Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case

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Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case
Lowdham Book Festival

   Tuesday 19th – Saturday 30th June 2018
         Lowdham, Nottinghamshire

Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219
Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case
Lowdham Book
Hello and welcome to Lowdham Book Festival 2018. This is our 19th year and we are delighted to bring you a fantastic
line-up encompassing the worlds of fiction, travel, medicine, trains, poetry, cricket, art, music and food! With the usual
eclectic mix of talks, music, film and discussions we hope there will be something for everyone at this year’s festival –
do come along and join the fun!
                                                                                              Jane Streeter and Ross Bradshaw

           janestreeter@thebookcase.co.uk                                     bookshop@fiveleaves.co.uk
               www.thebookcase.co.uk                                         www.fiveleavesbookshop.co.uk
             www.nottinghambooks.co.uk                                          www.fiveleaves.co.uk

Become a Friend of Lowdham Book Festival
Take advantage of discounted tickets for many of our events and receive our programmes before anyone else – plus a
£5 voucher to spend at the summer festival!

All for just £15 a year! (£25 for couples)

Send a cheque (payable to Lowdham Festivals Ltd) along with your name, address, and email address if you have one,
to: Lowdham Book Festival, The Bookcase, 50 Main Street, Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BE

Why not join when you order your tickets for this year’s festival and save money immediately!

2            Festival Box Office                         10–4 Mon to Sat                         0115 9663219
Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case
Festival 2018                                      Tuesday 19th June – Friday 22nd June
 Tuesday 19th June 2.30–4.15pm                                                       Friday 22nd June 10.00am–12.00pm
 Harts Restaurant, Standard Hill, Park                                               WI Hall, Main Street, Lowdham,
 Row, Nottingham NG1 6GN                                                             Notts NG14 7AB
 Prosecco Afternoon Tea                                                              Food at the Festival –
 with Victoria Hislop                                                                a cookery demonstration
 We are delighted to open this year’s                                                Don’t miss our traditional foodie
 festival with such a lovely event.                                                  morning with Jackie Skinner, Catherine
 Victoria will be in conversation with     Wednesday 20th June 7.30pm                Humphries and their assistant Abigail
 BBC Radio Nottingham’s Frances Finn,      Lowdham Village Hall, Main Street,        (now 4 years old!). Demo and tasting
 and will talk about her bestselling       Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BD                   Tickets: £5 full, £4 concessions,
 books, her travelling life and her        Shore 2 Shore with Carol Ann              £3 Festival Friends
 passion for Greece, followed by a         Duffy, Jackie Kay, Gillian Clarke
 delicious Hart’s style afternoon tea!     and Imtiaz Dharker                        8.00pm Lowdham Village Hall, Main
 £35 including traditional afternoon tea   These amazing poets will be hitting       Street, Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BD
 and a copy of Cartes Postales             the road to perform their work across                   Judie Tzuke
 (special dietary needs catered for –      the UK to celebrate Independent                         One of the UK’s finest
  please inform us when booking)           Bookshop Week, and we are honoured                      singer/ songwriters,
                                           to be one of the stops along the way!                   known all over the world
                                           MC John Simpson will steer the show,                    for the timeless song,
                                           and we’ll be welcoming special guest      ‘Stay With Me Till Dawn’. This intimate
                                           Georgina Wilding – Nottingham’s           evening will consist of old favourites
                                           Young Poet Laureate.                      and songs from Judie’s new album,
                                           £20 including a glass of wine and a       combined with stories from across her
                                           copy of Off The Shelf: A Celebration of   life and career.
                                           Bookshops in Verse                        Tickets: £22.50

 Festival Box Office                       10–4 Mon to Sat                           0115 9663219                          3
Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case
Saturday 23rd June                                                                                        Lowdham Book
Saturday 23rd June 10.45–1.00pm             3.00–5.00pm Lowdham Village Hall,
Lowdham Village Hall, Main Street,          Main Street, Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BD
Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BD                     Festival Film - Oranges and
Reading Group morning                       Sunshine
Join us for a fascinating session           (15, 1hr, 45mins)
with crime writer Sarah Ward,               Set in 1980s Nottingham, social worker
author of three DC Childs novels, In        Margaret Humphreys holds the British
Bitter Chill, A Deadly Thaw and A Patient   government accountable for child                with live performances of many Arias
Fury set in the Peak District. A Patient    migration schemes and reunites the              and Duets, set in the context of
Fury was The Observer’s Thriller of the     children involved – now adults living           Handel’s remarkable career. Sarah
Month in 2017. The fourth in the series,    mostly in Australia – with their parents        Jane Carlin is a recitalist, opera/music
The Shrouded Path, is out in September.     in Britain. A shocking expose of a story        theatre artist, and oratorio performer,
She is a book reviewer for various          buried for many years. Directed by Jim          and was in the Gold medal winning
online publications and is a judge for      Loach and starring Emily Watson.                Cantamus Choir in the World Choir
the Petrona Award for Scandinavian          Tickets: £6 full, £5 concessions, £4 Festival   Olympics.
crime fiction. www.crimepieces.com.         Friends. Cafe serving hot and cold drinks,
                                            homemade cake, popcorn and ice-creams           A Cambridge Choral Scholar, Dave was
NB – you don’t need to                                                                      Director of Music at Nottingham Girls’
belong to a reading                         6.30–8.00pm St Marys Church, Church             High School, has given Lectures on
group to come along to                      Lane, Lowdham Notts NG14 7BQ                    Classical Music on cruise ships, and is
this lovely event!                          By George! - A Handel aria for                  actively involved in promoting,
Tickets: £15 including                      every occasion – a Lecture Recital              composing and performing choral
coffee and cake and                         Join Dave Machell with guest Soprano            music in Nottingham.
a copy of In Bitter Chill                   Sarah Jane Carlin in a tour of the              Tickets: £8 full, £7 concessions, £6 Festival
                                            extraordinary world of Handel Operas,           Friends – includes a glass of wine

4               Festival Box Office                         10–4 Mon to Sat                             0115 9663219
Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case
Festival 2018                                                                                 Sunday 24th June
 Sunday 24th June 12.30–2.30pm              internationally acclaimed novels. Her       3.00–5.30pm Olde Mill Pottery,
 Lowdham Village Hall, Main Street,         memoir, The Language of Kindness, is an     22 Main Street, Caythorpe,
 Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BD                    astonishing account of the nursing          Nottingham NG14 7ED
 A Matter of Life and Death –               profession, and is fast becoming one        Prosecco and Poetry
 with Adam Kay, Christie Watson             of 2018’s most talked about books.          Local poets Jane Wyles and Fiona
 and Kathryn Mannix                                                                     Theokritoff invite you to relax with a
               This is going to be an       Dr Kathryn Mannix is a                      glass of prosecco/cup of tea and
               amazing session - three      palliative medicine pioneer                 homemade cake, as they share their
               medical professionals        who has worked with                         work and others’ poems, including
               turned authors shine a       thousands of dying people.                  their popular poetry bingo and a
               light on the realities of    She has found their ability                 literary picnic! Plus the chance to
               living and dying, in the     to deal with illness and                    browse round Judy’s delightful
 year in which we celebrate the 70th        death both fascinating and inspirational,   Olde Mill studio and shop.
 anniversary of the NHS. Adam Kay is an     and believes that a better awareness        Tickets £10 to include refreshments.
 award-winning comedian and writer          about what happens as we die would
 for TV and film. His first book, This is   enable us to discuss our hopes and fears
 Going to Hurt is the often hilarious, at   with the people who matter to us.
 times horrifying, and occasionally         With The End in Mind is a beautiful and
 heartbreaking diary of a former junior     powerful book, exploring the biggest
 doctor, and the story of why he            taboo in our society and the only
 decided to hang up his stethoscope.        certainty we all share.
                                            Tickets: £10 full, £9 concessions,
 Christie Watson was a                      £8 Festival Friends.
 nurse for twenty years                     Licensed café serving hot and cold drinks
 before writing two                         and light refreshments in the interval.

 Festival Box Office                        10–4 Mon to Sat                             0115 9663219                             5
Lowdham Book Festival - Tuesday 19th - Saturday 30th June 2018 Lowdham, Nottinghamshire Tickets: The Bookcase, Lowdham 0115 9663219 - The Book Case
Sunday 24th – Monday 25th June                                                                    Lowdham Book
4.00–6.00pm, Lowdham Village Hall,          7.30pm, Nottingham Playhouse,            Monday 25th June
Main Street, Lowdham, Notts NG14 7BD        Wellington Circus, Nottingham NG1 5AL    7.15–8.45pm
Karl Kopinski                               Caitlin Moran –                          St Mary’s Church,
We are so thrilled to host this event       How To Be Famous                         Church Lane, Lowdham
with Lowdham’s own world renowned           We will be running a bookstall at        Notts NG14 7BQ
artist. Karl Kopinski will talk about his   Caitlin’s event so hope to see some of   Alastair Sawday –
illustrating life and there will be a       you there!                               Travelling Light
wonderful (and rare) opportunity to         NB - Tickets from Nottingham Playhouse   Environmental
watch him draw! Nottingham born Karl        Box Office only – 0115 941 9419          campaigner, wanderer,
began his career with Games Workshop                                                 and publisher of the Special Places to
and has worked with such high profile                                                Stay books, Alastair Sawday shares
names as Sir Paul Smith, Peter Jackson,                                              with us this charming and beautifully
and Ferrari to name but a few. His first                                             written account of the pleasures of
solo show last year featured cycling                                                 slow travel. In Travelling Light, he gives
portraits including Bradley Wiggins,                                                 voice to those of us who have climbed
and his style has earned him thousands                                               no mountains, discovered no rivers,
of social media followers. We are                                                    created no great institutions, powered
indeed privileged to welcome Karl to                                                 no legislation, changed very little – but
our festival. There will be an exhibition                                            who yearn to understand the world
of his amazing illustrations and a                                                   and make sense of its infinite variety.
chance to chat to Karl about his work.
Tickets: £8 full, £7 concessions,                                                    Tickets: £8 full, £7 concessions, £6 Festival
£6 Festival Friends, £5 children/students                                            Friends – includes a glass of wine.
Licensed cafe available.                                                             www.sawdays.co.uk

6               Festival Box Office                       10–4 Mon to Sat                        0115 9663219
Festival 2018                                  Tuesday 26th June – Wednesday 27th June
 Tuesday 26th June 10.00 – 3.00pm              such as with organisations Tatty Devine                           Wednesday 27th June
 St Mary’s Church, Church Lane,                & Secret Cinema, and regularly gives                              7.30pm – 9.00pm
 Lowdham Notts NG14 7BQ                        talks around the world. In her books A                            St Mary’s Church,
 Craft Day                                     Little Book of Craftivism and How To Be A                         Church Lane, Lowdham
 ... stalls showcasing local craft companies   Craftivist: the art of gentle protest , Sarah                     NG14 7BQ
 and designers, the opportunity to work        shows how to respond to injustice not                             Fifty Not Out:
 on your own projects in the company of        with apathy or aggression, but with                               The Six Sixes
 like-minded crafters, and the real            gentle, effective protest. Sarah will have                        Revisited
 highlight of the day:                         a stall 12:30 - 2.00pm too so there will be      To celebrate Nottinghamshire captain
                                               the chance to chat to her informally, get        Garry Sobers hitting an historic 36 runs
 Craftivist Sarah Corbett in                   a signed book and buy some of her kits           off one over at Swansea in 1968,
 conversation with Jane Waite.                 and tools to use during the day. She will        Grahame Lloyd recalls both the famous
 11.30am – 12.30pm                             be on hand if you need help using them!          feat and the mysterious fate of the ball
 Sarah is an award-winning professional        Tickets: £10. Café serving light                 bowled by Glamorgan’s Malcolm Nash.
 campaigner who set up the global and          refreshments throughout the day.                 An iconic moment, a disturbing tale of
 award-winning Craftivist Collective in                                                         fake news and a whodunnit? – with a
 2009 providing products and services to       Huge thanks to Lowdham Cast-Offs for all         ball instead of a body.
 do craftivism using her ‘gentle protest’      their hard work putting together the
 approach. She works with arts                 amazing book-ish themed yarn-bombing             Grahame Lloyd is a freelance
                          organisations,       around the village and at the festival           broadcaster, journalist, short story
                          the charity          venues. Yarn-bombing (or guerilla knitting)      writer and poet. He has written eight
                          sector, academic     started in the US in 2005 and this “knitfitti”   books and produced two one-man
                          institutions and     art form is now carried out worldwide.           shows about football and cricket.
                          unexpected           Look out for the studious bookworms and          Tickets: £7 full, £6 concessions, £5 Festival
                          collaborations       well-known book characters!                      Friends – includes a glass of wine

 Festival Box Office                           10–4 Mon to Sat                                  0115 9663219                               7
Thursday 28th June                                                                                 Lowdham Book
Thursday 28th June 2.00–3.30pm            7.30–9.00pm, St Mary’s Church, Church
– for the train-lovers in our audience!   Lane, Lowdham Notts NG14 7BQ
St Mary’s Church, Church Lane,            Night Trains –
Lowdham Notts NG14 7BQ                    with Andrew Martin
East Coast Main Line                      Night trains have long fascinated us
Disasters – with Adrian Gray              with the possibilities of their private
The East Coast Main Line runs through     sleeping compartments, gilded dining
our region from Peterborough to           cars, champagne bars and wealthy
Doncaster on its way between London       travellers. Authors from Agatha             experience can only be recreated by
and Edinburgh. As the author of a         Christie to Graham Greene have used         taking three separate sleepers, the
definitive book on the topic, Adrian      night trains to tell tales of romance,      intriguing characters and exotic
Gray can explain how accidents and        intrigue and decadence against a            atmospheres have survived. Whether
disasters influenced the gradual          rolling background of dramatic              the backdrop is 3am at a Turkish
improvement of safety down the years,     landscapes. The reality could often be      customs post, the sun rising over the
with some graphic illustrations of what   as thrilling: early British travellers on   Riviera, or the constant twilight of a
went wrong including famous               the Orient Express were advised to          Norwegian summer night, Andrew
accidents at                              carry a revolver (as well as a teapot).     rediscovers the pleasures of a
Doncaster and                             In Night Trains, Andrew Martin              continent connected
Grantham.                                 attempts to relive the golden age of        by rail.
Tickets: £6 full,                         the great European sleeper trains by        Tickets: £8 full,
£5 concessions,                           using their modern-day equivalents.         £7 concessions,
£4 Festival Friends                       This is no simple matter. The night         £6 Festival Friends
                                          trains have fallen on hard times, and       – includes a glass
                                          the services are disappearing one by        of wine
                                          one. But if the Orient Express

8               Festival Box Office                      10–4 Mon to Sat                          0115 9663219
Festival 2018                                           Friday 29th June                                     Film Fridays
 Friday 29th June 2.00–3.30pm                                                              Film Fridays
 St Mary’s Church, Church Lane,                                                            Autumn/Winter 2018
 Lowdham Notts NG14 7BQ
 The Accidental Memoir with                                                                Lowdham Village Hall,
 Eve Makis and Anthony Cropper                                                             Main Street, Lowdham. 7.30pm.
 Want to flex your writing muscles?                                                        Tickets: £6 full,
 Eve Makis and Anthony Cropper will                                                        £5 concessions
 show you how!
 The Accidental Memoir takes you on a          Anthony Cropper has published two
                                                                                           Friday 28th September
 journey from the origins of your family       novels and a collection of short stories,
                                                                                           Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool
 name and earliest memories, to what           plus plays and screenplays. He has
                                                                                           (15, 1 hr 45 mins)
 you’d invent and how you’d change             taught creative writing both in this
 the world.                                    country and abroad and worked with          Friday 26th October
                                               schools to promote literacy.                Journey’s End
 This beautifully illustrated book is filled                                               (12A, 1 hr 47 mins)
 with imaginative and accessible               Tickets: £15 to                             Sunday 9th December
 writing prompts, as well as tips for          include a copy                              White Christmas
 anyone wanting to document their              of the book                                 (U, 2 hrs)
 lives and explore their creativity.           (rrp £10).
                                               Please note
 Eve Makis studied at Leicester                this session is
 University and worked as a journalist         limited to 30                               There is a licensed bar at all the Film
 and radio presenter in the UK and             places so early                             Friday evenings, plus ice cream,
 Cyprus before becoming an award-              booking is                                  popcorn, hot drinks and a delicious
                                                                                           selection of home made cakes.
 winning novelist.                             advisable.

 Festival Box Office                           10–4 Mon to Sat                             0115 9663219                              9
First Fridays                                Saturday 30th June                                      Lowdham Book
Lowdham Festivals & The Bookcase presents:   10.00am–5.00pm:                                            11.00–12.00am:
First Fridays                                All Day Book Fair and Cafe                                 Lost Nottingham –
September– December 2018                     Village Hall, Main Street, Lowdham                         A city in pictures, an
                                             Throughout the day the Village Hall                        illustrated talk
Friday June 1st                              hosts a cafe serving hot and cold                          by Ian Rotherham
Chris Arnott on Bill Shankly                 drinks, salads and panini, cakes and                       Methodist Chapel,
Friday July 6th                              ice-cream. The bookfair is spread over       Main Street
How To Pack a Suitcase with                  the Village Hall, a marquee behind the       To include the launch of the new book
Alison Lowe from Adelanta Travel             village hall and assorted gazebos. It        Nottingham: Unique Images from the
Friday September 7th                         features booksellers, publishers,            Archives of Historic England and
Travels of an Aged Gardener                  charities and book trade organisations.      extracts from Lost Nottingham in
with Stuart Dixon                            There’s an (always popular!) display of      colour and Sherwood Forest and the
Friday October 5th                           old fashioned printing equipment,            Dukeries - a companion to the land of
Meet local author                            books by all the festival authors, plus a    Robin Hood.
Maria Dziedzan                               range of events for adults and children.
Friday November 2nd                          And it’s all free, so pitch up early!        Skeletons, with Jan Zalasiewicz
A Celebration of Poetry                                                                   Women’s Institute, Main Street
with Voice Versa                             This year our programme includes our         From the bones of dinosaurs to the
Friday December 7th                          usual helping of local history, poetry,      capsules of microscopic
Christmas Quiz                               crime fiction... but also includes fiction   life, skeletons hold life
                                             from East Europe and Ireland, history        together. Jan Zalasiewicz
Lowdham Primitive Methodist Chapel,
Main Street, Lowdham, 2 – 3.30pm.            talks on the Spanish Flu Epidemic,           is a Professor of
Tickets: £6 full, £5 concessions,            landscape, skeletons and                     Palaeobiology at the
£4 Festival Friends (always including        neuroscience...                              University of Leicester.
tea & cake!)

10                Festival Box Office                       10–4 Mon to Sat                         0115 9663219
Festival 2018                                                                               Saturday 30th June
 Writing about Neuroscience,                  Gogh’s last paintings. He has been
 with Jonathan Taylor                         featured in The Independent, on Arena
 Committee Room, Village Hall                 on Radio 1, and in the National
 Jonathan Taylor’s memoir Take Me             Geographic.
 Home: Parkinson’s, My Father, Myself
 (Granta, 2007) was recently named as         12.30–1.30pm:
 one of the Five Best Books on                The Piano Room, with Jaroslav Melnik
 Neuroscience . In this session,              Methodist Chapel, Main Street
 Jonathan talks about this and his other      Jaroslav Melnik (Jaroslavas Melnikas) is
 writings inspired                            a celebrated Ukrainian/ Lithuanian
 by neuroscience,                             writer, and winner of the BBC Ukrainian    Pandemic, 1918 – An illustrated talk,
 and recommends                               Service Book of the Year Award. Today      with Catharine Arnold
 his own favourite                            he will be reading in English and          Women’s Institute, Main Street
 books on the                                 discussing East European fiction with      “In the same city, the Victoria Baths
 subject.                                     Stephan Collishaw (Noir Press).            swimming pool was drained and
                                                                                         turned into a temporary morgue when
 The Afterlives of Dr Gachet,                                                            the local council ran out of places to
 with Sam Meekings                                                                       store the dead.
 Marquee behind the Village Hall
                 Sam Meekings returns                                                    By the week ending 16 November
                 to his childhood home                                                   1918, Nottingham had the highest
                 of Nottingham to read                                                   death rate in the country: 60,000.” This
                 from his novel about                                                    is the story of Spanish flu, which killed
                 the life of Dr Gachet, the                                              100 million people globally.
                 subject of one of Van

 Festival Box Office                          10–4 Mon to Sat                            0115 9663219                          11
Saturday 30th June                                                                               Lowdham Book
              How to Read the
              English Landscape,
              with Andrew Bibby
              Committee Room,
              Village Hall
              Andrew’s books include
              Backbone of England         2.00–3.00pm:
focussing on northern upland              The Welbeck Atlas – An illustrated talk,
landscapes. His new book delves into      by Steph Mastoris                          Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy
the landscapes of ‘middle England’,       Methodist Chapel, Main Street              Panel, with Dr Teika Bellamy
using the device of a journey made by     The editor of The Welbeck Atlas            Women’s Institute, Main Street
bicycle along the belt of Jurassic        presents this Thoroton Society title       Join Teika Bellamy, the founder of
limestone from west Dorset to north       which includes maps of the Earl of         Mother’s Milk Books and the editor of
Lincolnshire.                             Newcastle’s estates, much of which lay     the popular series The Forgotten and
                                          within Sherwood Forest.                    the Fantastical, to discuss the current
New Irish Writing, with Deirdre O’Byrne                                              state of the genre with regards to
Marquee behind the Village Hall                                                      women authors. She will be joined by
Sally Rooney, Eimear McBride, Claire                                                 other local writers and readers.
Keegan and Sara Baume are all making
waves as a new generation of Irish                                                   The Shoestring Poetry Hour, with
writers.                                                                             Jonathan Taylor and Robert Etty
                                                                                     Committee Room, Village Hall
Deirdre will introduce these and others                                              Nottinghamshire’s leading specialist
and give out samples of their writing                                                poetry publisher and Lowdham
to discuss.                                                                          regular, John Lucas, launches a new

12            Festival Box Office                        10–4 Mon to Sat                        0115 9663219
Festival 2018                                                                               Saturday 30th June
 collection by Jonathan Taylor and          Viking                                       Meg Dalton plies her trade in the Peak
 offers a welcome return by Robert Etty.    Nottinghamshire –                            District. In Devil’s Dice, a body is found
                                            An illustrated talk,                         near a network of caves where the
 The Boy with the Perpetual                 by Rebecca Gregory                           victim’s initials and a figure of the Grim
 Nervousness, with Graham Caveney           Women’s Institute,                           Reaper are carved into the cave wall –
 Marquee behind the Village Hall            Main Street                                  but the carvings have existed for over
 A memoir of a northern, Irish-immigrant    Nottingham was one of the five East          one hundred years...
 working class family, and an               Midlands boroughs of the Danelaw, a
 adolescence that was redeemed, then        part of England under Viking rule             Saturday 30th June 11am–4pm
 betrayed, by his headteacher. One of the   1,000 year ago. Rebecca will talk about
                                                                                          FREE Family Fun at the Festival!
 most widely reviewed books of 2017.        how place names and street names
                                                                                          Come along and join in the fun in our
                                            show the extent of Danish occupation.
                                                                                          special yurt behind the Village Hall.
                                                                                          Storytelling and crafts run by the
 In Transit – poems                         Words Best Sung,
                                                                                          lovely team from
 about travel, with Sarah Jackson           with Lee Stuart Evans
 and Tim Youngs                             Committee Room, Village Hall
 Methodist Chapel, Main Street              Lee Evans writes for Stephen Fry, Julie
                                                                                          Volunteers – plus
 The editors of this collection of travel   Walters and a host of top stars, appearing
                                                                                          a treasure trail,
 inspired poetry will be joined by          here in his own right with Words Best
                                                                                          and of course
 contributors Jo                            Sung, a loosely autobiographical novel
 Dixon, Richard                             with a soundtrack of the 1960s.
                                                                                          Look out for
 Goodson, Rory
                                                                                          more details on
 Waterman and                               Crime fiction, with Roz Watkins
 others from the                            Marquee behind the Village Hall
                                                                                          nearer the time.
 collection.                                Roz Watkins’s Detective Inspector

 Festival Box Office                        10–4 Mon to Sat                              0115 9663219                          13
Ticket Order Form
Return to LBF, The Bookcase, 50 Main Street,
Lowdham, Nottingham NG14 7BE (please make
                                                                                                            The Bookcase /
cheques payable to Lowdham Festivals Ltd and
                                                                                                            Five Leaves
enclose a 1st class SAE)                                No of Full
                                                                        Conc           Friends   Total
                                                                                                            The Bookcase opening hours:
                                                        No of Full      Conc           Friends   Total      Monday - Friday
Address                                                 tickets                                  cost:      9am–5.30pm
                                                        Event                                               Saturday 9am–4pm
                                                        No of Full      Conc           Friends   Total
                                                        tickets                                  cost:      £1.00 off any book
                                                        Event                                               priced £4.99 or more
                                                        No of Full      Conc           Friends   Total      Redeemable during
                                                        tickets                                  cost:      Lowdham Book Festival at
Email address (for our mailing list)                    Event                                               The Bookcase, 50 Main Street,
                                                                                                            Lowdham, Nottingham NG14
                                                        No of Full      Conc           Friends   Total
                                                        tickets                                  cost:      7BE, or at Festival stalls run by
                                                                                                            The Bookcase or Five Leaves
Credit/debit card number:                                             Become a Festival
                                                                      Friend for £15/£25

                                                                      Overall total:
Issue no:   Expiry date:               Security code:
                                                   (last 3 numbers
                                                   on back of card)

Festival Box Office                                     10–4 Mon to Sat                                  0115 9663219                   19
Lowdham Book Festival Information
Ticket information                    Travel information for Lowdham
Tickets are available from            Lowdham is off the A6097 (Bingham to Doncaster) and
The Bookcase, 50 Main Street,         A612 (Nottingham to Southwell) between Newark and
Lowdham NG14 7BE over the             Lowdham.
counter, by mail or by credit
card over the phone (Festival         Lowdham railway station: A brisk ten minute walk
Box Office is 0115 966 3219           from the centre of the village.
10am–4pm Monday–Saturday)
or, subject to availability, on the   Lowdham bus stop: Pathfinder 100 buses drop off
door at events.                       ONLY at the bottom of Main Street by the cricket
                                      ground/war memorial, seven minutes from the main
If ordering by post please            Festival site.
enclose a first class SAE and
include a contact telephone           Car parking: There is car parking at the Village Hall and
number. Cheques are payable           on and off Main Street. There is limited car parking at
to Lowdham Festivals Ltd. There       the Methodist Chapel and the WI Hall and opposite the
is a 75p postage charge added         Library on Franklin Road. There is a car park at St Mary’s
to all telephone bookings.            Church.
Tickets are not required for free
events.                               Note: car parking fills up quickly at popular events –
                                      please allow time to park. If you require disabled parking,
                                      please contact the Festival Box Office in advance.
You can also read