Page created by Elmer Adkins
City of San Dimas
                                                                       (as of April 30, 2021)

                                                                  Private Sector Resources
         Program                    Usage                  Description                          Benefits                   More Information                  How to File
California Energy Wise       Equipment Rebates     Non-residential energy saving     Website leads businesses to the    More information:            Rebate Questions:
                                                   rebates that can save money       rebate catalogues from different   SoCal Edison Customers:
                                                   during the current pandemic       companies that provide different   ebates/                      (626) 812-7666
                                                                                     rebates from different service                                  SoCalGas Customers:
                                                                                     providers.                                                      (562) 803-7323
                                                                                                                                                     SDG&E Customers:
                                                                                                                                                     (800) 336-7343
                                                                                                                                                     PG&E Customers:
                                                                                                                                                     (800) 468-4743

LA Regional COVID            Grants for personal   Provides economic relief for      Keep Our Shops on the Block        For more information call    Apply online at
Fund                         care and retail       businesses during these           provides grants of $10k to         833-238-4451       
Keep Our Shops on            businesses            unprecedented times.              personal care and retail                                        pplication
the Block                                                                            businesses.                        Informational Video
                                                                                                                   Round 2
                                                                                                                        watch?v=sYNetasbnak&t=12     4/26/2021 – 5/2/2021

Gofundme                     Matching Grant        Supporters can donate to the      Provides outreach opportunities    More information:            Apply here:
Small Business Relief Fund                         Small Business Relief Fund,       for small business to enlist
                                                   which will issue $500 matching    support during the Pandemic.       /c/small-business-relief-    hc/en-
                                                   grants to qualifying businesses                                      initiative-and-fund-faqs     us/requests/new?ticket_form_i
                                                   that raise at least $500 on                                                                       d=360000765092
                                                   GoFund Me.

Professional Beauty          Grant funding for     Grants awarded using a lottery    Provides $500 in assistance to     More information:            Apply here:
Association (PBA)            licensed beauty       system as donations are           licensed beauty professionals
COVID-19 Relief Fund         professionals         received.                         unable to work as a result of      pba-charities/covid-19-      id-relief-fund-application
                                                                                     COVID-19.                          relief-fund
                                                   Individuals receiving
                                                   unemployment benefits, SBA
                                                   loans, or other government
                                                   benefits are still eligible.

Program               Usage                      Description                            Benefits                       More Information                     How to File
Intuit                 Tool that helps           Provides a tax credit estimator     Helps businesses make an                More information:               Tax Credit Estimator
Aid Assist             businesses determine      as well as a Paycheck Protection    informed decision by providing
                       which government          Program (PPP) Loan and              insight prior to applying for relief.   app/home?redirect=home#/        /home?redirect=home#/tax_cre
                       relief programs make      forgiveness estimator.                                                      home                            dit/flow/ERC_IntroductionForAll
                       the most sense for                                                                                                                    TCE
                                                                                                                                                             PPP Loan and Forgiveness

Google                 Assists businesses with   Google will match up to $150 in     Saves businesses on advertising         More Information:
Google Ads Promotion   internet advertising      advertising costs through           costs while increasing online 
                       costs.                    Google Ads                          presence and advertising to the         en_us/lp/coupons/?subid=u
                                                                                     right people at the right time.         s-en-et-g-aw-a-

Yelp                   Assists businessowners    Provides businesses with the        Allows businesses to stay               More Information:               Sign up:
COVID-19 Update        with advertising          ability to state whether they are   connected to the public during
Information            business operations and   operational or not, post            this time of constant change by         06/preparing-to-reopen-7-       turn_url=%2Fbiz_info%2F%3Fut
                       promotions to educate     updated business hours,             posting important information in        yelp-page-updates-you-          m_source%3Dbiz_blog%26utm_
                       the public on             promote safety measures being       one central location.                   should-make                     medium%3Dyelp_blog%26utm_
                       information pertaining    taken, and inform the public of                                                                             content%3Dblog_text_link&sso
                       to COVID-19 related       their current business practices                                                                            =True&utm_content=blog_text
                       concerns.                 (takeout, dine-in, curbside)                                                                                _link&utm_medium=yelp_blog

Fedex                  Provides                  - How to be nimble and adapt        Helps businessowners become             More Information:               Register Here:
Enhancing COVID-19     businessowners with       your signage as your messaging      knowledgeable on COVID-19               Date and Time                   https://resources.industrydive.c
Signage Webinar        information designed to   needs change.                       signage practices in order to           Now Available On-demand         om/keeping-up-with-covid-19-
                       assist them with          - Best practices on messages        instill confidence in their                                             signage-to-improve-the-
                       enhancing COVID -19       and placement.                      customers.                                                              customer-
                       signage.                  - How to run printed signage                                                                                experience?utm_source=HR&ut
                                                 programs in an organized and                                                                                m_medium=Event&utm_campa
                                                 cost-effective manner.                                                                                      ign=FedEx

Los Angeles County Resources
       Program                  Usage                     Description                         Benefits                  More Information                     How to File
LA Economic             If you would like to       Confidential consulting for     Identify incentives and           Please visit                   Call at (888) 4-LAEDC-1 or
Development             prevent layoffs by         businesses at no coast with     resources that can save you for    via email at
Corporation - Layoff    attaining confidential     no obligation                   money, assistance with access     additional information         for more information
Aversion Program        consulting                                                 to financing, and more.

County of L.A.          To protect consumers       Prevents businesses from        Provides protections for          Please visit                   Save your receipts and call
Protection from Price   and businesses from        increasing the price of goods   consumers with a penalty of for          800-593-8222
Gouging                 exorbitant price           and services more than 10%      $10,000 fine, one year in jail,   additional information.
                        increases during a         for 30 days in most cases.      or bother for offenders.
                        disaster.                  This protection extends for
                                                   180 days for any contractor
                                                   related services.

Los Angeles County      Assists business           Provides guidance on how        Educates managers on              Please Visit:                  Non-compliant visitor guidance
                        managers by providing      managers should address         general safety practices and      http://publichealth.lacounty
Dept of Pubic Health
                        guidance on common         scenarios that have already     appropriate actions to take in    .gov/media/Coronavirus/g       edia/Coronavirus/docs/business/
Guidance for Business                                                                                                                               NonCompliantVisitor.pdf
Managers                COVID-19 concerns in       been encountered by real        specific scenarios in order to    uidances.htm#business
                                                                                                                                                    Business Manager FAQ’s
                        the workplace.             world managers during the       prevent the spread of COVID-                           
                                                   COVID-19 pandemic.              19.                                                              edia/Coronavirus/docs/business/

Jewish Free Loan        If you are a business      Jewish Free Loan offers         Loans up to $10,000 can be        Please visit      Please visit to fill
Program                 or individual with         interest-free loans on a non-   turned around in a matter of      for additional information.    out a pre-loan application.
                        urgent financial needs.    sectarian basis to those        days. No fees. No interest.
                                                   affected by Coronavirus.

COVID-19 Business       Providing for              Small businesses and            Resource only                     Help Center call:              Email questions to:
and Worker Disaster     expedited resources        workers
Help Center                                                                                                          (833) 238-4450 weekdays        disasterhelpcenter@lacounty.
                                                                                                                     8am-4:30pm                     gov

Los Angeles County      If you are an individual   Provides a variety of           Offers job search assistance,     https://workforce.lacounty.    Job Seeker Information
Workforce               or business in search      resources and financial         business support services,        gov/?utm_content&utm_m         (888) 226-6300
Development             of workforce resources     assistance programs for         financial benefit programs,       edium=email&utm_name&
                        or financial assistance.   individuals and businesses.     meal assistance, and more.        utm_source=govdelivery&        Employer Information
                                                                                                                     utm_term                       (213) 810-1641

Program                   Usage                       Description                         Benefits                    More Information                   How to File
Los Angeles County       If you are trying to find   Provides re-opening              Establishes re-opening              Please visit:                 For additional information
Re-opening Protocols     industry-specific re-       protocols for establishments     protocols in an effort to provide   http://publichealth.lacount   please call:
                         opening safety              such as restaurants,             safe environments during        (213) 240-8144
                         protocols                   barbershops, manufacturing       COVID-19 pandemic.                  for additional information.
                                                     facilities, car washes,
                                                     beaches, golf courses and
Los Angeles County       Program for Los             Online training program          Business owners can take this       Please visit:                 Please contact
COVID-19 Safety          Angeles County              which covers employee            training to receive a COVID-19      http://publichealth.lacount if
Compliance Certificate   businesses currently        protection, social distancing,   Safety Compliance Certificate      you have questions.
Program                  permitted to operate to     infection control,               to be placed at all public          for more information
                         voluntarily self-certify    communication with               entrances to their facility. This
                         that they are fully         employees and more.              certificate acknowledges that       FAQ
                         implementing the                                             their facility is trained on all    http://publichealth.lacount
                         required COVID-19                                            Public Health COVID-19    
                         Protocols from the Los                                       Protocols.                          omplianceCertificateFAQE
                         Angeles Department                                                                               nglish.pdf
                         of Public Health.

                                                                           State Resources
       Program                   Usage                       Description                         Benefits                    More Information                   How to File
Small Business           Provides financial          In order to qualify              Provides grants of $5,000 -         Please Visit:                 To Apply:
COVID-19 Relief Grant    assistance to               businesses must:                 $25,000 depending on yearly
Program                  businesses that have                                         gross revenue of the business.                                    er/los-angeles/
                         been negatively             - Earn less than $2.5 million                                        New rounds of
                         impacted by COVID-          in yearly gross revenue                                              assistance have been          Round 6
                         19 health and safety        - Have been operational                                              announced →                   April 28, 2021 – May 4, 2021
                                                                                                                                                        (open to businesses/non-
                         restrictions                since June 1, 2019 or before
                                                                                                                                                        profits waitlisted and not
                                                     - Be operational or have a                                                                         selected during rounds 1,2,3 or
                                                     clear plan to re-open once                                                                         5)
                                                     the state allows for it.                                                                           * Applicants not selected from
                                                                                                                                                        rounds 1, 2, 3, and 5 do not
                                                     Please visit the website to                                                                        need to re-apply
                                                     view the complete list of
                                                     eligibility requirements.
CA Department of Tax     Provides flexibility and    Taxpayers filing returns for     Provides a 3-month extension        Please visit:
and Fee Administration   relief for businesses       less than $1 million in tax      for tax returns and tax   
Tax Relief and           filing tax returns and      will automatically be granted    payments due between                rvices/covid19.htm
Extensions               making tax payments.        a 3-month extension.             December 15, 2020 and April
                                                     Additionally, these taxpayers    30, 2021
                                                                                                                          For Assistance:
                                                     will not accrue interest and
                                                     penalties on their return
                                                     amounts as long as
                                                     payments are made and
                                                     returns are filed within 3
                                                     months of the original return

Program                 Usage                      Description                        Benefits                   More Information                      How to File
California Rebuilding   Small business loan        Loan program designed to        Provides capital to businesses     Please Visit:                    To Apply:
Fund                    program to assist          assist small businesses that    in an effort to assist them with     https://www.connect2capital.c
                        small business             employ 50 or less full-time     the hardships experienced as       11/20/governor-newsom-           om/p/californiarebuildingfund/
                        recovery                   equivalent employees and        a result of the COVID-19           announces-launch-of-
                                                   had gross revenues of less      pandemic.
                                                   than 2.5 million in 2019.                                          businesses-protect-their-
                                                   Loans are not forgivable in                                        california-dream/
                                                   part or whole and will
                                                   need to be paid back over                                          Loan Terms:
                                                   a 3- or 5-year term.                                               https://www.connect2capit

CA Employment           If business interruption   Business Assistance to          Full-time employees receive UI     Please visit                     Please visit
Development Dept.       or slowdowns are           employees and employers         benefits, keep current job and for               to download application
Work Sharing Program    causing you to                                             avoid financial hardships          additional information
                        consider layoffs

CA Employment           To protect employees       An employer that fails to       Rapid Response Teams to            Please visit                     Please Email:
Development Dept.       by requiring employers     provide notice as required to   assist employers and workers for     
Worker Adjustment       give a 60-day notice to    a unit of local government is   during a mass layoff or plant      additional information.
and Retraining          the affected               subject to a civil penalty to   closing.
                        employees.                 not exceed $500 for each
Notification                                       day of violation

CA iBank Disaster       If your business is        Provides loan guarantees        Loans up to $20 million; max.      Please visit                     Please visit
Relief Loan Guarantee   experiencing capital       and direct loans for small      guarantee $1 million,     for   
Program – Small         access barriers in light   businesses.                     guaranteed up to 7 years (term     additional information           -business-finance-center/
Business Finance        of a declared disaster.                                    can be longer); and
                                                                                   guarantees up to 80%-95% of
Center                                                                             loan.

CA iBank Jumpstart      If you are a low-to-       Provides microloans,            Loan amounts range from            Please visit                     Please visit
Loan Program            moderate income            technical assistance and        $500 to $10,000. Term up to 5 for    to apply
                        (LMI) business owner       financial literacy training.    years, fully amortized.            additional information
                        or operate a business
                        in a LMI community.

Program                  Usage                     Description                        Benefits                    More Information                      How to File
CA Infrastructure and   To mitigate barriers to    $50 million to the Small        Loan proceeds to be used for       Qualifying business may          For information on the Small
Economic                capital for those small    Business Finance Center at      continuance of business            apply directly with a lender     Business Disaster Relief
Development Bank        businesses (1-750          California’s iBank              including, but not limited to:     (LIST to be announced            Loan Guarantee program,
(IBank) Finance         employees) that may                                        Rent, payroll, etc.                soon) or get additional          please send your email
                        not qualify for federal                                                                       information at                   address and business
Programs                funds                                                                                                                          location city to:


California Capital      A loan loss reserve        Individual borrowers are        Individual borrowers are           Qualifying business of 1-        For additional information
Access Program          program which may          limited to a maximum of $2.5    limited to a maximum of $2.5       500 employees must work          visit:
(CalCAP)                provide up to 100%         million enrolled over a 3-      million enrolled over a 3-year     with a participating lender.
                        coverage on losses as      year period.                    period.                            Check the list here:   
                        a result of certain loan                                                                   cpcfa/calcap/sb/index.asp
                        defaults.                                                                                     ov/cpcfa/calcap/sb/instituti

                                                                                                                                                       phone: 1-916-653-2995

Small Business                                     California’s network of small   If you need to talk to a local     Also contact:
Support Centers         Support Resources          business support center help    specialist:                        East San Gabriel Valley          Also visit:
                                                   businesses figure out which     University of La Verne SBDC        SCORE
                                                   loans are best for them,        Small Business                     SCORE Business Mentor            GO-Biz’s Office of the Small
                                                   develop resiliency              Development Center                 2648 E. Workman Ave,
                                                   strategies, and find other                                         #267                             Business Advocate
                                                                                   2180 3rd Street
                                                   resources.                                                         West Covina, CA 91791
                                                                                   La Verne, CA 91750                                        
                                                                                   (909) 448-1567                     https://eastsangabrielvalley.s   en-us
                                                                                                             or email

                        Business                   Coverage replaces business      Most business insurance cover      You should check with            Please visit:
                        Interruption               income lost in a disaster.      the following items:               your insurance provider to
                                                   Business interruption           -Profits.                          understand your coverage
                                                   insurance is not sold as a      -Fixed costs.                      and what, if any claims
                                                   separate policy but is either   -Temporary location.               you may have.
                                                   added to a property/casualty    -Commission and training cost
                                                   policy or included in a         -Extra expenses
                                                   comprehensive package           -Civil authority ingress/egress.
                                                   policy as an add-on or rider.   -Employee wages.

Program                    Usage                      Description                         Benefits                  More Information                  How to File
Pandemic                  Assists unemployed         Provides unemployment             $167 payment per week, for       For more information:        Apply online at:
Unemployment              individuals who are        assistance for business           each week an individual is
Assistance                not usually eligible for   owners, self-employed             unemployed due to COVID-19.
                          regular Unemployment       workers, independent                                               out_edd/coronavirus-         ployment/UI_Online.htm
                          Insurance (UI)             contractors, and those with       *Assistance amount may vary      2019/pandemic-
                          Benefits.                  limited work history who are      depending on the individual.     unemployment-
                                                     out of business or have                                            assistance.htm
                                                     significantly reduced their       *11 additional weeks of
                                                     services as a result of the       Assistance were approved on
                                                     pandemic.                         December 27, 2020.
Safely Making             Portal for businesses      Partnership between the           Provides businesses with the     For more information:        Apply online at:
California (PPE Portal)   to purchase personal       State of California and the       ability to purchase personal
                          protective equipment       California Manufactures &         protective equipment for their   https://www.safelymakingca.o
                          (PPE).                     Technology Association            employees to help California’s   s_releases2.php?release_     rg/
                                                     (CMTA) to create a                economy re-open and limit the    id=266
                                                     marketplace that connects         spread of COVID-19.
                                                     PPE manufacturers and
                                                     businesses in a central
                                                     portal. Businesses may
                                                     purchase non-medical grade
                                                     PPE for employees.

                                                                      Federal Resources
        Program                  Usage                       Description                         Benefits                  More Information                  How to File
Small Business            Assists restaurants        Offers funding equal to a         Provides funding to help         For more information:        Apply Here:
Administration (SBA):     and other eligible         business’s pandemic-related       restaurants and other eligible
Restaurant                businesses that have       revenue loss up to $10 million    businesses keep their doors      ng-programs/loans/covid-     quests/borrower/login/?next=/
Revitalization Fund       been negatively            per business and no more          open                             19-relief-
                          impacted by the            than $5 million per physical                                       options/restaurant-          Application Period Begins:
                          COVID-19 pandemic          location. Recipients are not      Allowable Uses:                  revitalization-fund          May 3, 2021
                                                     required to repay the funding
                                                     as long as the funds are used                                      Program Guide                * Program will accept
                                                                                       - Payroll costs
                                                     for eligible uses no later than                               applications until funds are
                                                                                       - Business Mortgage payments                                  exhausted.
                                                     March 11, 2023.                   - Business rent payments         ment/support-restaurant-
                                                                                       - Business debt service          revitalization-funding-
                                                     *Eligible entities include:       - Business Utility payments      program-guide
                                                     restaurants, food stands, food    - Business maintenance
                                                     trucks, food carts, caterers,     - Addition of outdoor seating
                                                     bars, saloons, lounges,           - Business supplies
                                                     taverns, Breweries, Bakeries,     - Business food and beverage
                                                     Brewpubs, wineries, Inns,         - Covered supplier costs
                                                     Snack and non-alcoholic           - Business operating expenses
                                                     beverage bars and more.
                                                                                       *See website for more
                                                     * Restrictions apply
                                                                                       detailed information.

Program                 Usage                    Description                         Benefits                    More Information                       How to File
Small Business          Assists businesses by    PPP loans have a 1% interest     The Paycheck Protection             First Draw PPP Loans             First Draw PPP loan
                        providing loans to pay   rate.                            Program is a loan designed to     Application
Administration (SBA):
                        for specified                                             provide a direct incentive for      programs/loans/coronavirus-
First Draw PPP Loans                                                                                                  relief-options/paycheck-         ba-form-2483-ppp-first-draw-
and Second Draw PPP     expenses in order to     First Draw PPP Loan –            small businesses to keep their
                                                                                                                      protection-program/first-draw-   borrower-application-form
                        keep them                Businesses who have not          workers on payroll. PPP Loans       ppp-loans
Loans                   operational during the   received a PPP loan              can be used to help fund                                             Second Draw PPP Loan
                        COVID-19 pandemic.                                        payroll costs, including            Second Draw PPP Loans            Application
                                                 Second Draw PP Loan –            benefits, and may also be 
                                                 Businesses who have              used to pay for mortgage            programs/loans/coronavirus-      ba-form-2483-sd-ppp-second-
                                                 previously received a PPP        interest, rent, utilities, worker   relief-options/paycheck-         draw-borrower-application-form
                                                 loan.                            protection costs related to         protection-program/second-
                                                                                                                      draw-ppp-loans                   Find a PPP Loan Lender
                                                                                                                      *Application Period Closes
                                                                                                                      on May 31, 2021

Small Business          If you are in need of    Low interest disaster loans to   SBA’s Economic Injury               Learn more about your            File and SBA Disaster Loan
Administration (SBA):   economic support to      help business recover from       Disaster Loans offer up to $2       eligibility for SBA Disaster     application at
Economic Injury         help overcome the        declared disasters.              million in assistance. The          Assistance at
                        temporary loss of                                         interest rate is 3.75% for small            
                        revenue.                                                  businesses.

SBA: Economic Injury    Self-employed            Providing paid sick leave to     Up to $10,000 within 3 days of      To apply directly online,        File an application at:
Disaster Loan (EIDL):   individuals, small       employees, maintaining           a successful application. Any       go to the SBA Website  
Forgiveness/Advance     business;                payroll, meeting increased       advance money received
(grant up to $10K)      independent              costs to obtain materials,       does not have to be repaid.                      Call US SBA 24hr Customer
                                                 making rent or mortgage                                                                               Service Center at:1-800-659-
                                                 payments, and repaying                                                                                2955 / 1-800-877-8339 (TTY)
                                                 obligations that cannot be
                                                 met due to revenue losses


Comprehensive Employer and Employee Information

 U.S. Department of Labor                     California Department of Labor         California Labor Commissioner’s Office                   

 CDC Emergency Planning                       California Department of Insurance     Los Angeles County DCBA LA County                
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   Business Interruption Coverage         businesses/

 U.S. Small Business Administration           Governor’s Office of Business and      Hello Alice COVID-19 Business Resource Center                 Economic Development
 options                                      2019/

Join CA’s Small Business Advocate, GO-Biz, and Grow with Google for a webinar series for CA small businesses

Join the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA), in the Governor's Office of Business & Economic Development (GO-Biz) and Grow with
Google for a webinar series for CA small businesses. This workshop series includes the following list of topics. The YouTube links of the series are included in the
link above.
* Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps - Learn about Google My Business, a free tool for local businesses who want to connect with customers
on Google Search and Maps. Get hands-on help creating or updating your business profile or a simple website.
* Make Your Website Work for You - In this presentation, learners will discover how to create a search-friendly website that drives user action and supports
their goals. Whether launching a new website or sprucing up an old one, this workshop will help.
* Use YouTube to Grow Your Business - Get best practices for creating a YouTube Channel and compelling video content that promotes your products and
services and drives engagement with your brand.

COVID-19 GO-Biz Response Website

    •    Resources for Small Business and Start-Ups impacted by COVID-19.
    •    Labor & Workforce Support for Businesses and Employees
    •    Business Taxes

Helpful Links

Purpose                                            Link

Best Practices for Taking you Team Remote

Tool Kit Resources for Anxiety & Mental Health
A Comprehensive List of Tips, Tools, and
Examples for Event Organizers During the
Coronavirus Outbreak
Free Virtual Wellness Workshops by Holisticism
All General Assembly events are now virtual
Small Business Advising Assistance       
Business Review Webinars (upcoming and on-
demand webinars for a variety of business types)

Recorded Webinars:
Business Interruption: Actionable Steps for Small Business Owners
Karie Armstrong, Business Advisor, SBDC (View Recording)
Entrepreneur COVID-19 Rapid Response Sessions
Presented by California Entrepreneurship Task Force

You can also read