COLOMBIA Methodology: Legal country mapping - 01/2021 White & Case - Human Right 2 Water

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COLOMBIA Methodology: Legal country mapping - 01/2021 White & Case - Human Right 2 Water
Legal country mapping

01/2021                 White & Case
COLOMBIA Methodology: Legal country mapping - 01/2021 White & Case - Human Right 2 Water
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                                    COLOMBIA

                                          Colombia Country Mapping

 Water and Sanitation Status
 JMP Update 2017
 40%                                                                                            Surface Water/Open Defecation
 10%                                                                                            Limited
  0%                                                                                            Basic
       Colombia Drinking World Drinking      Colombia        World (Sanitation)
        Water (National)    Water            Sanitation                                         Safely Managed
 General Legislation
  Member of a regional integration organisation                                          Yes
  State organisation                                                                     Presidential Republic
  Relationship between International and National Law                                    Monist
  Supreme Law                                                                            Constitution
  Independent National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)                                   Yes
  Name of Institution possessing regulation-making authority                             Yes
  Popular consultation as part of governing/legislative process                          Yes
 Water Governance
  Right to Water or Sanitation mentioned in Constitution                                  Yes
  A water code or a law specific to water resources                                       Yes
  National Strategy, Policy, Action Plan etc. on Water and Sanitation                     Yes
  Transboundary Water Resources                                                           Yes
  Priorities in the allocation of water for different uses                                Yes

 Legal Framework

            Human Rights Criterion                                                   Human Rights Principles
                    Quality and                                    discrimination,
                                                                                          Access to          Public
   Availability       Safety         Acceptability                                                        Participation
                                                                       Equality         Information

            Accessibility    Affordability                                  Accountability        Sustainability

                              Deficient                     Partially included                   Mostly included

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COLOMBIA Methodology: Legal country mapping - 01/2021 White & Case - Human Right 2 Water
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                                                                 COLOMBIA

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: WATER GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 4
   A Preliminary questions ............................................................................................................................ 4
   B The country is member of a regional integration organisation? ........................................................... 5
   C Water governance and administration:................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 2: INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL TREATIES ............................................................................ 9
   A Regional Multilateral/Bilateral Treaties ................................................................................................ 9
   B International Treaties ........................................................................................................................... 11
   C Regional/Americas................................................................................................................................ 15
   D Transboundary freshwater resources agreements ............................................................................. 15
CHAPTER 3: DOMESTIC LEGISLATION ON WATER ..................................................................................... 17
   A Water laws........................................................................................................................................... 17
   B Extraction and/or use of water............................................................................................................ 20
CHAPTER 4: THE HUMAN RIGHTS TO WATER AND SANITATION: ............................................................ 23
   A Availability and accessibility ................................................................................................................ 23
   B Quality and safety ................................................................................................................................ 26
   C Water pollution control ....................................................................................................................... 29
   D Affordability ......................................................................................................................................... 31
   E Acceptability ........................................................................................................................................ 33
   F Non-discrimination, equality and universal access .............................................................................. 33
   G Right to information ............................................................................................................................ 34
   H Public participation ............................................................................................................................. 36
   I Sustainability......................................................................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 5: JUDICIARY SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 39
   A Preliminary questions .......................................................................................................................... 39
   B Remedies and complaint procedures/accountability .......................................................................... 40
   C National human rights institutions ...................................................................................................... 43
   D Regulation ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Annex 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
Annex 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 48

                                                                          Page 3

                                                      economic and social development of their
A Preliminary questions                               territory. They exercise administrative
                                                      functions     of       coordination       and
1 What type of State is the country? (e.g.,
                                                      intermediation with the municipalities,
  Federal, Unitary, etc.)
                                                      which provide services such as electricity,
                                                      urban transport, local planning, and police.3

2 Division of government powers exist? If yes,
                                                   4 Who has the power to ratify treaties?
  please elaborate on their functions.
                                                        The President.4
       Yes, the Government of Colombia’s
  powers is separated into (1) the Legislature:
                                                   5 Is there popular consultation as part of
  Congress     (Senate      and    House      of
                                                     governing/legislative process?
  Representatives) holds the responsibility for
                                                         Not regularly, though when the method
  initiating, amending, interpreting, and
                                                     of popular consultation is used, it is
  repealing legislation; (2) the Judiciary, with
                                                     supposed to be obligatory for national
  the highest court being the Supreme Court;
                                                     authorities to respect the results of such
  and (3) the Executive branch, led by the
                                                     popular consultation.5
                                                   6 Has the country established a basin
3 Which institutions and levels of
                                                     management agency? Is it autonomous?
  government have legislative powers?
                                                         Water resources are managed by the
      Legislative authority is vested in a
                                                     Environment Ministry, which is an executive
  bicameral Congress consisting of the Senate
                                                     ministry headed by a minister appointed by
  (Senado) and the House of Representatives
                                                     the President. But the country has entered a
  (Cámara). Colombia has a two-tier local
                                                     series of agreements for the management of
  government structure. The upper level
                                                     its basins. Amongst which, the “Plan de
  consists of 32 departments and the Capital
                                                     Ordenamiento y Manejo de las Cuencas de
  District of Bogota, and the lower level is
                                                     los Ríos San Miguel y Putumayo”, the “Plan
  made up of 1,101 municipalities.
                                                     para el Desarrollo Integral de la Cuenca del
  Decentralization reforms have occurred over
                                                     Río Putumayo”, The “Plan Modelo Colombo
  the past three decades, but the distribution
                                                     – brasileño” for the full development of the
  of competencies remains complex. There is
                                                     bordering communities of the Tabatinga –
  a dual system of decentralized and delegated
                                                     Apaporis axis
  responsibilities and the majority of
  competencies are shared between all levels
                                                   7 Does the country have transboundary
  of governments (education, health, water
                                                     water resources?
  and sewage, housing). The departments are
                                                        Colombia has major transboundary
  responsible for planning and promoting the
                                                     water resources. Additionally from the

   1                                                  4
     OECD Colombia Country Profile (Oct. 2016).           Constitution of Colombia (1991), Article 189(6).
   2                                                  5
     Constitution of Colombia (1991).                     Law 134 of 1994, Article 8.
     OECD Colombia Country Profile (Oct. 2016).
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                    COLOMBIA

   Amazon River Basin and the Orinoco River                        partner with the World Bank which supports
   Basin, the following rivers provide                             the sector through different projects such as
   transboundary water resources: “Rio de                          “Cartagena Water Supply, Sewerage, and
   Oro”, “Rio Catatumbo”, “Rio Guaramillo”,                        environmental      Management       project”,
   “Rio Tachira”, “Rio Oira”, “Rio Meta”, “Rio                     “Water Sector Reform Assistance Projects”,
   Orinoco”, “Rio Negro”, “Rio Isana”, “Rio                        as well as with the Inter-American
   Vaupes”, “Rio Taraira”, “Rio Caqueta”, “Rio                     Development bank. There is an Agreement
   Amazonas”, “Rio Putamayo”, “Rio San                             between Colombia, Venezuela and the
   Miguel”, “Rio Pun”, “Rio San Juan”, “Rio                        Organization of American States regarding
   Papuri”, “Rio Alabapo”, “Rio Mira”, “Rio                        the Catatumbo River Basin, signed on August
   Mataje”, “Rio Arauca”, “Rio Zulia”, “Rio                        5, 1982, but it was never implemented. In
   Goajira”, “Rio Carchi”, “Rio Atabapo”’ “Rio                     fact, the working group contemplated in the
   Guainia”, “Rio Naquen”, “Rio Papuri”… (see                      Agreement has never held a meeting. 7
   Annex 2)
                                                             B The country is member of a regional
8 Where transboundary water resources
                                                                integration organisation?
  exist, is there an established international
  institution for basin management? Does it
                                                             1     Which countries form part of this
  have any responsibility in relation to
  drinking water?
                                                                       Colombia is part of major international
      Colombia did not vote in favor of the UN
                                                                   and regional organizations such as;
  watercourse convention, which establishes a
                                                                   CAN/ACN: Andean Community of Nations;
  framework for the utilization, development,
                                                                   CariCom: Caribbean Community; IADB: Inter-
  conservation, management, and protection
                                                                   American     Development       Bank;   IHO:
  of international watercourses and codifies
                                                                   International Hydrographic Organization;
  the already existing customary international
                                                                   LAES/SELA: Latin American and Caribbean
  water law. However, it is a party to the
                                                                   Economic System;
  Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization.
                                                                       ALADI/LAIA: Latin American Integration
  There is no explicit provision regarding
                                                                   Association; the Organization of American
  drinking water in the treaty, but Article VIII
                                                                   States; The Pacific Alliance; PROSUR: Foro
  of the treaty refers to the need to "promote
                                                                   para el Progreso de América del Sur.8
  coordination of the present health services …
                                                                       Amongst them stand out: (i) the
  and to take other appropriate measures to
                                                                   Organization of American States whose
  improve the sanitary conditions in the region
                                                                   members are        Antigua and Barbuda,
  and perfect methods for preventing and
                                                                   Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil,
  combating epidemics.” 6 The country is also a

   6                                                               8
    Amazon Cooperation Treaty, Article VIII.              
   7            profiles/colombia; see also
   53cbc609a51a                                                    (accessed on 11-07-2018).

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Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                          COLOMBIA

    Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,                       furthering economic integration, foreign
    Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El                        policy coordination, human and social
    Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana,                            development and security.
    Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua,                          Organization of American States (OAS):
    Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Vincent and                        an organization with 35 member states
    the Grenadines, St. Kitts & Nevis, Suriname,                     established in order to achieve “an order of
    Trinidad and Tobago, United States of                            peace and justice, to promote their solidarity,
    America, Uruguay, Venezuela, and (ii) the                        to strengthen their collaboration, and to
    Andean Community of Nations (CAN) which                          defend their sovereignty, their territorial
    has as members Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia                        integrity, and their independence” (Article 1
    and Perú.                                                        of the OAS Charter).
                                                                          Pacific Alliance: free trade bloc with the
2 Are the decisions of the organisation                              objective of promoting greater economic
  binding for the members?                                           integration between Chile, Colombia,
       The American Declaration on the Rights                        Mexico and Peru.
  and Duties of Man signed by all Organization                            PROSUR: Dialogue and coordination
  of American States members, has no legal                           mechanism with the objective of promoting
  binding force.                                                     the development of the South American
       The    Andean      Community      issues                      countries.
  guidelines with respect to different spheres
  of Andean sub-regional integration, which                    4 Does the regional organisation have the
  are carried out by the system bodies and                       authority to regulate or make decisions,
  institutions determined by the Council, in                     which affect water and sanitation?
  keeping with the responsibilities and                              As for the OAS; The Inter-American
  mechanisms established in their respective                     Commission on Human Rights prepared a
  Treaties or establishing Agreements.                           report in 2015 about the access to water in
                                                                 the Americas titled, “An introduction to the
3   What is the mandate of the organisation?                     human right to water in the Inter-American
    The mandate of the main regional                             system”.9 In addition, the Department of
    integration organizations to which Colombia                  Sustainable Development, prepared a report
    is a member is as follows:                                   in March 2019 describing the situation
         Andean Community of Nations (CAN):                      surrounding the human right to water and
    free trade bloc with the objective of creating               sanitation and considering the 2030 Agenda
    a customs union comprising the countries of                  and the Sustainable Development Goals.10
    Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.                        However, the Inter-American system does
         Caribbean Community (CARICOM):                          not have the authority to regulate or make
    organization of fifteen countries throughout                 decisions, which would affect water and
    the Caribbean having the objectives of                       sanitation in the member countries.

    9                                                                10
      “An introduction to the human right to water in the                 OAS report on human right to water, 2019.
    Inter-American system”, OAS Report, 2015.
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       As for CAN; initiatives regarding access             of the Ministry of Agriculture, which finances
   to water have been part of the Andean                    and constructs an irrigation system.
   Community’s activities.11 In 2011, through
   decision No. 763, an Andean Strategy for the             At the intermediate level (state, river basin,
   Integrated Management of Water Resources                 other)
   was approved.                                                 The regional environmental authorities
                                                            (CARs) are in charge of implementing the
C Water governance and administration:                      national policies and regulations as well as
                                                            managing the natural resources in their
1 What is the structure of the government                   boundaries, included water resources.12 As
  water administration (provide relevant                    for water and sanitation services, Colombia
  organizational charts whenever available)                 has      acknowledged       that     amongst
  and what power, role and responsibilities                 infrastructural services, the sanitation
  does the Government have at each level?                   services required specific knowledge that is
                                                            not typically found at the municipal level.
   At national/federal level?                               Therefore, it made it a policy to encourage
        The institutional framework with water              regionalization of water sanitation services
   resources in Colombia can be divided into                by implementing Departmental Water Plans,
   three different categories. The National                 which are a set of planning and inter-
   Environmental System manages water                       institutional coordination strategies that
   allocation and pollution regulation as well as           municipalities can voluntarily opt into. This
   the ecosystem/watershed. It is a                         brings a better resourced and more
   decentralized system directed by the                     corporate approach to water sanitation
   Ministry of Environment, Housing and                     service provision and ultimately makes it
   Territorial Development and is in charge of              easier for large private operators to expand
   environmental management in Colombia at                  services to small towns and rural areas (see
   the national level. The water demand for                 Annex 1)
   sectoral uses is regulated by other ministries.
   Regarding water for electric generation, the             At the local level?
   energy regulation committee establishes the                  The Autonomous Regional Corporations
   rules for the operation of the dispatch                  and Sustainable Development (CAR) are
   system. As for water for agriculture                     corporate public entities, integrated with
   irrigation, INCODER is a specialized institute           local authorities, commissioned by law to

   11                                                       12           Integrated Water Resource Management in
   3898&accion=detalle&cat=NP&title=se-inicia-              Colombia: Paralysis by Analysis? International
   proyecto-ap                                              Journal of Water Resources Development, March          2008; see also
   agua-de-los-paises-de-la-can-debatiran-propuesta-        ent/content/article/885-plantilla-areas-planeacion-y-
   de-estrategia-andina-para-gestion-integrada-del-         seguimiento-33
                                                   Page 7
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                COLOMBIA

   administer, within the area of its jurisdiction,            charge of controlling the application of these
   the environment and renewable natural                       rules. The latter is the responsibility of the
   resources, and work for sustainable                         Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos
   development. Water use for energy; water                    Domiciliarios (SSPD) or Superintendency for
   supply and sanitation and agricultural                      Residential Public Services, a multi-sector
   irrigation is regulated by sectorial ministries.            regulatory agency.) The Vice ministry of
   Municipal authorities guarantee access to                   Water and Sanitation (VWS) is part of the
   potable water and sanitation to their                       Ministry of Housing, Cities and Territory of
   population, the potable water regulatory                    Colombia (MHCT). The VWS is responsible
   committee regulates the calculation of the                  for implementing national policies, plans and
   tariffs, CARs (within their corresponding                   programs in relation to water supply and
   jurisdictions) grant water permits.                         sanitation. However, regulation, supervision
                                                               and enforcement is the role of the Potable
2 Which government ministries/agencies are                     Water and Basic Sanitation Regulation
  directly or indirectly involved in governance                Commission         (PWRC)        and       the
  of water and sanitation?                                     Superintendency of Residential Public
          The Ministry of Environment,                         Services (SRPS).
  Housing and Territorial Development.                              The PWRC, created by Law 142 of 1994
      The Autonomous Regional Corporations                     (article 69), is part of the MHCT and is
  and Sustainable Development (CAR).                           primarily focused on regulating tariffs and
                                                               other purely regulatory functions.
3 Which agency is responsible for drinking                          The SRPS, also created by Law 142 of
  water? What are its responsibilities?                        1994 (article 76) and referred to in Colombia
          Responsibility for regulating water                  as Superservicios is part of the Department
  services is vested in two separate institutions              of National Planning. The role of the SRPS is
  at the national level. The Comisión de                       to monitor and enforce the performance of
  Regulación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento                     water supply and sanitation operators.13
  Básico (CRA) or Potable Water and Basic
  Sanitation Regulatory Commission defines               4 Which agency is responsible for sanitation?
  criteria for efficient service provision and              What are its responsibilities?
  sets the rules for tariff revision, but is not in         See question 3 above.

     Link to Law 142 of 1994:                                  ativo/norma.php?i=2752
                                                      Page 8
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     1 Has the country ratified the following international or regional treaties and
       declarations? Please insert the date of the signature/ratification/accession.

     2 Has the country made any declaration or reservation to the following instruments?

A Regional Multilateral/Bilateral Treaties

     Table 1.a Regional multilateral and bilateral treaties14

              Instruments                                              Participating       Entry into force

                                                                   Colombia, Ecuador 16,
                                                                      Perú17, Brasil18,
                The Amazon Cooperation Treaty15                        Venezuela 19,       12/08/198020
                                                                    Suriname, Guyana,

           The Amendment Protocol to the Amazon                     Colombia, Ecuador,
           Cooperation Treaty creating the Amazon                      Brazil, Peru,
          Cooperation Treaty Organization (“ACTO”)                                             200221
                                                                   Venezuela, Suriname,
                                                                      Guyana, Bolivia

   Divided Water, Shared Water? An Approach to Cross-border Aquifers in South America, Carmen Maganda
16 - ECUADOR: Plan de Ordenamiento y
Manejo de las Cuencas de los Ríos San Miguel y Putumayo
   PERU: Plan para el Desarrollo Integral de la Cuenca del Río Putumayo
   BRAZIL: Plan Modelo Colombo - brasileño para el Desarrollo Integrado de las Comunidades Vecinas del Eje
Tabatinga - Apaporis.
   VENEZUELA: It is important to note that despite the water borders, the governments of Colombia and Venezuela
have only participated in the signing of a single collective agreement for the multinational management of
transboundary waters: the 1978 Amazon Cooperation Treaty.
   Final Ratification by Colombia and installation of its Permanent Secretariat in Brazil. http://www.otca-
                                                          Page 9
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     Table 1.b. Bilateral Agreements entered into by “ACTO”

                   Instruments                                          Participating        Signature
          Memorandum of Understanding between ACTO and the             Ecuador, Brazil,
         Coordinating Body for the Indigenous Organizations of the    Peru, Venezuela,     10/25/2004
                        Amazon Basin (“COICA”)22                         Suriname,
                                                                       Guyana, Bolivia

                                                              Ecuador, Brazil,
     Memorandum of Understanding between ACTO and the Andean
                                                             Peru, Venezuela,               9/29/2004
                                                              Guyana, Bolivia

             Letter of Understanding Between the Coordinator
                                                                    Ecuador, Brazil,
      Intergovernmental Committee of the Countries of the Basin of
                                                                   Peru, Venezuela,         8/30/2004
      the Plata and the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty Organization,
                               30 Aug. 2004
                                                                    Guyana, Bolivia

                                                                Ecuador, Brazil,
      Standard Agreement between the ACTO and the Pan American                   26-30 September
                                                               Peru, Venezuela,
            Health Organization/World Health Organization23                           201124
                                                                Guyana, Bolivia

     Agreement between ACTO and the Inter-American Development Ecuador, Brasil,
        Bank — Strengthening the Joint Regional Capacity for the Perú, Venezuela,           7/25/2005
              Sustainable Use of Amazonian Biodiversity          Surinam, Guyana,

   International Waters: Review of Legal and Institutional Frameworks UNDP-GEF International Waters Project
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Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                      COLOMBIA

B International Treaties

 Table 2. International binding instruments

              Instruments                                         Signature    Ratification
                                                                (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

   International Covenant on Civil and Political
                  Rights (1966)                                 21/12/1966    29/10/1969

     Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil
                   and Political Rights (1966)                  21/12/1966    29/10/1969
    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
                         Rights (1966)                          21/12/1966    29/10/1969

        Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on
           Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2008)              N/A           N/A

           Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
              Discrimination against Women (1979)               17/07/1980    19/01/1982
                  Reservation/Declaration: N/A

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Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                    COLOMBIA

          Instruments                                          Signature    Ratification
                                                             (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of
 Forms of Discrimination against
 Women (1999)


    1. The Government of Colombia, exercising the
       discretion provided for in article 10 of the
       Optional Protocol, and subject to the conditions
       set out therein, declares that it does not
       recognize the competence of the Committee
       provided for in articles 8 and 9 of the Protocol.

    2. The Government of Colombia understands article
       5 of the Protocol to mean that interim measures       10/12/1999    23/01/2007
       not only preclude "a determination on
       admissibility or on the merits of the
       communication", as established in article 5,
       paragraph 2, but that any measures involving the
       enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights
       shall be applied in keeping with the progressive
       nature of these rights.

    3. The Government of Colombia declares that no
       provision of the Optional Protocol and no
       recommendation of the Committee may be
       interpreted as requiring Colombia to
       decriminalize offences against life or personal

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          Instruments                                             Signature    Ratification
                                                                (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

 Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

 Reservation (upon signature):

 The Colombian Government considers that, while the
 minimum age of 15 years for taking part in armed
 conflicts, set forth in article 38 of the Convention, is the
 outcome of serious negotiations which reflect various
 legal, political and cultural systems in the world, it would
 have been preferable to fix that age at 18 years in
 accordance with the principles and norms prevailing in
 various regions and countries, Colombia among them,
 for which reason the Colombian Government, for the
                                                                26/01/1990    28/01/1991
 purpose of article 38 of the Convention, shall construe
 the age in question to be 18 years.

 Reservation (upon ratification):

 The Government of Colombia, pursuant to article 2,
 paragraph 1 (d) of the Convention, declares that for the
 purposes of article 38, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the
 Convention, the age referred to in said paragraphs shall
 be understood to be 18 years, given the fact that, under
 Colombian law, the minimum age for recruitment into
 the armed forces of personnel called for military service
 is 18 years.

 The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
 (2006)                                                         30/03/2007    10/05/2011
 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of
 Persons with Disabilities (2006)                                   N/A           N/A
 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
 Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984)                       10/04/1985    08/12/1987

 Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation
 in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental          N/A           N/A
 Matters (1998) Reservation/Declaration:

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Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                          COLOMBIA

                 Instruments                                                   Signature    Ratification
                                                                             (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

          Geneva Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of
                      Prisoners of War (1949)                                 08/12/2005              N/A

          Geneva Convention (IV) relative to the protection of
                Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949)                        12/08/1949          08/11/1961
           Protocol Additional (I) to the Geneva Conventions
          relating to the Protection of Victims of International
                                                                              01/09/1993          17/04/1996
                          Armed Conflict (1977)

           Protocol Additional (II) to the Geneva Conventions
                relating to the Protection of Victims of
                                                                                   N/A            14/08/1995
               Non-International Armed Conflicts (1977)
                       Reservation/ Declaration:
        Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of
                 International Watercourses (1997)                                 N/A                N/A

     Table 3. ILO conventions

                     Instruments                                                      Signature Ratification
      ILO Forced Labor Convention, No. 29 (1930)                                          N/A       04/03/1969
      ILO Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, No. 50 (1936)
      (shelved convention)                                                                N/A            N/A

      ILO Food and Catering (Ships' Crews) Convention, No. 68 (1946)
      (instrument to be revised)                                                          N/A            N/A

      ILO Plantations Convention, No. 110 (1958)                                          N/A            N/A
      ILO Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention, No. 120 (1964)                       N/A            N/A
      ILO Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, No.
      152 (1979)                                                                          N/A            N/A

      ILO Convention No. 161 concerning Occupational Health Services
      (1985)                                                                              N/A       25/01/2001

  Colombia did not vote in favor of the UN watercourse convention, which establishes a framework for the utilization,
development, conservation, management, and protection of international watercourses and codifies the already
existing customary international water law.
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                     Instruments                                                      Signature Ratification
      ILO Safety and Health in Construction Convention, No. 167 (1988)                  N/A      06/09/1994
      ILO Convention No. 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
      in Independent Countries (1989)                                                   N/A      07/08/1991

      ILO Work in Fishing Convention, No. 188 (2007)                                    N/A         N/A

   C Regional/Americas

     Table 4. Instruments open for ratifications in the Americas

                      Instruments                                                    Signature Ratification
        American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic,
                      Social and Cultural Rights (1988)                                  N/A     10/10/1997
                       American Convention on Human Rights
                        “Pact of San José, Costa Rica” (1969)                            N/A     28/05/1973

   D Transboundary freshwater resources agreements

1 Has the country agreed to any international                      implement their preferred management
  convention or treaty regulating the uses of                      regime. Colombia signed the Amazon
  its transboundary watercourses? Please                           Cooperation Treaty in 1978, which aims to
  specify.                                                         promote sustainable use of resources
      As for now, South American states do not                     including water. Subsequently, in 2005,
  seem to have an immediate interest in a                          Colombia signed the integrated and
  universal framework to help them regulate                        sustainable management of transboundary
  the management of their transboundary                            Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin
  water resources. Colombia is not part of                         considering Climate Variability and Change
  either the UN Watercourse Convention or                          Project. Additionally, Colombia is a member
  the UNECE Water Convention, which are the                        of the World Bank Group, which has been
  two global, legally binding instruments                          steadily involved in projects aiming to
  concerning       the    management        of                     improve the provision of water supply and
  transboundary watercourses. Rather, they                         sanitation services in Colombia.
  count on international organizations to help
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2 If so, what are the norms in those                              water governance?
  agreements, regulating access to water                          Please specify which norm.
  and/ or sanitation, if any?                                          The eight-member countries of the
      The most important legal rule of the                        Amazon Cooperation Treaty organization
  Amazon Cooperation Treaty is the principle                      joined to run integrated management and
  of “equitable and reasonable use” as well as                    sustainable     regional      project    for
  the no-harm rule, which encompasses both a                      transboundary water resources in the
  right and a duty to use international                           Amazon River Basin.27 The GEF Amazon
  watercourse in an equitable and reasonable                      project looks to contribute to the effective
  manner. The most important external                             protection and sustainable use of water and
  cooperation partners for the Colombian                          land resources of the Amazon Basin. Based
  water and sanitation sector are the World                       upon principles of integrated water resource
  Bank, The Inter-American Development                            management, the goal is to achieve a shared
  Bank and the Andean Development                                 vision for the development of the region
  Corporation. Through their joined efforts,                      based on the needs of the Amazonian society
  they have developed water and sanitation                        and aiming to strengthen the institutional
  projects such as the Cartagena Water supply,                    framework created to protect and manage
  La    Guajira     Water     and    Sanitation                   the water resources. Indeed, the sustainable
  Infrastructure and many more. The World                         development of the Amazon River basin
  Bank has provided a series of loans for water                   requires a coordinated government strategy
  and sewage improvements, totaling more                          between the Amazon countries to tackle
  than $700 million dollars since 1988.26                         environmental and social impacts on the
                                                                  ecosystem caused by natural or human
3 Do those agreements adopt an integrated                         events.
  water resources management approach to

   26             formulate a consensual Strategic Action Program
   regions/profile_segments/amazon-IntIss_eng.stm                 based on the needs and objectives of Amazonian
      In 2010, the GEF Amazonas Project was signed,               stakeholders (ACTO/GEF/UNEP, 2015)
   prepared by the 8 ACTO members countries to
                                                        Page 16
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                       COLOMBIA

A Water laws                                                  mentions that “when a territorial entity
                                                              achieves universal coverage and meets the
1 Is the right to water or the right to                       quality standards established by the
  sanitation mentioned in the Constitution?                   competent authorities in the sectors of
        Water in the Colombian legal system                   education, health, and/or public services
  has a double connotation, as a fundamental                  concerning drinking water and basic
  right and as a public service.28 Although, the              sanitation in the home, according to
  right to water is not explicitly recognized                 certification by the competent national
  under the Colombian Constitution,29 it is                   entity, it may spend the surplus resources on
  considered as a fundamental right, and                      investment in other sectors within its
  defined by the Committee on Economics,                      competence.”33 Also, under the rights of
  Social and Cultural Rights, as “the right of                Colombians to a reasonable standard of
  everyone to have sufficient, safe, acceptable,              living, Article 66 of the Colombian
  accessible and affordable water for personal                Constitution establishes that “the general
  or domestic use.”30 In addition, Article 79 of              well-being and improvement of the
  the Constitution provides an “implied (and                  population’s quality of life are social
  justiciable) right to water… from the broader               purposes of the State. A basic objective of
  ‘right to a healthy environment.”31 As a                    their activity shall be to address the
  public service, Article 356 of the Constitution             unfulfilled public health, educational,
  provides that “the resources of the General                 environmental, and drinking water needs of
  System of Participations of the departments,                those affected. For such an outcome, in the
  districts and municipalities will be earmarked              plans and budgets of the nation and of the
  for the financing of the services under their               territorial entities, public social expenditures
  charge, according to priority to the … public               shall have priority over any other
  services concerning potable water and basic                 allocation.”34
  sanitation in the home.”32 Moreover, Article
  357 of the Constitution establishes how the           2 Does the Constitution otherwise reference
  amount of the General System of Shares of               water and sanitation?
  the       Departments,       Districts     and              Yes. Both in Article 357 and Article 366 of
  Municipalities shall be increased annually              the Constitution. As mentioned above, as
  and specifically                                        part of the distribution of resources, Article
                                                          357 establishes that once the territorial

      Judgement T-740/11.                                     Implementation of the Human Right to Water in
       Olmos Guipponi, M. B. & Paz, M. C. (2015). The         Argentina and Colombia. Anuario Mexicano de
   Implementation of the Human Right to Water in              Derecho Internacional, 15, pp. 343. See also Article 79
   Argentina and Colombia. Anuario Mexicano de                of the CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DE COLOMBIA.
   Derecho Internacional, 15, pp. 323.                           Id. at Article 356.
   30                                                         33
      Judgement T-740/11.                                        Id. at Article 357.
   31                                                         34
       Olmos Guipponi, M. B. & Paz, M. C. (2015). The            Id. at Article 366.
                                                    Page 17
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                    COLOMBIA

   entities achieve the coverage required by               the contamination of water for human
   law and meet the quality standards in                   consumption.
   different sectors, including drinking water                  Decree 2811 of 1974 by means of which
   and sanitation in the home, they may spend              the National Code of Renewable Natural
   the additional surplus resources in other               Resources and Environmental Protection is
   sectors within their competence. Article 366            enacted. Section III of this Code regulates the
   states that water supply “belongs to the                use of non-maritime waters and the ways to
   category of public service to be provided by            acquire the right of use of such waters.
   the State”.35                                                Decree 1541 of 1978 regulates the
                                                           norms related to the resource of waters in all
3 Is there a water code or a law specific to               its states. More specifically, Article 2
  water resources? Please specify.                         establishes that “the preservation and
       Law 142 of 1994, which establishes the              management of waters are of public utility
  regime of Public Housing Services Law (Ley               and social interest according to the
  de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios) in                  provisions of Article 1 of Decree-Law 2811 of
  Colombia, and seeks to guarantee its quality             1974:
  at all levels. Resolution No. 1096 of 2000 by                 “In the management and use of the
  which the Technical Regulations governing                water resource, both the administration and
  drinking water and the basic sanitation                  the users, whether they are public or private,
  sector (Reglamento técnico del Sector de                 will comply with the general principles and
  Agua Potable y Saneamiento Basico (RAS))                 rules established by the National Code of
  was adopted. This Regulation indicates the               Renewable       Natural       Resources    and
  requirements that must be met by the                     Environmental Protection, especially those
  designs, the works and procedures                        enshrined in Articles 9 and 45 to 49 of the
  applicable to drinking water and the basic               aforementioned Code.”36
  sanitation sector and its complementary                       Decree No. 3930 of October 25, 2010.
  activities, as indicated in Article 14, numerals         According to Article 1, this Decree
  14.9, 14.22, 14.23 and 14.24 of Law 142 of               establishes the provisions related to uses of
  1994, and to be carried out by the entities              water      resources,      water     resources
  that provide municipal public services                   management and discharges to water
  regarding aqueduct, sanitation and sewage.               resources, to the ground and to the sewers.
       The Colombian Sanitary Code (Código                 Law 1753 of 2015 by means of which the
  Sanitario) was enacted by Law 9 of 1979,                 National Government is ordered to
  which among other things regulates the                   determine the differential schemes for the
  sanitary control of the use of water.                    provision of aqueduct, sewer and toilet
  Additionally, Title II of this Code, which               services in rural areas.
  regulates the water supply, provides a                        In addition, the National Development
  variety of regulations to eliminate and avoid            Plan (Plan Nacional de Desarrollo) (PND)

   35                                                      36
        Id. at Article 366.                                     Article 2 of Decree 1541 of 1978.
                                                 Page 18
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                  COLOMBIA

   establishes guiding policies for the provision                          characteristics of these areas and
   of public services, including water and                                 that      contribute      to    the
   sanitation.37 The PND for 2010-2014                                     improvement of the conditions of
   recognized the delivery of such services to                             life of the rural population;
   rural areas of Colombia as a priority and                        (ii)   Strategic importance of the
   provided for contributions from the national                            project “Financial support for the
   and regional budgets.38                                                 infrastructure investment plan to
        The Water for Prosperity Program (PAP)                             strengthen the provision of
   and Department Water Plans (PDA) are two                                aqueduct and sewage services in
   strategies designed by the national                                     the municipality of Cali” June 24,
   government to “increase access to water and                             2013.
   improve the management of water and                              (iii)  Policy for the supply of potable
   sanitation services.”39 The implementation                              water and basic sanitation issued
   of the PAP and PDA is assigned to “municipal                            in July, 2014.
   authorities,    services    providers     and                    (iv)   Strategic importance of the
   departmental governments.”40                                            projects “financial support for the
                                                                           development of the strategic
4 Is there national strategy / policy, action                              policies of the sector of potable
  plan or similar document on water?                                       water and basic sanitation at a
      Yes. The National Council of Economic                                national level” and “financial
  and Social Policy (Consejo Nacional de                                   support for the regional coastal
  Política Económica y Social – CONPES) is the                             aqueduct of the department of
  highest national planning authority and                                  Córdoba” (2013).
  serves as an advisory body to the                                 Moreover, “in 2010, the National Policy
  Government in all aspects related to the                      for the Integral Management of Water
  economic and social development of the                        Resources (Policy) was issued, which
  country. Some of the documents of CONPES                      establishes the objectives, strategies, goals,
  regarding water and sanitation are:                           indicators and lines of action for the
      (i)     the policy for the supply of                      management of the resource in the country
              potable     water    and    basic                 with a horizon of twelve years.”41 The
              sanitation in the rural area. The                 general objective of the Policy is to ensure
              policy aims to promote access to                  the sustainability of water resources through
              drinking/potable water and basic                  the management and efficient and effective
              sanitation in rural areas of                      use, articulation of planning and land use,
              Colombia, through solutions that                  and conservation of ecosystems that
              are     consistent    with    the                 regulate water supply; the policy considers

   37                                                           39
       Private Sector Provision of Water and Sanitation            Id. at pp. 14.
   Services in Rural Areas and Small Towns: The Role of            Id.
   the Public Sector, Country Report: Colombia. World                Water Management. Sistema de Información
   Bank Group, pp. 8 (2016).                                    Ambiental de Colombia.
      Id. The most recent PND covers 2014-2018.
                                                      Page 19
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                               COLOMBIA

   water a factor in economic development and                Special Contribution tariff for the 2018 term
   social welfare and endeavors to implement                 for the service of regulation of potable water
   processes that promote equitable and                      and basic sanitation and other provisions.
   inclusive participation.42 The National Water             Also, Decree 707 of 1995 regulates the
   Plan is designed to implement the National                criteria for the payment of the special
   Policy for the Integrated Management of                   contribution for the Regulation of Potable
   Water Resources; the plan is to integrate via             Water and Basic Sanitation. Resolution 2115
   programs, projects, and activities the lines of           of 2007 indicates characteristics, basic
   action of the Policy in order to achieve its              instruments and frequencies of the control
   objectives and goals.43                                   and surveillance system for water quality for
                                                             human consumption.
5 Are there any other major regulations,                          Decree 2811 of 1974 enacts the National
  decrees, orders, circulars, or similar official            Code of Renewable Natural Resources and
  documents (such as pricing, water policing,                Environmental Protection. Section III of this
  utility     easements,      public     domain              Code regulates the use of non-maritime
  occupation…etc.) related to the rights to                  waters and the ways to acquire the right of
  water and sanitation?                                      use of such waters. Decree 1076
       Article 85 of Law 142 of 1994 established             (26/05/2015) has the aim of collecting in a
  a special contribution in order to recover the             single regulatory body all existing regulatory
  costs of the regulatory service provided by                decrees which pertain to laws on
  the Regulatory Commission of Potable Water                 environmental matters.44
  and Basic Sanitation – (Comisión de
  Regulación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento             B Extraction and/or use of water
  Básico – CRA) to the entities which are
  defined as taxpayers, all persons providing          1 Does the legislation regulate the right to
  public services domiciliary of the aqueduct,            abstract water? (surface, groundwater,
  sewage, cleaning and complementary                      etc.)?
  activities throughout the national territory,                According to Decree 1541 (1978),
  subject to the regulation of such                       concessions are required to carry out
  Commission. These entities are subject to               activities such as “the supply of household
  the payment of a special contribution paid              water, irrigation activities, nuclear or power
  each year in accordance with the provisions             generation, transport of toxic materials and
  of Article 85 of Law 142 of 1994 and other              minerals, transport of wood logs, fishing and
  related provisions. According to the                    aquaculture, sport and recreation, medicinal
  foregoing, Resolution CRA 847 of 2018                   use activities, and certain mining
  issued by the Regulation Commission of                  applications.”45 Decree 1541 also establishes
  potable water and sanitation establishes the

   42   Id.                                                  Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible.
   43   Id.                                                  45
                                                                Decree 1541. See also Rincón Rubiano, D. (2011).
     Unique Regulatory Decree of the Environment and         Environmental Law in Colombia, pp. 64. The
   Sustainable Development Sector, Ministerio de
                                                   Page 20
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                        COLOMBIA

   special permits for “abstraction, or the use of               industrial)?
   sands, stones and gravels from waterbeds,                          For the use and utilization of water
   streams or deposits.”46                                       resources, every user is required to apply for
                                                                 a concession permit before the competent
2 Does the legislation distinguish between the                   environmental authority.51 The provisions
   extraction of drinking water and water for                    for the use and utilization of water are
   other uses?                                                   established in Decree 1076.52 According to
       When granting concessions, the                            Decree 1076 (, “aside from the
   competent authority must give priority to                     waters originating and remaining within the
   certain uses.47 In order of preference, the                   same property (real estate), all freshwater
   priority refers to “water for human                           resources are public, meaning the use of
   consumption, individual domestic needs,                       water must be authorized through a water
   community agricultural uses, generation of                    concession and a water occupancy permit
   hydropower, industrial or manufacture uses,                   issued by the competent environmental
   mining activities, and recreational uses.”48                  agency.”53 Waters that run through natural
   The relevant authority may change this                        channels may be used by individuals without
   hierarchy in order to “satisfy the special                    a permit if it is for “drinking, bathing, running
   economic or social needs of the region.”49                    animals, washing clothes and other similar
                                                                 purposes.”54 Regional committees are
3 Is the right to use water connected to land                    responsible for granting water usage permits
    ownership?                                                   within their geographical jurisdiction.55 At
    Decree 2811 (1997) establishes that water                    the national level, the Ministry of
    resources and water use is of public domain,                 Environment and Sustainable Development
    “with the sole exception of watersheds that                  (Minambiente) oversees environmental
    begin and finish within the same property                    matters.56 Minambiente is in charge of
    belonging to the owners of the banks (Decree                 “creating and implementing water resource
    1541).”50                                                    management policies and regulations”.57 It
                                                                 also “manages protected areas and grants
4 Are permits/licenses required for water use                    licenses to infrastructure projects requiring
   (e.g.,   domestic,     agricultural,   and                    access to water resources.”58 At the regional

   Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV.                     del-agua
   46                                                            52
      Id.                                                           Id.
   47                                                            53
      Id.                                                            Zapata Lugo, J. V. & Solorza Cortés, M. (2017).
      Id.                                                        Environment. Getting the Deal Through. Available at:
      Decree 2811 and 1541. See also Colombia, Water             ion/8/environment-colombia/
   Resources Allocation: Sharing Risks and Opportunities            Supra note 10.
   (2015). OECD Studies on Water, pp. 5.                             Water Usage (2014). Shale Gas, an International
       Use and Water Use. Ministerio de Ambiente y               Guide, 2nd ed., 2.1.
   Desarrollo      Sostenible.          Available    at:             Water Resources Rights (2014). Shale Gas, an              International Guide, 2nd ed., 2.6.
   integral-del-recurso-hidrico/administracion-del-                 Id.
   recurso-hidrico/demanda/uso-y-aprovechamiento-                   Id.
                                                       Page 21
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                        COLOMBIA

    level, the Corporaciones Autónomas                            Water concessions can be assigned, given
    Regionales (CARs) are tasked with                             the prior written authorization of the
    implementing policies and managing the                        competent environmental authority (Decree
    natural resources in their region.59 CARs are                 1541, art. 50).65 That authority may deny an
    administratively and financially independent                  assignment “when reasons of public utility or
    but do receive some resources from the                        social interest deem appropriate.”66 In the
    national government.60 In relation to water                   event that the facility or land where the
    resources, “the main function of CARs is to                   water concession is located is sold, the new
    efficiently allocate water resources to users,                owner must request the assignment.67
    control water pollution and create and
    implement programs for the protection of                7 Are there priorities in the allocation of water
    the ecosystem.”61 CARs grant permits for                   for different uses?
    water usage.62                                                  Waters for public use that run through
                                                               natural channels and are used for domestic
5 Can permits/licenses be suspended? Under                     purposes do not provide exclusivity or
   what circumstances?                                         priority of use to the first person to make use
        “Governmental authorities may restrict                 of the right.68 In cases involving the use of
   or even prohibit water use concessions in                   surface waters for non-domestic purposes,
   order to accomplish certain purposes, such as               or domestic purposes that require
   facilitating the provision of a public service or           derivation, both of which require a
   restoring the quality, flow or environment of               concession, do involve an order of priority.69
   the water body.”63 For example, “if an area                 Generally, domestic use will always have
   of groundwater is at risk of being depleted,                priority over others; collective uses over
   or there is a danger of contamination or a                  those of an individual; and those uses of the
   substantial decrease in quantity or quality of              inhabitants of a region over those outside of
   the water resource, the competent                           it.70 The granting of water pursuant to
   authorities can temporarily or permanently                  concessions is also subject to the availability
   suspend any operations that take place in the               of the resource.71 In cases of scarcity, the
   area.”64                                                    order in which concessions were granted
                                                               does not convey priority; the environmental
6    Can water abstraction licenses be                         authority would define the best procedure
    transferred? Is transferability subject to                 for distributing water.72

       Id.                                                        note 19 at pp. 5.
    60                                                            66
       Id.                                                           Supra note 19, at pp. 5.
    61                                                            67
       Id.                                                           Uriba & Correa Posada & Bernal, supra note 34.
    62                                                            68
       Id.                                                           Supra note 10.
    63                                                            69
       Rubiano, supra note 14, at pp. 65.                            Id.
    64                                                            70
       Id.                                                           Id.
    65                                                            71
       Uriba, L. & Correa Posada, L. & Bernal, A. (2017).            Id.
    Latin Lawyer. Environment, Colombia; see also supra              Id.
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A Availability and accessibility                                3 Does the law ensure continuous supply of
                                                                  water for all?
1 Does the law ensure that a minimum                                   Decree 2811 of 1974, also known as the
  essential level of water is available to all?                   “Colombian Natural Resources Code”,
      There is no law that ensure a minimum                       establishes in its Article 134 that “it is a
  essential level of water for all the inhabitants                responsibility of the State to guarantee
  of Colombia. However, the Constitutional                        water quality for human and other uses.” 76
  Court has several times stated that access to                   Additionally, the supply of water, as a
  a minimum vital amount of water is a human                      domestic public service, is regulated by Law
  right.73 Even though access to a minimum                        142 of 1994, which states in its Article 2.4
  vital amount of water is not expressly                          that the Government shall ensure the
  guaranteed by Colombia’s Constitution, the                      continuous supply of water, with no
  Constitutional Court has repeatedly stated                      exceptions but for any force majeure event
  that the protection of this right is necessary                  or    other     technical     or   economic
  to assure other rights protected by                             circumstances which allow the interruption
  Colombia’s Constitution, for example, the                       of service
  right to health and right to life. Therefore,
  access to a minimum vital amount of water                     4 Does the law prioritize water for domestic
  should be protected.74                                          uses over other uses?
                                                                      Article 41 of Decree 1541 of 1978
2 What are the standards on the amount of                         provides that when granting water
  water to be made available/is there any                         concessions, the relevant authority shall
  guidance in the law in this respect?                            accord first priority to human use over any
     The law does not provide a standard on                       other kind of uses in both urban and rural
  the amount of water. Nonetheless, the                           areas.77
  Constitutional Court has stated, following
  the guidelines of the World Health                            5 What are the grounds for disconnecting,
  Organization, that 50 liters per person are                     interrupting or altering water supply and
  the minimum essential level of water that                       sanitation services (e.g., authorities may
  should be guaranteed.75                                         alter water supply in case of droughts or

   73                                                                  75
      Opinión Jurídica, Vol. 15, N° 29, pp. 123-140 - ISSN                Judgement 270 of 2007 of the Constitutional Court
   1692-2530 • January-June de 2016 / 266 p. Medellín,                 of Colombia.
   Colombia.                                                              Decree 2811 of 1974
   74                                                                  77
      Judgement T-578 of 1992 and Judgement T-4132                        Decree 1541 of 1978.
   of 1995 of the Constitutional Court of Colombia.
                                                             Page 23
Water LEGAL COUNTRY MAPPING                                                                 COLOMBIA

   emergencies, in which cases are                        service is only allowed in case of emergency.
   disconnections possible…)?                             If an emergency occurs, the relevant water
        As per Article 2.4 of Law 142 of 1994,            provider shall follow and implement the
   unless a force majeure event or other                  relevant Emergency and Contingency Plan.
   technical or financial circumstance has                The guidelines to building up these plans are
   occurred, service providers should supply              contained in Resolution 154 of 2014 of the
   water continuously without any exception.              Housing, City, and Territory Development
   Nonetheless, Law 1523 of 2012, which is the            Ministry.79 Constitutional jurisprudence has
   first Colombian regulation on the                      recognized the right to water as being
   management of emergencies and natural                  fundamental, linking it to the principle of
   disasters, establishes that the water                  human dignity since this constitutes an
   providers shall prepare an Emergency and               element to have adequate material
   Contingency Plan, including actions to                 conditions of existence. For instance, in
   recover services as soon as possible in case           judgment T -761-15, the court affirmed that
   of emergency.78 In accordance with Chapter             “Subjects of special constitutional protection,
   2 of resolution number 154 of 2014 by the              including children, enjoy a minimum content
   Ministry of Housing, a series of steps are to          of the right to water that is not subject to
   be taken to establish the following in cases           restriction under any circumstances.”80
   of droughts: i. monitoring of flows from               Similarly, in judgment T-131 of 2013, the
   supply sources -ii. To the extent that such            court found that the right to water of an
   flows are not sufficient, routes and                   elderly resident of the municipality of Alcala
   periodicity of vehicles to transport water are         had been violated when he was not given
   to be established -iii. Damage assessment              access to water resources in a timely
   and analysis of the mechanisms -iv.                    manner.81
   Implementation of campaigns for promoting
   a more efficient way to use water -v. Water      7 Are alternative ways of water supply and
   rationing is carried out and the supply of         sanitation services provided for in case of
   schools and health entities are prioritized        alteration of supply and/or service?
   and -vi. Water Quality is to be controlled to          Courts have stated that the amount of
   ensure that it is safe for human                   money gained from suspending access to
   consumption.                                       water is too low to justify the suspension
                                                      when compared to the harm done. The
6 What are the procedural standards/criteria          Chamber reiterated the constitutional
  for permitting interruption, disconnection          precedent on the fundamental right to water
  or alteration of water supply and sanitation        and extracted four jurisprudential rules
  services?                                           applicable to the case:
       The interruption, disconnection, or                (i) there is a right of companies providing
  alteration of water supply and sanitation               home public services to interrupt the

   78                                                     80
        Law 1523 of 2012.                                      Judgement T -761-15, Judgement T-475-17
   79                                                     81
        Resolution 154 of 2014.                                Judgement T-131 de 2013
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