Chapter & Verse
                                           ADULT PROGRAMS

Free Virtual English & Citizenship Classes w/ Literacy Nassau      ZOOM ZUMBA WITH KRISTEN FONTE
Visit to make           Saturday, April 10 at 10AM:
an appointment to register in April.                               Meeting ID: 85966000572
                                                                   Passcode: yyk-bmufd2
Adult Take and Make: Spring Lemon Blueberry Scones                 Saturday, April 17 at 10AM:
Reserves/Registration: April 1                                     Meeting ID: 88146797409
Kit Pick Up: April 8 (Reference Desk)                              Passcode: yyk-bmufd2
Chef Rob's Video Demo (Facebook): April 15 at 11AM                 Saturday, April 24 at 10AM:
Please email to reserve          Meeting ID: 84777092519
your kit. Supplies are limited. This is a joint program with the   Passcode: yyk-bmufd2
Children's Dept.--families with children MUST reserve
through the Children's Room. Allergens may be present.              Virtual Lecture: Who was Typhoid Mary?
                                                                    with Leslie Goddard
Adult Take and Make: Essential Oils Stress Roller
                                                                    Wednesday, April 21 at 7PM
Reserves/Registration: April 1
                                                                   Scholar Leslie Goddard
Kit Pick Up: April 12 (Reference Desk)
                                                                   will discuss Mary in a video posted
Video Demo (Facebook): April 19 at 7PM
                                                                   to our Facebook page.
Email to reserve your
kit. Supplies limited. Presented by Janice Imbrogno of Home
Health & Spirit Corporation. Mineola residents only.
                                                                   Learning the Basics of Medicare-Medicare
Virtual Lecture: Moviegoing in America: Nickelodeons to            Made Clear (Zoom)
Movie Palaces to IMAX to Netflix with Brian Rose (Zoom)            Thursday, April 22 at 3PM
Wednesday, April 14 at 7PM                                         Joyce Poupko of Senior Services of North
Learn about the fascinating history of movie theaters and          America will go over Medicare Part A, B, C,
examine how the experience of moviegoing has changed               and D. Find out what Medicare covers,
over the decades. Will movie theaters survive the age of           your options, the cost, and enrollment.
Netflix? Email for the            Email
Zoom ID and passcode.                                              for the Zoom link and passcode.

                                                                   Virtual Piano Concert: April in Paris
Cover to Cover Book Club (Zoom)
                                                                   (Facebook Live) Thurs., April 22 at 6:30PM
Thursday, April 15 at 7PM
                                                                   Pianist Dan Fogel will play a mixture of folk
Join us to discuss The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel.
                                                                   tunes, standards, and classical works that
 Pick up a copy of the book at the Circulation Desk. Email
                                                                   evoke the feeling of Paris. Enjoy the concert for the Zoom ID and
                                                                   on our Facebook page.

                     Chapter & Verse
                                           ADULT PROGRAMS

Adult Take and Make: Churro Muffins with Chef Rob Scott         ZUMBA WITH KRISTEN FONTE
Reserves/Registration: May 3                                    Saturday, May 8 @10AM
Kit Pick Up: May 6 (Reference Desk)                             Zoom Meeting ID: 83067487510
Chef Rob's Video Demo (Facebook): May 13 at 11AM                Password: yyk-bmufd2
Email to reserve your         Saturday, May 15 @10AM
kit. Limited supplies. Joint program with the Children's        Meeting ID: 82590061106
Dept.--families with children MUST reserve through the          Password: yyk-bmufd2
Children's Room.                                                Saturday, May 22 @10AM
Adult Take and Make: Wood "Home" Wall Hanging with              Zoom Meeting ID: 86261418753
Flower Detail (Presented by Party Art Studio)                   Password: yyk-bmufd2
Reserves/Registration: May 3                                    Virtual Piano Concert: Back to the 80s
Kit Pick Up: May 10 (Reference Desk)                            (Facebook Live) Thursday, May 13 at 6:30PM
Video Demo (Facebook): May 17 at 7PM                            Relive the 80s with pianist Dan Fogel as he
Each kit includes paint, brushes, and wood pieces. Email        plays your favorites: Madonna, Whitney to reserve a project.         Houston, and more! Visit the library's
Mineola residents only.                                         Facebook page to watch!
Virtual Concert: Brandy Hart sings Disco (Facebook Live)
Wednesday, May 5 at 6:30PM                                      Virtual Author Visit: Bill Bleyer presents
This show takes you back to the 70's disco era with hits by     George Washington's Long Island Spy Ring: A
the Pointer Sisters, Gloria Gaynor, The Trammps, and Donna      History Tour & Guide
Summer! You may view the concert on the library's               Wednesday, May 19 at 7PM
Facebook page:          Long Island historian Bill Bleyer's newest
                                                                book was published on May 10. Join us as he
                                                                discusses the book and takes questions. Email
Virtual Presentation: The Betty White Story
Tuesday, May 11 at 3PM
                                                                receive the Zoom login.
Presented by Sal St. George
Author, humanitarian and actress, Betty White has the
                                                                Cover to Cover Book Club (Zoom)
longest television career in history. She was the first woman
                                                                Wednesday, May 26 at 7PM
to produce and star in her own TV show. Learn about the
                                                                Join us to discuss Deacon King Kong by James
fascinating story of the beloved First Lady of Television.
                                                                McBride. Pick up a copy of the book at the
 Email to receive the
                                                                Circulation Desk. Email
Zoom login.
                                                                receive the Zoom login.

                     Chapter & Verse
                                       CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS
(For Grab & Go Crafts, you may call/email (516-746-8488 ext. 1/ on the date pick up
                                      begins and we will hold a craft aside for you)

Breaking News: New E-Mail for the Children's Room!                     Grab & Go Craft: Rainstick
Starting April 1, please send all program sign ups to                  Kit pick up & Reserves: Monday, April                                      19
                                                                       Mineola cardholders only. Limited
Character Bunny Scavenger Hunt
Runs March 15 to April 12
Pick up a scavenger hunt card from the Children's Desk. Find
                                                                       reserve on Monday, April 19. When you
our hidden bunnies, earn a small prize! One card/prize per
                                                                       shake the stick, it sounds like rain!

Take and Make: Spring Lemon Blueberry Scones                           Love Your Earth Storytime (Facebook)
Reserves/Registration: April 1                                         Thursday, April 22 at 11AM
Kit Pick Up: April 8                                                   No sign up required
Chef Rob's Video Demo: April 15 at 11AM (Facebook)                     Celebrate our planet Earth with Ms.
Limited supplies. Mineola cardholders only. Email                      Meredith on the library's Facebook page. to register on April 1.              The video will be pre-recorded.
Joint program with Adult Reference. One kit per family.

Family Storytime: Mondays: April 5 and 19 at 11AM                      Grab & Go Craft: Mixed Media Octopus
Enjoy favorite stories and songs with Ms. Meredith on                  Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, April 26
Facebook (                     Video Demo (Facebook): April 28 at
Grab & Go Craft: Ellie the Elephant                                    Mineola cardholders only. Limited
Kit pick up & Reserves: Monday, April 12                               supplies
Video Demo (Facebook): Wednesday, April 14 at 11AM                     Email
Mineola cardholders only. Limited supplies                    to
Email to reserve on                  reserve on April 26. Presented by Party
April 12. Presented by Fun Stuff Express. Kit includes: pack           Art Studio. Kit includes octopus wood
of stuffing, satin heart, Fun Stuff backpack, and much more.           piece, paint, and brushes.

                    Chapter & Verse
                                  CHILDREN'S VIRTUAL PROGRAMS
 (For Grab & Go Crafts, you may call/email (516-746-8488 ext. 1/ on the date pick up
                                       begins and we will hold a craft aside for you)

Pets of Mineola (Facebook)                                             Grab & Go Craft: Ceramic Sneaker Bank
Runs May 2-8                                                           Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 10
May 2-8 is known as "Be Kind to Animals Week!" Do you                  Mineola cardholders only. Limited
have a pet that you love? Share them with us! Send us a                supplies
picture of your pet (include pet's name and age) to
                                                                       Email Your animal will be
featured on our Facebook page!
                                                                       May 10 to reserve. Presented by
Bookopoly                                                              Rosemarie Attard.
Runs May 3 - June 1
Pick up a game board in the Children's Room. Make your way
around a book themed Monopoly board and win some prizes!               Grab & Go Craft: LEGO Ninja Stress Ball
Family Storytime: Mondays, May 3 and 17 at 11AM                        Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 17
Enjoy favorite stories and songs with Ms. Meredith on                  Mineola cardholders only.
Facebook (                     Limited supplies
                                                                       Send an email to
Grab & Go Craft: Mother's Day Teacup Bird Feeder              on
Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 3                                  May 17. Includes balloons & flour.
Mineola cardholders only. Limited supplies
Email on May 3 to
reserve a kit. Use a teacup, saucer, glue, string, and bird seed
                                                                      Grab & Go Craft: Mason Jar Wood Piece
to make a delightful bird feeder.
                                                                      Kit pick up & reserves: Mon, May 24
Take and Make: Churro Muffins                                         Video Demo: May 26 (Facebook) at
Reserves/Registration: May 3                                          11AM Mineola cardholders only.
Kit Pick Up: May 6                                                    Limited supplies
                                                                      Send an email to
Chef Rob's Video Demo: May 13 at 11AM (Facebook)
Limited supplies. Mineola cardholders only. Email            on to register on May 3.               May 24 to reserve. Presented by
Joint program with Adult Reference. One kit per family.               Party Art. Includes: wood, paint, brushes.

                    Chapter & Verse
                                 TWEEN & TEEN VIRTUAL PROGRAMS
(For Grab & Go Crafts, you may call/email (516-746-8488 ext. 1/ on the pick up date and
                                               we will put a craft aside for you)

Trivia Challenges!: Thurs., Apr. 1 at 4PM-April Fool's Day                No-Contact Teen Volunteer Opportunities
Trivia; Thurs., Apr. 22 at 3PM-Earth Day Trivia                           (Gr. 6-12)
For teens, tweens, or families; will post on Mineola Library              Directions: Take pictures of your creations
                                                                          and email them to
Facebook page at
Test your knowledge with Miss Vivian the Librarian's trivia
                                                                          volunteer credit. 3 items = one hour of
                                                                          community service. One review = 1 hour of
                                                                          community service.
Grab & Go Craft: No-Sew Unicorn Pillow
Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, April 5
                                                                          Cards For Kids: Create cards for kids in
Video Demo: Wednesday, April 7 at 4PM (on Facebook)
                                                                          hospitals. Mail cards yourself when finished.
For Mineola teens, tweens, or families only. Reserve by emailing          For guidelines: Do you like unicorns?
Then make a unicorn-themed pillow to celebrate National                   Cards For Soldiers & Veterans: Create cards
Unicorn Day!                                                              for our soldiers and vets. Mail cards yourself.
                                                                           For guidelines:
 Grab & Go Craft: Pokemon Diorama Box                           
 Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, April 19
 Video Demo: Thursday, April 22 at 4PM (on Facebook)                      Kindness Rocks!: decorate rocks, using
 Mineola cardholders only. Limited supplies                               permanent markers or paint, with inspirational
 For Mineola teens, tweens, or families only. Do you like                 messages. Rocks available for pickup upon
                                                                          request while supplies last. Use these as gifts
 Pokemon? Then learn how to create your very own Pokemon
                                                                          or outside decor.
 paradise! Presented by McKel Supreme of Night and Day Anime
                                                                          Teen Volunteer Reviews - go to:
 Grab & Go Craft: Toy Story's Forky Magnet                      
 Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, April 26. Mineola cardholders            Librarian-selected reviews to be posted on our
 only. Limited supplies                                                   website.
 For Mineola teens, tweens, or families only. Email to reserve on April 26.                Volunteer Grab & Go Craft (Gr. 6-12)
  Build your own Toy Story's Forky magnet and stick it on your            One hour of credit per craft, to give to others
                                                                          or a charity. Pick up a craft, take a picture of
 fridge! Kits created by Miss Vivian the Librarian.
                                                                          completed craft, and send it to
 Godzilla Digital Escape Room: Thursday, Apr. 29 at 4PM
                                                                          Rainbow Peace Sign Bracelet
 For teens, tweens, or families. The link will be posted on
 Facebook. Monstrous fun! Created by Miss Vivian the Librarian.

                   Chapter & Verse
                               TWEEN & TEEN VIRTUAL PROGRAMS
(For Grab & Go Crafts, you may call/email (516-746-8488 ext. 1/ on the pick up date
                                            and we will put a craft aside for you)

Trivia Challenges!                                                      Grab & Go Craft: Emoji Glitter Zip
Wed., May 5 at 3PM-Cinco de Mayo Trivia                                 Pouches
Wed., May 26 at 4PM-Memorial Day Trivia                                 Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 3
For teens, tweens, or families; will post on Mineola Library            Video Demo: May 5 @4PM (Facebook).
Facebook page at              Mineola cardholders only. Limited
Test your knowledge with Miss Vivian the Librarian's trivia
                                                                        reserve on May 3. Families, tweens, or
Grab & Go Craft: Harry Potter Touch 'N' Feel Bookmark                   teens enjoy painting with glitter as they
Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 10                                  make an emoji-themed glitter zip pouch,
                                                                        perfect for carrying cash or keys, for
Mineola cardholders only.
                                                                        Mother's Day or for themselves.
Limited supplies
                                                                        Presented by Doris Benter on Facebook
For Mineola teens, tweens, or families only. Create a textured
Harry Potter bookmark that is fun to touch! Email
                                                               to reserve on May 10.
Craft kits created by Miss Vivian the Librarian.
                                                                Grab & Go Craft: Harry Potter Owl
Grab & Go Craft: Constellation Lightbox                         Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 10
Kit pick up & reserves: Monday, May 17                          Video Demo: May 12 @4PM (Facebook).
Mineola cardholders only. Limited supplies                      Mineola cardholders only. Limited
For Mineola teens, tweens, or families only. Email              supplies to reserve on Monday, May Email
17. Make your own box that magically lights up like the stars! to
                                                                reserve on May 10. Do you love all things
                                                                Harry Potter? Families, tweens, or teens
Toy Story's Forky Digital Escape Room                           make a Harry Potter owl pillow with a
Wednesday, May 19 at 4PM                                        special letter from Hogwarts. Presented
For teens, tweens, or families. The link will be posted on      by Doris Benter on Facebook at:
Facebook at: Forky
asks a question: will you have fun? Join this virtual adventure ry/
created by Miss Vivian the Librarian.
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