NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
T H E   V S L   N E W S
                          M A G A Z I N E   •   I S S U E   T W O   2 0 0 8

                                                               S T R AT E GY
                                                   Training for
                                                Dry air system
                                                      for stays
                                                 Bandra Worli
                                                      Sea Link
NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
highlights                                                                                       BONDTECH 7

             DEVELOPMENT                                                            4
             Changing the way we do business                                         4

             FACTS&TRENDS                                                           6
             New Markets: Capital projects for VSL                                   6

             Stay Cables: Brazil’s widest                                            7

             COVER STORY                                                            8
             Human resources development:
             Training for Excellence
             VSL is implementing new actions to properly
                                                                                               TRAINING 8
             train and to keep competent and expert staff.

             SITE INSIGHTS                                                       16
             Spain: Embalse de Contreras Viaduct                                   16

             UK: Ageless anchors                                                   21

             Singapore: Expansion in ground engineering                            22

             Australia: Gateway upgrade                                            24

                                                                                                                           BRIDGES 20
             SPECIAL REPORT                                                      26
             System Development:
             The VSL SSI 2000-D system
                                                                                                SSI 2000-D
             TECH SHOW                                                           28
             VSL is playing a key role as a bridge
             construction partner for Hindustan
             Construction Company (HCC)

             in the Bandra Worli Sea Link
             across Mumbai’s Mahim Bay, India,

                                                                                                                                                          WORLI 28
             scheduled for completion in 2009.

               NEWS, magazine published by VSL International Ltd. • Bern, Switzerland Director of Publication: Jean-Philippe Trin • Editor in chief: Jane Rousseau •
      Editor : Elisabeth Lichter-Rodriguez • Co-ordinators: Carlos Such, Renata Kunz-Tamburrino, Doris Tong.
               Distribution: Sandra Puel • Design: Red Line Photos: Derek Allan, Philippe Guignard, Laurent Zylberman, others Copyright: VSL •

             Cover photo : Training on safety
NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
ISSUE TWO • 2008


Well-trained staff:
our greatest asset
In VSL’s business, technologies and regulations are
constantly evolving. Thus, continuous training of our
staff is a must for us as a leading company. Over the
years, VSL has undertaken considerable efforts in
structuring and formalising training at all levels of the
company to maintain our expertise at the highest level.
Our massive recruitment of staff in recent years has led us to implement new training
initiatives, including a great new tool, the VSL Academy. VSL’s training centre is a
unique in-house university dedicated to post-tensioning techniques. The aim is to
ensure that best practices are covered and applied, and that all members of staff adopt
the same high standards of quality. Whatever technical improvements – large or small -
are achieved in any of VSL’s many locations, they are immediately spread by the
VSL Academy to allow our entire network to benefit.

Technical excellence is vital for both the staff and the project. A strong training policy is
of strategic importance to increase the overall performance of the company by
contributing to ever-enhanced quality improvement – and productivity. Our training policy
also addresses a key issue: striking a balance in our development plan between the
economic profitability of our businesses and its social and environmental impact.

We believe that a well-trained staff is our most valuable investment in better service to
our clients.

                                                              Jean-Philippe Trin, CEO
NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
    Changing the way we do business
    For VSL, sustainable development means                                                 ergonomics and expanding our
                                                                                           road safety action. We also want to
    striking a balance in its development model                                            further improve the health of our
                                                                                           employees, particularly by raising
    between the economic profitability of its                                              awareness of the dangers of
    businesses and their social and environmental                                          alcohol, smoking and drug abuse.

    impact. Decisions at every level must take                                                  Develop our employees’
    account of all three facets of sustainable                                                  skills and promote equal
    development: economic, social and                                                      We will make VSL a more attractive
                                                                                           company by fostering the personal
    environmental, not merely economic.                                                    development of our employees,
                                                                                           encouraging cultural diversity,

           ccording to the United                         Foster a trusting relationship   increasing the numbers of female
           Nations, development is                        with our clients, based on       and disabled employees and giving
           sustainable if it "meets the             consideration, transparency and        all employees the opportunity to be
    needs of the present without                    innovation.                            responsible citizens.
    compromising the ability of future              Building a genuine trust-based
    generations to meet their own                   relationship with our clients               Establish balanced,
    needs". Sustainable development                 means willing to listen, acting in          long-term relationships
    does not mean giving up on growth.              complete transparency and              with partners, suppliers and
    Rather, it means developing in                  offering performance guarantees        subcontractors.
    ways that can be sustained by the               in terms of quality, safety and the    We intend to build genuine
    planet over the long term.                      environment. Client trust is also      partnerships with our
                                                    determined by our capacity for         subcontractors by involving them
    Sustainable development has                     innovation with a view to meeting      in our progress plans for quality,
    three facets:                                   their expectations, especially in      safety and environmental protection
    Economic: promote economic                      terms of environmental protection.     and in combating illegal labour.
    growth to create wealth for all by                                                     With respect to our suppliers,
    fostering sustainable patterns of                     Incorporate risk into the        especially in emerging countries,
    production and consumption. This                      day-to-day management of         this means being stringent on
    implies rational use of natural                 the company.                           quality and labour standards.
    resources, sound corporate                      In addition to clearly identified
    governance and professional ethics.             technical and financial risks, we           Ensure that our businesses
    Environmental: preserve, improve                want to step up vigilance on the            respect the environment.
    and develop the environment and                 environmental, social and              Integrating environmental
    natural resources over the long                 reputation risks arising from our      concerns at VSL first means
    term. Resource preservation                     operations. Heightened vigilance in    designing facilities that consume
    involves reducing environmental                 these areas implies enhancing          less energy and resources and that
    impacts and managing and                        existing procedures and improving      blend better into their
    recycling waste.                                employees’ risk-management skills.     surroundings. It also means
    Social: uphold social equity and                                                       reducing energy and natural
    fundamental human rights (as set                     Lead our business sectors         resource consumption
    forth in the Universal Declaration                   in terms of occupational          on our work sites as well as
    of Human Rights). For companies,                health and safety.                     minimising the disturbance for
    this includes anti-discrimination               We are determined to lead our          local residents. Lastly, it means
    measures, combating child labour,               sector in terms of safety, by          encouraging environmentally-
    enhancing welfare policies and                  continuously upgrading prevention,     friendly habits in every employee,
    protecting workers' rights. The                 involving our partners and             because 2,900 small efforts to help
    sustainable development approach                subcontractors in our approach to      the environment on a daily basis
    of VSL is based on seven aims:                  safety, increasing workplace           have a big impact.

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
Energy Audit at VSL Singapore
                                                   SL Singapore recently            existing workshops is worthwhile;
                                                   conducted their first energy     a similar study into alternative energy
     Participate in the economic                   audit. The audit was carried     sources (e.g. solar, wind) to partially
     and social life of the regions        out at the main office, workshops        power the new workshop are
where we operate.                          and store, and initially covered         warranted; and, that arranging an
We want to play an active role in          electricity consumption. The main        energy audit by an external expert
the economic and social life of the        finding from the audit was that          would likely bring significantly more
regions where we operate, by               2.3t of CO2 emissions could be           savings. Step by step progress will
supporting associations and                eliminated per year simply by            lead to substantial savings. ■
organisations that help reintegrate        turning off electrical appliances at
people in difficulty and by providing      night, or when not in use, and that
financial assistance for actions in        several hundreds of Euro could be
education, health and heritage             saved. While this may seem small,
preservation. ■                            on the back of this it has been
                                           decided that a comprehensive study
                                           (including cost-benefit analysis) into
                                           energy saving devices and
 Milestones in sustainable                 equipment for the office and
 1972: Limits to Growth, a report

                                           Hard hats                                VSL and the
 commissioned by the Club of Rome
 that models the impact of finite
 resources on economic growth.                                                                                                      5

 1987: The concept of "sustainable
 development" appears officially in a
                                           protect smart                            Lighthouse Club
 report by the United Nations' World
 Commission on Environment and                                                             he Lighthouse Club is a non-
 Development. Drafted by Gro Harlem                                                        political organisation that
 Brundtland, then prime minister of
                                                                                           raises money, through
 Norway, the report defines the
 concept as development that "meets
                                                                                    social activities, to assist less
 the needs of the present without                                                   fortunate persons who are
 compromising the ability of future                                                 associated with the construction
 generations to meet their own needs".                                              industry. VSL has been involved
 1992: The Earth Summit in Rio de
                                                                                    with the Club for many years in
 Janeiro (the second UN Conference on                                               Hong Kong as a corporate
 Environment and Development),                                                      member, and a number of staff
 173 heads of state sign "Agenda 21",                                               have individual memberships. In
 a programme of action for the                                                      2008 the increased level of
 twenty-first century to foster                                                     commitment has resulted in the
 sustainable development.
                                                                                    company being invited to join the
 1997: 11 December in Kyoto, Japan,                                                 Lighthouse Club Asia-Pacific
 the countries that signed the UN                                                   committee. VSL was also invited to
 Framework Convention on Climate                                                    join the Club’s Hong Kong Safety

 Change adopt the Kyoto Protocol to
                                                    total of about 110 staff        Committee. In this role VSL will
 reduce greenhouse gas emissions
 (including carbon dioxide, methane
                                                    members, including              work on the preventive measures
 and nitrous oxide) after the year 2000.            labour, foremen,                that will help avoiding accidents in
                                           supervisors and engineers from           the future. The Lighthouse Club
 2007: The conference of Bali
                                           different projects celebrated the        and VSL’s objectives align closely
 culminated in the adoption of the Bali
 Road Map, which consists of a
                                           37th National Safety Day in the          in many areas, assisting accident
 number of forward-looking decisions       North Region, Delhi. The senior          victims, education, safety
 that represent the various tracks that    staff supported the day and              standards, encouraging women to
 are essential to reaching a secure        insisted on the importance of            work in the industry, and simply
 climate future.                           quality, safety and environment          being involved in the communities
                                           to all the attendees. ■                  where VSL operates. ■

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
    Kazakhstan                                                                                  Bondtech
    Capital projects for VSL                                                                    Spanish
                                                        Mega Yapi Construction. A very
                                                        innovative method, proposed by          hospital
                                                        Wiecon of Taiwan, is being used to
                                                        erect Ramstore Bridge's 180m-
                                                        span arch. The arch is temporarily
                                                        hinged on one abutment and is           > VSL Bondtech® PT slab
                                                        lifted using a relatively small         technology has enabled a
                                                        gantry to allow the addition of each    significant development in the
                                                        segment in turn. The bridge's           structural design of Spanish
                                                        hangers are from the VSL SSI 2000       hospital buildings. In the last four
                                                        system and the longest is 60m.          years, CTT Stronghold (VSL in
                                                        The scheme will be finished in          Spain) has used the Bondtech®
                                                        October and will be followed by a       system to provide solutions for
                                                        second contract, called M3 Arch.        four major new hospitals together
                                                        A spectacular project involves          with other smaller medical
                                                        the erection of the 130m-high           centres. A total of more than
                                                        central mast of the Khan Shatyr         180,000m2 of PT Slabs has been
                                                        Entertainment Center.                   installed, with spans of up to 18m.
    > VSL has opened up business                        A temporary mast uses                   The VSL Bondtech® bonded
    opportunities in Kazakhstan and                     16 SLU-330 strand lifting units to      monostrand post-tensioning
    is busy on key projects for the new                 provide the required 2000t pulling      system is ideally suited to the way
    capital, Astana. VSL Heavy Lifting                  and tie-back forces. The same           that layouts often change to
    is currently executing three                        equipment will lift five roof trusses
    projects for Turkish contractor                     of up to 500t for a new Indoor
    Samko and VSL Special Projects is                   Stadium. ■ Contact:
    working on two arch bridges for           

    Peruvian license
                                                        Perú's experience in post-
                                                        tensioning dates back to 1995 and
                                                        the licence extends its scope of
                                                        work to include the full range of
                                                        VSL construction solutions. The         accommodate new equipment and
                                                        two companies are assessing new         uses while the hospitals remain in
                                                        projects being tendered in Peru         service by allowing easy openings
                                                        with the aim of expanding the           in the concrete slabs. Specialist
                                                        scope of work and becoming the          architects are taking advantage of
                           Right: Francisco Capurro
        (Director of SEC Perú), left: Carlos Ibargüen
                                                        leader in specialist construction       the technology to introduce open,
                      (General Manager of SEC Perú)     techniques there. The new               column-free areas in order to
                                                        arrangement allows VSL to offer an      create flexible buildings without
    > VSL has announced that SEC                        enhanced service to its clients in      any major extra costs. VSL bonded
    Perú (Sistemas Especiales de                        Peru. VSL had already worked on         post tensioning is also allowing the
    Construcción Perú) is its newly                     some major projects there in the        implementation of free cantilevers
    appointed licensee for the                          past, including ground anchors for      or transfer slabs. Specialised
    promising Peruvian market.                          the 1980s Machu Pichu Dam, heavy        architects in Healthcare buildings
    The agreement with Lima-based                       lifts on the Camisea gas project        are using bonded PT slabs in projects
    SEC Perú will allow VSL to offer its                between 2003 and 2007 and recent        such as the new Lugo, Burgos or
    services more efficiently to local                  interchanges in Lima. ■ Contact:        San Sebastian de los Reyes hospitals.
    and foreign contractors. SEC                                     ■ Contact:

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY
Ground Investigation Department                                                  Stay cables
Unlimited growth                                                                 Brazil’s widest
> Success in a stringent technical        contractors. The first project         > VSL SSI 2000 stay cables are
assessment means that Intrafor            carried out under the licence is a     being installed on the Cidade de
Hong Kong can now tender for              major ground investigation sub-        Guarulhos Bridge over Brazil's
government ground investigation           contract awarded by the Dragages –     main highway from São Paulo and
projects of unlimited contract            Nishimatsu JV on the Hong Kong         Rio de Janeiro. This is the first
value. The assessment, which              West Drainage Tunnel scheme.           cable-stayed bridge in Brazil to be
was carried out by the HK                 Research and development in            equipped with VSL Stays and, at
Government's Geotechnical                 ground investigation is also going     23.1m wide, features Brazil's
Engineering Office, has resulted in       strong with the development of         widest stay-supported deck. The
Intrafor’s Ground Investigation           Intrafor’s own directional coring      bridge has been designed by Outec
Department being upgraded to              system, which is being fine-tuned      Engenharia and is being built by
Group II in the list of approved          using in-situ tests. ■ Contact:        Construções e Comércio Camargo
suppliers and specialist                       Corrêa. It has a main span of 100m
                                                                                 and a side span of 70m and involves
                                                                                 a total of 123t of replaceable stays.
Stay cables                               Cable-stayed                           The 27 stays that support the
                                                                                 concrete deck are galvanised,
Vilnius debut                                                                    waxed monostrands placed
                                                                                 ungrouted in an external PE pipe.

> The Karoliniskes Footbridge             First for                              ■ Contact:

in Vilnius is VSL's first project
in Lithuania. VSL is supplying its
SSI 2000 stay cable system for the
bridge, which was initially designed
as a suspended structure using
steel rods. Bridge contractor is
UAB ViaCon Baltic. The bridge has
two steel pylons, each with a pair of
                                                                                     > Miravelle Tower, a project
back stay cables of SSI 2000 6-19
                                                                                     completely designed by VSL
with 14 strands. The main span is
                                                                                     Mexico (21,000 m² including
supported from two pairs of cables,
                                                                                     foundations) has taken the first
which are made up of SSI 2000 6-12
                                                                                     national place and the second
with seven and five strands. The total    > Turkey's first cable-stayed
                                                                                     international place in the OBRAS
tonnage of the plastic-coated strands     road bridge is being fitted with
                                                                                     CEMEX Award in recognition of its
is just 1,700kg as the maximum stay       VSL SSI 2000 Stay Cables.
                                                                                     construction and structural design.
length is 22m. The cables were fully      Manavgat Bridge's steel deck and
prefabricated prior to erection instead   pylon have been erected by
                                                                                     > At the 20th edition of the
of using the strand by strand method.     Mega Yapi, which is VSL's licensee
                                                                                     Argentina's Structural Engineering
Because of this, the DS anchors           in Turkey. The bridge has been
                                                                                     congress held in Buenos Aires in
inside the pylon trumpets were            designed by Pöyry Infra Asia and is
                                                                                     October 2008, the Pastaza cable-
modified to use a compression             owned by the Municipality of
                                                                                     stayed bridge built in Ecuador was
fitting instead of wedges. ■              Manavgat/Antalya. It has a single
                                                                                     recognized as Remarkable Sructure
Contact:                pylon and two spans of 102m.
                                                                                     of the years 2007/2008 and their
                                          Steelwork has been manufactured
                                                                                     designers (H. Cabjolky, C. Amura y
                                          by Aykon. A total of 28 stays, sized
                                                                                     M. Ameijeiras) together with the
                                          from 6-19 to 6-31, will support a
                                                                                     main contractor JCCC from
                                          14m-wide composite steel deck.
                                                                                     Argentina received the prestigious
                                          The 50t of replaceable stays are
                                                                                     José Luis Delpini prize. ■
                                          galvanised, waxed monostrands
                                          placed in an external PE pipe with
                                          no grouting. ■ Contact:

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY


    VSL Academy’s facilities
    in Bangkok provide a strategic
    tool for staff training

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY


Training for
Technically demanding projects and the
highest requirements in terms of quality of
service reflect themselves in a resolutely
proactive training organisation within VSL.
Given the massive hiring of staff in the last
years, new actions are implemented to
properly train and to keep competent and
expert staff.

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NEWS - Training for excellence Dry air system for stays Bandra Worli Sea Link STRATEGY


     The VSL Academy experience
     also creates group cohesion


              raining is the keystone                  faces highly competitive markets.
              within a human resources                 Technically demanding projects
              department and within VSL,               and the highest requirements in
     staff training has become a                       terms of quality of service reflect
     strategic topic. In a business                    themselves in a resolutely
     where technical excellence is vital               proactive training organisation
     both for the staff and the project                within VSL. It is furthermore of
     and where technologies and                        great interest for the company to
     systems are constantly evolving,                  address the motivations and
     it is of utmost importance to                     ambitions of the staff, to have a
     properly train and to keep                        permanent exchange concerning
     competent staff. VSL is                           ambitions and requirements in
     undertaking considerable efforts                  order to fulfil the needs of both,
     in structuring and formalising                    the company and the staff.
     training efforts at all levels of the
     company.                                          Back to basics:
                                                       VSL Academy
     The continuous development of                     The transfer of knowledge and
     VSL’s staff is a key factor for an                acquired experience by senior staff
     excellent performance. It is thus                 to new staff members is one of the
     becoming vital to properly manage                 possibilities to pass on not only the
     competences internally and                        technical details but also the
     structure training accordingly.                   company culture and values. Given
     For the permanent development                     the evolution in recent years, the
     of the asset “competence” in                      massive hiring of staff in new
     organisations, professional                       regions, such as India, Vietnam,
     training and qualification                        the Middle East and Mexico, on the
     measures are adapted to                           one hand and the retirement of
     organisational and personal                       experienced staff on the other, this    Hands-on training
                                                                                               is an essential part
     needs. VSL is increasingly                        intergenerational transfer is no
                                                                                               of the certification course
     specialised in their activities and               longer guaranteed throughout the

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ever growing network. It has
thus been decided to create the
VSL Academy, a unique Post-
Tensioning training centre in
Bangkok.                                VSL Academy on stage
VSL Academy officially launched         The Certification scheme has been designed and structured into 3 stages.
its first certification class on        Stage 1 brings participants to Foreman level, Stage 2 to Supervisor level
February 11, 2008. To ensure that       and Stage 3 to Site Manager level.
best practices are covered and          Upon successful training, students return to the work sites and start
applied, the training sessions are      implementing procedures and tools they have learned about at the
given by experienced staff and are      Academy. During the next months, VSL will be carrying out operational
based on the latest updated VSL         audits on these implementations and on the “effects” of the training
Field Manual. Access to the             courses in the day-to-day business. Efforts will be extended in 2009.
various levels is stringent: a
written exam has to be
successfully passed to fulfil the
requirements in stage certification.   commented and approved by their         The Academy presently schedules
Before being admitted to the next      respective Project/Site Managers.       one Certification class per month
level, the participants have to be                                             with 20 participants each. VSL
involved in Post-Tensioning works      Groups are small and participants       Academy does not intend to limit
for a minimum of one year. This is     come from all regions of the            its scope and Certification courses
recorded in a Project Log Book         network to foster company values.       to Post-Tensioning works, other
                                                                               training sessions will be introduced
                                                                               on an on-going basis, new tools,
                                                                               new equipment, maintenance and
                                                                               cover other activities such as stay
                                                                               cable, heavy lifting.

                                                                               To enable hands-on practical
                                                                               training, post-tensioning mock-
                                                                               ups have been built on the
                                                                               Academy’s premises and further
                                                                               mock-ups are being designed to
                                                                               cover other appropriate
                                                                               operational procedures.

                                                                               The VSL Academy is teaching
                                                                               people a lot. Courses are
                                                                               appreciated by the trainees as
                                                                               shown in the ratings. Pelle
                                                                               Gustavsson, VSL Academy’s
                                                                               headmaster, says: “In stage 1, we
                                                                               basically teach them how to walk.
                                                                               Stage 2 teaches them how to run,
                                                                               and in stage three they will run the
                                                                               obstacle course.”
                                                                               Whereas stage 1 is the training on
                                                                               PT basics and fundamentals, stage
                                                                               2 really goes into problem solving
                                                                               and some into other P-T techniques
                                                                               like external P-T. Finally stage
                                                                               three will cover more the
                                                                               theoretical part of the certification,
                                                                               where participants will have some

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     external lectures from our                               Transfer of experience to
     Technical centres adding to our                          maintain highest standards
     student’s knowledge.

     Better understanding
     Students’ feedback underlines the
     better understanding that VSL
     Academy provides. Yuttana
     Mekruerod, project manager on
     the Bankuwat project in Bangkok
     says: “VSL Academy trains us on
     how to work safely and properly.
     The course enables me to find
     solutions for difficulties I may
     encounter on a worksite. It gave
     me a better understanding of VSL
     techniques.” John Dan, project
     manager in Hong Kong,

                                                                                           comments: “VSL Academy was a
         VSL Academy                                                                       very useful experience for me. It
         We all speak the same language                                                    can help to refresh your knowledge.
                                                                                           I have already started to implement
         Fredy Schwab, a senior engineer who is with VSL for more than 30 years,           techniques and tools on the site
         comments on the VSL Academy: “The Academy is not good, it is excellent.           I am working on…”
12       It teaches us to speak the same language throughout VSL. This kind of
         training session could also be good for people that do not actually work on       The VSL Academy premises are
         site, but also for office staff, quality control, purchasers… so that             also quite inviting for potential
         everybody uses the same words for the same tools. These training                  clients willing to witness the post-
         courses are very useful. The headmaster opens every session with: what            tensioning market leader’s strong
         is the best thing VSL has? The answer is: it is the Field Manual. And the         points in terms of in-house policy
         second best: the telephone list. Whatever the question will be, you will be       for quality of service, safety, and
         able to find someone within the VSL network who has already                       approach of proven or new
         encountered the same or similar situations and he will be able to help            technologies.
         you. The VSL Academy will help to bring everybody to a same level of
         knowledge, and it will of course create a group cohesion that is so               Enhance Safety
         important in our operations. Even experienced staff could come here,              VSL’s bridge and structure
         learn something and fresh up their memories…”                                     construction projects involve the
                                                                                           operation of major items of
          Participants come from all regions of the network
          and learn to speak one common language.
                                                                                           machinery, which are usually
                                                                                           designed or adapted to meet the
                                                                                           specific conditions and constraints
                                                                                           of the particular project. This
                                                                                           means that VSL’s equipment is
                                                                                           usually one-of-a-kind, complex
                                                                                           and controlled by multiple
                                                                                           operators. It therefore requires
                                                                                           a high level of engineering,
                                                                                           coordination and skill in order to
                                                                                           ensure safe and efficient
                                                                                           operation. VSL has recently
                                                                                           launched the permit system
                                                                                           MEOP (Major Equipment Operation
                                                                                           Permit) which has become
                                                                                           compulsory for the operation of all
                                                                                           major equipment on VSL projects
                                                                                           to improve safety and efficiency.

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The permit requires project staff to
assemble and operate major
equipment in accordance with
strict requirements. A permit is
granted only if a panel of expert
auditors approve that all aspects of
the equipment have been checked
so that it can be operated safely,
properly and effectively. Areas
covered include design,
fabrication, assembly and
commissioning, as well as the on-
site preparations. A permit is valid
for a period of 6 months and has
then to be renewed.

Managing Excellence
The continuous individual
professional development is not
only of strategic importance for the
company but also for the staff
member who has the chance to
move on in his professional career.
Originally initiated by the
management of the Asia-Pacific
region in 2006, the PMX – Project
Management Excellence - training
sessions have been created to
train a new generation of Project

                                                 Back to basics and continuous
Best practices are acquired at the VSL Academy
                                                 training on safety
and implemented on the worksites

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                                                      fundamental values and                    Other training programs are also
         E-learning                                   motivations. The sessions will also       organised at Group level to develop
                                                      be extended to other staff in             competence. The international
         E-learning is easy to be                     management positions.                     Ulysses and Marco Polo programs
         distributed and can be provided                                                        are for junior executives headed
         on many different supports.                  No space or time                          for senior management status.
         There is no limitation in time               limitations                               Participants take a good look at
         and space, no limitation in the              E-learning or electronic learning is      the world at large, business
         number of persons to be                      a training method that provides           conditions and business
         trained. VSL is providing                    pedagogic contents on an                  organisations, which improves
         throughout the network CDs                   electronic support (CD, Internet,         their perspective on the position,
         showing VSL techniques and                   intranet, extranet, interactive           role and duties of the individual
         methods. Furthermore, over                   television, etc). It allows flexibility   within the corporate environment.
         150 training videos concerning               of the training, i.e. self-training       Another axis of training is bench
         8 activities, a total of 45 hours            upon demand, according to the             marking in transverse functions,
         of VSL-specific training are                 individual rhythm. It is less cost-       such as financial controlling,
         available. Updates and new                   intensive, easy to be distributed         accounting and others.
         videos are continuously                      and thus well adapted to VSL’s            Experiences, potentially repeatable
         prepared and are available                   network organisation. VSL                 successes, best practices as well
         online for internal use only.                provides and distributes such             as new tools and procedures are
                                                      individual training online with           shared between the different
                                                      specific videos and presentations.        business units for the best


     Managers, with a forecasted need
     of 25 new Project Managers per
     year in the Asia-Pacific region.
     The objective of these sessions is
     twofold: the main objective is to
     improve the knowledge and
     objective management capabilities
     and to prepare the personal and
     career development of managers
     with an identified potential. At the
     moment, the third training session
     is ongoing.
     As of 2009, the principle of PMX
     will evolve and be upgraded taking
     into account the experiences of the
     last three years of training
     sessions and in order to further                    Well trained staff is VSL’s
     reinforce the acquisition of VSL’s                  most valuable stake

     N    E   W   S   N   °   2   •   2   0   0   8
Major Equipment Operation Permit
                                      The MEOP includes the review of the following items: the site
                                      documentation, the inspection of the equipment assembled as well as
possible use. Last but not least,
                                      the site organisation and staff experience and skills. Finally, a special
such sessions with middle and top
                                      emphasis is put on the enforcement of the rules and procedures related
management enhance a personal
                                      to the operations.
network within a multi-national
and multi-cultural company.

At VSL it is considered the
manager’s task to discuss
expectations and needs in terms of
training and to provide appropriate
measures. These actions are
measured to fit VSL’s priorities:
“Well trained staff is our most
valuable stake to better service
our clients, says Thierry Serres,
Human Resources Manager of
VSL. Staff members who enjoy
their job increase the overall
performance of the company.
They contribute to VSL’s success
and ever enhanced quality
improvement.” ■

                                                                                  Project management
                                                                                  excellence training                          15

                                                                                                  PMX sessions
                                                                                                  are organized in
                                                                                                  4 courses of 3 to
                                                                                                  4 days, in
                                                                                                  January, May,
                                                                                  September and December. The
                                                                                  place of the sessions changes
                                                                                  depending on ongoing
                                                                                  worksites and interesting
                                                                                  projects, the availability
                                                                                  of guest speakers or any other
                                                                                  relevant event.
                                                                                  The program’s content
                                                                                  combines technical topics,
                                                                                  planning, organization, risk
                                                                                  management, result orientation
                                                                                  with communication topics,
                                                                                  leadership and management of
                                                                                  change. VSL’s managers thus
                                                                                  transfer the fundamentals and
                                                                                  culture of the company,
                                                                                  promotes exchanges and useful
                                                                                  networking throughout the group.
                                                                                  The courses are also completed
                                                                                  by external keynote speakers
                                                                                  and information on the latest

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         Expertise in action
     > CTT Stronghold (VSL in Spain)                 cantilever method and is supported
     is working on the construction of               temporarily by stay cables, which
     the Embalse de Contreras                        are anchored to an auxiliary steel      Spain
     Viaduct, which is one of the main               structure built on temporary and
     structures on the Madrid – Valencia
     high speed railway. Upon completion,
                                                     permanent piles. The stay system
                                                     has been designed to ease the           Talavera Y
     its arch will be the biggest concrete           stressing and destressing operations
     arch of a railway bridge in Spain.              through a combination of anchorage
     The project involves the installation           design, transfer beams and an
     of temporary stays, post-tensioning             arrangement of jacks. Main contractor
     works using CS Anchorages and                   is a joint venture, AZVI – San José,
     Couplers, as well as the supply of              and the specialist subcontractor for
     30 pot bearings with capacities from            the bridge is Estructuras y Montajes
     900t to 1,900t. The 587.25m-long                (Grupo Puentes). The project
     viaduct's main span takes the form              engineers are from designer Carlos
     of a concrete arch. The 261m-long               Fernandez Casado and EIPSA. ■
     arch is built by the incremental                Contact:

                                                                                             > CTT Stronghold (VSL in Spain)
     Portugal                                                                                has won a package of work for a
                                                                                             318m-span landmark cable-stayed

     Parallel success                                                                        bridge at Talavera de la Reina.
                                                                                             The 183m-high pylon inclines
                                                                                             backwards and carries two parallel
     > Portugal's west coast highway                 18.1m-wide parallel decks has two       layers of stays for the main span
     crosses the River Mondego                       135m main spans, two spans of           as well as two sets of backstays.
     through a 610.6m-long bridge                    100m and side spans of 56.6m and        The backstays end at massive
     designed by Armando Rito Lda.                   84m. Main contractor Somague            anchorages situated off to the
     Each of the two independent                     Engenharia SA built the box girder      sides, giving the stay cables a
                                                     decks using the cast-in-situ            Y shape when viewed in plan.
                                                     balanced cantilever method with         VSL's work includes the supply
                                                     seven pairs of form travellers.         and installation of 152 SSI 2000 stays
                                                     A fast cycle of two castings a week     (90 m to 410m long), totalling 2,200t.
                                                     meant that cables had to be             VSL also supplies and installs
                                                     tensioned just 16 hours after each      dampers, both Gensui elastomeric
                                                     segment was cast. VSL Portugal          and friction units. Another VSL role
                                                     supplied and installed 1,000t of        on the project is the supply and
                                                     post tensioning cables.                 installation of 890t of PT. ■
                                                     ■ Contact:      Contact:

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Coastal cables
> VSL has been awarded a
contract on a cable-stayed bridge
with a 150m-long main span in
Buenaventura, on Colombia's
pacific coast. VSL's licensee in
Colombia, Sistemas Especiales de
Construcción will be responsible
for the installation of stay cables
for the Piñal Bridge, which is
scheduled to begin in March 2009.        are from the VSL SSI 2000 range.
                                                                                Complex lifts
Consorcio Puentes CF-C-116 is the
main contractor for the bridge,
                                         There will be 80 replaceable stays
                                         equipped with saddles at the top of    for Cortegada
which has been designed by               the pylon, ranging in size from
Pedelta and is being built for client    6-12 to 6-31. The project will use     > Two dramatic and complex
Instituto Nacional de Vías. Germán       galvanised, waxed monostrands          lifting operations have been
Escobar Ingenieros is responsible        placed ungrouted in an external        carried out by CTT Stronghold (VSL
for the construction methodology.        HDPE stay cable pipe. ■ Contact:       in Spain) for the new Cortegada
The 80t of replaceable stay cables                    Viaduct over the Miño River in
                                                                                north-west Spain. The 250m-long
                                                                                viaduct has a main span of 182m,
                                                                                with two 2,700t triangular concrete
                                                                                cells forming the abutments. CTT
                                                                                Stronghold was awarded the post-
                                                                                tensioning works, the design and
                                                                                supply of pot bearings, as well as
                                                                                the design and execution of the
                                                                                heavy lifting operations. One of the
                                                                                cells was cast in situ while the
                                                                                other – 20m high by 72m long -
 Spain                                                                          was constructed perpendicular to
                                                                                its final position on a temporary

 Accurate arch                                                                  bearing. The first operation
                                                                                involved rotating it. CTT Stronghold
                                                                                designed and fabricated a special
> Post-tensioning by CTT                 central arch was constructed           4.8m-diameter rotation system on
Stronghold (VSL in Spain) was            vertically in two 1,100t halves. The   which the whole concrete structure
successfully completed in June on        arches were then lowered, rather       was built. Once the load was
one of the main structures of the        than lifted, in order to minimise      balanced, the controlled rotation
high speed railway in north-west         the forces involved. VSL was           took less than an hour. The
Spain, following a spectacular           awarded the contract to lower          structure was lifted onto jacks once
heavy lifting operation at the end       them into position ready for the       it had been rotated by 85º to enable
of last year. The Eixo Viaduct, close    closing pour, with the lowering        demolition of the rotation table and
to Santiago de Compostela, has a         works carried out by VSL               installation of the permanent
total length of 1,224m, with 24 piers    Switzerland and CTT. It took just      bearings. The second heavy lifting
and typical spans of 50m. Use of         one day to lower each half arch.       operation involved the erection of
a 100m arch for the central span         The jacking system allowed             the 86m central part of the main
provides the required structural         precise adjustment prior to the        steel span, delivered to site by river
response to one of the main              final closing pour. Deflections and    and raised 25m on lifting cables in
constraints of this kind of structure:   forces were closely monitored          just six hours. Client for the project
the braking forces generated by          throughout the operation. The          was Xunta de Galicia, the main
trains. A similar solution was           main contractor was Estructuras        contractor was Arias Hermanos
adopted for the Miraflores Viaduct,      and the consultant was Pondio. ■       and the consultant was Pondio. ■
completed by VSL in 2005. The            Contact:           Contact:

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         PT on the beach
     > VSL has started work on                       tensioning design has enabled a
     Al Zeina, one of several precincts
     of Abu Dhabi's Al Raha Beach
                                                     significant reduction in the
                                                     reinforcement required, leading to
     development. The 7km waterfront
     scheme is being undertaken by
     developer Aldar, which has formed
                                                     cost savings for the Client and
                                                     improved cycle times for the
                                                     installation. The peak of the works
                                                                                           Marine ties
     a joint venture with Laing O'Rourke             will see the installation of more
     for the construction work.                      than 250t of post-tensioning per
     The precinct consists mainly                    month and the total works
     of residential accommodation                    represent in excess of 400,000m2
     across 14 low-rise buildings                    of post-tensioned slabs.
     plus townhouses and villas.                     Completion is scheduled for June
     Optimisation of the post-                       2009. ■ Contact:

     UAE                                                                                   > Dutco Balfour Beatty has
                                                                                           awarded VSL Middle East a supply

     Pinnacle of success                                                                   order for 242t of marine ties for a
                                                                                           new floating, production, storage
                                                                                           and off-loading quay facility in
                                                     project's overall construction        Dubai. The quay is being
                                                     schedule. A 50m pinnacle tops the     constructed for Drydocks World -
                                                     225m-high hotel tower. VSL Heavy      Dubai. The 50-year design life and
                                                     Lifting proposed the erection         marine environment dictate the
                                                     method to the main contractor,        need for enhanced corrosion
                                                     CSHK Dubai Branch. VSL’s scope        protection. The surface is prepared
                                                     of work encompassed the lifting of    to a St2 finish in accordance with
                                                     the pinnacle as well as the design    ISO 8501-1. A primer is then
                                                     of the lifting platform and guide     applied and a bituminous tape is
                                                     system. Wind was a critical factor    wound onto the bars. The
                                                     for the lift. The pinnacle followed   corrosion protection is being
                                                     guides installed by VSL on the        carried out in the new VSL Bar
     > An efficient and safe solution                building façade in order to avoid     Facility in Dubai. Bars are supplied
     proposed by VSL Heavy Lifting has               any contact between the spire and     in lengths of 11.8m and coupled on
     enabled the complete and accurate               the hotel's glass cladding. The       site to a total length of 31.5m. Two
     prefabrication at ground level of               pinnacle reached its final position   diameters of grade S670 bars are
     the Dubai Mall Hotel's 35t                      smoothly within two days. ■           used – 57.5mm and 63.5mm.■
     pinnacle, thus reducing the                     Contact:       Contact:

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Côte d’Ivoire                                                                       N O T E                 P A D
Super bowl for Abidjan                                                             Alexandrovskaya Ferma. VSL
                                                                                   installed 34 stays up to 105m
                                                                                   in less than a fortnight on an
                                                                                   incrementally-launched curved
                                                                                   cable-stayed bridge in
                                                                                   St Petersburg, Russia. Work took
                                                                                   place above 21 railway tracks
                                                                                   without disruption to the rail
                                                                                   services. The main contractor
                                                                                   was Mostootriad 19, with design
                                                                                   by Guiprostroymost St Petersburg.

                                                                                   Colour fast. Blue stay cables
                                                                                   are being installed on the
                                                                                   2nd Bolshoya Okhta Bridge in
                                                                                   St Petersburg designed by
                                                                                   Guiprostroymost St Petersburg.
                                                                                   VSL's work with main contractor
                                                                                   Mostotrest follows the success
                                                                                   of the 1st Bolshoya Okhta Bridge
                                                                                   in 2005. The aim is to install
                                                                                   30 of the 6-19 cables, ranging
                                                                                   from 5m to 27m, in less than two
                                                                                   weeks to support the 160m-long
                                                                                   main span.
> VSL has lifted and secured a         compacted strands. Every element,
5,000m3 water tank as part of a        including PT and grouting, had              Czech innovation. VSL has
project to pump drinking water         to be installed and embedded at             completed its first Czech
from underground to new water          ground level prior to the lift. Once        Republic project featuring
towers for distribution to the ever-   in the final position, 18 PT cables         electrically-isolated prestressed
growing population in the upper        were stressed to fix the bowl.              tendons. The Nove Spojeni project
part of the capital Abidjan. Twelve    Then, the 12 lifting cables were            is a 325m-long railway bridge.
SLU 330 lifting units were equally     released and converted to serve             The special requirements were
distributed around the shaft to lift   as further PT cables, so that a total       to use internal and external
the 2,700t tank to a height of 35m     of 30 vertical tendons Edy 6-31             electrically-isolated tendons and
before it was fixed into position      support the tank. ■ Contact:                external PT cables allowing
using post-tensioning with                         additional stressing in future.
                                                                                   VSL developed a modified
                                                                                   external anchor to meet the
                                                                                   project's needs and installed
Tunisia                                                                            sensors to measure long-term

Twin for Tunis                                                                     Parallel award. Bilfinger Berger
                                                                                   has awarded the stay cable work
> Construction work has just           reserved for vehicles entering the          for the Smaalenene Bru to VSL
started on the new Z4 interchange      city. VSL Tunisia will provide the          Norge A/S. The bridge near Oslo
at the Avenue de la République         400t of post-tensioning, as well as         is VSL's first parallel-strand
and Rue d’ Italie in Tunis. The new    the elastomeric and pot bearings            cable-stayed bridge in Norway.
825m-long viaduct will be adjacent     as a subcontractor to the Tunisian          The scope of work for the single
to the existing one, and will ease     contractor Chaabane. This is                pylon bridge includes the supply
traffic congestion by increasing       VSL Tunisia’s second project                and installation of 28 VSL SSI
access capacity into and out of the    there, following the soon-to-be-            2000 stays, ranging in size from
city. Following completion in          completed Radés La Goulette                 6-55 through to 6-85 and to be
October 2010, the new viaduct will     Bridge. ■ Contact:                          equipped with VSL's Gensui
be used for vehicles leaving Tunis     k.doghri@bouygues-                          vibration damping system.
while the original one will be

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                                                                                               United Kingdom
     Talinn premier                                                                            VSL at the
     > Post-tensioning works for the                 three parts in typical construction
     slabs in the new Väike Paala office
     building in Tallinn marks VSL's
     first real step into the Estonian
                                                     cycle of two weeks per level. VSL is
                                                     using the unbonded slab system,
                                                     with the stressing S-6 and passive
     market. A leading local company,                SF-6 anchorages at each level.
     OÜ Mapri Projekt, awarded the                   The total amount of monostrands
     work to VSL. The building consists              is more than 30t. VSL's work began
     of five floors with a maximum span              in June and the last strand was
     of 7m by 7.5m and slab thicknesses              stressed in September. ■ Contact:
     of 200mm. Each floor is cast in       

     Ireland                                                                                   > Slabs and transfer beams for

     Bridge in full swing                                                                      the extension of the BBC's
                                                                                               Broadcasting House in the heart of
                                                                                               London feature post-tensioning by
                                                     improve access to the northern part       VSL. VSL’s scope of work includes
                                                     of the region. VSL is installing the      the supply and installation of all
                                                     150t of post-tensioning and               post-tensioning materials and
                                                     monitoring the bridge’s geometry,         equipment, together with
                                                     having completed the construction         supervision. The frame contractor is
                                                     engineering. Main contractor Ascon -      Byrne Brothers, working for general
                                                     a key player in civil engineering in      contractor Bovis Lend Lease. This
                                                     Ireland and a staunch VSL partner -       building consists of eight levels of
                                                     is now taking less than a week to         post-tensioned flat slabs as well as
                                                     construct two cantilevered                transfer beams with multi-strand
                                                     segments. Two pairs of form               tendons, located at the second floor.
                                                     travellers - one on each pier – are       Construction of the 6,700m2 of slabs
                                                     being used to build the main spans        requires VSL to install 53t of 0.6”
                                                     as cantilevered segments cast in          (15.7mm)-diameter strand. The
                                                     situ. Construction is going well and is   tendons are stressed with 624 SO
                                                     on target to bridge the central 100m      and H6-4 slab anchorages with
                                                     span before the end of the year. The      PT-PLUS® plastic ducts. More than
     > The construction of Ireland’s                 adjacent abutment spans were cast         20t of strand and 60 anchors CS 6-37
     340m-long five-span Mulroy Bay                  in situ on scaffolding. ■ Contact:        will be used for the transfer beams.
     Bridge is now in full swing and will                       ■ Contact:

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High speed
> The complete steel roof
structure for a new hangar at
Basel Euroairport was lifted into
place in a single day. The choice of
roof erection method was a
deciding factor in completing Jet
Aviation's hangar in record time.
The roof, including cladding and         Switzerland
                                         Rail upgrade
insulation, was lifted to its final
level. Construction began at the
end of 2007, with the first plane
rolling into the hangar on 20 April.
Losinger was the contractor and         > VSL is installing pre-grouted          permanent soil nails. Due to stray
VSL was involved from the early         electrically-isolated bar anchors        currents all permanent bar anchors
design stages to ensure successful      as part of a major project to enhance    must be electrically isolated and
and timely completion. ■ Contact:       Swiss rail capacity. Zurich’s main       meet stringent code requirements.                   rail station is a terminus, which        The project involves the installation
                                        creates a bottleneck as use expands.     of a total of 7,567 anchor heads
                                        A double rail lane will bypass           with 72.5km of pre-grouted
UAE                                     Zürich to link Altstetten and            electrically-isolated passive B500

                                        Oerlikon in a large bow, providing       bar anchors and 178 prestressed
                                        more and better connections. VSL         permanent and electrically-
                                        Switzerland is working in a joint        isolated strand anchors. ■ Contact:

platforms                               venture, providing temporary and

> Taisei Corporation has
awarded VSL Middle East a
                                        United Kingdom
contract for precasting of
walkways and housing platforms
for a major new residential area
                                        Ageless anchors
within Dubai's prestigious artificial   > VSL (UK) has just completed            delighted. The results are a tribute to
island projects. Palm Jebel Ali is      the first stage of a contract to test,   the VSL Ground Anchor System and
the second of three Palm Island         adjust and monitor some VSL ground       demonstrate its quality, reliability
projects under development by           anchors installed more than 30 years     and durability in withstanding the
Nakheel in Dubai. There are             ago and has found them to be in          test of time in such a hostile and
504 'waterhome' platforms, each         remarkable condition. The anchors        corrosive environment. ■ Contact:
consisting of a 26m-long and            form part of London’s River Thames
13m-wide slab which is supported        Flood Defence Scheme and had not
monolithically on two longitudinal      been maintained or tested since
post-tensioned beams and five           installation. Large numbers are
secondary, transverse reinforced        submerged twice daily with the tide
beams. The weight of each               and some have been under water
platform is about 285t. The 134         since the mid 1970s. Many were
T-shaped post-tensioned walkway         found to be ‘as new’ and over 60% of
beams vary in length from 20m to        the 123 tested to date were close to
34m and are 1,100mm high and            the load at which they had originally
850mm wide on top. VSL’s contract       been locked. The remainder were
covers the precasting as well           reloaded back to original values with
as supply and installation of all       no failures, resulting in 100%
PT components. ■ Contact:               success. The client, the Environment         Agency, is both impressed and

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     Business extension
     > VSL Korea has diversified its                 3,800t of rebar, 24,000m3 of concrete
     business with a contract with Posco             and 1,100t of 0.6" (15mm) strand.
     Construction for structural and                 Post-tensioning involved 88 horizontal
     post-tensioning works on a tank as              tendons and 132 vertical tendons
     part of the extension to the Gwang
     Yang LNG Terminal. The 200,000m3
                                                     using GC6-27 anchorages.
                                                     Prefabricated bundles of 27 strands
                                                                                              Hong Kong
     above-ground full containment tank
     has an 86.4m outer diameter and
     height of 52.8m. The tank consists
                                                     with lugs in their ends are inserted
                                                     into steel pipes for the vertical
                                                     tendons, while corrugated steel
                                                                                              Flood alert!
     of a base, nine wall sections, a                sheaths are used horizontally. ■         > Hong Kong's Water Supplies
     ring-beam and roof. It requires                 Contact:         Department adopted the VSL
                                                                                              Climbform system for the
                                                                                              construction of a 40m-high draw-
     Singapore                                                                                off tower at the Lower Shing Mun
                                                                                              Reservoir on a site that was at

     Core expansion                                                                           constant risk from flooding.
                                                                                              VSL HK worked as specialist
                                                                                              sub-contractor to Ming Hing
     > VSL is continuing the                                                                  Waterworks Engineering Company
     expansion of its Ground                                                                  from March to June on a contract
     Engineering business with new                                                            that included the design, supply
     operations in Singapore. The                                                             and operation of the Climbform
     project is for a diaphragm wall at                                                       system. The biggest challenge lay
     Chinatown Station, part of an                                                            in the risk of flooding of the works
     extension to the underground                                                             area. At times of heavy rain, the
     railway network. Work was                                                                Water Supplies Department would
     awarded to VSL Singapore in                                                              open a flood gate adjacent to the
     December 2007 and diaphragm                                                              draw-off tower to release water.
     wall excavation started in April. It                                                     This would flood the entire site
     involves construction in just eight                                                      within an hour. Personnel and
     months of 1.25km of diaphragm                                                            equipment had to be on standby at
     wall, with 25,000m3 of excavation                                                        all times ready for emergency
     and concrete together with                                                               evacuation. Fortunately, there was
     installation of 3,000t of                                                                only one 'black rain' storm during
     reinforcement. The core of the                  working space limited to a 10m-          the project and the Climbform had
     diaphragm wall team is from                     wide strip and 80m of 20m-deep           reached a height just above the
     Intrafor Hong Kong, but the project             diaphragm wall to be built under a       flood. VSL HK is expecting further
     has provided an opportunity to                  bridge with a clearance of only 6m.      work on the project, to design,
     combine other resources from VSL                Gammon Construction is main              supply and install formwork to
     Asia. The constraints which make                contractor for the project, which is     construct a corbel on top of the
     this project a challenge include the            due for completion in early 2009.■       tower and replace an existing
     site location on a major road in a              Contact: xavier.heurtaux@vsl-            footbridge. ■
     busy commercial and tourist area,                                  Contact :

     N   E   W   S   N   °   2   •   2   0   0   8
precast segmental elevated
                                      highway project and is achieving
                                      a four day cycle per span, which is
                                      20% faster than originally envisaged.
                                      The highway is crucial for reducing
                                      congestion. Engineering challenges
India                                 that VSL has solved include the
                                      heavy lifting of the 1,000t launching
                                                                              Hong Kong
Highway                               gantries at the start of the project
                                      and the complex erection of spans

                                      over the existing Nandi flyover.
                                      This success has led to a new           Steadying the
                                                                              stock market
                                      contract on the Bangalore
                                      Nelamangala expressway, to be
> VSL India is nearing completion     erected with an even faster cycle.
of the 9.5km Bangalore-Hosur          ■ Contact:      > Intrafor Hong Kong has
                                                                              successfully avoided shaking the
                                                                              Hong Kong stock market thanks to
Australia                                                                     tight vibration control during its
                                                                              recent project on the extension of

Oversized precast panel                                                       the MTRC Airport Express and Tung
                                                                              Chung Line railway tunnels.
                                                                              The 40m-long MTRC overrun tunnel
                                      To improve appearance the panel         is supported by 11 barrettes and
                                      design incorporated sections of         surrounded by a 1.2m-thick
                                      25mm-raised ribs. VSL cast the          continuous diaphragm wall, founded
                                      panels on site for ease of              on granite at an average depth of
                                      transportation. Production involved     35m. The excavation of 7,300m3
                                      stripping, lifting and casting a new    of soil and rock was difficult due to
                                      panel out of each of six moulds on      the presence of boulders, deep
                                      a daily basis. 170mm slump concrete     compacted reclamation fill and a
                                      with a high early strength of 25 MPa    variable rock level. The proximity of
                                      was required to allow removal from      sensitive structures such as the
> The Bonville Bypass Project in      the moulds after just 18 hours.         International Finance Centre which
New South Wales, required VSL         Shrinkage was controlled by use of      houses the HK Stock Exchange,
to detail, cast and supply 6,222m2    saturation curing and by wrapping       meant that vibrations induced by
of featured oversized, precast        panels in plastic for seven days.       the excavation, and particularly
concrete noise wall panels within     The scheme’s design is by SMEC          the chiselling, required monitoring
just four months. The panels are up   Australia and the main contractor       to keep vibration velocities under
to 5.4m high by 7.7m wide, 130mm      is Abigroup Contractors. ■ Contact:     the 15mm/s limit. ■ Contact:
thick and weigh as much as 13t. 

Immersed debut
> VSL Korea is carrying out           immersion of sections of tunnel
Korea's first immersed tunnel         has already begun. The tunnel has
project as part of the Busan-Geoje    eight elements, each made up of
Fixed Link project, which also        eight segments, and its cross
includes bridges. The works cover     section measures 9.75m high and
casting of concrete, rebar            26.5m wide. The work will be
fabrication, operation of forms and   followed next year by VSL's
installation of some 2,500t of        installation of 570t of stay cables
internal PT for the 3,240m-long       for one of the project's bridges. ■
tunnel. Construction and              Contact:

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                                                                                            > A milestone had been achieved
                                                                                            recently on Queensland's 1.6km-
                                                                                            long 2nd Gateway Bridge with the
                                                                                            erection of the first set of halving
                                                                                            joint segments on the north side of
                                                                                            the river approach viaduct. VSL
                                                                                            Australia is in an alliance with
                                                                                            Leighton Abigroup to construct the
                                                                                            duplicate bridge for Queensland
                                                                                            Motorways as part of the Gateway
                                                                                            Upgrade project. Each halving joint
                                                                                            is formed from two pairs of lower
                                                                                            and upper L-shaped precast
                                                                                            segments (145t and 185t
                                                                                            respectively), which were erected
                                                                                            using a 600t crawler crane. The
                                                                                            two sets of halving joint segments
                                                                                            will each contain two permanent
                                                                                            sliding bearings and are
                                                                                            temporarily held together with
                                                                                            three 400t support jacks, grout
                                                                                            pads and stress bars pending
                                                                                            completion of the cantilevers and
                                                                                            installation of the bearings. To
                                                                                            date, four 71m spans on the lower
                                                                                            end of the approaches have been
                                                                                            erected by crawler crane. A 165m-
                                                                                            long launching gantry is being
                                                                                            assembled for use at the higher
     Australia                                                                              piers. The project's casting facility
                                                                                            achieved a milestone recently with

     Growing relationship                                                                   the cast of its 100,000th tonne of
                                                                                            precast products. The 260m main
                                                                                            span is progressing with the pier
     > The award of an additional                    Brook Bridge involved the post-        construction. ■ Contact:
     contract on Brisbane's Northern                 tensioning of 17 headstocks  
     Gateway Upgrade project is                      each with eight tendons of up to
     testament to VSL's relationship                 25 strands. Safety was paramount
     as an Alliance Partner on the                   and extra precautions were taken
     scheme's main bridge, the                       when installing and relocating
     2nd Gateway Bridge. Queensland                  platforms, with inspections from
     Department of Main Roads                        VSL and LAJV. Daily tool box talks
     awarded Leighton Abigroup Joint                 helped avoid potential safety risks.
     Venture (LAJV) the contracts for                Headstock post-tensioning took
     Kedron Brook Bridge and the                     seven to nine working days at
     Southern Bifurcation Bridge.                    the start of the project. By the
     VSL was appointed in January to                 fourth headstock, the cycle time
     carry out the post-tensioning of                had been reduced to five days and
     the bridges and was also                        to just four days by the sixth. ■
     responsible for design and supply               Contact: smills@vsl-
     of stressing platforms. Kedron        

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