Caring for Our Seniors - Can I retire with enough savings? Can we afford healthcare? - Uweei

Page created by Franklin Allen
Caring for Our Seniors - Can I retire with enough savings? Can we afford healthcare? - Uweei
Caring for
Our Seniors
                            Can we afford
How can I keep              healthcare?
my mind and
body active?
                            Can I retire with
                            enough savings?

                                   Just ask me!

Last updated 10 June 2016
Caring for Our Seniors - Can I retire with enough savings? Can we afford healthcare? - Uweei
                                      JOURNEY BETTER
                                      No matter which stage of life you are at – getting married, starting a family,
                                      caring for elderly parents, looking for a new job or planning for retirement –
                                      the right support and assistance can make life’s journey a little smoother.

                                      In this series of booklets, you’ll find quick tips and a broad overview of
                                      government policies and schemes related to life issues like healthcare,
                                      housing, transport and education so that you are better informed to begin
                                      the next stage in life, tackle unexpected challenges and discover suitable
                                      opportunities to get ahead.

                                      There are three booklets in this series:

                                      Caring for My Family
                                      Getting Ahead in My Career
                                      Caring for Our Seniors

                                      Get your copy at the nearest Community Centre/Club (CC)!
        Life’s JOURNEY

                                      ASK KOPI KAKIS!
                Journey Better

                                      Ken and his kakis* are well-known in the neighbourhood for their friendly smiles

                                      and cheerful small talk that puts everyone at ease. Ken keeps everyone updated
                                      on all the latest happenings, and if you need help, he is the person to go to. He
                                      is reliable and knows all the lobang, tips and contacts that can help you kick start
                                      each stage of your life with the perfect blend of knowledge and wisdom. He even
                                      provides a quick and simple sharing about government schemes that you can
                                      benefit from!

                                                                          Like everyone else, Ken has encountered
                                                                          setbacks in life, but he knows from experience
                                                                          that there are many helping hands out there,
                                                                          just like his trusted kakis. You just need to
                                                                          know where to go and who to ask. So if you
                                                                          need help and support, just ask Ken and his

                                                                          * Kaki – Malay for good friend

                                  2    CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
Caring for Our Seniors - Can I retire with enough savings? Can we afford healthcare? - Uweei

                  Retire without worry Pg4

                 • CPF LIFE
                 • GST Vouchers

                         Affordable healthcare Pg10

                         • Pioneer Generation Package
                         • Community Health Assist Scheme

Live near your loved ones Pg15

• 2-Room Flexi Scheme
• Lease Buyback Scheme

                                  Stretch your mind and body Pg18

                                • SkillsFuture
                                • PA Seniors Academy

    New or enhanced policies                                PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION   3
Caring for Our Seniors - Can I retire with enough savings? Can we afford healthcare? - Uweei
                      Retire without worry

                                           How do we make sure we have
                                           enough money after we retire?

                                                Just 3 letters, CPF! Saving enough
                                                while working is one of my priorities,
                                                and CPF savings give me a steady
                                                income when I retire. Let’s see how
                                                we can save well to live well.
Everyday Living

                                                               Age 55: Create Retirement Account
                                                                 • Savings from your Special Account
                                                                   and/or Ordinary Account will be
                                                                   transferred to this account to form
                                                                   your retirement sum. Enjoy higher
                                                                   interest rates as follows:
                                                                    • 6% interest on 1st $30,000
                                                                    • 5% interest on next $30,000
                                                                    • 4% interest on remaining balance

                  4    CARING FOR OUR SENIORS

  Age 65: CPF LIFE (Lifelong Income for the Elderly)
      • Use your retirement sum to buy a CPF LIFE annuity that gives you
        monthly payouts for life.
      • CPF will invite you to choose between CPF LIFE Standard Plan or CPF
        LIFE Basic Plan when you are near your payout eligibility age.
      • Choose a plan that best meets your retirement needs.

                                                                                                      Everyday Living
      LIFE Standard Plan                                LIFE Basic Plan
                                  Beneficiaries                                   Beneficiaries

You                                               You

                        Bequest                         Monthly
        Monthly                                                         Bequest

        Higher Monthly Payouts/                         Lower Monthly Payouts/
            Lower Bequest                                  Higher Bequest

 Singaporeans are living longer, up to about age 80. The CPF LIFE ensures
 that you receive a monthly income for as long as you live. Save more to
 get more!

                                                                  CPF: 1800 227 1188

                                                                    PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION          5
How much to save and how much do you get?
                        • Choose a CPF LIFE plan based on your CPF balances and your desired
                          monthly payout. The payout options are as follows:

                                                                                            Your monthly
                                                      Retirement account savings
                                                                                            payout for life
                                                             required at 55
                                                                                             from age 65
                         If you own a property
                                                         Basic Retirement Sum
                         and choose to pledge                                               $660 — $720
                                                            (BRS): $80,500
                              your property
                           If you do not own a            Full Retirement Sum:
                         property or choose not                 $161,000                  $1,200 — $1,320
                        to pledge your property                  (BRS x 2)
                                                      Enhanced Retirement Sum
                        If you wish to put more
                                                        (from January 2016):              $1,770 — $1,920
                           savings in CPF LIFE
                                                         $241,000 (BRS x 3)
Everyday Living

                       To help you plan early for retirement, the Basic Retirement Sum will be made
                       known to you ahead of time. For each successive cohort of members turning
                       55, the BRS will increase to account for long term inflation.

                                    Age 55        Age 55         Age 55           Age 55           Age 55
                                    In 2016       In 2017        In 2018          In 2019          In 2020

                       Monthly       $660          $680           $700             $720             $740
                      Payout For      to            to             to               to               to
                       Life From     $720          $740           $760             $780             $800
                        Age 65

                      Retirement    $80,500       $83,000        $85,500         $88,000           $90,500
                                                                                       CPF: 1800 227 1188

                         From 1 January 2016, you only need to choose your CPF LIFE plan from your
                         payout eligibility age, at the point when you wish to start your CPF LIFE payouts.

                  6     CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
Withdraw up to $5,000 at age 55
 •   You may withdraw up to $5,000 even if you are unable to set aside the
     Full Retirement Sum or the Basic Retirement Sum with sufficient property

Flexibility to withdraw a portion of Retirement Account Savings
 • If you have turned 55 from 2013 onwards, you will have the option to
   withdraw up to 20% of your Retirement Account savings from your payout
   eligibility age (this includes the first $5,000 withdrawable at age 55).

Defer payout age, up to age 70
 • From January 2016, you have the option to start your payouts later, at
   up to age 70. For each year deferred, CPF LIFE monthly payouts will
   permanently increase by about 6-7%.
                                                          CPF: 1800 227 1188

                                                                                       Everyday Living
                      From 1 January 2016, there will be no minimum
                      sum required in your Medisave Account before
                      you can withdraw monies from your Ordinary
                      and Special Account upon reaching 55.

Basic HealthCare Sum (BHS) in Medisave Account
 • The BHS helps with basic, subsidised healthcare needs in old age.

 • The BHS will be set at $49,800 on 1 January 2016 and will apply to
   members aged 65 and above in 2016. This amount will not change for the
   rest of their lives.

 • The BHS will be adjusted yearly in January to keep pace with the growth in
   Medisave use by the elderly.
 •   If you do not meet your BHS, you are not required to top up your Medisave
     Account, before withdrawing from your CPF.
                                                            MOH: 6325 9220

                                                            PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION   7
Reduce your daily expenses
                                               with these assistance schemes!

                      Travel cheap
                      Get more support for your transport costs with various Senior Citizen*
                      Transport Concessions:

                        • Senior Citizen Concession Card — Enjoy cheaper train and bus fares.
                          Discounts are significant when you travel long distances.

                        • Hybrid Monthly Concession Pass — Unlimited travel on basic bus
                          services and trains, $60 per month.
Everyday Living

                        • Off-peak Monthly Concession Pass — Unlimited travel on basic bus
                          services and trains (except 6.30am to 9am and 5pm to 7.30pm on
                          weekdays), $40 per month.

                        • VWO Transport Subsidies — Up to 80% subsidy for transport fees, if
                          you have disabilities and need to take dedicated transport provided by
                          Volunteer Welfare Organisations to access care services.

                      *If you are aged 60 and above.

                                                                              Transit Link: 1800 225 5663

                                                       SG Enable (VWO Transport Subsidies): 1800 8585 885

                  8    CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
GST Voucher – Cash
 • Provide lower-income and retiree households with cash for their
   immediate needs. Depending on annual income and value of your
   home, receive $150 or $300.
 • In 2016, eligible households will receive a one-off special payment of
   $100 or $200, depending on the annual value of home.

GST Voucher – Medisave
 • Helps elderly Singaporeans aged 65 and above. Depending on your
   age and annual value of home, receive Medisave top-ups of between
   $150 and $450.
                                                       MOF: 1800 2222 888

                                                                                       Everyday Living
GST Voucher – U-Save
 • Provide HDB households with a rebate to help offset utilities bills.
   Depending on flat type, receive between $180 and $260 per year.

                                                  Singapore Power: 6671 7117

Silver Support Scheme
 • Support for the neediest of seniors aged 65 and above, who have
   earned low wages throughout their lives.
 • Receive a modest supplement of $300 to $750 cash every quarter.
   Eligibility conditions apply.
                                                       CPF: 1800 222 6622

                                                            PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION   9
                             Get affordable healthcare for life

                                                         Can we afford to pay for our
                                                         healthcare needs?

                                                            Don’t worry. There are many
                                                            ways to reduce your healthcare
                                                            costs. Help is available to all
                                                            and better still, for life!

                             Pioneer Generation Package
                             Helps Pioneers* with their healthcare costs for life:
                               • Outpatient Care
In The Pink Of Health

                                  _ Additional 50% off subsidised services and medications at polyclinics and
                                     Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs).
                                  _ Subsidies when you visit participating General Practitioners and dental
                                     clinics under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS).

                               • Medisave Top-ups
                                  _ Depending on your age, receive between $200 and $800 annually for life.

                               • MediShield Life
                                  _ A universal healthcare insurance. Receive special premium subsidies and
                                     		 Medisave top-ups to help pay for your MediShield Life premiums.

                               • Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme
                                   _ Lifelong cash assistance of $100 each month for Pioneers who
                                        permanently need assistance in at least three of the activities of daily
                                        living (eating, bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting and walking or
                                        moving around).

                             *If you are born on or before 31 Dec 1949 (65 years old or older in 2014) and became a
                             Singapore citizen on or before 31 Dec 1986.

                                                                                                   PGP: 1800 2222 888

                        10    CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS)
                              • Singapore Citizens can receive subsidies for
                                medical and dental care at participating General
                                Practitioners and dental clinics near their homes.
                                An additional subsidy applies when visiting
                                Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOC) services and
                                medication at SOCs and polyclinics.

Eligibility                        CHAS Blue            CHAS Orange         Pioneer Generation

Household monthly
                              $1,100 and below        $1,101 to $1,800      All Pioneers
income per person
                                                                            receive benefits
                                                                            regardless of
Annual Value of home                                                        income or AV
for households with              $13,000 and            $13,001 to
                                    below                $21,000            of home
no income

                                                                                                        In The Pink Of Health
Subsidy for
                                     70%                    0%              Additional 50%
SOC services                                                                off subsidised bill

Subsidy for subsidised
                                                                            Additional 50%
medication at SOC                               75%                         off subsidised bill
and polyclinics

Subsidies at participating    – Up to $18.50        – Between $50            – Up to $28.50
CHAS clinics                    subsidy per visit     and $75 per              subsidy per visit
                                for common            visit for chronic        for common
                                illnesses             conditions               illnesses
                                                      (subject to cap)
                              – Between $80                                  - Between $90
                                and $120 per                                   and $135
                                visit for chronic                              subsidy per
                                conditions                                     visit for chronic
                                (subject to cap)                               conditions
                                                                               (subject to cap)
Subsidy for health
screening by Health                 Free screening tests with HPB’s Invitation Letter
Promotion Board                          (Doctor’s consultation charges apply)

Selected Dental Services      Between $11 and       Between $65.50          Between $21 to
                              $256.50 subsidy       and $170.50             $266.50 subsidy
                              per procedure         subsidy                 per procedure
                                                    per procedure

                                                                   CHAS: 1800 275 2427

                                                                          PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION     11
                             Use Medisave to pay for your medical expenses at:
                              • Public healthcare instutitions — public hospitals, polyclinics,
                                 Specialist Outpatient Clinics
                              • Medisave-accredited non-public healthcare institutions — General
                                Practitioner clinics, private and community hospitals, day rehabilitation
                                and pallative care.

                               Medisave can be used for:

                                    Day Surgery                  Health Screening          Hospital Charges
In The Pink Of Health

                                Outpatient     Long-term Care          Medical Insurance       Treatment of
                                Treatments        Insurance               Premiums           Chronic Diseases

                             Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) Services
                              • Help offset bills of those needing health and/or social care from
                                MOH-funded service providers, over long periods of time. E.g Nursing
                                Homes, Hospices.
                              • Subsidies depends on household per capita monthly income.

                             Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) Drug Subsidy Scheme
                              • MOH-subsidised patients will pay the same price for drugs prescribed
                                by their ILTC doctors. There is no need to visit polyclinics or public
                                hospitals to get drugs at subsidised prices.

                                                                                             MOH: 6325 9220

                        12    CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
Is it too late for me to
                   get medical insurance?

                      Never too late. As we Singaporeans
                      like to put it, “Still got hope!”

Medishield Life
 • A basic and affordable national healthcare insurance scheme that
   covers everyone, for life. Helps you pay for large hospital bills and
   costly outpatient treatments. There are premium subsidies for lower-
   to middle-income and Pioneer Generation seniors.
 • Pioneers will receive generous Pioneer Generation Subsidies of
   between 40% to 60%, depending on age.
 • Additional support applies if you are unable to afford your premium

                                                                                         In The Pink Of Health
   even after subsidies.
                                                        MOH: 1800 222 3399

 • For needy Singaporeans who cannot afford subsidised treatment even
   after Medisave and MediShield Life coverage (eligibility conditions apply).

                                                           MOH: 6325 9220

   The Dependants’ Protection Scheme provides some financial support to your
   loved ones, in the event of death or permanent incapacity.

                                                             PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION   13
Is there help for the disabled?

                                                          Of course! You need all the
                                                          help you can get.

                               • An affordable severe disability insurance scheme that provides monthly
                                 cash payouts for up to 72 months. Singaporeans and PRs with Medisave
                                 accounts are automatically covered under ElderShield at the age of 40.
                               • Offered by three private insurers: Aviva Singapore (6827 7788),
                                 Great Eastern (1800 248 2888) and NTUC Income (6332 1133).
In The Pink Of Health

                             Interim Disability Assistance Programme for the Elderly*
                               • For disabled seniors who were not eligible for ElderShield in 2002 due
                                 to pre-existing disabilities or because they were over the maximum
                                 entry age.
                               • Monthly payout of $150 or $250 for a maximum period of 72 months,
                                 depending on the senior’s per capita household monthly income and
                                 annual value of home.

                             * You are considered to have severe disability if you are unable to do at least three out of six daily
                             activities (eating, bathing, dressing, transferring and walking or moving around).

                                                                                  MOH: 6325 9220 or AIC: 1800 650 6060

                        14     CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
Live closer to your loved ones

                      We don’t need such a big
                      home anymore, and we’ll
                      like to live closer to our
                      children and grandchildren.
                      What’s out there for us?

                             My parents applied for one of
                             these schemes. With the whole
                             family in the estate, it feels just
                             like the good ol’ kampong days...

For seniors who wish to age-in-place in a familiar environment or live near

                                                                                         Home and Family
their families, HDB will set aside a portion of the Build-to-Order (BTO) flat
supply and Sales-of-Balance (SBF) flats for the following priority schemes:

Multi-Generation Priority Scheme
  • Priority allocation to married children and their parents when you jointly
    apply for flats in the same BTO project.
  • Seniors may apply for a 2-room flexi or 3-room flat. You will have the
    opportunity of choosing flats on the same floor or elsewhere within the
    same project.

2-room Flexi Scheme
  • Seniors aged 55 and above have the flexibility of choosing the length of
    lease on their 2-room flat, based on your age, needs and preferences.
  • You may take up a lease of between 15 and 45 years in 5-year
    increments, as long as it covers you and your spouse up to the age of at
    least 95 years.

                                                             PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION   15
Senior Priority Scheme (SPS)
                         • Seniors may be considered for the SPS if:
                       		 _ You are applying for a 2-room Flexi flat that is in the same town or
                          estate, or within two kilometers of your existing flat or private property.
                       		 _ Your parent/married child owns or occupies a HDB flat or private
                          property that is within the same town or estate, or within two kilometers
                          of the flat you are applying for.
                                                                                 HDB: 1800 866 3066

                       Housing Grants When Buying Resale Flats

                       Proximity Housing Grant
                        • For parents who buy a resale flat to live together or close to their children
                          for mutual care and support.
Home and Family

                        • Receive $10,000 or $20,000 grant, regardless of past housing subsidies
                          enjoyed, income and ownership of private property.

                          Need improvements in your flat for better comfort and mobility? HDB’s
                          Enhancement for Active Seniors* offers up to 95% subsidy, depending on
                          flat type. Rental units receive 100% subsidy.
                          *Only Singapore Citizen households are eligible.

                  16    CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
Maximise Your Finances with Your Flat

Lease Buyback Scheme
 • Unlock part of the value of your home while continuing to live in your flat
   by selling part of your flat lease to HDB and choosing to retain the length
   of lease based on the age of the youngest owner.
 • Applicable to elderly households with a gross monthly household
   income of $12,000 or less and living in 4-room or smaller flats.

Silver Housing Bonus
 • Helps elderly households supplement their retirement income when they
   right-size their flats and buy a smaller flat (up to a 3-room flat).
 • At least one owner is a Singapore Citizen aged 55 and above with a
   gross monthly household income of $12,000 or less,
 • Households can receive up to $20,000 cash bonus.

                                                                                        Home and Family
                                                        HDB: 1800 866 3066

                                      With our children all grown
                                      up, we don’t need such a
                                      big flat. Moving to a smaller
                                      one gives us the extra cash
                                      we need in retirement!

                                                            PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION   17
                      Stretch your mind and body

                                                    We’re in our golden years,
                                                    and have never felt fitter and
                                                    younger at heart. Give us some
                                                    ideas, young man, on activites
                                                    we can do!

                                                            Ideas are what I have! Take
                                                            your pick from working out
                                                            at the gym to learning a
                                                            new skill.
                      SkillsFuture Credits
                          • Upgrade yourself or learn a new skill. From 2016, $500 credit is given
                            to all Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above to pay for courses by
                            WDA, MOE-funded Post-Secondary Education Institutions and other
                            public agencies.
Keeping Active

                      National Silver Academy
                      •      From June 2016, seniors aged 50 and above may sign up for more than
                             500 subsidised courses by post-secondary education institutions and
                             VWOs. Selected degree/diploma modules can also be taken at a token
                             fee, without exams.
                                                   MOM: 6438 5122 / WDA: 6883 5885 / MOE: 6872 2220

                      PA Seniors Academy
                          • Seniors aged 50 and above can enjoy affordable courses in IT, first-aid,
                            fitness, cooking, various crafts and more at community centres.
                          • They can also participate in the Golden Work series to pick up relevant
                            job-based skills and knowledge for part-time and/or freelance work in
                            the future.
                                                                                     Visit your nearest CC

                 18       CARING FOR OUR SENIORS
(Agency for                               1800 650 6060     
Integrated Care)

(Community Health                         1800 275 2427     
Assist Scheme)

(Central Provident                        1800 227 1188     
Fund Board)

(Housing &                                1800 866 3066     
Development Board)

                                          1800 2222 888     
(Ministry of Finance)

MOH                                       6325 9220         
(Ministry of Health)                      1800 222 3399     

                                          6438 5122         
(Ministry of Manpower)

                                          1800 2222 888     
(Pioneer Generation Package)

SG Enable                                 1800 8585 885     

Singapore Power                           6671 7117         

 • Ministry of Manpower                   6438 5122
 • Workforce Development Agency           6883 5885         
 • Ministry of Education                  6872 2220

Transitlink                               1800 225 5663     

         Information compiled by People & Government Engagement Division, People’s Association.
                For more information, please contact the relevant agencies as listed above.
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