Castle View Primary and Nursery School EYFS Nursery & Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan/ Map Cycle A- 2021-2022 - Nursery = Nursery 3-4 year ...

Page created by Leroy Hoffman
Castle View Primary and Nursery School EYFS Nursery & Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan/ Map Cycle A- 2021-2022 - Nursery = Nursery 3-4 year ...
Castle View Primary and Nursery School

                 EYFS Nursery & Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan/ Map

                                           Cycle A- 2021-2022

Nursery = Nursery 3-4 year olds
Reception= Reception
Term                          Autumn 1                   Autumn 2                  Spring 1                  Spring 2                 Summer 1                  Summer 2

Main Theme
                          I wonder…. What is       I wonder… How do people   I wonder…What is out     I wonder… How can we         I wonder…What           I wonder.... What will
Nursery & Reception        special about me?              celebrate?                there?                  get there?            happened before?             happen next?

Possible ideas, mini
themes                       Starting School             Birthdays                 Weather                    Vehicles          Growing and Changing               Robots
                             New Beginnings           Special Occasions         Space / Stars          Traveling to different     Plants and Flowers        The next generation
Nursery * &               Feelings / Being kind          Halloween                 Animals              places / countries /           Exploring            Science experiments
Reception**                Houses and homes             Bonfire Night           Day and Night                 islands           Keeping fit and Healthy       Year 1 transition
                               Superheroes            Remembrance Day        Comparing places and            Exploring          Animals and Minibeasts          Growing up
(These themes may          People who help us              Diwali                environments                  Maps                  Human Body              When I grow up….
change or be                    My Family                Christmas              Under the Sea                                         Life Cycles           People who help us
replaced depending          Where do I live?                                  Chinese New Year                                        Dinosaurs               Global Warming
on child interest or          Staying Safe                                          Easter                                         *Season- Spring        Looking after the planet
fascination)                Season – Autumn                                       Our World                                      **Seasonal changes-             Recycling
                                                                               *Season- Winter                                      Winter/ Spring           *Season- Summer
                                                                             **Seasonal Changes-                                                            **Seasonal changes-
                                                                               Autumn / Winter                                                                Spring/ Summer

Possible key stories/
text                    Goldilocks and the three        Rama and Sita            Alfie’s weather         The Naughty Bus           Jaspers Beanstalk          Robots, Robots
                                  Bears               Sparks in the Sky          Whatever Next          Mr. Gumpy’s Outing         Handa’s Surprise             Everywhere
Nursery & Reception       The Colour Monster            Lighting a lamp          Penguin Small             The Train Ride            The Tiny Seed        The Magic Hair Swap
                              Pete the Cat            The Jolly Postman          Whatever Next         Bob, The Man on the            Spinderella            The Paper Dolls
(These texts/ stories   The Big Book of Families       Father Christmas      The Man on the Moon               Moon             Jack and The Beanstalk         Ruby’s Worry
may change or be           The Rainbow Fish             Lost and Found          The Snow Queen          Oi! Get off my train!     The Emperors Egg        Look After your Planet
replaced depending            In My Heart              It’s my Birthday      Around the World with              Zog                The Very Hungry            What a Waste
on child interest or         Incredible Me!           The Nativity Story        Max and Lemon            Zog and the flying           Caterpillar            Michael Recycle
fascination)                 Only One you!                                     Shark in the Dark              Doctors             Tyrannosaurs Drip       Somebody Swallowed
                         Hodge The Hedgehog                                     P is for Passport     The Snail and the Whale       Monkey Puzzle                 Stanley
                             Pumpkin Soup                                    The World around me               Beegu                   Super Bat                   Tidy
                              Rainbow Fish                                   The Great big Explorer     How to catch a Star         The Body Book          Greta and the Giants
                               You Choose                                       The Easter Story
Enrichment/ Whole
School Focus Weeks        Remembrance Day            Bonfire Night / Guy            Bodhi Day                  Easter Time            Start of Ramadan            Father’s Day
                            Harvest Festival                Fawkes              Chinese New Year              Mother’s Day                    Eid             Healthy Eating Week
Nursery & Reception       Big Draw- Art focus               Diwali                     LENT                 Queen’s Birthday                D-Day            World Environment Day
                            Meet my Buddy                 Hanukkah                Valentine’s Day           Easter Egg Hunt           Butterfly Life cycle   Anniversary of the NHS
(Including but not           Art Exhibition        Christmas Time/ Nativity        Lyrical Recital            Pancake Day               Baby photos
limited to)                                          Black History Month        Road Safety Week             St David’s Day              Food tasting
                                                     Anti- Bullying Week         Aspirations Day            St Patrick’s Day              Sports Day
                                                       Children in Need       Teeth Health Workshop         World Book Day
                                                    Internet Safety Week

‘Wow’ Moments /               Nursery -                  Nursery -                  Nursery -                   Nursery -                Nursery -                 Nursery -
Trips                     Local Autumn Walk         Father Christmas Visit    Chinese family member       Library visit with child    Local Spring walk        Local Summer Walk
                                                                              to discuss life in China   and parents (afternoon)
Nursery & Reception       Orchard experience         Local Postbox walk              and CNY                                             Reception-                Parent Picnic
                                                                                                         Pond dipping experience      Local Spring walk
                              Reception-                 Reception-                 PCSO Visit                                                                     Reception-
 Visit school library     Local Autumn Walk         Father Christmas Visit                                     Reception-             Local church visit       Trip to Chester Zoo
   each half-term!                                                                 Winter walk           Local Library walk and
                          Orchard experience         Local Postbox walk                                        experience                                     Local walk to compare
See trip progression                                                                Reception-                                                                 all seasons we have
document                                                                      Chinese family member      Pond dipping experience                                     looked at
                                                                              to discuss life in China
                                                                                     and CNY

                                                                                    PCSO Visit

                                                                                     Winter walk
Assessment                     Nursery -                  Nursery -                   Nursery -               Nursery -                    Nursery -                Nursery -
Opportunities             In- home – baseline        Ready for Reception         In- home – baseline      Ready for Reception         In- home – baseline    Ready for Reception final
                              assessments               tracker for LA            assessments – new         tracker for LA             assessments – new           data for LA
Nursery & Reception      Wellcomm (Speech and                                           starters                                             starters               EOY Data
                        Language screening tool)         Reception-            Wellcomm assessments            Reception-            Ready for Reception         Final Wellcomm
(Including but not            assessments             Baseline analysis       Cluster Moderation         Pupil Progress meetings         tracker for LA            Assessment
limited to)               Ready for Reception      Pupil Progress meetings      Internal Moderation        GLD tracker for LA         Cluster Moderation
                             tracker for LA           Parents Evening                                       Parents Evening          EYFS Team meetings            Reception-
                                                     GLD tracker for LA            Reception-              Phonics assessment        Internal Moderation       GLD tracker for LA
                              Reception-             Phonics assessment         Cluster Moderation                                                           Pupil progress meetings
                            Staggered Start                                    EYFS Team meetings                                       Reception-              Parents evening
                                                                               Internal Moderation                                   Cluster Moderation             EOY Data
National Baseline                                             Wellcomm assessments                                    EYFS Team meetings            Final Wellcomm
                              assessment                                                                                                        Internal Moderation             Assessment
                        Wellcomm (Speech and                                                                                                     GLD tracker for LA          Phonics assessment
                       Language screening tool)                                                                                                  Phonics assessment
                         GLD tracker for LA
                                                       On-going assessment for      On-going assessment for       On-going assessment for       On-going assessment       On-going assessment for
                        On-going assessment for               learning                     learning                      learning                   for learning                 learning
Parental Involvement          Nursery -                    Nursery -                         Nursery -                  Nursery -                    Nursery -                   Nursery -
                         2Evidence Me parent       Evidence Me parent share              Evidence Me parent         Evidence Me parent           Evidence Me parent         Evidence Me parent
Nursery & Reception              share                  Come and Play                            share                     share                         share                      share
                            Art Exhibition             Christmas Nativity                   Lyrical Recital           Come and Play             Parent/ child induction        Lyrical Recital
(Including but not      Parent/ child induction                                         Parent/ child induction      Easter celebration          Sponsored Bike ride            Sports Day
limited to)                Parents Evening                Reception-                      Stay and Read –                                                                     Come and Play-
                                                   Evidence Me parent share                    morning                 Reception-                    Reception-                 Celebration
                                                   Come and Play- Phonics /                                        Evidence Me parent            Evidence Me parent          Parents Evening –
                              Reception-              Reading (Bug club)                     Reception-                   share                         share              Transition to Recepton
                       Evidence Me parent share        Christmas Nativity                Evidence Me parent       Come and Play- Maths           Sponsored Bike ride
                             Art Exhibition                                                      share              Easter celebration                                          Reception-
                            Parents Evening                                                Stay and Read             Parents Evening                                        Evidence Me parent
                                                                                              afternoon                                                                             share
                                                                                            Lyrical Recital                                                                    Lyrical Recital
                                                                                                                                                                                Sports Day
                                                                                                                                                                              Come and Play-

Key Knowledge            What is special about            How do people               What is out there?            How could we get              What happened             What will happen
                                   me?                        celebrate?            -  The Earth is where                 there?                       before?                     next?
Nursery & Reception    -   Families are all        -      People celebrate             we and others,             -  We can use a map       -      People wore            -  We have a
                           different and vary in          different things and         including animals             to help us                    different clothes.        responsibility to look
(These ideas may           shapes and sizes.              have different               and plants live.              understand where a     -      People travelled in       after our world.
change depending on    -   We are all unique,             traditions.               -  There is more sea             place is.                     different ways.        -  Recycling helps to
child interest or          but other people can    -      There are different /        than land on earth.        -  There are lots of      -      Houses were made          save our planet by
fascination)               have similarities to           traditions celebrations   -  Polar regions are             different modes of            of different              re-using materials.
                           me.                            all over the world (in       cold, icy and have            transport.                    materials.             -  We need to put our
                       -   It is good to be               different countries)         snow. Not many             -  People travel in       -      Plants grow from          rubbish in the bin as
                           different.              -      People celebrate their       plants grow there.            different ways e.g.           seeds.                    this can harm
                       -   We must be kind and            birthday to remember         Polar bears,                  aeroplanes, boats,     -      Baby animals are          animals and the
                           respectful to                  the day they were            penguins and seals            ships, trains.                sometimes known           environment.
                           everyone.                      born.                        live in polar                                               as different names
                                                                                       landscapes.                                                 to the adult.
-   We sometimes like         -   Harvest is a time to    -     Deserts are wet, hot    -   Boats and ships can     -   Some baby animals      -   Plants have roots,
    different things but          say thank you for             and humid. They             carry people and            do not look like the       stems, leaves and
    can enjoy the same            what we have.                 have lots of rain.          goods.                      adult.                     flowers.
    things.                   -   Remembrance Day is            Lots of trees and       -   Boats and ships sink    -   We need food,          -   Plants need light
-   We may feel                   a day spent                   flowers grow.               in the water.               water, oxygen and          and water to grow.
    differently throughout        remembering the         -     Lots of different                                       shelter to survive.    -   After being a child,
    the day and that is           people who have died          things live under the            Easter             -   It is important to         we will become a
    okay. It is good to           in the wars. There is         sea.                    -   Easter is an                stay healthy by            teenager and then
    verbalise our feelings.       a time of silence at    -     There is no oxygen          important festival          eating a balanced          an adult.
                                  11am.                         in space.                   for Christians.             diet, exercising,      -   Through our lives
                              -   Diwali is the Indian    -     The weather/            -   It celebrates Jesus         drinking enough            we will change and
         Autumn                   festival of light and         climate is different        rising from the             water and sleeping         grow.
-   There are 4 different         new beginnings.               all over the world.         dead.                       enough.                -   After Reception, I
    seasons in the year.      -   India is a different    -     When we see the         -   Easter eggs are         -   We have 5 senses.          will go into Year 1.
-   Autumn is a season.           country, far from             sun shining in the          eaten to celebrate      -   We were all babies     -   After primary
-   In Autumn the leaves          where we live.                sky it is the daytime       Easter/ new People          and toddlers before        school, I will go to
    change colour             -   Bonfire night is        -     When we don’t see           celebrate different         were children.             high school.
    (orange/ reds/                celebrated with               the sun shining in          things and have
    browns) and they              bonfires and                  the sky and it is           different traditions.            Spring                    Summer
    start to fall off the         fireworks.                    dark, it is night       -   There are different /   -   There are 4            -   There are 4 different
    trees.                    -   Advent is a time of           time.                       traditions                  different seasons in       seasons in the year.
                                  preparation for                                           celebrations all over       the year.              -   Summer is a season.
                                  Christmas.                  Chinese New Year              the world (in           -   Spring is a season.    -   In summer it can be
                              -   Christmas Day is on     -     Chinese New Year is         different countries)    -   In Spring it starts        hot and lots of
                                  the 25th December             a festival celebrated   -   People celebrate            to get a little            things grow. It can
                                  and is a Christian            all around the              their birthday to           warmer and things          be very dry if it
                                  festival celebrating          world.                      remember the day            start to grow              doesn’t
                                  the birth of Jesus.     -     It is China’s most          they were born.             again. Farmers
                                                                important festival      -                               plant their crops/
                                                                where they                                              seeds.
                                                                celebrate the start
                                                                of a new year.
                                                          -     Each year us named
                                                                after a different
                                                          -     China is a different
                                                                country, far from
                                                                where we live.

-     There are 4
                                                                                       different seasons in
                                                                                       the year.
                                                                                 -     Winter is a season.
                                                                                 -     In the Winter not
                                                                                       much grows. It is
                                                                                       cold and can be
                                                                                       snowy and icy.
Key Vocabulary              Nursery -                    Nursery -                     Nursery -              Nursery - travel, place,           Nursery -                  Nursery -
                      Family, special, feelings,   Parade, celebrate, party,      Cold, warm, weather,          map, journey, town,        Body, healthy, exercise,   Reuse, adult, birthday,
Nursery & Reception    baby, child, Autumn,                  God                 world, exploring, winter      Runcorn, world, path,            grow, spring              grow, summer
                          different, same                                                                        road, bridge, sea,
(Including but not                                        Reception-                       Reception-                                             Reception-                Reception-
limited to)                 Reception-               Celebration, festival,             Frozen, seasons,             Reception-            Health, insect, growth,    Future, global warming,
                      Emotions, unique, respect,   decorate, banquet, gift,               environment,             Travel, vehicles,       harvest, senses, past,        recycle, compost,
                      kindness, manners, rules,    tradition, culture, belief,       temperature, habitat,        adventure, route,         life-cycle, yesterday,     independent, summer
                        baby, toddler, adult,        faith, Christian, God             planets, passport,        destination, island,                today
                          season, Autumn.                                                Season, winter       direction, town, country,
                                                                                                              earth, river, lake, forest
Communication and Language

Term                          Autumn 1                      Autumn 2                     Spring 1                    Spring 2                   Summer 1                     Summer 2

Main Themes
                          I wonder…. What is            I wonder… How do             I wonder…What is        I wonder… How could              I wonder…What              I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception        special about me?             people celebrate?               out there?              we get there?               happened before?               happen next?

Educational           The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. Children’s back-and-forth interactions from an early age form
Programme                the foundations for language and cognitive development. The number and quality of the conversations they have with adults and peers throughout the day in a
                          language-rich environment is crucial. By commenting on what children are interested in or doing, and echoing back what they say with new vocabulary added,
                      practitioners will build children's language effectively. Reading frequently to children, and engaging them actively in stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems, and then
                       providing them with extensive opportunities to use and embed new words in a range of contexts, will give children the opportunity to thrive. Through conversation,
                       story-telling and role play, where children share their ideas with support and modelling from their teacher, and sensitive questioning that invites them to elaborate,
                                                               children become comfortable using a rich range of vocabulary and language structures.

                               Nursery                        Nursery                     Nursery                    Nursery                     Nursery                       Nursery
                      -    To sing rhymes and       -    To talk about           -     To begin to use a     -   To listen to stories    -    To listen to stories   -     To develop a wide
   Nursery and             explore picture books         celebrations at home         wide range of              and retain key               and retain key               range of vocabulary
 Reception skills &   -    To talk about            -    To listen to stories         vocabulary                 vocabulary                   vocabulary             -     To listen to different
    knowledge              themselves and their          about celebrations      -    To talk in short       -   To be able to talk      -    To be able to                nursery rhymes and
                           families in their play        such as Diwali,              sentences so that          about the setting            answer questions             be able to join in
                      -    To develop their              Christmas and talk           others can                 and characters in            and share opinions           singing words
                           communication that            about why they are           understand.                the story                    using the relevant           confidently and
                           can be understood by          celebrated              -    To listen to and       -   To be able to use            vocabulary                   clearly
                           others                   -    To listen to and             follow simple              connectives             -    To be able to talk     -     To be able to
                                                         follow simple                instructions           -   To listen to and             about the setting            answer questions
                               Reception                 instructions            -    To respond to              follow simple                and characters in            and share opinions
                      -    To talk about            -                                 questions                  instructions                 the story                    using the relevant
                           themselves and others             Reception                appropriately          -   To respond to           -    To be able to use            vocabulary
                           in full sentences        -    To compare different    -    To express a point         questions                    connectives in their   -     To be able to talk
                      -    To enjoy singing              festivals using              of view                    appropriately                speech                       about the setting
                           songs, joining in             vocabulary they have                                -   To talk in short        -    To take turns to             and characters in
                           stories and group             acquired from their             Reception               sentences so that            speak in a                   the story with
                           time discussions              learning                -    To give opinions           others can                   conversation                 confidence
                      -    To speak about a         -    To make comments             and share ideas            understand
                           range of texts,               about their                  with confidence in                                        Reception                     Reception
                           sharing ideas and             observations                 different situations          Reception            -    To use conjunctions    -     To use a full
                           thoughts with adults     -    To use talk to          -    To describe features   -   To describe familiar         in sentences                 vocabulary bank
                           and peers                     organise their               of different stories       texts with detail       -    To share ideas in            including technical
                                                         thinking                                                                             small groups and             language
-    To talk to others          and using full          whole class            -   To use conjunctions
                                                                                         and take it in turns       sentences               situations                 in sentences
                                                                                         to talk                -   To ask questions        confidently            -   To use past, present
                                                                                    -    To demonstrate             about familiar      -   To respond to              and future forms
                                                                                         good listening             aspects of their        what other people      -   To ask questions
                                                                                         behaviors                  environment and         say e.g. peers,            about what I have
                                                                                    -    To follow                  learning                teachers etc               heard
                                                                                         instructions with                                                         -   To explain events
                                                                                         two or more parts                                                             that have already
                                                                                                                                                                       happened in detail
   Nursery and        -   I   can   listen to songs, stories and rhymes and respond by joining in
Reception end goals   -   I   can   sing a favourite nursery rhyme
                      -   I   can   retell stories in my own words
                      -   I   can   start a conversation and take it in turns to speak
                      -   I   can   speak in sentences of 4-6 words
                      -   I   can   understand and respond to a simple instruction

                                                                                                  Reception (ELG)
                      -   To express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions,
                          with modelling and support from an adult
                      -   To listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and in whole class discussions and small
                          group interactions
                      -   To offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non- fiction, rhyme and poems when appropriate
                      -   To hold conversation when engaged in back and forth exchanges with their teachers and peers
                      -   To participate in small group, class and one to one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary
                      -   To make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify understanding
Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Term                           Autumn 1                               Autumn 2                            Spring 1                      Spring 2                        Summer 1                   Summer 2

Main Themes
                          I wonder…. What is                 I wonder… How do                  I wonder…What is                I wonder… How could              I wonder…What                  I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception        special about me?                  people celebrate?                    out there?                      we get there?               happened before?                   happen next?

Programme                    Children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive
                      development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world. Strong, warm and supportive relationships with
                      adults enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children should be supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense
                        of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult
                         modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported
                       interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform
                                                                             from which children can achieve at school and in later life.

                                    Nursery                             Nursery                             Nursery                       Nursery                     Nursery                        Nursery
   Nursery and        -        To separate from main             -     To increasingly         -           To listen to and    -      To play with others      -      To show more         -     To play with others
 Reception skills &              carer and learn to                  follow the routines                   follow the rules            – elaborating and           confidence in new              – elaborating and
    knowledge                     adapt to the new                         and rules               -        To make some             extending ideas in a           social situations            extending ideas in a
                                Nursery environment      -           To choose and use                  choices / decisions                  group           -    To play with others                    group
                            -    To choose and use                        resources /                       for themselves        -     To become more             – elaborating and        -    To find solutions to
                                resources / activities                  activities with    -           To play with others               outgoing with             extending ideas in                 conflicts and
                              with support if required               support if required                 – elaborating and           unfamiliar people in                a group                   suggesting new /
                          -     To wash hands after              -     To discuss how                  extending ideas in a           the setting / bubble      -   To talk about a                    other ideas
                                   using the toilet                    they are feeling                          group           -     To begin to speak           range of feelings,       -    To talk to others to
                        -      To see themselves as a                  and talk about              -        To understand            up for themselves in         identifying these in               solve conflicts
                               member of the ‘Terrific                these e.g. happy                   feelings and begin              a way which is              themselves and        -     To grow and change
                                Triangles’ (Nursery)     -           To play with others                to understand how                respectful e.g.                  others                     to move onto
                        -      To begin to follow the                – elaborating play                  others may feel in             saying how you       -    To be supported to               becoming a star
                              class routines and rules                       ideas                        certain situations         feel, asking for what          find solutions to        -    To have a go with
                        -      To know some feelings         -        To enjoy playing         -           To learn how to             you want or need                conflicts and              new activities and
                                   e.g. sad, happy                        with others                  share resources and         -    To use the toilet         accepting that they            explore new parts of
                            -    To be supported to              -     To choose their                     take turns (with                  mostly                have to take turns               the classroom /
                                 choose their snack                       own snack                            support)                  independently         -    To make healthy                   environment
                                      preference                        independently      -           To help new starters    -     To wash their hands               food choices            -   To make healthy
                      -       To become familiar with        -        To use the toilet                    with their snack          with little reminders                                          exercise choices
                               using the toilet – may                       mostly                            preferences                                               Reception
                                 need some support                      independently          -          To know how to              Reception                    -      To show an
                        -      To know why we have                                                     keep my teeth clean         -  To build strong,                 understanding of            Reception
                                 to wash our hands                                                                                   mutually respectful               healthy foods and
before food and after                -     To wash their           -     To use the toilet          relationships – what           healthy choices –           -       To show
         using the toilet                       hands with little                    mostly                    makes a great                why are they                 understanding
 -    To learn to look after                       reminders                    independently                      friend?                   important?                 towards looking
       the resources in the        -           To keep themselves    -       To wash their hands      -   To understand how           -     To look after            after our planet e.g.
               class                             safe by roads               with little reminders            to manage their                others and                 recycling, global
                                                                                                            own needs, hopes              understand how                     warming
               Reception                          Reception                  Reception                          and dreams                they feel about        -     To understanding
-        To see themselves as a        -          To express and         -   To express and          -    To try new activities               something                how to look after
          valuable individual in                identify their own             identify their              in the environment       -    To show resilience           themselves as they
           the class and school                        feelings                 feelings and            -    To follow rules in          and perseverance               grow / move on
 -      To know the class rules            -       To build close            moderate these                  the wider school             in the face of a         -     To take part in
                 and routines                    relationships and          both socially and                    community                    challenge               sports day with an
   -      To take responsibility                 form friendships,              emotionally            -   To understand the       -    To discuss why we              understanding of
              for keeping their                showing respect to    -   To think about their                  importance of              take turns, wait           winning and loosing
          classroom welcoming                           others              own feelings and                ‘sensible’ amounts            politely, tidy up      -    To show resilience
     -       To begin to build     -           To share resources          those of others by                  of screen time            after ourselves etc         and perseverance in
            relationships in the                   and toys with           given examples of                                      -     To play with others               the face of a
         class, showing respect                         others             how others might                                             and solve conflicts                  challenge
                   to others           -         To use the toilet            feel in certain                                            – with little adult   -     To play with others
 -      To express and identify                independently and                  situations                                                   support               and solve conflicts –
                 their feelings                   mange hygiene      -   To try new activities                                                                            with no adult
      -       To use the toilet                -     To follow            in the environment                                                                               intervention
                independently                   instructions given     -   To follow rules in                                                                    -     To understanding
       -       To wash hands                      by an adult and           the wider school                                                                           the importance of
            independently and                      act upon these                community                                                                            exercise on overall
                   correctly       -           To be confident in      -   To understanding                                                                             health and well-
-      To know the importance                  the familiar school         the importance of                                                                                   being
          of hand washing and                       environment              tooth brushing
             overall hygiene to        -         To use the toilet
          health and well-being                    independently
                                       -          To wash hands
                                               independently and
                                   -           To be able to cross
                                                  the road safely
   Nursery and        -   I   can   talk about my feelings and the feelings of others
Reception end goals   -   I   can   share and take turns
                      -   I   can   use the toilet independently and wash my hands
                      -   I   can   sit at the table with my friends and enjoy snack and a conversation
                      -   I   can   follow the classroom rules
                      -   I   can   keep myself safe from strangers, water and roads

                                                                                               Reception (ELG)
                      -   To manage own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices, teeth
                          brushing and exercise
                      -   To give focused attention to adults, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or
                      -   To form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers
                      -   To explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly
                      -   To show sensitivity to their own and others needs
                      -   To set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate
                      -   To be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge
                      -   To show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly
                      -   To work and play cooperatively and take turns with others
                      -   To can keep myself safe from strangers and articulate the reason behind this
Physical Development

Term                           Autumn 1                       Autumn 2                       Spring 1                   Spring 2                    Summer 1                     Summer 2

Main Themes
                           I wonder…. What is             I wonder… How do               I wonder…What is        I wonder… How could              I wonder…What              I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception         special about me?              people celebrate?                 out there?              we get there?               happened before?               happen next?

Programme                  Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences develop
                           incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and positional awareness
                       through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. By creating games and providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors,
                         adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide the foundation
                        for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor control and precision helps with hand-eye co-ordination, which is later linked to early
                            literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world activities, puzzles, arts and crafts and the practice of using small tools, with
                                                              feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence.

                                 Nursery                       Nursery                        Nursery                    Nursery                      Nursery                       Nursery
   Gross and Fine      -   To explore rolling,        -    To explore pushing,       -    To explore kicking     -   To dance to music,      -    To explore rolling     -     To explore playing
    Motor Skills           walking, running.               rolling and bouncing           different balls            they like                    and jumping in               team games to
                           jumping, hopping,               different balls           -    To be able to kick a   -   To create their own          different ways               achieve an end goal
   Nursery and             skipping, marching and     -    To run and stop.               ball                       dance moves in line     -    To explore different         e.g. parachute
 Reception skills &        crawling                   -    To explore different      -    To explore different       with the music they          wheeled balance              games
    knowledge          -   To explore different            wheeled balance                wheeled balance            can hear                     equipment e.g.         -     To take turns in
                           wheeled balance                 equipment e.g.                 equipment e.g.         -   To explore different         bikes, scooters              games
                           equipment e.g. bikes,           bikes, scooters                bikes, scooters            wheeled balance         -    To put their coat      -     To explore different
                           scooters                   -    To begin to make          -    To work with others        equipment e.g.               on independently             wheeled balance
   Reception 1 PE      -   To find a comfortable           large muscle                   to move large              bikes, scooters         -    To pull up a zip             equipment e.g. bikes,
 session in the hall       hand grip to mark               movements using                objects to make an     -   To use a rolling pin         after an adult has           scooters
  each week using          make                            streamers imitating            obstacle course            to change materials          started it             -     To put their coat on
 CompletePE online     -   To use a paintbrush to          circles, vertical lines   -    To begin to find a     -   To explore a knife      -    To use a                     independently
      platform             paint a picture                 and horizontal lines           more comfortable           and a fork                   comfortable grip to    -     To use a
                       -   To pour milk from a        -    To pour milk from a            hand to mark make      -   To line up as a class        mark make                    comfortable grip to
                           jug into a cup for              jug into a cup for             (dominant hand)            or in a group           -    To begin to use a            mark make
                           snack – support if              snack independently       -    To use scissors to     -   To use hand- eye             knife and fork to      -     To have a dominant
                           required                   -    To use different               make snips in paper        coordination to              eat different foods          hand
                       -   To develop their                tools to paint            -    To join large jigsaw       place objects on a           – support if needed    -     To select their own
                           confidence to try and           pictures                       pieces together            steak                   -    To have a                    tools appropriately
                           put on their own coat                                                                 -   To balance bricks to         dominant hand                for the task
                                                              Reception                     Reception                build vertically             when mark making
                               Reception                   COMPLETE PE                    COMPLETE PE                                             / writing                      Reception
                                                          Ball skills- Hands              Ball skills- Feet          Reception                                                 COMPLETE PE
COMPLETE PE                  -       To develop       -               To move a ball with                    COMPLETE PE          -    To thread objects                           Games
  Athletics- Walking and                   bouncing into a                            feet to kick                           Dance              with large objects           -        To be able to take
             Jumping                             space                 -          To dribble a ball    -            To show awareness           on a string such as                           turns
  -      To develop walking in         -     To combine                             with two feet                           of space            pasta, large beads           -         To understanding
           different pathways          pushing, rolling and                         around bones       -            To move safely and                                                  how to keep the
  -      To develop jumping in                 bouncing            -             To dribble against                 time with the music             Reception                           score of game /
              different ways      -    To throw to a peer /                          an opponent                   -      To combine            COMPLETE PE                           importance of this
-       To develop hoping with                  target                         -      To develop                      movements with                  Gymnastics         -            To understand and
         additional movement      -    To catch a ball with                         movement and                       some fluency to          -       To develop                   play by the rules of
 -      To begin to change for                two hands                              balance with                  create a dance piece           different rolls with                       a game
           PE with support –           -      To develop                           wheeled vehicles                -      To develop                      control            -         To be able to win
            doing buttons etc              movement and                             e.g. bikes and                      movement and       -     To be able to move                        and loose
  -      To develop movement                 balance with                               scooters                         balance with              in different ways     -            To ensure all Phase
            and balance with               wheeled vehicles    -                To begin to change                    wheeled vehicles                e.g. tip toes,                 2/ 3 letters correctly
          wheeled vehicles e.g.             e.g. bikes and                     for PE with support                      e.g. bikes and                 jumping etc           -        To sit comfortably
           bikes and scooters                  scooters                        – doing buttons etc                          scooters        -    To be able to jump                   at a table to write
     -    To begin to develop      -    To begin to change             -           To develop their        -         To sit comfortably            in different ways                     with an adult
          good pencil control           for PE with support                    posture when eating                   at a table to write         e.g. tuck as well as        -         To use a range of
   -     To use scissors to cut         – doing buttons etc                       in the dinner hall       -          To use scissors to             landing safely                    tools competently
          along a straight line      -    To demonstrate a         -              To manage large                       cut purposeful          -       To develop           -         To change for PE
      -    To line up and que            good pencil control                     objects with peers                          shapes                 balancing with                           mostly
                 patiently           -    To use scissors to                             safely            -          To change for PE                    control                        independently
                                        cut across a curved        -             To use scissors to                          mostly             -       To develop               -     To put on a coat
                                                  line                                cut a circle                      independently               movement and                      independently and
                                                               -               To join small jigsaw            -      To put on a coat                balance with                        zip / button
                                                                               pieces together                       independently and             wheeled vehicles      -           To write confidently
                                                                           -        To know what                   zip / button up with              e.g. bikes and                     and comfortably
                                                                                 happens when our                          little help                   scooters                       holding a pencil
                                                                                   bodies when we          -          To thread objects    -     To form Phase 2/ 3                         correctly
                                                                                        exercise                    with small holes on           letters correctly –
                                                                                                                       a string such as              some support
                                                                                                                         small beads                     required
                                                                                                                                             -    To sit comfortably
                                                                                                                                                  at a table to write
                                                                                                                                                     with an adult
                                                                                                                                             -    To use a range of
                                                                                                                                                  tools competently
                                                                                                                                              -   To change for PE
-    To put on a coat
                                                                                                                                independently and
                                                                                                                                  zip / button up

Nursery and                                                                                            Nursery
Reception end goals   -   I   can   hold a pencil comfortable to make marks
                      -   I   can   use scissors to make snips in paper
                      -   I   can   move in different ways- run, jump, hop, skip, climb
                      -   I   can   kick a ball
                      -   I   can   put on my own coat
                      -   I   can   finish my zip once it has it been started
                      -   I   can   complete a 6-piece jigsaw puzzle
                      -   I   can   pour my own milk and get my own snack
                                                                                                    Reception (ELG)
                      -   To   use a range of small tools completely and confidently e.g. scissors paint brushes, cutlery
                      -   To   move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing
                      -   To   be able to catch, kick, throw
                      -   To   hold a pencil effectively in preparation for writing (nearly always tripod grip)
                      -   To   form a range of letters correctly and confidently
                      -   To   negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others
                      -   To   begin to show accuracy and care when drawing
                      -   To   demonstrate strength, balance and co-ordination
                      -   To   put on their own coat and zip this up
                      -   To   complete an 8- piece jigsaw puzzle
                      -   To   get dressed and undressed independently

Term                                Autumn 1                          Autumn 2                      Spring 1                   Spring 2                  Summer 1                    Summer 2

Main Themes
                                I wonder…. What is                 I wonder… How do             I wonder…What is        I wonder… How could            I wonder…What             I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception              special about me?                  people celebrate?               out there?              we get there?             happened before?              happen next?

Programme                    It is crucial for children to develop a life-long love of reading. Reading consists of two dimensions: language comprehension and word reading. Language
                          comprehension (necessary for both reading and writing) starts from birth. It only develops when adults talk with children about the world around them and the
                          books (stories and non-fiction) they read with them, and enjoy rhymes, poems and songs together. Skilled word reading, taught later, involves both the speedy
                        working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words. Writing involves transcription (spelling
                                                           and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech, before writing)

                                    Nursery                             Nursery                      Nursery                    Nursery                    Nursery                      Nursery
   Nursery and              -     Phase 1 Aspect 1 –           -     Phase 1 Aspect 2-      -    Phase 1 Aspect 3-      -   Phase 1 Aspect 4-     -    Phase 1 Aspect 5-     -     Phase 1 Aspect 7-
    Reception                       General Sound                    General sound               General sound              Rhythm and Rhyme           Alliteration                Oral Blending and
                                    Discrimination-                  discrimination –            discrimination –       -   Phase 1 Aspect 5-     -    Phase 1 Aspect 6-           Segmenting
Phonics – Letters and               environmental                    instrumental                body percussion            Alliteration               Voice sounds          -     Initial sounds
       Sounds                                                        sounds
                                     Reception                                                     Reception                  Reception                  Reception                   Reception
                        -       Revisit Phase 1 Recap –                Reception            -    Phase 3 sounds         -   Phase 3 sounds        -    Phase 3 sounds        -     Phase 4
                                focus on Aspect 7 –            -     Phase 2 sounds
                                oral segmenting and
                        -       Phase 2 sounds
                                      Nursery                            Nursery                     Nursery                    Nursery                    Nursery                      Nursery
   Nursery and          -       To develop their mark      -        To develop their        -    To begin to            -   To begin to           -    To acquire and use    -     To produce
 Reception skills &             making and begin to                 play linked to               sequence and retell        sequence and retell        new vocabulary              emergent writing
    knowledge                   identify their marks                stories and retelling        stories linked to          stories               -    To count and clap           using initial sounds
                                e.g. patterns and          -        To begin to form             pictures they can      -   To use story               syllables in their    -     To write their own
                                shapes                              the first letter in          see                        language in their          name                        name forming some
   Comprehension        -       To join in with stories,            their name and          -    To develop more            play                  -    To recognise                letters correctly
                                rhymes and songs as                 others as                    print knowledge e.g.   -   To be able to write        rhyming words (not    -     To recognise words
   Word Reading                 they become familiar                appropriate                  text is read from          some letters from          written- listening)         that have the same
                        -       To know their favourite    -        To develop some              left to right              their name                                             initial sounds e.g.
       Writing                  story and the reason                print knowledge e.g.    -    To open the front                                       Reception                 money and mummy
                                why                                 print has meaning =          cover in a book and          Reception           -    To use and                  (WR)
                        -       To begin to show                    it is made of letters        turn pages carefully   -   To anticipate key          understand new        -     To find their name
                                interest in letters –               and words               -    To begin to show           events in stories          vocabulary                  from a selection of
                                                                                                 some emergent
particularly those in        -    To be able to name          mark making              -    To draw vocabulary       -    To read simple            other names starting
                          their own name                    a part of the book          including some                and knowledge from            sentences using           with the same letter
                      -   To find their name                e.g. front cover and        letters                       non-fiction and use           known phonic
                          from a small selection            back cover                                                throughout the day            knowledge                    Reception
                          of other names                                                   Reception                  in different contexts    -    To use their finger   -   To check, confirm
                                                               Reception            -   To describe events       -    To read some Phase            to point at words         and modify own
                              Reception                -    To sequence and re-         in familiar stories           3 tricky words                when reading              reading
                      -   To listen to stories with         tell stories though         and predict events       -    To begin to write        -    To write simple       -   To develop fluency
                          increasing attention              role play and small     -   To locate the title           captions using                sentences using           and confidence
                          and recall                        world play.                 and blurb in a story          finger spaces                 phonics knowledge         when reading
                      -   To practise writing          -    To begin to segment     -   To begin to identify                                   -    To be able to read    -   To read sentences
                          their name with good              words into their            when two letters                                            all Phase 3 tricky        containing Phase 2
                          pencil control (may still         single sounds e.g. c-       make one sound                                              words                     and 3 tricky words
                          being developed)                  a-t for writing             (digraph)                                              -    To begin to write     -   To read some Phase
                      -   To identify and write        -    To blend sounds         -   To begin to write                                           Phase 3 tricky            4 tricky words
                          some initial sounds               together to create          CVCC words (Phase                                           words                 -   To write all Phase 3
                          (Phase 2)                         words for reading           2 knowledge)                                                                          tricky words
                      -   To identify end sounds       -    To write simple         -   To write phase 2                                                                  -   To show awareness
                          in words (Phase 2)                CVC words / labels          Tricky words                                                                          of basic punctuation
                      -   To identify middle                (Phase 2)               -                                                                                         capital letter and full
                          sounds in words (Phase       -    To read Phase 2                                                                                                   stops when writing
                          2)                                Tricky words                                                                                                      sentences
                      -   To be able to orally
                          segment and blend
                      -   To recognise words
                          that rhyme
  Genres explored
                                                             Labels, lists, captions, recipe, poster, instructions, letters, stories, postcards, poems, recounts
   Nursery and
Nursery and                                                                                             Nursery
Reception end goals   -   I   can   recognise and write my first name with most letters formed correctly
                      -   I   can   give meaning to the marks I make
                      -   I   can   hear the initial sounds in some words
                      -   I   can   use story language and new vocabulary in my play
                      -   I   can   identify my favourite story/ rhyme and articulate why

                                                                                               Reception (ELG)
                      -   To write my first and surname, forming all letters correctly
                      -   To write all of the letters in the alphabet, forming these correctly
                      -   To identify key sounds in words and represent these with the correct letter correspondence
-   To   write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by themselves and others
-   To   demonstrate an understanding of what has been read by retelling stories & narratives using own words and new vocabulary
-   To   anticipate key events in stories
-   To   use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role play
-   To   say a sound for each letter and at least 10 digraphs
-   To   read words consistent with their phonic knowledge by sound blending.
-   To   read simple sentences in books that are consistent with their phonic knowledge, including some common exception words

Term                            Autumn 1                       Autumn 2                        Spring 1                Spring 2               Summer 1                   Summer 2

Main Themes
                          I wonder…. What is              I wonder… How do            I wonder…What is          I wonder… How could        I wonder…What           I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception        special about me?               people celebrate?              out there?                we get there?         happened before?            happen next?

Programme              Developing a strong grounding in number is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. Children should be able to
                      count confidently, develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers. By providing frequent
                         and varied opportunities to build and apply this understanding - such as using manipulatives, including small pebbles and tens frames for organising counting -
                      children will develop a secure base of knowledge and vocabulary from which mastery of mathematics is built. In addition, it is important that the curriculum includes
                         rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures. It is important that
                        children develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics, look for patterns and relationships, spot connections, ‘have a go’, talk to adults and peers about
                                                                                what they notice and not be afraid to make mistakes.

   Nursery and        Please see Nursery and Reception detailed Maths Long term plans
 Reception skills &

Nursery and                                                                                               Nursery
Reception end goals   -    I   can   count to 10
                      -    I   can   order, recognise and use numbers to 5
                      -    I   can   talk about 2D shapes
                      -    I   can   create, continue and spot errors in a pattern e.g. ABAB
                      -    I   can   use positional language
                      -    I   can   understand ordinal numbers
                                                                                                     Reception (ELG)
                      -    To have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number
                      -    To subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5
                      -    To automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10,
                           including double facts
                      -    To verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system
                      -    To verbally count to 10 forwards and backwards
                      -    To compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity
                      -    To explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally.
                      -    To name a range simple 2D and 3D shapes and start to discuss their properties
                      -    To make and continue an ABC pattern
Understanding The World

Term                          Autumn 1                          Autumn 2                        Spring 1                      Spring 2                     Summer 1                      Summer 2

Main Themes
                        I wonder…. What is                  I wonder… How do             I wonder…What is             I wonder… How could                I wonder…What          I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception      special about me?                   people celebrate?               out there?                   we get there?                 happened before?           happen next?

Programme                 Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community. The frequency and range of children’s personal
                        experiences increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them – from visiting parks, libraries and museums to meeting important members of society
                       such as police officers, nurses and firefighters. In addition, listening to a broad selection of stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems will foster their understanding of
                      our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world. As well as building important knowledge, this extends their familiarity with words that support
                                                understanding across domains. Enriching and widening children’s vocabulary will support later reading comprehension.

                                  Nursery                         Nursery                       Nursery                         Nursery                    Nursery                         Nursery
   Nursery and            -       To talk about         -      To talk about how         -     To introduce the       -      To know different      -   To talk about some          -    To introduce the
 Reception skills &           themselves and their              people celebrate                vocabulary for                 occupations e.g.         of the ways I have                vocabulary for
    knowledge                   immediate family              things differently to            seasons (Winter)              train driver, police        changed over my                seasons (summer)
                        -       To make sense of                  us e.g. Diwali         -    To know there are       -     To explore different             life so far        -       To understand the
                               their own life using       -     To know that the              many countries in              types of transport       -  To introduce the                  life-cycle of a
                                  family photos             Earth is where we live            the world, one of       -     To explore different           vocabulary for                      chicken
                           -      To discuss and       -      To know that a map              these being China                  collections of           seasons (Spring)      -       To show care and
                                    develop an                 is a picture of the         -   To know that in                  materials and       -   To plant seeds and                respect for our
                               understanding that                     Earth                   China people may                   identify their         care for them over               environment by
                              families are different   -     To know that we live              eat Chinese food                 properties e.g.                  time                         recycling
                      -      To use their senses to                in England                  using chopsticks                 vehicle making      -   To create a picture
                               explore the outdoor       -     To know there are        -    To explore different       -      To feel different        using the mouse on             Reception
                                environment and              many countries in the               collections of             forces e.g. push and            a computer          -   To identify Summer
                                 natural features              world, one of these              materials and                          pull                                          as one of the four
                      -      To explore collections                being India                   identify their           -     To know how                Reception                        seasons
                             of materials and their         -     To notice the              properties e.g. shells          different transport    -    To plant seeds and       -   To talk about the
                             differences developing           differences between            and pebbles for the             works e.g. A boat            care for them over            environmental
                                 a wide range of                others positively                    beach                   goes on the water           time, discussing the       changes in Summer
                                    vocabulary              -     To know that             -   To know how to         -      To retell the Easter          growing process               and why this
                         -       To introduce the              Christmas is when                  switch on a                         story         -     To talk about how                happens
                                  vocabulary for                  Jesus is born                    computer             -      To know how to               I have changed      -    To understand and
                                seasons (Autumn)         -     To be able to talk                                            press buttons on a            over my life and         describe the changes
                                                              about what they do               Reception                      beebot to make it          compare these with           in a chicken’s life
                                                               with their families                                                   move                        others                   cycle using
                                                                during Christmas
-      To be able to find the    -      To identify Winter                 Reception            -   To identify Spring                 developing
                                     Reception                  camera app on an                 as one of the four      -         To explore future         as one of the four                vocabulary
                               -    To identify their           iPad                                    seasons.                    aspirations and                 seasons.          -    To understand the
                                   family and wider                       -                 -    To talk about the                    occupations        -   To talk about the                importance of
                                    family members,                   Reception                     environmental             -      To explore the            environmental               recycling and why
                                   naming them and        -      To know that a globe            changes in Winter               differences between         changes in Spring                  we recycle
                                     discussing what             is a representation of              and why this                  transport in this            and why this      -       To be able to print a
                                  relation they are to                    the Earth                     happens                     country and in                  happens                 piece of work off
                                 them e.g. Mum’s Dad          -      To know that the       -    To recognise that                  other countries       -   To compare and               from the computer
                           -      To talk about their               Earth is round and               people have                 -     To explore           contrast characters
                                     neighbours and                         not flat            different beliefs and            understand floating             from stories,
                                     friends making           -      To recognise that             understand how                     and sinking             including figures
                                       comparisons                people have different         these are celebrated         -       To identify the            from the past
                          -       To use the 5 senses                    beliefs and                  e.g. China                  main events in the      -  To create shapes
                                   to describe when             understand how these          -      To recognise                Easter story and the       and change colours
                                   exploring outside                are celebrated e.g.            similarities and               changes in feelings       using the mouse to
                          -       To identify Autumn                         India                  differences in             -     To program a              make a picture
                                   as one of the four            -      To recognise                  contrasting                   beebot to move                 -
                                         seasons.                     similarities and            locations all over               around an area /
                             -     To talk about the                   differences in          the world e.g. China              map e.g. left, right,
                                      environmental               contrasting locations              and England                       forwards,
                                  changes in Autumn             all over the world e.g.   -     To be able to locate                  backwards
                                 and why this happens               India and England              China on a map                       -
                                                            -      To be able to locate     -    To be able to find
                                                                      India on a map                 and select a
                                                                -      To know that                program from a
                                                                    Christmas is Jesus’                 desktop
                                                                   birthday and how it    -     To be able to name
                                                                   is celebrated across              a computer,
                                                                          the world                 keyboard and
                                                           -      To be able to take a                   mouse
                                                                   photo of their work                 -
                                                                         on an iPad

Nursery and                                                                                                    Nursery
Reception end goals   -      I   can   talk about my immediate family
                      -      I   can   tell you the country I live in
                      -      I   can   talk about the differences I have seen in people, countries and communities
                      -      I   can   talk about the key features of life cycles using key vocabulary
                      -      I   can   talk about the different types of weather and why

                                                                                                          Reception (ELG)
-   To talk about the lives of people around them and their role in society
-   To know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class
-   To understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books and storytelling
-   To describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, discussion, stories, non- fiction texts and maps
-   To know some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country, drawing on their experiences and what has been
-   To explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries, drawing on knowledge from stories, non-fiction texts and
-   To explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants
-   To know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has
    been read in class
-   To understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.
-   To know that the Earth is round and not flat
-   To know the 4 seasons in order and notice the differences
Expressive Arts and Design

Term                            Autumn 1                      Autumn 2                          Spring 1                   Spring 2                    Summer 1                   Summer 2

Main Themes
                       I wonder…. What is                I wonder… How do              I wonder…What is            I wonder… How could              I wonder…What            I wonder. What will
Nursery & Reception     special about me?                 people celebrate?                out there?                  we get there?               happened before?             happen next?

Programme             The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular opportunities to
                         engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and
                      participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts. The frequency, repetition and
                                     depth of their experiences are fundamental to their progress in interpreting and appreciating what they hear, respond to and observe.

                                               Nursery                                                     Nursery                                                     Nursery
                        -      To express their ideas through pretend play             To create more intricate and complex small world        -      To develop own stories through role play and
   Nursery and             -     To make rhythmic sounds e.g. drumming                                      set ups                                      small world play linked to what they know
 Reception skills &      -    To sing familiar songs as a whole class and in             -  To play musical instruments demonstrating              -   To sing songs showing awareness of melody
    knowledge                                    provision                                             control when playing                      -    To use musical instruments to make their own
                      -      To engage in small world play and pretend play           -    To develop own stories through role play and                                     music
                              pretending that objects stand for others things               small world play linked to what they know                  -    To explore colours and color mixing
                        -     To explore musical instruments and the sounds           -    To use musical instruments to make their own                     -    To create their own songs
                                                they make                                                      music                           -     To create music with rhythm, pitch and melody
                                                                                       -   To have their own ideas and know how they             -    To use musical instruments to make their own
                                           Drawing and Painting                                        want to create them                                                  music
                            -       To learn how to wear a painting apron                                                                          -   To create designs and self-select materials to
                                -      To learn how to hold a paintbrush                                      3D form                                                       create
                                       -    To experiment with paint                    -      To explore making shapes with playdough
                                      -    To draw from observation                    -       To cut materials making snips with scissors                              Printing
                                  -     To explore different art materials               -      To build models using the junk modelling       -       To explore printing with body parts and loose
                                          Reception                                -         To begin to perform songs, stories and rhymes                           Reception
                          -   To explore and use a range of art tools                                         (lyrical recital)                    -    To experiment with colour, form, function,
                        -   To explore and use different materials when           -          To sing in a group or alone (stage outside good                       texture and design
                                       crafting and creating                                                      for this)
-             To begin to perform songs, stories and rhymes          -       To explore and engage well in music making      -  To perform songs, stories and rhymes
                               -           To explore and engage well in music making                    -     To refine their ideas and designs           expressing their feelings and emotions
                                         -    To explore and use artistic techniques                -      To listen attentively and move to music   -   To experiment with colour, form, function,
                                       -     To express themselves in different ways                               rhythmically (DANCE PE)                           texture and design
                                                                                                      -     To develop storylines in pretend play      -   To perform songs, stories and rhymes
                                          Drawing and Painting                                           -     To refine their ideas and designs           expressing their feelings and emotions
                       -     To experiment with colours and make new colours                                  -    To create collaboratively
                                           (painting) for a purpose                                                                                                    Printing
                             -     To explore drawing on different surfaces                                      3D form                               -  To imprint onto a range of textures e.g.
                               -    To draw from observation with details                   -   To explore making recognisable shape/ objects                           newspaper
                           -    To explore and use art materials for a purpose                             using clay for a purpose                  -   To explore making their own printing block
                                                                                            -   To explore ways of joining materials together
                                                                                                            using glue, staples etc                            Leaf printing- Summer 1
                                                Self-portraits- Autumn 1                      -    To cut different materials using scissors                  Flower printing- Summer 2
                                               Art Exhibition – Autumn 2
                                                                                                              Transport- Spring 1
                                                                                                          Easter egg crafts - Spring 2

 Nursery and                                                                                                       Nursery
 Reception end goals   -           I   can   identify and name my colours
                       -           I   can   use my imagination to role play
                       -           I   can   sing and create music with instruments
                       -           I   can   draw / paint a recognisable picture
                       -           I   can   use a range of tools to create

                                                                                                           Reception (ELG)
                       -           To   mix colours for a purpose
                       -           To   safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
                       -           To   share their creations explaining the processes they have used
                       -           To   make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories
                       -           To   invent, adapt and recount narratives and stories with peers and their teacher
                       -           To   sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs
                       -           To   perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others and try to move in time to music

Please see our Whole School Curriculum Overviews to understand how our EYFS curriculum and long term planning documents align and support a child’s
whole school curriculum journey at Castle View. At Castle View Primary School, we greatly value the important role that the Early Years Foundation Stage
(EYFS) plays in laying secure foundations for future learning and development. It is important to view the EYFS as preparation for life as well as preparation
for the next stage of education.
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