Page created by Jacqueline Hodges

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Dear Reader,

Global Business Reports (GBR) is delighted to be back in Ontario to provide our an-
nual guide to the current mining landscape in Canada’s largest mineral producing
province. In this edition of our Industry Explorations series, GBR pays special atten-
tion to Toronto's influence across the full value chain, from its financial institutions on
Bay Street, the mining producers and juniors headquartered in the city with opera-
tions across the globe, to its innovation-led service sector. GBR’s research team was
stationed in Toronto for three months, conducting face-to-face interviews with key
decision makers throughout the industry to provide a holistic view of the companies
and themes shaping the industry.

When researching the previous edition of this report, a wave of M&A activity had just
begun, sparked by the all-share merger between Barrick and Randgold. One year
later, and a glance at the map of Ontario mines shows a remarkable transfer of assets,
with operations controlled by Goldcorp, Tahoe Resources, North American Palladium
and Detour Gold now in the hands of Newmont, Evolution Mining, Pan American
Silver, Impala Canada and Kirkland Lake Gold.

While producers have been making hay while the sun is shining, spurred on by gold
at a 7-year high, the junior exploration community has languished with a dearth of
financing available despite the cannabis and crypto booms subsiding. The likes of
Great Bear Resources and Wallbridge Mining, however, have shown that the best
projects can still attract substantial investment and trade at eye-catching multiples.
The need to replace reserves is becoming more pressing and the global demand for
metals has yet to diminish, so, for the mining-savvy investor, this is an opportune time
to capitalize on high-upside, undervalued assets.

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria move to the forefront of strat-
egy for mining companies, investors, and governments alike, Ontario’s mature service
sector has adapted to offer solutions that create a more sustainable, responsible,
mining practice. An emphasis on innovation is no longer an afterthought; mining
companies are looking to optimize production and efficiency. For a cyclical industry,
the risk of standing still and not evolving should not be an option.

We would like to thank all our interviewees that have taken the time to provide their
insights into the market. To all our readers, we encourage your feedback, and wel-
come interest in being interviewed for future reports.

When it comes to mining, what happens in Ontario, invariably does not stay in Ontar-
io. In fact, it has the potential to influence the global sector. The following pages are
an illustration of the sentiment of one of the world’s preeminent mining jurisdictions.

                                   Alice Pascoletti
                                   General Manager
                                Global Business Reports
Analysis                           CONTENTS / Mining in Ontario and Toronto’s Global Reach 2020

GBR journalists provide                                                                                                            Ocean
unique and first hand analysis                                                                                                                                                                                  Canada
and insights into all aspects of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    National Capital
the Ontario mining industry
after months on the ground         Introduction to Ontario                         Global Reach                                                                                                                     Province Capital

8, 22, 34, 50,                      8. Introduction to Ontario
                                   12. Factsheet
                                                                                   64. Toronto’s Global Reach
                                                                                   67. Interview with Torex Gold Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                0   75 150 Kilometers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                0     75       150 Miles

64, 78, 88, 100                    13. Interview with the Minister of Energy,
                                       Northern Development, Mines and
                                                                                   68. Interviews with Dundee Precious Metals
                                                                                       and Teranga Gold                                                                                                                    N
                                       Indigenous Affairs, Government of           69. Interview with Global Atomic
                                       Ontario                                     70. Interview with Trigon Metals
                                   14. Interview with Ontario Mining               73. Thoughts: Toronto’s Influence on Mexico
                                       Association (OMA)                           74. Interviews with INV Metals, Adventus
                                   15. Interviews with the Canadian Institute of       Mining and Aurania Resources
                                       Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)       75. Interviews with Steppe Gold and Ion
                                       and Natural Resources Canada                    Energy
                                   16. Interviews with Women on the Move
                                       and PDAC
                                   18. Interview with Laurentian University
                                   19. Interview with Ormston List Frawley LLP     The Battery Metal Supply Chain

Expert Opinion
                                                                                   78. The Battery Metal Supply Chain
                                   Toronto’s Financial District                    80. Expert Opinion Article: The Lithium
                                                                                       Ion Battery Megafactory Supply Chain –
Articles                           22. The Home of Mining Finance
                                                                                       A Global Perspective
                                                                                   81. Interview with Avalon Advanced Metals
                                   23. Factsheet                                   83. Interview with Conic Metals
Thought leadership from the        24. Interview with Toronto Stock Exchange       84. Interview with VanadiumCorp
leading specialists on optimized                           Pacific
                                       and TSX Venture Exchange                    85. Interviews with Frontier Lithium, Fortune
cut-off grade determination                                Ocean
                                   26. Interview with IBK Capital                      Minerals and First Cobalt
and the lithium ion battery        27. Interview with Haywood Securities
megafactory supply chain           30. Interviews with Red Cloud Securities and
                                       Global Mining Capital
                                   31. Thoughts: Advice from the Investment        Engineering and Consulting
46, 80                                 Community

                                                                                   88. EPCM and Consulting
                                                                                   90. Interview with Cementation Americas
                                   Mining in Ontario                               91. Interview with DRA Global
                                                                                   92. Interview with Black Rock Engineering
                                                                                   94. Interview with SRK Consulting
                                   34. Mining Production in Ontario                95. Interviews with CSA Global and
                                   36. Interview with Newmont                          Environmental Resources Management
                                   37. Interview with Barrick Gold                 96. Interview with minera Solutions
                                   38. Interview with Kirkland Lake Gold           97. The Big Four Have Their Say on ESG
                                   39. Interview with Wesdome Gold Mines
                                   40. Mining Operations Map
                                   44. Interview with Almos Gold
                                   45. Interview with De Beers Group               Innovation
                                   46. Expert Opinion Article: Modifying
                                       Factors and Optimized Cut-Off Grade
                                                                                                                                                                                   O N T A R I O
                                       Determination                               100. Innovation
                                                                                   102. Interview with Center for Excellence in
Thoughts                                                                              Mining Innovation (CEMI)
                                                                                   103. Interview with Mining Suppliers Trade
                                   Canadian Exploration                               Association (MSTA)
Advice and quotes from                                                             107. Interview with Epiroc Canada
industry leaders on attracting     50. Canadian Exploration                        108. Interview with SafeSight Exploration
investment, ESG, mining            52. Interview with Generation Mining            109. Interviews with Minetell and Maestro
                                   53. Interview with Great Bear Resources            Digital Mine
in foreign jurisdictions and                                                                                                          MINING IN ONTARIO AND
                                   54. Interview with Noble Mineral Exploration    110. Final Thoughts                                TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
innovation                         58. Interview with O3 Mining                    112. Company Directory                             Industry Explorations

                                   59. Interview with Talisker Resources           114. Credits
                                                                                                                                      Global Business Reports
31, 97, 110
                                                                                                                                      This research has been conducted by
                                   60. Interview with Rockcliff Metals                                                                Ben Cherrington, Margarita Todorova
                                   61. Factsheet                                                                                      and Diego Brando

                                                                                                                                      Edited by Mungo Smith
                                                                                                                                      Graphic design by Gonzalo Da Cunha                           Toronto                                 Atlantic
                                                                                                                                      A Global Business Reports Publication                                                                Ocean
                                                                                                                                      For updated industry news from our
                                                                                                                                      on-the-ground teams around the world,
                                                                                                                                      please visit our website at,
                                                                                                                                      subscribe to our newsletter by signing up
                                                                                                                                      to our VIP list through our website,
                                                                                                                                      or follow us on Twitter: @GBReports


  » The minerals and metals we responsibly produce
are irreplaceable components of daily life and modern
 technology. They are the building blocks that enable
the construction of everything from life-saving medical
 devices to planet-saving clean technologies. As such,
   they are the foundation of Ontario's innovation-
        oriented, high-tech, creative economy. «

                     - Chris Hodgson,
             Ontario Mining Association (OMA)

                            Image courtesy of Fireweed Zinc
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                       Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                                                      EDITORIAL

INTRODUCTION TO ONTARIO                                                                            asked what steps the Ontario government                 gold and PGM space as Impala Platinum                                  the minds of investors: “The effects are still    agement takes all the credit, but when
                                                                                                   is taking to reduce red tape and stream-                acquired North American Palladium for                                  visible, and we see management and in-            the share price drops, they argue it is not
                                                                                                   line the mining process, Minister Rickford              C$1 billion in October, Kirkland Lake Gold                             vestors are still treading carefully.”            management’s fault but the commodity
A global mining                                                                                    pointed to the four mining-related clauses
                                                                                                   in the “Better for People, Smarter for Busi-
                                                                                                                                                           stunned the market with its acquisition of
                                                                                                                                                           Detour Gold for C$4.3 billion in Novem-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  At the Denver Gold Forum in September
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2019, the month gold traded at a six-year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    price’s fault,” said Robertson, pointing to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the post-2013 write-downs that caused

powerhouse facing                                                                                  ness” project.
                                                                                                   Firstly, creating certainty for proponents
                                                                                                                                                           ber and China’s Zijin Mining Group bought
                                                                                                                                                           Continental Gold for US$1.3 billion in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  high breaking the US$1,500 barrier, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  main themes were the growing impor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    shareholders to demand new leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and direction.

competition                                                                                        submitting a closure plan by creating a
                                                                                                   45-day timeline for the ministry to make a
                                                                                                                                                           December. By mid-December 2019, 348
                                                                                                                                                           deals worth more than US$30.5 billion had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tance of ESG (Environmental, Social and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Governance) to investors, and companies
                                                                                                   decision; secondly, to streamline process-              been agreed, according to Refinitiv Eikon                              emphasizing their commitment to remain            Growing disparity: producers thrive as
                                                                                                   es and lessen confusion by amending the                 data. This figure is up from US$10.8 billion                           disciplined with capital allocation despite       juniors languish
                                                                                                   regulatory framework; thirdly, amending                 in 2018 and even surpasses the previous                                the rapid generation of free cash flow that
                                                                                                   the mining rehabilitation code to ensure                high of US$25.7 billion from 2010.                                     flourishing precious metals prices were           The OMA represents the mining produc-
Ontario’s position as one of the world’s pre-       influence, but even from a mining finance      that it refers to the most recent version               One of the most noticeable differences                                 generating. This prudent approach from            ers active in the province who, by all ac-
eminent mining jurisdictions is clear from a        standpoint, the days of spending an after-     of dam safety; and lastly, improvements                 between the boom-time M&A surge in                                     senior management is a legacy, you would          counts, had a stellar year in 2019. Three
number of metrics. As Canada’s leading              noon on Bay Street to raise project finance    to the land mass administration system to               2010 and the 2019 activity has been the                                like to think, of the numerous failed ex-         of the eight mining companies in the in-
producer of minerals, valued at C$10.1 bi-          are no longer.                                 make it easier for stakeholders to merge                lack of premiums linked to the transac-                                cesses of the previous upcycle.                   augural TSX30 in 2019 – a list that recog-
llion in 2018, with the second largest num-         High energy and labor costs and lengthy        individual claims. “The timeline to open                tions, most notably Barrick’s no-premium                               Shareholders want management to show              nizes the top 30 performing stocks on the
ber of mining companies headquartered               permitting processes are two of the main       a mine is not at the speed of business or               acquisition of Randgold, and the modest                                accountability and discipline throughout          Toronto Stock Exchange over a three-year
in one city (Toronto is second to Vancou-           issues facing Ontario. Fortunately, the pro-   commodity markets, and we are working                   18% premium paid by Newmont for Gold-                                  the entire commodity cycle, according to          period – are Ontario mining producers
ver) and as the traditional home of mining          vincial government – led by Doug Ford’s        to correct this,” acknowledged Minister                 corp. “The financial strategy we are seeing                            Ian Roberston, executive vice president of        headquartered in Toronto. The success of
finance on Bay Street where the TSX is              Progressive Conservative Party, elected on     Rickford.                                               from companies is still very conservative,”                            communication strategy at strategic share-        Kirkland Lake Gold (number four on the
found, Ontario’s influence reaches far be-          June 28, 2018 – and a network of mining        “Ontario is blessed with commodities that               commented Daniel Ricica, partner of KP-                                holder advisory firm Kingsdale Advisors:          TSX30 and the best performing mining
yond the borders of the province.                   associations are cognizant of these chal-      are currently in demand, and the market                 MG’s energy and natural resources divi-                                “When times are good, mining compa-               stock), North American Palladium (16) and
However, remaining competitive in a                 lenges and have been proactive to estab-       has been doing well, but in order to keep               sion, explaining that, despite the robust                              nies may paint an overly optimistic picture       Wesdome Gold Mines (19), shows that mi-
global market place cannot be main-                 lish a more favorable climate for mining       our industry thriving, we have to be com-               gold price, a seven-year downturn and                                  of where the company is and where the             ning in Ontario can thrive despite high la-
tained through reputation alone, and de-            investment.                                    petitive in the global arena,” stated Chris             previous misuse of capital are still fresh in                          company is heading. In these cases, man-          bor and energy costs.
spite impressive production figures and a           In his interview with Global Business Re-      Hodgson, president of the Ontario Mining
world-class mining ecosystem, there are             ports, Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy,      Association (OMA).
signs that Ontario’s traditional position           Northern Development, Mines and In-            To this end, tangible progress has been
of dominance has started to wane. The
Fraser Institute’s Mining Investment At-
tractiveness Index ranked Ontario number
                                                    digenous Affairs from the Government of
                                                    Ontario, emphasized a focus on key areas
                                                    in order to position Ontario as the lead-
                                                                                                   made, as dialogue between the OMA,
                                                                                                   the government and Ontario's Workplace
                                                                                                   Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) caused
                                                                                                                                                                Increasing Exploration Success
20 in 2018, behind British Columbia (18),           ing mining jurisdiction in Canada, includ-     WSIB to end its unfunded liability charge,
Nunavut (15), Manitoba (12), Newfound-              ing expediting regulatory processes for        reducing the employer's average premium
land & Labrador (11), Northwest Territories         mine production, strengthening spaces for      rate to 17%. “These kinds of successes are
(10), Yukon (9) and Québec (4). Of course,          industry-wide dialogue and creating fo-        always the result of collaboration,” reflect-                 Mineral Exploration Research Centre
                                                                                                                                                                 at the HARQUAIL School of Earth Sciences
the majority of these jurisdictions do not          cused task groups to resolve a backlog of      ed Hodgson.
come close to matching Ontario’s global             project-specific issues immediately. When      “With high priced labor your competitive-
                                                                                                                                                                 Our goal is to advance the fundamental

                                                                                                   ness is in productivity,” noted Roy Slack,
                                                                                                   president of the Canadian institute of Mi-
                                                                                                                                                                 science that will discover the next
                                                                                                   ning, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM),
                                                                                                                                                                 generation of orebodies while training
                                                                                                                                                                 highly qualified personnel for careers
                                                                                                   highlighting Canada’s role as a leader in
                                                                                                                                                                 in the minerals industry.
We want to maintain Ontario as one of the most competitive places for                              implementing battery-operated and au-
                                                                                                   tonomous equipment, alternative energy                        We work with industry on collaborative
exploration and reduce the regulatory burdens for extraction. Our goal
                                                                                                   sources and environmental responsibility.                     research projects across the world to
is to provide the conditions so that mines can actually open, supporting                           “These advances help to offset the costs                      support the development of new
all stages of the business.                                                                        of deeper mines and higher labor and are                      exploration methods and technologies.
                                                                                                   critical to obtaining the social license we
                                                                                                   need to operate in a sustainable manner,”
                                                         - Hon. Greg Rickford,                     he added.

                                                            Minister of Energy,
                                                      Northern Development,                        Record M&A activity sweeps the                                          HARQUAIL              School of Earth Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                 École des sciences de la Terre

                        Mines and Indigenous Affairs – Government of Ontario                       industry

                                                                                                                                                                 Located in Sudbury, Ontario, a world class mining district, we provide
                                                                                                   2019 ended much the way it started, with                      unrivaled exploration-focused research and educational opportunities.
                                                                                                   a wave of high-profile M&A deals in the

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                        8                                                         Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                                                      9                          MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                      Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                               EDITORIAL

The majors also had an outstanding 2019,            If low commodity prices can no longer be       maturely, effectively stunting the growth of           The need to diversify                             of mining recruitment firm CJ Stafford &        female-owned businesses to their first
as Barrick saw its profits rise 45% to a re-        blamed, what is causing this? “The con-        these businesses at critical early stages.”                                                              Associates.                                     US$1 million in revenue.
cord US$1.37 billion in Q3, Newmont suc-            solidation of the brokerage industry has       The road block of lengthy permitting, an-              Another factor holding the mining industry        As well as the pressing need for young          One of the companies involved in the Ar-
cessfully brought its new Borden “mine of           meant a reduction in retail investment.        other thorn in the side of cash-strapped               back from fulfilling its potential is a lack of   professionals in the mining industry, a         temis project is Covergalls, which designs
the future” online in Timmins in October,           Whilst before investment in junior mining      juniors, has also been noticed by service              diversity in the workplace. The Canadian          continued lack of gender diversity is limit-    and manufactures coveralls and safety
and Vale commenced the C$750 expan-                 stocks used to be commonplace, that it is      companies such as South African OEM                    mining industry is projected to need to hire      ing the talent pool: “Though the number         equipment for women in mining. Alicia
sion of its Copper Cliff mine in Sudbury on         no longer the case,” suggested Denis S.        Multotec: “Regulatory frameworks are al-               roughly 80,000 workers by 2030, accord-           of females graduating in engineering sci-       Woods, Covergalls creator, started the
the back of a robust nickel forecast.               Frawley, partner at Ormston List Frawley       ways important, but we need to make sure               ing to the 2020 Canadian Mining Labour            ences has increased across the board, the       company for practical reasons: “When I en-
For the junior exploration sector, the con-         LLP.                                           that the junior companies that are invest-             Market 10-Year Outlook by the Mining In-          percentage of women in mining has hardly        tered the mining industry approximately 20
text is vastly different. In Q1 2016, when          Another factor is predatory short selling of   ing in exploration see their projects come             dustry Human Resources Council (MiHR).            changed over the last decade and remains        years ago, I had to buy my work gear, and,
the gold price spiked by 15%, equity                stocks, according to Terry Lynch, founder      to fruition closer in time,” commented                 In a country with low unemployment and            around 16%,” added Stafford.                    to my surprise, there was absolutely noth-
raises trebled in the following months. In          of the Save Canadian Mining advocacy           Anthony Artin, product and business de-                high competition, the need to convince            This sentiment was echoed by Heather            ing for women,” she reflected.
2019, gold reached record highs in Cana-            group, being backed by the likes of Eric       velopment manager at Multotec Canada.                  young people and women to work in mi-             Gamble, CEO & founder of Women on               In the years since, Woods has presented
dian dollars, but investment has not trick-         Sprott, Rob McEwen and the OMA. In             An example of the disparity between pro-               ning has never been as pertinent.                 the Move, whose Artemis project offers          the Covergalls brand in front of Dragons
led down to the junior market. Despite              2012, the Investment Industry Regulatory       ducers and explorers is illustrated by the             Dr. Ross Sherlock, director of the Min-           a capacity building program that accel-         Den and has been approached by New-
the 2019 slowdown of both the cryptocur-            Organization of Canada (IIROC) and the         current client base of Major Drilling, with            eral Exploration Research Centre (MERC)           erates business outcomes for women              mont, Yamana Gold and Kinross, who are
rency boom of 2017 and the burgeoning               Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)       a 90/10 percentage ratio of seniors and                at the Harquail School of Earth Sciences          entrepreneurs in the mining and metals          all looking to diversify their workforce. As
cannabis market of 2018, retail investment          removed a trading rule known as the “tick      intermediates versus juniors, according to             (HES) at Laurentian University in Sudbury,        industry: “Over 30% of Canadian univer-         the brand gains traction, Woods has the in-
has not yet returned to mineral explora-            test,” which had restricted short selling      president and CEO Denis Larocque. How-                 commented on how the perception of mi-            sity graduates that study STEM (science,        tention of expanding internationally: “Cu-
tion in Canada. This is not an Ontario-             to positive price changes at the time of       ever, offering optimism for the exploration            ning industry jobs does not align with the        technology, engineering, and mathemat-          rrently all production is done in Canada,
specific situation, as S&P Global Market            the sale. “The current rules in our equity     sector, Larocque compared the current                  reality: “Youth often perceives resource          ics) courses are women. However, a very         but with the recent launch of our innovative
Intelligence metals and mining research             markets have created an environment for        climate to the start of the last upcycle in            development, including oil and gas, as            small percentage of women see mining as         workwear program and “3 levels of engage-
reported global exploration budgets had             predatory short selling practices to thrive,   2004: “We are now seeing the same phe-                 low-tech, manual and environmentally              a feasible career path,” she stated.            ment” we are partnering with clients like
declined by US$300 million, or 3%, in               particularly on our vulnerable junior mar-     nomenon with seniors investing in junior               destructive. However, those with direct ex-       The Artemis project has been orchestrat-        Yamana and the communities surrounding
2019. Furthermore, Australia spent more             kets,” said Lynch, continuing: “For smaller    companies, which I believe will soon be                perience with the industry soon realize the       ing collaboration between mining com-           their operations to uplift the communities
on exploration than Canada for the first            cap mining companies, short selling activ-     attracting more investment into the junior             opposite is true. Resource development            panies such as McEwen Mining, Dundee            and make them a part of the manufacturing
time in 18 years.                                   ity spooks true investors into selling pre-    sector.”                                               is one of the most beneficial activities for      Precious Metals and Yamana Gold to take         process of Covergalls workwear. ■
                                                                                                                                                          society that can create a lasting positive
                                                                                                                                                          Laurentian University has partnered with
                                                                                                                                                          entrepreneurial companies such as Orix
                                                                                                                                                          Geoscience to show the benefits a career
                                                                                                                                                          in geoscience can offer, including aspects
                                                                                                                                                          of the outdoors, technology, creativity, en-
                                                                                                                                                          vironmental sustainability and innovation.
                                                                                                                                                          “Cutting edge new tools are being used to
                                                                                                                                                          solve geoscience problems and discover
                                                                                                                                                          new resources. Seeing the modern image
                                                                                                                                                          of geoscience has proven to be inspira-
                                                                                                                                                          tional,” added Sherlock.
                                                                                                                                                          Orix Geoscience now employs over 60
                                                                                                                                                          people in three offices in Toronto, Sudbury
                                                                                                                                                          and Winnipeg and was recognized by the
                                                                                                                                                          Globe and Mail as one of the Top 50 Work
                                                                                                                                                          Places in Canada. Over 50% of Orix’s em-
                                                                                                                                                          ployees are women, and 15% to 20% are
                                                                                                                                                          foreign-born, according to the company’s
                                                                                                                                                          co-founder Shastri Ramnath, who helped
                                                                                                                                                          launched the “Shattered Glass” initiative
                                                                                                                                                          to promote women to company boards.
                                                                                                                                                          “Most of Orix’s workforce are millennials,
                                                                                                                                                          and we think they have the right mindset
                                                                                                                                                          – wanting to do something meaningful at
                                                                                                                                                          work but also enjoy a work/life balance.”
                                                                                                                                                          “To remain competitive mining companies
                                                                                                                                                          must adapt to the new generation of tal-
                                                                                                                                                          ent, their demands, ambitions and aspira-
                                                                                                                                                          tions,” suggested Chris Stafford, president

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                       10                                                        Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                               11                         MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
FA C T S H E E T                                                                                                                                                  Global Business Reports     Industry Explorations                                                                                                INTERVIEW

                                                                   MINING PRODUCTION 2018 BY PROVINCE                                                                                                                            Where is your attention focused to im-          principles and values. We can never
                                                                                 Source: Natural Resources Canada
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 prove the mining sector in Ontario?             build a mine that is proximal but not ac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 We are working on expediting regulatory         cessible to communities; the positive ef-
                                                                 C$000                                                                                                                                                           processes for mine production, strength-        fects of an operation must reach every-
                                                           12,000,000                                                                                                                                                            ening spaces for industry-wide dialogue,        one. Mines have the potential to be the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and creating focused task groups to im-         life source of a town, bringing job pros-
                                                           10,000,000                                                                                                                                                            mediately resolve a backlog of project-         pects and kick starting other businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 specific issues.                                In terms of Indigenous consultations, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 One of our priorities is to help enterprises    are developing a standardized approach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with their residual regulatory matters so       to memorandums of understanding and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that they can move to their next stage          impact-benefit agreements. We want to
                                                            4,000,000                                                                                                                                                            of development. Our strategy has been           establish bilateral agreements that are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to form teams of senior elite talent and        standardized, have realistic expectations,
                                                            2,000,000                                                                                                                                                            ministry officials that work intensively to     and allow for clear timeframes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 solve project specific issues. We want to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 provide immediate and individualized so-        Can you comment on the infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lutions for operations at an impasse. The       plans at the Ring of Fire?

                                                      C$000                                                             C$000                                                     C$000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 teams deal with challenges at all stages        The corridor will link communities and
   Ontario                                  10,060,429               Northwest Territories                          2,110,526   New Brunswick                                344,809                                             of the mining cycle from exploration to         extend access to health and social ser-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 closure plans. This is part of our broader      vices as well as technology. The reasons
   Quebec                                     9,986,901              Alberta                                        2,031,743   Yukon                                        216,767                                             strategy to assist with issues that stem        to develop go beyond mining. We know
   British Columbia                           9,656,918              Manitoba                                       1,504,155   Prince Edward Island                             4,569                                           from an excess of red tape.                     that the mineral profile is world-class and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 We are working to establish forums that         that there is immense potential to create
   Saskatchewan                               6,737,090              Nunavut                                        1,164,280
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 bring together the entire complexion of         wealth. Because of its resource and size, it
   Newfoundland and Labrador 2,817,075                               Nova Scotia                                     371,538    Total Canada                            47.006.800                                               senior stakeholders in the sector. The aim      can be transformative asset for the prov-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is to strengthen the dialogue at an indus-      ince.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 try level and tackle a mining agenda col-
                                                                                                                                                                                              Minister of Energy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 laboratively. The Premier left a mandate        How should the industry address the
                               ONTARIO ANNUAL GDP PER WORKER (2015)                                                                EXPLORATION PLUS DEPOSIT                                   Northern Development,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for this initiative and is continuously up-     human resource issue of a growing
                              Source: Ontario’s Panel on Economic Growth and Prosperity (Dec 2016)                                 APPRAISAL EXPENDITURES BY                                  Mines and Indigenous Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dated on its findings.                          skills deficit?
300,000                                                                                                                         MINERAL COMMODITY SOUGHT, 2019                                GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO                                                              Our role as government is to create the
                                                                                                                                         Source: Natural Resources Canada                                                        What is the Ministry doing to reduce            conditions that stimulate the workforce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the red tape and streamline the mining          for the industry. With that being said, I be-
200,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                          process?                                        lieve there is tremendous opportunity to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Better for People, Smarter for Business”       mobilize an Indigenous workforce. 12 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is our project to make regulations more         of the mining workforce is Indigenous and
100,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                          efficient. It aggregates policies across all    I believe this percentage can grow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ministries and there are four clauses spe-
 50,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                          cific to mining. One – creating certainty       How can Toronto retain its position as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for proponents submitting a closure plan        global mining leader?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by creating a 45-day timeline for the min-      We want to maintain Ontario as one of the
                Mineral Ore       Motor Vehicle and           Finance and                Life                Economy                                                                          “Better for People, Smarter for
                  Mining         Parts Manufacturing           Insurance               Sciences              Average                                                                                                             istry to make a decision. Two – to stream-      most competitive places for exploration
                                                                                                                                                                                              Business” is our project to make   line processes and lessen confusion by          and reduce the regulatory burdens for ex-
                                                                                                                                                                                              regulations more efficient...      amending the regulatory framework.              traction. Our goal is to provide the condi-
                                 ONTARIO CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN MINING                                                                                                                         The timeline to open a mine is     Three – an amendment to the mining re-          tions so that mines can actually open, sup-
 $ million
                              Source: Ontario’s Panel on Economic Growth and Prosperity (Dec 2016)
                                                                                                                                                                            C$ millions       not at the speed of business or    habilitation code to ensure that it refers      porting all stages of the business. Many
3,500                                                                                                                           Base Metals                                      136.1        commodity markets and we are       to the most recent version of dam safety.       companies are based here but do not nec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Four – improvements to the land mass ad-        essarily operate here: I intend to correct
                                                                                                                                Precious Metals                                  335.7
                                                                                                                                                                                              working to correct this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ministration system to make it easier for       this. Incentives and regulatory frameworks
2,500                                                                                                                                                                                                                            stakeholders to merge individual claims.        play an important role and we are working
                                                                                                                                Iron                                                     -

2,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The timeline to open a mine is not at the       to address both aspects. Through policy
                                                                                                                                Uranium                                                  -                                       speed of business or commodity markets          corrections we can energize the sector. I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and we are working to correct this.             am a firm believer that the conditions ex-
1,000                                                                                                                           Diamonds                                           10.1                                                                                          ist to fuel a bull market. If we provide the
  500                                                                                                                           Others                                             33.3                                          How can the authorities help balance            right conditions to encourage the industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mine development with the consider-             at a provincial level, the effects will reach
                                                                                                                                Total                                            515.2                                           ations of Indigenous communities?               Toronto and this will help boost its role as
         2009       2010        2011         2012         2013         2014         2015         2016       2017        2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Canada’s value proposition is its set of        a capital lender worldwide. ■

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                                               12                                                                    Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                13                         MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                     Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                  INTERVIEW

                                                    What have been some of the key milestones achieved by the OMA in the last two
                                                    years?                                                                                               Roy                                   How can Canada maintain its competi-
                                                                                                                                                                                               tiveness in a global market despite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              create and deliver knowledge, to create a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              robust network, and to facilitate mineral
                                                    First and foremost, we’re continuing to make strides on our safety performance. Over                                                       high labor costs?                              literacy and public awareness.
                                                    the past 30 years, we’ve improved lost time injury frequency by 96%. In 2016 and 2018,
                                                    our industry met its zero-fatality objective - a significant achievement on our way to
                                                                                                                                                         Slack                                 Canadian mining has been very innova-
                                                                                                                                                                                               tive in many areas; its mineral processing     In what path would you like to see the
                                                    achieving zero harm. These kinds of successes are always the result of collaboration.                                                      technology is only one example. We are         industry moving beyond 2020?
                                                    We’re proud of the work we do with the government and other partners to build a                                                            the leading country in implementing bat-       One of CIM’s three main aims is to im-
                                                    world-class safety culture, and we are committed collaborating on a number of other                                                        tery-operated and autonomous equip-            prove public awareness and mining lit-
                                                    files that have a big impact. For instance, we’ve had a constructive dialogue with the                                                     ment, and a leader in alternative energy,      eracy. The public must realize that miner-
                                                    Workplace Safety and Insurance Board that resulted in the WSIB ending its Unfunded                   President                             as well as in safety and environmental         als and mining will be a big part of the
                                                    Liability charge, leading to a reduction in premium rates – a big boost for competi-                 CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF                 responsibility. These advances help off-       solution to climate change, enabling
                                                    tiveness. Energy is also a large component of our cost structure in Ontario, so we are               MINING, METALLURGY AND                set the costs of deeper mines and higher       electric, battery and alternative energy
                                                    working with the government to have industrial energy pricing that is more transparent,              PETROLEUM (CIM)                       labor and are critical to obtaining the so-    solutions. Electric equipment in under-
                                                    more predictable, and lower cost. We’re also putting in programs and adopting new                                                          cial license we need to operate in a sus-      ground mines also reduces ventilation re-
                                                    technologies to help reduce energy consumption.                                                                                            tainable manner.                               quirements, which is typically the largest

Chris                                               How does the OMA’s “Meet the Miners” event bring together industry, govern-
                                                                                                                                                                                               People are realizing they have to imple-
                                                                                                                                                                                               ment innovative ideas. We are seeing a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              single power draw in underground mi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ning. Not only does it change the power
                                                    ment and communities to address pertinent issues?

                                                                                                                                                                                               more open industry not only in discuss-        source, it reduces the power need.
                                                    We have a long history of working constructively with governments and communities                                                          ing innovation but integrating it in prac-     Additionally, I feel our industry has gone
                                                    of interest to build consensus on issues that matter to our industry and to the people                                                     tice. Canada must be a leader in this          from a state of compliance to one of
                                                    of this province. For the past 41 years, OMA has hosted a Meet the Miners event at                                                         regard in order to be economically sus-        commitment. It is not only about adher-
                                                    the Ontario Legislature. The day includes meetings, presentations by thought leaders,                                                      tainable.                                      ing to the laws and regulations. We must
                                                    panels that tackle key challenges and opportunities facing the industry, and a large re-                                                                                                  go beyond that. For instance, the Cana-
                                                    ception. It is an opportunity for industry leaders to meet with policy-makers and ministry                                                 Can you elaborate on the One CIM ini-          dian industry has become a leader in re-
                                                    staff, hear what their priorities are, and to share our successes and concerns. Meet the                                                   tiative?                                       lations with First Nations peoples and the
                                                    Miners is about making the connections between our policy-makers’ objectives and                                                           The CIM has been around for a long time        environment. This creates new standards
                                                    what mining can deliver, provided we have good policies and governance structures                                                          and the goals have not changed. They           and, while the industry has done well in
                                                    in place.                                                                                                                                  are strong goals that help our industry: to    this regard, it must continue to do so. ■
(OMA)                                               How important is the mining industry to Ontario’s economy?
                                                    Though the number fluctuates with various commodity price changes, mining in On-
                                                    tario has revenues of around C$10 billion per year. The industry creates 26,000 direct               Janice                                What does the Canadian Minerals and
                                                                                                                                                                                               Metals Plan (CMMP) hope to achieve?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nearly as long-term in the Western world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              as they are in China.
                                                                                                                                                                                               CMMP was initiated approximately three

                                                    jobs and approximately 50,000 indirect jobs in mineral manufacturing and processing.

                                                    It is important to note that the average weekly wage in Ontario mining is 77% higher                                                       years ago, and is a pan-Canadian strat-        Could you expand on NRCan’s Mining
                                                    than the average industrial wage in the province, so these are good, high-paying jobs.                                                     egy for metals and minerals that has been      Value for Waste program?
                                                    The impact of mining goes beyond mineral extraction and processing.                                                                        co-developed by the federal, provincial        The tailings challenge in Canada is enor-
                                                                                                                                                                                               and territorial governments. The CMMP          mous. Approximately 200 million mt of
                                                    Can you elaborate on the importance of strengthening relationships between mi-                                                             was formally launched at PDAC 2019, and        tailings are produced annually in Canada.
As 2020 marks our association’s                     ning companies and local communities?                                                                                                      determines priorities and objectives for       After decades of mining and processing,
                                                    We aim to trigger growth and diversification in the local economy. While important in                Director – Green Mining Innovation,   six areas: economic development and            the metal value of historic tailings is sig-
centennial, we also want more                                                                                                                            CanmetMINING
                                                    any community, this approach is imperative in remote ones, where mining can have an                                                        the competitiveness of the minerals and        nificant, and there is an equivalent level
people in the province to discover                  outsized impact. Aligning interests and reconciling values with Indigenous communi-                  NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA              metals sector; advancing the participa-        of liability. Couple this with the public
and embrace all that our industry                   ties is an important element in our relationship-building. Over the last few decades,                                                      tion of Indigenous peoples; communi-           concern regarding mine waste, the op-
has become over the past 100                        Indigenous-industry partnerships have evolved tremendously through the conclusion                                                          ties; Canada’s global leadership; envi-        portunity to re-examine these wastes as
years, and all it has to offer. This                of various types of agreements related to mine development. These have proven to                                                           ronment; and science, technology and           resources is very compelling. In fact, the
is why we launched #ThisIsMining,                   be successful in securing benefits for many Indigenous communities. We are working                                                         innovation. The first in a series of action    grade of some tailings far exceeds what is
                                                    with the government to ensure that an equitable model for Resource Revenue Sharing                                                         plans will be launched at the PDAC in          mined today. As well tailings often con-
a campaign that aims to surprise
                                                    further aligns community and industry interests and development goals.                                                                     2020.                                          tain several of the critical minerals such as
and inspire, motivating people to                                                                                                                                                                                                             tungsten and rare earths. The Mining Val-
form opinions about our industry                    Where would you like to see the Ontario Mining industry by the end of 2020?                                                                Why does China hold such dominance             ue for Waste program is a pan-Canadian
based on curiosity, discovery and                   We would like to see Ontario as the number one mining jurisdiction for capital, not only                                                   over the critical mineral space and how        effort to develop tools, technologies,
engagement.                                         invested in operating mines, but also in juniors, as a robust mining cycle relies on vi-                                                   can countries such as Canada catch up?         and policies to de-risk and accelerate

                                                    brant mineral exploration that leads to discoveries, which can be turned into new mines.                                                   China’s dominance in the critical miner-       demonstration and full-scale waste re-
                                                    As 2020 marks our association’s centennial, we also want more people in the province                                                       al space started 30 years ago and their        processing / repurposing projects. The
                                                    to discover and embrace all that our industry has become over the past 100 years, and                                                      long-term strategy allowed them to beat        goal is to reduce mine waste liability and
                                                    all it can offer. This is why we launched #ThisIsMining, a campaign that aims to surprise                                                  competitors. At that time, everybody was       environmental impact, while providing
                                                    and inspire, motivating people to form opinions about our industry based on curiosity,                                                     comfortable allowing China to supply           local and national value for Canada (jobs,
                                                    discovery and engagement. ■                                                                                                                products. Our resource strategies are not      resources, etc.). ■

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                       14                                                       Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                   15                        MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                        Global Business Reports

                                                                                                                                                                        2020                                       March 1 – 4
Heather                                             Can you introduce Women on the Move (WOM) and outline the company’s vision?
                                                    Women on the Move (WOM) is Canada’s leading business accelerator for female business                                                                           Metro Toronto Convention Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Toronto, Canada
                                                    owners/entrepreneurs ready to scale. Our value proposition to the community is that we

Gamble                                              take female-owned businesses to their first US$1 million in revenue. Currently, less than
                                                    1% of female founders achieve over a million dollars in annual revenue and we believe that
                                                    these businesses just need some capacity building to achieve success. The company was
                                                    established in 2014 and has since trained, coached and advised over 1,000 female found-
                                                    ers. WOM’s main goal is to equip female founders to establish successful and sustainable
                                                    business ventures, with a mission to have 10,000 women achieve this success.
CEO & Founder
WOMEN ON THE MOVE                                   How did you get the idea for WOM’s mining and metals-focused Artemis project?
                                                    My first client was a mining engineer based in Santiago, Chile – a single consultant who
                                                                                                                                                                        REGISTER AT
                                                    wanted to start a business. We worked together to get her company to US$1 million in                                Purchase an All Access Pass and enjoy unlimited programming, networking events & more!
                                                    revenue, which was achieved within a very short amount of time. Working with this client, I
                                                    was introduced to the mining industry. A significant number of women in the mining indus-
                                                    try heard about the momentum we were building and approached WOM for assistance. I
                                                    realized that it was not possible to only be helping one business at a time and had to come
                                                    up with a plan to build capacity in a collective. This is how the Artemis project was born.
                                                    The program is designed to equip women entrepreneurs with senior level sales training,
                                                    senior level sales coaching, senior level sales business introductions and senior level sales

                                                                                                                                                            EXPAND YOUR NETWORK
                                                    business connections.

                                                    Do you think many women see the mining industry as a feasible career option?
                                                    Over 30% of Canadian university graduates that study STEM (science, technology, en-                     25,000+ attendees
                                                    gineering, and mathematics) courses are women. However, a very small percentage of
                                                    women see mining as a feasible career path. Looking at the sector, De Beers is the only                 from 132 countries
                                                    mining company which has demonstrated that they are committed to attracting women
                                                    into the industry. ■

                                                                                                                                                            GAIN INSIGHTS FROM
Felix                                               How did PDAC 2019 compare to previous editions of the event?
                                                    What set PDAC 2019 apart from previous conventions is the fact that it was attended by
                                                                                                                                                            INDUSTRY EXPERTS
                                                    Canada’s head of state, and was the second time a sitting Canadian Prime Minister has
                                                                                                                                                            780+ speakers
Lee                                                 visited and spoken at the event.

                                                    In Q3 2019 there were raises in the precious metal prices, but equity has not re-
                                                    turned to the junior market. What do you attribute this to?
                                                    The amount of equity raised dropped off significantly in 2018, to the extent that the
                                                                                                                                                            ACCESS TO CAPITAL
                                                    amount of equity raised in 2018 was actually below the previous low in 2013, and it
                                                    seems that even a lesser amount of equity is going to be raised in 2019.                                2,500+ investors
PDAC                                                To that end PDAC is encouraging the government to keep in place certain fiscal incen-
                                                    tives to drive investment into the exploration side of the business, such as the mainte-

                                                                                                                                                            PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS
                                                    nance of the flow-through share (FTS) regime as well as the renewal of tax credits. Ap-
                                                    proximately 80% of all equity raises for exploration in Canada have been flow-through,

                                                                                                                                                            1,100+ exhibitors
                                                    which illustrates its importance.
                                                    What do you think that Canada can learn from other jurisdictions to help foster a
                                                    better mining climate?
                                                    Finland is a prime example of the value of infrastructure and how it can assist explora-
                                                    tion and mining. Infrastructure plays a huge role in bringing down the overall cost of
                                                    exploration, and that is why PDAC continues to advocate on a federal level for invest-
                                                    ment to develop the far North.

                                                    What do you think Canada should do to maintain its role as a global mining leader?
                                                    Historically, Canada has enjoyed a dominance in the mining industry, but we should not
                                                    rest on our past laurels and recognize the fact that Canada faces increasing competi-
                                                    tion. We should push for increased government geoscience programs in order to collect
                                                    more geological data. Ultimately, explorers go where there is information and where                                                                                                                2020
                                                    there is sufficient infrastructure in place to make a project economically feasible. ■

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                        16                                                         Industry Explorations
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                   Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                            INTERVIEW

Dr. Ross                                                                                                                                               Denis S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      gas because of the pipelines. Mining is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      not viewed as being that closely related
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to climate change and therefore it does

Sherlock                                                                                                                                               Frawley                                                                                        not have that dynamic, however, this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      may change in the future when the gen-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      eral public realizes how important stra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      tegic minerals are for technologies such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      as electric vehicles. Mining in Canada is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      more of provincial responsibility.

Director of the Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC)                                                                                                                                                                                            What type of mining clients does
                                                                                                                                                       Partner                                                                                        Ormston List Frawley work with and
                                                                                                                                                       ORMSTON LIST FRAWLEY LLP                                                                       what can the firm offer them?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ormston List Frawley works with junior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and exploration-stage mining companies.
What is the focus of the Mineral Ex-                utilize the details of the data being gen-   How can the mining sector become                                                                                                                     Our lawyers recognize that business and
ploration Research Centre (MERC)?                   erated and consequently industry has         a more attractive career option for a                 Which mining-related projects of inter-       boutique brokerage firms that specialize         legal needs in the mining space are dis-
Our goal is to advance the fundamental              become data rich and knowledge poor.         young talent pool?                                    est has Ormston List Frawley LLP been         in mining dominate the capital markets.          tinct from those of other industries, espe-
science that will discover the next gen-            MERC and HES are combating this trend        Youth often perceives resource develop-               involved in in the last 12 months?                                                             cially for small to mid-cap companies. We
eration of orebodies. Our belief is that            by fostering a deeper understanding of       ment as low-tech, manual and environ-                 An important client of Ormston List Fraw-     To what extent do federal elections im-          understand that they need legal coun-
the discovery of orebodies has the big-             ore systems to produce geoscientists         mentally destructive. However, those                  ley is Noble Minerals. We are assisting       pact the country’s mining climate?               seling that is affordable, quick, relevant
gest multiplier effect in the creation of           who are better equipped at interpreting      with direct experience with the industry              them on matters related to a large pro-       Regardless of which political party wins         and convenient. In addition to this, we
new wealth for society.                             complex multi-parameter datasets and         soon realize the opposite is true. Re-                perty they own of more than 50,000 hect-      in Canada, the transition is relatively          are also able to fulfill many of the back-
MERC works with industry and govern-                can navigate within a data-rich work en-     source development is one of the most                 ares in Northern Ontario.                     smooth for mining and there is rarely a          office functions related to documentation
ments on collaborative research projects            vironment.                                   beneficial activities for society that can                                                          dramatic impact. I do not think the Gen-         and permitting that companies without
across Canada and the globe. These                  Industry over the last decade has shifted    create a lasting positive legacy. Sudbury,            Can you expand on how changes to              eral Election is that interested in minerals,    their own legal departments cannot fulfill
projects support the development of                 its focus to brownfield exploration be-      is a great example of what mining has                 the Canadian Securities Laws have im-         a more relevant issue for them is oil and        alone. ■
new exploration methods and technolo-               cause of unsatisfactory returns from its     made possible and what opportunities                  pacted the regulatory framework in
gies while training highly qualified per-           greenfield exploration efforts. However,     await a new generation of geoscientists.              Ontario?
sonnel for careers in the minerals indus-           with sustained exploration, brownfield       We are working to help younger genera-                The regulator is moving to a model where
try, academia and government. MERC                  environments will inevitably deliver         tions see this reality. We have partnered             data collection is prioritized. The report-
facilitates and manages research pro-               declining results. MERC’s Metal Earth        with entrepreneurial companies such as                ing of extra information has made trans-
jects, typically field-based and explora-           project is focused on reducing the risk      Orix Geoscience to show that a career                 actions longer and more complex. Addi-
tion related. Our largest current project           in greenfield exploration by helping to      in geoscience can include aspects of the              tionally, Canada has the oddity of having
is “Metal Earth,” a C$104 million, seven-           identify higher probability targets in       outdoors, technology, creativity, envi-               many security jurisdictions. Each province
year, applied R&D effort supported in               under-explored areas.                        ronmental sustainability, and innovation.             has its own set of regulations. Often there
large part by the Canada First Research                                                          Seeing the modern image of geoscience                 are many similarities and regulations
Excellence Fund (CFREF). MERC also of-              How will the Metal Earth project im-         has proven to be inspirational.                       across provinces can be harmonized.
fers short courses and modular courses              pact geological exploration?                                                                       However, increasingly we are seeing more
targeted at industry professionals, which           Metal Earth is a large multidisciplinary     What makes the Laurentian University                  exceptions, and this has complicated
are run in partnership with industry                research project, led by MERC, focused       outstanding for students interested                   compliance. Nevertheless, the Regulation
events such as the PDAC and Roundup.                on understanding the Earth’s early evo-      in geology?                                           Commission has announced that they are
MERC is a part of the Harquail School of            lution and processes that led to differ-     Laurentian is one of the few universi-                looking for ways to reduce the regulatory
Earth Sciences (HES) here at Laurentian             ential metal endowment in Precambrian        ties sitting in a world class mining hub              burden.
University in Sudbury, Ontario. HES is              rocks. Metal deposits occur in clusters,     with a full range of exploration, mining,
a comprehensive geology department                  with some areas of the earth’s crust re-     smelting and refining activities. Besides             Despite favorable precious metals
offering BSc, MSc and PhD programs in-              markably rich in metal deposits, and         MERC and the Harquail School of Earth                 prices, the junior mining sector is still
cluding options for a thesis based MSc              other areas of similar geology with rela-    Sciences, Laurentian also has the Good-               struggling to raise capital. Do you think
in geology or applied MSc in mineral ex-            tively few deposits. By understanding        man School of Mines, the Bharti School                the equity markets have changed or
ploration.                                          the processes that result in these differ-   of Engineering and the Mirarco Mining                 has the money yet to trickle down?
                                                    ences and making the process mapable         Innovation Institute. The Ontario Geo-                The consolidation of the brokerage indus-
How is innovation impacting geologi-                and predictable, industry will possess a     logical Survey, Geoscience Laboratories               try has meant a reduction in retail invest-
cal exploration?                                    significantly more effective exploration     and Ministry of Northern Development                  ment. Whilst before investment in junior
Innovation in exploration has introduced            tool to focus its greenfield exploration     and Mines are also housed in the same                 mining stocks was commonplace, that it
new and complex datasets, faster and                efforts. This tool will be exportable to     building as MERC and HES. There are                   is no longer the case. Investment spe-
more effectively, with an increased de-             other jurisdictions of similar geology       ample opportunities for students to gain              cialized in mining attracts people within
gree of resolution. However, geoscien-              such as the Birimian of West Africa and      valuable industry experience through-                 the industry and those with specialized
tists are often unable to interpret and             the Guiana shield of South America.          out their education. ■                                knowledge, not the wider public. The

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                      18                                                      Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                            19                         MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020


  » My theory is that there has been a renaissance
  in mining, whereby a lot more is demanded from
companies as the sector in general has matured. The
 companies, the environment and investors have all
         changed, demanding greater ROI. «

                    - Dean McPherson,
             Head of Business Development –
             Global Mining, the TSX and TSX.V

                        Image courtesy of Zia Syed on Unsplash
EDITORIAL                                                                                                               Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations

TORONTO: THE HOME OF MINING FINANCE                                                                                                                      EQUITY CAPITAL RAISED BY MINING
                                                                                                                                                         COMPANIES ON THE TSX AND TSXV

The challenge                                                                                                                                            C$12.5 BILLION

of attracting                                                                                                                                                                2018

investment                                                                                                                                                 C$6.5 BILLION

                                                                                                                                                           C$8.5 BILLION

                                                                                                                                                           PERCENTAGE OF GLOBAL MINING
                                                                                                                                                          FINANCINGS THAT TOOK PLACE ON
Toronto remains the global investment engine of the mining            In October 2019, the TSX30 program was launched to high-                                THE TSX AND TSXV IN 2019

industry through its stock exchanges, mining-focused finan-           light the top 30 performers on the main exchange over the
cial services, consultants, legal advisors and banks that have        last three years based on dividend adjusted share price ap-
a long history of financing projects from early stage explora-        preciation. Considering the challenging market conditions in
tion through to production. With almost twice the number              that time period, it is a welcome surprise that eight of the                               of the number of mining
of mining companies listed on the TSX and TSX.V (approxi-             companies on the list are in the mining sector, five of which                                 financings globally

mately 1,200) compared to its nearest competitor, the ASX,            are headquartered in Toronto, with Kirkland Lake Gold be-
even companies that have never had or will likely never have          ing the fourth best performer overall with over 600% return.
operations in Canada choose to be headquartered in Toronto            “The program showcases that investors can still receive great
for its access to capital.                                            returns in the mining market,” commented Dean McPherson,                               of the mining equity capital
                                                                                                                                                                    raised globally
                                                                      head of business development – global mining at the TMX
                                                                      Group, noting the significant role that management and juris-
                                                                      diction play in encouraging investor appetite.
                                                                      Although these success stories are encouraging, they do not                         NUMBER OF MINING COMPANIES
                                                                      paint the full picture. While the incredible performance of                             ON THE TSX AND TSXV
                                                                      a small section of the industry is an encouraging sign mov-
                                                                      ing forward and should attract some investor confidence, a
                                                                      lack of new listings and the continued struggles of the junior
                                                                      community to attract finance have created a chasm between
                                                                      those who produce, and those who explore. A clear illustra-                                            TSXV
                                                                      tion of the challenging financial climate facing the industry
                                                                      came from Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp, which decided
                                                                      to pull the plug on its planned C$360 million IPO in Decem-
                                                                      ber 2019, citing difficult market conditions and a lacklustre
                                                                      demand for new mining issues.
                                                                      “In terms of new listings and financings, 2019 has been a bit
                                                                      volatile, not only for the mining sector but across the board,”
                                                                      acknowledged McPherson, before noting that this is truly a
                                                                      global issue, as the number of new listings on TMX Group’s                      NUMBER OF NEW MINING COMPANIES
                                                                      equity exchanges in 2019 still outweighed those of its major                    LISTED ON THE TSX AND TSXV IN 2019
                                                                      competitors combined.                                                                                   TSX

                                                                      In such a context, companies need to cast their nets wide
                                                                      when sourcing capital, and a roadshow that includes the
                                                                      United States, Europe and Asia requires juniors to demon-
                                                                      strate more than just promising drill results. “My theory is that                                      TSXV
                                                                      there has been a renaissance in mining, whereby a lot more is
                                                                      demanded from companies as the sector in general has ma-
                                                                      tured. The companies, the environment and investors have                                               TOTAL

                                                                      all changed, demanding greater ROI,” reflected McPherson.
                                                                      Despite the struggles of the junior market, the outlook for
                                                                      metal demand is robust, and the fact remains that mines need
MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                22                                                        Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                  23   MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                      Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                              TSX 30

                                                                                                                                                          "In October 2019, we launched the TSX30 program which                  "The devil is in the details; we understand this and it is how
                                                                                                                                                          highlights the top 30 performers on the exchange over the              we drive our business model. We focus on our business,
                                                    In 2018, you mentioned that there was           Can you elaborate on the launch of the                last three years based on dividend adjusted share price ap-            knowing the fundamentals of our operations and make deci-
                                                    a return of investor confidence. Over           inaugural TSX30 program?                              preciation. Eight of the companies were mining companies,              sions to support people. We put a lot of effort and invest-
                                                    the last year, how has this progressed?         In October 2019, we launched the TSX30                with Kirkland Lake Gold being the fourth best performer                ment into exploration, and this has helped the company to
                                                    The last 12 months have been good for           program which highlights the top 30                   overall with over 300% return. The program showcases that              significantly add to reserves and resources at both Macassa
                                                    TMX Group and its equity markets, To-           performers on the exchange over the                   investors can still receive great returns in the mining market.        and Fosterville, while increasing production and reducing unit
                                                    ronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX              last three years based on dividend ad-                We also noticed that management and jurisdiction plays a sig-                          costs at both of these mines.”
                                                    Venture Exchange (TSXV), which remain           justed share price appreciation. Eight of                     nificant role in encouraging investor appetite.”
                                                    global leaders in the mining sector. 2018       the companies were mining companies,
                                                    was particularly encouraging; we had a          with Kirkland Lake Gold being the fourth                                    - Dean McPherson,                                                 - Anthony (Tony) Makuch,
                                                    notable presence in the number of large         best performer overall with over 300%                         Head of Business Development – Global Mining,                                      President and CEO,
                                                    financings done globally as TSX issuers         return. The program showcases that in-                      Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange                                      Kirkland Lake Gold
                                                    accounted for approximately 30% of              vestors can still receive great returns in
                                                    global mega-financings.                         the mining market. We also noticed that
                                                    One of the major trends we saw in 2018          management and jurisdiction plays a sig-
                                                    was an increase in M&A activity, includ-        nificant role in encouraging investor ap-

Dean                                                ing the Barrick-Randgold merger and
                                                    the Newmont-Goldcorp merger, both of
                                                                                                    petite. Mining companies have to dem-
                                                                                                    onstrate to the market that they have the

                                                    which decided to list in Toronto. We have       structures and controls in place to show
                                                    seen this trend continue in 2019 with the       how investment money will be spent.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rank     Company                                             HQ Location            3-Yr Share Price
                                                    recent North American Palladium acqui-
                                                    sition by Impala Platinum.                      What is TMX Group’s strategy to ex-                                                             4th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kirkland Lake Gold                                  Ontario                     +605%
                                                    In terms of new listings and financings,        pand its global reach?
                                                    2019 has been a bit volatile, not only for      We are the only global stock exchange
                                                    the mining sector but across the board.         in Latin America with a full-time presence                                                      5th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Trilogy Metals                                      British Columbia            +503%
                                                    We are seeing the market pick up and            in the region. Approximately 45% of
                                                    the number of new listings have started         the projects that are represented in our

Head of Business Development –
                                                    to increase in Q3 2019, a trend we ex-          market are outside of Canada, and Latin                                                         9th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ivanhoe Mines                                       British Columbia            +312%
                                                    pect to continue into 2020.                     America contributes to 20%.
Global Mining
                                                                                                    Africa is also a strong market, we have
TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE                              In the first half of 2016, the gold price
                                                                                                    offices in China, and are developing busi-                                                     11th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Company                   Ontario                     +282%
                                                    increased by approximately 20% and              ness in Australia, Israel, and Kazakhstan.
                                                    equity raises almost tripled. In Q3             Once Australian companies get beyond
                                                    2019, a similar rise in gold prices took        a US$100 million market cap, they tend                                                         15th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Anglo Pacific Group                                 United Kingdom              +185%

                                                    place, but equity raises have not in-           to look at TMX as they see us as a gate-
                                                    creased to the level we have seen be-           way to larger pools of capital.
                                                    fore. What do you attribute this to?                                                                                                           16th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           North American Palladium                            Ontario                     +183%
                                                    I believe that it has a lot to do with struc-   As a final message to the global mining
                                                    tural changes in the marketplace, as well       community, what does TMX Group
TMX Group offers the most
                                                    as two new industries competing in the          have to offer in 2020?                                                                         17th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gran Colombia Gold                                  Ontario                     +178%
                                                    market – cannabis and Bitcoin. From             TMX Group offers the most seamless
seamless and largest access to
                                                    a stock exchange perspective, this is           and largest access to global capital for
global capital for the mining sector.               healthy as you want more industries for         the mining sector. No other exchange                                                           19th
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wesdome Gold Mines                                  Ontario                     +172%
No other exchange can offer a                       investors to be able to diversify their port-   can offer a mining ecosystem of bankers,
mining ecosystem of bankers,                        folio. My theory is that there has been a       research analysts and traders, all of which
research analysts and traders, all                  renaissance in mining, where a lot more         can ensure success post listing. We offer
                                                    is demanded from companies as the sec-          a complete service that extends beyond                "We believe that the only way to show value to our sharehold-          "The royalty model can present significant value from a cash-
of which can ensure success post
                                                    tor in general has matured. The compa-          the initial capital raise.                            ers is through continued exploration success and we still have         flow perspective and is more attractive in many cases than
listing.                                            nies, the environment and investors have        We maintain a competitive advantage                   a significant amount of exploration potential. Wesdome is cu-          owning the underlying mine. While a number of traditional
                                                                                                                                                          rrently focused on the Abitibi belt. Once we are well on our           mining investors may want the leverage to the commodity

                                                    all changed, demanding greater ROI.             through innovations such as the Capital
                                                    With the increase in commodity prices,          Pool Company (CPC) program, which we                  way to get Kiena restarted and reach 100,000 oz of produc-             price that comes with owning the equity of an operator, many
                                                    we saw a notable surge in financing ac-         developed for our Venture market. We                  tion at Eagle River, the company will be in a position to look         other investors prefer to forego that leverage and the associ-
                                                    tivities, especially below the US$50 mil-       have also brought on a team member                                      at acquiring more assets”                            ated risk in exchange for a more secure stream of earnings.”
                                                    lion financing levels. We have not seen         whose sole focus is to investigate and
                                                    a mega-raise yet, but we believe that it        evaluate ways in which we can remove
                                                    is just a matter of time before it will hap-    barriers to the movement of capital                                             - Duncan Middlemiss,                                               - John F. Tuer,
                                                    pen as investors are still waiting for the      across our markets on a global level. ■                                          President and CEO,                                             President and CEO,
                                                    volatility in the market, due to the trade                                                                                      Wesdome Gold Mines                                  Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Company (LIORC)
                                                    wars, to subside.

MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020                        24                                                       Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                           25                       MINING IN ONTARIO AND TORONTO’S GLOBAL REACH 2020
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