CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec

Page created by Tracy Jones
CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec
CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec
CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec






CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec
MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER                                       MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR
RESPONSIBLE FOR GOVERNMENT                                      OF QUÉBEC CITY
                                                                Mr. RÉGIS LABEAUME
THE TREASURY BOARD                                              It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to our beautiful
Mr. PIERRE ARCAND                                               city on the occasion of this convention bringing together
                                                                the members of the Institute of Public Administration of
                                                                Canada (IPAC).
All stakeholders in Québec’s public administration are
concerned by the changes that we are facing in the 21st         Reviewing governance models, gaining increased agility,
century. The labour market is changing. The attraction and      taking into account social acceptability and upgrading ser-
retention of manpower is posing a major challenge for the       vice delivery are some of the many subjects that demand
Québec government in its capacity as an employer. At the        the attention of administrators. Given the pressures faced
same time, we are experiencing the extensive advent of digi-    by public administrations, which have to deal with major
tal technology in our organizations that is compelling us to    challenges, the conference thus provides some quality time
reinvent ourselves. This major change is also allowing us to    during which to share expertise and to showcase innovative
seize new possibilities to enable the public service to stand   practices from here and from other places.
out and display innovation and exemplariness in all respects.
                                                                With its enchanting surroundings, its tradition of hospita-
The Québec public administration is aware of the most pro-      lity and its diversified cuisine, highlighting many fine locally
mising trends to respond to Quebecers’ expectations. It is      produced foods, Québec City will inspire you throughout
studying, analyzing, implementing and evaluating nume-          your deliberations. I invite you to mix business with pleasure
rous initiatives but also encouraging those stemming from       by setting out to discover the many attractions of a festive
businesses and organizations. We are attentive to this new      capital city where art, culture and nature are key elements.
revolution that is changing our relationship with Quebecers.
                                                                Enjoy your conference, and an excellent stay
Expertise, agility and transparency are priority themes that
guarantee the performance of the government, which is           to one and all!
constantly striving to better serve Québec’s population.

The Québec public administration is aware of the efforts
that it must make to adapt to the most recent technolo-
gies and to new ways of doing business. Moreover, a human
resources management strategy was recently announced
to make the public service even more attractive. Reviewing
workplace organization, integrating new technologies, pro-
moting teleworking, offering better targeted training and
encouraging diversity are all avenues on which we must rely
to meet this challenge.

We are expending all of these efforts solely for the purpose
of offering Quebecers accessible, efficient services.

Welcome to Québec and best wishes
for a successful congress.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT                                        MESSAGE FROM THE FIRST
OF THE INSTITUT OF PUBLIC                                         VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF
M RS LUCIE ROBITAILLE                                             M RS JASMINE MARTINEAU
It is my great pleasure to welcome everyone to the 70th Annual    It is with great enthusiasm that the Institute of Public
National Conference of the Institute of Public Administration     Administration of Quebec (IPAQ) was asked to take charge
of Canada. I’m especially proud to be hosting you in my char-     of the 70th Annual Conference of the Institute of Public
ming home city of Quebec in our beautiful province.               Administration of Canada (IPAC).

The IPAC conference is an opportunity to learn through the        Driven by the success of the IPAC Annual Conference held
exchange of ideas and best practices in the public sector. It’s   in Quebec City in 2008, IPAQ has set itself the goal of
also a wonderful time to network, welcome new members             exceeding conference attendees expectations at all levels.
and connect with friends and colleagues.                          The experience gained in 2008 is certainly a guarantee
                                                                  of success for 2018. In fact, IPAQ initiate work in 2015 to
This year’s conference theme - Public Administration Under        develop a most enriching program which addresses current
Pressure – will provide participants an opportunity to discuss    topics.
one of the most important issues facing the public sector,
challenging you to examine the wide ranging issues asso-          With one of the most daring themes: Public Administration
ciated with the pressures in the public services in all levels    Under Pressure, this annual conference is particularly conduc-
of government across Canada and the world.                        tive to reflection and discussion on the major issues of public
                                                                  management of tomorrow. In a changing world, governments
Included in the conference program will be celebrations of        need to transform, adapt, innovate and meet many challen-
excellence:                                                       ges to successfully meet society’s evolving needs.
•   a cocktail reception in honour of the finalists of the 2018
    Prix d'excellence de l'administration publique du Québec      As administrators, we must take the time to think, share best
                                                                  practices, learn from academics on current issues, and share
•   presentations of the finalists for the IPAC Award for         our experiences with our peers.
    Innovative Management, and,
•   the naming of the winners of the following awards:            Beyond the reflection generated by the program of this
                                                                  annual congress, I wish you a successful event and I hope
    •   Pierre De Celles Teaching in Public Administration        that you can take full advantage of the various attractions
    •   Promising New Professional                                of the city, its charms and its vitality.
    •   Social Leadership
    •   J.E. Hodgetts for best article in our 2017 CPA journal
    •   National Student and Thought Leadership, and, last
        but not least
    •   Regional Group Excellence

On behalf of IPAC’s Board of Directors, I would like to thank
the Conference organizers and volunteers for their exceptio-
nal work and attention to detail as they present both a rich
program and unrivalled social activities. Congratulations, you
have done an outstanding job.

It is my sincere hope that this three-day meeting, bringing
together people from all walks of life who are passionate
about public service, will be a source of inspiration and lear-
ning that will fuel your thirst for innovation.

Thank you for joining us in Quebec.
Enjoy your stay!

CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec


Hilton Québec
1100, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Quebec City (Quebec) G1R 4P3 Canada
Telephone: 418 647-2411
Fax: 418 647-6488


Hilton Québec, ballroom lobby, 1st floor

Sunday, August 19, 2018             12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday, August 20, 2018              7 a.m. to 6 p.m
Tuesday, August 21, 2018             7 a.m. to 6 p.m
Wednesday, August 22, 2018            7 a.m. to 1 p.m


When you arrived, you received a badge. This badge is your pass
for all conference activities. Please wear it throughout the dura-
tion of the conference. If you have confirmed your partici-pation
at the welcome reception, you will find inside your badge holder
a ticket for free drink ticket. Finally, if you mentioned when you
have registrated that you want to have a lunch box for the road,
you will also find in your badge holder a coupon that you will
be able to exchange for a lunch box.


A bulletin board is located near the conference reception
desk, where you will find a weath of information on the various
workshop and events that will be held during the conference, in
particular, the detailed program for each day of the conference.
By regulary checking this bulletin board, you will be made aware
of any changes to the program.


The Organizing committee is pleased to provide simultaneous
interpretation services for the majority of the sessions. These
sessions are indentified in the program with the simultaneous
interpretation symbol        . By presenting your duplicate
badge (already in your badge holder), you will be able to get
headphones at a kiosk provided for this purpose located in the
ballroom lobby.

CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec

  COMMITTEE          8



     SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2018

     MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018

     TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2018

     WENESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2018

CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE                                            COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE
ÉRIC THÉROUX                                                    HÉLÈNE CÔTÉ
    President of the Organizing committee                         Chair of the Communication committee
    Assistant Deputy Minister                                     Vice President of Communications
    Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et     Institut d’administration publique de Québec
    de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques
    Gouvernement du Québec                                      DÉMOSTHÈNE BLASI
LUC BERNIER                                                       Director
  Co-Chair of the Program committee                               Deputy Minister's Office and Secretariat
  Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management                   Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
  University of Ottawa                                            Gouvernement du Québec

MARLYNE CASEY                                                   MARTIN BOUCHER
  Executive Director                                              Director of Government Digital Communications
  Institut d’administration publique de Québec                    Secretariat for Government Communication
                                                                  Ministère du Conseil exécutif
GABRIELLA CIAMPINI                                                Gouvernement du Québec
  Associate Director
  Special Events                                                FRANÇOISE BOUDREAULT
  Institute of Public Administration of Canada                    Director
                                                                  Institutional Strategies and Intergovernmental
HÉLÈNE CÔTÉ                                                       Relations Department
  Chair of the Communication committee                            City of Quebec
  Vice President of Communications
  Institut d’administration publique de Québec                  NICOLE BOURGET
                                                                  Vice President and General Manager
SYLVIE DESROSIERS                                                 Individuals Branch
  Coordinator - Event Management                                  Revenu Québec

ALAIN KIROUAC                                                   MARLYNE CASEY
  Chairmen of the Finance Committee                               Executive Director
  Associate Deputy Minister                                       Institut d’administration publique de Québec
  Secrétariat à la Capitale-Nationale
  Gouvernement du Québec                                        ANOUK GAGNÉ
                                                                  Director General of Human Resources
                                                                  Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et
  PROGRAM COMMITTEE                                               de la sécurité du travail

ÉRIC THÉROUX                                                    SYLVAIN GINGRAS-DEMERS
  Co-chair of the program committee
                                                                  Community Manager
  Assistant Deputy Minister
                                                                  Communications and Public Relations Branch
  Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et
  de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques,                 Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et
  Gouvernement du Québec                                          de la sécurité du travail

  Co-Chair of the Program committee
                                                                  FINANCE COMMITTEE
  Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management                 ALAIN KIROUAC
  University of Ottawa                                            Chairmen of the Finance Committee
                                                                  Associate Deputy Minister
LOUIS BORGEAT                                                     Secrétariat à la Capitale-Nationale
  Former State administrator and University Ombudsman             Gouvernement du Québec
  École nationale d'adminsitration publique
                                                                GEORGES ARSENAU
                                                                  Director General, Regional Operations
  Associate Secretary
                                                                  Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
  Secretariat for Senior Jobs
                                                                  Government of Canada
  Ministère du Conseil exécutif
  Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                FRANÇOISE BOUDREAU
MARLYNE CASEY                                                     Director
  Executive Director                                              Institutional Strategies and Intergovernmental Relations Department
  Institut d’administration publique de Québec                    City of Quebec

JEAN-LOUIS DENIS                                                MARLYNE CASEY
  Professor                                                       Executive Director
  School of Public Health                                         Institut d’administration publique de Québec
  University of Montreal
                                                                CAROLYNE ROY
                                                                  Vice President, Quebec Office
  Associate Professor
                                                                  Léger Marketing
  University of Ottawa

NICOLE LACASSE                                                  JEAN ST-GELAIS
  Professor, Faculty of Business Administration                   President and CEO
  Université Laval                                                La Capitale

  Director General, Laurentian Forestry Centre                    VOLUNTEERS LEAD
  Canadian Forest Service                                       ANNIE DEMERS
  Natural Resources Canada                                        Executive assistant
                                                                  Direction principale du soutien et de l'évolution des solutions
  Director of Research and Outreach
                                                                  Revenu Québec
  Institute of Public Administration of Canada

                                                                  MASTER OF CEREMONY
                                                                DENIS ANGERS

                                                                  Historian and commentator
CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec

SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2018                                                                  WORKSHOP 3


                                                                                             New Development Strategies at the Municipal Level
/   12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
    BALLROOM LOBBY                                                                       WORKSHOP 4
    Conference registration and information desk                                             B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R

                                                                                             Agencies and Autonomous Organizations
/   6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
    M U S É E N AT I O N A L D E S B E A U X- A R T S D U Q U É B E C - P AV I L L O N   WORKSHOP 5
    Welcome reception and unveiling of finalists for the                                     Taking into Account the Reality of Indigenous People
    2018 Awards of Excellence of Public Administration of
                                                                                         WORKSHOP 6


                                                                                             Adjudicated Papers – Changes in the Public Sector

MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018                                                                  WORKSHOP 7
                                                                                             S A L L E S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
PRESSURE                                                                                     Administration Under Pressure: Artificial Intelligence for
                                                                                             Mental Health and Wellness in Canada

/   6 a.m. to 6:45 a.m.
                                                                                         /   12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
    H I LT O N L O B B Y
                                                                                             Luncheon service
    Morning run
                                                                                             IPAC Awards Ceremony

/   7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                                                                         /   1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m.
    Conference registration and information desk
                                                                                             Round table
                                                                                             The Meaning of the State: Reflections on Being a Civil
/   7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.                                                                      Servant Today and Tomorrow

    Breakfast                                                                            /   2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
/   8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.                                                               WORKSHOP 1


    Opening remarks                                                                          International Issues

    Address by the Honorary Chair
                                                                                         WORKSHOP 2
                                                                                             D E TO U R N Y
/   9:15 a.m. to 10 a.m.
                                                                                             Transforming Organizational Culture


    Opening conference
                                                                                         WORKSHOP 3
    Complex Governance in a State Under Pressure


                                                                                             Inter-organizational Coordination
/   10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                         WORKSHOP 4
    Health break

                                                                                             New Perspectives on the Relationaship between Politics
/   10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.                                                                 and Administration


    Education : The Governance of Institutions Under Pressure

    D E TO U R N Y


CONFERENCE PROGRAM - Institut d'administration publique de Québec

WORKSHOP 5                                             /   10 a.m. to 10:15 p.m.
                                                           BALLROOM LOBBY
    B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R
                                                           Health break
    Social Acceptability

                                                       /   10:15 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.
                                                       WORKSHOP 1
                                                                             ELE           D
                                                                      A N  C
                                                           Northern C
    Adjudicated Papers - Innovativeness

WORKSHOP 7                                             WORKSHOP 2
    S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
                                                           D E TO U R N Y
    Modernizing Public Assets & Enterprises                The areas of State intervention

/   3:30 p.m to 3:45 p.m.                              WORKSHOP 3
    BALLROOM LOBBY                                         S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
    Health break                                           The Hybridity of Public Organizations : Living between
                                                           Legitimacy and Efficiency
/   3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
                                                       WORKSHOP 4
    Round table                                            B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R

    Valuing Executives: Current Challenges                 Tools for Economic Development in the Regions

/   6 p.m. to 10 p.m.                                  WORKSHOP 5
    V O LT I G E U R S D E Q U É B E C A R M O U R Y
                                                           Co-production and Consultation Channels
    Discovery Evening

                                                       WORKSHOP 6

TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2018                                   Adjudicated Papers - Living on Evidence and Results

NEW MODELS OF INTERVENTIONS                            /   12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

                                                           Luncheon service
/   7 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                       IPAC Awards Ceremony

    Conference registration and information desk       /   1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
/   7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.                                    Round table
    BALLROOM LOBBY AND BALLROOM                            IT and Big Data in Public Policy Development and Citizen
    Breakfast                                              Service Delivery

/   8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.                             /   3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

 BALLROOM                                                  BALLROOM LOBBY

    IPAC Awards Ceremony                                   Health break

/   8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.                               /   3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

 BALLROOM                                              WORKSHOP 1
    Opening conference                                     DUFFERIN
    Public administration, Initiator of Change?            Mental Health
    Adress by the Honorary Chair
                                                       WORKSHOP 2
                                                           D E TO U R N Y

                                                           Knowledge Transfer and Skills Development and Leadership

                                                       WORKSHOP 3

                                                           Crisis Management
WORKSHOP 4                                                /   9:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
                                                              BALLROOM LOBBY
    S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F

    Cultural, Linguistic and Religious diversity              Health break

WORKSHOP 5                                                /   10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
    B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R                              BALLROOM

    Citizen Participation                                     Closing conferences
                                                              Trust towards the State
WORKSHOP 6                                                    And

 COURVILLE/MONTMORENCY                                        Young Leaders' Space
    Round table - Geert Bouckaert's publication “Public
    Management Reform : A Comparative Analysis”           /   11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

                                                              Closing remarks

FREE EVENING                                              /   12 p.m.
                                                              BALLROOM LOBBY

                                                              Lunch box to take away


/   6 a.m. to 6:45 a.m.


    Morning run

/   7 a.m. to 1 p.m

    Conference registration and information desk

/   7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.


/   7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.

    IPAC Annual General Meeting

/   8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

    Presentation of the 2019 IPAC Annual conference

/   8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

    CAPPA/IPAC Joint Session                                    LEGEND :

    Application of Academic Knowledge in Public                 SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION SERVICES


SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2018                                                                 /   9:15 a.m. to 10 a.m.

                                                                                        Opening conference
/   12 p.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                   Complex Governance in a State under pressure
    BALLROOM LOBBY                                                                          State governance implies handling major societal challenges
Conference registration and information desk                                                where expectations for effective solutions conflict with the wil-
                                                                                            lingness to create sufficient capacity, resulting in weakening
                                                                                            of effectiveness and trust. The global financial crises triggered
/   6 p.m. to 10 p.m.                                                                       austerity programs which added to the challenges.
    M U S É E N AT I O N A L D E S B E A U X- A R T S D U Q U É B E C - PAV I L L O N
                                                                                            For these reasons governments need to be a significant part of
    PIERRE LASSONDE                                                                         the ‘solution’, and, therefore, should not be part of the problem.
Welcome reception and unveiling of Finalists for the 2018                                   This requires not just a reform culture, but also a governance
Award of Excellence of Public Administration of Quebec                                      capacity which is correlated with the current and future pro-
    Three shuttles will be available at 5:25 pm and at 5:45 pm from                         blems. This should result in a complex governance system which
    the Hilton to the Museum. For the return to the Hilton, the shuttle                     is responsible and accountable. This process is on its way within
    service will be available from 8:30 pm until 10 pm.                                     the OECD. There are major shifts happening, however, major
                                                                                            governance deficits are still on our agenda. This should guide
                                                                                            our agenda for public governance research and practice.
                                                                                          Geert Bouckaert, President of the International Institute of

MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018                                                                     Administrative Sciences and Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences
                                                                                            at KU Leuven, Belgium
                                                                                          Luc Bernier, Co-Chair of the Program committee, Jarislowsky Chair
PRESSURE                                                                                    in Public Sector Management, University of Ottawa

                                                                                        /   10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
/   6 a.m. to 6:45 a.m.                                                                     Health break
    H I LT O N L O B B Y

Morning run                                                                             /   10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
    Discover the beauty of Quebec city with experienced runners
    who will supervise you during your run. Discover a beautiful                        WORKSHOP 1
    urban route through the old capital and the Plains of Abraham.                          DUFFERIN
    Two group rates will be offered according to the speed of the
                                                                                        Education : The Governance of Institutions Under Pressure
    runners. An outdoor meeting to start the day off right.
                                                                                            Autonomy and accountabiliy, digital tsunami and internationali-
                                                                                            zation : in face of these pressures, how are universities different
/   7 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                        from ministries and governmental agencies ? The workshop will
    BALLROOM LOBBY                                                                          address these issues in a context of major changes in higher
Conference registration and information desk                                                education and scarcity of human and financial ressources.
                                                                                          Sophie D’Amours, Rector, Université Laval
/   7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
                                                                                            Paul Davidson, President and CEO, Universities Canada
                                                                                            Allan Tupper, Professor, University of British Columbia
                                                                                        Moderator :
                                                                                          Nicole Lacasse, Professor, Faculty of Business Administration,
/   8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.                                                                  Université Laval

Opening remarks                                                                         WORKSHOP 2
  Jasmine Martineau, First Vice President, Institut d’administration                        D E TO U R N Y
    publique de Québec and Director of Multidisciplinary Services, CHU
    de Québec - Université Laval                                                        Health
    Lucie Robitaille, President, Institute of Public Administration of                      The workshop offers an academic and practical perspective
    Canada, Associate Secretary, Senior Positions Executive Council,                        of "pressure management" in the health field. Examples of
    Gouvernement du Québec                                                                  approaches in Quebec and other Canadian provinces will be
Address by the Honorary Chair                                                               discussed to address the challenges of managing in a context
  Pierre Arcand, Minister responsible for Government Administration                         of resource scarcity.
    and President of the Treasury Board, Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                                          Gertrude Bourdon, President and CEO, CHU of Quebec - Université
                                                                                            Jean-Louis Denis, Professor, School of Public Health, University of
                                                                                            Stéphane Tremblay, Deputy General Director, CIUSSS Estrie-CHUS
                                                                                          Jean-Louis Denis, Professor, School of Public Health, University of

MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018 (CONTINUED)                                        Speakers
                                                                             Patrick Brunelle, Assistant Secretery, Secrétariat aux affaires autoch­
                                                                             tones, ministère du Conseil exécutif, Gouvernement du Québec
WORKSHOP 3                                                                   Roberta Jamieson, President and CEO, Indspire
  BEAUPORT                                                                   Hélène Laurendeau, Deputy Minister, Aboriginal and Northern Affairs
New Development Strategies at the Municipal Level                            Canada
  In recent years, the Quebec government has completed a project             Armand Mackenzie, Vice-President, Government Affairs and Public
  on redefining Quebec-municipal relations in order to respond to            Relations, Tata Steel Minerals Canada Limited
  the municipal community's desire to review the legal framework           Moderator
  governing municipalities. Following the adoption of various bills,         Robert Shepherd, Associate Professor and Graduate Supervisor,
  how will municipal elected officials and administrators, in rela-          Diploma in Policy and Program Evaluation, School of Public Policy and
  tion to economic development actors and citizens, use these                Administration, Carleton University
  new powers and autonomy to promote the development of
  municipalities?                                                          WORKSHOP 6
Speakers                                                                     COURVILLE/MONTMORENCY
  Mohamed Bhamani, Associate Partner, Government and Public
  Sector at EY
                                                                           Adjudicated Papers – Changes in the Public Sector

  Alexandre Cusson, Mayor of Drummondville and President of the              Using examples ranging from alternative service delivery to the
  Union of Quebec Municipalities                                             role of the Protecteur du citoyen du Québec, this panel will show-
                                                                             case the capacity of public sector organizations to shift their
  Marie-Hélène Lajoie, Executive Director, City of Gatineau
                                                                             internal logic and processes to better serve citizens and provide
Moderator                                                                    more effective services to a diverse group of stakeholders.
  Daniel Gaudreau, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministère des Affaires
  municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire, Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                             James Froh, Senior Executive in Residence, Institute of Public
Partner                                                                      Administration of Canada
                                                                             Steve Jacob, Professor, Laval University
                                                                             Travis Bergin, Executive Director, Strategic Services, Treasury Board,
                                                                             Government of New Brunswick
                                                                             Andrea Migone, Director, Research and Outreach, Institute of Public
WORKSHOP 4                                                                   Administration of Canada
  B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R

Agencies and Autonomous Organizations                                      WORKSHOP 7
  Since the beginning of the reforms in the United Kingdom in
                                                                             S A L L E S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
  the 1980s, various States have set up agencies and autono-
  mous organizations with specialized tasks in order to improve            Administration Under Pressure: Artificial Intelligence and
  the effectiveness of State action. These agencies posed a                Mental Health and Wellness in Canada
  challenge of coordination and overall logic. Do they have                  In any given week, more than 500,000 Canadians will miss
  their own strategy or do they fit into the vision of their parent          work because of a mental health problem, contributing to more
  ministry? This workshop proposes to take stock of these types              than 70% of disability costs for employers in Canada. The num-
  of government organizations from a practical as well as a uni-             bers are just as startling in the Canadian public service. Can
  versity perspective.                                                       AI technologies be used to create better outcomes in mental
Speakers                                                                     health and wellness support? Join industry experts from IBM
  Luc Bernier, Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management, University     and Morneau Shepell, a leading HR and technology services
  of Ottawa                                                                  company with 20,000+ clients around the globe, to explore the
                                                                             exciting possibilities.
  Donald Booth, Director of Strategic Policy, Machinery of Government,
  Privy Council Office, Government of Canada                               Speakers
  Thomas Elston, Associate Professor in Public Administration, Blavatnik     Fernando Suarez Said, M.D., Medical Science Lead, IBM Watson
  School of Government, University of Oxford
                                                                             Joe Blomeley, Senior Vice President, Public Sector, Morneau Shepell
  Luc Bernier, Co-Chair of the Program committee, Jarislowsky Chair        Partenaire
  in Public Sector Management, University of Ottawa


Taking into Account the Reality of Indigenous People
  Governments, businesses and indigenous communities engaged
  themselves in development projects must ensure that the rea-
  lity of the various Indigenous communities, their aboriginal
  and treaty rights and their traditional knowledge are taken into
  account. Beyond the legal obligations, how to better consult
  and integrate the indigenous reality in government decisions
  and develop greater predictability for all stakeholders.


MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018 (CONTINUED)                                             WORKSHOP 2
                                                                                  D E TO U R N Y
/   12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.                                                     Transforming Organizational Culture
    BALLROOM                                                                      Transformation projects are not always perceived positively in
Luncheon service                                                                  organizations, especially in public administrations, which are
                                                                                  sometimes perceived as rigid. Does therefore the key to suc-
IPAC Awards Ceremony
                                                                                  cessfull change lay in the audacity of a new management giving
    Pierre De-Celles for Excellence in Teaching of Public                         way to inventireness, mobilisation, authentification and courage?
    Administration. This prestigious award recognizes the outstanding
    skill, accomplishment and commitment of an exceptionally dedicated,         Speakers
    creative, versatile and effective university teacher.                         Bernard Matte, Deputy Minister, Ministère de l'Immigration, de la
                                                                                  Diversité et de l'Inclusion, Gouvernement du Québec
    J.E. Hodgetts. This Award celebrates and recognizes the best article
    published in English in the Canadian Public Administration journal.           Andrea Rounce, President, Canadian Association of Programs in
                                                                                  Public Administration
    Regional Group Excellence Award. Each year, IPAC gives this dis-
    tinction to the regional group that has most distinguished itself through     David Comeau, Solutions Specialist, SAS
    innovative programming initiatives during the year.                         Moderator
                                                                                  Jean-Louis Roy, President and CEO, Bibliothèque et Archives natio-
/   1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m.                                                           nales du Québec


Round table
The Meaning of the State: Reflections on Being a Civil Servant
Today and Tomorrow
    The changing demands of governance today compel public
                                                                                WORKSHOP 3
    servants to engage in a continuous reflection on the values and               BEAUPORT
    practice of their profession. Their peers insist on it; the politicians     Inter-organizational Coordination
    expect it; the public demands it. In this session, three deeply
                                                                                  The management of major societal issues requires an improved
    experienced public servants exchange insights and advice that
                                                                                  transversality of public administrations. The complex gover-
    will captivate both mid-level and beginner public servants.
                                                                                  nance system in this context of inter-organizational collabora-
Speakers                                                                          tion presents new challenges as well as new opportunities. Our
  Denise Amyot, President and CEO, Colleges and Institutes Canada                 speakers will be asked to share their experience and their vision
    Gilbert Charland, State Administrator, Governement of Quebec                  of the winning conditions or the weaknesses of this process,
                                                                                  which aims, in particular, to ensure better management, greater
    Greg Marchildon, Professor, Ontario Research Chair in Health
    Policy and System Design, Institute of Health Policy, Management and          transparency and new convergence in interventions and public
    Evaluation, University of Toronto                                             policy development.
Moderator                                                                       Speakers
  Patrice Dutil , Professor, Department of Politics and Public                    Jeff Labonté, Assistant Deputy Minister, Major Projects Management
    Administration, Ryerson University                                            Office, Natural Resources Canada
                                                                                  Jacques Caron, President and CEO, Centre de services partagés du
/   2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                                        Québec
                                                                                  Sony Perron, Associate Deputy Minister, Indigenous Services Canada,
WORKSHOP 1                                                                        Government of Canada
    DUFFERIN                                                                    Moderator
International Issues                                                              Evert Lindquist, Professor, School of Public Administration, University
                                                                                  of Victoria
    In a changing world, more fragmented and complex than ever
    before, understanding international trade, environment and
    diplomatic issues is essential. Our speakers will take a critical           WORKSHOP 4
    look at this changing world that conditions the actions of inter-
    national governments, both Canadian and provincial govern-
    ments, and will look at the strategies that they can adopt.                 New Perspectives on the Relationaship between Politics and
  Pascale Biron, Professor and Director, Department of Geography,                 The relationship between politics and administration is one of
    Planning and Environment, Concordia University                                the most important bridges that ensure the proper functioning
    Ferry De Kerckhove, Honorary Senior Fellow and part time Professor,           of our democratic systems. This relationship relies largely on
    Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of            the bond of trust that must be established daily. This workshop
    Ottawa                                                                        offers a discussion with the highest officials at the heart of this
    Pierre Sauvé, Senior Trade Specialist, World Trade Institute, Geneva          relationship. They are able to testify to the pressures, current or
                                                                                  new, that can weaken it, pathways that can strengthen it, and the
                                                                                  responsibilities of women and men.
  Juliette Champagne, Director of Education and Research, École
    nationale d'administration publique                                         Speakers
                                                                                  Laura Lee Langley, Deputy Minister of the Office of the Premier,
                                                                                  Deputy Minister of Treasury and Policy Board, Clerk of the Executive
                                                                                  Council, Government of Nova Scotia
                                                                                  André Fortier, Secretary General and Clerk of the Executive Council,
                                                                                  Ministry of the Executive Council, Government of Quebec
                                                                                  Steve Orsini, Secretary of Cabinet and Clerk of the Executive Council,
                                                                                  Government of Ontario

MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018 (CONTINUED)                                        /   2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                                                               S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
  Luc Bernier, Co-Chair of the Program committee, Jarislowsky Chair        WORKSHOP 7
    in Public Sector Management, University of Ottawa                      Modernizing Public Assets & Enterprises
Partner                                                                        At a time of rapid change, uncertainty relating to political climate
                                                                               and a focus on the modernization of public assets and enter-
                                                                               prises including Canadian airports – achieving success is more
                                                                               complex than ever. Deloitte will facilitate a panel of prominent
                                                                               Canadian Airport Authority leaders and Asset Optimization
WORKSHOP 5                                                                     Executives to discuss the opportunities and challenges they face
    B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R                                               and how changing business models can impact their aspirations
Social Acceptability                                                           for enhanced levels of service for the Canadian public.
    The notion of social acceptability has evolved considerably            Speakers
    over the years and our understanding of this notion remains as           Hillary Marshall, Vice President – Stakeholder Relations &
                                                                               Communications, Greater Toronto Airports Authority
    yet diverse. The conference will present a review and the latest
    developments in social acceptability in Quebec where the theme             Gaëtan Gagné, President and Chief Executive Officer, Québec City
    abounds particularly. This conference will describe the processes          Jean Lesage International Airport
    promoting a transparent knowledge of the social, economic and              Philippe Rainville, President and Chief Executive Officer, Aéroports
    environmental effects and a better conciliation of theirs uses.            de Montréal
    Speakers will look at the social acceptability of project initia-          David Morley, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Communications,
    tors to regulatory contexts and the tools available to the public          Infrastructure Ontario
    service to better prepare this dialogue upstream, including            Moderator
    Strategic Environmental Studies (SEA) or public consultations            Gianni Ciufo, Partner & Public Sector Leader, Deloitte
    on public policies, programs and plans (PPPs) of departments
    and agencies.
  Frédéric Krikorian, Vice President, Sustainable Development, Public
    and Government Affairs, Énergir                                        /   3:30 p.m to 3:45 p.m.
    Louise Roy, Independent mediator, former President of the Office de        BALLROOM LOBBY
    consultation publique de Montréal and former vice-president of the
    Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement                       Health break
    Louis Simard, Professor, University of Ottawa
Moderator                                                                  /   3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  Julie Forget, Vice President, Bureau d’audiences publiques sur               BALLROOM
                                                                           Round table
                                                                           Valuing Executives: Current Challenges
                                                                               Enhancing the role of managers working within our institutions
                                                                               in terms of quality assurance of services offered to citizens is
/   2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.                                                     crucial. One by one, official representatives of Quebec public
                                                                               and parapublic associations executives will approach different
                                                                               facets of recognition, the ultimate goal of which is ... the pride
ATELIER 6                                                                      of the public network!
Adjudicated Papers – Innovativeness                                        Speakers
    The capacity to innovate is increasingly a key characteristic for        Anne Gosselin, President and CEO, Alliance des cadres de l’État
    public servants. Speakers on this panel will showcase the cur-             Chantal Marchand, President and CEO, Association des gestionnaires
    rent approaches and future outlooks of change in public service            des établissements de santé et de services sociaux du Québec
    that will support an innovative, effective and efficient model of
                                                                               Jean-François Parent, CEO, Association québécoise des cadres
    service delivery and governance.                                           scolaires
Panelists                                                                      Charles Simard, President and CEO, Association des cadres des col-
  Akin O. Alaga, Director, Regional Economic Strategies Branch, Ministry       lèges du Québec
    of Economic Development and Growth, Ministry of Research, Innovation
    and Science, Government of Ontario; and, Daanish Hussain, Senior
    Advisor, Ministry of Economic Development and Growth Business            François Bolduc, Professor, Université Laval
    Climate and Funding Administration, Government of Ontario
    Dr. Faisal Haq Shaheen, Manager, City of Toronto; Lecturer, Politics
    and Public Administration, Ryerson University
                                                                           6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
                                                                               V O LT I G E U R S D E Q U É B E C A R M O U R Y
    Jonathan Landon, President and Founder, Connectiv Innovation; and,
    Dr. Andrea Rowe, Mitacs Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ted Rogers       Discovery Evening
    Schools of Management, Ryerson University                                  You are invited to a special evening of various talented local
    Dr. Lori Turnbull, Professor, Dalhousie University                         artists from Quebec City. A networking evening where music,
                                                                               art, gastronomy and laughs await you.
  David Drohan, Senior Policy Analyst, Design, Coordination and
    Outreach, Technology, Innovation and Economic Development Division,
    BC Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology


                                                                           /   10:15 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2018                                                   WORKSHOP 1
NEW MODELS OF INTERVENTIONS                                                    DUFFERIN

                                                                           Northern Governance
                                                                               Nordic territories require specific governance, given the vastness
                                                                               of the territories, the dispersion of population and climate
/   7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                ELE       D
                                                                               change, to name a few factors. Governments at federal, provin-
                                                                                                            N C
    BALLROOM LOBBY                                                             cial or territorial levels have each developped specific initatives.
Conference registration and information desk                                   Common challenges, community involvment : how to engage
                                                                               stakholders and convince governmental central authorities to
                                                                               answer the specific needs of northern governance.
/   7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
                                                                             Robert Sauvé, Former State Administrator, President and Chief
Breakfast                                                                      Executive Officer, Société du Plan Nord
                                                                               Stephen Van Dine, Assistant Deputy Minister, Northern Affairs,
/   8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.                                                     Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

                                                                             Éric Théroux, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministère du Développement
IPAC Awards Ceremony                                                           durable et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques,
    Promising New Public Servant Award                                         Gouvernement du Québec

    This award recognizes a promising new public service profes-
    sional that represent the ideals, values and abilities of sound        WORKSHOP 2
    public administration.                                                 The Areas of State Intervention
    National Student and Thought Leadership Awards                             A century ago, the State did not care much about education,
    The award recognizes and showcases the top talent emerging                 health or social protection. Economic policy was minimalist.
    from Canadian programs each year.                                          Then over the decades, we have sometimes asked if the State
                                                                               had not become too heavy. Some have spoken of reducing it
/   8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.                                                       greatly. Others talked about State strategist. After decades of
                                                                               debate and budget cuts, what can the State do and must do?
Opening conference                                                           Alain Noël, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
Public Administration, Initiator of Change?                                    Montreal

    The modern state has been responsible since 1945 for many of               Evert Lindquist, Professor, School of Public Administration, University
    the great changes experienced by developed societies. Some                 of Victoria
    changes have been imposed, but important initiatives have come             Éric Denhoff, Deputy Minister, Alberta Climate Change Office
    from the public administration. The economic role of Canadian          Moderator
    provinces, health insurance, etc. owe a lot to state initiatives.        Luc Bernier, Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management, University
    Does this role still exist? Can the state still be the driving force       of Ottawa
    for future changes, whether in the environment or to cope with
    an aging population? Can we encourage innovation?
                                                                           WORKSHOP 3
                                                                               S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
    Robert Sauvé, Former State Administrator and Former President and
    CEO of the Société du Plan Nord                                        The Hybridity of Public Organizations : Living between
                                                                           Legitimacy and Efficiency
    Graham Fraser, Journalist and former Commissioner of Official
    Languages                                                                  It is possible for an organization to pursue more than one
    Jean St-Gelais, President and CEO, La Capitale                             objective at the same times, and how difficult is it to combine
                                                                               these logics or values that can be opposed? Think of the case
                                                                               of police forces departement where prevention and repression
  Marie-Soleil Tremblay, Professor, École nationale d’administration
                                                                               are diametrically opposed, but are part of the same mission of
                                                                               an organization. Our speakers will present various cases from
                                                                               different sectors while trying to answer questions such as: How
                                                                               to reconcile these logics? Which choices are prefered?
                                                                             Neil Bouwer, Vice-President, Innovation and Policy Services, Canada
Address of the Honorary President                                              School of Public Service
  Régis Labeaume, Mayor, Québec City                                           Stéphanie Gagnon, Professor, École nationale d’administration
                                                                               Jean-Louis Denis, Professor, School of Public Health, University of
/   10 a.m. to 10:15 p.m.                                                      Montreal
    BALLROOM LOBBY                                                         Moderator
Health break                                                                 Pierre Roy, Corporate Director and Former State Administrator

                                                                             /   12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WORKSHOP 4                                                                       BALLROOM

  B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R                                               Luncheon service

Tools for economic development in the regions                                IPAC Awards Ceremony:

  Our speakers will demonstrate that the multiple challenges and                 Innovative Management. This award, sponsored by IBM, recognizes,
                                                                                 distinguishes government organizations that have shown exceptional
  changing conditions of the global economy require vision and                   innovations that address the wide variety of issues facing society today.
  creativity, to act better and succeed locally.
                                                                                 Social Leadership Award. The IPAC / IBM Social Leadership Award
Speakers                                                                         recognizes public sector employees who embody the qualities of a true
  Manon Brassard, Deputy Minister and President of the Economic                  social leader. These include setting the example, adopting technology
  Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec                         and adapting to changes in the workplace.

  Mario Polese, Professor Emeritus, National Institute of Scientific
  Research                                                                   /   1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  Martin Dupont, Director General and Industrial Commissioner,                   BALLROOM
  Drummondville Economic Development Corporation
                                                                             Round table
  Mario Limoges, Associate Deputy Minister, Business and Territorial         IT and Big Data in Public Policy Development and Citizen
  Affairs Services, Ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innova-   Service Delivery
  tion, Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                                 Risk management, transparency, confidentiality, opportunities,
                                                                                 benefits ... Speakers will present some of the issues and challen-
WORKSHOP 5                                                                       ges organizations face when using IT and Big data to improve
                                                                                 public policies and citizens services.
Co-production and Consultation Channels
                                                                               Patricia McCarney, President and CEO, World Council on City Data
  The development of government standards, programs and poli-
                                                                                 Patrice Dutil, Professor, Department of Politics and Public
  cies can no longer be done solely within government agencies.                  Administration, Ryerson University
  The panel will discuss the development of co-management pro-
                                                                                 Chadi Habib, Senior Vice President Information Technology, Caisses
  cesses and the participation of all stakeholders to facilitate the             Desjardins
  appropriation, mobilization and social acceptability of govern-
  ment measures.
                                                                               Jacqueline Dubé, President and CEO, CEFRIO
  Michelle Asselin, Executive Director, Quebec Association of
  International Cooperation Organizations
  Patrick Fafard, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public and
  International Affairs, University of Ottawa
                                                                             /   3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  Nauja Bianco, President, Isuma Counsulting
                                                                                 BALLROOM LOBBY
  Marie-Odile Koch, Director of Digital Economy, Ministère de l’Écono-       Health break
  mie, de la Science et de l’Innovation, Gouvernement du Québec

                                                                             /   3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
WORKSHOP 6                                                                   WORKSHOP 1
Adjudicated Papers - Living on Evidence and Results
                                                                             Mental Health
  Using solid evidence and achieving effective results are two key
                                                                                 In small and large organizations, staff may encounter difficult
  requirements of modern public administration. Ranging from
                                                                                 personal or professional situations. Taboo subject, especially in
  deliverology to social impact bonds, our speakers will provide
                                                                                 the workplace, how are employees and managers equipped to
  critical insights on the practice that surrounds evidence-based
                                                                                 deal with it?
  and results-based administration that experience strong internal
  and external pressures.                                                    Speakers
                                                                               Marie-Claude Arguin, Executive Director, City of Lac-Mégantic
  Halina Sepeha, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria                     Marjolaine Lachance, Senior Manager, Community Investment –
                                                                                 Quebec, Bell
  Carolyn Johns, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public
  Administration, and Director, Master of Public Policy and Administration       Alain Marchand, Director, Observatory on Health and Well-being at
  Program, Ryerson University; and, Dr. Duncan MacLellan, Associate              work, Professor, University of Montreal
  Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, and,          Moderator
  member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University.
                                                                               Anouk Gagné, Director General of Human Resources, Commission
  Gregory Richards, Director, MBA Program, Telfer School of                      des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
  Management, University of Ottawa
  Sandra Hodzic, Lead on Social Innovation Strategy and Social Impact
  Bond, Department of Families, Manitoba Housing, and, Sessional
  Instructor, Political Sciences Department, University of Winnipeg
  Robert Shepherd, Associate Professor and Supervisor, Diploma in
  Public Policy and Program, Carleton University


TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2018 (CONTINUED)                                          Speakers
                                                                                Kamel Béji, Professor, Research Chair on Integration and Employment
                                                                                Diversity Management, Université Laval
WORKSHOP 2                                                                      Gilles Levasseur, Lawyer and Professor of Management and Law,
                                                                                University of Ottawa
  D E TO U R N Y

Knowledge Transfer and Skills Development and Leadership                        Pascale O’Bomsawin, Executive Director, Kina8at organization

  All faced with the difficulties of recruiting and retaining staff,          Moderator
  what strategies should public administrations put in place to                 Michelle Jacob, Coordinator of Public Management Programs in
                                                                                Indigenous Context, École nationale d'administration publique
  ensure that they have a competent succession plan? What are
  the challenges of succession training in public administrations?
  How to ensure proper training of the leaders of tomorrow?                   WORKSHOP 5
Speakers                                                                        B E A U M O N T/ B É L A I R
  Carla Jeanne Johnson, Director, Implementation & Resources,
  Curriculum Coordination and Implementation, Alberta Education               Citizen participation
  and Ian Howatt, Director, Strategic Design| Integrated Strategic              Many people have their own idea on this subject. However, in
  Development Branch, Citizen Services, City of Edmonton
                                                                                concrete terms, what is the point of citizen participation and
  Diane McArthur, Chief Talent Officer, Office of the Chief Talent Officer,     is it really useful? Our speakers will present the results of their
  Centre for Leadership and Learning, Government of Ontario
                                                                                research, observations and experiments aimed at promoting
  Natalie Rinfret, Professor and Chair of Leadership Chair, École natio-        citizen mobilization. They will also shed light on the issues and
  nale d’administration publique                                                challenges presented by a genuine consultation aimed at helping
Moderator                                                                       the authorities make the best decision.
  Louis Borgeat, Former State administrator and University Ombudsman,         Speakers
  École nationale d’administration publique
                                                                                Julie Caron-Malenfant, Executive Director, Institut du Nouveau Monde
                                                                                Frédéric Bouchard, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
WORKSHOP 3                                                                      Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Montreal

  BEAUPORT                                                                      Lori Turnbull, Professor, Dalhousie University

Crisis Management                                                             Moderator
                                                                                Odile Roy, Director of the Division of Heritage and International
  Our speakers will testify to their experience in managing a major             Relations, City of Quebec
  crisis following a tragedy that has shaken a large part of the
  population. Using concrete examples, this panel will highlight
  the capacity of public sector organizations to respond quickly              WORKSHOP 6
  to the needs of citizens, particularly to provide them with secu-             COURVILLE/MONTMORENCY
  rity, comfort and basic necessities. And they will answer the               Round table - Geert Bouckaert's publication “Public
  following questions: What lessons can be learned from these                 Management Reform : A Comparative Analysis”
  tragic events? How to prepare for such a crisis? How to manage
                                                                                Christopher Pollitt and Geert Bouckaert published last year the
  it? How to communicate?
                                                                                fourth edition of their book Public Management Reform. This
Speakers                                                                        book has been cited more than 7200 times, which is unique
  Martin Arsenault, Assistant Deputy Minister, ministère des Affaires           in the field. We are taking advantage of Professor Bouckaert's
  municipales et de l’Organisation du territoire, Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                                presence at the conference to hold a round table on this impor-
  Liette Larrivée, Deputy Minister, ministère de la Sécurité publique,          tant book, on the novelties of the fourth edition and on what is
  Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                                written about Canadian administration.
  David Morhart, Deputy Minister, Service Alberta
Moderator                                                                       Geert Bouckaert, President of the International Institute of
  Marie-Christine Therrien, Professor, École nationale d’administration         Administrative Sciences and Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences
  publique                                                                      at KU Leuven, Belgium
                                                                                Luc Bernier, Co-Chair of the Program committee, Jarislowsky Chair
                                                                                in Public Sector Management, University of Ottawa
                                                                                Luc Juillet, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
  S T E - F OY/ P O R T N E U F
                                                                                Evert Lindquist, Professor, School of Public Administration, University
Cultural, Linguistic and Religious Diversity                                    of Victoria
  What are the challenges and issues of attraction, integration               Moderator
  and retaining the diverses workforce in employment public                     Luc Bernier, Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management, University
  service? What place should be given to bilingualism in public                 of Ottawa
  administrations in Canada? A crosscutting discussion among
  academics and a Indigenous manager regarding these realities
  in our workplaces.
                                                                              FREE EVENING

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2018                                               /   10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES                                                      Closing conferences
                                                                         Trust Towards the State
                                                                             Trust is something that is often taken for granted and not fully
/   6 a.m. to 6:45 a.m.                                                      appreciated until it's lost. It is rarely given much consideration
                                                                             in the design of programs and policies. For the second year
    H I LT O N L O B B Y
                                                                             in a row, Canada appears on a list of countries whose citizens
Morning run                                                                  distrust their major institutions - government, business, media
    And why not a last group run to end this annual conference in            and non-governmental organizations. Of these four institutions,
    beauty. One of the most beautiful urban routes in North America.         Canadians view Government as the "most broken".
    Once again, four local coaches will accompany you and offer              Join Patrick Borbey, President of the Public Service Commission
    two cadences according to the speed of the runners. Enjoy this           of Canada, for an exploration of trust and how we can improve
    magical moment in a unique environment.                                  Canadians' perceptions of their public institutions.
/   7 a.m. to 1 p.m                                                        Patrick Borbey, President of the Public Service Commission of Canada

    BALLROOM LOBBY                                                       And
Conference registration and information desk                             Young Leaders' Space
                                                                             Four young leaders from across the country will continue the
/   7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.                                                      dialogue with Patrick Borbey and Louis Borgeat and present
                                                                             their vision of tomorrow's public administration.
Breakfast                                                                  Kathleen Bécotte, Secretary of the Pension Committees and the
                                                                             Review, Retraite Québec, Gouvernement du Québec
                                                                             David Drohan, Senior Policy Analyst | Design, Coordination &
/   7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.                                                   Outreach, Technology, Innovation and Economic Development Division,
    BALLROOM                                                                 Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology, Victoria, Governement of British
IPAC Annual General Meeting
                                                                             Tanessa Boutin, Planning and Improvement Practice’s Analyst,
                                                                             Ministry of Finance, Government of Saskatchewan
/   8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.                                                   Tara Chisholm, Senior Environmental Specialist, Lands and Economic
    BALLROOM                                                                 Development, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Presentation of the 2019 IPAC Annual confrence                           Moderator
                                                                           Louis Borgeat, Former State administrator and University Ombudsman,
                                                                             École nationale d’administration publique
  Calvin Hawley, Director, Innovative Technology Services, Department
    of Education and Training, Government of Manitoba
    Brent Gibson, Senior Project Manager, Department of Growth,          /   11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    Enterprise and Trade, Government of Manitoba                             BALLROOM

                                                                         Closing remarks
/   8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.                                                   Lucie Robitaille, President, Institute of Public Administration of
    BALLROOM                                                                 Canada, Associate Secretary, Senior Positions Executive Council,
                                                                             Gouvernement du Québec
CAPPA/IPAC Joint Session
Application of academic knowledge in public administrations
                                                                         /   12 p.m.
    The CAPPA/IPAC joint Conference is an exchange of views on
                                                                             BALLROOM LOBBY
    the application of knowledge and the contribution of acade-
    mia to the practice of public administration. The speakers will      Lunch box to take away
    have the opportunity to deliver their thoughts on the adequacy           When you registered, you indicated that you wanted to have
    between, on one hand, training and research and, on the other            a lunch box for the road. In exchange for the coupon inserted
    hand, the governance challenges of a State under pressure.               with your badge, you will receive your lunch box. Bon appetit
Speakers                                                                     and have a save trip back home!
  Guy Laforest, Director general, École nationale d’administration
    Serge Lamontagne, General Manager, City of Montreal
                                                                                SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION SERVICES
    Lucie Robitaille, President, Institute of Public Administration of
    Canada, Associate Secretary, Senior Positions Executive Council,
    Gouvernement du Québec
    Andrea Rounce, President, Canadian Association of Programs in
    Public administration
  Michel Audet, Délégué général du Québec en Belgique

/   9:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

Health break

aux employés de l’administration publique     to Public administration employees
qui offrent aux Canadiens et Canadiennes      who provide many quality services
de nombreux services de qualité. Ils font     to Canadians. Every day, they show
preuve d’excellence quotidiennement           a commitment to excellence as they use
en mettant leurs compétences et leur          their knowledge and skills for the benefit
savoir-faire à la disposition des citoyens.   of citizens.

La Capitale Assurance et services             La Capitale Insurance and Financial
financiers est fière de soutenir le           Services is proud to support the
70e congrès de l’IAPC, un événement           70th IPAC annual conference, an
d’importance qui démontre la pérennité        important event that demonstrates
de l’organisme et où sont mises en            the institute’s longevity and in which
commun les expertises de ses membres          the expertise of its members
au profit de la population.                   is shared with the community.
Ville d’innovation et de tradition,
d’histoire et de modernité,
Québec est heureuse de vous accueillir à l’occasion
du 70e congrès de l’Institut d’administration
publique du Canada.

Historic and modern,
a city of tradition and innovation,
Québec warmly welcomes you to the
70 th Annual Conference of the Institute
of Public Administration of Canada.

Bon séjour!
Have a nice stay in Québec!
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