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Mining continues to be more remote and complex than ever.
                                                                                                Dear Reader,
However that is no excuse for a lack of responsiveness. When
things go wrong, ramifications can add up quickly. This
compounds the need for timely and accurate service - or more
                                                                 Chile, long considered a stalwart of stability in the Latin American region, experi-
so, to get ahead of problems before they start.                  enced an unusually tumultuous 2019. An eruption of civil unrest and mass protests
                                                                 over the country’s high rate of inequality and the rising cost of living raised questions
That is the benefit at the heart of our new, state-of-the-art,   regarding the stability of the country and its most important industry.
Metso Performance Center. Coupled with intuitive services,       Despite the headlines, Chile’s miners continued to invest in large brownfield expan-
you’ll see more and stay ahead, in better control of now and     sions and, to a lesser extent, greenfield projects, in hopes of tapping the country’s
                                                                 vast geological potential for decades to come. According to Consejo Minero, the
ready for what comes next.                                       country anticipates investments amounting to approximately US$72 billion, coming
                                                                 from projects to be developed in the 2019-2029 time period.
With a team of equipment, process, and technology experts,       At the beginning of 2020, things looked promising, as the copper price had began
Metso can provide real-time support to:                          its recovery on the back of improved trade relations between the US and China. The
                                                                 general sentiment was that the global economy was on the mend. These dynamics
• Analyze your equipment and operations                          have since shifted drastically as coronavirus spread around the world. Few, if any,
• Anticipate potential issues                                    countries have been untouched and as a result of government enforced lockdowns,
                                                                 movement and commerce have come to an abrupt stop. Consequently, demand for
• Accelerate to achieve & sustain performance improvements       most metals has fallen substantially.
                                                                 This is a profoundly complicated problem for Chile at a time when the country is de-
                                                                 pending on its trusted mining industry to bolster its economy and lead it out of social
The center opens March 2020 in Santiago, Chile.                  crisis. Across the value chain both local and global companies are eager to deploy
                                                                 the latest technology and cutting edge engineering approaches to capitalize on the
Learn more at                              wealth of opportunities in everything from lithium, copper and gold. However, it is
                                                                 unclear how the pandemic will affect the overall health of the Chilean mining industry
                                                                 going forward.
                                                                 Certainly, conferences have been temporarily put on hold, which is why Global Busi-
                                                                 ness Reports is releasing its digital format Chile Mining 2020: Official Investment
                                                                 Guide to EXPOMIN, produced in partnership with FISA, the organizers of EXPOMIN.
                                                                 As we navigate these uncertain times, it is crucial for both national and international
                                                                 investors, mining executives, and technical experts involved in Chile's mining industry
                                                                 to support each other and remain well informed.
                                                                 This publication offers widespread coverage of the current state of Chile's mining
                                                                 industry, including its leading producers and operating mines, exploration companies
                                                                 and their projects, as well as examining the different providers across the value chain,
                                                                 from engineering to mining equipment and services. We sincerely hope that you have
                                                                 a great conference, full of business and networking opportunities. Thank you for your
                                                                 participation in EXPOMIN, and we hope you enjoy reading Chile Mining 2020.

                                                                                                   Alice Pascoletti
                                                                                                  Managing Director
                                                                                                Global Business Reports

Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BOLIVIA

to Chile                              CONTENTS / Chile Mining 2020                                                                                                                                             Arica

Analysis of the political and                                                                                                                                                                                  Iquique
macroeconomic factors
influencing Chile’s miners
                                      Introduction to Chilean Mining
                                                                                       61. Interview with Black and Veatch
                                                                                       62. Interview with Ingenalse                                                                                        Antofagasta
                                       8. Chilean Miners Display Resilience            64. Interview with Amphos 21
                                          Despite Socio-Political Uncertainty          65. Interview with CDM Smith
                                      10. Interview with Minister of Mining            67. Interviews with Worley and Arcadis
                                      11. Interview with Consejo Minero                                                                                                                                          Taltal
                                                                                       68. Energy and Technology
                                      13. Interview with Cochilco                      69. Underground Mining
                                      14. Factsheet: Macro-Economic Overview           70. Interview with The Institute of Mining
                                      15. Interview with EY                                Engineers of Chile (IIMCh)                                                                                         Caldera
                                      16. Interview with GL Events Chile               71. Interview with DSI Underground                                                                                               Copiapó
                                      17. Interview with APRIMIN                       72. Interview with JRI
Exploration,                                                                           73. Interview with Wood Group
                                                                                       74. Construction and Logistics
Production and                        Production and Development
                                                                                       75. Interview with Echeverría Izquierdo
                                                                                           Montajes Industriales
                                                                                                                                                    0     100     200   300 Kilometers
                                                                                                                                                                                                            La Serena
                                                                                                                                                    0           100         200    300 Miles

Development                                                                                                                                                             N
                                      20. Copper: Increasing Necessity for New
An overview of the most                   Projects Today to Meet Tomorrow’s            Equipment and Technology
influential projects in Chile                                                                                                                                                                                    San Felipe
                                      21. Factsheet: Copper                                                                                                                                                  Valparaiso
                                      25. Interview with Codelco                       78. Equipment: Technology that Offsets
                                                                                                                                                                                                            San Antonio
                                      26. Factsheet: Codelco                           79. Autonomous Mining and Teleoperation
                                      29. Interview with Anglo American Chile                                                                                                                                          Rancagua
                                                                                       80. Interview with Komatsu Cummins
                                      32. Gold                                         81. Interview with Hard-Line                                                                                                       Talca                          ARGENTINA
                                      34. Interview with Gold Fields                   82. Interview with Liebherr
                                      35. Interview with Yamana Gold                   84. Interview with Epiroc
                                      36. Interview with Barrick                       85. Interview with Emerson                                                                                                      Chillán
                                      39. Interview with Albemarle                     86. Interview with Finning                                                                                        Concepción
                                                                                       88. Interview with American Air                                                                         Pacific
                                                                                       89. Interview with Michelin                                                                             Ocean
                                                                                       91. Data and Analytics                                                                                                         Temuco
                                      Exploration                                      92. Interview with Highservice Corp.
                                                                                       93. Interview with Technosteel                                                                                          Valdivia
Engineering and                       42. Juniors Progress Through Down Market
                                                                                       94. Interview with Normet
                                                                                       95. Comminution and Material Handling                                                                                       Osorno
                                      43. Interview with InvestChile
                                                                                       96. Interview with FLSmidth
                                      44. Factsheet: Investment Portfolio                                                                                                                                    Puerto Montt
                                                                                       98. Interview with Takraf Tenova
                                      45. Interview with Los Andes Copper              99. Interview with Metso                                                                                                 Ancud
Discover Chile’s efforts to drive     46. Interviews with Abraplata Resource Corp.     100. Interview with McLanahan                                                                                            Castro
                                          and Hot Chili
sustainability and cut costs                                                           101. Interviews with Motion Metrics and
                                      48. Lithium: Dealing with Difficult Conditions         Hexagon Mining
                                      49. Interview with Wealth Minerals                                                                                                                                                                                             Atlantic
58-75                                 50. Gold:
                                          Enjoying Favorable Market Conditions

                                      51. Interview with Rio2                          Drilling and Blasting
                                      52. Prospect Generating:
                                          Rare Dollars for Exploration
                                      53. Interview with Revelo Resources              104. Drilling: Building Resilient Businesses
                                      54. Interview with Minería Activa                     Through Tough Times
                                      55. Expert Opinion Article:                      105. Interview with Griffith Drilling
                                          Is Chile Only for Major Miners?              106. Interviews with Superex and PerfoChile
                                                                                       108. Blasting: Precision and Sustainability
                                                                                            Drive the Market
                                                                                       110. Interview with Dyno Noble
                                      Engineering and Construction
Equipment,                                                                             111. Interview with Plasma 4th
                                                                                       112. Interview with ENAEX

Technology and
                                                                                       113. Interviews with Orica and MAXAM           CHILE MINING 2020
                                      58. Establishing Value Through                                                                  EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide
                                          Sound Design                                                                                Global Business Reports and EXPOMIN
                                                                                       114. Concluding Thoughts                                                                                                                     Punta Arenas
Services                              59. Water and Environment
                                      60. Interview with Stantec
                                                                                       116. Company Directory
                                                                                       118. Credits
                                                                                                                                      This research has been conducted by
                                                                                                                                      Lucrezia Falcidia, Jason Spizer

Insights from Chile’s world leading
                                                                                                                                      and Mariolga Guyon

players across the value chain                                                                                                        Edited by Mungo Smith
                                                                                                                                      Graphic design by Gonzalo Da Cunha

                                                                                                                                      A Global Business Reports Publication
                                                                                                                                      For updated industry news from our
                                                                                                                                      on-the-ground teams around the world,
                                                                                                                                      please visit our website at,
                                                                                                                                      subscribe to our newsletter by signing up
                                                                                                                                      to our VIP list through our website,
                                                                                                                                      or follow us on Twitter: @GBReports


   » Chile has been a mining country since before the
    arrival of the Conquistadors and will be a mining
 country for much longer. We want to maintain Chile’s
status as the largest producer of copper in the world. «

                      - Baldo Prokuriça,
                      Minister of Mining,
                     Government of Chile

                  Image courtesy of Vinícius Henrique on Unsplash
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                          Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide                                                                                             EDITORIAL

Chilean Miners Display                                                                                            GDP (PPP)
                                                                                                             Source: World Bank 2018
                                                                                                                                                             possesses the world’s largest lithium re-
                                                                                                                                                             serves, according a U.S. Geologic Study
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mining Minister Baldo Prokuriça is simi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           larly optimistic that the mining indus-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          making and earth-moving to advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          electronic components, a slowdown in

Resilience Despite Socio-                                                                       US$474 billion
                                                                                                                                                             (USGS) report.
                                                                                                                                                             It is unclear what, if any, backlash there
                                                                                                                                                                                                           try will continue functioning as normal:
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Chile has a long history with a stable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          manufacturing was bound to put down-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ward pressure on the commodity price.

Political Uncertainty
                                                                                                                                                             will be on heavy industries such as min-      mining investment climate and the cur-         Adding to the pain was the fact that Chil-
                                                                                                                                                             ing in the long-term. The protests caused     rent situation will not erase that. There      ean copper production fell 2.5% in the
                                                                                                                                                             disruption to the typically efficient op-     are doubts regarding the referendum            first half of 2019 on the back of declin-
                                                                                            Source: Censo 2017 Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE)
                                                                                                                                                             erational environment throughout the          and the new constitution, but it must be       ing copper grades according to a study
                                                                                                     18.4 million                                            country, but strikes within the mines were    remembered that Chile has very clear           by the International Copper Study Group
                                                                                                                                                             limited to a few union groups and inter-      laws protecting investors and respecting       (ICSG). 2020 has seen a precipitous drop
                                                                                                                                                             ruptions were overall minimal.                private property, freedom of expression        in the copper price, due to coronavirus
SOCIAL TURMOIL FORCES RECONSIDERATION OF                                                                 GDP PER CAPITA (PPP)                                According to Joaquín Villarino, president     and human rights.”                             and will undoubtedly put producers and
                                                                                                                Source: World Bank
PINOCHET ERA DEVELOPMENT MODEL                                                                                                                               of Consejo Minero: “October and No-           It is not just those who took to the streets   service providers under extreme pressure
                                                                                                                     1970                                    vember 2019 very hard months for Chile.       armed with clanking pots and pans who          until the disease is subdued and global

                                                                                                                                                             We believe that the social unrest is tran-    were disappointed in the pace of eco-          economic activity begins to recover.
                                                                                                                                                             sitory. However, it will mean profound        nomic growth in 2019; mining companies         Given these dynamics in the market and
                                                                                                                     2018                                    changes in certain public policies in the     also had high expectations going into the      protests that crippled the nations retail
                                                                                                                                                             country in order to improve the quality of    year. However, predictions of demand           economy in October and November
Prior to October 2019, the pervasive view     dictatorship, which have enabled con-                      US$25,222                                           life of those Chileans who are suffering.     outpacing supply for copper and lithium        2019, it is a testament to the dynamism
held amongst Chileans and outside ana-        sistent, long-term economic success.                                                                           We are optimistic that regulation of the      never materialized. The demand shortfall       of the Chilean economy and sound man-
lysts was that Chile was immune to po-        Famed economist Milton Friedman re-                                                                            mining industry will not change dramati-      for these commodities can be blamed on         agement practices in its mining industry
litical destabilization and social unrest.    ferred to this growth from deregulation
                                                                                                              POVERTY RATE                                   cally.”                                       a variety of global economic factors, but      that the economy still managed meagre
                                                                                                      Source: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social
Although populism was spreading across        and open markets as “The miracle of                                                                            In Chile, mining is taxed at a rate of 40%,   the most salient are the China-U.S. trade      growth. Although growth was well below
Latin America and several other parts of      Chile.”                                                                1989                                    one of the highest percentages globally.      war and economic stagnation in Europe.         expectations, it is still far better than that
the world, Chile was viewed as a consis-      The poverty rate has fallen from over 40%                                                                      Villarino continued: “There is not much       These have taken a toll on global manu-        of its regional peers; Argentina, which is
tently strong economic performer with         in 1990 to under 9% today, according to                         47.0%                                          room to raise taxes, but it is something      facturing activity and, given copper’s         in recession, and Brazil, whose economy
relatively moderate politics. At the sus-     World Bank figures. The middle classes                                                                         we are anticipating.”                         critical end usage in everything from car-     has stagnated.
tainable mining conference in Santiago        now form a majority, income inequality                                 2017
in September 2019, the most profound
challenges facing the Chilean mining
                                              is below the Latin American average and
                                              Chile received the region’s highest score
industry were outlined: weakness in the       on the United Nations Human Develop-
price of copper and lithium, water scar-      ment Index, which is predicated on a                                 MINING
city, declining ore grades, social license,   blend of life expectancy, education and                     Source: Banco Central de Chile

high energy and labor costs to name a         national income per capita.
few. One concern absent from that list        In the context of the region, this perfor-          10% of GDP
was internal stability.                       mance is strong. However, compared
For the past three decades, Chile has         to its rich country peers in the OECD,
been viewed by investors as a bastion of      Chile ranks highest in economic inequal-                    PRINCIPAL MARKETS
calm in an otherwise politically precari-     ity. UN reporting found that the richest               Source: Dirección General de Relaciones
ous region. Chile achieved its status as a    1% of the population earns 33% of the                     Económicas Internacionales Chile

leading mining jurisdiction not only be-      nation’s wealth. This fact is one of the
cause of its high quality and easy to ex-     principal reasons why there is such wide-                  China 30%
ploit resource base, but also because its     spread anger. Poor and middle class                         USA 17%
policies toward mining were regarded as       people, who rely on public transport,
best in class from an ease of doing busi-     feel that the burden of state funding is                    EU 14%
ness perspective.                             being unfairly placed on them at a time
In light of the October 2019 protests         when middle class wages are stagnating
that shocked the country, questions have      and low skilled jobs are being replaced                               TRADE
                                                                                                     Source: Dirección General de Relaciones
been raised regarding Chile’s ability to      with technology. Rising expectations that                 Económicas Internacionales Chile
maintain its status as Latin America’s        have gone unfulfilled are surely a part of
most stable and successful country. The       this story.                                                    26 FTAs
civil unrest was seemingly triggered by       Much of Chile’s economic success has                            (64 markets)
increased metro ticket prices, but at its     come on the back of a robust mining sec-
core the disorder is fuelled by a gather-     tor that has been, and will continue to
ing sense of economic inequality. Since       be, the lifeblood of the economy. Chile                        INFLATION (CPI)
                                                                                           Source: IPC June 2019 Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE)
1990, the country’s restored democracy        is the world’s top producer of copper and

has maintained the broad outline of free-     exports of the metal account for approxi-
market policies installed by Pinochet’s       mately 10% of the nation’s GDP. It also

CHILE MINING 2020                                                 8                                                      EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide   Global Business Reports                                            9                                                   CHILE MINING 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                              Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide                                                                                    INTERVIEW

                                      What are the most important initiatives         How is the government incentivizing
                                      and policies the Mining Ministry has pro-       efficient use of water and technologies
                                      moted during your term?                         such as desalination?
                                      The most important initiative was to help       Chile is experiencing its worst water crisis                                                       Could you provide us with some context about Consejo Minero?
                                      reactivate mining investments in the coun-      and its worst drought in the last 60 years.                                                        Consejo Minero is an organization that is 22 years old and brings together the major
                                      try and reshape the industry to become          From that point of view, there has been a                                                          mining companies in the country, which combined produce 97% of copper, 71% sil-
                                      more environmentally friendly and pro-          lot of effort on the part of the mining indus-                                                     ver; 55% gold and 97% molybdenum in Chile.
                                      ductive. In addition, we have focused on        try to reduce continental water usage. To-                                                         We have four fundamental targets. The first is to communicate what the mining in-
                                      providing strong support for small and me-      day, 8% of Chile's copper mining projects                                                          dustry does in terms of investment, profitability and taxes. Second, we try to foster
                                      dium-sized mining companies. During our         use desalinated water and we expect that                                                           a competitive and sustainable industry. Thirdly, we have the mission to participate
                                      term, the State-backed mining companies         number to grow substantially in the future.                                                        in the discussion of public policies that affect the mining industry. Finally, we are fo-
                                      began working in lithium and we are work-       There is a great effort to recycle water. That                                                     cused on promoting the improvement of the skills of workers in the country. We are
                                      ing to improve the situation of the national    is why there are projects from companies                                                           in contact with educational organizations to ensure that the training and education of
                                      mining company. We want to generate a           like Anglo American, that recycle up to 80%                                                        workers is keeping pace with technological changes in the industry.
                                      new national mining policy that will help       of water and forecast to have 100% recy-

Baldo                                 Chile sustain its competitiveness through
                                      2050 and I believe that we have achieved
                                                                                      cled water in the future.
                                                                                                                                                 Joaquín                                 What are the medium and long term prospects for the mining industry in Chile?
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mining production in Chile grew considerably until ten years ago and then stabilized
                                                                                      In the wake of social unrest, how can

Prokuriça                                                                                                                                        Villarino
                                      progress in this area.                                                                                                                             at around 6 million mt/y of copper, which is 27% of the world's copper, making it the
                                                                                      the government reassure investors that                                                             largest producer in the world. This year we will probably see a small decrease, but
                                      What progress is being made in Chile to         Chile will remain a leading mining juris-                                                          production will be around 5.9 million mt/y. The industry has the capacity to produce
                                      reduce carbon emissions and make the            diction in the future?                                                                             that amount of copper for at least 30 more years.
                                      country a leader in sustainable mining?         Chile has a long history with a stable mining                                                      From the perspective of investment, we have a pipeline of approximately US$72 bi-
                                      Chile has made it a priority to focus on        investment climate and the current situa-                                                          llion in new projects to be developed over the next 10 years. 58% of that portfolio
                                      electro mobility. The country has invested      tion will not erase that. The record of stabil-                                                    is highly likely to happen; the rest will depend on factors, such as the copper price,
                                      US$2,200 million in Codelco and US$80           ity in Chile supports the idea that we will be                                                     which has been kept low by the trade war between China and USA. We will have a
                                      million in ENAMI to reduce emissions from       able to resolve our differences and that the                                                       sustained increase in demand for copper in the world that, with the market projec-
                                      smelters. US$200 million have also been         social turmoil we are seeing today will be                                                         tions, it will be hard to satisfy, so there should be an upward pressure on the copper
Minister of Mining                                                                                                                               Executive President
                                      invested in private smelters. We invested       solved. I think there are doubts regarding                                                         price, which would make it possible to execute all the projects.
GOVERNMENT OF CHILE                   US$3,000 million in December 2018 in or-        the referendum and the new Constitution,                   CONSEJO MINERO                          October and November have been very hard months for Chile. We believe that the
                                      der to significantly reduce the emissions of    but it must be remembered that Chile has                                                           social unrest is transitory, but it will mean profound changes to certain public policies.
                                      Chilean smelters. There are a lot of mining     very clear laws protecting investors and re-                                                       This will help improve the quality of life for many Chileans who are suffering from not
                                      companies that are using renewable ener-        specting private property, freedom of ex-                                                          having access to basic services. We expect that violence is going to be controlled and
                                      gy. In 2021, ENAMI will operate on 100%         pression and human rights.                                                                         we are optimistic in our belief that regulation of the mining industry will not change

                                      renewable energy. BHP has just made a                                                                                                              dramatically. In Chile, mining pays around 40-43% of taxes; it is second only to Aus-

                                      public tender of 6 gigawatts to use 100%        What potential does Chile have to grow                                                             tralia in taxes paid.
                                      renewable energy in 2022. Codelco uses          its presence in other minerals such as
                                      renewable energy and electric vehicles in       cobalt and to remain competitive as a                                                              There is a trend in Chile where open pit mines are transitioning to underground
                                      their mines and the trucks in which they        lithium producer?                                                                                  operations. What are the implications of this transition?
                                      transport their workers. Chile is a leading     We are promoting investments from com-                                                             It is a paradigm change for Chile, which has been characterized by having large open
Chile can maintain and increase
                                      jurisdiction in terms of renewable energy       panies in cobalt mines so that this element,               Mining production in Chile grew         pits, with the exception of El Teniente. Chuquicamata, after being the largest copper
copper production despite             adoption.                                       which is key to lithium-ion batteries can be                                                       pit in the world for many years, is going underground. The expansion of Los Bronces
ore grade decline, and the aim                                                                                                                   considerably until ten years ago
                                                                                      marketed and included in foreign invest-                                                           is also planned to go underground. This generates challenges and opportunities.
of our government is to help          What production level do you expect             ments in our country. The ultimate goal is                 and then stabilized at around           The underground deposits imply stopping the exploitation of many mining resources
facilitate an environment that        Chile to reach for copper in 2019? Do           for Chile to become a supplier of lithium ion              6 million mt/y of copper, which         buried, but they have less impact on the surface, so places where there are glaciers or
encourages further investment         you expect the country to be able to            batteries to the global auto sector. We want               is 27% of the world's copper,           vegetation remain intact and, in addition, it generates less dust. On the other hand, it
                                      maintain and grow copper production in          to jump into the value-added chain. We are                 making it the largest producer          is a great opportunity to introduce technological changes in the field and have more
in the mining industry.
                                      the future?                                     the world’s second-largest lithium produc-                 in the world. This year we will         machinery that is remotely operated, which improves safety and efficiency.

                                      We currently extract 5.5 million mt/y of cop-   er; we have salt flats, and we would like to
                                                                                                                                                 probably see a small decrease,
                                      per and hope that by 2020 we can reach          get as close as we can to the manufactur-                                                          What are the reasons why Chile has a high cost of production?
                                      6 million mt/y. We believe we can achieve       ing of batteries and the manufacturing of                  but production will be around 5.9       We have a higher energy cost because we had stress in our energy grid for many
                                      this with the upcoming projects that are cu-    elements to store energy, which we believe                 million mt/y. The industry has the      years, which led companies to sign long-term contracts at prices of more than US$100
                                      rrently in development and with Codelco´s       could create more revenue, more jobs and                   capacity to produce that amount of      per MWh. That is more expensive than in Canada, Australia, US or Peru. This problem
                                      pipeline of investments. Chile can maintain     more opportunities for Chilean families.                   copper for at least 30 more years.      is being solved because tenders have changed, and renewable energy is now being
                                      and increase copper production despite          Codelco and ENAMI have both signed                                                                 introduced, which is causing prices to decrease. Another reason for the high cost of
                                      ore grade decline, and the aim of our gov-      agreements to develop projects and                                                                 production in Chile is that our workforce is expensive. Salaries for Chilean miners are

                                      ernment is to help facilitate an environment    Codelco has committed to invest US$10                                                              similar to the US, Canada and Australia. However, productivity is lower. Lastly, Con-
                                      that encourages further investment in the       million for exploration in the Salar de Mari-                                                      sejo Minero is working to promote a more reasonable legal framework in which the
                                      mining industry.                                cunga. ■                                                                                           approval of projects does not take so long. ■

CHILE MINING 2020                                          10                                                EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide   Global Business Reports                                     11                                                 CHILE MINING 2020
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                   Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide                                                                                                INTERVIEW

INCOME INEQUALITY IN CHILE                                                                   YEARLY PER CAPITA INCOME IN LATIN
Source: World Bank                                                                           AMERICAN COUNTRIES (2018)
                                                                                             Source: World Bank
Gini Index
                                                                                             Chile                                    $25,222

56                                                                                           Uruguay                                  $23,530

                                                                                             Argentina                                $20,567
                                                                                                                                                      Vice President
                                                                                             Venezuela                                $18,102

48                                                                                           Brazil                                   $16,068
                                                                                                                                                      What is the mandate and mission of Cochilco?                             of discussion is the use of public infrastructure for desalination.
46                                                                                                                                                    Cochilco is a government institution that was established in             We have been working on proposals to create incentives for the
                                                                                             Suriname                                 $15,497         1976. Our main focus is advising the Chilean government on the           use of public infrastructure for water projects.
                                                                                                                                                      implementation and evaluation of public policies, strategies
                                                                                             Colombia                                 $14,999         and actions that contribute to the sustainable development of            Is there anything that is being done to try and streamline
                                                                                                                                                      the national mining sector. Cochilco also aims to safeguard the          the permitting process in Chile?
40                                                                                                                                                    interests of the state and its mining company Codelco, super-            Cochilco investigated how long it takes a company to obtain
                                                                                             Peru                                     $14,393
       1990          1993   1996   1999   2002     2005    2008    2011     2014    2017                                                              vising and evaluating their management and investments.                  approval and licences. We proposed solutions to the Minister
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of Mining to speed up the process. Some of the proposed so-
Chile’s history of churning out success-         volves US$4.2 billion in investment over    Paraguay                                 $13,570         What areas of mining today are most in need of policy re-                lutions have been implemented, but the permitting process is
fully run local businesses devoted to            the next five years to extend the life of                                                            form?                                                                    still a challenge. Currently, it can take up to two to three years to
the mining industry is undoubtedly a             the copper mine in the Tarapacá re-         Ecuador                                  $11,713         Improving the level of engagement between the mining indus-              obtain permits for exploration. In addition, environmental and
positive driver of wealth creation. In de-       gion. Antofagasta Minerals, meanwhile,                                                               try and the community is critical. We believe that previous re-          social permits are also required. The entire process can take up
scribing the advantage Chilean compa-            will invest US$3.7 billion to expand its                                                             lationships between mining companies and communities have                to a decade, which is way too long and also gets quite expen-
nies have over large global enterprises,         Centinela copper mine, with construc-       Guyana                                     $8,568        been more transactional rather than developmental. The mi-               sive. This scares investors and thus it is necessary for Chile to
Ivan Rayo, general manager of Chilean            tion starting in 2021. The third biggest                                                             ning industry should be more involved in the development of              streamline the permitting process to attract more investment.
engineering consulting firm JRI, said:           project is Nueva Unión, a joint venture     Guatemala                                  $8,447        local communities, so we are studying how to improve these               Because the permitting process is timely and expensive, the
“Being a Chilean company means that              between Teck and U.S.-based Newmont                                                                  relations.                                                               Chilean mining market is dominated by major mining compa-
our clients benefit from increased flex-         GoldCorp, that needs US$3 billion over                                                               Mining is perceived as a dirty industry, but we need to educate          nies and there are too few junior companies operating in Chile.
                                                                                             Bolivia                                    $7,859
ibility. For example, many operations            five years for construction of a copper-                                                             communities that mining can be sustainable, environmentally
are struggling to stay profitable with a         gold mine.                                                                                           friendly and contributes significantly to the economic develop-          How does Cochilco see the ability of Chile to offset some of
depreciated copper price. Local busi-            These new investments are needed to         Honduras                                   $5,129        ment of Chile. Good public policies are necessary to build a             the more mature ore bodies?
nesses excel in responding quickly to            offset a potential decline in production                                                             new system that encourages companies to build relationships              The best way to fight the decreasing grade of ore bodies is by
adjust costs and implement solutions.”           from some of Chile’s largest and most                                                                with local communities. We also believe that the government              increasing exploration. This is one of the reasons why we want
Another locally run business, PerfoChile,        reliable sources of copper. After 104       48% of the world’s lithium reserves, ac-                 should have a more active role in early stages of mining pro-            to create incentives for exploration in Chile. Another way for
has 35 years experience as a drilling ser-       years of production, Codelco’s Chuqui-      cording to Invest Chile. Furthermore,                    jects to promote and incentivize sustainability and efficiency           mining companies to offset declining ore bodies is to improve
vices provider. General manager Os-              camata, the largest open pit mine in the    the quality of these reserves is often de-               through the implementation of technologies.                              their processes and to become more efficient in implement-
valdo Carmona outlined his approach to           world, closed its surface operation and     scribed as best in class. In light of the                                                                                         ing technology. Declining ore grades are a huge challenge,
weathering turbulent times: “We have             commenced its underground phase,            civil unrest, political sensitivities have               What is Cochilco’s view on automation and digitization?                  because it leads to greater demand for water and power. It is a
focused on building our cash reserves            and there is uncertainty surrounding the    become a more important part of the                      One of the issues with automation is that you are taking the             great advantage that electricity prices in Chile are decreasing
over time in order to invest through             mine’s ability to maintain current pro-     discussion regarding mining in Chile,                    worker out of the mine, which can be a great thing in terms of           and this is impacting the decisions of mining companies oper-
good and bad economic and political              duction levels, particularly in the near-   but given the role that the mining in-                   safety and cost efficiency. The problem is that automation is            ating in the country.
climates.”                                       term. Codelco is expected to invest         dustry can play in delivering a better                   often viewed as a threat to today’s workforce. It is the respon-
Although mining is not experiencing              US$5.58 billion according to Consejo        future for Chileans, it is important that                sibility of the industry to educate people that automation is not        Do you foresee that the civil unrest in Chile will have any
its best year, companies continue to             Minero in order to achieve a production     it prevails in the face of any populist                  replacing human capital, but rather creating different and safer         backlash on the mining industry and business climate in
invest. Almost US$66 billion has been            level of 140,000 mt/d of ore, with an ap-   backlash. Jorge Maldonado, general                       jobs.                                                                    general?
earmarked for Chilean mining projects            proximate mine life of 45 years.            manager of Superex, a leading company                                                                                             I believe that we are going to see some big changes in the near
for the period of 2018 to 2027, and 43           At the end of the day, it is important to   in sonic and diamond drilling, summed                    Can you highlight some of the policy proposals Cochilco                  future. How politicians develop and implement new policies will
mining projects will be built or will be-        keep in context the sheer size of oppor-    this sentiment up: “Sometimes Chile for-                 has made over the last three years?                                      be one of the major changes. We have to be careful as we do
gin production by the end of 2023, ac-           tunity the Chilean market represents.       gets how vitally important a strong min-                 We are working on developing our long-term vision, which in-             not want to deter investment, but at the same time we want the
cording to the Ministry of the Economy.          Chile holds 22% of the world’s copper       ing sector is to the health of its broader               volves improved engagement between mining companies and                  money to be spent in the right places. Now is the right time to
The biggest project is Teck Resources’           reserves, 11% of molybdenum reserves,       economy. We must not miss our oppor-                     the communities. We are also proposing a new mining code                 implement policies, which will empower and uplift communi-
Quebrada Blanca phase II, which in-              5% of silver reserves, 7% of gold and       tunity to lead in mining.” ■                             which will incentivise new exploration in Chile. Another topic           ties. ■

CHILE MINING 2020                                                   12                                            EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide   Global Business Reports                                             13                                                     CHILE MINING 2020
FA C T S H E E T                                                                                                                                                                    Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide                                                                                    INTERVIEW

                                                    CHILE WEALTH GROWS WITH MARKET-FRIENDLY POLICIES (GDP)                                                                                                                                            Can you provide a brief overview of           of doing business in the country with the
                                                                                          Source: The World Bank                                                                                                                                      the services EY provides to the mining        Constitution, tax structures, royalties,
USD Billion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sector in Chile?                              and property rights, investments will
300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EY has four major lines of service. We        slow. Investors are not yet pulling out of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      provide consulting, audit, transaction        their commitments in Chile, but they are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and tax advisory services. Consulting         certainly acting with extreme caution at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      or advisory services focuses on strategy      the moment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and innovation for the mining sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and how to apply it. We help organiza-        When you look at Chile as a jurisdic-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      tions with operational projects to reduce     tion from a tax and regulatory per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      costs and become more effective and           spective in mining, what are the ad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      efficient. Also, we assist in supporting      vantages?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      businesses by implementing new tech-          Chile is a great place to do business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      nologies such as robotic processes auto-      We have trade agreements with 150+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mation and data analytics. We recently        countries and we are very global in our

                                                                                                                   Pinochet voted out in a 1988                                                                                                       bought a Chilean company called Met-          thinking. We see big potential for more
                                                                                                                   referendum and steps down
                                                                                                                   in 1990, capitalist policies                                                                                                       ric Arts, that was built to work with cli-    renewable energy investment, desali-
                                                                                                                   stay in place

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ent data to improve their business using      nation, water, and infrastructure invest-
                                                        1973                                                                                                                                                                                          artificial intelligence and mathematical      ments. China is looking to invest a lot in
                                                        Allende is ousted by military
                                                        coup. Augusto Pinochet,                                                                                                                                                                       models. The last area of our business         Chile. In the past three years Chile has
                                                        military head, comes to power
                                                        and enstates free-market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      provides management services. For             seen a huge increase in Chinese busi-
                                         1970           economic policies                                                                                                                                                                             some clients we run their supply, finan-      nesses purchasing Chilean infrastructure
                    Socialist leader Salvador
                Allende is elected president                                                                                                                                                                                                          cial and accounting and HR processes.         companies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Additionally, we provide IT, supply chain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      management, and customer relationship         EY listed license to operate as the
   0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  consulting.                                   biggest risk facing the global mining
        1960                                1970                        1980                                 1990                                 2000                         2010                                                                                                                 industry. If you could tailor this list
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Chile Advisory Managing Partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      How has social unrest impacted the            specifically for Chile, what would be
                                                                                                                                                                                                              EY                                      investment climate for investors?             the biggest risks?
                                                                      CHILE PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Before October 18th, miners were stay-        Every year it is becoming harder to com-
                                                                               Source: Global Competitiveness Index 4.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ing on track with their plans to invest. In   municate to the world the importance
                                                              High-income group average                Latin America and the Caribbean average                                                                                                        fact, we saw an acceleration of invest-       of mining to our economy, society, the
        Overall          Enabling                                                 Human                               Markets                                                     Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ment in the mining sector and we were         way that we consume things, and its im-
        Score            Environment                                              Capital                                                                                         Ecosystem                                                           having a good year in terms of new in-        portance in creating jobs. We still have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      vestments and projects. We had a lot of       lot of room to improve how we connect
Best: Singapore         Finland        Singapore    Korea           (33)            (4)          Switzerland       Hong Kong       Singapore        Hong Kong    China             USA          Germany
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      companies investing in digital transfor-      with society, the environment and how
100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mation programs, automation and ro-           we transform mining into a greener and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      botics technology. At the same time, we       more sustainable process by reducing
 90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   saw a lot of interest from companies to       water consumption, carbon footprint,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      keep investing in brownfield operations.      and waste. At the same time, the license
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We didn’t see a lot of greenfield projects    to operate means companies need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      but a lot of projects were focused on im-     consider how to best connect with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Chile is a good place to                proving existing operations. After Octo-      government and the broader ecosys-
 60                                                                                                                                                                                                           invest, but if you change               ber 18th, everything changed. Although        tem of suppliers, and universities. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the fundamentals of doing               the mining sector has not been affected       broad concept is a big risk, because we
                                                                                                                                                                                                              business in the country with            to the same extent the retail or banking      are seeing a big shift in how people view
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sector has, mining is affected by the so-     the mining industry. The same goes for
 40                                                                                                                                                                                                           the Constitution, tax structures,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      cial environment.                             Chile.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              royalties, and property rights,
 30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Right now, if you have a change in the        The second biggest risk is about attract-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              investments will slow. Investors        way that the mining properties are regu-      ing the right people and how the compa-
 20                                                                                                                                                                                                           are not yet pulling out of their        lated in Chile, it will have a big impact     nies can transform themselves to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                              commitments in Chile, but               on investment and the way we calculate        workers jobs more attractive. Mine sites
                                                                                                                                                                                                              they are certainly acting with          projects. Investors are waiting to see        are not attractive places to live because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      what will happen with the Constitution.       they are far from big cities and good in-
  0                                                                                                                                                                                                           extreme caution at the moment.
Rank                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We are seeing a two year timeline where       frastructure. The ability to bring in and
       33rd             32nd             42nd       56th            1st            37th             47th              10th            53rd               21st    46th             47th            53rd

 /141                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 we expect to see the market slow down         retain talent in the world of digital trans-
      Overall        Institutions Infrastructure     ICT          Macro-          Health            Skills          Product         Labour           Financial   Market        Business        Innovation
                                                   adoption      economic                                           market          market            system      size         dynamism         capability                                            quite a bit. Chile is a good place to in-     formation is one of the most important
                                                                  stability                                                                                                                                                                           vest, but if you change the fundamentals      risks companies face. ■

CHILE MINING 2020                                                                                 14                                                                      EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide   Global Business Reports                                     15                                                 CHILE MINING 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide                                                                                 INTERVIEW

Francisco                                                                                                                                                                                  What kind of activities does APRIMIN        There has been a positive change. The

Sotomayor                                                                                                                                                                                  carry out to promote the develop-
                                                                                                                                                                                           ment of the mining industry in Chile?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       mining community has been criticized
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in recent years for resisting innovation,
                                                                                                                                                                                           APRIMIN's mission is to be a strategic      but the reality is that there has been a
                                                                                                                                                                                           partner within the mining sector in or-     lot of innovation and the attitude of mi-
                                                                                                                                                                                           der to make Chile an attractive country     ning companies has evolved. This posi-
                                                                                                                                                                                           for sustainable mining investments. Our     tive change has resulted in more interest
                                                                                                                                                                                           goal is to help Chile become a devel-       and willingness to create the necessary
Managing Director                                                                                                                                                                          oped country through the mining sector      agencies to be able to do pilot testing.
GL EVENTS CHILE                                                                                                                                                                            and its suppliers.                          There is an ongoing initiative to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                           Most of the suppliers in Chile are very     more innovation in the mining industry
                                                                                                                                                                                           involved in mining operations and seek      in Northern Chile. Companies such as
                                                                                                                                                                                           to have permanent support that ensures      CODELCO, BHP, Anglo American and

What is GL Events experience in the          What are the main challenges for the          How is Chile positioned as an R&D hub                   Pascual                                 the continuity and sustainability of the
                                                                                                                                                                                           business in the long term. APRIMIN pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Collahuasi are working with the Funda-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cion Chile (Chile Foundation) and the
organization of trade and industry           Chilean mining industry, and how do           for the mining industry?

                                                                                                                                                                                           vides support in this regard.               Expande organization.
events such as EXPOMIN?                      you plan to address these within EX-          EXPOMIN is the largest mining fair in                                                                                                       There are startups dedicated to the cre-
GL events is a French business group         POMIN?                                        Latin America, and that gives us the op-                                                        Has Sebastián Piñera's government           ation of innovation for the mining indus-
founded in 1978, that is currently pres-     Within the framework of EXPOMIN, we           portunity to present to the community                                                           carried out actions to create a more        try in Chile. There are large companies
ent in 26 countries and had revenues         have the XVI International Congress, un-      the technological advances that are set-                                                        favorable environment for the Chilean       that are doing many innovation improve-
of US$ 1.2 billion in 2018. We have 40       der the slogan “Mining facilitating the       ting industry trends. These are the ones                                                        mining industry?                            ment initiatives that use Chile as a labo-
years of experience in the events indus-     future.” 13 seminars will be held with        that generate changes and transforma-                                                           Yes. There has been a very special em-      ratory due to the many different types
try, and we employ 10,000 staff. Some        120 speakers who will make presenta-          tions that increase the mining potential                                                        phasis on trying to facilitate the ap-      of operations, variation in the mine loca-
of the events produced by the group in-      tions on issues such as projects, regional    of the different countries, improving ef-                                                       proval of projects through the Oficina      tions and diversity of rock type. Experi-
clude the Rio Olympics in 2016, the Pan      mining, innovation and productivity, di-      ficiency and productivity.                                                                      de Gestión de Proyectos Sustentables        ments and differentiated products have
American Games in Toronto in 2015, the       gital transformation, logistics, markets,     At the XVI International Congress, we                                                           (Sustainable Project Management Of-         been made in Chile. Medium-sized sup-
2014 World Cup in Brazil, G8 and G20         inclusion and diversity, and environ-         will promote important areas of discus-                 APRIMIN                                 fice) and attempts have been made to        pliers are promoting and making signifi-
summits, and COP summits.                    ment.                                         sion and analysis on the key trends in our                                                      facilitate permit approval processes        cant innovation and improvement in the
GL Manages more than 300 own fairs                                                         industry. The seminars will be focused                                                          through government policies. The main       process, transportation and information
and sets up over 4,000 events per year       Has the recent social unrest affected         on how mining has developed in the                                                              mission of this is to reduce permitting     systems sectors. These local companies
in industries such as the food, mining,      the country's attractiveness for for-         region, so we will examine issues, such                                                         time without leaving the quality stan-      use technology from other parts of the
culture, fashion, gastronomy, environ-       eign investment in mining?                    as innovation and productivity, the de-                                                         dards and environmental regulations be-     world but apply it in Chile and create
ment, and more. In Chile, we have op-        According to a COCHILCO report on             velopment of mining activities, and the                                                         hind. Some attempts have been made          their own system and methodology.

erated since 2014 through the FISA and       the 2019-2028 period, the expected            promotion of women in mining. In addi-                                                          to avoid repetitive processes.
Tarpulin subsidiaries. FISA is the main      investment in mining for the next 10          tion, we will have technological events,                                                                                                    What is your vision for the Chilean mi-
organizer of fairs in this country, with     years amounts to US$ 72.5 billion. This       where companies will present their ex-                                                          What is the biggest challenge that          ning industry in the next three years?
events such as Expomin, Expo Vivienda,       includes 23 private, large and medium-        periences in areas such as water man-                                                           service providers currently face in the     The mining industry will continue to be
Expo Hospital, Expo Naval, Edifica, Se-      sized copper mining projects, for US$         agement, hydrometallurgy, solutions                                                             mining industry?                            Chile's main source of income and ex-
guridad Expo, Expo Andes, and others.        28.3 billion, and eight Codelco projects,     and innovations in electromobility and                  There is no solution to climate         The relationship between mining actors      port due to its size, geological potential
Meanwhile, Tarpulin is the leading play-     amounting to US$ 23.1 billion. Other          energy, environment, lithium and cobalt                 change mitigation without the           and communities has greatly improved,       and experienced work force. There is no
er in temporary infrastructure solutions     minerals such as gold, silver, iron, lithi-   processing in Chile and elsewhere, and                  mining industry. Challenges             but there are still situations where peo-   solution to climate change mitigation
and also industrial solutions.               um and industrial minerals account for        the potential development of these in-                                                          ple view mining as a problem because        without the mining industry. Challenges
                                                                                                                                                   such as the lack of water, the
                                             another 13 projects worth US$ 6.9 bi-         dustries.                                                                                       of a failure of contextual understanding.   such as the lack of water, the cost of
What are your expectations for EXPO-         llion of investment. Therefore, mining                                                                cost of energy and the cost of          Sometimes people do not see the ben-        energy and the cost of labor in Chile will
MIN 2020?                                    is a very relevant sector and can be a        Would you like to add a final message                   labor in Chile will continue to         efit that the projects bring to the com-    continue to be increasingly high and less
The goal for 2020 is to host more than       driver for economic recovery, as high-        for the readers?                                        be increasingly high and less           munity. Regarding the water shortage        competitive compared to other mining
1,300 exhibiting companies and more          lighted in the latest executive commit-       EXPOMIN 2020 is a great opportunity                     competitive compared to other           issue, the Antofagasta region has the       countries, so improving productivity will
than 70,000 professional visitors from       tee of EXPOMIN that was headed by             to showcase new technologies and ex-                    mining countries, so improving          largest desalination plant in Chile for     be a must. The lack of support and posi-
Chile and overseas. We expect the par-       minister of mining, Baldo Prokuriça, and      change ideas and experiences on rel-                                                            the benefit of the population and mining    tive perception of citizens is an obstacle
                                                                                                                                                   productivity will be a must. The
ticipation of over 5,000 foreign visitors,   which included high industry represen-        evant topics such as the environment,                                                           companies. Now, desalinated water has       that must be solved. It is true that there
from over 35 countries, with more than       tatives. It was reiterated that EXPOMIN       innovation, productivity, digitalization                lack of support and positive            been used for most projects due to the      have been environmental problems
20 international pavilions. Our estima-      is a key event in this context, because it    and automation. This exhibition allows                  perception of citizens is an            country's water limitations.                caused by the mining industry, but this
tion is that there will be 2,500 business    showcases the strength of this industry       us to project what is coming in the fu-                 obstacle that must be solved.                                                       has changed over the last decades and

meetings during the framework of the         and the interest it generates at a global     ture in order to innovate and thus move                                                         How has the mining industry’s atti-         more environmental awareness is be-
fair, resulting in approximately US$ 1.7     level.                                        towards the mining industry that the                                                            tude towards innovation evolved in          ing developed. Chile has the capacity to
billion in business deals.                                                                 world needs. ■                                                                                  Chile over the last two years?              continue operating for many decades. ■

CHILE MINING 2020                                                16                                            EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide   Global Business Reports                                    17                                               CHILE MINING 2020


 » The last couple of years have been slow globally, but
we are starting to see an increase in mining investment.
Compa- nies that had put projects on hold have decided
   to move ahead with the invest- ments. The current
   project pipeline for mining projects in Chile for the
 period 2018 to 2027 is close to US$66 billion, which is
encouraging. Considering the current social and political
 juncture that Chile is facing, we are confident that the
country is and will continue to be a good destination for
  foreign investment, especially in the mining sector. «

                    - Christoff Janse,
              Investment Promotion Officer,
                       Invest Chile

                         Image courtesy of Black & Veatch
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                       Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide                                                                                                             EDITORIAL

Copper                                                                 ELECTRIC VEHICLES WILL CAUSE HIGHER DEMAND FOR COPPER
                                                                                                         Source: Anglo American
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GLOBAL COPPER CONSUMPTION BY MARKET SECTOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Source: Wood Mackenzie, Copper Outlook December 2018

                                                                                            Electric vehicles          Combustion engines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Growth in total consuption from 2017 to 2040
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is estimated to be 1.8% per year and will
                                                                   Copper demand
                                                                   million metric tons                                                                                                                                                         2017                                   reach 43.8 million metric tons, underpinned
                                                                   7                                                                                                                                                                                                                  by electrification in transportation, buildings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and manufacturing. In addition,
INCREASING NECESSITY FOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                governments continue to establish targets
                                                                                                                                                                                           CONSTRUCTION                                                                                     for renewable energy, which results in
NEW PROJECTS TODAY TO MEET                                         6                                                                                                                                                            30%                                 25%                                      higher copper demand.
                                                                                                                                                                                            - power cables
TOMORROW’S DEMAND                                                                                                                                                                            - building wire                                   29.1
                                                                   5                                                                                                                         - transformers                            MILLION METRIC TONS
                                                                                                                                                                                            - non-electrical                            Total Consumption


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       24%                    10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CONSUMER AND GENERAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - home air conditioners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - regrigerators
                                                                   2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - washing machines

                                                                                                                                                                                     ELECTRICAL NETWORK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2040                                                       - televisions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - mobiles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - computers
                                                                   1                                                                                                                         - power grid
                                                                                                                                                                                          - power generation

                                                                        2015             2020          2025       2030            2035          2040         2045

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MILLION METRIC TONS
Take a flight to the north of Chile and, as the plane descends,                ...AND DEMAND WILL KEEP STRONG DUE TO THE                                                                                                                Total Consumption
you may notice one of the many deep holes that dot the land-                DECARBONIZATION COMMITMENDS AND NEW TRENDS
scape. Of the top 20 highest producing copper mines globally,                                                 Source: CRU                                                                                                                                                                            - auto/trains/ships
seven are located in Chile: Escondida, Collahuasi, El Teniente,                                                                                                                     INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY                                                                                               - infrastructure
Los Bronces, Los Pelambres, Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic           million metric tons                                                                                                                                            23%                                                                - electric vehicles
                                                                   7                                                                                                                      - industrial motors                                                9%                                    - EV charging facilities
are all stars in the global mining constellation. Maintaining
high production from these large mines, along with additional
new production, is essential as the world transitions to a new     6
energy economy. Simply put, the green economy is far more
metal intensive than the fossil fuel economy. So long as de-
mand continues to rise for electric vehicles and solar and wind    5
energy, demand for copper will rise synchronously.
                                                                                                                                                                                  COPPER PRODUCTION IN CHILE                                              CHILE’S GLOBAL PRODUCTION RANKING
                                                                                                                                                                                              Source: Consejo Minero                                                      Source: Consejo Minero
Wind and solar energy requires three to 15 times as much
copper per unit of output as fossil fuel generation, according     4

to the Financial Times. A report from Deutsche Bank expects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1ST                                                       6TH
the global electric vehicle market to grow 22% annually to
                                                                   3                                                                                                                                                                                               global rank                                          global rank

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cu                                                              Ag
2030, led by China’s 25% market growth. Estimates are that
copper demand for electric vehicles, which was 0.9% of the
global total in 2017, will rise to 8.2% of total copper demand
                                                                                                                                                                                                state owned                                       27%              share of global
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   production                               5%          share of global
in 2030. Given these dynamics, it is increasingly important
that Chile continues to invest and innovate in order to offset
production declines.
Although Chile is considered a mature mining jurisdiction,
                                                                                                                                                                                      68.5%                                                       2ND              global rank                              14TH        global rank

Timothy Beale, CEO of Revelo Resources, a prospect genera-
tor with a portfolio of copper and gold-silver projects focused    0
                                                                                                                                                                                           private companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mo                  20%              share of global
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Au            1%          share of global

in Chile, described the quality of the country’s mining assets:         2015                    2020              2025                   2030                2035
CHILE MINING 2020                                                 20                                                                 EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide    Global Business Reports                                                   21                                                            CHILE MINING 2020
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                            Global Business Reports   EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide

“World class means long life of mine and scalability of pro-                   overall progress. It will also be a critical part of funding a new              additional government spending in December 2019 and the
duction, and Chile has several truly world class mines. These                  wave of social spending into the future.                                        state owned miner will be expected to help fund a larger
huge mining districts in Chile will all be mining for decades                                                                                                  welfare system in the country. The company can also antici-
into the future.”                                                                                                                                              pate a much more tightfisted response from the state in its
A prolonged period of high production is imperative, because                   Codelco                                                                         allocation of funds to meet Codelco’s financing needs.
copper mining plays an instrumental role in the development                    Same mission, New urgency                                                       On the spending side, Codelco is now looking to shrink its
of the country. Consejo Minero data shows copper accounts                                                                                                      project budget through 2028 by US$8 billion or 20%. Ac-
for more than 90% of the country’s mining exports, has been                    Before the protests and riots began in October 2019, Codelco                    cording to the companies Q3 2019 reporting, there are no
the economic sector with the highest contribution to fiscal                    was already facing the difficult task of having to invest bil-                  plans to suspend any planned projects. At the same time,
revenue and has contributed 12.1% of GDP over the last de-                     lions just to maintain production levels and keep costs from                    the company is looking to generate an additional US$1 bi-
cade. There are efforts to diversify the Chilean economy and                   rising. Now, as the government faces a long list of spending                    llion in gross earnings from 2021 onward. According to CEO
grow exports in other areas, but it is clear that copper will                  demands to appease protesters, the challenge is more for-                       Octavio Araneda, Codelco is making a “great effort” to help
continue to play an outsized role in its contribution to Chile’s               midable. Piñera’s administration announced US$5.5 billion of                    generate the cash Chile needs to address social demands.
                                                                                                                                                               To achieve the capex savings Codelco will simplify project
                                                                                                                                                               design and reinforce operations maintenance and supply.
                                                          LARGEST COPPER MINES                                                                                 “Codelco’s future depends on finishing structural projects
                                                         BY ESTIMATED PRODUCTION                                                                               on time and at lower costs. Without them, our production
                                                  Source: International Copper Study Group; Wood Mackenzie                                                     will fall significantly,” Araneda said.
                                                                                                                                                               Fortunately for Codelco, the company owns a portfolio of
                                                  Thousand mt                                                                                                  some of the most prodigious copper producing assets in the
                                                  0                 200               400                600   800       1,000             1,200               world.
                                                                                                                                                               Chuquicamata has been in operation for over 100 years
                            Escondida, Chile                                                                                                                   and is now entering into a new phase underground. Codel-
                                                                                                                                                               co reported that, although the ramp up period of the un-
                    Kamoa-Kakula, DR Congo                                                                                                                     derground mine is projected to take seven years to reach
                         Grasberg, Indonesia                                                                                                                   140,000 mt/d, work to maximize process efficiency aims to
                                                                                                                                                               shorten this period to five years (2024).
                        Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia
                                                                                                                                                               El Teniente produced 465,000 mt of copper in 2018 and
                                  Morenci, US                                                                                                                  has now completed 54% of development on its New Mine
                                                                                                                                                               Level work. The plan is to boost production at the mine to
               Buenavista del Cobre, Mexico
                                                                                                                                                               more than 500,000 mt/y by 2025. This ramp up in output
                            Collahuasi, Chile                                                                                                                  would place the mine as a top five producer globally and
               Cerro Verde II (sulphide), Peru
                                                                                                                                                               the company intends to invest US$3.4 billion to carry out
                                                                                                                                                               the expansion.
 Polar Division (Norilsk-Talnakh mills), Russia                                                                                                                At Radomiro Tomic, a mine producing 310,000 mt/y of cop-
                               Antamina, Peru                                                                                                                  per, Codelco filed an updated environmental impact assess-
                                                                                                                                                               ment (EIA) for an US$882mn, mine life extension plan in An-
                           Las Bambas, Peru                                                                                                                    tofagasta region.
                           El Teniente, Chile                                                                                                                  Overall, 2019 was a difficult transitional year for the com-
                                                                                                                                                               pany as it struggled to boost production and earnings. The
                         Los Bronces, Chile
                                                                                                                                                               world’s largest copper producer had 1.12 million mt of cop-
                       Los Pelambres, Chile                                                                                                                    per output from January to September 2019, which repre-
                                                                                                                                                               sented a fall of 6.7% in relation to the same period of the
                          Kansanshi, Zambia
                                                                                                                                                               previous year. Company reports also showed a drop of 57%
                             Quellaveco, Peru                                                                                                                  in pre-tax earnings year on year. Driving these results were
                       Chuquicamata, Chile                                                                                                                     February rains, a 14-day strike at Chuquicamata, lower head
                                                                                                                                                               grades and lower levels of treatment.
                          Kamoto, DR Congo                                                                                                                     Although this past years’ performance was below compa-
                     Radomiro Tomic, Chile                                                                                                                     ny expectations, there is no denying the historical impact
                                                                                                                                                               Codelco has had on the pace of development in Chile. For
                        Bingham Canyon, US                                                                                                                     almost half a century, it has provided a reliable stream of rev-
                             Sentinel, Zambia                                                                                                                  enue to the country. Moving toward the future: “The hope is
                                                                                                                                                               to transform ourselves in order to continue contributing to
                             Toromocho, Peru
                                                                                                                                                               the progress of Chile for at least 50 years more,” Araneda
                                                  0                 200               400                600   800       1,000             1,200               said.

CHILE MINING 2020                                                           22                                             EXPOMIN Official Investment Guide   Global Business Reports                                            23
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