Page created by Ivan Sherman
      Redeemer Lutheran Church
                 February 2022
The deadline for this column ends up being our wedding anniversary,
                     so that is very much on my mind as I write, today. (By the way, thank
                     you for all the well wishes you have shared when we’ve been together
                     at worship). Then, too, this issue covers Valentine’s Day, so I hope
                     you’ll find this fitting.

                     Jami and are celebrating her phenomenal 32 years of patience with
                     me. I have seen recently on Facebook that the average marriage lasts
                     eight years. I’m not at all sure how true that claim is, but I’m still so
                     thankful for the gifts the two of us have been given in this union.

                     We were married on a year ending in 0, so calculating the anniversary
Pastor Chip Winter   has been a piece of cake! But for those contemplating getting
Senior Pastor        engaged, please don’t feel the need to wait until 2030…

                     One thing that comes to mind is that the traditional first anniversary
                     gift is paper. So, I bought tickets to Les Misérables at the Fox Theater
                     in St. Louis for our first anniversary. That has brought about a life-
                     long love of that musical!

                     As I’m thinking about the 32 years, I went online to see what seminal
                     events in history were roughly 32 years apart (not to suggest that
                     our wedding was a seminal event, but to gain perspective). 32 years
                     is longer than “The Thirty Years’ War” which took place in Europe
                     between 1618 and 1648. There were only 21 years between the
                     end of WWI and the start of WWII. The time between the end of
                     Civil War to the start of the 20th century was 35 years. Lest all my
                     comparisons regarding our marriage and time be martial, the first
                     man on the moon arrived there just 31 years before the year 2000.

                     But let’s get to the heart of things. Marriage is a gift of God early
                     on. Here is how Desiderius Erasmus describes it , as quoted by
                     Roland Bainton: “Marriage was sanctioned by Christ at Cana...It
                     was instituted by the Founder of the universe, for God said, ‘It is
                     not good for man to be alone,’ and He created Eve, not out of mud,
                     as in the case of Adam, but from his rib that none should be closer
                     and dearer than a wife...Should not marriage be honored above all
                     the sacraments because it was the first to be instituted, and by God
                     Himself? The other sacraments were established on earth, this one
                     in paradise, the others as a remedy, this one as fellowship in felicity.
                     ...we live in an age when moral integrity is nowhere better exemplified
                     than in marriage.”

                     I would remind all that the use of “sacrament” above is by Erasmus
                     as a Roman Catholic. Still, his point is well made, and I would simply
                     add that marriage is the living laboratory of the Gospel. It is only
                     possible through the practice of the greatest gift – the continuous
                     reconciliation that is ours to treasure and to share through Christ
                     Jesus our Lord and His passion, death, and resurrection.

Hickey Baby Shower                                         Bible Buddies Starts March 2nd
Mark your calendars! On March 5th Redeemer                 New partners are invited to join this group as they
Lutheran Church will be celebrating the imminent           read and discuss the Bible in chronological order
arrival of Baby Girl Hickey. We will shower Pastor         through the next two years. Discussions are on
Aaron and Haley with gifts to help them prepare.           Wednesdays from 6:30 -7:30 a.m. via Zoom. The
Here are some important details: Saturday, March           group also meets for social events on occasion.
5th, at 2:00 p.m. in the Life Center. It is being          For questions, please contact Jeff Shoumaker at
requested for masks to be worn during the event.  or Gail Williamson at
Baby Registry will follow in announcements. This is
an exciting time for the Hickeys and our Redeemer
family. We hope to see you there!                          Congratulations to the last group of Bible Buddies
                                                           who just finished over the last three years. The
Girl’s Night Out                                           group of eight will be celebrating their completion
                                                           on February 3rd. In addition to reading Scripture
Women of Redeemer invites you to shake off the             from cover to cover, they also developed and
winter by going out to dinner on February 22 at 5:30       strengthened important Christ-centered
p.m. Come join your sisters in Christ for an evening       friendships. Bible Buddies currently includes
of fun and good fellowship while enjoying a delicious      Margaret Albrecht, Donna Campbell, John Marsh,
meal at Olive Garden! Each guest is responsible for        Pam Marsh, Terry Rosen, Colleen Slane, Natalie
paying for their own meal. If you would like to join       Williamson, and Gail Williamson. Each member is
us, please make a reservation by contacting Lynn           willing to answer any questions that interested
Bivens at (309) 697-2626 or email RSVP4WOR@                parties may have in regards to this upcoming study. by Monday, February 21.
                                                           Dorcas Circle
Superbowl Subs
                                                           Dorcas Circle will meet Monday, February 14th, in
The high school youth will be selling sub sandwiches       Miller Hall at 1:00 p.m. We will plan our March 9th
after both services on February 13th. If you would         Lenten Supper menu and details. We look forward
like to pre-order a sub, a sign-up sheet is available at   to preparing and serving our commitment to
the Welcome Desk.                                          Redeemer.

Subs are $6.00 each or two for $10.00. All
proceeds will benefit the high school youth, and an
anonymous donor has generously offered to match
all proceeds up to $500.

What is Your Love Language?                                Sixty+ Group will be gathering for pizza and a great
                                                           program featuring radio personality Roger Monroe
Ladies of all ages are welcome to join us on Friday,       on Thursday, February 10th, at 11:30 in Miller Hall.
February 11th. LWGP’s General Membership                   Cost for pizza and a drink will be $5.00 each. Be sure
meeting will be held at Bethel Lutheran Church             to sign up on the bulletin board in the office hallway
(200 Colona Avenue in Bartonville). We will begin          no later than Tuesday, February 8th. We look forward
at 9:00 a.m. with a continental breakfast in               to seeing many of you. Bring a friend as well! For
Bethel’s Fellowship Hall. Our featured speaker is          questions, contact Ken Stoppenhagen at (309)265-
Redeemer’s own Jennifer Anders! Jennifer will share        1992.
a presentation on Love Languages, based on books
written by Gary Chapman.                                   Radio Personality Roger Monroe
                                                           Host of “Breakfast with Roger and Friends,” starting
RSVP to Lisa Mack by Mon, Feb 7th to lisadmack14@          in 2002 with cohost Royce Elliot. Sadly, Royce died in or Call or text           2013, the program continued with a festival of talk
(309) 360-2669 so that we can plan accordingly.            and music along with the most comprehensive news,
                                                           weather and sports reporting unmatched by any local
Search me, O God, and know my heart. Psalm 139:23          broadcast outlets. He has served our community on
                                                           the Peoria County Board for 22 years, did stints on the
                                                           Zoning Board of Appeals, Housing Board of Appeals,
                                                           and Peoria City/County Health Department’s board.
Concordia Trivia Night                                   LWGP was able to fulfill the wishlists of many
                                                         different departments at LHV. We bought
Do you remember the TV show called “Are You              equipment for physical therapy and the Wellness
Smarter Than A 5th Grader?” Well, it’s time to put       Center. A new scanner for the business office has
all those bits of trivial knowledge to the test! Help    been put to use. Two CoaguCheck machines will be
support the Concert Band and Concert Choir as            purchased soon.
they raise funds to participate in the Six Flags Music
Competition in May of 2022 by participating in our       The next time you find yourself in the mood for
TRIVIA NIGHT FUNDRAISER. The event will be on            “spring cleaning” and have gently used items that
Saturday, February 5, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the       someone else may need, please remember The
Life Center. Cost is $15 per player with a maximum       Church Mouse, 600 West Main, Peoria, near the
of eight (8) players per table. A silent auction will    campus of Bradley University. The Church Mouse
be held. Free popcorn, soda, and babysitting are         accepts donations Mon-Sat, 10:00 - 3:00 p.m.
available but teams are welcome to bring their own       around the back of the building.
food as well. No alcohol. The theme for this year’s
event is “Flashback to the 80’s” so come dressed in      Redeemer Library News
your favorite spandex, ripped jeans, leg warmers,
neon colors, mullets, and huge hair! A special prize     Our self-service library is available to members
to the team who rocks the 80’s fashion the best.         and non-members of all ages and is located in the
Register your team by scanning the QR code.              lobby near the Fellowship Hall kitchen. Be sure to
                                                         check out this month’s new arrivals when you visit
                                                         the library, they are displayed on the bookcase just
                                                         inside the library door:

                                                         • Guiding the Next Great Generation: Rethinking
                                                            How Teens Become Confident and Capable Adults
                                                            by Jonathan Catherman
                                                         • Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish: A Daily
                                                            Devotional for Adoptive and Birth Parents by
                                                            Sherrie Eldridge

The Church Mouse                                         New Adults & College
                                                         • Becoming the Next Great Generation: Taking
Located near the campus of Bradley University,             Our Place as Confident and Capable Adults by
The Church Mouse is always looking for volunteers.         Jonathan Catherman
Daytime only, Mon – Sat. Women and men, we need          • College 101: A Christian Survival Guide by
you! For more information, please contact Joan             Concordia Publishing House
Ressler or Shirley Lewis at (309) 673-2363.
                                                         Teen Fiction
$42,000 is a big chunk of change, right?                 • Kingdom’s Dawn #1 by Chuck Black
                                                         • Kingdom’s Hope #2 by Chuck Black
Did you realize that LWGP is dependent upon your         • Kingdom’s Edge #3 by Chuck Black
donations to The Church Mouse? Your generosity           • Kingdom’s Call #4 by Chuck Black
helps us help others! LWGP was able to raise             • Kingdom’s Quest #5 by Chuck Black
$42,000 in 2021, despite Covid restrictions. The         • Kingdom’s Reign #6 by Chuck Black
money was divided evenly between LHV and LSSI.
LSSI uses our donations to fund their childrens’
services, both locally and statewide.

                                        Because We Belong
                                    WE WORSHIP
                                    WE WITNESS
                                    WE SERVE
Sunday School
On January 30th Sunday School will celebrate the start of a new unit with Rally Day. A new unit with
new stories! New activities! New fun! And new opportunities to learn about God’s power and love!
During Rally Day we will play games and do activities to introduce our children to some of the Bible
stories they will be learning in our new unit.

The Redemption Store will be open, and the children will have a chance to spend their Redemption
Store points that they’ve earned from attending Sunday School, learning their Bible memory verses,
bringing their Bibles each week, and doing the family activities at home.

If your family hasn’t joined us for Sunday School, now is the perfect time to start! We would love to
have your children join us, Sunday mornings at 9:30. Visit to
register your child and read more information.

Children’s Ministry Movie Night
On February 12th, children in kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to bring a blanket, pillow, and
a stuffed animal to curl up in the Green Room for a cozy movie night watching Wonder Park. Parents
are welcome to join in the fun and make it a family movie night! Snacks will be provided, and RSVPs
are appreciated to help know how many to prepare for. Contact Jennifer Anders to RSVP or with any

Special Parent Event
Redeemer’s children are blessed to have parents who model and share God’s love in their homes. This
Valentine’s Day, the Sunday School Leadership Team wants to shower our parents with love and thank
them for all they do to teach their children the faith. On February 13th, at 9:30 a.m., parents are invited
to join their children at the beginning of Sunday School to play a fun game with their children and other
Sunday School families. After the game the children will head to their Sunday School classes while
parents are treated to specialty coffees (crafted by our very own baristas) and refreshments. We have
some fun surprises planned for parents too! Come meet other Sunday School parents, relax, and be
encouraged as we thank you for all you do as you answer God’s call in leading your children.

                                            WoW Bags
                                            As Sunday School starts a new unit, families will receive
                                            another WoW bag with all the materials they need to study
                                            God’s Word at home as a family. These bags are given to
                                            families to help strengthen the work that parents and
                                            grandparents are doing in their families to teach the faith to
                                            their children and grandchildren.

                                            In this round of WoW Bags, families will receive cups and
                                            balloons to play an exciting game as they learn about how
                                            God caused the walls of Jericho to crumble. Families will
                                            also build a blanket tent as they learn about the tabernacle
                                            and how God used a tent to make a place of worship. You
                                            will also find Bible memory verses for families to learn
                                            together, family faith discussion questions and a special
                                            invitation for parents.

                                            Redeemer is sending out 40 WoW Bags, but we have
                                            several extras. Would your family like one? If so,
                                            register on Redeemer’s website in the Sunday School
                                            section or contact Jennifer Anders at jennifer.anders@
                                                                                        Tanzania Update
                                                                                        An amazing story of God’s faithfulness
                                                                                        and provision has unfolded over time in
                                                                                        Tanzania and Redeemer shared a part in it!

                                                                                        Redeemer began supporting Mwadui
                                                                                        in 2013, and God has blessed our
                                                                                        partnership in fantastic ways. In October
                                                                                        2019, Cheryl Kruckemeyer agreed to serve
                                                                                        as a missionary/ambassador/teacher
                                                                                        there upon the planned repatriation
                                                                                        of missionaries Eric and Linda Funke.
                                                                                        Redeemer agreed to support her along
                                                                                        with our support of the school. Cheryl
    Left to right: Eric Scheffert, Lisa Scheffert, Cheryl Kruckemeyer, Jeff Shoumaker   visited Redeemer and our confidence in
                                                                                        her began to grow. She was also supported
                                                                                        by other congregations and God
                                                                                        completed her funding quickly.

                                                                                        God has done many great things through
                                                                                        her service. One example of His work
                                                                                        through her began in June 2019 when
                                                                                        Cheryl ventured out into the surrounding
                                                                                        countryside and found a few curious
                                                                                        children who listened to her stories from
                                                                                        the Bible. Soon they brought other friends
                                                                                        and parents to the baobab tree (the
                                                                                        African Tree of Life).

                                                                                        On July 4th 2021, Cheryl was with Maria
                                                                                        and Pastor Mchambe. His sermon at the
                                                                                        KKKT Church and here again at the tree
                                                                                        emphasized love for each other. During
                                                                                        June and July, 46 people were baptized.
                                                                                        God is bringing His Gospel to this very
                                                                                        rural area of Mwadui and changing hearts.
On November 7th, over 60 more joined
 God’s family through Holy Baptism. On
 November 28th, Cheryl sent this note:
 “Thank you Redeemer Lutheran! We
 purchased the one acre of land where our
 new church will be located. Tomorrow
 we break ground… The church building
 will accommodate 250-300 congregants
 and today we had about 100 at worship.
 Everything has come together quickly, and
 we hope to complete the building in the
 next 45 days.”

 See Cheryl sitting in the middle of this
 beautiful group of new believers.

 January 15, 2022: Many children and their
 families came to the dedication for the new
 Tree of Life chapel. They lined the streets,
 cheering for the bishops and waving lovely
 flowers and plants. The village is excited
 about this celebration of their new church!

 The ceremonial dedication of the Tree
 of Life Lutheran Church was blessed by
 the presence of Bishops Dr. Frederick O.
 Shoo and Dr. Emmanuel Makala. They
 all glorified God for His presence and
 blessings. Nehemiah 2:20 is quoted on the

 Redeemer’s tithes, offerings and prayers
 have supported both Cheryl and the
 construction of the facility where a large
 population of new believers now receive
 God’s Word and sacraments. Thank you,
 Redeemer members, for your generosity
 and prayers. May God’s Kingdom there
 continue to grow in faith and love for Him.
 Please remember them in your prayers. To
 God be the glory!

Tithes & Offerings YTD as of December

 Actual $1,674,498                              94.1%

 Budget $1,780,000                                      December Average Attendance
Important Dates
February 6: Concordia Trivia Night                                Lutheran Church
February 10: Sixty Plus Group Event
February 11: LWGP at Bethel
February 12: Children’s Ministry Movie Night          6801 N. Allen Road
                                                      Peoria, IL 61614
February 13: Superbowl Subs                           309-691-2333
February 13: Sunday School Special Parent Event
February 14: Dorcas Circle
February 22: WOR Girl’s Night Out
March 2: Bible Buddies Begins
March 5: Hickey Baby Shower                         Sunday worship is at 8:15 a.m.
March 27: 25th Anniversary Celebration              (traditional) and 10:45 a.m.
                                                    (contemporary) with Bible study hour
                                                    and Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.

                                                    Saturday evening worship is at 5:30 p.m.

                                                    The church office is open 8:30 - 4:30 M-F

                                                    Chip Winter Senior Pastor ext. 13
 Submissions for Redeemer Connection are due on
the 20th of each month. Articles may be submitted
  by emailing katie.lunzman@redeemerlutheran.       Aaron Hickey Associate Pastor ext. 29
com or by using the Communication Request link at
                     Jennifer Anders Children’s Ministry ext. 31

                                                    Phyllis Call Care Ministry ext. 35

                                                    Johanna Harms Administrative Assistant ext. 10

                                                    Scott Ibe Worship and Music ext. 16

                                                    Katie Lunzman Communications ext. 18

                                                    Angie Phillips Care Ministry ext. 30

                                                    Louisa Pummill Early Learning Center ext. 28

                                                    Jeff Schlatter Building, Grounds & Facility Use ext. 25

                                                    Jeff Shoumaker Missions/Small Groups ext. 14

                                                    Sue Skahill Early Learning Center ext. 15

                                                    Jamie Wisely Business/HR Manager ext. 11

                                                    Ron Miller Visitation Pastor

                                                    Tara Barker Nursery Coordinator 309-453-8764
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