Page created by Dennis Holland

                                            JUNE 2019

                       “God Cares for the World”
My wife Cindy and I are land owners and as a result we are very careful to steward our property well.
Fifty acres of our land is wooded with nearly one-fourth of that being wet lands which are important
in our eco system for preventing floods and regenerating land from environmental pollutants. Trees
are also a vital part of regeneration with their high capacity to remove carbon from the air. Over the
years we have had some select cutting done on our property to both maintain old growth timber stands
as well as to create new growth, which creates a life-giving diversity on our land of both forage for
animals and birds, as well as additional carbon consuming resources. Along with all of this we also
plant close to ten acres on a rotational basis of both annual and perennial grasses and forbs that
additionally enrich our property’s carrying capacity. A good portion of this is done with as little soil
disruption as possible. Cindy and I do all of this in addition to picking up any and all trash annually
because we love the Lord and believe that God wants us to take good care of this precious resource.
In Psalm 65:9 King David writes, “You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The
streams of God are filled with water to provide people with grain, for so you have ordained it.” I
Timothy 6:13a reads, “In the sight of God who gives life to everything.” Psalm 104:30 says, “When
you send your spirit they are created and you renew the face of the ground.”
God Almighty Himself cares for the world He has made. He waters it and renews it and its cycles of
growth and fertility are all grounded in His own life-giving nature. God is the author of all life from
the flowers in a field to the new creations in Christ through being born again. Reverend Tim Keller
writes, “Since God’s Spirit reaches both the human heart and cultivates the soil, the work of both the
minister and the farmer have diginity!”
As a result of this Biblical/Christian understanding, God’s people should be at the forefront of those
who care for creation.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Darrell L. Nelson
Most of us can remember taking a course in high school or college about English literature. It was there, we were probably first
introduced to techniques used by writers beyond the ordinary prose sentences. What makes fine literature fine is the deliberate
techniques and strategies used by the writer.
The Biblical writers use an amazing variety of literary techniques. Some, like similes and metaphors, techniques to draw
comparisons, are familiar to us. Others, such as alliteration, are lost in translation. Alliteration is the intentional repetition of the
same initial sound of nearby words. For example, “dead as a doornail” and “pretty as a picture.” Biblical writers use alliteration
many times, but they do so in Hebrew and Greek.
Other techniques in the Bible are easily discerned if one knows what to look for. The comment in 2 Chronicles 1:15 that, “the
king made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stone” is a clear use of hyperbole, a deliberate exaggeration for rhetorical
effect. Biblical writers frequently employ merism, a combining of opposite parts to signify a totality. The phrase “heaven and
earth” (Exodus 31:17; Matthew 5:18) is a well-known example. Biblical poetry at times is organized by an acrostic, a succession
of lines that begin with consecutive letters of the alphabet. Psalm 119 is a huge acrostic. The first eight lines begin with the first
letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the second series of eight begin with the second letter, and so on through the entirety of the Hebrew
Two of the most common literary techniques are associated with prophetic messaging. Both Old and New Testament writers use
symbols known broadly in the ancient world. The book of Daniel describes four beasts coming up out of the sea (Daniel 7:1-8).
The beasts symbolize earthly empires. This technique is known from other ancient books outside the Bible that describe similar
events. Biblical writers also employed typology. A type is basically a non-verbal prophecy—a person, event, or institution that
foreshadows something to come in the future. The classic example is the Passover Lamb, which Paul tells us conceptually
represented Christ (1 Corinthians 5:7). Paul also sees Adam as a type, or foreshadowing, of Jesus (Romans 5).
There are more examples, but to better understand Scripture, we need to be alert to what Biblical writers do—the strategies of
communication they employ. The more alert we are, the more we’ll be able to follow their thinking.
Pastor James

Pentecost is a monumental moment in the history of the Church. The Holy Spirit comes among the people like a rushing wind
and tongues of fire and the Spirit enabled the believers to speak in other tongues. This whole scene caused such a ruckus that
many nearby Jews came to the scene amazed at what they were hearing. Not long after, Peter addresses the crowd and proclaims
the gospel to them. The response was astounding…Acts 2:37 says the people were cut to the heart! 3,000 people gave their life
to Christ and were baptized. This was truly a spectacular moment and set the tone for the work the Holy Spirit would continue
to do into the future. The work that God began in this moment is something that lives on today. Over 2,000 years later we still
share the same message, and that same message does the same thing in people…It cuts to the heart!
It is truly amazing that we are able to be a part of God’s story. This is not just a story that started with Christ on earth, this is a
story that goes back to the very beginning, tracing its roots to the Garden of Eden. As I have been taking the youth group through
the story of the Bible this year, I have been overwhelmed with gratitude towards God that we are able to be a part of what He is
doing. Words cannot describe how blessed we are to be in union with Christ. But with that gratitude comes a sense of
responsibility, being that we are members in God’s story we have the responsibility to ensure that we share the hope of Christ
with others so that they too may join in God’s story. 1 John 3:16 says, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid
down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” It is imperative that our response to the
gospel is an emptying of ourselves, not just for this world, but for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!
So, the question I have for you is this, are you passing on God’s message of hope? Are
you participating the story of God or are you merely content that you are just in the story?
My encouragement for you is that you will take up your role in the spreading of the gospel
and carry out the great commission.
In Christ,
Pastor Nathan Nelson
Hacksaw Love
Every time I hear Taps played…every gun salute and flag ceremony, especially at the memorial service for a fallen soldier
when the flag is presented to the family left behind…my heart breaks. These ceremonies represent lives that were given up and
taken away too soon. There is pain and sorrow for those left behind, and yet it is because of men and women like that, who
gave of themselves the ultimate gift, that we have this day, today.
Desmond Doss is credited with saving 75 soldiers during one of the bloodiest battles of World War II in the Pacific — and he
did it without ever carrying a weapon. The battle at Hacksaw Ridge, on the island of Okinawa, was a close combat fight with
heavy weaponry. Thousands of American and Japanese soldiers were killed, and the fact that Doss survived the battle and
saved so many lives has confounded and awed those who know his story. Now, he’s the subject of a new film directed by Mel
Gibson called Hacksaw Ridge.
He was not soldier material. He was quiet and skinny and had taken a vow as a staunch Seventh Day Adventist not to kill. He
believed in the cause of WW2, but he wouldn’t carry a weapon, so he enlisted as a combat medic in the hope of saving lives.
His fellow soldiers and even his commanders tried to get rid of him and made his life during training Hell. To them he was a
slacker, weak, a pest, and unreliable. They even threw shoes at him while he was praying! No one wanted Desmond Doss by
their side when they went into combat.
It was the spring of 1945; they were sent to Okinawa. Doss’ company faced a grueling task: Climb a steep, jagged cliff —
sometimes called Hacksaw Ridge — to a plateau where thousands of heavily armed Japanese soldiers were waiting for them.
The terrain was treacherous. “It was full of caves and holes and the Japanese were dug in underground.” They were so
vulnerable coming over the edge of that cliff. Soldiers, human beings created in the image of God, lay wounded and dead
everywhere. Doss crawled on the ground from wounded soldier to wounded soldier. He dragged severely injured men to the
edge of the ridge, tied a rope around their bodies and lowered them down to other medics below. In Terry Benedict’s
documentary about Doss he records that Doss said: “I was praying the whole time. I just kept praying, ‘Lord, please help me
get one more.’ ”
Over a 12-hour period Doss saved 75 men that day. Many of those were the very men that harassed and even abused him
during their training. It was noted by one eyewitness that it “was as if God had His hand on Doss’ shoulder!” Doss did not
escape unharmed, in fact he was wounded four times in Okinawa and evacuated shortly thereafter.
Every soldier who puts their own life on the line for the sake of others, for the sake of a just cause, exemplifies the kind of love
that comes from God; as is recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s
life for one’s friends. Not long after this Jesus Himself would demonstrate this God-love to each of us by giving His life on the
cross of Calvary, making a full payment against the claim of sin, and providing salvation to everyone who calls on His Name; to
every person who will truly receive His gift of forgiveness and new life! These words of Jesus also come on the heels of His
command to love each other as He has loved them! He calls us all to lay down our lives for others every day.
When I graduated from high school I enlisted in the USAF. I am proud to be a small part of that team, though I never saw
combat…I was never faced with an assignment like Desmond Doss or any of our war vets. I want to live with that kind of
dignity and love.
We owe a great debt to our veterans and those who gave their lives to
secure our freedom. May God continue to richly bless every one of
you bringing daily peace and joy and healing from past pain and scars.
May we all do our part to love each other as God loves us, putting their
lives ahead of our own. May we faithfully pray for our country and our
leaders and be a part of the solution and not the problem. Let it be our
prayer today to save just one more, to help, to love, to encourage just
one more. And most of all may we each consider seriously the offer
that God Himself has laid before us through His Son Jesus and place
our lives in His hands!
Jesus said, “I am the Good shepherd; the Good shepherd lays down his
life for his sheep.”
“Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than
this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

Bananas 4 Freedom in Christ, Pastor Carey
Staffing Needs:
                                                                Two Small Group Leaders for Preschool
                                                                   Contact Cindy Nelson at 715-364-2770 or
                                                       for more details.

           Mission Statement:                                               Prayer Requests:
                                                                    May the power of God’s loving salvation
         “Partnering with families                                  move incredibly during our week of
      to help children discover Jesus                               Vacation Bible School!!

      and learn how to live for Him”
                                                                          VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
For more details, go to                            is just around the corner!!
            (Mission Kidz! webpage)
                                                                             Start inviting the children
                 Mission Kidz!                                              in your lives to this fun and
 Is a ministry for children 6 weeks through 4th grade.                      impactful week of ministry!
 Children through 4 years old may be checked into
 Mission Kidz! prior to the service. Children through
 the 4th grade will be dismissed from the service.
                Looking Ahead                                               Mission Project
 During the months of June and August, children will        In 2019, our children will once again be collecting
 be dismissed to Mission Kidz! from the Worship                an offering to support Deyling Lisbeth from
 Services just before the sermon. In July, the children               Nicaragua. Yearly Goal: $550
 will remain in the service. We will provide activity               Offering total so far for 2019: $239
 packets for each child and we will all enjoy the         These monies are used to assist World Vision, a global
 Children’s Messages each week. Nursery will              Christian humanitarian organization. They partner
 continue throughout the summer for children through      with children (including Deyling), their families, and
 3 years of age.                                          communities to help them reach their full potential
                                                          by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Jesus’
                                                          love is always at the center of their mission.
          June Bible Lessons

       Deborah Calls for Courage
          Gideon’s Hiding Place
             The Strongest Man
                                                             star Of
               Fails the Test                              the month
                Ruth’s Reward
             Samuel Listens Up                            Your tender heart and deep love for Jesus
                                                           and children has been a blessing to our
                                                          Children’s Ministry for decades. Thank you,
                                                                          Lynn Kruit!!
What Is a Small Group?
A Small Group is a group of 12 to 20 people who meet in homes or other locations to connect with each other and
grow in their relationship with God.
Besides our weekend worship gatherings, Small Groups are integral to how we promote growth in our community.
What Happens at a Small Group?
Typically, Small Groups begin with social time to allow members to get to know each other followed by a time of
prayer and Bible study. Many of our group’s studies coordinate with our weekend messages. Additionally, many
groups also engage in mission in our church and local communities.
Why Should I Join?
To connect with other believers, deepen your relationship with God, and impact the world around you.
How Do I Get in a Small Group?
1. Start One. It is as easy as making a snack, fresh coffee and inviting some friends over. We provide
   the Study materials.
2. Join One. To join an existing group, contact Pastor James Walsh at 715-364-2738 or by email at

                                                                          Mission Kidz! Mom’s Room!
               Financial Update                                       Mission Kidz! has a “Mom's Room” located
General Fund Actual Income through Apr: $135,733                      within the infant nursery, complete with
General Fund Budgeted Income through Apr: $173,360                    rocking chairs, pack n’ play, changing table,
                                                                      and live streaming of all three services.
General Fund Actual Expenses through Apr: $165,689                    Come check it out!
General Fund Budgeted Expenses through Apr: $173,360
General Fund Actual Surplus through Apr: -$29,956
General Fund Budgeted Surplus through Apr: $0
Missions Fund Actual Income through Apr: $44,928
Missions Fund Budgeted Income through Apr: $37,555

       The last day of after school
      Youth Group is May 29, 2018!
   Watch for announcements regarding                     Experiencing the playful, disruptive, extravagant
   special Youth Group summer events.                                  personality of Jesus.
   Have a wonderful summer vacation!                            Class meets Sundays at 9:45 a.m.
                                                                      in rooms MMC 10/11.
                                                                    Facilitated by Brian Gant
New Playground Coming Soon!!!
                                                 Keep watching for updates!!

All men are invited to join us for an hour
of Christ centered fellowship every
Wednesday from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. in the
Fellowship Hall.

                                                               BUILDINGS AND
                                                                WORK DAY!
                                             Saturday, June 1 from 8:00 until projects are done. If
                                             you can't commit for the entire day, there will be
   Congratulations to David and              numerous opportunities to serve for a few hours or
                                             more. Projects to include: landscaping, carpentry,
  Brianna Hofstrand on the birth of          painting, grade work, etc. A lunch will be served. If
  Kinsley Grace on April 18, 2019.           you can’t commit to a full day, we will glady accept
   Kinsley weighed 6 pounds 13               any help you can provide. Contact a Buildings and
                                             Grounds member for details.
 ounces and was 17 ½ inches long

                                             We have a new Prayer Group that meets every other
We will be offering “The Art of Parenting”   Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This month
class starting Sunday night, June 2 from     we will meet on June 5 and 19. We start by having a
                                             scripture reading and then ask for prayer requests
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in MMC 12/13. This          followed by a time of praying for these needs. This
class will run for eight weeks and is        meeting is informal and simple and is open to the
facilitated by Paul and Becky Bourque.       whole church. If you have needs you would like us to
Anyone is welcome! Please sign up at         pray for, contact the church office and they will be
the Welcome Center.                          forwarded to us.
Registration is open!
                                                    Please see the Welcome Center bulletin board for further
                                                    information and coupon codes. Scholorships Available-
                                                    contact the Church Office.
              Camp Dates for 2019:
                                                    Other Dates:
June 17-21:               Superior Hiking Trail
                               Backpacking Trip        June 1:      Work Day
June 23-27:            Trailblazer 1 (grades 4-6)      June 29: Lakeside Lodge Groudbreaking
July 7-12:              JH/SH 1 (grades 7-Grad)        August 16-18: Mission Covenant Family Camp
July 14-18:            Trailblazer 2 (grades 4-6)
July 15,16,17,18:        Day Camp (grades 1-3)                         Fall Retreats:
July 21-26:                    JH 2 (grades 7-9)           September 13-15: Women's Retreat
July 28-August 2:         SH 2 (grades 10-Grad)            September 20-22: High School Retreat
August 4-7:       Adventure Camp 1 (grades 7-9)
August 5-7:            Mini Camp (Grades 2-4)
August 9-11:      Adventure Camp 2 (grades 4-6)

          Spring Work Day                           Covenant Park/Mission Covenant Church
                                                              Coupon Codes 2019
             June 1, 2019
         9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.                      POP = $100.00 discount
                                                    (all camps except the 3 below)
         Lunch will be served.
                                                    POPMINI = $50 discount for Mini Camp
Help us get camp ready for summer! The day          POPADV =$50 discount for Adventure Camp
will include cleaning the buldings, grounds         POPDAY =$15 discount for Day Camp
work, and special projects. Check back for more
details of projects for each date.        Email     ADDCHILD =$10 discount off price for each to let us know you’ll        additional child in the same family that has paid
be there.                                           the camp rate for the first child.

                                                                               June 10 – 14, 2019
                       Offering                                                     Kids Entering
                                                                                    4K-5th Grade
We are blessed to have the privilege of                                      Visit to
helping a number of families and individuals                         pre-register your
with monies from the Benevolent Fund. We             child(ren) or register at Mission Covenant from
will be taking a special offering at the end of           8:45 – 9:00 a.m. on Monday, June 10.
each service on Sunday, June 9. Please               Adult and Youth Volunteers Still Needed!
prayerfully consider what you might be able            Volunteers may sign up on the website at
to give over and above your regular giving.  or at the Welcome Center.
Be sure to mark your gift “For the                  First-time volunteers are required to attend a meeting on
Benevolent Fund.”                                           Sunday, June 2 at 10 a.m. in MMC 12/13.
               Thank you so much!
ALL volunteers are required to attend a meeting
                                                           on Sunday, June 9 at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

          Annual Men’s Golf Outing
         Presented by Men’s Ministry
                Saturday, June 15
          Northern Pines Golf Course
                Iron River, WI
  7:00 a.m. Registration, Coffee and Treats
     8:00 a.m. Shotgun Golf – 18 holes
  Cost $35 for Golfing with cart, followed by lunch.
          Please sign up by Sunday, June 9
               at the Welcome Center                       All Lost and Found items left in the
     If you have questions, call Dennis Wedan at           MMC coat room will be taken to
    715-364-2589 or Pastor Pete at 715-364-2367            Goodwill after Sunday, June 16; be
   Also, mark your calendars for another golf outing on
Saturday, August 17 for both men and women at the Poplar   sure to check for any missing items!
 Golf Course at 3:00 p.m. More information coming soon,
       looking forward to a beautiful golf summer!

                          Senior Adult Picnic
                    Thursday, June 20; Arrive at 11:30 – Lunch at Noon
          Jack and Dorothy Lundberg’s, 11467 East Wangerin Road, Lake Nebagamon
                            (Maps are provided at the Welcome Center)
 Fish for frying, brats and hot dogs will be provided. Sign up at the Welcome Center for a side
  dish/dessert to share. Bring jackets, lawn chairs, sun screen, etc. There will be a devotional
  time and pontoon rides on the lake. A shuttle will also be available from the parking area to
               the picnic area. Questions? Call Jack or Dorothy at 715-374-2519.
We will also be having a fishing outing from 7:00 – 10:00 a.m. If you are interested in providing
         a boat and/or participating in the outing, sign up at the Welcome Center as well.
Save the Date

                                               Covenant Park Bible Camp Family
                                                     August 16 – 18, 2019
 Mission Covenant is turning 125 this
year and you're invited to join us as we
     celebrate God's faithfulness!
                                                               Tickets on Sale
                                                               Sunday, June 2nd
                                           July 27 and 28:          $15.00
                                           125th Anniversary Celebration Weekend
                                           Saturday night catered dinner and program with
                                           guest speaker Dr. John Wenrich, President of
                                           The Evangelical Covenant Church.
                                           Sunday morning worship services at 8:30 and
                                           11:00 a.m. with guest speaker Mark Stromberg,
                                           Superintendent of the Northwest Conference of
                                           The Evangelical Covenant Church.
                                                      More details can be found at
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Did you know that you can give to Mission Covenant Church
               through your mobile device?

         Mission Covenant Church App
          TEXT “missioncovenant app” to 77977
Go to and log in using the
                                                 same log in information as your amazon account.
                                                 After signing in, underneath the Search box place
                                                 your curser over the word Supporting: and then
                                                 to the right of the default charitable organization
                                                 click on the word change. Click in the search bar
                                                 below the spotlight charities box where it says,
                                                 “Or pick your own charitable organization”, type
                                                 Mission Covenant Church in the box, click on the
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon      search button to the right, then select Mission
with the same products, prices, and shopping     Covenant Church Poplar WI. You are done!
features as The difference is that   Amazon Smile will make a donation to MCC every
when you shop on AmazonSmile, the                time you shop! (Be sure you ALWAYS log in to
AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of for this donation to occur.)
the purchase price of eligible products to the   Feel free to contact the church office or stop in
charitable organization of your choice.          and we will be happy to help you set this up!
Got financial questions? Got long-term financial goals? Covenant Trust Company can help.
      Feel free to contact any of the Financial Services Representatives of the Northwest Conference:

Steve Allison                      Erik Carlson                          Karlene Crabtree
Financial Services Rep             Financial Services Rep                Client Services Rep
218-297-7701                       763-253-6311                          612-252-8599 

                                    Kenya Here We Come!
     First, we want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support through your prayers!
     We also want to thank you for your financial support through donations, work projects,
     babysitting, and participating in the Mission Cafes. We have raised enough funds to
     purchase our plane tickets and traveler’s insurance. On June 6, we will travel to
     Thunder Bay to begin our journey landing in Nairobi the evening of June 7. From there,
     we will board one more very small plane to fly to the West Pokot region of Kenya where
     we will stay until June 17. We will have a couple days to explore Nairobi before starting
     our journey back to Wisconsin on June 19, returning home on the 20th. Due to the
     outpouring of support we only have about $3,000 dollars to raise so we will be having
     just one more Mission Cafe on May 19. We will be serving cinnamon rolls for the final

     Thank you for all the support thus far! On March 23, our team had the privilege
     to meet with Dale Lusk for training, as well as connect with Pini through Skype.
     During this training, we discussed the positive reasons to go on missions, cultural
     differences, what to expect, how to stay safe, and how to be culturally sensitive
     while we are serving. We walked through Luke 10:1-12 to learn what Jesus says
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