual assistants
                        of cultural heritage
based                                                                    Network culture/Online leisure and
                            Fab Labs                                                                                                 Digital marketing
industries                                                                entertainment/Distance learning
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                                            April 2021|   50

             Innovation opportunities (II)

                         AR/VR                             Connectivity                      DLT                    Simulation               Robotics         computing/Photonics
                        Instruction manual                                                                                                   Exoskeletons              Inspection
                                                            Remote control and         Supplier control         Design and control of                                   Sensors
Industrial                    Training
                                                              manufacturing            Smart contract              manufacturing                                    Manufacturing tool
systems                    Maintenance                                                                                                       Application to
                                                                                                                 processes (digital         non-ergonomic
                     Maintenance                                                                                                                                         Sensors
                                                              Mobile private                                           twins)                  activities
                       support                                                      Guarantee of origin                                                                 Inspection
                      Training                                  networks                                                                                               Cybersecurity
Food industries                                                                                                                             Picking/Manuf
                                              Variable                                  Traceability                Digital twins of           acturing
                                             monitoring             eHealth                                            healthcare                                Inspection
Health, well-          Simulation                                                                                                            Exoskeletons
                                                                  Surgery and             Research                   infrastructure                            Medical imaging
being and life          Training
                                                                  remote care     Identity/Personal health                                                      Medical laser
sciences                                                                                                          Surgical simulation        Social robots
                             Training                                                       record
                                                              Mobile private
Sustainable                                                     networks                                                                        Picking
                        Picking, location                                           Supply chain control            Flow simulation                                    Cryptography
mobility and
smart city                                                 Connected vehicle
Chemistry,                                                                              Professional            Design and control of         Hazardous
                                                          Remote control and
energy,               Maintenance support                                               certification               manufacturing            maintenance
resources and               Training                                                                                  processes,               activities
                                                                                         Research               infrastructures (digital
circular                                                    Mobile private                                                                                                 Energy
economy                                                                              Traceability and                    twins)
                                                                                   supplier management
                                                             e-commerce                                             Physical space           Warehouse and              Inspection
Design                    Smart testers                                                                                                    stock management              Sensors
                                                             Omnichannel                                              projection
industries                 Showrooms                                                Loyalty programmes
                                                                                                                                                                     Manufacturing tool
                                                                                                                  Games and serious            Customer
Cultural and                Marketing                                                                                                         interaction
experience-                                     Smart Tourism                    Traceability of works of art                                   Protocol                  Sensors
based                                                                                                                                            robots
industries               Virtual heritage                                                                              Hospitality
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                                                             April 2021|   51

International business opportunities in the
Industry 4.0 and 3D printing sector
                                                                                                                                                        The Indonesian
                     Industry 4.0 growth in the                                             Artificial intelligence and                                 government launched the
                     US                                   Table of                          digital twin for industry     Table of                      2020 – 2045 development      Table of
                                                          contents       South Korea                                      contents        Indonesia                                  contents
      USA                                                                                                                                               strategy for AI
                                                             7.0                                                            6.2                                                        5.4

                                                                                                                                                        Internet of Things
                     “Made in China 2025”                                                   Innovative therapies,
                                                                                                                                                        products and services for
                     offers more opportunities                                              orphan drugs                  Table of
                                                          Table of                                                                                      tourism and                  Table of
                     in industrial innovation                                                                             contents         Austria
                                                          contents     The Netherlands                                                                  transportation               contents
     China                                                                                                                   6.0
                                                            7.0                                                                                                                        5.1

                     3D printing, additive                                                   Artificial intelligence
                     manufacturing and smart              Table of                           mission at the World
                     business technologies                                                   Summit AI Americas           Table of
   Germany                                                contents         Canada                                         contents
                                                                                            The 3D industry in China
                     Transformation and                                                     and Hong Kong is
                     digitisation of industry in         Table of                           experiencing                  Table of
     United          the United Kingdom                  contents        Hong Kong          extraordinary growth          contents
    Kingdom                                                6.4                                                              5.7

                     Industry 4.0: robotics, AI,                                            Robotics and
                     cybersecurity and 3D                 Table of                          autonomous systems            Table of
     France          printing                             contents                                                        contents
                                                            6.3                                                             5.7

                                             Note: Top industry opportunities ranked based on the 2020 International Business Opportunities Index

Innovation opportunity           Internationalisation opportunity       Mixed opportunity                                  Source: ACCIÓ. World map of international business opportunities, 2020
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                           April 2021|   52

    Attraction of foreign direct investment (I)
     INVESTMENT IN I4.0 IN CATALONIA BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (2018 – 2019)                                                        Country            Capital investment (M€)
                                                                                                                             United States                 128.11
                                                                    Denmark                                                    Germany                      42.46
                                                                                                                               Argentina                    25.53
                                                                                                                              Switzerland                   16.52
                                                                United    Germany
                                                                Kingdom       €42.46M          Switzerland                        Japan                      6.63
                                                                                                   €16.52M                      Bulgaria                     3.85
                                                                                                                                 France                      3.83
                                                                                                                                 Ireland                      2.6
                                                                                                                            United Kingdom                   1.52
                                                                                                                                  China                       0.6
                                                                                                                                   Italy                     0.39
                                                                                                                               Denmark                        0.3
                                                                                                                            The Netherlands                   0.1

                                                      Ireland                                                            Japan
USA                                                                                                                      €6.63M
€128.11M                                   The
                                           Netherlands                                                               China

                                                           Italy                        Bulgaria


                                                                                                             Source: Own compilation based on data by fDi Markets
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                           April 2021|   53

Attraction of foreign direct investment (II)
                                         VMWARE, which specialises in the development of corporate software and cloud infrastructure, has
                                         created up to 250 jobs in Barcelona as a result of its growth strategy to promote technology talent in
                                         Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) at its new centre in the Catalan capital.

                                         Satellogic, a leader in high-resolution microsatellite imaging technology, has recently opened its
                                         headquarters in Barcelona. The Catalan capital was chosen mainly because of the excellent supply of
                                         talent in computer science and artificial intelligence.

                                         ABB, which focuses mainly on industrial automation, has opened its first customer innovation centre in
                                         Europe dedicated to robotics in Sant Quirze de Vallès, which will develop digital and automation
                                         technologies for companies.

                                         Bilsing Automation, a leading provider of automated tool solutions for the automotive sector, has opened a
                                         new facility in Sabadell, dedicated to the marketing, after-sales, design, pre-assembly, storage and
            €13.88M                      implementation of different technological solutions.

                                         Mitek, which specializes in computer vision technology, has created 48 new jobs in recent years at its
                                         headquarters in Cerdanyola del Vallès. Mitek technology specialises in the use of computer vision,
                                         artificial intelligence, deep learning and biometric tools to check digital identities.

                                                                                                            Source: Own compilation based on data by fDi Markets
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot   April 2021|   54

 7. Industry 4.0 business cases in
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                            April 2021|   55

      Business cases in Catalonia (I)

AIS has developed a software called Winbox based on artificial             Applus IDIADA has relied on Orange for the development of a Mobile
intelligence for optimising the production of corrugated cardboard         Private Network at its facilities in L'Arbonar (Tarragona) to test
boxes. It works with Tabu Search models, which have proven to be           connected and autonomous vehicles in a controlled, safe and
effective in the Industry 4.0 challenge of making decisions based on       sustainable environment.
information from multiple sensors and the large volume of data
collected.                                                                 Any entity linked to the automotive industry and new technologies will
                                                                           be able to test and develop new and innovative technological
Cardboard factories work with large cardboard reels. One of their          solutions and future services linked to connectivity (IoT, 5G and
main challenges is to optimise order planning with regard to the stock     autonomous/connected vehicles). The private connectivity developed
and availability of these reels and minimise material losses. Winbox       by Orange enables proof of concept, certification and approval of the
not only responds to this challenge, but also optimises the overall        technology and experimenting the operation of services and
manufacturing of the entire production, ordering pending production        applications.
orders in such a way that all machines are running without
bottlenecks, or machines that are stopped or saturated. In addition, it    Mobile technology will enable many advantages in the automotive
takes into account the delivery times of each order and even applies       world, while being especially important for testing autonomous cars,
intelligence to the planning of truck loads that bring the production of   as, while testing the vehicle, other aspects of the car can be
boxes to different customers.                                              examined (acceleration, braking time, …), but also all aspects related
                                                                           to connectivity and multimedia applications of vehicles (on-board
Winbox is currently installed in more than 60 factories in 9 countries,    services, vehicle monitoring and maintenance, payment automation,
including Cartonajes Vallés Gasset S.A. in Catalonia.                      accident prevention, autonomy reliability, …).
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                                   April 2021|   56

    Business cases in Catalonia (II)

The GO Visió - Grups Operatius project studies how pig feeding                  To improve the efficiency of its production processes, CELSA Group,
affects their fattening process. The project partners are Mafrica, the          in collaboration with IThink UPC and MCIA Research Centre, has
Manresa slaughterhouse, Catalana i Pinsos, SETNA and the Centre                 identified the need to implement an Industry 4.0 programme, called
de Visió per Computador. The project is a clear example of the                  Data-driven Steel 4.0, which will enable it to:
application of artificial intelligence for sustainability and productivity in
the agricultural world "Smart Farming": how artificial intelligence and         • Collect and centralise the information generated
computer vision techniques can help in pig growth control and                   • Implement data-based models for real-time diagnosis and
improvement.                                                                      forecasting of anomalies in production processes.
                                                                                • Determine the effects generated by anomalies to facilitate and
However, weighing pigs with an industrial scale is not a very swift               speed up decision-making by plant supervisors.
process. Thus, the idea was to replace the scales with a vision                 • Deploy advanced analytics projects with different objectives and
system focused on a 3D camera that can estimate the volume and                    suppliers, within an ongoing improvement process.
weight of pigs.
                                                                                Some of the goals achieved through Data-driven Steel 4.0 are as

                                                                                • The structuring, standardisation and centralisation of information
                                                                                  on the production processes of all CELSA Group plants.
                                                                                • The implementation of industrial analytics projects in a progressive
                                                                                  and scalable manner, within an ongoing improvement strategy.
                                                                                • Improved knowledge of process operation
                                                                                • Improving and streamlining decision-making thanks to the
                                                                                  visualisation of results of analysis algorithms.
Industry 4.0 in Catalonia | Technology snapshot                                                                              April 2021|   57

    Business cases in Catalonia (III)

SOM CARE is the IoT platform developed by Grup Saltó that runs a          Schneider has developed a comprehensive and sustainable solution
robot offering support, assistance and surveillance to elderly or         for Nestlé Waters to reduce the downtime required for an on-site
disabled people. The robot moves around the house, recognises             cleaning process. The system also enables improved traceability of
people, talks to them and asks them questions about their health and      cleaning and production operations, in accordance with food safety
well-being, as well as reminding them of daily tasks, such as             regulations, as well as improved operational, energy and resource
medication to be taken or medical appointments. In addition,              efficiency.
emergency calls can be made via voice, and the system automatically
sends alerts to the mobile phone of an assigned family member or          The implemented system, called EcoStruxure, features a flexible
caregiver.                                                                architecture that adapts to the limitations of software and automation,
                                                                          and allows you to monitor and diagnose the cleaning process on site.
The SOM CARE solution is a pioneering project in Spain, which won
the “5G Challenge: How to improve the lives of the elderly through        Thanks to this system, a 20% reduction in production downtime and
technology”, organised by the Mobile World Capital Foundation and         increased productivity has been achieved. The monitoring and
the Barcelona City Council, and is currently being tested in the homes    diagnosis of the valves has improved substantially, saving 340 tons of
of volunteers who live with the robot.                                    CO2 used in the water production process.

Grup Saltó is a technological services and innovative digital solutions   The success of the solution has encouraged the company to use it in
company with more than 25 years of experience in Spain.                   new production lines.
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