Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus

Page created by Cory Salinas
Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Appointment Brief
February 2020
Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
    Thank you for your interest in this challenging and
    rewarding role of Chief Executive Officer at Hibiscus.

    Hibiscus Initiatives (Hibiscus) is            In recent years the organisation has
    a passionate, women-centered                  grown and developed, we are now
    organisation, having delivered high           seeking a new leader who shares our
    quality services for those affected by        passion and commitment to build upon
    the criminal justice system for over          our success and ambition to achieve
    30 years. As an organisation we have          our strategic objectives.
    a distinct expertise in working with
    marginalised foreign national (FN);           If you have relevant senior leadership
    black, minority ethnic and refugee            experience and share our ambitions,
    (BMER) women in prison and the                values and vision, we would love to hear
    community, those in detention and             from you.
    families facing removal. Our impact is
    through four specialist service areas:        You will need to demonstrate expertise
    services in prisons, community services       in leading and developing teams,
    to women, international resettlement          strategic vision and the ability to
    and detention services and anti-              influence transformative change whilst
    trafficking.                                  maintaining a flexible and responsive
                                                  approach to the changing needs of our
    While we anticipate many challenges           clients and challenging environment in
    ahead, including securing funding             which we work.
    for some essential elements of our
    work, the organisation is well placed to      We welcome applications from a
    continue to have significant impact           diverse range of women with the
                                                  passion, skills and expertise to lead
                                                  Hibiscus into the next stage of

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Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Hibiscus Initiatives | February 2020   3
Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
About us

        Our Values                                Our vision:
                                                  A fair and just society where
                                                  inequalities are eliminated from the
                                                  criminal justice and immigration
        Social Justice                            systems

        Integrity                                 Our mission:
                                                  To support and empower vulnerable
        Respect                                   Foreign Nationals (FNs), Black,
                                                  Minority, Ethnic and Refugees (BMER)
        Learning and                              primarily women who are affected
                                                  by the criminal justice system and
        Innovation                                immigration restrictions

        Inclusivity                               Our goal for 2023:
                                                  We will be a stronger client-centred
                                                  organisation excelling in the delivery
                                                  of responsive, innovative services,
                                                  working collaboratively and influencing
                                                  policy and research in the UK and

4   Chief Executive Officer | Appointment Brief
Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Hibiscus Initiatives (Hibiscus) is a leading organisation
with a track record of delivering high-quality services for
over 30 years.

We have distinct expertise in working     There is no typical Hibiscus
with marginalised foreign national        client, clients face increasing
(FN); black, minority ethnic and          complex issues in extremely
refugee (BMER) women in prison, in        challenging situations where issues
community, and in detention, as well      and concerns vary according to
as with men who are detained and          individual circumstances. We work
families facing imminent removal.         with a diverse range of nationalities,
                                          ethnicities and languages. Many of our
Our work falls into four broad areas:     clients are mothers to young children.
services in prisons, community services
to women, international resettlement      In addition to being a lifeline to our
and detention services and anti-          clients, our work is widely respected
trafficking.                              by prison, probation and immigration
                                          staff who have time and time again
Our women-centred approach                expressed their appreciation for the
engages the clients, supporting and       services we provide.
empowering to deal with multiple and
often complex needs and, importantly,     We also conduct research and aim to
addresses the disadvantage that           raise awareness and influence policy
language and cultural barriers present.   makers and the public about the
As a specialist organisation working      experiences of our clients, many of
in the community and in custodial         whom end up in the criminal justice
settings, we support over 1,000           system when in fact they should be
clients from over 120 countries           treated as victims of trafficking, abject
each year.                                poverty, violence or because they have
                                          been coerced into criminal activity.
Support takes many forms and can
include help to access legal advice/      We are OISC accredited at level 2 and
representation, family matters, social    First Point of Contact for victims of
services, housing, mental health and      domestic violence. We are accredited
well-being, education and training,       with NCVO Trusted Charity Mark
and help settling into the community,     (Level 1).
either here or back in the clients’
county of origin or third country.

“ Very impressed with [the] excellent work
   and attitude of Hibiscus who support those
   trafficked and vulnerable…[they are]
   an excellent organisation for statutory
   partners to work with and learn from.
   			(Victims                    Commissioner for London)

                                                           Hibiscus Initiatives | February 2020   5
Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Our work
      Our principle activities this past year have been:

      Services in Prisons
      • Advocacy and advice to women
           in prisons.
      •    Mentoring and volunteering.
      •    Resettlement workshops.

      Community services to
      •    Providing a range of services and
           activities for women and their
           children at our Women’s Centre.
      •    Mentoring and volunteering.
      •    Advocacy, practical and emotional

      International resettlement
      and detention services
      • Supported returns and
           resettlement planning for women
           and men.
      •    Specialist welfare services for
           women detainees.
      •    Support for families facing an
           enforced return.

      • Identifying and supporting
           potential victims of trafficking in
           prisons, the community and in
      •    Referrals to the National
           Referral Mechanism and initial
           assessments (Hibiscus staff are
           trained first responders).

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Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Our achievements
Achievements in the past year have included:

 Services in Prisons
 Services     in Prisons
 • We had 1,391 one to one meetings with our
   clients in prison                         We supported

 We had

 • Supported a total of 438 clients in three
 •                                           clients in three prisons.
     Delivered a total of 56 workshops with our
     external partners
                                             We delivered
 Community services to women
    Wetosupported a total of 152with
          one meetings          women
    representing 36 nationalities
                                              workshops with our
 our clients in prison.
 •   We worked with 28 Volunteer Mentors      external partners.
 •   We delivered a total of 345 group activities
     plus 18 additional activities over 9 weekends
 Community services to women
 • Over half (61 percent) of the women with
     support in the community had trafficking
     We supported

     concerns.                              We worked with

                 representing and detention
                                            Volunteer Mentors.
 • We supported 1,856 clients in Heathrow,

     We deliveredand Yarl’s Wood

     We supported 15 families in Gatwick PDA
     We   supported
      group          75 potential
              activities plus 18 victims of   of the women with
      additional activities over              support in the community
      9 weekends.                             had trafficking concerns.

 International resettlement and detention services
                                              We supported
  We supported

                                              families in Gatwick PDA.
                                              We supported

  clients in Heathrow,
                                              potential victims of
  Colnbrook and Yarl’s Wood.                  trafficking.

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Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Our Strategy
Our strategic objectives for the next three years were
developed by Hibiscus’ Trustees, staff and with valued input
from our clients.

    Increased client provision,                       Improved and extended
    involvement and participation                     partnerships and collaboration
    As an independent Charity we aim to:              As an independent Charity we aim to:
    •   Reach a greater number of vulnerable          •   Develop a greater number and more
        FN and BMER women in the                          strategic partnerships.
        community, prisons, Gatwick pre-
                                                      •   Promote collaborative working across
        departure accommodation (PDA) and
                                                          the sector.
        immigration removal centres (IRC’s).
                                                      •   Participate in research in the UK and
    •   Provide specialist provision for those
        who have been trafficked.
                                                      •   Extend services in women’s prisons
    •   Facilitate and promote co-production
                                                          and IRC’s while exploring new ways of
        with our clients.
    •   Promote equality of access to services.
                                                      •   Use our data, skills and research
    •   Continue to improve what we do in a               gathered in our work to influence
        holistic and trauma responsive manner             policy and practices UK and
        to support our clients throughout their           internationally.
        journeys in the criminal justice system
                                                      •   Provide access to specialist support
        and immigration systems.
                                                          such as legal representation and
    •   Secure a larger space for our women’s             counselling.
                                                      •   Diversify our funding base.
    •   Promote and facilitate skills
        development which lead to
        empowerment and independence.
                                                      Improved quality and the
    •   Retain the provision of our current
        work with men at the Heathrow IRC’s.
                                                      strive to excellence
    •   Retain the provision of our current           As an independent Charity we aim to:
        work with families at the Gatwick PDA.        •   Be true to our vision and mission.
                                                      •   Evidence the quality and impact of our
                                                      •   Excel in the delivery of responsive and
                                                          innovative services.
                                                      •   Be efficient and effective.
                                                      •   Have a skilled and committed board,
                                                          staff and volunteers.

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Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Organisation chart

                                                                                                9 Board of Trustees


                                                                                               Head of International Resettlement and
                                         Head of Community and Prisons Services                                                                     Director of Operations
                                                                                                         Detention Services

                                                            Senior Prison                                           Project          Project     Administration      Database
                                        Coordinator                           Project Lead    Policy Officer
                                                              Worker                                              Coordinator      Coordinator    Coordinator      Administrator
                                       HWC Community                          Development    IRC Community
                                                               Prison                                                 IRC             PDA          Operations       Operations

                                                                                                                                                                  Comms & Info
                                           Project Worker                Project Worker        Project Worker x 4           Project Worker x 3
                                       Pan London Community            Community & Prison              IRC                         PDA

                                       Project Worker & Mentor
                                                                      Project Worker Court       Project Worker                                          Admin Assistant
                                                                       Community & Prison             SWS                                                  Operations

                                           Project Worker             Project Worker Court
                                             Community                 Community & Prison

                                       Project Worker Diversion

Hibiscus Initiatives | February 2020

Chief Executive Officer - Appointment Brief February 2020 - Prospectus
Role description
     Chief Executive Officer

         Salary:                                   Location:
         £65,000 - £70,000 per annum               The post holder will work from the
                                                   Hibiscus office in London and across
                                                   the sites Hibiscus works from. There
         Board of Trustees and specifically the
                                                   is a requirement to travel, this may
                                                   include international travel.
         Line Management:
         Director of Operations, Head of
         Community and Prisons Services:
         Head of Resettlement and Detention

     Role summary:
     The Chief Executive Officer will ensure that Hibiscus Initiatives upholds its mission
     by developing and sustaining high-quality gender specific services for FN/BMER
     women in custody, in the wider community, women and men in detention and
     families facing removal. The Chief Executive will work collaboratively to influence
     change to improve the situation of our clients and ensure the financial security of
     the organisation.

     The Chief Executive Officer
     • Raise the profile of Hibiscus among         •   Ensure that the aims of Hibiscus are
         stakeholders and the general public           met and revised to meet changing
         through effective but politically             circumstances.
         sensitive public relations.               •   Ensure robust strategic planning
     •   Be a passionate advocate for                  to support the implementation of
         clients with compassion and                   fundraising and other strategies to
         understanding for how they                    support the aims of the business
         may find themselves in such                   plan.
         circumstances.                            •   Ensure stringent financial
     •   Influence and help secure relevant            management and budgetary
         policy change.                                control and maintain robust
                                                       reporting procedures in line with
     •   Take responsibility for the effective
                                                       donor needs.
         management and leadership of the
         organisation.                             •   Be responsible for compliance with
                                                       legal requirements associated with
     •   Ensure good relationship with the
                                                       running a registered charity and
         Board of Trustees, providing written
                                                       company limited by guarantee.
         reports to quarterly Board meetings.

10   Chief Executive Officer | Appointment Brief
Key responsibilities

Governance                                 Advocacy and external
• Work with the Chair and Trustees to      relations
    keep the Trustees fully informed of    • Lead the organisation’s external
    progress, finance and risk matters         relations and profile-raising.
    ensuring Hibiscus complies with
    all legislations and regulatory        •   Develop and communicate the
    requirements.                              organisation’s key messages and
                                               represent the organisation.
•   Advise the Trustees on any changes
    in the wider environment which         •   Respond to and shape key policy
    impact on the service provided on          areas and trends.
    Hibiscus as a whole.                   •   Develop and maintain key strategic
                                               partnerships in line with business
Management and leadership
• Develop and maintain the overall
    strategic vision and direction.        Fundraising finance
•   Provide lead to the organisation       • Identify and approach new potential
    in achieving the objectives as             sources of funding including
    identified in the strategic plan and       income generation.
    as agreed with the board.              •   Ensure fundraising applications are
•   Provide direct supervision,                prepared and submitted in order
    support and management to the              to secure adequate funding for the
    management team.                           organisation to deliver the business
•   Inspire and motivate the staff team,
    providing an appraisal system          •   Maintain excellent relationships
    and regular staff development              with funders and partners.
    opportunities.                         •   Maintain overall budgetary control.
•   Ensure implementation of equal
    opportunities practices throughout
    all programmes and internal

                                                          Hibiscus Initiatives | February 2020   11
Person specification

     Personal qualities, skills and

     •   Proven track record of senior level       •   Experience within the women’s
         management, and a track record of             or criminal justice sector or other
         leadership which helps to achieve             related sectors, or has had exposure
         sustainability.                               to relevant sectors.
     •   Experience of working effectively         •   Outcome and impact reporting for
         with Boards of Trustees and a good            stakeholders and funders.
         understanding of governance               •   An understanding of issues facing
         requirements within small/medium              vulnerable women and families.
         sized charities.
                                                   •   Ability to deal with a range of
     •   A high degree of self-motivation:             strategic political and sensitive
         you are a strategic thinker who also          issues.
         enjoys being responsive and hands
         on as required.                           •   You enjoy leading, collaborating
                                                       with and empowering others.
     •   Experience and confidence to build
         and sustain a transparent and             •   You enjoy working in a diverse and
         equitable organisational culture,             inclusive team and finding new
         alongside the capacity to provide             ways to strengthen connections
         sound and effective financial                 with partner organisations and
         leadership and oversight.                     funders.
     •   Balances positive and engaging            •   You enjoy using data and evidence
         people skills with the ability to             to drive decision making and
         ensure rigour: accuracy and detail in         influence change.
     •   A persuasive and inspiring
         communicator, who is also open-
         minded and keen to learn.

         Due to the nature of this role
         we will be considering female
         applicants only for this post in
         accordance with the provisions
         of the Occupational Requirement
         (Equality Act 2010, pursuant to
         Schedule 9 part 1).

12   Chief Executive Officer | Appointment Brief
How to apply


To apply to become CEO at Hibiscus            Application deadline:
Initiatives, please submit your CV via the    15th March 2020
Prospectus website:            Preliminary interviews at
details/hq00176929                            Prospectus:
                                              17th-24th March 2020
Please upload your CV in Word format
                                              Panel Interview (1st Stage):
and include a supporting statement as
                                              3rd April 2020
part of your application, addressing your
experience in relation to the key points on   Panel Interview (2nd Stage):
the person specification, which should be     7th April 2020
no longer than 2 sides of A4.

A Prospectus consultant will review and
assess all submitted applications. As part
of the selection process, candidates may
be invited to meet with a consultant at
our offices.

                                                       Hibiscus Initiatives | February 2020   13
Created by the Prospectus
   Talent Attraction team.
                Prospectus Ltd
          20-22 Stukeley Street
            London, WC2B 5LR
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