Children's Drawings of Coronavirus - American Academy of ...

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Children's Drawings of Coronavirus - American Academy of ...
Children’s Drawings of Coronavirus
                                       Laetitia Martinerie, MD, PhD,a,b Delphine Bernoux, MD,c Lisa Giovannin-Chami, MD, PhD,d,e Alexandre Fabre, MD, PhDc,f

         To understand how children perceive severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
OBJECTIVES:                                                                                                                                         abstract
2 (SARS-CoV-2) in relation to public representations and to evaluate their interpretations.
METHODS:Children’s perceptions of SARS-CoV-2 were evaluated by asking 103 French children,
aged 5 to 17 years old, first to draw a coronavirus and then to identify SARS-CoV-2 in a series
of 16 images during summer 2020.
RESULTS:One hundred three children were included in the study, either during outpatient visits
at the hospital (in Marseille and Paris) or through the authors’ social network, and were
grouped in terms of age, parents’ occupation, mode of recruitment, and recollection of having
previously seen a representation of a coronavirus. Half of the children drew the coronavirus
as circular in shape, and almost all included a crownlike feature. One-third of the drawings
had anthropomorphic features. Although the pictorial representations of the virus were fairly
accurate overall, the children’s interpretations of the crownlike structure were imaginative.
The explanations the children gave for their drawings were in some cases surprising. Among
the 16 pictures they were shown, the children correctly identified those of SARS-CoV-2, other
than the electron micrograph, in more than two-thirds of cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Children of all ages, even the youngest, and both sexes had a relatively accurate
perception of SARS-CoV-2, as evaluated through their drawings and their ability to recognize
it among other pictures. The children’s drawings of the coronavirus were colorful and had a
less frightening tone than expected in the light of media coverage, suggesting that they had
developed coping mechanisms.

 Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology Department, Robert Debre Hospital, Assistance Publique–H^opitaux de        WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: The SARS-CoV-2
Paris, Paris, France; bUniversite de Paris, Paris, France; cPediatric Multidisciplinary Department, Timone Enfant   pandemic and the school closures and lockdowns that
Hospital, Assistance Publique–H^opitaux de Marseille, Marseille, France; dPediatric Pulmonology and Allergology
                                                                                                                     have been imposed to control it have dramatically altered
Department, H^opitaux Pediatriques de Nice Centre Hospitalier Universitaire-Lenval, Nice, France; eUniversite de
Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France; and fINSERM, MMG, U1251, Aix Marseille Univ, Marseille, France                  children’s lifestyles across the world. To our knowledge,
                                                                                                                     children’s representations of SARS-CoV-2 have never
Drs Martinerie and Bernoux conceptualized and designed the study and collected data; Dr                              previously been studied by analyzing their drawings.
Giovannini-Chami collected data; Dr Fabre conceptualized and designed the study, designed the
data collection instruments, collected data, performed the statistical analyses, and drafted the                     WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Our study suggests that
initial manuscript; and all authors and reviewed and revised the manuscript, approved the final                       children, even the youngest, had fairly accurate
manuscript as submitted, and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.                                    perceptions of SARS-CoV-2, both in their drawings and in
                                                                                                                     their capacity to recognize it among other pictures.
Data, the statistical code, questionnaires, drawings, and technical processes are available from
the corresponding author. The sources of the pictures shown to the children and all the data
collected are provided in the Supplemental Information. Dr Fabre affirms that the article is an
honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important
aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned
have been explained.
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships
relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
                                                                                                                      To cite: Martinerie L, Bernoux D, Giovannin-Chami L, et al.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts                            Children’s Drawings of Coronavirus. Pediatrics.
of interest to disclose.                                                                                              2021;148(1):e2020047621

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PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 1, July 2021:e2020047621                                                                                                                    ARTICLE
Children's Drawings of Coronavirus - American Academy of ...
Although children tend to have              study how children depicted the                 whether the children remembered
milder forms of coronavirus disease         coronavirus in relation to public               having seen a coronavirus (in a
2019,1 the pandemic and the                 representations and to evaluate                 picture, movie, video, etc). Children’s
lockdowns imposed to control it             their interpretations of the                    perceptions of SARS-CoV-2 were
have dramatically altered their             pandemic. The objective of the study            evaluated in 2 ways. They were first
lifestyles and well-being.2,3 School        was to evaluate children’s                      asked to draw a coronavirus in a
closures have severely limited              knowledge and understanding of                  170  160-mm frame. The children
children’s social interactions. In          SARS-CoV-2 through their drawings.              were given the following written
France, schools were closed for 2                                                           instructions: “Draw a coronavirus,
months in spring 2020, and the              METHODS                                         as you imagine it, without any
lockdown has since been replaced            In the following sections, the term             model or example (draw it large
by specific infection prevention            “coronavirus” refers to the                     enough, even if it really is very
measures and general unease,                children’s representations, whereas             small).” They were invited to
notably in schools, where the               “SARS-CoV-2” refers to the virus                comment on their drawing. For the
wearing of face masks is mandatory,         itself.                                         second evaluation, they were shown
hand-washing is performed at                                                                a series of 16 images simultaneously
regular intervals, and physical             Participants                                    and were asked to indicate which
distancing rules include a ban on           Children aged 5 to 17 years were                images represented a coronavirus
direct contact, even for the youngest       recruited either during outpatient              (by circling them) and which did not
children. These new behavioral              visits to 2 pediatric hospitals in              (by crossing them out) or if they did
requirements have all arisen                France (La Timone Enfants in                    not know. The 16 pictures were the
because of an invisible threat that         Marseille and Robert Debre in Paris)           red and gray three-dimensional (3D)
children may struggle to                    or through the authors’ social                  illustration of a SARS-CoV-2 virion
conceptualize. One way to help              network.                                        released by the CDC; a black
children make sense of difficult                                                            bacteriophage; a brown bat; a silver
concepts is through drawing: “S’il          Participants were recruited from                sardine; a cartoon picture of a green
vous pla^ıt … dessine-moi un mouton!”       July 15, 2020, to August 31, 2020.              anthropomorphic coronavirus
asks The Little Prince in the famous                                                        particle; a black and white electron
novella.4 Drawing is a natural and,         Procedure                                       microscopy image of an HIV virion;
perhaps, the most fundamental form          Children were enrolled in the study             a brown pangolin; a purple and blue
of human expression and can be              after they and their parents had                3D image of a SARS-CoV-2 virion; a
used to explore concepts and                provided informed consent. The                  red and blue 3D representation of
experience, to promote self-analysis        purpose of the study, as explained              an HIV virion; a green olive tree; a
and dialogue, and as an investigative       to the children and their parents,              brown and green 3D illustration of a
tool.5,6 Illustrations of severe acute      was to evaluate the children’s                  SARS-CoV-2 virion; a black and
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2          understanding and representations               white electron microscopy image of
(SARS-CoV-2) have been a                    of SARS-CoV-2 through their                     a human papillomavirus (HPV)
ubiquitous feature of the                   drawings and their ability to                   virion; a blue on red background
coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic,          recognize images of the virus.                  electron microscopy image of an
as exemplified by the widely                                                                Ebola virus particle; a gray and red
reproduced image released by the            Separate consent was requested                  cartoon picture of a SARS-CoV-2
Centers for Disease Control and             from the children and their parents             virion; a red on yellow background
Prevention (CDC).7 Drawing can be           to publish their drawings. The 7                electron microscopy image of a
used to give shape to the virus8 and        parameters recorded were                        Salmonella typhimurium bacterium;
grasp the realities underlying the          department (departement) of                    a red, yellow, and green on black
pandemic. On the other hand,                residence; mode of recruitment;                 background electron microscopy
Byrne9 found that young children            whether a parent was a health care              image of a SARS-CoV-2 virion; and a
seldom represent microorganisms             worker; parents’ occupation,                    silver sardine. All images except for
accurately and often give them an           categorized according to the Institut           the cartoon representation of a
animal or fantastical appearance.           National de la Statistique et des               green anthropomorphic coronavirus
How did the children envision SARS-         
                                                    Economiques    (INSEE) (the             particle were obtained from
CoV-2 Was it still a natural object,        French national statistics institute)           Wikimedia commons (list and origin
or had it become more mythical? It          occupational classification; self-              in Supplemental Fig 5 and
therefore seemed interesting to             reported age; self-reported sex; and            Supplemental Table 3). These

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Children's Drawings of Coronavirus - American Academy of ...
images were chosen either randomly              Parameters were compared between                the 101 French departments, mostly
among images representing SARS-                 6 subgroups defined by sex (girl or             from the areas around Marseille (35
CoV-2, randomly among other virus-              boy), age (5–6, 7–8, 9–10, 11–12,               children) and Paris (24 children),
es, because they were similar in                and 13–17 years), parents’                      with on average 5.2 children per
shape to SARS-CoV-2 virions, or be-             occupation (health care worker or               department (SD 7.4). The mean age
cause they had another factor in                other), mode of recruitment (social             of the participants was 9.1 years; 59
common with the virus. Finally, the             network or outpatient visit), and               (57.3%) reported their sex as male
children were asked to give their               recollection of having previously               and 44 (42.7%) as female. Thirty-
opinions of the questionnaire. No               seen a representation of a                      five (33.9%) had a parent who was a
predetermined time limit was im-                coronavirus (yes or no).                        health care worker, and 38 (36.9%)
posed; the only restriction was on                                                              of the children were enrolled during
                                                Statistical Analyses
the 5 colors used for the drawings:                                                             outpatient visits. Two hundred
black, red, green, yellow, and blue.            Statistical analyses was performed              parents provided their occupation
To avoid interactions between par-              with R (http://biostatgv.sentiweb.              (Table 1). The distribution between
ticipants (in particular, between sib-          fr/) by using nonparametric tests               INSEE categories differed
lings), the instructions were given             (Wilcoxon rank test and Kruskal-                significantly from that of the general
and the tests were conducted in a               Wallis test). Results were considered           population,10 both for the study
private area, and the children could            statistically significant at P < .05.           group as a whole (P < .001) and for
therefore not see the other drawings                                                            each of the subgroups considered
                                                Patients and Public Involvement
or exchange with other participants                                                             (data not shown), except for
about what they wanted to draw.                 Parents could leave their e-mail                outpatients (P 5 .14).
                                                address (on a separate sheet to
Data Analyses                                   preserve anonymity) if they wished              The subgroups girl and boy, age
The drawings were analyzed by                   to receive the results of the study.            (categorized into 5 subgroups: 5–6
using the method developed by                   They will receive an abstract written           years old, 7–8 years old, 9–10 years
Reiss et al6 and used by Byrne.9 The            in French for the layperson.                    old, 11–12 years old, 13–17 years
drawings were first analyzed                                                                    old), children with at least 1 health
                                                Ethical Approval
qualitatively to identify a set of                                                              care worker parent and other
characteristic features, and these              This study was registered locally               children, social network–enrolled
parameters were then analyzed                   under 20_265. All children and their            children and outpatients, and self-
quantitatively (frequency and                   parents, or legal representative with           reported antecedent of seeing a
percentage) in the drawings. The                parental authority, provided                    representation of a coronavirus and
parameters considered were the                  informed consent to participate in              no self-reported antecedent of
number of virus particles; body                 the survey. Because the study was               seeing a representation of a
shape (circular, oval, humanlike, or            completely anonymous and involved               coronavirus did not differ
other); presence of a crown, defined            no biomedical data, no ethics                   significantly in terms of age or self-
as a structure around the central               committee approval was required                 reported sex. As expected, the
shape; when present, the                        under French law.                               children of health care workers
characteristics of the crown (lines,                                                            were more likely to have been
spikes, circles, mushroomlike, halo,            RESULTS                                         recruited through the authors’ social
or square) and whether it had a                 The results of the study are                    network (P 5 .011), and their
single (simple) or multiple                     presented in 4 parts: the                       parents’ occupational profile
components (complex); presence of               characteristics of the study                    differed significantly from the rest of
anthropomorphic features; 3D                    population, the characteristics of the          the study group (P < .001), as did
effects; main (>50%) color of the               drawings, the results of the image              occupational distributions of the
body (red, green, yellow, blue, black,          identification tests, and, finally, the         outpatient-recruited and social
or multiple); main (>50%) color of              children’s assessment of the study.             network–recruited subgroups (P <
the crown (red, green, yellow, blue,                                                            .001) (Supplemental Table 4).
black, or multiple); presence of text;          Population
and presence of components other                All eligible participants agreed to             Characteristics of the Drawings
than the virus in the drawing. The              participate in the study. One                   The median number of virus
children’s comments explaining                  hundred three children from 73                  particles drawn was 1 (range, 1–60),
their drawings were analyzed                    families participated in the study.             the most frequently occurring shape
qualitatively.                                  The participants came from 20 of                was a circle (52.4% of drawings),

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 1,Downloaded
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TABLE 1 Characteristics of the Children Enrolled in the Study
                                                                 All      5–6 y Old   7–8 y Old   9–10 y Old       11–12 y Old   $13 y Old    P
    n                                                            103         19          31           20                19           14
    Sex, male/female                                            59/44       11/8       16/15        10/10             11/8         11/3       .31
    Age, y, mean (SD)                                         9.1 (2.8)   5.7 (0.5)   7.3 (0.5)     9.7 (0.5)       11.4 (0.5)   13.4 (1.4)   .26
    Way of enrollment, n (%)                                                                                                                  .11
      Social network                                          65 (63)      13 (68)     23 (74)       12 (60)          9 (47)        8 (57)
      Outpatients                                             38 (37)       6 (32)      8 (26)        8 (40)         10 (53)        6 (43)
    Socioeconomic category of parents, n (%)                                                                                                  .82
      At least 1 parent a health care worker                  35 (34)       8 (42)     10 (32)        6 (30)          4 (21)        7 (50)
      Other                                                   68 (66)      11 (58)     21 (68)       14 (70)         15 (79)        7 (50)
    Socioeconomic category of parents according to INSEE, n     200          37          59           39               38            27       .17
      1 farmers, n (%)                                        14 (7)        2 (5)       5 (9)         1 (3)           4 (10)        2 (7)
      2 craftsman, shopkeeper and large retailer, chairman,   15 (7.5)      3 (8)       2 (3)         1 (3)           5 (13)        4 (15)
         and managing director, n (%)
      3 senior executive, managers, and higher intellectual   83 (41.5)    21 (57)     29 (49)        9 (23)         14 (37)      10 (37)
         professions, n (%)
      4 intermediate jobs, n (%)                              49 (24.5)     7 (19)     16 (27)       15 (38)           6 (16)       5 (19)
      5 low-grade white collar, n (%)                         21 (10.5)     4 (11)        0           8 (20)           6 (16)       3 (11)
      6 blue collar, n (%)                                    10 (5)          0         3 (5)         4 (10)           3 (8)         0
      7 retired, n (%)                                            0           0           0            0                0            0
      8 unemployed, n (%)                                      8 (4)          0         4 (7)         1 (3)             0           3 (11)

and 88.4% of the drawings featured                    extra drawn elements (in 6 cases, this         3). The other non–SARS-CoV-2 images
virus particles with a crown, the                     was a human being). Interestingly,             were improperly identified as SARS-
majority of which (56.1%) had                         the virus was represented as the Devil         CoV-2 in 70% of the children, the only              explanations involved 5 main
drawings (12.6%) featured text                        exception being the electron                   themes. There were comments on
(mostly “coronavirus” or “the                         micrograph, which was only correctly           the way they had represented the
coronavirus”), and 20 (19.4%) had                     recognized by half of the children (Fig        virus itself: the coronavirus was

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4                                                                                                                                 MARTINERIE et al
TABLE 2 Characteristics of the Drawings
                                                                      5–6 y Old           7–8 y Old         9–10 y Old         11–12 y Old          $13 y Old
                                                 All (N 5 103)        (n 5 19)            (n 5 31)           (n 5 20)           (n 5 19)            (n 5 14)       P
 No. viruses represented, n (minimum to             1 (1–60)            1 (1–2)            1 (1–38)           1 (1–1)             1 (1–60)            1 (1–1)     —
 Shape of the virus(es), n (%)                                                                                                                                    .37
    Circle                                         54   (52)            9   (48)          13   (42)          12 (60)            11 (58)               9   (65)
    Oval                                           38   (37)            8   (42)          13   (42)           8 (40)             7 (37)               2   (14)
    Humanlike (body)                                5   (5)             1   (5)            3   (10)            0                  0                   1   (7)
    Other                                           6   (6)             1   (5)            2   (6)             0                 1 (5)                2   (14)
 Body color, n (%)                                                                                                                                                .73
    Red                                            18   (17)            3 (16)             7   (23)           5 (25)             2 (11)               1 (7)
    Green                                          27   (26)            3 (16)             9   (29)           4 (20)             4 (21)               7 (50)
    Yellow                                          7   (7)             2 (10)             2   (6)            1 (5)              2 (11)                  0
    Blue                                            4   (4)                0               3   (10)            0                  0                   1 (7)
    Black                                          11   (11)            2 (10)             4   (13)           2 (10)             3 (16)                  0
    Multiple                                        6   (6)             1 (5)              2   (6)            2 (10)              0                   1 (7)
    None                                           30   (29)            8 (43)             4   (13)           6 (30)             8 (43)               4 (29)
 3D representation, n (%)                          23   (22)            2 (10)             5   (16)           6 (30)             5 (26)               5 (36)      .047
 Anthropomorphic feature, n (%)                    38   (37)            9 (47)            14   (45)           9 (45)             2 (10)               4 (28)      .032
 Elements drawn other than the virus,              20   (19)            4 (21)             6   (19)           2 (10)             5 (26)               3 (21)      .86
     n (%)
 Text accompanying the drawing, n (%)             13 (13)                 0                4 (13)             3 (15)              3 (16)             3 (21)       .074
 Maximum length of the drawing,a                83; 95.5 (44.8)    14; 101.1 (55.5)    21; 90.9 (41.2)    17; 100.9 (44)      18; 93.2 (46.6)     13; 89.8 (35)   .95
     n; mean (SD), mm
 Presence of a crown, n (%)                        91 (88)             18 (95)            25 (81)            18 (90)            17 (89)              13 (93)      .78
    If yes, n (%)                                                                                                                                                 .84
        Simple                                     84 (92)             18 (100)           22 (88)            15 (83)            17 (100)             12 (92)
        Complex                                     7 (7)                  0               3 (22)             3 (17)                0                 1 (8)
        Shape of crown,b n                             98               18                 28                 21                 17                   14          .61
          Line, n (%)                              13 (13)              3 (17)             3 (11)             3 (14)             2 (12)               2 (14)
          Spike, n (%)                             13 (13)              3 (17)             3 (11)             3 (14)             2 (12)               2 (14)
          Circle n (%)                              6 (6)               3 (17)             1 (3)              1 (5)              1 (6)                   0
          Mushroomlike, n (%)                      55 (57)              8 (44)            15 (53)            12 (57)            11 (64)               9 (65)
          Halo, n (%)                               6 (6)               1 (5)              3 (11)             1 (5)                 0                 1 (7)
          Square, n (%)                             5 (5)                  0               3 (11)             1 (5)              1 (6)                   0
        Color of crown(s), n                           91                 18                  25                18                  17                  13        .30
          Red, n (%)                               16 (18)              2 (11)             5 (20)             1 (5)              5 (29)               3 (23)
          Green, n (%)                             29 (31)              6 (33)             8 (32)             5 (28)             6 (35)               4 (31)
          Yellow, n (%)                             7 (8)               1 (6)              1 (4)              2 (11)             1 (6)                2 (15)
          Blue, n (%)                              10 (11)              2 (11)             4 (16)             1 (6)              1 (6)                2 (15)
          Black, n (%)                             16 (18)              2 (11)             3 (12)             6 (33)             4 (24)               1 (8)
          Multiple, n (%)                          13 (14)              5 (28)             4 (16)             3 (17)             0 (0)                1 (8)
For purposes of clarity, parameters according to sex are not represented because they were never statistically different. —, not applicable.
  Twenty of the 103 drawings were excluded from the size analysis because they had been done on a nonstandardized sheet of paper.
  Seven drawings had >1 crown; therefore, the number of “shape of crown” (n 5 98) is larger than the number of drawings with presence of a crown (n 5 91).

compared with a millipede (by a                            function of the crown: the spikes                           7-year-old boy and a 9-year-old
5-year-old girl), a mushroom (by a                         were qualified as sticky (by a 7-                           girl); as being evil (by 2 boys aged 7
9-year-old boy) and a porcupine (by                        year-old girl and                                           and 9 years and 2 girls aged 6 and 9
an 11-year-old boy). They also                             7-, 9-, and 10-year-old boys) and as                        years); as being mortal (by a 13-
commented on the way they had                              able to detect humans (by a                                 year-old girl); as making people sick,
imagined the crownlike protrusions:                        13-year-old boy), contaminate (by a                         incurable, or dead (by a 6-year-old
as tentacles (by a 10-year-old boy),                       9 -year-old girl), or suck blood and                        boy); and as floating in the air (by 2
branches (by a 13-year-old boy),                           project bacteria (by a 7-year-old                           boys aged 7 and 12 years). One girl,
suction cups (by a girl and 2 boys                         boy). Finally, some children included                       aged 5 years, described SARS-CoV-2
7 years of age), mushrooms (by a                           more general considerations in their                        as being sad because it had lost its
7-year-old boy), and spikes (by an                         comments, mostly about the virus’s                          family, and one boy, aged 16 years,
8-year-old boy and 7- and 9-year-                          impact on humans. The virus was                             said that it had both negative and
old girls). The children also                              described as the “king of germs” (by                        positive aspects, two of which being
explained how they imagined the                            a 7-year-old boy); as the Devil (by a                       population reduction and improved

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The coronavirus drawings of 94 children of the 103 who participated in the study (9 did not consent to their drawing being published). The drawings are
arranged by age from top to bottom and left to right, with the youngest child’s drawing at the top left-hand corner and the oldest child’s drawing in the bot-
tom right-hand corner.

adherence to infection control                        answered that they were mostly                         red or green circle with a crown
guidelines in the general population.                 satisfied: 38 children found the                       composed of mushroomlike surface
Eight drawings showed the                             study good; 6, interesting; 4, easy; 3,                projections. This is a good
coronavirus interacting with humans                   funny; 1, important; and 1 child                       approximation of the common
or the environment (Fig 4). Three of                  described it as extraordinary. Five                    representation of SARS-CoV-2
the 4 children who had drawn the                      children said that it was strange.                     particles in the media and in the
coronavirus interacting with humans                   Only a handful expressed a negative                    scientific literature. Moreover, with
commented that their aim was to                       opinion: 3 children found the study                    the exception of the electron
show the coronavirus being                            difficult, 2 did not like it. Finally, one             micrograph, the 5 remaining
defeated or scared.                                   child said, “Thank you to all the                      illustrations of SARS-CoV-2 virions
                                                      health workers.”                                       were correctly identified by >70%
Children’s Assessment of the Study                                                                           of the children. This suggests that
When asked about their assessment                                                                            most of the children were aware of
of the study after completing it, 62                  DISCUSSION                                             the archetypal representation of
of 103 children expressed an                          A majority of the children in this                     SARS-CoV-2. Interestingly, although
opinion. Fifty-seven children                         study represented SARS-CoV-2 as a                      older children were more likely to

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6                                                                                                                                           MARTINERIE et al
branches to detect its victims or             “supervirus” either in discussions or
                                                  even pump for blood and bacteria to           in the drawings themselves
                                                  go into or out of the virus.                  (superhero muscles, an actual
                                                  Furthermore, as reported by Byrne,9           crown, other viruses being rejected
                                                  the children did not clearly                  by the coronavirus, the king of
                                                  distinguish the virus from bacteria.          viruses with secret weapons, or the
                                                  In contrast with Byrne’s9 findings,           virus that blows up the Earth).
                                                  however, the representations were             However, in the 4 drawings that
                                                  consistent with the accepted shape            showed interactions between
                                                  of SARS-CoV-2, and no obvious                 humans and the coronavirus, the
                                                  animallike shapes were drawn                  latter was only shown in a
                                                  (whereas one-third of the                     threatening attitude in 1 case (and
FIGURE 2                                          illustrations in Byrne’s study had            even in this case, the face mask is
Ages of children according to their drawings in   animallike features). Some children           present in the drawing, possibly as a
Fig 1.                                            drew the mode of transmission                 support to fight the virus), whereas
                                                  (airborne) and infection protection           in the 3 others, the coronavirus was
correctly identify the simple                     measures (hand-washing and face               being chased away either with a
                                                  masks).                                       face mask, hand-washing, or magic.
illustrations of SARS-CoV-2 particles,
they were less likely than younger                                                              One-quarter of the children drew
                                                  Viruses come in many different
children to identify the                                                                        the coronavirus smiling, most
                                                  shapes and structures (spheres and
anthropomorphic representation as                                                               representations were colorful, and
                                                  rods, icosahedral, helical or complex
SARS-CoV-2, and only the oldest                                                                 only 11% drew the coronavirus in
                                                  symmetries, enveloped or not).12
children identified the brown bat as                                                            black, the color typically used for
                                                  Among the non–SARS-CoV-2 images
SARS-CoV-2. This may be because                                                                 negatively characterized figures.13 It
                                                  shown to the children, Ebola and
they confused the virus with its                                                                therefore appears that the children
                                                  bacteriophage, nonspherical viruses,
presumed animal source. Indeed, the                                                             seem to be relatively unafraid of the
                                                  were identified as SARS-CoV-2 in
children also identified the pangolin                                                           virus.
                                                  13 years
                                                  SARS-CoV-2 by more than half
than the other children did.                                                                    of age are underrepresented. In
                                                  (64%) of the children, much less
Regarding the children’s illustrations                                                          addition, although all occupational
                                                  frequently, nevertheless, than were
of SARS-CoV-2, the differences in                                                               categories are represented in the
                                                  the 3D representations of SARS-CoV-
terms of 3D effects and                                                                         study group, higher-level
                                                  2 itself (by 84.5%, 80.6%, and 79.6%
anthropomorphic features can be                   of the children). Similarly, the              occupational backgrounds (INSEE
linked to the development of the                  electron microscopy image of HIV              group 3, senior executives and
internal mental models associated                 was less frequently recognized as             knowledge workers) were
with visual realism at 8 years of                 SARS-CoV-2 than was the electron              overrepresented compared with the
age.11                                            micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 (5.8% vs             general population, probably
                                                  48.5%, respectively). This suggests           because recruitment was partly
Although the children’s overall                   that, as a rule, the children were            through the authors’ social network.
pictorial representations of SARS-                able to discriminate between                  However, because there were no
CoV-2 were fairly accurate, the                   representations of different viruses.         meaningful differences between
different components of the virus                                                               subgroups (notably between social
were interpreted with imagination.                Some children represented the                 network–recruited and outpatient-
The crownlike spikes, for example,                coronavirus as the Devil or as                recruited children, whose parents’
were imagined as suction cups;                    destroying the Earth, highlighting            occupational distribution is more
arms, legs, feet, or tentacles to hang            the frightening aspects of the                representative of the general
humans; picks to contaminate                      pandemic, and some children                   population), our results can be
people or hurt the body; and                      described the virus as being a                considered representative of how

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 1,Downloaded
                                 July 2021 from by guest on September 17, 2021                           7
Supervised heat map representing the results of the identification of 16 images by the children of the study. Each column defines a figure that is shown at
the top. Each line corresponds to 1 child’s answers; lines are grouped according to age and sex. Blue characterizes the figures that were identified as
SARS-CoV-2 by children; red, those that were identified as non–SARS-CoV-2; and white, those that were left with no answer. The first 6 images starting from
the left are correct representations of SARS-CoV-2. The percentage of figure recognition as SARS-CoV-2 appears at the bottom of each column. As an exam-
ple, the first image, which represents SARS-CoV-2, was identified as so by 84.5% of the children.

                                   Downloaded from by guest on September 17, 2021
8                                                                                                                                         MARTINERIE et al
Eight drawings showing the coronavirus interacting with humans or the environment and the descriptions given by the children. Drawing 1: an 11-year-old
boy drew the coronavirus as a giant black squid destroying the Earth. Drawing 2: a girl, aged 10 years, described the coronavirus as having been spilled
down onto the Earth by an airship. Drawing 3: a boy, aged 8 years, drew the coronavirus being exhaled through a man’s mouth. Drawing 4: a 13-year-old boy
drew the coronavirus alongside 7 icons representing (1) a computer running the software Zoom because “I studied using this application during lock-
down,” (2) a face mask “because it’s mandatory,” (3) the void as “what I felt during lockdown,” (4) a school report “because there were none,” (5) Netflix
“because I watched it during lockdown,” (6) a hamburger “because I ate those a lot,” and (7) a “thank you” message “for all health care workers.” Drawing
5: a 5-year-old girl mentioned that Aldebert (a French singer) could use his magical powers to make hair grow on the coronavirus. Drawing 6: a girl, 10
years of age, showed the coronavirus being killed by water. Drawing 7: an 11-year-old boy drew the coronavirus running away from a masked man and say-
ing, “Not the mask.” Drawing 8: a 13-year-old boy showed 2 humans with face masks fleeing the coronavirus and the word “important” written nearby.

French children perceive SARS-CoV-2.                 microorganisms (reviewed by                          pediatricians could use drawings as
The main limitations of our study are                Byrne9) and is the first ever study                  a starting point to discuss the
that participants were recruited by                  of children’s representations of                     pandemic with children and its
convenience, potentially leading to a                viruses. Thus, the results should be                 effects on them. This study could
nonrepresentative sample; that                       considered in light of its                           indeed be used as a basis for
participants included multiple                       exploratory nature. It is unclear, for               further prospective studies. To
siblings, a possible source of bias; the             instance, whether the results are                    better evaluate the psychological
ad hoc nature of the viral recognition               specific to France or similarly                      effects the pandemic has had on
test; the descriptive nature of the                  representative of other countries or                 them, children could be offered
analyses; and the absence of                         populations. It is notable in this                   semistructured interviews to talk
semistructured interviews and of a                   context that even young children                     about their drawings, which could
deeper evaluation of the psychological               identified the main characteristics
                                                                                                          be analyzed qualitatively,
meaning of the drawings. It is also                  of SARS-CoV-2. It would be
                                                                                                          potentially to therapeutic ends, as
important to remember that this                      interesting to use similar
                                                                                                          described previously in other
study was realized after the first and               experiments in schools to foster
                                                                                                          traumatic contexts.14
before the second wave of SARS-CoV-                  children’s interest in biology and
2 infections throughout Europe.                      explain the diversity of viruses, but
                                                     they could also be used as                           CONCLUSIONS
This study is, to our knowledge, one                 compelling social and psychological                  We found that children of all ages
of just a handful focused on                         tools, particularly in the ongoing                   and of both sexes were able to
children’s drawings of                               pandemic. We think that                              depict and recognize SARS-CoV-2

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 1,Downloaded
                                 July 2021 from by guest on September 17, 2021                                              9
fairly accurately, probably because                     ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of the massive media coverage of                                                                                  ABBREVIATIONS
                                                        We thank all the children and their
the pandemic. The children in this                      parents. We are grateful to Mathilde                      3D: three-dimensional
study were also able to discriminate                    Bernard, Valentine Brunet, Dr Aline                       CDC: Centers for Disease Control
representations of SARS-CoV-2 from                      Cano, Adrien Chalancon, Ivan                                   and Prevention
those of other viruses, animals, and                    Chevallier, Anaïs Corgier, Morgane                        HPV: human papillomavirus
bacteria. Qualitative analysis                          Duffosset, Dr Anne Fabre-Chalancon,                       INSEE: the Institut National de la
revealed that although the virus was                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                         Statistique et des Etudes
                                                        Marion Gostinicchi, Dr Herve Caci,
in some cases represented as a                                                                                           
                                                        Vean-Eng Ly, Daphnee Karila,
supervirus, the drawings were                           Benedicte Lachat, Pauline Perreard,                     SARS-CoV-2: severe acute
colorful and less frightening in tone                   and Lucille Tardy for their help                                       respiratory
than expected, suggesting that the                      recruiting children. We thank                                          syndrome
children may have developed a                           Sebastien Denis for computing the                                     coronavirus 2
coping mechanism. Just as The Little                    drawings in a figure. Finally, we
Prince ultimately tamed the fox,                        thank Paul Guerry (Green Grow
drawing SARS-CoV-2 may help                             Scientific) for editing the article.
children better conceptualize the
virus and its consequences and thus
become less frightened of it.

Address correspondence to Alexandre Fabre, Pediatric Multidisciplinary Department, Timone Enfant Hospital, Assistance Publique–H^opitaux de Marseille, 264, Rue
Saint-Pierre, 13385 Marseille Cedex 5, France. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright # 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

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10                                                                                                                                             MARTINERIE et al
Children's Drawings of Coronavirus
Laetitia Martinerie, Delphine Bernoux, Lisa Giovannin-Chami and Alexandre Fabre
                Pediatrics originally published online June 1, 2021;

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                Downloaded from by guest on September 17, 2021
Children's Drawings of Coronavirus
Laetitia Martinerie, Delphine Bernoux, Lisa Giovannin-Chami and Alexandre Fabre
                Pediatrics originally published online June 1, 2021;

 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
                        located on the World Wide Web at:

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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
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