Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum

Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
Belmont Citizens Forum
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland
By Judy Singler
In September 2020, several Belmont
residents removed more than 80 trees
and shrubs from the south side of
Clay Pit Pond. In an unauthorized
action taken ostensibly to “enhance”
the view of the pond, individuals
visited the site on at least three
occasions that month, cutting down
50-foot-tall trees, shrubs, vines, and
other vegetation. The remaining trees
at the edge of the pond were pruned
of side branches to a height of 20 feet
and more. Town officials eventually
ordered a halt to the illegal tree
cutting after calls from several
concerned citizens.

Environmental Laws Exist to
Protect our Wetlands
   Cutting vegetation within 100 feet
of a protected body of water is subject
to state wetlands laws and requires a
permit from the town’s Conservation
Commission (ConCom). In this case,
no permit was requested or granted.
   In October, when the ConCom

                                                                                                           JUDY SINGLER
became aware of this activity,
members began discussing options
for the town. The contractor origi-
nally hired for management of           Bare ground, erosion, and cut stumps after illegal tree
invasive species around the pond had removal at Clay Pit Pond.
been unable to perform the work due
to the Covid-19 crisis. He will inspect              the pond due to large areas without soil-stabi-
the site to assess current needs.                    lizing vegetation near the shoreline.
   Because many tree and shrub stumps
remained near the pond, creating a hazard
                                                     The Conservation Commission’s Role
to visitors, the Department of Public Works             This activity at Clay Pit Pond reveals the need
arranged for a contractor to remove the larger       for greater understanding in the community
stumps in December, even as citizens raised          of our wetland areas and the regulations that
concerns about possible erosion and siltation at     protect them. In 1964, Massachusetts passed its

May/June 2021                  Preserving Belmont’s Small-Town Atmosphere                  Vol. 22, No.3
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
Wetland Protection Act, Massachusetts General                                                                            Michael Santoro from the Department of Public
           Belmont Citizens Forum                         Laws (MGL) Chapter 131, Section 40. This law                                                                             Works, as well as some concerned citizens.
                                                          provides specific protections to wetlands and the                                                                           The site showed a great deal of exposed
    Officers                                              public interest, including flood and pollution                                                                           land, with many small stumps from shrubs
    Grant Monahon, President                              control, as well as groundwater supplies and                                                                             protruding from loose soil, with exposed roots
    John Dieckmann, Vice President                        wildlife habitat. It requires a thorough review                                                                          lining the banks. Some siltation was evident as
    Evanthia Malliris, Secretary                          of all proposed work that may impact any                                                                                 well as several locations with minor erosion.
                                                          wetlands.                                                                                                                Concerns were voiced over coming spring
    Radha Iyengar, Treasurer
                                                             At the local level, Belmont’s ConCom admin-                                                                           rains and the need for actions to mitigate
                                                          isters the Wetlands Protection Act. This seven-                                                                          the extensive loss of trees and shrubs. Initial
    Directors                                             member volunteer board is appointed by the                                                                               plans include hiring a consultant to survey the
    Sumner Brown                                          Select Board and works with conservation agent                                                                           area and provide recommendations. The land
    David Chase                                           Mary Trudeau to review and approve applica-                                                                              between the path and the pond banks needs to
    Vincent Stanton, Jr.                                  tions for work covered by the act.                                                                                       be stabilized immediately.
                                                             At the state level, the Department of
                                                          Environmental Protection (MassDEP) provides                                                                              A Path Forward
                                                          technical training to local conservation commis-                                                                            The ongoing situation at Clay Pit Pond
    Meg Muckenhoupt, Executive Editor                     sions and oversees administration of the law                                                                              demonstrates the need for citizens to be
    Jeffrey North, Managing Editor                        and develops policies and regulations, including                                                                          aware of activity taking place in the town
    Sue Bass, Newsletter Committee,                       fines for violations. Violators of the Wetlands                                                                           and to speak out when unusual actions are
       Director Emerita                                   Protection Act may be ordered to restore the                                                                              occurring. Meanwhile, advocating for appro-
    Virginia Jordan, Evanthia Malliris,                   property to its original condition and take other                                                                         priate follow-up to this unauthorized work at
    Vincent Stanton, Jr.                                  actions to mitigate the effects of the violation.                                                                         Clay Pit Pond could show how the town and
                                                          In addition, they may incur criminal fines up                                                                             community can work together to resolve a
                                                          to $25,000, imprisonment of up to two years,                                                                              serious environmental problem.

                                                                                                              JUDY SINGLER
    Belmont Citizens Forum Inc. is a not-for-
                                                          or both, or a civil penalty of up to $25,000 for                                                                            The unlawful and ecologically damaging
    profit organization that strives to maintain
                                                          each violation. Each day a violation continues is                                                                         assault on the pond has created broader
    the small-town atmosphere of Belmont,                 considered a separate offense.                                                                                            awareness of the need to stabilize the bank and
    Massachusetts, by preserving its natural and             Anyone wanting to work in a wetland resource                                                                           manage the vegetation, especially the invasive
    historical resources, limiting traffic growth,        area or within 100 feet of a wetland (the buffer                   Shoreline damage at Clay Pit Pond.                     plant species, around the entire pond. As a
    and enhancing pedestrian safety. We do this           zone) must obtain prior approval from the                                                                                 part of Belmont’s stormwater system, Clay Pit
    by keeping residents informed about planning          ConCom. Wetlands protection regulations are                        specifies any special requirements needed to         Pond is a significant resource, though one which
    and zoning issues, by participating actively in       quite specific about the extent and type of work                   protect the public interests. Permits are denied     requires regular assessment and care.
    public hearings, and by organizing forums.            allowed. Activities covered include vegetation                     if the impacts to the resource areas cannot be          At the March 30 ConCom meeting Trudeau
                                                          removal, regrading, and home construction,                         avoided or mitigated. These decisions may be         indicated her intent to seek funding to support
                                                          including additions, decks, and driveways.                         appealed to MassDEP.                                 a study of the needs of the pond. Town admin-
    The BCF Newsletter is published six times a
                                                          Commercial and industrial areas are also covered                                                                        istrator Garvin has said that she will look for
    year, in January, March, May, July, September,                                                                           Surveying the Damage
    and November. Published material represents           by the regulations.                                                                                                     federal and state grants and other funding
                                                             Obtaining a permit from the ConCom                                Meanwhile, the land around Clay Pit Pond           to support this effort. In this, she will follow
    the views of the authors and not necessarily                                                                             has suffered a considerable injury. Permits
                                                          requires filing of a Notice of Intent which                                                                             guidance from Trudeau and the ConCom.
    those of the Belmont Citizens Forum.                                                                                     were never requested by citizens, who assumed
                                                          includes the details of the proposed project,                                                                              A review of the broader ecological health
                                                          location of wetland resource areas and buffer                      their actions would be helpful to the town.          of the pond and a plan for its sustainability is
    Letters to the editor may be sent to                  zones, and steps that will be taken to protect                     Town officials must decide how to mitigate this      essential to an effective action plan to assure
    P. O. Box 609, Belmont MA 02478 or to                 them. ConCom representatives might visit the                       damage and restore the soil around the pond          that Clay Pit Pond will continue to be a valuable                          site to verify the boundaries of the protected                     before erosion and siltation affect water quality.   asset to Belmont and its residents.
                                                          areas, and typically a public hearing is held to                     On March 8, the ConCom visited Clay Pit                              allow abutters and other community members to                      Pond to view the site and discuss planning for
    © 2021 Belmont Citizens Forum. All rights reserved.   ask questions or voice concerns.                                   mitigation and restoration. Also in attendance       Judy Singler is a member of the Council on Aging
                                                             Following the hearing, the ConCom will issue                    were Patrice Garvin, town administrator; Roy         and the Housing Trust and a Town Meeting member
                                                          a permit known as an Order of Conditions, that                     Epstein, Select Board chair; and Jay Marcotte and    for Precinct 6.

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Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
Belmont Has One Year to Clean up Waterways                                                                              Pollution upstream doesn’t always make it to the downstream outlet

By Anne-Marie Lambert                                  Route 2, for example, outlet 15A by Frontage
                                                       Road near Radcliffe Road went from over 14,900
A 2017 consent order from the US
                                                       E. coli MPN/100 ml in 2017 to under 100 MPN
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave
                                                       after a 2020 project to reline and repair mains
Belmont five years to stop underground sewage
                                                       under Knox, Herman, and Bellington Streets.
from leaking into our waterways. We made a lot
                                                       The EPA threshold is 235 E. coli MPN/100 ml.
of progress in 2020, but there could be a long
                                                       In other areas of town, water quality improved
way to go before all our outlets run clean.
                                                       after significant rehabilitation, but still not
   In 2020, the town undertook a $550,000
                                                       enough to meet EPA requirements. Work in the
sewer system rehabilitation construction project
                                                       Oliver Road neighborhood should address water
(SSRCP). More work is planned in 2021 under
                                                       quality issues at outlets 11, 11A, and 12. In other
a sump pump removal and sewer rehabilitation
                                                       areas, there is no more construction or inves-
contract. The SSRCP included significant work
                                                       tigative work planned. The hope is that after
such as:
● Repairing and lining several sewer mains
                                                       recent repair work, the system will eventually
● Lining many sewer service laterals
                                                       run clean.
● Removing a few sewer service laterals from the
                                                          Rehabilitation work is planned on Hoitt and
                                                       Westlund Roads in the lower part of catchment                                                                              Pollution (E.coli MPN/100 ml)
   drain system
● Replacing several sewer and drain segments
                                                       10. More investigation is planned in 2021 to          Sub-catchment         Location                                       Before (2017)        After (2020)
                                                       discover additional upstream sources of sewage           1-4A               Fairview and Van Ness from easment             7,000                12,300
   that are beyond repair
                                                       infiltration. Techniques may include sending
Good News                                              CCTV cameras down the drains, going door-                                   Outlet at 9 Oxford Circle, near Belmont
                                                                                                                1                                                                 1,900                20,000               2,600              from our drains and outlets in the early morning       Survival rates vary based on temperature, avail-
    12               Oliver Road                                    1,600                 200                and also measure levels of E. coli during wet          ability of nutrients, pH, and solar radiation.
                                                                                                             weather. The reason for this timing is that a          Depending on the weather conditions, a single
                     Upstream Project 6 (planned):                                                                                                                  measurement at an outlet may not detect a
    11,11A,12        Oliver Road point of service replacement,                                               single good measurement at a downstream outlet
                                                                                                             is not necessarily a reliable indicator that all is    problem far enough upstream for E. coli to have
                     lateral liners                                                                                                                                 decayed or dissipated into the soil.
                                                                                                             well upstream. Sewage enters the drain system
    15               Park Rd @ Grove St North                       10,200                700                sporadically, with each flush or laundry load, so
                                                                                                             any given measurement may miss E. coli leaking
    8-6              Outlet 8-6: Pearson and Gordon Terrace         14,400                1,300              into the drain system. Standard practice is to                    MPN Measurements
    8-6-6            Creeley @ Leslie from easement                 >20,000               5,000              take measurements in the early morning as
                                                                                                             residents are waking up so that there is a better          The concentration of E. coli bacteria in
    8-6-22           Trapelo from TD Bank pipe                      N/A                   4,300              chance of detecting waste leaking into the drain           water is measured in terms of MPN per
                                                                                                             system.                                                    100 ml. MPN stands for “most probable
                     Upstream Project 5: Relining of mains and                                                  Another reason for making several measure-              number.” Several samples of the liquid
                     laterals on Maple, Bartlett, Trapelo                                                    ments is that the E. coli bacteria being measured          are cultured and checked for signs of E.
                                                                                                             in the drain or waterways decay over time. E.              coli growth. The pattern of growth across
Table 1. Some areas showed significant improvement, but are still above EPA’s E. coli threshold of           coli can survive on dry surfaces for about a day,          samples is used to estimate the concentra-
235 MPN/100 ml. Source: Town of Belmont Order on Consent Docket No. CWA-AO-R01-FY17-11 Report                in still or culverted water for up to two months           tion of bacteria in the water source.
On Compliance, January 31 2021.
4                                                                                                                                                                         May/June 2021       5
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
Sub-catchment         Location                         Project                                                  Time to Fix the Town’s Historic Clock
                                                                                                                By Michael Flamang
1-4, 1-4A             Fairview Ave @ Van Ness Road     IDDE investigation
                                                                                                                Since the invention of mechanical clocks in
                                                       Replace 2 service connections (plastic baseball bat),
2                     Woods Road                                                                                Renaissance Europe, town governments have
                                                       investigate suspicious services
                                                                                                                installed clocks in prominent buildings in
                                                       Remeasure after lining main and laterals and             town centers to standardize time in support of
8-6-1, 8-6-2, 8-6-3 Maple/Bartlett/Trapelo                                                                      commerce. In New England, many of the clocks
                                                       capping on Maple
                                                                                                                that we see in historic churches on town greens
8-5 (?)               Pearson @ Garden                 Investigate                                              were purchased and maintained by town select
                      Creeley @ Leslie from Creeley,                                                               In Belmont, in 1889, Town Meeting voted
8-6-5, 8-6-6                                           Take more samples
                      from easement                                                                             “that the selectmen be authorized to place a
                                                                                                                clock in the new Unitarian Church to be erected
8-1                   Upstream of Bow @ Lincoln        Inspect, dye water test, repair                          this year and the sum of $500 be appropriated
                                                                                                                for the same.”
Table 3: Belmont’s 2021 sewer rehabilitation projects.                                                             When the church was dedicated in 1890, the
                                                                                                                clock was in its tower. Manufactured by the E.
  All this makes me wonder how valuable the             outlet measurements improve before investing in         Howard Watch and Clock Company of Boston,
town’s sporadic measurements of the Winn                significant investigations downstream.                  the clock rang the bronze bell for decades.
Brook outlet are. Luckily, there is another group                                                                  The clock still sits in the tower of that church,
measuring this outlet monthly: the Mystic River         More Work to Do
                                                                                                                overlooking the historic Wellington train depot,
Watershed Association.                                     Table 3 lists a handful of additional projects       a magnificent copper beech tree, and the town
                                                        planned for the 2021 sump pump and sewer                green on Concord Avenue.
Clearing the Upstream first                             rehabilitation contract as well as some sampling           Unfortunately, the clock hasn’t functioned
   In some locations, the town’s 2020 upstream          and investigation projects.                             since 2006.
measurements showed improved water quality                 The goal of all this work is simple: all outlets
after major repairs and relining activities,            should have E. coli measurements below the EPA          History Since Belmont Began

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JEFFREY NORTH
but downstream measurements at the outlet               threshold. Estimating how much work remains                The clock rings a 1,200-pound bronze bell
were even worse than in 2017. For example,              to get there is very difficult. Because of the inter-   that was cast in 1857 in Boston by the Henry H.
Catchment Area 2 results show improved water            mittent nature of the leakage and the uncer-            Hooper Company. Hooper was an apprentice of
quality measurements upstream after rehabili-           tainty of exactly what any given measurement            Paul Revere. On March 18, 1859, the bell rang
tation, yet measurements at the downstream              signifies, we have no idea if we are halfway there,     out the news of the incorporation of the new           gears began to interfere with the movement, and
outlet for the entire area are worse. The results at    10% of the way, or 90%. Until all the outlets run       town of Belmont from the original church,              in 2006, the clock stopped.
the outlet may improve with time, or there may          clear, we won’t know whether we will meet the           which was located on the site of the current post
be yet another problem to find and fix.                 2022 target set by the EPA in 2017 of 235 E. coli                                                              The Jewel in the Town
                                                                                                                office until it was destroyed by fire on February
   This is consistent with the town’s “outside-         MPN/100 ml of water. What we do know is that            12, 1890.                                                 Tower clocks need a source of power to turn
in” approach, which involves fixing problems            there are still quite a few places well above the          The separation of church and state was              the gears of the movement and to ring the bell.
upstream first, on the periphery of the drainage        EPA threshold.                                          observed differently in the mid-19th century.          That power source is gravity, acting on weights,
system. The town plans to wait and see if the              Despite the pandemic, the town did an                The original church building, the spire of which       through cables and pulleys that descend slowly
                                                        impressive amount of sewer rehabilitation work          appears on the town seal, served as the location       to do the work of turning the hands and ringing
                                                        in 2020. The town will need to continue to show                                                                the bell. Once a week, the clock winder climbs a
        Human or Animal Waste?                          the grit and persistence it has pursued in 2020
                                                                                                                of town meetings until 1867. It also housed
                                                                                                                                                                       ladder inside the tower to the platform where the
                                                                                                                the town’s library and the Farmers Exchange.
                                                        to find and fix all leaky mains and laterals and        The church was originally called the Belmont           clock movement is located and winds the clock
    How does the EPA tell if the E. coli is from
                                                        illegal connections between the sewer and drain         Congregational Society. It was later renamed the       by raising the weights with a hand crank and
    animal or human waste? In 2017, the EPA
                                                        system.                                                 First Church in Belmont Unitarian Universalist         lots of muscle effort.
    included measurements of pharmaceuti-
                                                                                                                (FCBUU).                                                  Over the decades, the church sexton has been
    cals unique to humans to verify the E. coli
                                                          Anne-Marie Lambert is a former director of the           The clock ran dependably until the early            the clock winder. The town compensated the
    were coming from human waste and not
                                                        Belmont Citizens Forum.                                 2000s, but years of accumulated dust on the            sexton for this effort with an annual stipend
    from dogs, geese, or other animals.
                                                                                                                                                                       of $36 per year in 1890, which grew to $150 in

6                                                                                                                                                                          May/June 2021   7
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
Four Projects Proposed for CPA Funds
                                                                      work that would be done to the church building
                                                                      itself. The grant application received a negative
                                                                      recommendation from the Warrant Committee,
                                                                      and FCBUU withdrew the application                                   By Elizabeth Harmer Dionne                           CPA Category: Recreation
                                                                         There is precedent, however, for CPA funds                                                                             Amount requested: $200,000
                                                                                                                                           Belmont’s Community Preservation Committee
                                                                      granted to repair clocks in church buildings. The                    (CPC) has recommended the following projects
                                                                      Community Preservation Coalition, a state clear-                                                                          This project will assess the right-of-way acquisi-
                                                                                                                                           to Town Meeting for Community Preservation
                                                                      inghouse of information, maintains a database                                                                             tions necessary for the construction of Phases
                                                                                                                                           Act (CPA) funding in FY2022.
                                                                      of CPA-funded projects. The database includes                                                                             1a and 1b of the Community Path project,
                                                                      many projects in other towns that funded the                         Phase I Consulting Services for Payson               including the Alexander Avenue underpass

                                                                      repair of tower clocks in church buildings, often                    Park Renovation                                      and Brighton Street to Clark Street Bridge, and
                                                                      with funds routed through an intermediary                                                                                 calculate the associated costs for such rights
                                                                                                                                           Organization:Friends of Payson Park (Linda
                                                                      organization like a historical society.                                                                                   of way. (Design work for Phases 1a and 1b is
                                                                                                                                           Oates, Susanne Croy, Jay Marcotte)
                Gearage inside the Belmont Town Clock.                   Following the withdrawal of the grant                                                                                  being funded with previously appropriated CPA
                                                                                                                                           CPA Category: Recreation
                                                                      application, the FCBUU Property Committee                                                                                 funds.) The town needs to acquire temporary
                                                                                                                                           Amount requested: $35,000
                recent years. In 2006, the church administrator       reviewed its options as stewards of this historic                                                                         easements for the construction of the path. In
                stopped requesting the stipend because the clock      town artifact and decided that the church could                                                                           some instances, the town may need to acquire
                                                                                                                                           This is the first step in renovating Payson Park,
                had stopped running.                                  pay for a new tower ladder using operating                                                                                permanent easements or make outright land
                                                                                                                                           which suffers from inadequate access, crumbling
                   Until December 2020, access to the clock           funds.                                                                                                                    purchases.
                                                                                                                                           infrastructure, and haphazard layout. Phase I
                movement meant a daunting climb up a long,               Today, thanks to the ladder replacement, all
                wobbly ladder. The ladder was showing its age,        work remaining to restore the clock to operation
                                                                                                                                           involves an assessment of existing site condi-       Tennis Court Expansion—Winn Brook
                                                                                                                                           tions, neighborhood consultation and feedback,
                and eventually, clock repair craftspeople refused     can be performed by clock repair craftspeople.                                                                            Organization: Select Board, School Committee
                                                                                                                                           a conceptual design, and a proposed budget for
                to service the clock because of the condition         FCBUU has received proposals from three craft                                                                             (Jon Marshall)
                                                                                                                                           construction costs. Due to changes implemented
                of the ladder. In December 2020, the church           horologist workshops. The clock repair work will                                                                          CPA Category: Recreation
                                                                                                                                           by the CPC in 2019, sponsors of town-approved
                replaced the rickety ladder with a new set of         cost about $30,000.                                                                                                       Amount requested: $190,000
                                                                                                                                           projects involving public assets no longer need to
                stairs that reached the upper level of the tower
                                                                      Antique Timepiece is a Community                                     raise private funds to cover part of the project’s
                for access to the clock movement. Clock service                                                                                                                                 Construction of the new high school and the
                                                                                                                                           overall cost.
                people can now climb safely to the movement.          Heirloom                                                                                                                  addition of the 7-8 school on the high school
                   Since the clock was first installed, our world        Visitors and residents of Belmont should                          Preparation for Community Path Right-                site eliminated space for the high school’s tennis
                has created electric and electronic clocks.           be able to see the correct time on this tower                                                                             courts. With the anticipated construction of the
                                                                                                                                           of-Way Acquisition                                   Alexander Avenue underpass, Winn Brook is the
                The Church Property Committee considered              clock when they walk, bicycle, or drive into
                replacing the entire timekeeping mechanism                                                                                 Organization: Community Path Project                 closest set of tennis courts to the high school.
                                                                      the center. An operating historic clock makes a
                with an electric movement. The cost and benefits                                                                           Committee (Russ Leino, Patrice Garvin)               Varsity tennis teams need at least five courts
                                                                      proud statement about stewardship of the town’s
                of that approach are being considered. A hybrid       historic treasures.
                solution is also being considered which involves
                restoring the historic weight-driven movement         Michael Flamang is co-chair of the Property Care
                and electrifying the winding.                         Committee of the First Church in Belmont Unitarian
                Historic Preservation Funds Needed
                  In September 2018, FCBUU applied for a
                Community Preservation Act (CPA) grant for
                $66,250 to repair the town’s old tower clock.
                In January 2019, the Community Preservation
                Committee voted to advance the application

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NITSCH ENGINEERING
                with a recommendation that it be approved.
                  A substantial part of the project cost estimate
                in the first grant application, however, was to pay
                for the replacement of the decrepit ladder. As the
                                                                                                                           JEFFREY NORTH

                grant application was reviewed by various town
                committees, the ladder portion of the project
                drew the most comments because it consisted of                                                                             Map of the proposed Phase 1 Belmont Community Path.
                8                                                                                                                                                                                    May/June 2021        9
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
to host home meets, and Winn Brook requires
                  an additional court to meet this threshold.
                                                                      money to qualify Belmont for affordable housing
                                                                      construction grants at the state and federal level     Mass Central Rail Trail Comes Closer
                  Some tennis community members wanted two            ($1 to $2 million). The CPC can allocate up to
                  additional courts to accommodate junior varsity     5% of its annual revenue for administrative costs      By John Dieckmann                                     to the Manhan Rail Trail and the Northampton
                  matches while some neighbors wanted no              including funding studies or design work related                                                             Trail and to a robust network of trails in this
                                                                                                                             When completed, the Mass Central Rail Trail
                  additional courts. The Recreation Commission        to CPA-eligible projects. I have reached out to                                                              region, including partially completed trails
                                                                                                                             (MCRT) will run from North Point Park in
                  endorsed one additional court as a compromise       both the Recreation Commission and Historic                                                                  running along the Connecticut River Valley into
                                                                                                                             Cambridge to downtown Northampton, a
                  solution.                                           District Commission and invited them to submit                                                               Connecticut.
                                                                                                                             distance of 104 miles, following the abandoned
                                                                                                                             right of way (ROW) of the former Mass Central         Belchertown
                                                                                                                             Railroad. The MCRT has been a long-time work
                                                                                                                                                                                      The ROW next passes through Belchertown.
                                                                                                                             in progress, with some segments completed,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Seven miles of the ROW are owned by the town,
                                                                                                                             others in the works, and others yet to be pursued
                                                                                                                                                                                   and two miles of the ROW are privately owned.
                                                                                                                                                                                   About a half-mile of privately owned ROW
                                                                                                                                The Massachusetts Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                   separates the publicly owned corridor from the
                                                                                                                             Transportation (MassDOT) recently completed
                                                                                                                                                                                   Norwottuck Trail.
                                                                                                                             a feasibility study of the western part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      While not developed as a path, the town-
                                                                                                                             MCRT ( covering 68.5
                                                                                                                                                                                   owned portion is open and passable on foot
                                                                                                                             miles from the Amherst-Belchertown border
                                                                                                                                                                                   or mountain bike. The Belchertown Board
                                                                                                                             to Hudson. The area east of Hudson through
                                                                                                                                                                                   of Selectmen and an active friends group are
                                                                                                                             to Waltham has been leased to the Division
                                                                                                                                                                                   seeking funding and examining options to
                                                                                                                             of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) by the
                                                                                                                                                                                   bypass the privately owned ROW.

                                                                                                                             MBTA. The former rail bed continues through
                                                                                                                             Belmont, Cambridge, and Somerville to North           Palmer
                                                                                                                             Point Park in Cambridge. (See “Bikeway
                                                                                                                                                                                     From Amherst to Palmer, the ROW runs
                                                                                                                             Building Booms Beyond Belmont,” Belmont
                                                                                                                                                                                   southeast around the Quabbin Reservoir before
                                                                                                                             Citizens Forum Newsletter, January 2021.) The
                  The proposed tennis court location.                                                                                                                              turning northeast. The first one-and-a-half mile
                                                                                                                             Belmont Community Path is part of the MCRT,
                                                                                                                                                                                   section of the corridor is intact, while the next
                                                                                                                             comprising a bit more than two miles of the 104
                                                                      applications for studies to create inventories of                                                            three-mile stretch of the ROW is blocked by
                  Transfer to Belmont Housing Trust                   current and future CPA-eligible projects.                 The feasibility study entailed a detailed survey
                                                                                                                                                                                   active railroad use.
                  Organization: Belmont Housing Trust (Betsy            A member of the CPC serves on Belmont’s              of the ROW, identifying ownership status and
                  Lipson, Rachel Heller)                              Long-Term Capital Planning Committee (LTCPC)           physical condition. Where the ROW is blocked,
                  CPA Category: Community Housing                     which is creating a master list of Belmont’s           the study identified options to bypass the
                  Amount requested: $250,000                          capital needs. Studies by the Recreation                                                                            Belmont Path Comments
                                                                                                                             blockage and assessed how difficult it would be
                                                                      Commission and Historic District Commission            to complete the trail.
                  These funds would enable the Belmont Housing                                                                                                                       The Belmont Community Path design
                                                                      could be a valuable addition to the LTCPC’s               Overall, about 75% to 80% of the MCRT
                  Trust to identify and move quickly on real estate                                                                                                                  team has responded to comments and
                                                                      work. Careful stewardship of CPA funds can             ROW is intact. The rest is compromised by
                  opportunities to increase the town’s affordable                                                                                                                    questions submitted about the path last
                                                                      ensure the preservation of current assets, while       issues ranging from private ownership to being
                  housing stock. This project would replenish                                                                                                                        year. Read the entire 11-page document
                                                                      simultaneously facilitating valuable aspects of        completely blocked or obliterated. Below is the
                  funds previously approved and appropriated by                                                                                                                      at
                                                                      Belmont’s future.                                      status of the MCRT segments from west to east.
                  Town Meeting for FY2019. In June 2020, Town           For more information about the history
                  Meeting approved the use of the FY2019 funds                                                               Norwottuck Rail Trail                                   Issues addressed include
                                                                      and current operations of the Community
                  for an emergency rental assistance program for                                                                                                                      • Widening the Alexander Avenue
                                                                      Preservation Act in Belmont, see “How the                The Norwottuck Rail Trail is the westernmost
                  Belmont residents.                                                                                                                                                     culvert
                                                                      Community Preservation Act Works,” Belmont             section of the MCRT. It is owned and operated            • Providing privacy for abutters
                                                                      Citizens Forum Newsletter, May/June 2020.              by the DCR and opened in 1992. It covers 11
                  Looking Ahead                                                                                                                                                       • Stormwater flow and winter freezes
                                                                                                                             miles from downtown Northampton to the                   • Connections to Leonard Street
                     As chair of the CPC, I am concerned about        Elizabeth Harmer Dionne has served as chair of         Amherst-Belchertown line. The trail features a           • Emergency vehicle access
                  reserving sufficient funds to meet the costs of     Belmont’s Community Preservation Committee since       spectacular crossing of the Connecticut River
                  future, high-impact projects, such as funding       January 2020. Any opinions expressed in this article   about a mile east of downtown Northampton.              ... and many more.
                  the design of Phase 2 of the Community Path         are personal and do not necessarily reflect the view   In downtown Northampton, it connects directly
                  (up to $2 million), or ensuring sufficient seed     of the entire committee.
                  10                                                                                                                                                                  May/June 2021    11
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
East Quabbin Land Trust Region                       tributaries needs to be built before this section                      unsuccessful, construction of this section of the
                                                                            could be opened.                                                       MCRT will probably take two years.                      Letters Support Belmont Path
                          The East Quabbin Land Trust (EQLT) is
                       advancing the MCRT as it passes through Ware,                                                                                  The ROW, which is leased by the DCR from
                                                                            Clinton-Berlin                                                         the MBTA, continues into Berlin. Separate             In March, the Metropolitan Planning Orga-
                       Hardwick, New Braintree, and Barre. About 10
                                                                               There is a gap between the Wachusetts                               funding will be required to complete this short       nization (MPO) received 232 comment
                       years ago, the land trust acquired three miles
                                                                            Greenways section and the Berlin-to-Waltham                            section.                                              letters. An MPO representative stated,
                       of the MCRT ROW in Hardwick and New
                                                                            DCR lease. In Clinton, the Central Massachusetts                          In Waltham, the detailed design of the middle      “Collectively, these letters state high
                       Braintree. With volunteer labor, the ROW was
                                                                            Railroad crossed the Nashua River below the                            three-mile section is essentially complete.           levels of support in the town and across
                       converted into a stone-dust surface shared-use
                                                                            Wachusett Reservoir dam on a high trestle and                          The city has stated it intends to fund path           the region for funding of the Belmont
                       path that has been open to the public since
                                                                            then passed through a 1,300-foot tunnel before                         construction with Community Preservation              Community Path as soon as is feasible.”
                       2015. Two truss bridges across the Ware River
                       were also reconditioned and decked by volun-         continuing east toward Berlin. Unfortunately, in                       Act funds. It is not clear when the city will
                                                                            1979, the high trestle was demolished, leaving                         issue a request for proposal for construction.        Commenters cited benefits including
                       teers. The EQLT has gotten funding from the
                                                                            only the concrete piers.                                               The half-mile section connecting Waltham              increased safety for students, connections
                       DCR’s MassTrails grant program to build another
                                                                               The town of Clinton has acquired the tunnel                         to Weston and the three-quarter mile section          to Belmont Center, the library, and the
                       half-mile section in town, and the town of Ware
                                                                            and the one-and-a-half miles of ROW east of the                        connecting the city to Belmont have not been          regional path system, new commuting
                       has also constructed two miles of trail.
                                                                            tunnel and intends to develop it into a shared-                        designed.                                             options, recreation, stormwater upgrades,
                       Wachusett Greenways Region                           use path and part of the MCRT. Massachusetts                                                                                 and greenhouse gas emissions.
                                                                            Representative Jake Auchincloss is attempting                          Belmont to North Point Park
                          Wachusett Greenways has been slowly
                                                                            to get funding in the upcoming infrastructure                            The detailed design of Phase I of the Belmont       View the video where the MPO summa-
                       building out its section of the MCRT whose
                                                                            bill to recreate the high trestle across the Nashua                    Community Path segment of the MCRT has been           rizes the comments at
                       total length is 30 miles. To date, 20 miles of
                                                                            River, an exciting possibility with spectacular                        delayed for the past several months pending an        Bike-Letters. The Belmont segment starts
                       stone-dust surface trail have been constructed
                                                                            views.                                                                 MBTA permit to allow borings for soil samples         at 2:13:00.
                       and opened to the public, including a 100-foot
                       bridge across the Quinopoxet River and two road                                                                             in the area around the proposed pedestrian
                                                                            Berlin to Waltham                                                      underpass. The 25% design is otherwise ready for       The MCRT has been open for several years
                       underpass tunnels. While the remaining parts of
                                                                              About five and a half miles of the MCRT in                           approval by MassDOT. After that approval, work      from Brighton Street in Belmont past Alewife
                       the ROW are compromised in places, Wachusett
                                                                            Weston and Wayland have been open to the                               on the 75%-level design could get underway, and     Station to Davis Square and Lowell Street in
                       Greenways continues to chip away at it a mile at
                                                                            public for more than a year. The electric utility                      an application for construction funding could be    Somerville. At Lowell Street, the MCRT joins the
                       a time.
                                                                            Eversource built an access road for their trans-                       submitted.                                          ROW of the Green Line Extension (GLX) ROW
                          The eastern section along the north side of the
                                                                            mission line which shares the ROW with the                                                                                 which runs to North Point Park. This MCRT
                       Wachusett Reservoir has not been completed.
                                                                            MCRT. The access road was paved with funding                                                                               section is expected to be completed this autumn.
                       A major bridge project over one of the reservoir
                                                                                               provided by the DCR and                                                                                 From North Point Park there is a connection over
                                                                                               doubles as the shared-use                                                                               the Charles River lock to Boston.
                                                                                                  To the west in Wayland,                                                                              Future Progress and Funding
                                                                                               Sudbury, and Hudson, a                                                                                     According to Craig Della Penna, a long-time
                                                                                               similar arrangement with                                                                                MCRT advocate, the MCRT is the signature
                                                                                               Eversource and DCR will                                                                                 shared-use trail project in the state, and
                                                                                               result in nine miles of paved                                                                           Governor Charlie Baker wants to see significant
                                                                                               path. The plan is to place                                                                              progress. As a result, MCRT projects are likely
                                                                                               the transmission line in                                                                                to receive funding in a timely fashion. The
                                                                                               an underground concrete                                                                                 proposed federal infrastructure bill also is likely
                                                                                               trench alongside an access                                                                              to provide significant funding. The impetus for
                                                                                               road/shared-use path. The                                                                               projects will still be local. Fortunately, there
                                                                                               town of Sudbury and a                                                                                   are active friends groups and town support for

                                                                                                                                  JOHN DIECKMANN

                                                                                               local environmental group,                                                                              moving trail development forward all along the
                                                                                               Protect Sudbury, are seeking                                                                            MCRT.
                                                                                               to stop that construction
                                                                                               by pursuing litigation. As                                                                              John Dieckmann is a director of the Belmont Citizens
                                                                                               of press time, litigation is                                                                            Forum.
                                                                                               still ongoing. If the suits are                     Summer 2020 MCRT construction in Wayland.

                       12                                                                                                                                                                                   May/June 2021     13
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
The Roadmap Climate and Clean Energy Law                                                                                   experts, and legislators realized more conse-
                                                                                                                           quential action was needed.
                                                                                                                                                                                commercial hot-food holding cabinets as well
                                                                                                                                                                                as sinks, faucets, showerheads, and handheld
                                                                                                                                                                                shower wands. The state will prohibit the sale,
 By Representative Dave M. Rogers                                                                                                                                               lease, or rental of these appliances unless they
                                                                                                                             Rather than achieving a target 80%                 meet the new efficiency standards.
While policy makers are confronted by a wide                                                                                 below 1990 emissions level by 2050,                   Buildings are one of the largest sources of GHG
variety of pressing policy issues, few if any
compare to the complexity and scale presented
                                                                                                                             the Roadmap legislation requires                   emissions. The Roadmap directs the Department
                                                                                                                                                                                of Energy Resources (DOER) to develop a
by our changing climate. Most of us are long                                                                                 net-zero emissions by 2050.
                                                                                                                                                                                municipal opt-in specialized energy stretch code
since familiar with the worrisome data, but two                                                                                                                                 that includes a definition of a net-zero building.
recent comprehensive reports thoroughly define                                                                                                                                  The new law also allows DOER to plan, develop,
                                                                                                                             Rather than achieving a target 80% below
the challenge.                                                                                                                                                                  oversee, and operate the commercial sustainable
                                                                                                                           1990 emissions level by 2050 as required by
   The most recent National Climate Assessment,                                                                                                                                 energy program, along with the Massachusetts
                                                                                                                           the GWSA, the new standard established in
a quadrennial publication of the US Global                                                                                                                                      Development Finance Agency.
                                                                                                                           the Roadmap legislation requires us to achieve
Change Research Program, and the October 2018                                                                                                                                      We also established key new standards for our
                                                                                                                           net-zero emissions by 2050.
report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on                                                                                                                                   state’s 41 municipal light plants (munis), which
Climate Change (IPCC) presents a wide array of                                                                             The Roadmap                                          serve 50 Massachusetts communities, including
troubling findings. The IPCC report concluded                                                                                                                                   Belmont. The Roadmap requires the munis
                                                                                                                              The Roadmap builds on our previous efforts.

                                                                                                           KIRA L.ARNOTT
that limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C                                                                                                                                  to achieve escalating targets for non-carbon-
                                                                                                                           Following the 2018 law that substantially raised
(2.7°F) to prevent drastic impacts on global                                                                                                                                    emitting energy: 50% by 2030, 75% by 2040,
                                                                                                                           the rate of increase in the RPS standard, the
ecosystems was possible, but would require                                                                                                                                      and 100% (net-zero) by 2050. Municipal light
                                                                                                                           Roadmap escalates the RPS yet again. Specifically,
dramatic action to reduce emissions to net- zero                                                                                                                                plants had previously been exempt from carbon
                                                    Representative Dave M. Rogers                                          starting in 2025, the RPS will go from its current
emissions by 2050.                                                                                                                                                              emissions rules that apply to the larger investor-
                                                                                                                           2% annual increase to a 3% annual increase
   Confronted by this daunting landscape, the                                                                                                                                   owned utilities. Now, plants must either demon-
                                                                                                                           through December 31, 2029.
Massachusetts state legislature has passed An         that must come from renewable energy sources;                                                                             strate compliance or else pay to fund emissions
                                                                                                                              We also upped the authorization for offshore
Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for            in 2018, the RPS was 13% of our electrical                                                                                reductions.
                                                                                                                           wind procurement by 2,400 Mw, bringing
Massachusetts Climate Policy (the Roadmap).           energy. The 2018 law doubled the annual                                                                                      The natural gas explosions that rocked the
                                                                                                                           Massachusetts’s total to 5,600 Mw. To put this
The new law puts the Commonwealth on a path           required increase in the RPS from 1% to 2%                                                                                Merrimack Valley in 2018 should never happen
                                                                                                                           number in perspective, 800 Mw is enough to
to net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by         from December 31, 2019, to December 31, 2029.
                                                                                                                           power 400,000 homes; the
2050 (the IPCC report standard) and specifies         When coupled with Connecticut’s RPS increase
                                                                                                                           total authorized offshore wind
enforceable targets at five-year intervals.           in 2018, this action is likely to result in over
                                                                                                                           could power up to 3.2 million
   While the actions of one state will never be       20,000 in-region jobs and nearly 2,000 Mw of
                                                                                                                           homes. The 800 Mw Vineyard
adequate, and Massachusetts still needs to do         additional Class I renewable energy by 2030.
                                                                                                                           Wind project is well on its
more, the new law truly is a landmark break-             The 2018 law also created a first-in-the-nation
                                                                                                                           way to becoming the first
through. Many of you wrote, called, submitted         program known as the Clean Peak Standard to
                                                                                                                           large-scale wind energy devel-
testimony, or just generally let it be known to       pair energy storage with renewable energy with
                                                                                                                           opment off our shores, having
me that addressing climate change is highly           the goal of making renewable energy available
                                                                                                                           received its final federal
important to you. I appreciate and applaud your       during our most expensive and highest-emitting
                                                                                                                           approval. After a difficult
activism which helped drive this effort.              hours of electricity consumption. According

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PHILIP HOLLMAN / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
                                                                                                                           start, the offshore wind
                                                      to the Massachusetts Department of Energy
Past Legislation on Climate and Energy                                                                                     sector is poised for a boom in
                                                      Resources’ (DOER) 2015 State of Charge report,
   The legislature has taken several actions over     peak hours only happen 10% of the year
                                                                                                                              The Roadmap also enhances
the years to address climate and energy policy.       and yet result in 40% of electricity costs for
                                                                                                                           energy- and water-efficiency
In 2016, we passed An Act to Promote Energy           Massachusetts.
                                                                                                                           standards for many consumer
Diversity which, among other policy innova-              As important as the 2016 and 2018 laws are,
                                                                                                                           goods and appliances via
tions, addressed gas leaks and authorized 1,600       the action of the legislature most relevant to
                                                                                                                           the Massachusetts Appliance
megawatts (Mw) of offshore wind.                      the new Roadmap law is the Global Warming
                                                                                                                           Efficiency Act. Products
   In 2018, we passed An Act to Advance Clean         Solutions Act (GWSA) passed in 2008. The
                                                                                                                           subject to the act include
Energy to change our state’s Renewable Energy         GWSA required a reduction of GHG emissions
                                                                                                                           commercial dishwashers,
Portfolio Standard (RPS). The RPS defines the         in the state to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.
amount of the Commonwealth’s electrical power
                                                                                                                           commercial fryers, and            Offshore wind turbine, Kent, UK.
                                                      However, given worsening data, activists,

14                                                                                                                                                                                 May/June 2021    15
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
again. The Roadmap sets out
more stringent gas infrastructure                                                                                Restoration Projects Approved for LTH
safety requirements with increased
penalties for violations. Penalties
                                                                                                                 Belmont’s Lone Tree Hill projects planned for 2021
for violating gas safety regulations                                                                             By Jeffrey North                                     annual cover crop of Canada wild rye (Elymus
include fines of $500,000 for each                                                                                                                                    canadensis) to cover exposed soils for soil
                                                                                                                 The Land Management Committee for Lone Tree
violation and up to $10 million                                                                                                                                       stability, and cut-and-dab herbicide application
                                                                                                                 Hill approved plans and funding for three 2021
for a related series of violations.                                                                                                                                   to remaining vines and invasive shrubs. The cut
                                                                                                                 forest restoration and meadow management
These limits can be doubled if the                                                                                                                                    material will be left on site stacked in small piles
                                                                                                                 projects for Lone Tree Hill at a March 3 meeting.
Department of Public Utilities deter-                                                                                                                                 to provide food, nesting, and shelter for wildlife.
                                                                                                                 The Judy Record Conservation Fund is providing
mines that the violator has engaged                                                                                                                                      Trained horticulturalists will return to Area
                                                                                                                 matching funds for the projects, for a total of
in a similar violation during the                                                                                                                                     A1 in mid-summer to continue the treatment
                                                                                                                 $22,000 for these initiatives.
previous three years                                                                                                                                                  of invasive plant species in the A1 woodland
   The Roadmap also defines                                                                                      Area A1 Restoration Continues                        when they will again apply foliar herbicide to
environmental justice commu-                                                                                                                                          all invasive shrubs, resprouting vines, and black
                                                                                                                    In early spring, licensed field technicians
nities based on income and other                                                                                                                                      swallow-wort on the woodland edge. They will
                                                                                                                 trained in identifying invasive plant species will
factors and requires the Secretary of                                                                                                                                 return in later summer to treat invasive species
                                                                                                                 cut, mow, and apply plant-specific herbicide in

Energy and Environmental Affairs                                                                                                                                      once again, specifically Japanese knotweed, black
                                                                                                                 the Area A1 woodland. They will combat Asian
to provide these communities with         Home damaged by the 2018 Merrimack Valley gas explosions.              bittersweet, buckthorn, garlic mustard, black
                                                                                                                                                                      swallow-wort, and any resprouting plants that
advance notice and an opportunity                                                                                                                                     do not belong and which overrun native plant
                                                                                                                 swallow-wort (Cynanchum louiseae), and lesser
to be heard regarding the environ-                   affordability to low-income households. We                                                                       species. An autumn treatment of remaining and
                                                                                                                 celandine, and at least one isolated patch of
mental, health, and safety impact of proposed        established a grant program to support solar                                                                     resprouting invasive plants should conclude
                                                                                                                 Japanese knotweed. This two-and-a-half-acre
projects. Agencies acting under the authority        adoption by nonprofits, and new solar incentive                                                                  activities for 2021 on this parcel.
                                                                                                                 parcel was treated aggressively in early November
of the secretary must consider environmental         programs must address solar access and afford-
                                                                                                                 2020 (see “Committee Battles Invasives at Lone       Invasive Plant Management in the Great
justice to reduce unfair or inequitable impacts.     ability for low-income communities.
                                                                                                                 Tree Hill,” Belmont Citizens Forum Newsletter,
The Roadmap requires environmental impact               To ensure more equality in our state’s environ-                                                               Meadow
                                                                                                                 January 2021). Weed removal in Area A1 will be
reports for projects located within one mile of an   mental policy, our new law establishes a clean                                                                     To maintain the ecological health of the
                                                                                                                 combined with two other programs: seeding an
environmental justice population or within five      energy equity workforce and market devel-                                                                        Great Meadow at the heart of the Lone Tree Hill
miles of an environmental justice population if      opment program within the Massachusetts
the project is likely to damage air quality.         Clean Energy Technology Center. This new
   The Roadmap also requires the current SMART       program will maximize employment opportu-
solar program to provide equitable access and        nities for historically disadvantaged populations
                                                     in the clean energy industry.
        Your Name Could Be Here                         The new policies and standards described
                                                     above are only some of what our new climate
   The Belmont Citizens Forum is looking             and clean energy law will establish in the
   for writers, photographers, artists, and          Commonwealth. The Roadmap includes smaller,
   researchers to contribute to the BCF              less dramatic changes that will help grow and
   Newsletter—no experience necessary! It’s          expand our green energy portfolio for years to
   a great opportunity to learn about jour-          come.
   nalism and contribute to your community.             Building from the new sweeping law here in
                                                     Massachusetts, we must make sure it is imple-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PARTERRE ECOLOGICAL SERVICES
   We welcome contributions from Belmont             mented effectively. Working with all of you, I
   and beyond on preserving natural and              will continue to advocate for new, innovative
   historical resources, limiting traffic growth,    approaches to climate and energy policy and to
   and enhancing pedestrian safety.                  urge my colleagues in the house to do the same.

     For more information, contact                    Dave Rogers represents the communities of                    Arlington, Belmont, and Cambridge in the 24th
                                                      Middlesex District of the Massachusetts House of           Aerial view of Area A1.
16                                                                                                                                                                        May/June 2021    17
Clay Pit Pond Deforestation Damages Wetland - Belmont Citizens Forum
the black swallow-wort and treat it in meadow
                                                                                   areas, and midsummer will see follow-up               Belmont’s Invasive Plants: Asian Bittersweet
                                                                                      Black swallow-wort is particularly concerning      By Carolyn Bishop                                       trees and break branches, especially when ice
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and snow add weight to the mass of suffocating
                                                                                   as it can crowd out native vegetation including       Asian bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), also
                                                                                                                                                                                                 vines. Asian bittersweet can change the compo-
                                                                                   native milkweed, goldenrod, and other field           known as Oriental bittersweet, is one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 sition and structure and appearance of forested
                                                                                   grasses and wildflowers. Loss of native plant         most beautiful and problematic invasive plant
                                                                                                                                                                                                 areas as it gradually kills and brings down trees
                                                                                   species reduces biodiversity and compromises the      species in our area. In the past, bittersweet was
                                                                                                                                                                                                 large and small. This change is occurring in
                                                                                   value of habitat to wildlife. Monarch butterflies     commonly sold in wreaths and floral arrange-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Belmont, as evidenced by tree death at Lone Tree
                                                                                   lay eggs on swallow-wort, which their caterpillars    ments, which were especially popular in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hill, Rock Meadow, Beaver Brook Reservation,
                                                                                   cannot eat, leading to the caterpillars’ death and    fall due to bittersweet’s brilliant yellow-shelled
                                                                                                                                                                                                 along roads, and in the area between the high
                                                                                   threatening the species’ survival.                    orange berries. Little did we know we were
                                                                                                                                                                                                 school and the railroad tracks.
                                                                                                                                         helping to spread a very invasive, damaging,
                                                                                   New Pollinator Meadow at Mill Street                  non-native plant.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The American bittersweet (Celastrus scandens)
                                                                                      A new pollinator meadow will be cultivated                                                                 is not as aggressive and has red berries clustered
                                                                                                                                            Asian bittersweet was brought to the United
                                                                                   near the parking lot on Mill Street. The 6,400                                                                at the end of branches. It is rare, succumbing to
                                                                                                                                         States in the 1860s as an ornamental and for
                                                                                   square foot area near the bicycle rack just north                                                             the more aggressive Asian bittersweet that can
                                                                                                                                         erosion control. Now it is found from Ontario
                                                                                   of the parking lot will become a cafeteria for bees                                                           have orange berries growing at the leaf axils
                                                                                                                                         and Quebec south through the Great Lakes
                                                                                   and birds.                                                                                                    anywhere along the stems. Unfortunately, these
                                                                                                                                         states, from New England to Florida, Louisiana,
                                                                                      After careful mowing, invasive plant species                                                               plants can hybridize, making American bitter-
                                                                                                                                         and the southeastern edge of the Great Plains.
                                                                                   will be removed via hand-pulling and a foliar                                                                 sweet even rarer.
                                                                                                                                            Asian bittersweet smothers plants with its
                                                                                   herbicide. Targeted species include Queen Anne’s                                                                 Controlling Asian bittersweet is challenging.
                                                                                                                                         dense foliage as it strangles stems and trunks.
                                                                                   lace, garlic mustard, burdock, and mugwort. In                                                                The vine can grow to six inches in diameter and
                                                                                                                                         In some areas, it blankets entire stretches of
                                                                                   the fall, the area will be seeded with a mix of                                                               as long as 50 feet. Cutting vines down to relieve
                                                                                                                                         woodlands. For years, it was planted along
                                                                                   pollinator-supporting native wildflower seeds,                                                                the weight on trees does not control the plant.
                                                                                                                                         roadways and highways for erosion control. Now
                                                                                   including anise hyssop, purple coneflower,                                                                    Complete control requires different treatments
                                                                                                                                         you can see thick banks of Asian bittersweet
                                                                                   blazing star, foxglove beardtongue, black-eyed                                                                and continued vigilance to manage regrowth.
                                                                                                                                         all along major highways: for example, Route 2
                                                                                   Susan, smooth aster, and others.                      heading west from Belmont. Its yellow leaves are         Digging
                                                                                      This new mini-meadow will improve the              notable in the fall.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Digging up the young plants requires care to
                                                                                   visual aesthetics of the entrance and the area           The glossy, rounded leaves with finely serrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                  get out the rootlets that can sprout all along the
                                                                                   opposite Rock Meadow as it supports pollen-           edges alternate on a
                                                                                   spreading flower- and vegetable-friendly flying       twining vine which is
                                                                                   assistants for the area including the victory         often ignored because it
                                                                                   gardens across the street.                            is so attractive. The pretty
                                                                                      The Land Management Committee for                  vine turns into a thick,

                                                                                   Lone Tree Hill and visitors to the conservation       twining plant that climbs
                                                                                   land are once again grateful for the continued        large trees and flourishes
                                                                                   financial support and sage guidance from the          in the tree canopy, cutting
                                                                                   board members of the Judy Record Conservation         off the sunlight to the
                                                                                   Fund: Roger Wrubel, executive director; Eugene        host tree. The female
                                                                                   Record, treasurer; and Gary Clayton, former           plant’s beautiful berries
                                                                                   president, Mass Audubon.                              are enjoyed and spread by
                                                                                                                                         birds and animals. This
                               Lone Tree hill priority areas.                      Jeffrey North is managing editor of the Belmont       plant seems to thrive in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
                                                                                   Citizens Forum Newsletter and the ex-officio          any soil, in sun or shade,
                               property, field technicians will combat a host of   Belmont Conservation Commission representative        and spreads by roots and
                               invasive plants. Later in the season, when plants   on the Land Management Committee for Lone Tree        berries.
                               can be identified but have not yet produced         Hill.                                                    Undisturbed, Asian
                               mature seeds, field technicians will treat the
                                                                                                                                         bittersweet can grow
                               meadow, optimizing for the control of black
                                                                                                                                         large enough to strangle        Asian bittersweet berries.
                               swallow-wort. In late spring, they will identify

                               18                                                                                                                                                                     May/June 2021     19
to other plants compared to using                                                                  Fast forward two months: in early April it was
                                                                                 a broadcast foliar spray. Glyphosate
                                                                                 (commercially known as Roundup)
                                                                                                                           Letters to the Editor                                 revealed that the long-awaited written proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                 for the fuel tank installation had been submitted
                                                                                 with a water base is commonly used.      To the Editor:                                         and that the proposed cost had nearly doubled,
                                                                                                                             Tanks…tanks…tanks. The Select Board voted           from the $540,000 approved by Town Meeting
                                                                                 Slash and Treat                          unanimously on February 8, 2021, to grant a            last spring, to $1.033 million.
                                                                                    Depending on the diameter of the      license to replace the current underground fuel           Moreover, at the Capital Budget Committee
                                                                                 vine, a single slash is made for every   tanks with two 6,000 gallon above-ground tanks         (CBC) meeting on Thursday, April 8, two days
                                                                                 inch in diameter and then treated        to be located between two existing DPW garages         after the $6.4 million property tax override,
                                                                                 with the herbicide. A two-inch-          approximately 75 feet from our neighboring             described by officials as critical for maintaining
                                                                                 diameter vine would get two cuts         residential properties.                                even a minimal level of town and school
                                                                                 on the vertical vine which are then         At the time this vote was taken, no detailed        services, had failed, Marcotte and assistant
                                                                                 treated with herbicide. The cuts must    cost-benefit analyses had been provided for            town administrator Jon Marshall suggested that
                                                                                 not girdle or sever the vine. This       either the proposed tank installation or for           there might be a way to fund this additional
                                                                                 treatment can be done year-round         any alternate tank configurations or sites.            half-million dollars by using Enterprise Funds.
                                                                                 as sap and other liquids flow up and     Several alternatives had been suggested by             (Imagine my surprise that the Select Board
                                                                                 down the vine seasonally.                concerned residents, including my suggestion           would not need to hold a bake sale to raise the
                                                                                                                          of (1) installing one smaller dual-compartment         needed half-million-dollar funding.)
                                                                                 Basal Bark                               underground tank at either the same site or               Once again, we residents have asked for
                                                                                     This is a treatment with an          another more remote location in the DPW Yard;          additional detail. As of this writing, we are
                                                                                  oil-based herbicide “painted” on        (2) consolidating our fueling operations with          waiting for Marcotte to obtain written proposals
                                                                                  the vine and probably best done         one of Belmont’s neighboring communities,              for both two underground tanks and one dual
                                                                                  by a professional. It is for vines up   for example, Watertown, which maintains a              compartment underground tank.
                                                                                  to 6 inches in diameter and is best     fueling station less than two miles away; and             Assuming the CBC approves the additional
                                                                                  applied in the fall in temperatures     (3) contracting with a Belmont gas station to          funding, Town Meeting will again be voting
                                                                                  higher than 50F. It takes up to six     provide fuel for all town vehicles.                    on this project at the June Town Meeting. Last

                                                                                  months to take effect.                     Besides possibly being more cost-effective for      year, Town Meeting members were mistakenly
                                                                                     When disposing of bittersweet        the town, such alternatives would likely be more       told that underground tanks were no longer
                                                                                  plant parts, do not compost them or     environmentally friendly by reducing our carbon        permitted; in fact, that is not the case. This
                Asian bittersweet choking trees at Lone Tree Hill.                put them in yard waste; you could       footprint and providing greater flexibility as we      year’s vote should provide an opportunity for a
                                                                     spread viable seeds and stems. Instead, wrap or      transition to the use of more electric vehicles.       more thorough and fact-based discussion of the
                vine and vigilance to catch regrowth. Established    bag them and put them in the trash.                  Nevertheless, such alternatives were rejected,         issue.
                vines are probably beyond the stage where               Controlling Asian bittersweet is a major          seemingly out of hand.                                    This is not over.
                digging can achieve control, and care must be        project, but it is worthwhile to save the mature        When the suggestion came up prior to the            Judith Ananian Sarno,
                taken not to damage the roots of the host tree.      trees that are threatened by this sturdy invasive.   vote at the February 8 meeting to consider a           Town Meeting Member, Precinct 3
                                                                     There are several sites on Belmont properties,       suitable alternate site on the DPW property
                Cutting with Herbicide Treatment                     such as Lone Tree Hill, where Asian bitter-          further away from the neighborhood, Jay                   To the Editor:
                   The best time for this method is after July 1     sweet is flourishing. Control programs would         Marcotte, the DPW director, stated that the               I just read the article in Belmont Citizen
                so that the Asiatic bittersweet will internalize     be challenging but rewarding projects (see           decision had already been made in July to install      Forum about replacing the underground tanks
                the herbicide during a season of active growth.      ”Restoration Projects Approved” in this issue        the two above-ground tanks at the selected             “Local Residents Challenge Tank Location,
                The challenge is not harming the host tree           of the Belmont Citizens Forum Newsletter and         location and that it would be cost-prohibitive         Planning,” BCF Newsletter, March/April 2021.)
                while sawing through the vine and treating the       “Committee Battles Invasives at Lone Tree            to install them anywhere else. Given that the             As an alternative can we consider switching all
                cut surface with herbicide. Trained field techni-    Hill,”January/February 2021 BCF Newsletter.)         public had never been informed about this              Belmont vehicles to electric types and eliminate
                cians usually cut Asian bittersweet vines about                                                           decision, at either the August 2020 or any subse-      the need for storage tanks. I am sure this would
                shoulder height for convenience and then cut         Caroline Bishop has served on multiple town          quent hearing or discussions, it is difficult not to   be a lot more expensive in the short run but
                them again lower to the ground to speed the          committees, including the Conservation Commission,   conclude that those public hearings and discus-        could save the town money over time. If feasible
                chemical’s progress to the roots. The herbicide      and on a State Advisory Committee on Pesticides.     sions were held merely to comply with existing         the best alternative would be for Belmont to
                can be dyed to mark the treated vine. While                                                               legal requirements and were not actual oppor-          issue a long-term municipal bond at today’s very
                herbicides are not generally recommended if                                                               tunities to provide meaningful input to the fuel       favorable rates to fund such activity.
                alternatives exist, this approach minimizes risk                                                          tank decision.                                          Shashi Rajpal
                                                                                                                                                                                 Oak Avenue, Belmont
                20                                                                                                                                                                  May/June 2021     21
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