Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses

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Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles
Further Education Prospectus
Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Welcome to Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed
           Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed is a foundation stone in the education of the wider Thurles
           community. Situated on a modern campus, with state-of-the art facilities and a custom
           built sports arena, we have a proud tradition of providing educational courses to
           progressively minded students.
           The College has been extensively refurbished and modernised, as well as being
           re-equipped with excellent teaching and learning resources. CMCO encourages and
           assists our students in reaching the highest standards possible, within an environment
           that is instructive, supportive and welcoming.

       Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed
       Post Leaving Certificate Courses
       Further Education &                •   Applicants over 21 years who    needs by providing job
                                              may have not completed the      orientated training and
       Training Awards                                                        education. Coláiste Mhuire Co-
                                              Senior Cycle, but are
       Council (QQI)                          deemed to have the              Ed has built extensive links with
       QQI validates and certifies            necessary competence and        many businesses in the locality
       Further Education                      capacity to undertake the       and further afield through their
       Programmes. It sets and                programme may also apply.       work experience programme.
       maintains standards in Further         Applicants with special         Students complete a block
       Education Courses. All PLC             needs are catered for,          release period of work
       courses in Coláiste Mhuire Co-         however, they must inform       experience during the year with
       Ed are certified by QQI at Level       the college on application.     many students finding
       5 or 6. QQI awards guarantee           We are committed to             employment locally as a result
       learners more options, greater         promoting equality of           of their work experience.
       flexibility, high standards of         opportunity for all students.
       quality, increased access and a                                        Higher Education
       ladder of progression into         General Information                 Link Scheme
       further Third Level Studies.       There are no formal tuition fees
       Currently there are over 2,000                                         Progression to Universities and
                                          for Irish and EU Nationals who
       University & Institutes of                                             other Colleges from QQI
                                          are full time students on our
       Technology places reserved for                                         programmes delivered here at
                                          courses. Courses are funded by
       holders of QQI Level 5 Awards.                                         Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed is
                                          the European Social Fund.
                                                                              possible through the Higher
                                                                              Education Links Scheme
       Entry Requirements                 An administration fee is
                                                                              (HELS). This Scheme provides
                                          required to cover student
       •   Leaving Certificate with
                                          services. Students are also         access to Level 5 and some
           passes in at least five                                            Level 6 Advanced Certificates to
                                          required to pay examination
           subjects                                                           a number of reserved places on
       •   Leaving Certificate Applied                                        higher education programmes
           with a minimum of 120                                              through the CAO (Central
                                          Work Experience                     Applications Office). WIT
                                          Courses are designed to meet        provides a number of reserved
       •   QQI Certification at Level 4
                                          current employment market           places for all QQI Programmes in
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed -            Garda Vetting is needed to meet     Grants range depending on
conditions apply. Learners         college requirements.               individual circumstances.
successfully completing
QQI/FETAC Certificate Level 5                                          For further information on
                                   Guidance Counselling                grants please contact the
with CMCO will be offered
entry to WIT programmes            Career Guidance Counselling is      college or S.U.S.I.
based on this collaboration        available throughout the year
agreement. Learners who            to help students focus on the       Qualification
achieve a major award at level     concerns they may face during
                                   the course.                         QQI Level 5
5, and apply through CAO for a
programme of study at WIT, are                                         QQI Level 6
guaranteed access to any Level     Interview
                                                                       Links to Nursing
6 or Level 7 programme.            Preparation
Learners who complete                                                  Courses
Advanced Certification Level 6     All students participate in
                                   career investigations and an        Learners are eligible for
with CMCO may apply for                                                consideration for entry to
advanced entry straight into       interview-preparation
                                   programme, helping them to          Nursing programmes when
second year for linked                                                 they achieve the QQI Level 5
programmes. This is a Pilot        present themselves in the most
                                   professional manner in an           Award DCHSN/5M4349
scheme and will be reviewed                                            (Nursing Studies),
annually. The skills acquired      interview.
                                                                       DCHSX/5M4468 (Community
while pursuing our courses                                             and Health Services) or
provide an excellent foundation    Facilities                          DHSXX/5M4339 (Health Care
for third level independent        •   5 IT Labs, Internal Wireless    Support) and obtain a
learning, research, multimedia         Network, Digital Scanners,      Distinction in 5 modules in the
presentations, communications          Digital Multimedia Recording    QQI Level 5 programme, which
and I.T Skills etc. All of these       Systems, Audio and Video        must include a Distinction in
are invaluable for any                 equipment, Designated CAD       D20001/5N0749 (Anatomy and
prospective Third Level student.       (Computer Aided Design)         Physiology), D20012/5N4325
                                       Room, Networked projectors      (Nursing Theory & Practice) and
Application                            etc.                            D20032/5N0749 (Human
                                                                       Growth and Development of or
Application Forms are available    •   Broadband Internet Access
                                                                       D20006/5N2746 (Biology). A
to download from                   •   Full Canteen facilities         quota of reserved places are Courses are
                                   •   College Sports Arena & Gym      allocated to applicants
offered subject to demand.
                                                                       presenting with QQI
Places on oversubscribed           •   2 Modern Science
                                                                       qualifications. Places are
courses may be determined by           Laboratories
                                                                       allocated on a competitive
interview. For students with
                                   •   Study Hub                       basis. The best eight modules,
additional learning needs, see
                                                                       at a single sitting, are
our website for information        Grants                              considered for scoring
regarding extra supports
                                   Students attending our full-        purposes.
                                   time PLC courses are eligible to
                                   apply for government grants.

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Nursing Studies
       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M4349

       One year full time

       •   To enable students to find employment in
           related areas for example Nurses Aid.
       •   To facilitate progression to Third Level,
           particularly to gain entry to Nursing Degree

       Entry Requirements
       Leaving Certificate or equivalent.
       Adults with appropriate life experience
       are also welcome.

       Course Content
       Anatomy & Physiology
       Nursing Theory and Practice
       Safety & Health at Work                             Holders of this Award are eligible to apply
                                                           through UCAS, for UK universities offering the
       Human Growth & Development                          Nursing Degree programmes.
       Child Development
                                                           Award holders are qualified to work as healthcare
       Occupational First Aid                              assistants in a variety of health and community
       Work Experience                                     settings.
                                                           Waterford Institute
       Care Support
                                                           of Technology
       Care of Older Person
                                                           There are reserved places for CMCO students in:
       Infection, Prevention and Control
                                                           WD018 BA in Applied Social Studies in Social Care.
       Modules may change due to QQI course
       requirements. Courses offered subject               WD149 BA (H) in Early Childhood Studies.
       to demand.                                          WD187 BA (H) in Social Science.
                                                           WD192 BA (H) in Social Care Practice.
       Qualification                                       WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)
       QQI Level 5 Certificate in Nursing Studies          WD124 BA (H) in Health Promotion.
                                                           WD188 BSc in Applied
       Career / Academic Progression                       Health Care.
       Holders of this Award are eligible to apply,
       through the CAO to Universities and Institutes of   Possible Employment
       Technology for entry to the first year of Nursing   Opportunities
       Degree Programmes (through the QQI Higher
                                                           Nurses Aid in nursing home
       Education Links Scheme). Please check with the
       individual Admissions Offices of any institution    Centres for independent living
       you are interested in attending.                    Care Attendent
                                                           Cabin Crew

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Pre University Science
> Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework


One year full time

•   To enable students find
    employment in modern
•   To facilitate progression to
    Third Level. Students find this
    course invaluable as a
    preparation for College.

Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or
Adults with appropriate life
are also welcome.

Course Content
Laboratory Techniques
Health & Safety at Work
Spreadsheet Methods                   Career / Academic                    Some of the Links to
Customer Service                      Progression                          Third Level Courses
Communications                        The Higher Education Links           B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical -
                                      Scheme facilitates progression       Forensic Analysis (Level 7) L.I.T.
Work Experience
                                      at Higher Certificate, Ordinary      B.Sc. - Computer Science
Word Processing                       and Honours Degree Level in a
                                                                           (Level 8) U.C.C.
Modules may change due to             wide range of courses. Using
QQI course requirements.              the Pilot Scheme, progression        B.Sc. - Pharmaceutical
Courses offered subject               is possible to 35 Third Level        Science (Level 8)
to demand.                            Institutes in Ireland. Contact
                                                                           (Level 6) W.I.T.
                                      Third Level Colleges for specific
Qualification                                                              Possible
QQI Level 5 Certificate in                                                 Employment
Laboratory Techniques                                                      Opportunities
                                                                           Pharmaceutical Industry

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Health Care Support
       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M4339

       One year full time

       •   To enable students to find
           employment in the area of
           community and health
       •   To enable students to pursue
           Third Level education in the
           area of community and
           health services

       Entry Requirements
       Leaving Certificate or

       Adults with appropriate life
       experience are also welcome.

       Course Content                     Qualification/                      Waterford Institute
                                          Certification                       of Technology
       Care Skills
                                          QQI Level 5 Certificate in Health   There are reserved places for
       Care Support                       Care Support                        CMCO students in:
       Safety and Health at Work
                                                                              WD018 BA in Applied Social
       Communications                     Career / Academic                   Studies in Social Care.
       Work experience                    Progression                         WD149 BA (H) in Early
       Human Growth and                   Learners who successfully           Childhood Studies.
       Development                        complete the Healthcare
                                                                              WD187 BA (H) in Social
                                          Support Level 5 Major Award
       Care Provision and Practice                                            Science.
                                          will have many professional
       Nursing Theory and Practice        and academic opportunities          WD192 BA (H) in Social Care
       Care of the Older Person           available to them. Professional     Practice.
                                          routes include working in           WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)
       Occupational First Aid
                                          General Hospitals, Nursing
       Infection, Prevention and                                              WD124 BA (H) in Health
                                          Homes and Home Help Support
       Control                                                                Promotion.
                                          Staff. Graduates from the
       Modules may change due to          course may progress to a range      WD188 BSc in Applied Health
       QQI course requirements.           of third level courses available    Care.
       Courses offered subject to         on the Higher Education Links
       demand.                            Scheme.                             Possible
                                                                              Health Service Executive
                                                                              Care Attendent
                                                                              Cabin Crew

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Early Childhood Care and
Education/Classroom Assistant
> Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework
 QQI Code: 5M2009

One year full time

•   To enable students to find
    employment in the rapidly
    expanding Childcare Sector,
    for example as a Special
    Needs or Classroom
•   To provide the necessary
    expertise and qualifications
    for candidates who wish to
    set up their own childcare
•   To facilitate progression to
    Third Level

Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or             release.                            Waterford Institute
                                                                       of Technology
Adults with appropriate life       Qualification/                      There are reserved places for
experience are also welcome.       Certification                       CMCO students in:
Course Content                     QQI Level 5 Certificate in
                                   Childcare and Education             WD018 BA in Applied Social
Child Development                                                      Studies in Social Care.
Early Care and Education           Career / Academic                   WD149 BA (H) in Early
Practice                                                               Childhood Studies.
Early Childhood Education and                                          WD187 BA (H) in Social
                                   Award holders are qualified to
Play                                                                   Science.
                                   work in a variety of settings
Child Health and Well Being        including Crèches, Special          WD192 BA (H) in Social Care
                                   Needs Assistant, Nurseries and      Practice.
Work Experience
                                   Montessori Playgroups.              WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)
Communications                     Holders may progress to QQI
                                                                       WD124 BA (H) in Health
Approaches to Early                Level 6, Advanced Certificate in
Childhood Education                Supervision in Childcare course
                                   in Colaiste Mhuire Co – Ed.         WD188 BSc in Applied Health
Children with Additional Needs                                         Care.
Legal Practice and Procedures      Institutes of Technology and

Modules may change due to
                                   other Colleges around the           Possible
                                   country will be offering            Employment
QQI course requirements.           opportunities for further
Courses offered subject to         studies. Please check with the      Opportunities
demand.                            individual Admissions Offices of    Pre-school Centres
Students gain childcare            any institution you are             Day-care Nurseries
experience locally two             interested in attending.            Créches
mornings per week, as well                                             Au-pairs
as during a two-week block
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Animal Care
       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M2768

       Duration of course
       One year full time

       •   To enable students find
           employment in the rapidly
           expanding Animal care

       Entry Requirements
       Leaving Certificate or
       Adults with appropriate life
       experience are also welcome.

       Course Content
       Animal Anatomy and
       Animal Welfare
                                       Career / Academic
       Work Experience
                                       This course is designed to equip
       Customer Service                the learner with the skills and
       Biology                         knowledge to work in a variety
                                       of areas within the Animal Care
       Start your Own Business         Sector or to progress to Higher
       Safety and Health at Work       Education through the Higher
       Animal Grooming                 Education Links Scheme.
                                       Learners study core areas of
       Word Processing                 Animal Care and are enabled to
       Spreadsheet Methods             put theory into practice through   Argicultural, Science Industries,
       Modules may change due          the use of a fully equipped        Farms including Petting Farms,
       to QQI course requirements.     animal room and their              Falconry Centres, Zoos, Wildlife
       Courses offered subject         participation in work              Parks and Aquariums, both in
       to demand.                      experience. This course is         Ireland and abroad.
                                       delivered by specialists who
                                       are currently practising within    Some of the Links to
       Qualification/                  the profession. Regular field
       Certification                   trips and the handling of a wide
                                                                          Third Level Courses
       QQI Level 5 Certificate in      variety of animals are key         Graduates of this course are
       Animak Care                     features of this course. There     eligible to apply through the
                                       are a range of career paths        CAO and/or the Higher
                                       possible. Graduates may seek       Education Links Scheme for
                                       employment in Veterinary           entry to year one of a range of
                                       Clinics, Grooming Parlours, Pet    higher certificate and degree
                                       Shops, Kennels, Catteries,         programmes at Institutes of
                                       Animal Welfare Organisations,      Technology and Universities.

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Art Portfolio Course
> Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

 QQI Code: 5M1985

One year full time

This Course is Designed to

•   Provide fundamental
    knowledge and
    understanding of art and
    design processes
•   Develop transferable skills of                                       Holders of this qualification
    visual communication and                                             take up places in Third Level
    self expression                                                      Colleges and Institutes of
•   Identify unique personal                                             Technology such as LSAD,
    abilities and strengths in art                                       NCAD, DIT, Crawford Art
    and design                                                           College, and Art Colleges
                                                                         abroad. Please check with the
•   Enable the preparation of a                                          individual Admissions Offices of
    portfolio of artwork to gain                                         any institution you are
    entry to third level courses.                                        interested in attending. Having
                                                                         completed this programme
Entry Requirements                                                       Participants may progress to
Leaving Certificate or               the outside artistic                the Advanced Certificate in Art
equivalent.                          environment.                        and Business Course Level 6 at
Adults with appropriate life
experience are also welcome.
                                     Certification                       Some of the Links to
Course Content                       QQI Level 5 Certificate in Art      Third Level Courses:
Drawing                                                                  LC102 - First Year Art and
                                     Career / Academic                   Design L.I.T. (Level 8)
                                     Progression                         B.A. - Fine Art in Painting
                                     This is a general foundation in     L.I.T. (Level 8)
Communications                       art and design and the focus of     B.A. - Fine Art in Printmaking
Work Experience                      this course is the development
                                     of your ability, skills and         L.I.T. (Level 8)
Appreciation of Art, Craft
                                     creativity. With a strong           B.A. - Design in Fashion Design
and Design                           emphasis on drawing you will        L.I.T. (Level 8)
Printmaking                          develop visual awareness and
Design Skills
                                     analytical thinking. You will       Possible
                                     come to understand how art          Employment
Colour & Light                       and design practice has
                                     developed and its position
                                     within today's society, culture     Painter
Modules may change due
                                     and creative economy. The           Sign Writer
to QQI course requirements.
                                     course structure is specifically
Courses offered subject                                                  Photographer
                                     designed to enable students to
to demand.                                                               Artist
                                     prepare a portfolio of artwork
Students visit Art Galleries, Art    for entry to third level art and
Colleges and go on field trips at    design colleges and to give
home and abroad to experience        expert support and guidance in
                                     making college choices.
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed, Thurles - Further Education Prospectus Post Leaving Certificate Courses
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M0828

       This one-year course is an ideal
       entry level qualification for all
       aspects of the growing tourism
       sector in Ireland. There is a
       large demand for people who
       are able to use technology in
       their position in a business and
       take advantage of the all the
       opportunities offered through

       Graduates may pursue a              Course Content                   Business Administration Level 6
       diploma or degree in many                                            in this college.
                                           Typical Modules:
       universities or IT colleges
       around the country or,              eBusiness                        The Higher Education Links
       alternatively, may seek                                              Scheme Facilitates progression
                                           Web Authoring                    at Higher Certificate, Ordinary
       immediate employment in a
       range of business or marketing      The Internet                     and Honours Degree level in a
       concerns. There are now a           Communications                   wide range of courses. Using
       large range of certificates,                                         the Pilot Scheme, progression
                                           Work Experience                  is possible to 35 Third Level
       ordinary and honours degree
       courses available to graduates      Digital Marketing                Institutes in Ireland. Contact
       through the QQI Higher              Accounting Manual and            Third level Colleges for specific
       Education Links Scheme. The         Computerised                     requirements.
       eBusiness option will allow         Database Methods
       students to progress to higher                                       Waterford Institute
       education institutes to pursue      Business Administration Skills
                                                                            of Technology
       ebusiness, or marketing, or         Marketing Practice
       business information systems                                         There are reserved places for
                                           Emergency First Responder        CMCO students in:
                                           Cardiac First Responder
                                                                            WD003 HC in Business
       Objectives                          Social Media
                                                                            WD159 Bachelor of Business
       • To enable students to find        Start Your Own Business
                                                                            WD193 BA (H) in Marketing &
         employment in the                 Modules may change due           Digital Media
         Information Communications        to QQI course requirements.
         Technology sector.                                                 WD172 HC in Arts in Culinary
                                           Courses offered subject
       • To facilitate progression to      to demand.
         Third Level. Students find this                                    WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)
         course invaluable as a            Qualification/                   WD019 BBus in Recreation &
         preparation for College.                                           Sport Management
                                                                            Possible Employment
       Entry requirements                  QQI Level 5 Certificate in
                                           eBusiness Studies
       Leaving Certificate or
                                                                            Office Administration, Business
                                           Career / Academic                Administration, Cabin Crew,
       Adults with appropriate life                                         Receptionist
       experience are also welcome.        Progression
                                                                            Cabin Crew
                                           On successful completion of
                                           eBusiness QQI Level 5,           Administration with ICT,
                                           students can progress to         Receptionist with ICT.
Business Administration
> Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

 QQI Code: 5M2468

One year full time

•   To enable students to find
    employment in the modern
    computerised office, in
    Financial Institutions and
    Public Bodies
•   To facilitate progression to
    Third Level. Students find this
    course invaluable as a
    preparation for College

Entry requirements
Leaving Certificate or
Adults with appropriate life
experience are also welcome.
                                      Career / Academic                   WD159 Bachelor of Business
Course Content                        Progression                         WD160 BA (H) in Finance &
Business Administration Skills                                            Investment
                                      Award holders are qualified to
Accounting Manual and                 work in a variety of settings       WD193 BA (H) in Marketing &
Computerised                          including Business                  Digital Media
                                      Administration, Accounts,           WD013 HC in Arts in Legal
Word Processing
                                      Newspapers, Insurance               Studies
Communication                         Companies, Payroll, Marketing
                                                                          WD140 LLB Bachelor of Laws
Work Experience                       & E-business. Holders may
                                      progress to QQI Level 6,
Database Methods                      Advanced Business                   WD148 BA (H) in Tourism &
Spreadsheet Methods                   Administration course in            Marketing
The Internet                          Colaiste Mhuire Co – Ed.            WD150 BA (H) in Criminal
                                      Institutes of Technology and        Justice Studies
Text Production                       other Colleges around the
Digital Marketing                     country will be offering            WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)

Modules may change due                opportunities for further
to QQI course requirements.           studies. Please check with the
Courses offered subject               individual Admissions Offices of
to demand.                            any institution you are
                                      interested in attending.

Qualification /
                                      Waterford Institute
                                      of Technology
QQI Level 5 Certificate in
Business Studies                      There are reserved places for
                                      CMCO students in:

                                      WD003 HC in Business
                                      WD084 BA (H) in Accounting
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Business Administration Adult Return to Education
       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M2468

       Adult Return to
       Students over 21 years, make a
       very significant contribution to
       the centre. They are assured of
       a warm and friendly welcome.

       Entry Requirements
       Students must have the
       necessary literacy competence
       and capacity to undertake the
       programme. Adults attend
       courses for their own personal
       development and achievement,
       to acquire new skills upgrade
       existing skills or indeed simply
       to form friendships.

       Adults with appropriate life
       experience are also welcome.

       Course Content
       Business Administration Skills
       Accounting Manual and
       Word Processing
       Work Experience
       Database Methods
                                          Career / Academic               Possible
       Spreadsheet Methods                Progression                     Employment
       The Internet                       Using the Higher Education      Opportunities
       Text Production                    Links Scheme progression to a   Administration
       Digital Marketing                  wide range of Third Level
                                          courses are possible.           Receptionist
       Modules may change due to          Employment prospects on         Front office
       QQI course requirements.           course completion are
       Courses offered subject to         increased.
                                          On completion of QQI Level 5,
       Qualification/                     students may enrol for
       Certification                      QQI Level 6 Advanced
       QQI Level 5 Certificate in         Business Administration
                                          in Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed.

Business and Tourism
> QQI Level 5 Certificate in Tourism with Business 5M5011

 QQI Code: 5M5011

Duration of Course
One year full time

•   This is a 1 year full time
    course designed to equip
    students with a detailed
    understanding of the National
    and International Tourism and
    Travel Business.
•   Participants will qualify
    with certification in

Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate, Leaving
Certificate Applied or
Adults with appropriate life
experience are also welcome.

Course Content
Tourism Information and
Tourism Principles and
Customer Service                                                     Waterford Institute of
                                    Career / Academic
Work Experience                                                      Technology
Word Processing                                                      WD148 BA in Tourism and
                                    Examples of progression to
The Internet                        Higher Education include:
                                                                     WD091 BA in Hospitality
Spreadsheets Methods                Business with Office             Management
Qualification/Certificate           Technologies Level 6 Higher
                                                                     WD173 H. Cert in Hospitality
QQI Level 5 Certificate in          Certificate
Tourism with Business.              Limerick Institute of
                                                                     WD174 H. Cert in Tourism
Modules may change due              Technology
                                                                     Tralee Institute of Technology
to QQI course requirements.         Business (Thurles Campus)
Courses offered subject                                              BA in Travel and Tourism Level
                                    Cork Institute of Technology
to demand.                                                           7 and 8.
                                    Business Administration Level
                                    7 Degree

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Engineering Technology
       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M2061

       Duration of course
       One year full time

       This course is designed to meet
       the needs of a variety of
       students specifically;

       •   Students who wish to
           develop their maths,
           Engineering workshop,
           Computer Aided Drawing
           and ICT skills before entry
           to Third Level.
       •   Students who did not satisfy
           the entry requirements to
           third level engineering
           courses may gain entry
           through this level 5 course.
       Access to Leaving Certificate        Course Content                   Entry Requirements
       Maths classes may also be            Engineering Workshop             Leaving Certificate or
       available.                           Processes                        equivalent.
                                            Communications                   Adults with appropriate life
       Career / Academic                                                     experience are also welcome.
                                            Work Experience
                                            Building Construction            Waterford Institute
       Learners who successfully
       complete the Engineering             Computer Aided Draughting (2D)   of Technology
       Technology Level 5 Major             Engineering Drawing              There are reserved places for
       Award will have many                 Business Administration Skills   CMCO students in:
       professional and academic
       opportunities available to them.     Safety and Health at Work        WD025 BSc (H) in
       Employment opportunities lie in      Mathematics                      Construction Management
       the areas of Metal fabrication,                                       WD040 HC in Building
                                            Word Processing
       welding and other related                                             Services
       engineering sectors. Graduates       Spreadsheet Methods
                                                                             WD085 BEng (H) in
       of this engineering course may       Modules may change due to        Mechanical Manufacturing
       progress to other higher level       QQI course requirements.         Engineering
       education institutes to study        Courses offered subject to
       courses such as Mechanical,                                           WD094 BSc in Architectural
       Structural, Civil, Electrical, and                                    Technology
       Electronic Engineering.                                               WD139 BEng in Civil
                                            Qualification/                   Engineering
                                            Certification                    WD162 BSc (H) in Quantity
                                            QQI Level 5 Certificate in       Surveying
                                            Engineering Technology.          WD171 BEng (H) in Sustainable
                                                                             Energy Engineering
                                                                             WD182 BEng in Electrical

University Access Course - General Studies
> Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

 QQI Code: 5M3114

Duration of course
One year full time

This course is designed to meet
the needs of a variety of
students specifically;

•   Support progression to 3rd
    level education
•   Facilitate the learner to
    participate in and understand
    the disciplines of study,
    research and writing at 3rd                                        Modules may change due to
    level by developing critical                                       QQI course requirements.
    research and inquiry skills                                        Courses offered subject to
•   Facilitate the learner to
    further develop his/her                                            Qualification/
    interpersonal, team working,                                       Certification
    problem solving and time
    management skills                                                  QQI Level 5 certificate in
                                                                       General Studies.
•   Provide the student with the
    knowledge and skills to use a
    range of common computer
    applications.                   programmes in third level
                                    colleges for students who
Entry Requirements                  succesfully complete a QQI
Leaving Certificate or              level 5 course. Please refer to
equivalent.                         Progression Routes into Higher
                                    Education on
Adults with appropriate life
experience are also welcome.
                                    Course Content
Career / Academic                   Research and Study Skills
Progression                         Communications
Graduates who achieve the           Customer Service
required standard may               Work Experience
progress to further studies in
Institute of Technologies and       Spreadsheet Methods
Universities through the Higher     Word Processing
Education Link Scheme. A            The Internet
limited number of places are
reserved on a competitive basis     Mathematics
on Ordinary Degree (Level 7)        Safety and Health at work
and Honours Degree (Level 8)

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       Sports, Recreation and Excercise
       > Level 5 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 5M5146

       One year full time

       •   To facilitate progression to
           QQI Level 6 and/or Third
       •   To enable students to find
           employment in the modern
           fitness and leisure industry.

       Entry Requirements
       Leaving Certificate or
       Adults with appropriate life
       experience are also welcome.

       Course Content
       Exercise and Fitness
       Sport and Recreation Studies
       Work Experience
       Word Processing
       Hurling Coaching
       Basketball Coaching
       Soccer Coaching
                                                                              institution you are interested in
       Safety and Health at Work                                              attending.
       Sports Anatomy and
       Physiology                                                             Waterford Institute
                                                                              of Technology
       Qualification /
                                                                              There are reserved places for
       Certification                                                          CMCO students in:
       QQI Level 5 Certificate in
                                                                              WD124 BA (H) in Health
       Sport and Recreation
       Career / Academic                                                      WD125 BA (H) in Exercise &
       Progression                                                            Health Studies

       Employment opportunities lie in                                        WD186 BSc (H) in Sports
                                           other Colleges around the          Coaching & Performance
       the areas of fitness/sports         country may be offering
       coaching. Award holders may         opportunities for further          Employment Opportunities
       apply for a place on the            studies.                           Assistant Fitness Instructor
       Advanced Sport and Recreation
       Level 6 programme at CMCO.          Please check with the individual   GAA Coach
       Institutes of Technology and        Admissions Offices of any          Lifeguard
> Level 6 in National Qualifications Framework

 QQI Code: 6M5013

Duration of Course
One year full time

•   To enable students to find
    employment in an
    administration and/or office
•   To facilitate progression to                                       Upon successful completion of
    Third Level. Students find                                         this course, learners may be
    this course invaluable as a                                        eligible to apply through the
    preparation for College.                                           Higher Education Links Scheme
                                                                       for entry to a range of higher
Entry Requirements                                                     certificate and degree
QQI Level 5 Certificate or                                             programmes at Institutes of
equivalent                                                             Technology and Universities.
                                                                       Please check with the individual
                                                                       Admissions Offices of any
Course Content                                                         institution you are interested in
Administration Practice                                                attending.
Spreadsheet Work Practice          learners who have completed a
                                   Level 5 course in one of the
Web Authoring                      following areas: eBusiness,
                                                                       Waterford Institute
Text Production                    Information Processing or           of Technology
Communications                     Business Administration. The        There are reserved places for
                                   course is designed to allow the     CMCO students in:
Word Processing                    learner to gain advanced
Finance                            knowledge and skills in the         WD003 HC in Business
Train the Trainer                  general area of office              WD084 BA (H) in Accounting
                                   management. The learners will
Work Experience                    receive specialist training in      WD159 Bachelor of Business
Employment Law                     Microsoft Office applications       WD160 BA (H) in Finance &
Accounting Planning and            and Office Administration as        Investment
Management                         well as developing speed and
                                                                       WD013 HC in Arts in Legal
                                   advanced accuracy in text
Modules may change due                                                 Studies
                                   production. In addition this
to QQI course requirements.        course provides a range of core     WD140 LLB Bachelor of Laws (H)
Courses offered subject            subjects which are essential to
to demand.                                                             WD148 BA (H) in Tourism &
                                   the understanding of Business       Marketing
                                   and Office environments.
Qualification/                                                         WD150 BA (H) in Criminal
                                   Graduates will be equipped          Justice Studies
Certification                      with the knowledge, skill and       WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)
QQI Level 6 Advanced               competence to work
Certificate in Administration      independently or in a               Employment Opportunities
                                   supervisory capacity in an          Office Administration
Career / Academic                  administrative role, both           Public Science Administration
Progression                        nationally and internationally in
                                   any employment area.                Front Desk
This course is designed to
develop the existing skills of

Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed

       > Level 6 in National Qualifications Framework

        QQI Code: 6M4029

       Duration of Course
       One year full time

       •   To enable students to find
           employment in an artistic
       •   To facilitate progression to
           Third Level. Students find this
           course invaluable as a
           preparation for College.

       Entry Requirements
       QQI Level 5 Certificate or

       Course Content
       Drawing                               second year course to top up
       Design Skills                         their original QQI Level 5
       Art Appreciation                      qualification. This is a one-year
                                             professional practice course in
       Sculpture                             the area of art, craft and design.
       Creative Application Ceramics         Students will work with a range
                                             of skills, focusing on a practical
                                             art skills, gaining employment
       Work Experience                       in the art industry, or preparing
       Communications                        for third level studies which can
                                             also include preparation of
       Train the Trainer
                                             portfolio if required.
       Modules may change due                                                     Employment
       to QQI course requirements.
       Courses offered subject
                                             Some of the Links to                 Opportunities
       to demand.                            Third Level Courses                  Gallery Assistant
                                             B.A. - Design in Product Design      Scenic Artist
       Qualification/                        (Ceramics) (Level 8) L.I.T.
       Certification                         B.A. - Fine Art in Printmaking
                                             (Level 8) L.I.T.
       QQI Level 6 Advanced
       Certificate in Art.                   B.A. - Fine Art in Painting
                                             (Level 8) L.I.T.
       Career / Academic                     B.Des. - Industrial Design
       Progression                           (Level 8) National College
       Students who want to take their       of Art and Design
       skills in the area of practical art
       skills to a new level and work in     B.A. - Visual Art (Level 8) W.I.T.
       various areas of art attend this

Early Childhood care and Education
> Level 6 in National Qualifications Framework

 QQI Code: 6M2007

Duration of Course
One year full time

•   To enable students to find
    employment in a supervisory
    capacity in a Childcare
•   To facilitate progression to                                         opportunities to transfer and
    Third Level. Students find this                                      progress to programmes
    course invaluable as a                                               leading to higher education and
    preparation for Third Level.                                         training awards at level 7 and
                                                                         level 8. Possible career
Entry Requirements                                                       pathways following successful
                                                                         completion of this course:
QQI Level 5 Certificate or
equivalent.                                                              Childcare practitioner in early
                                                                         years setting with possible
Course Content                                                           progression to supervisory role.
Child Development                                                        Childcare Practitioner in
Early Childhood Curriculum
                                      Qualification/                     community based projects.
Childhood Social Legal
and Health Studies
                                      QQI Level 6 Advanced               Waterford Institute
                                      Certificate in Supervision in      of Technology
Work Experience                       Childcare
                                                                         There are reserved places for
                                                                         CMCO students in:
Supervision in Early                  Career / Academic
Childhood Care                        Progression                        WD018 BA in Applied Social
                                                                         Studies in Social Care.
Early Childhood Literacy              This Level 6 course will be an
                                      advanced course to suit            WD149 BA (H) in Early
and Numeracy                          participants with previous         Childhood Studies.
Equality and Diversity                childcare training who wish to     WD187 BA (H) in Social
                                      develop a career in childcare at   Science.
in Childcare
                                      the supervisory management
Special Needs Assisting                                                  WD192 BA (H) in Social Care
                                      level. On the successful
Child Psychology                      completion of the award the
                                      student will have acquired the     WD200 Bachelor of Arts (H)
Train the Trainer
                                      knowledge, skills and              WD188 BSc in Applied Health
Modules may change due                competence to work in an early     Care.
to QQI course requirements.           childhood education and care
Courses offered subject               setting. Skills acquired will      Employment
to demand.                            provide the successful student
                                      with the ability to lead and co-
                                      ordinate a team in the provision   Pre-school centres, day
                                      of an early childhood care and     nurseries in a supervisory
                                      education. This award will         capacity in crèches or
                                      provide students with              childcare facilities.

National Framework of Qualifications
All QQI Awards have been placed on the National Framework of Qualifications. It is easy to
see at a glance where the Award you wish to pursue stands on the 10-Level Framework.
QQI qualifications offered here in CMCO is Level 5 & 6.

                               Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed
                            Castlemeadows, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
                              Tel: 0504 21734 · Fax: 0504 23166
                    Email: · Web:
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