YouTube video analysis as a source of information for patients on impacted canine

Page created by Mario Chang
International Orthodontics 2019; 17: 769–775


                                                                                                                                                     Original article
                                                 YouTube video analysis as a source of
                                                 information for patients on
                                                 impacted canine

Aylin Pasaoglu Bozkurt 1, Selin Gaş 2, Özge Özdal Zincir 2
Available online: 27 August 2019

                                                 1. Beykent University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, Istanbul,
                                                 2. Beykent University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
                                                    Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey

                                                 Aylin Pasaoglu Bozkurt, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Beykent
                                                 University, Istanbul, 34500, Turkey.

Keywords                                              Summary
Impacted canine                                  Objective > To investigate video content on YouTubeTM related to impacted canine and impacted
Internet                                         canine surgery.
Video                                            Materials and Methods > In this cross-sectional study, the term "impacted canine tooth'' was
Orthodontics                                     searched on YouTube TM . After excluding duplicates, irrelevant videos, non-English-language
                                                 videos, no audio-no video contents, sixty-one videos were independently examined by
                                                 3 reviewers. Videos were categorized as "not useful'', "slightly useful'', "moderately useful'',
                                                 and "very useful'' by using an 8-point score list for evaluating the value of the videos in
                                                 providing patients information about impacted canine teeth and surgery. Chi-square test was
                                                 performed for categorical variables and differences between groups were compared with
                                                 Kruskal–Wallis. Correlations were analysed using Spearman test. Statistical significance was
                                                 set P < 0.05.
                                                 Results > Most of the videos, 42.6%, n = 26 were uploaded by healthcare professionals [dentists,
                                                 orthodontists, surgeons] and 29,5%, n = 18 were uploaded by laypersons for sharing personal
                                                 experiences. There were 3 [4.9%] not useful videos, 15 [24.5%] slightly useful videos, 27 [44.2%]
                                                 moderately useful videos, and 16 [26.2%] very useful videos. There was no significant difference
                                                 between the viewing rate according to the source of upload [P = 0.398 > 0.05]. There was a
                                                 significant difference between the interaction index according to the source of upload. This
                                                 difference was in the laypersons and the others [.033 < 05].
                                                 Conclusion > Healthcare specialists should be aware of the content of the video-sharing platforms
                                                 and direct their patients to correct and reliable e-information resources.

tome 17 > n84 > December 2019
© 2019 CEO. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A. Pasaoglu Bozkurt, S. Gaş, Ö Özdal Zincir
Original article

                        Mots clés                                    Résumé
                        Canine incluse                            Analyse vidéo YouTube comme source d'information pour les patients sur les canines
                        Internet                                  incluses
                                                                  Objectif > Étudier le contenu de vidéos présentes sur YouTubeTM concernant les canines incluses et
                                                                  leur traitement chirurgical.
                                                                  Matériels et méthodes > Dans cette étude transversale, l'expression "canine incluse'' a été
                                                                  recherchée sur YouTubeTM. Après avoir exclu les doublons, les vidéos non pertinentes, les vidéos
                                                                  non anglophones, les vidéos sans contenu audio et sans contenu vidéo, soixante-et-une vidéos
                                                                  ont été examinées de façon indépendante par trois examinateurs. Les vidéos ont été classées
                                                                  dans les catégories "pas utiles'', "légèrement utiles'', "modérément utiles'' et "très utiles'' en
                                                                  utilisant une grille d'évaluation sur 8 points pour évaluer la valeur des vidéos qui fournissent aux
                                                                  patients des informations sur les canines incluses et sur leur traitement chirurgical. Le test du x2 a
                                                                  été effectué pour les variables catégorielles et les différences entre les groupes ont été compa-
                                                                  rées avec Kruskal–Wallis. Les corrélations ont été analysées à l'aide du test de Spearman. La
                                                                  signification statistique a été fixée à p < 0,05.
                                                                  Résultats > La majorité des vidéos [42,6%, n = 26] ont été téléchargées par des professionnels de
                                                                  la santé [dentistes, orthodontistes, chirurgiens] et [29,5%, n = 18] par des profanes pour partager
                                                                  leur expérience personnelle. Il y avait 3 [4,9%] vidéos non utiles, 15 [24,5%] vidéos légèrement
                                                                  utiles, 27 [44,2%] vidéos modérément utiles et 16 [26,2%] vidéos très utiles. Il n'y a pas de
                                                                  différence significative du taux de visionnage en fonction de la source de téléchargement
                                                                  [p = 0,398> 0,05]. Il existe une différence significative de l'indice d'interaction en fonction de
                                                                  la source du téléchargement. Cette différence se situe au niveau des catégories "profanes'' et
                                                                  "autres'' [.033 < 05].
                                                                  Conclusion > Les spécialistes de la santé devraient connaître le contenu des plateformes de
                                                                  partage vidéo et canaliser leurs patients pour corriger et fiabiliser les ressources d'information en

                        Introduction                                                                 subjects are surgery time, bleeding, complications, pain and effect
                        Maxillary canines are the second most commonly impacted teeth,               on life quality. Although both surgeons and orthodontists provide
                        after the third molars. Impaction of the canine is seen in 1% -3% of         detailed information about the surgery, this is usually not enough
                        the general population [1]. Maxillary canine impaction incidence is          for the patient.
                        more than twice that of mandibular canine impaction. Bilateral               Nowadays, with encyclopedias mostly out of use, the most
                        impaction takes 8% percentage of all maxillary canine impaction              important source we use to access information is the Internet.
                        cases [2,3]. Palatally localisation is seen more than twice that of          Mostly patients consult the Internet both to find medical infor-
                        labially localisation. Various etiologic factors such as sufficient          mation and to share their own experience [7]. It is documented
                        space for eruption, ankylosis of the permanent canine, systemic,             that internet sites are very useful for supplying health informa-
                        and genetic reasons can cause impaction [4]. The location of the             tion to laypeople [8].
                        canine tooth for ideal occlusion is very important. Although there           YouTubeTM is a website created in 2005 to share free videos and
                        are such treatment alternatives as canine autotransplantation,               is currently the second most popular website following Goo-
                        extraction of the impacted canine, and prosthetic replacement,               gleTM [Alexa 2018]. Vast visual content of videos, the sharing of
                        the most desirable approach is surgical exposure of the canine and           patient experiences and easy access all make YouTube a popular
                        orthodontic treatment [5]. The orthodontist and the surgeon                  place to seek information [9].
                        should work together if the impacted tooth is maintained with                Studies evaluating YouTubeTM content on dentistry topics such as
                        orthodontic treatment. Whether the canine is placed labially or              root canal treatment [10], orthognathic surgery [11], lingual
                        palatinally, the most common method used to bring impacted                   orthodontic treatment [12] and dental implants [13] have
                        canines into occlusion is by placing an attachment and using                 occurred. To our knowledge, no studies have evaluated the
                        orthodontic forces [6]. Patients with impacted canines are always            content and quality of YouTubeTM videos on impacted canine
                        full of question and curious about surgery. The most questioned              and impacted canine surgery.

                                                                                                                                               tome 17 > n84 > December 2019
YouTube video analysis as a source of information for patients on impacted canine

                                                                                                                                                                          Original article
Material and methods                                                         TABLE I
                                                                             Usefulness score.
Google Trends Application is an online search tool to see how
often specific keywords have been queried over a specific period              Scoring item                                                                        Score
of time. After a search for impacted canine using this applica-               Definition                                                                             1
tion, we determined that the most commonly used terms were
impacted canine tooth and impacted canine surgery [Google                     Indications                                                                            1

Trends, 2018]. The search parameters were restricted to the past              Contraindications                                                                      1
one year and the "Incognito''/''Worldwide'' settings to prevent               Advantages                                                                             1
restrictions based on user history and to expand search results.
                                                                              Procedures                                                                             1
YouTubeTM ( was searched using
the keyword "impacted canine tooth'' on 12 November,                          Complication                                                                           1
2018, to evaluate the information on impacted canine. We used                 Prognosis and survival                                                                 1
"sort by relevance'' as the default filter for a YouTubeTM search.
                                                                              Cost information                                                                       1
We limited the search result to the first 120 videos. The first
120 videos appearing for the search term were viewed and                      Total score                                                                            8
analysed; most studies utilizing YouTube TM as a search engine
                                                                             Score 0: not useful; scores 1-3: slightly useful, scores 4-6: moderate useful; scores 7-8:
have used 60-200 videos [14], and most YouTube TM users scan                 very useful.
only the first 30 videos; which means the first 3 pages [15].
Three researchers [A.P.B, S.G and Ö.Ö.Z] came together for this
work; because the topic of impacted canines is related to their
disciplines. A.P.B is an orthodontist specialist, S.G and Ö.Ö.Z are         The quality of the videos was also rated. Excellent, moderate
oral surgeon specialists. Three researchers evaluated the videos            and poor were used to describe the flow of the video, informa-
in an independent way. Initial screening of the videos was done             tion accuracy, quality of the images or animation, video caption
to determine which video should be included or excluded. In                 or title harmony with the video.
order not to change the results of the research, the source                 Disagreements between researchers were resolved by search-
locators [URLs] of the videos were recorded. Inclusion criteria             ing the literature. The study was deemed exempt by the Faculty
for the videos were: English language; primary content related              of Dentistry Research and Ethics Committee.
to impacted canine teeth and impacted canine surgery; and
acceptable audio-visual quality. Videos which were non-English,             Statistical analysis
duplicate, poor audio-visual quality and non-informative were               All statistical evaluations were performed in the SPSS software
not included in this study. Videos found in multiple parts were             program (IBM SPSS Statistics 21). The inter-observer agreement
considered as one and no limitations were placed on video                   was calculated as a kappa score. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was
length. For each video, we saved the information title, date                used for normal distribution of data. Chi2 test was performed for
of upload, country of origin, number of likes and dislikes,                 categorical variables and differences between groups were
number of views, number of comments and duration.                           compared with Kruskal–Wallis. Correlations were analysed using
We categorized videos as "not useful'', "slightly useful'', "moder-         Spearman test. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
ately useful'', and "very useful'' by using a score list for evaluating
the value of the videos in providing patients with information              Results
about impacted canine teeth and surgery. The scores ranged from             The first 120 videos were screened for relevance based on our
0 to 8: A score of 8 indicated that the video mentioned definition          criteria. A sample of 61 videos were included to the study. In
about impacted canine teeth, orthodontic treatment and surgery,             particular, 3 non-English, 18 no-audio, 2 no-video, 14 duplicated in
indications and contraindications of surgery, advantages, proce-            whole or in part and 22 irrelevant videos were excluded (table II).
dures involved and used representative clinical images to                   The mean length of the videos was 4:10 min [range from 12 s to
describe surgery, complications, prognosis and survival, and cost           19:22 min]. The mean number of views for impacted canine
information. Score 0 indicated that the video contained no infor-           tooth was 62 403 [range: 28–1 248 809 views]. Viewer interac-
mation about impacted canine orthodontic treatment and sur-                 tion with the videos was generally positive; the mean interac-
gery procedures. Each area of content was given a possible                  tion index score was %1,06  1.91 [range from 0.06 to
1 point, for a total of 8 possible points, which was considered             10.71%], (table III).
as the "total content score'' of that video (table I). We also              Most of the videos [42.6%, n = 26] were uploaded by users in
categorized videos as patient's experience, educational and sci-            the USA, 11.4% [n = 7] by users in Europe (UK, Poland, and
entifically erroneous or unproven information.                              Greece), the source of upload for nine videos [14.7%] could not

tome 17 > n84 > December 2019
A. Pasaoglu Bozkurt, S. Gaş, Ö Özdal Zincir
Original article

                          TABLE II                                                              to the source of upload. This difference is in the layperson and
                          Reasons for excluding criteria for videos selection.                  the other [.033 < 05].
                                                                                                There is a statistically significant relationship between the num-
                          Reasons for exclusion                                                 ber of views, duration, number of likes and number of dislikes
                          No audio                                                      18      according to the efficiency ratio. Very useful videos in terms of
                                                                                                viewing had been watched significantly more than other videos,
                          No video                                                      2
                                                                                                while in terms of not useful and very useful videos took longer
                          Not in English                                                3       than others [Note that the number of useful videos is negligi-
                          Duplicate                                                     14      ble]. Very useful videos have more like and dislike than others.
                                                                                                However, there is no significant relationship between efficiency
                          Not related to subject                                        22
                                                                                                ratio and number of comments.
                          Total exclusions                                              59      There is a significant relationship between efficiency ratio and
                                                                                                viewing rate [P = 0.011, P < 0.05]. According to this test, it can
                                                                                                be said that very useful videos are viewed at a significantly
                                                                                                higher rate than other videos [Mean rank value 39.44].
                                                                                                There is no significant relationship between efficiency ratio and
                        be determined. Many of the videos [42.6%, n = 26] were                  interaction index [P = 0.266, P > 0.05]. There is no significant
                        uploaded by healthcare professionals (dentists, orthodontists,          relationship between video type and video demographics
                        surgeons) and 29,5%, n = 18 were uploaded by laypersons for             [P > 0.05]. There is no significant relationship between video
                        sharing personal experience. Most of the videos [67,2%, n = 41]         quality and video demographics [P > 0.05].
                        were uploaded for giving educational information. 19 [31,1%]            The significant relationship between source of upload and video
                        videos showed excellent quality, 27 videos [44,3%] showed               demographics is only in terms of the number of comments
                        moderate quality and 15 videos [24,6%] showed poor quality              [P = 0.024, P ˂ 0.05]. The videos uploaded by the laypersons
                        (table IV).                                                             are interpreted significantly more than others, while the videos
                        An 8-point usefulness score was devised to evaluate the use-            uploaded by other are interpreted significantly less.
                        fulness of the videos in describing the situation and procedures        Spearman correlation analysis showed significant correlation
                        of impacted canine teeth and surgery. The overall usefulness            between interaction index and video demographics
                        score of included videos ranged from 0 to 8 [mean = 4.68].              [P ˂ 0.05]. Number of views [61%], number of likes [33%],
                        There were 3 [4.9%] not useful videos, 15 [24.5%] slightly              number of dislikes [50%] shows negative correlation with inter-
                        useful videos, 27 [44.2%] moderately useful videos, and                 action index.
                        16 [26.2%] very useful videos.                                          There is a significant correlation between interaction index
                        There is no significant difference between the viewing rate             and viewing rate. [r = 0.413, P ˂ 0.05]. Forty % negative
                        according to the source of upload [P = 0.398 > 0.05]. There is          correlation are seen between interaction index and viewing
                        a significant difference between the interaction index according        rate.

                          TABLE III
                          Video demographics data.

                                                                          n                  Mean             Std. Deviation         Minimum               Maximum

                                                                  Valid       Missing
                          Number of views                          61           0        62403,00              187858,681               28                  1248809

                          Duration                                 61           0             4:10                3:40                  0:12                  19:22

                          Number of likes                          61           0            153,34              337,048                 2                    2100

                          Number of dislikes                       60           1            17,67               53,774                  0                     395

                          Number of comments                       60           1            42,00               72,832                  0                     369

                          Interaction index                        61           0            1,0655              1,91541                ,06                   10,71

                          Viewing rate                             61           0       5341,3999              12733,20262              5,55                78145,23

                                                                                                                                          tome 17 > n84 > December 2019
YouTube video analysis as a source of information for patients on impacted canine

                                                                                                                                                    Original article
 Video Frequency data according to the source of upload, type of video and video quality.

                                                                               Frequency                   Percent                  Valid Percent

  Source of upload
    Universities and hospitals                                                      9                       14,8                        14,8

    Healthcare professionals (dentist, orthodontist, surgeon)                       26                      42,6                        42,6

    Health information web sites                                                    6                        9,8                         9,8

    Layperson                                                                       18                      29,5                        29,5

    Other                                                                           2                        3,3                         3,3

  Total                                                                             61                      100,0                       100,0

  Type of video
    Patient's experience                                                            18                      29,5                        29,5

    Educational                                                                     41                      67,2                        67,2

    Scientifically unproven information                                             2                        3,3                         3,3

  Total                                                                             61                      100,0                       100,0

  Video quality
    Excellent                                                                       19                      31,1                        31,1

    Moderate                                                                        27                      44,3                        44,3

    Poor                                                                            15                      24,6                        24,6

  Total                                                                             61                      100,0                       100,0

There is no significant correlation between video quality and               [10]. As a result of this increasing use of the Internet for health
efficiency ratio, efficiency ratio and type of video, efficiency ratio      issues, professionals should do more research on this topic.
and source of upload. The overall interobserver agreement                   The content of YouTubeTM related to dental issues including root
calculated as weighted kappa score was 0.81 [range: 0.80–                   canal treatment, lingual orthodontic treatment, orthognathic
0.83].                                                                      surgery, dental implants and orthodontic treatment have been
                                                                            evaluated [10–13,17]. This is the first study to analyse the quality
                                                                            of YouTubeTM information on impacted canine teeth. To the
Discussion                                                                  authors' knowledge, many studies have been published on
Being popular, liked, sharing everything in our lives and making            impacted canine and treatment [1–6] but none of them have
people see are the concepts of this century [16]. As our lives              dealt with YouTubeTM videos.
become digital, it is a thing of the past to consult with elders or         There are lots of possible YouTubeTM search terms with informa-
to investigate using encyclopedias. When we question a situa-               tion on impacted canines. The more general and the most
tion or want to get information about it; we first search internet          sought-after terminology was chosen to address the issue in
sites GoogleTM and YoutubeTM [Alexa 2018].                                  general terms. The number of likes and dislikes can be an
Internet sites have an important place not only in our daily                indicator for the YoutubeTM audience to consider a video as
routine but also in matters that are important in our lives.                useful. Rating videos like this type is non-scientific and subjec-
Nowadays, internet and video-sharing websites like YouTubeTM                tive; but the general population can benefit from this evalua-
are very popular among patients seeking information about                   tion. Recording a 'like' for a video is optional and mostly it is not
their health and health procedures but; the information and                 related to content.
videos that are created and put on the platform without any                 There are limitations to this study. The evaluation of the videos
scientific filtering can wrongly and incompletely inform patients           was performed subjectively by three people according to our

tome 17 > n84 > December 2019
A. Pasaoglu Bozkurt, S. Gaş, Ö Özdal Zincir
Original article

                        own checklist; however, this is the standard method of assess-                  quality of information, patients will continue to use YouTubeTM
                        ment used in several other publications in this area [12–15].                   as a method to source information online [19,20].
                        Also, the content on YoutubeTM is changing every day, because                   We limited our study to watching only English language videos.
                        of this; results will depend on the time at which the search took               But YouTube is a very wide platform. There are also very useful
                        place. A more comprehensive or field-based approach may be                      videos made with other languages. For this reason, the content
                        more effective in searching YouTubeTM content relevant to                       and usefulness of the information on the internet should be
                        impacted canines.                                                               evaluated not only in English but also in other languages [21].
                        There are many filters available to classify videos in order of                 According to content analysis, unfortunately the number of
                        'view count', 'upload date' and 'rating' as well as video duration.             videos with high content useful videos was very limited. This
                        We used "sort by relevance'' as the default filter for a YouTubeTM              shows that YouTubeTM is inadequate as a source of information
                        search because it is the most commonly used filter by the                       about impacted canine treatment. According to these findings, it
                        general public. Also, this is the most preferred default filter                 is very important for dental professionals and medical organ-
                        for a YouTubeTM search among studies [10,12].                                   isations to be aware of the information available online. If
                        We limited the search result to the first 120 videos. The first                 professionals are aware of this information, they will minimize
                        120 videos appearing for the search term were viewed and                        the amount of incorrect information being obtained by patients.
                        analysed; most studies utilizing YouTubeTM as a search engine                   There is nothing wrong with a patient's inherent need for
                        have used 60-200 videos [14], and the majority of YouTubeTM                     information and curiosity regarding their future surgical proce-
                        users scan only the first page videos [15].                                     dures. What is important, however, is that the incorrect infor-
                        When the video content was analysed, the surgical procedure of                  mation that is followed is unnecessarily stressing on the patient
                        the impacted canine treatment was the most frequently queried                   and adversely affects the quality of life. For this reason, health
                        subject in all search terms. This suggests that among the dental                care professionals should always be careful [22–24].
                        professionals and laypeople, surgery procedures would be the
                        most relevant component of impacted canine tooth. Our study
                        showed that most of the videos [42.6%, n = 26] were uploaded
                        by healthcare professionals (dentists, orthodontists, surgeons)                 You TubeTM should not be used as a trusted source of knowledge
                        relevant to impacted canine teeth to give educational informa-                  regarding impacted canine teeth and surgery. Using the Internet
                        tion. It is notable that videos posted on YouTubeTM by healthcare               for searching dental procedures is increasing. Dental professio-
                        professional sources were significantly fuller in content than                  nals should be aware of false information on websites and video
                        videos posted by laypeople. This suggests that videos by lay-                   sharing sites like YoutubeTM and should always direct their
                        people serve as more social and experiential than those by                      patients to the right information.
                        medical professionals which usually have a more scientific
                        purpose [18].                                                                   Funding
                        Most of the videos we examined [29,5%, n = 18] consist of                       The authors have stated that there is no funding with this
                        personal experience. Patients should be careful when watching                   research.
                        other people's experiences; these personal experiences can
                        sometimes be done under the control of a clinic and may be                          Disclosure of interest: The authors declare that they have no competing
                        for advertising purposes, and sometimes really contain subjec-                      interest.
                        tive information and good advice. Despite concerns about the

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tome 17 > n84 > December 2019
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