Catch-up Premium Plan: Swindon Academy Secondary Phase 2020-2021

Page created by Rebecca Vasquez
Catch-up Premium Plan: Swindon Academy Secondary Phase 2020-2021

Academy                                      Swindon Academy Secondary Phase               Allocated funding (Catch-Up)                        £52,771
Number on roll (total)                       913 in Years 7-11                             Allocated funding (National Tutoring Programme)     £13,000
% Pupil Premium eligible pupils              40.6%                                         Number in sixth form                                124

Issues identified from September 2020 as barriers to learning (e.g. curriculum gaps / literacy / attendance / wellbeing)
B1: Literacy skills: many pupils have reading ages are below the national average. Reading fluency and stamina has declined during lockdown.
B2: During Lockdown, gaps in knowledge, understanding and skills have developed across the curriculum as identified by each Head of Department
B3: Many pupils do not have access to a device which they can use for home learning or in the event of the need to self-isolate.
B4: SEMH issues for some SEND students have worsened during and following the lockdown period
B5: New and different T&L strategies will be needed for our Covid-secure classrooms
B6: With no SATs scores, it is difficult for teachers to plan and differentiate for year 7 pupils effectively.
B7: Any pupil with a poor attendance record in 2020-21 will be at risk of underachieving when their Lockdown absence is taken into account
B8: Wellbeing: Some students may find it difficult to adjust to the new school routines and structures
B9: Wellbeing: Some pupils have developed anxiety and some serious safeguarding concerns are emerging following the lockdown period
B10: There is a risk that parental engagement levels will decline during the ‘virtual meeting’ era
B11: The new plans for the school day create a number of logistical difficulties which could hamper high quality teaching and learning

Teaching and Whole School Strategies
Year       Actions                                                       Intended impact                                                               Cost
7          B6: MidYis testing for all Year 7 students                    Identify the ability of all students so that teaching sets accurately        £1,104
                                                                         reflect ability.
7          B6: The ‘no more marking’ comparative judgement               Scripts will be used to identify the ability of our new Year 7 cohort with    £0.00
           assessments to be completed by all Year 7 students in         regards to literacy. Teachers will use the outcomes to identify gaps in
           English                                                       learning that have arisen due to Lockdown.
7 8 9 10   B1: Purchase 3x NGRT tests for all students in Years 7-10     These tests will enable us to track reading ages and highlight the           £7,407
                                                                         positive impact our literacy strategy is having.
7 8 9 10   B1: Purchase additional tutor reading book sets to            The book sets purchased will provide a rich canon of literature to           £5,448
           broaden the menu of books available                           extend pupils’ vocabulary and increase their reading fluency. Students
                                                                         will be exposed to a greater number of words and challenging texts.
                                                                         The teacher ensures correct pronunciation and leads on the 30-minute
                                                                         daily reading programme. Students are developing a wider and more
                                                                         appropriate vocabulary range for subsequent use across the
11         B2: SLT Focus: no students to miss learning time; ‘Protect    There is no substitute for being in front of the teacher as school closure    £0.00
           every lesson like it was their last’ to avoid any further     has so clearly demonstrated
           gaps in knowledge.
11         B2: Pacing plans will be completed in all subject areas to    Planning a lesson-by-lesson approach will ensure content is delivered in      £0.00
           ensure the lesson time remaining is sufficient to cover all   time while also being able to assess achievement and progress
           syllabus content to be examined
7-11       B3: Ensure all students in all years have a computer          This will allow students to access all online learning resources at home     £16,581
           (chrome book) and access to the internet at home              whether for homework, periods of self-isolation, or local lockdown
10-11      B2: Ensure that all KS4 teachers are trained up in their      This will safeguard against potential staff absence or indeed                 £0.00
           exam specification                                            specification changes which means the curriculum is altered and there
                                                                         is a need for more expertise in different part of the spec
7-11       B11: Train 10 more staff members to become                    Considering the COVID situation, it is more essential than ever to offer
           instructional coaches                                         staff coaching, particularly as they are working alone in classrooms
                                                                         rather than using staff bases. This will support staff morale and thus
                                                                         positively influence T&L

7-11   B11: Purchase mini whiteboards and pens for all             This action will enable staff to gauge the understanding of all students     £2,747
       students in Years 7- 13                                     in the classroom, without having to walk around the classroom
7-11   B5: Ensure that the new SENECA PREMIUM platform is          The resources available within SENECA will allow for strong                  £2,603
       rolled out successfully and monitor the usage across year   independent learning at home and thus improve pupil progress when it
       groups                                                      comes to key assessment points (mocks and exams). Students have
                                                                   access to smart assignments, bespoke revision materials based on a
                                                                   work completion algorithm, and wrong answer analysis for all subject
                                                                   based exam revision. Staff and students will be able to identify learning
                                                                   gaps and set bespoke homework and revision that covers these gaps.
                                                                   Analysis of students’ work then builds over time and interleaved
                                                                   practice and revision is created.
7-11   B2: Continue the tracking of PREP engagement to keep        PREP will improve the independence of our students as well as support         £564
       up the positive momentum that was created during            progress when it comes to key assessment points (mocks and exams)
7-11   B5: Focus on Rosenshine & TLAC strategies leading to all    Evidence-based strategies are supporting students’ learning potential in      £0.00
       students knowing more and remembering more of the           knowing more and remembering more. The TLAC strategies in
       common curriculum being taught                              particular are allowing students to maximise learning and retain key
                                                                   subject knowledge.
7-11   B5: Learn about and implement best practice through         Trust-wide webinars will give teachers access to the very best of what        £0.00
       trust-wide webinars which include a focus on curriculum,    exists across the MAT. This will lead to the most effective classroom
       T&L, behaviour and pupil premium                            practice being shared and student learning optimised.
                                                                                                                                   Total Cost   £36,454
                                                                                                         Allocated cost from catch up Grant

Targeted Strategies
Year Group   Actions                                                  Intended impact                                                              Cost
7-11         B1: Purchase Bedrock Learning to support all students    Improve the literacy levels and vocabulary of our students. This will be    £2,866
             with their literacy levels                               shown by an increase in NGRT scores between October 20 and July 21
7-11         B2: Provide Period 7 PREP club open to all pupils but    Period 7 PREP club will help pupils to keep up with homework and             £0.00
             with specific invites for pupils who struggle to         reduce gaps in subject knowledge
             compete PREP at home.
7            B6: Thinking Reading: Small group tuition for students   The students who benefit from this small group work will make rapid         £1,475
             in Year 7/8 who require support in reading.              progress in literacy and numeracy as seen in the January NGRT tests
                                                                      and January ROA
11           B5 B6: Use allocated funding from the National           A Teach Frist Mentor will support identified students. Swindon              £5,835
             Tutoring Program to ensure additional targeted           Teachers will also provide targeted support. Their progress will be
             support is put in place for all students                 tracked at key assessment points such as mocks and exams
7-9          B5 B6: Direct Instruction (English & maths)              Training has been delivered by the Avonbourne DI hub team to staff at        £0.00
                                                                      the school and students identified for the programme. Programme well
                                                                      understood by the trained staff and suitable resources in place to
                                                                      optimise impact of DI.
7-11         B5: Hegarty and SPARX maths subscription                 Close and systematic tracking of Hegarty maths student completion           £1,200
                                                                      rates. Focus on number of questions answered correctly and time spent
                                                                      completing the tasks / videos. Monthly report produced tracking
                                                                      individual student success at class and school level
                                                                                                                                     Total Cost   £11,376
                                                                                                            Allocated cost from catch up Grant

Wider Strategies
Year Group   Actions                                                   Intended impact                                                            Cost
             B8: Pay for 100-120 hours of counselling time             Having additional counsellors or the provision will allow for more        £1,173
                                                                       children to have access to specialist advice and guidance over their
                                                                       worries centred around post lock down routines and anxieties. This will
                                                                       have an overall impact on well-being which will lead to a more positive
                                                                       outlook in lessons and around school
7-11         B2: Ensure that the home learning offer is updated        The process of accessing online learning resources is easy to do and is   £0.00
             and made available to all parents (via EPraise in the     bespoke for each subject in all years. The use of Oak Academy, Hegarty
             event of a student absence for self-isolation and/or      Maths and the UL curriculum is key here
             local lockdown
7-11         B10: EPraise – provide details about homework and Purchasing of EPRAISE app which is allowing parents and students to               £2,691
             home learning and track completion rated. Invest in the track set homework and work set for students to complete at home
             messaging add-on                                        more effectively. Epraise messenger and attendance add ons
                                                                     purchased to facilitate improved communication and tracking of
7-11         B10: Use Teams Calling for Progress Review Day in       To maintain communication between the school and the parents                £950
             2020/21 to ensure regular dialect between home and regarding academic performance
             school regarding academic performance
                                                                                                                                 Total Cost      £4,940
                                                                                                        Allocated cost from catch up Grant

Summary Catch-up Grant allocation
Strategy                                                      Cost
Teaching and whole school                                    £36,454
Targeted                                                     £11,376
Wider                                                        £4,940
                                                  Total      £52,771
                                             Allocation      £52,771

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