JANUARY 2019 NEWS & PRICING - The Mind-Eye Institute

Page created by Jacqueline Coleman
JANUARY 2019 NEWS & PRICING - The Mind-Eye Institute
                 MAKING THE

JANUARY 2019 NEWS & PRICING - The Mind-Eye Institute

Internationally noted for her work on the retina and its impact on brain function, physiology
and mental health, Dr. Zelinsky is the first optometrist ever invited to address the prestigious
N20 World Brain Mapping & Therapeutic Neuroscience Summit.

Dr. Zelinsky recently was a Keynote Speaker at the N20 Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She spoke to leading neuroscientists
and neurosurgeons from around the world about how eye care must change from the 20th century model in order to help more
people. The N20 Summit submitted her policy recommendations among others to the G20 Summit of world leaders on November
30, 2018. Those recommendations were accepted and will be eventually implemented.
The N20 Summit was launched in 2014 as a project of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. The S.B.M.T. is aligned
with the National Institute of Heath’s BRAIN INITIATIVE — to revolutionize understanding of the human brain and accelerate
development of new technologies that will more effectively treat neurological disorders. [ https://www.nih.gov/ ]


Typical Eye Testing May Not Thoroughly Assess Sensory Overload

01                                      02                                      03

The traditional practice of using       Mental health disorders have            Policy changes regarding screening
eyeglasses simply to give a patient     reached a crisis level around the       for proper connections between
20/20 eyesight is outdated. Current     world, including in the United          eyes and ears would allow health
scientific knowledge presents           States. These disorders are as          professionals to intervene in this
the opportunity for prescription        much related to retinal sensitivities   public health crisis by reducing
eyeglasses to be selectively            in peripheral eyesight and lack         or preventing various mental
designed to alter sensory               of integration between visual           health issues, thereby enhancing
integration, including auditory         and auditory signals, as they are       the quality of life for citizens both
function and body biochemistry.         to abnormal brain activity and          young and old, promoting better
These alterations can positively        neurochemical imbalances. Just as       productivity, and potentially
affect learning disabilities, autism,   changes in environmental stimuli        reducing health care costs by
symptoms of concussion and many         can impact brain function and           millions of dollars worldwide.
other neurological impairments.         biochemistry, so, too, eyeglasses
                                        can modify environmental
                                        input to the retina and mitigate
                                        neurological issues.

“The retina serves as a two-way portal into the mind and        awareness of space and his or her integration of visual
body,” says Dr. Zelinsky, who is a fellow in the College        processing with listening. The test has changed the lives
of Optometrists in Vision Development and the Neuro-            of both pediatric and adult patients.
Optometric Rehabilitation Association, as well as a member
of the Society for Brain Mapping, and a community leader for    “With the Z-Bell Test℠, we can determine whether the
the Society of Neuroscience. “The way light enters the retina   environment is in sync or just plain confusing for a patient,”
impacts brain function, affects various nervous systems         she explains. “Using the proper mix of filters, lenses and/or
and alters body biochemistry. We have the knowledge             prisms, we can readjust a patient’s visual balance and eye-
to affect the mind and body in positive ways.                   ear integration by altering the way in which light disperses
                                                                across the retina. Changes in luminance on the eye affect
“As eye care professionals, we                                  how the brain interprets and reacts to information about the
                                                                environment and can impact a person’s spatial awareness,
can have a positive impact on                                   body movement and selective attention to sound.”
cognitive impairments by using
prescriptive eyeglasses that                                    Dr. Zelinsky’s groundbreaking work in assessing brain
                                                                function, with an emphasis on the linkage between eyes
modify the retina’s perception                                  and ears, is described in the recently published book The
of light,” she says.                                            Ghost in My Brain: How a Concussion Stole My Life and How
                                                                the New Science of Brain Plasticity Helped Me Get It Back.
Dr. Zelinsky developed the Z-Bell Test℠, a simple but           The book was written by one of her former, recovered
revolutionary method of checking a patient’s overall            patients, Clark Elliott, PhD.

                                                      We are pleased to announce that The Mind-Eye
                                                      Connection has officially become The Mind-Eye
                                                      Institute. We hope you like our new logo! A number
                                                      of exciting changes designed to benefit your health
                                                      are being implemented. These include:

                                                      1. Clinics of Excellence will train new doctors across
                                                      the country and around the world to facilitate fast
    WE ARE                                            access to Institute insights and technology.

    EVOLVING                                          2. The Mind-Eye Research Division will mine the
                                                      secrets of retinal-electrical-biochemical connections
As you know, The Mind-Eye Connection has always       and how they affect cardiac, endocrine, neurological
gone beyond traditional eye care assessments          and other systems. Dr. Zelinsky’s leadership and
and has a highly multidisciplinary approach.          collaboration with other patent holders and world-
Dr. Zelinsky is a world-class optometrist who helps   renowned researchers ensures enhanced care for our
people by applying 21st century discoveries in        Mind-Eye population, first through appropriate beta
neuroscience to classic optometric eye care. She      testing, and then through introducing world-premier
was awarded four patents, and provides unique         discoveries first to our patients.
solutions that have helped many individuals find
relief where other methods have failed.               3. The Mind-Eye Academy, our visual rehabilitation
                                                      center, will complement the benefits of Mind-Eye
                                                      prescriptive lenses, enhance recovery speed, and
“Perceiving the world from a limited                  proactively discover the fastest, easiest ways to
perspective or being overwhelmed                      maximize your visual performance. Dr. Nast’s many
by what one is seeing, hearing, and                   decades of experience in this area combine with
experiencing can affect behavior                      Dr. Zelinsky’s insights and the commitment of our staff
and abilities” – Dr. Zelinsky                         to ensure experience and energy for breakthroughs.

                                                      4. The Mind-Eye Technology Center will strategically
Dr. Zelinsky believes that significant discoveries
                                                      apply developing technology to Dr. Zelinsky’s
in her immediate future will transform millions of
                                                      discoveries, creating new techniques and products to
lives. She already trains two dozen optometrists
                                                      benefit people of all ages can use, whether they have
every month in Europe, Asia, Australia, and across
                                                      a brain injury, are misaligned, or simply wish to work
the Americas. Other exciting changes leading us
                                                      or play most efficiently.
into the global arena include: training new doctors
to implement faster access to appointments, and
through the Mind-Eye Academy, providing visual        SEE PAGE 11 TO FIND OUT MORE ON HOW
rehabilitation to solidify new brain pathways.        TO PARTICIPATE IN THESE INITIATIVES.

We are pleased to welcome Daniel Myers, O.D. to the
Mind-Eye Institute. For those of you who have not
yet had the opportunity to meet Dr. Myers, he is an
experienced optometrist who has joined Dr. Zelinsky
as Managing Doctor of Optometry. Dr. Myers will
apply his experience and expertise to the handling
of all practice management issues as we strive to
provide you with the best experience possible.

                                                         MORE THAN
NEW STRUCTURE                                            JUST RESEARCH
The Mind-Eye Connection has become the Mind-
Eye Institute. Dr. Zelinsky is now Executive Director    WE ARE
of Research. Her desire and goal is to further
research and its application. To free herself from       BUILDING A
all management responsibilities, Dr. Zelinsky has
taken on a strategic partner to handle the practice      SUSTAINABLE
management side of the Institute. This gives her the
opportunity to continue her clinical involvement on a    COMMUNITY
more limited basis, while expanding her research and
training of other physicians. Accordingly, effective     OF CARE AND
January 28, 2019, Dr. Zelinsky will maintain a limited
4 day per week primary appointment schedule              SERVICES FOR
managed by the Institute. Pricing of services and
scheduling are now the responsibility of Dr. Myers.      ALL THOSE
David Smyth will assist Dr. Myers in his duties.
                                                         IN NEED.
N E W             F O R             J A N U A R Y                     2 0 1 9


01                                          02                                      03

If you are a current patient, and have      Alternatively, if you are a current     We are happy for you to continue to
seen Dr. Zelinsky within the last three     patient and have seen Dr. Zelinsky      benefit from the Mind-Eye Institute,
years, you may choose, on a first-          within the last three years, you        but we recognize that if you no longer
come, first-served basis, membership        can choose the lower-cost option        need specific expertise and are only
in a Limited Appointment Group for          of Unlimited Appointments. This         coming in for wellness checkups,
Dr. Zelinsky. Scheduling constraints        provides appointments with other        you may choose to be referred to an
will limit this group size. Regular         doctors in our office who are being     optometrist outside of the Institute
patients in this group will have priority   trained under Dr. Zelinsky’s tutelage   that Dr. Zelinsky recommends. The
over other patients for appointments        and Dr. Myers’ management.              choice is yours. If you would prefer
with Dr. Zelinsky. This Limited Group       Among these doctors are O.D.s who       to continue seeing Dr. Zelinsky or one
will be charged in accordance with the      have worked with Dr. Zelinsky for       of the other doctors trained by her,
Limited Appointment fee and testing         years. All these doctors will apply     please choose either Limited
schedule on page 9. Scheduling for          her principles to your healthcare       Appointments or Unlimited
all advance appointments in a year          concerns at substantially lower cost.   Appointments.
will typically occur during the first       The Unlimited Appointments fees
appointment of the year.                    on page 9 will apply. Please address
                                            any pricing questions to Shanda
                                            McPike at 847-501-2020. Scheduling
                                            for Unlimited Appointments is also
                                            expected to be made for the year
                                            ahead during the first appointment
                                            of the year.

                     PRICING FOR 2019
                     Before you see your doctor, most followup and annual appointments will require
                     approximately 30 to 45 minutes of testing and evaluations and cost $240. Thirty minutes
                     or less of testing will cost $160. Extra evaluative time, if needed, will be charged at an
                     additional $80 per quarter hour. In addition, your doctor may order one or more parts
                     of an OCT exam and/or report. Additional fees for the use of this machine may range
                     between $75 and $760. If you have not seen Dr. Zelinsky within three years, please see
                     our website for new patient costs that include comprehensive testing.

                     Our billing at Mind-Eye Institute is based on hourly rates. Our vision tests and analyses
                     go beyond standard optometry, and often do not fit into standard insurance CPT codes.
                     We will provide receipts for you to submit to your insurance company and will do
                     our best to include appropriate CPT codes, but we can’t guarantee that insurance
                     companies will reimburse for all the unique work that we do. In addition, since we bill
                     by time and not by procedure, we can’t guarantee that our pricing will align with your
                     insurance company’s reimbursement for specific CPT codes.

 FOR HELP OR FOR     $660 per visit up to 45 minutes and $220 for every additional portion of 15 minutes. The
  ANY QUESTIONS      minimum fee is $440 for patient meetings of less than 30 minutes. Because of schedule
ABOUT PRICING OR     limitations, Dr. Zelinsky will not see Medicare-paying patients or directly participate
ACCOMMODATIONS,      in most phone calls. Technicians and other professionals will provide services and
   PLEASE CALL       information that will be helpful. Calls and reports requiring Dr. Zelinsky’s personal
  SHANDA MCPIKE      intervention will be charged at $220 per 15 minutes of Dr. Zelinsky’s time.
                     $240 per visit up to 45 minutes and $80 for every additional portion of 15 minutes.
                     The minimum fee is $160 for patient meetings of less than 30 minutes. Calls and reports
                     requiring more than 15 minutes will be charged at $50 per half hour.
                     Dr. Zelinsky’s training and oversight ensure that her scientific approach is always
                     included in your care.
     DEPOSITS                                               CONFERENCE CALLS & REPORTS

     The Institute requires a $300 deposit for              There will be a standard charge for
     all patients at the time your appointment is           requested phone conference calls and
     made. The deposit can be made by credit card.          reports specifically provided by Dr. Zelinsky.
     The deposit will automatically be applied              However, if you prefer, we have other
     to the total amount due at the end of your             doctors who can respond to your phone
     scheduled appointment.                                 and report requests at a significantly
                                                            reduced fee. Please see page 9, Unlimited
                                                            Appointments, for more information.

     Courtesy with cancellations and rescheduling           INSURANCE/MEDICARE
     is expected, and we commit the same to you.
     Most of our patients must travel to see us, so         Consistent with past practice, upon request,
     cancellations cannot be filled on short notice.        we can provide a statement which includes
     The Institute must have a one (1) week policy          CPT codes, and you can submit your claim
     for cancellations. If the patient’s appointment        to your insurance company. As of April 1,
     is canceled less than one (1) week prior to the        we will no longer be accepting Medicare.
     scheduled appointment, the deposit made for            Please contact Allen Hoey if financial
     that appointment will not be refunded, except          accommodations are important to helping
     in the event of extenuating circumstances as           you. We may reconsider our decision about
     determined and approved by Dr. Myers.                  Medicare at a later time.

     We are excited about the changes, about providing you with the highest level of service, and about
     the scientific breakthroughs ahead. We appreciate you as a patient and friend of the newly-named
     Mind-Eye Institute and look forward to our continuing friendship. Attached please find a brochure that
     shares Dr. Zelinsky’s unique message to the N20 conference. It condenses the secrets to her insight.
     We look forward to seeing you soon.

     Very truly yours,_

     James Smyth
     Mind-Eye Institute, LLC
WE LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!                                         GET OUR QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER
No one has a monopoly on great ideas, creativity or               To keep up with news about Dr. Zelinsky and Mind-
breakthrough relationships. If you have an idea or know           Eye clinical work, research, technology collaboration
someone who might help, we welcome your input. Please             and the Mind-Eye Academy, register at newsletter@
share your ideas, insights, and relationships that might help     mindeyeinstitute.com.
us serve you better: sharing@mindeyeinstitute.com
                                                                  PRESS KITS
MIND-EYE INSTITUTE EVALUATION                                     If you are connected with the media and would like further
Ensuring that you and your loved ones’ visual and auditory        information including press releases, quotes, or a direct
systems are functioning optimally is only one visit away.         contact, you can reach us at media@mindeyeinstitute.com.
Register for an appointment that can pay dividends
for a lifetime: appointment@mindeyeinstitute.com

We are all about win-win-win that furthers patient well-being.
If you wish to explore having your clinic become a Mind-Eye
Center of Excellence and/or becoming a research partner,
please reach out to us. Our bandwidth for new projects is
limited, but we welcome relationship and the potential for
conversation. If you are a professional or business with an
interest in working with us, please introduce yourself:

If you or a loved one has been helped by Dr. Zelinsky,
please consider helping another, or funding our research.
We are currently working to address dyslexia and dyscalculia
challenges for students and adults, and have always had a
passion for helping young children with learning challenges.
Your kind support will help many others access life skills that
will change their futures. Learn more about how to help us
help others: help@mindeyeinstitute.com

1412 Techny Rd,
Northbrook, IL
60062, USA

v: 847.501.2020
f: 847.501.2021

© 2019 Mind-Eye Institute. All rights reserved.
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