Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport

Page created by Craig Flores
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
Corporate Plan
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
Chair’s message

                                                                                                To date, we have awarded several               Our Diversity Action Plan includes a
                                                                                                major contracts required to                    focus on cultural diversity, creating
                                                                                                construct the airport, including               a workplace that promotes equality
                                                                                                major earthworks, the passenger                and inclusion, ensuring employment
                                                                                                terminal design-and-construct                  opportunities for those living with
                                                                                                contract and the contract to design,           a disability, promoting women in
                                                                                                operate and maintain our baggage               leadership and non-traditional
                                                                                                handling system.                               roles, and building links to ensure
                                                                                                                                               proper representation of Aboriginal
                                                              Paul O’Sullivan                   In the financial year 2021–22, we              Australians. We are especially
                                                                                                are on track to complete the award             conscious that we operate in a
                                                                                                of further major contracts that will           region with one of the largest

                                                                                                secure the timeline and financial              populations of First Australians in the
                                                                                                budget for the airport, including:             country.
                                                                  ach year, Western Sydney      • Airside civils, which includes
                                                                  Airport’s Corporate Plan        construction of the runway and               More than any infrastructure project
                                                                  presents an ambitious           taxiways                                     I can recall, the development of
                                                                  agenda for the year ahead.                                                   Western Sydney International relies
                                                                                                • Landside civils, which includes
                                                                  This Corporate Plan, our                                                     on collaboration with all levels
                                                                                                  construction of the car parks,
                                                        fifth since the organisation was                                                       of government. Only with this
                                                                                                  access roads, utility connections
                                                        established by the Australian                                                          collaboration can the project bring to
                                                                                                  and a number of support buildings
                                                        Government, builds on the strong                                                       life a highly liveable Western Parkland
                                                        momentum we have achieved since         • Technology master contract, which           City, enabled by a workforce with
                                                        start-up in late 2017.                    will provide coordination and                21st-century skills and modern social
                                                                                                  integration across the hundreds of           and transport infrastructure. I would
                                                        Despite the enormous challenges           IT systems required to operate and           like to thank all sides of our federal,
                                                        that COVID-19 has brought, I am           optimise the airport.                        state and local governments for
                                                        pleased to say that the team                                                           their vision and support in realising
                                                        working together to bring Western       Our airport’s defining structure,
                                                                                                                                               Western Sydney’s potential.
                                                        Sydney International (Nancy-            our integrated international and
                                                        Bird Walton) Airport to life has        domestic passenger terminal, will              On behalf of our team, I would
                                                        continued to perform strongly.          begin to take shape this year. Along           especially like to acknowledge the
                                                        The project remains on track to         with our cargo precinct, the terminal          public servants who have done so
                                                        open to international and domestic      will be the realisation of many of the         much to ensure the airport project
                                                        passenger flights and air cargo         promises we’ve made to the Western             started and remains on track. Their
                                                        operations in late 2026.                Sydney community about the                     significant contribution is too often
                                                                                                airport. It will be a building Western         less visible, however each and every
                                                        In developing Sydney’s new airport,     Sydney will be proud of, a physical            nationally important infrastructure
                                                        we remain committed to delivering       symbol of the energy and dynamism              project relies on their expertise and
                                                        on three key objectives for the         of the local community.                        dedication.
                                                        Australian Government:
                                                                                                The number one priority for the                Together, we are creating a better
                                                        • Creating much-needed aviation        Board and management continues
                                                          capacity for the Sydney basin to                                                     future for our community with
                                                                                                to be the relentless pursuit of the            Western Sydney International proudly
                                                          safeguard the growth of Australia’s   highest safety standards for our
                                                          global city decades into the future                                                  at the centre.
                                                                                                workforce and the community. To
Western Sydney Airport                                  • Establishing a world class,          date, our safety record has been
acknowledges Aboriginal people                            digitally enabled international       encouraging, but we must not lower
as the Traditional Owners of the                          airport designed with customer        our guard as we bring on new major
                                                          experience at the core, with easier   contractors, particularly as the start
Country on which we work and
                                                          access through new and upgraded       of terminal construction represents
live. We acknowledge the Dharug                           road and rail infrastructure          a change in the nature of the safety
nation as the Traditional Owners                        • Creating thousands of high-          challenge ahead.
of Country on which the Western                                                                                                                Paul O’Sullivan
                                                          quality jobs for the around two
                                                                                                Our company also has a strong                  Chair
Sydney International (Nancy-                              and a half million people living in
                                                          Western Sydney, through direct        focus on driving diversity throughout
Bird Walton) Airport is being                                                                   our business. We’re building Western
constructed. We pay our respects                          employment at the airport and
                                                          through the high-tech businesses      Sydney International in one of
to their Elders past, present and                         attracted to the new city of          the most diverse communities in
emerging, and extend that respect                         Bradfield being developed by the      Australia and our business will be
to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait                       NSW Government adjacent to the        more effective by ensuring we
                                                          airport.                              reflect the community we serve.
Islander people.
2   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                    Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   3
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
CEO’s message

                                                     Developing a greenfield airport is a unique
                                                     opportunity to apply learnings from the
                                                     experiences of airports and their customers
                                                     across the world.
       Simon Hickey

Each day, as I have the privilege of leading the team bringing to life the incredible vision
for Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, I am struck by the strong
connection our people have with our purpose to be a catalyst for social and economic
benefits across the region.

           s we look ahead, it is                  will come together with an incredible    and inclusion in our team. We will
           important to recognise                  airport design. This will be largely     also ensure that our community
           the incredible progress                 driven by digitally enabled operations   partnerships and workforce initiatives
           achieved on the project,                and outstanding customer service         lead to the airport’s social and
           including the 50 per                    to offer an experience that is a         economic benefits beginning now,
cent earthworks completion. The                    unique, compelling proposition for       years before the first aircraft lands.
commitment, passion and expertise                  passengers, airlines and air cargo
of our workforce has contributed to                operators.                               The launch and implementation of
this success and will remain central to                                                     our first Reconciliation Action Plan
keeping the project on track.                      In terms of air cargo, we will build     this financial year is also an important
                                                   on the strong foundation of our          milestone for our organisation. This
Over the course of the year, we                    engagement with our twelve air           plan embodies our commitment to
will award the remaining major                     cargo-related MOU partners to            ensuring that Western Sydney Airport
construction projects, as well as our              advance market engagement to             creates opportunities for Aboriginal
crucial airport technology contract.               help define our air cargo precinct.      people and contributes positively to
This marks the end of an ambitious                                                          Australia’s reconciliation journey.
period of significant procurement.                 While the Delta variant has created
It’s one that has been defined by                  unprecedented challenges across          Maintaining our strong collaboration
the highest standards of probity                   Australia, particularly for aviation     with all levels of government will
and strong commercial outcomes,                    and construction, we will continue       continue to be one of our highest
despite the pressures of a booming                 to ensure our COVID-19 safety plans      priorities in enabling the airport and
infrastructure market.                             place the safety and wellbeing           delivering the infrastructure and
                                                   of our team and the community            planning required to ensure the
The start of the passenger terminal                above all else. Our construction site    region’s success. Almost as critical will
precinct’s construction will be                    continues to create employment,          be our focus on the two-way dialogue
another important milestone in                     operating in line with health order      with the community about the airport
developing the airport. While the                  capacity restrictions and vaccination    that we value so greatly.
continuing development of the airport              requirements.
infrastructure is essential to bringing                                                     It is my pleasure to present Western
to life this vision, accelerating                  My colleagues on Western Sydney          Sydney Airport’s 2021-22 Corporate
customer and commercial                            Airport’s executive leadership team      Plan. This is how we intend to continue
development will also define this                  and I all take personal responsibility   our journey to deliver a world-class,
financial year.                                    for the project’s safety performance.    sustainable airport precinct for
                                                   We will continue to drive a proactive    the people of Western Sydney and
Developing a greenfield airport is a               safety culture by engaging with our      beyond.
unique opportunity to apply learnings              workforce and empowering them
from the experiences of airports and               to constantly improve our safety
their customers across the world.                  frameworks.
More importantly, it provides an
opportunity to look forward to the                 Western Sydney Airport is a part of
five years until operations begin, and             the community. To reflect this, we
                                                                                            Simon Hickey
consider how tomorrow’s technology                 will continue our focus on diversity

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Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
Our Board of Directors

                                                    Mr Paul O’Sullivan
                                                    Chair and Non-executive Director

                                                    Paul is the first Chair of the WSA Co      Colonial Group and the Royal Dutch
                                                    Limited and was appointed in August        Shell Group in Canada, the Middle East,
                                                    2017. Before joining us, Paul was the      Australia and the United Kingdom.           Ms Anthea Hammon                         Ms Christine Spring                            Mr John Weber
                                                    CEO of Singtel Group (Consumer) from       Paul is also the Chair of Singtel Optus     Non-executive Director                   Non-executive Director                         Non-executive Director
                                                    2012-14, and the CEO of Optus before       Pty Ltd and ANZ Banking Group, and a        (appointed November 2017)                (appointed August 2017)                        (appointed November 2017)
                                                    that. Before those roles, he worked in a   Director of St Vincent’s Health Australia
                                                    range of senior positions within Optus,    and Australian Tower Network Pty
             Paul O’Sullivan                        and in management roles with the           Limited.                                    Anthea is a tourism business leader      Christine is an expert in aviation             John is Chair of Airservices Australia,
    Chair and Non-executive Director                                                                                                       with over 15 years’ experience who       infrastructure development and                 as well as a Director of AMS Group
                                                                                                                                           has a passion for the Blue Mountains     airport operations, as well as a civil         and Dimeo Group.
                                                                                                                                           and Western Sydney, having lived         engineer with over 20 years of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   John is an advisor to the CEO of
                                                                                                                                           and worked there her entire life. She    experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RedEye Apps, a digital technology
                                                                                                                                           is the Managing Director of Scenic
                                                                                                                                                                                    Christine has both Australian and              business. He was Chief Executive and
                                                                                                                                           World, a third-generation family
                                                                                                                                                                                    international experience in aviation           Board Member at Minter Ellison, and
                                                                                                                                           business that has operated in the
                                                                                                                                                                                    infrastructure delivery, including             later a Managing Partner and member
                                                                                                                                           Blue Mountains for over 70 years.
                                                                                                                                                                                    in New Zealand, the United Arab                of the international executive of DLA
                                                                                                                                           Anthea is also a Director of             Emirates, Asia and the Pacific                 Piper. John has worked extensively
                                                                                                                                           Scenic World’s parent company,           Islands. Christine is also a Director          in industry and government across
                                                                                                                                           Hammons Holdings, which operates         of Auckland International Airport,             a diverse range of sectors, including
                                                                                                                                           BridgeClimb on the Sydney Harbour        Unison Networks Ltd, Unison                    transport, defence, infrastructure
                                                                                                                                           Bridge. Beyond this, Anthea is the       Contracting Services Ltd and NZ                and financial services. He brings
                                                                                                                                           Vice President of the Blue Mountains     Windfarms Ltd; and is Chair of                 considerable Board experience from
                                                                                                                                           Accommodation and Tourism                Isthmus Group Ltd.                             his roles in several public, private and
Mrs Fiona Balfour                                   Mr Tim Eddy                                Mr Vince Graham AM                          Association, and has previously                                                         not-for-profit organisations.
Non-executive Director                              Non-executive Director                     Non-executive Director                      served as a Director of Blue
(appointed August 2017)                             (appointed August 2017)                    (appointed November 2017)                                                                                                           John holds a Bachelor of Laws from
                                                                                                                                           Mountains Economic Enterprise, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the Australian National University
                                                                                                                                           the Australian Amusement, Leisure
Fiona’s executive career was                        Tim has over 30 years’ experience in       Vince brings over 30 years of               and Recreation Association.
in aviation, information and                        leading and managing in professional       experience in senior and chief              Anthea holds a Bachelor of
telecommunication services, and                     services environments, including           executive roles in infrastructure and       Mechanical Engineering from the
distribution and logistics. She is a Non-           most recently as Managing Partner          public transport. He has considerable       University of NSW, and is a Graduate
executive Director for the Australian               Operations, Oceania at Ernst &             knowledge of infrastructure projects        of the Australian Institute of Company
Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). She                 Young.                                     in NSW, having been CEO of                  Directors.
is also a Nominee Director acting for                                                          Networks NSW and RailCorp NSW. At
                                                    Throughout his career, he has
the Public Sector Investment Board                                                             the latter, he was responsible for the
                                                    developed expertise in a range of
of Canada at each of Land Services                                                             $30 billion public-private partnership
                                                    areas. These include global and
South Australia and Airtrunk Limited                                                           Waratah train project.
                                                    national transformation and change,
and its associated entities in Australia,
                                                    developing new service offerings,          Vince is a Director of NSW Catholic
Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.
                                                    growth strategies for business             Schools Ltd, and a member of the                                                     This airport is the centrepiece of Western
Fiona is a long-term Member of                      operations, risk management and            NSW Public Service Commission                                                        Sydney’s future prosperity. We expect it to
Chief Executive Women, a Fellow of                  governance best practice, and driving      Advisory Board and the Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                    support almost 28,000 direct and indirect jobs
the Australian Institute of Company                 sound financial outcomes.                  University Senate Audit and Risk
Directors, a Fellow of Monash                                                                  Committee and People and Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                    by 2031 through connecting businesses to
University, and a Fellow of the Royal
                                                    Tim holds several Non-executive
                                                                                               Committee.                                                                           national and international markets.
                                                    Board roles. He is a Fellow of                                                                                                  The Hon Paul Fletcher MP on Western Sydney International
Aeronautical Society of London. In
                                                    Chartered Accountants Australia            Vince also sits on the Board of the
2006, she was awarded the National
                                                    and New Zealand, and a graduate of         Australian Rail Track Corporation and
Pearcey Medal for a ‘Lifetime
                                                    the Australian Institute of Company        Western City Parklands Authority. A
Achievement and contribution to the
                                                    Directors.                                 lifelong resident of Penrith, he brings
Information Technology Industry’.
                                                                                               his strong connection to Western
Fiona holds a BA (Hons) from Monash                                                            Sydney to our organisation.
University, a Graduate Diploma in
Information Management from UNSW
and a MBA from RMIT University.
6     Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                                                                                                      Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   7
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
Our direction
                                                                                                                                          Our operating
                                                                                                                                                                                            While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has
                                                                                                                                                                                            been significant and far-reaching, particularly on
                                                                                                                                                                                            the aviation sector, the need for Western Sydney
                                                                                                                                          context                                           International (Nancy-Bird Walton) is as strong as ever.

                                                                    Strategic priorities                                                  Aviation and COVID-19 update
                                                                                                                                          While the impact of the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                          pandemic has been significant
                                                                                                                                          and far-reaching, particularly on
                                                                                                                                          the aviation sector, the need for
                                                                                                                                          Western Sydney International
       Purpose                                                                                                                            (Nancy-Bird Walton) remains strong.
 To generate social and                         Building                       Building                           Building                Forecasting by IATA (the International
   economic prosperity                     the infrastructure                the business                        your future              Air Transport Association) predicts
  in Western Sydney by                                                                                                                    global air traffic recovering to 2019
   working together to                                                                                                                    passenger levels by 2023, three years
                                                                                                                                          before WSI begins operations. Whilst
 safely deliver a thriving
                                                                                                                                          this timeline remains subject to the
     airport business                                            Strategic outcomes                                                       success of the global vaccine rollout,
                                                                                                                                          the suppression of new strains and
                                          Develop a world-leading       First choice for our              Be a catalyst for our           the consistent and coordinated
                                          airport business that         customers while                   communities’ social and         reopening of global country borders,
                                          delivers on shareholder       delivering sustainable            economic development            early signs suggest pent-up demand
                                          objectives                    commercial outcomes                                               exists. The results of surveys
                                                                                                                                         conducted across key countries like
                                                                                                                                          Australia, the USA, China, Japan and
                                                                                                                                          the UK reflect a healthy desire for
                                                                                                                                          domestic and international travel,
                                                                         Core values                                                      which will support the global aviation
                                                                                                                                          Within this global context, Australia

         Vision                                                                                                                           is well placed as a fertile market for
                                                                                                                                          growth. Australians love to travel,
     Gateway of choice                                                                                                                    and this desire has historically driven
    to Australia and the                           Safety                      Inclusion                           Courage                strong demand. Demand recovery
    world — connecting                                                                                                                    is likely to come from those visiting
     people, places and                                                                                                                   friends and relatives (VFR) and leisure
                                                                                                                                          travellers first, as people look to
                                                                                                                                          reconnect with loved ones and explore
                                                                                                                                          the globe. Business travel is expected    the important role that infrastructure           park from late 2026 onwards. But
                                                                                                                                          to gradually recover thereafter,          development will play in economic                perhaps even more powerful will be
                                                 Integrity                     Pioneering                           Passion               as economic confidence across             recovery from COVID-19. Western                  the flow-on benefits of the project.
                                                                                                                                          industries improves more broadly.         Sydney International is one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The NSW Government is developing
                                                                                                                                                                                    Australian Government’s flagship
                                                                                                                                          WSI will have the third-largest                                                            the Western Sydney Aerotropolis
                                                                                                                                                                                    infrastructure projects. It’s also
                                                                                                                                          catchment of any Australian                                                                around the airport. This project is set
                                                                                                                                                                                    the catalyst for billions of dollars
The Directors of Western Sydney Airport present the 2021-22 Corporate Plan, which has been prepared by WSA Co Limited (ABN: 81 618        airport from Day 1 of operation.                                                           to attract job-creating businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                    of further social, transport and
989 272) (Western Sydney Airport, WSA or the Company) for its Shareholder Ministers in the Finance and Urban Infrastructure portfolios.   Furthermore, this catchment will                                                           in the advanced manufacturing,
                                                                                                                                                                                    liveability investment in the region.
This plan covers the period of 2021-22 to 2024-25 and is prepared in accordance with Section 95 of the Public Governance, Performance     be made up of one of the most                                                              science and education sectors.
                                                                                                                                                                                    This means our role in the economic
and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act).                                                                                                   culturally diverse populations in                                                          Additionally, the opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                                    recovery will be significant.
                                                                                                                                          Australia. This diversity means WSI                                                        businesses to grow and create jobs
                                                                                                                                          will be well placed to harness the        Western Sydney International                     through supplying the airport and
                                                                                                                                          catchment mix as one of the drivers       will offer a direct benefit to the               aerotropolis will further compound
                                                                                                                                          of the airport’s early growth.            community by providing a platform                the economic benefit.
                                                                                                                                                                                    for essential growth in Sydney’s
                                                                                                                                          Western Sydney and the role of                                                             Western Sydney is one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    aviation capacity. It will also directly
                                                                                                                                          infrastructure                                                                             fastest-growing parts of Australia,
                                                                                                                                                                                    create thousands of jobs, both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and is expected to grow to 3 million
                                                                                                                                          Both the Australian and NSW               during construction and at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     residents by 2036. Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                          Governments have been clear about         airport and the on-airport business

8    Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                                                                                                         Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   9
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
development is essential to support                •A
                                                     t a state level, we will continue      Airspace development
this growth. In fact, with more than                to work with transport agencies to
                                                                                             The Department of
$15 billion of investment in ground                 integrate public transport systems
                                                                                             Infrastructure, Transport,
transport and road infrastructure,                  into the airport precinct. This
                                                                                             Regional Development and
the airport has already played                      includes Sydney Metro (regarding
                                                                                             Communications is responsible
a significant role in stimulating                   our rail connections), and Transport
                                                                                             for airspace and flightpath
infrastructure growth in the region.                for NSW (regarding road network
                                                                                             design for Western Sydney
                                                    development and rapid bus services
In 2021, Infrastructure Australia                                                            International. The airspace
                                                    to key Western Sydney centres). It
reiterated its position that the                                                             design is also being overseen
                                                    also includes collaboration on road
development of Western Sydney                                                                by a range of aviation experts,
                                                    network development.
International is one of only six                                                             including Airservices Australia
high-priority projects nationwide.                 •A
                                                     t a local level, we will continue to   and the Civil Aviation Safety
Furthermore, the airport project is                 engage with local councils on issues     Authority (CASA).
supported by another high-priority                  relevant to the airport, including
                                                                                             The Department reports
project, the new toll-free M12                      planning, transport and regional
                                                                                             that flight path design for
motorway, as well as several other                  economic development. We will
                                                                                             Western Sydney International is
high-priority initiatives.                          also build on our strong existing
                                                                                             progressing well and is on track
                                                    relationships across the region’s
Every dollar invested in airports,                                                           for the airport’s scheduled 2026
                                                    business, industry and community
roads, rail and other infrastructure                                                         opening.
                                                    sectors. This will not only improve
projects has compounding benefits in
                                                    the airport’s development, but also      Once the preliminary
our community. Large infrastructure
                                                    ensure that the region maximises         airspace design is finalised,
projects create work for tradespeople
                                                    the benefit from the opportunities       the Department will proceed
and contracts for businesses of all
                                                    WSI will provide to its people and       with the environmental
sizes, many of which are small or
                                                    businesses.                              assessment phase, including
medium family-owned operations.
                                                                                             public exhibition, which is
These investments have become                                                                when the community will have
more important in recovering                                                                 the opportunity to provide a
from the economic impacts of                                                                 submission. Airservices Australia
the pandemic, along with existing                                                            will lead the detailed airspace
climate-related challenges such                                                              design, including preparing the
as drought, floods and bushfires.                                                            airspace change proposal for
Infrastructure development                                                                   final approval by CASA. This
cushions the impact of economic                                                              process provides independent
shocks, bringing certainty to many                                                           checks and balances, as well as
households, while delivering on our                                                          an opportunity to incorporate
community needs.                                                                             community feedback.
Together, these effects underline why,                   [We are seeing] when                Airspace design is complex and
now more than ever, the development                      constraints are relaxed             requires a careful and thorough
of Western Sydney International is so                    or removed, there is very           process to get it right, ensuring
important – for the region, for Sydney,                  strong pent-up demand.              it balances competing needs
for NSW and for Australia.                               That is what happened in            from the community, industry
                                                         Europe last summer and              and users of Sydney’s airspace,
Effectively working together
                                                                                             while maintaining safety as
                                                         what we saw in Australia
We cannot deliver Western Sydney                                                             the priority.
International airport alone. Delivery                    in February. So we are
requires effective collaboration                         optimistic that as we
across several key government                            go through the health
agencies, in addition to support from                    crisis associated with
business, industry and the community                     the pandemic and these
sector. To drive this support, we will                   restrictions are relaxed
work with all levels of government, as                   or removed, passenger
well as other stakeholders, including
the following:
                                                         traffic will recover
  t a federal level, we will continue
                                                         Willie Walsh, Director General
 to engage with federal agencies to
                                                         IATA on post-pandemic global
 inform the design and operations
                                                         air travel demand
 of the airport. Notably, this includes
 border agencies within the terminal,
 and for Airservices navigation and
 firefighting facilities around the site.

10   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                           Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   11
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
  Our strategic priorities
  Our key activities for 2021-22 will fall                                   earthworks projects in Australian                    • Airside Works Package – including the                    their decades of airport delivery                in the strong mechanisms and layers                   by independent experts will ensure
  into three main focus areas:                                               history, which remains on track for                    runway, taxiways, perimeter roads and                     experience globally to support us                of independent, expert testing and                    our approach is rigorous and
                                                                             completion within our expected                         fencing, high voltage services, and                       in managing the construction site                auditing we have put in place. These                  effective.
  • building the infrastructure
                                                                             timeframes.                                            navigation equipment and aids.                            and ensure effective integration                 measures ensure we minimise any
  • building the business                                                                                                                                                                     between our major works contractors.             impacts of airport construction on                    3.2 Building the business
                                                                             In addition to the ongoing earthworks,               • Landside Works Package – including
  • building your future                                                                                                            the main roads to the airport, landside                   These activities will ramp up over               our neighbours and the surrounding                    As construction moves into a strong
                                                                             terminal construction will begin,
                                                                                                                                    and airside support buildings, and                        the reporting period, supported by a             environment. They also ensure that                    delivery phase in earnest, so too will
  Together, these areas underpin our                                         meaning that this defining element
                                                                                                                                    water and sewer utilities. Landside                       focus on worker health and safety as             these impacts are in line with our                    our focus on our second strategic
  purpose: to generate social and                                            of Western Sydney International
                                                                                                                                    works will also include major interface                   our number one priority.                         environmental approvals.                              priority – building the business.
  economic prosperity in Western                                             will start to take shape. We will also
  Sydney by working together to safely                                       finalise procurement of the remaining                  activities with the M12 roadway and                       Across all construction packages,                We will closely monitor and                           We will deliver a customer-centric,
  deliver a thriving airport business.                                       major works packages. This will                        the Sydney Metro–Western Sydney                           we will continue to follow NSW                   manage our performance against                        world-leading airport business that
                                                                             involve awarding contracts for runway                  Airport train line.                                       health orders, including capacity                our Construction Environmental                        generates social and economic
  3.1 Building the infrastructure                                            development (included in our airside                 After we awarded the contract to                            and vaccination requirements, to                 Management Plans (CEMPs), including                   prosperity for Western Sydney and
                                                                             civil and pavements contract) and                                                                                ensure the safety of our workforce               holding our construction contractors                  beyond.
  Infrastructure delivery includes                                                                                                Multiplex in June 2021, the terminal
  planning and building all elements                                         landside civil and building works.                   construction project is set to begin with                   and community remains our highest                to these high standards.                              Customer focus
  of the airport precinct, such as the                                                                                            early work starting by the end of 2021.                     priority.
                                                                             Major works packages                                                                                                                                              As terminal construction begins, we                   The experience that Western Sydney
  terminal, runway and other airside                                                                                              We expect to award the remaining                            Environmental focus                              will prepare for the start of airside                 International offers our customers
  and landside elements.                                                     The final three major construction                   major construction contracts by the                                                                          and landside civil works. During this                 – passengers, airlines and air cargo
                                                                             contracts for Western Sydney                         second quarter of 2022, and then                            Developing major infrastructure such
  Our earthworks are now well                                                                                                                                                                                                                  time, we will work proactively with                   operators alike – will define our
                                                                             International are:                                   terminal construction works will start                      as Western Sydney International
  advanced, and they recently passed                                                                                                                                                                                                           our contractors and environmental                     success. To achieve our vision, we
                                                                                                                                  during the 2021-22 period.                                  provides countless ongoing benefits
  the halfway mark in March 2021.                                            • Terminal Works Package – including                                                                                                                             regulators to ensure we manage                        will need to incorporate a deep
                                                                                                                                                                                              to communities, but we must
  This means we’ve made strong                                                 the terminal building, forecourt,                  Bechtel will continue to play a key role as                                                                  cumulative impacts within the strict                  understanding of customer needs
                                                                                                                                                                                              carefully manage the impacts of
  progress on what is one of the largest                                       approach roads, carparks and apron                 our delivery partner. They will leverage                                                                     environmental approvals. Regular                      and insights into our customer
                                                                                                                                                                                              construction. Communities around
                                                                               works.                                                                                                                                                          environmental performance auditing                    experience design.
                                                                                                                                                                                              the airport site can have confidence
 Key project milestones and activities

                                                              2021–22                              2022–23                   2023–24                     2024–25
                                                     Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4         Q1      Q2       Q3     Q4   Q1   Q2      Q3     Q4    Q1     Q2    Q3     Q4                      Key business and operational milestones and activities

                                   Earthworks                                                                                                                                                                  2021–22                              2022–23                            2023–24                              2024–25
                                   Contract               Practical         Practical   Practical
                                                        completion         completion completion                                                                                                    Q1       Q2         Q3   Q4        Q1           Q2     Q3       Q4       Q1       Q2       Q3        Q4         Q1     Q2        Q3         Q4
                                                     (Terminal Area      (Rail Easement

                                                 Part 2 and Airside)        Corridor)
                                   Main Works                                                                                                                                                                                                       Continued achievement of commercial milestones
                                   Package 1C
                                                  Contract         Commence
                                                   award           construction

                                   Main Works

                                   Package 2                                                                                                                                                          Develop a roadmap            Achievement                                                                                             Commence

                                                          Commence          Commence                                                                                                                   (scope, milestones,         of milestones                                                                                          ORAT delivery
                                                          construction      construction                                                                                                                  resources) for          set out in ORAT                                                                                           – airside
                                                            (Piling)         (Terminal)                                                                                                               integrated planning            roadmap
                                                                                                                                                                                                      with AsA, CASA and
                                   Baggage                                                                                                                                                                    AMS
                                   System                                                               Commence
            AND BUILDING


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Technology                                                 Airport                    Site Wide
                                   Main Works                                                                                                                                                                                            Enablement Systems                                           Operational                 Integration
                                   Package 3                        Contract                    Commence                                                                                                                                 Implemented; Cyber,                                           Systems                      Testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cloud, Integration                                         Implemented                 commenced
                                                                     award                      construction


                                   Technology                                                                                                                                                 *
                                   Contract               Mobilisation of Technology                                                                                                          AsA - Airservices Australia
                                                              Delivery Program                                                                                                                CASA - Civil Aviation Safety Authority
                                                                                                                                                                                              AMS - Aviation and Maritime Security
  For each of the key packages, a range of enabling functions will be carried out in order to support and ensure successful and effective completion.                                         ORAT - Operational Readiness, Activation and Transition

  12                       Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22      13
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
Building from the strong foundation                built, insights-driven design will         The design of Western Sydney
of the insights gained from our                    deliver. In designing our operations,      International’s systems and operations
airline and air cargo MOU partners,                we will continue to place an emphasis      will continue to develop throughout
we will authentically engage with our              on designing efficient processes           this year. As it does, we will lock in
future customers. As a result, we will             that reinforce safety and security         more tangible proof points of how
better understand their perspectives,              requirements for our business and all      technology and data can offer a game-
their needs and the areas where                    our customer segments.                     changing experience for our future
they see opportunities to disrupt                                                             customers.
                                                   Our activities will be focused on
and transform the traditional airport
                                                   preparing for a successful ORAT            3.3 Building your future
                                                   and continue to involve close
We will then use these insights                    collaboration with the relevant            We’re building Sydney’s new airport
to further develop and refine our                  Commonwealth agencies such as              to drive socioeconomic uplift for
customer strategy, which will bring                AsA, AMS and CASA.                         communities across Western Sydney.
together technology, design and                                                               As infrastructure development gains
                                                   Technology                                 momentum, and the airport moves
outstanding customer service.
The overall goal is to ensure that                 The inherent challenge of designing        closer to passenger and air cargo
catching a plane from Western                      a digitally enabled airport five years     operations, we understand our
Sydney International is fast and easy              ahead of the start of operations in late   responsibility to do more than merely
for passengers.                                    2026 is also our greatest opportunity.     keep the community informed. Rather,
                                                   For Western Sydney International, this     we need to play our part in enabling
This year, we will also respond to                                                            Western Sydney’s residents to get
                                                   means being deliberate in choosing
interest from the cargo community                                                             the most out of the opportunities
                                                   technologies that will enable our
and work with them on plans                                                                   that Western Sydney International will
                                                   vision to transform passenger, airline
to optimise our cargo precinct.                                                               create.
                                                   and air cargo customer experiences.
Extending our relationships with our
                                                   However, technologies must also            We also know that this must be a
airline and air cargo MOU partners will
                                                   be flexible enough to absorb or            meaningful, two-way conversation.
provide opportunities to explore their
                                                   adopt emerging trends and new              That’s why we’re committed to being
current and future business needs.
                                                   developments that might occur              more accessible by ensuring that
Importantly, throughout this process,
                                                   between now and when the first             you have many ways to learn about
we will continue to draw insights from
                                                   aircraft operates.                         Western Sydney International, ask us
our local community, who will serve
as the future customers of the airport             Western Sydney International’s             questions about what the airport will
we are building.                                   baggage handling system is one             mean for you and your family, and to
                                                   example of how we will leverage            provide us your feedback.
Operations                                                                                                                              Over the reporting period, we will        connect with us to learn more about          positive sustainability outcomes is a
                                                   technology to drive an outstanding         Community                                 also engage with our community in         construction progress, airport               priority across our organisation.
Once we understand these                           customer experience. The modern                                                      several ways, including:                  design and operations, and future
needs clearly, we can ensure that                  system will sort, store and deliver        Ensuring that we remain accountable                                                                                              In the coming year, we will continue
                                                                                              and accessible to the people of           • Ensuring our on-site community         career opportunities. Of course, our
operations from Western Sydney                     bags to aircraft and return them to                                                                                                                                         our focus on sustainability by
                                                                                              Western Sydney is fundamental to our        engagement team continues to            community telephone line is always
International enjoy the efficiency and             passengers more efficiently, safely and                                                                                                                                     working with designers and
                                                                                              community engagement program.               build strong relationships with         available for anyone to pick up the
reliability benefits that our purpose-             reliably than systems at older airports.                                                                                                                                    engineers throughout the design and
                                                                                              The Western Sydney International            residents and businesses around         phone and ask questions about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               construction process. Sustainable
                                                                                              Experience Centre enables visitors          the airport site                        airport.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               design, energy efficiency and
                                                                                              to learn about the airport through        • Supporting local community events,     Additionally, in the coming year, we         circular economy principles are key
                                                                                              an engaging digital exhibition. It also     and providing information and           will focus on proactively managing our       considerations as we design the
                                                                                              provides a first-class view of airport      opportunities for attendees to give     partnerships with government, industry       airport and its operations. We will
                                                                                              construction and the future runway and      feedback about the airport              and community stakeholders. These            look to optimise energy and water
                                                                                              terminal site.                            • Engaging with our school               groups are equally focused on driving        efficiency, select low embodied
                                                                                              In response to strong community             community about the airport and         economic and social prosperity in            carbon materials, and explore
                                                                                              feedback, the Experience Centre is          the future jobs it will create          Western Sydney. Our project is closely       every possibility to use recycled
                                                                                              now open five days a week (Monday to                                                associated with the Western Sydney           construction materials.
                                                                                                                                        • Implementing our Aboriginal
                                                                                              Thursday, and Saturdays), with Fridays                                              City Deal – a historic agreement
                                                                                                                                          Engagement Master Plan, including                                                    Our commitment to the
                                                                                              reserved for visits by groups such as                                               between eight local councils and the
                                                                                                                                          developing our first Reconciliation                                                  Infrastructure Sustainability Council
                                                                                              local councils, job-creating businesses                                             State and Australian Governments.
                                                                                                                                          Action Plan to build deeper                                                          of Australia (ISCA) and Green Star
                                                                                              considering locating to Western                                                     The City Deal will maximise the benefits
                                                                                                                                          engagement with the Aboriginal                                                       ratings also means we will ensure that
                                                                                              Sydney, schools and countless others.                                               of the airport through supporting
                                                                                                                                          community.                                                                           our main works contractors have a
                                                                                              We have welcomed over 16,000 people                                                 infrastructure, environmental,
                                                                                                                                        While it is likely that lockdowns                                                      proven sustainability track record.
                                                                                              to the Experience Centre since it                                                   educational and liveability initiatives,
                                                                                                                                        and restrictions in response to the                                                    Furthermore, we will work with them
                                                                                              opened in September 2019. We will                                                   amongst many others.
                                                                                                                                        Delta variant will impact our ability                                                  to ensure that our construction
                                                                                              continue to evolve our activities (such   to deliver some of our face-to-face       Sustainability                               project maintains its strong
                                                                                              as our school holiday program) based      community engagement, we are                                                           sustainability performance.
                                                                                              on feedback from these visitors.                                                    We’re building an airport for Western
                                                                                                                                        continually looking for new, innovative   Sydney’s future, so ensuring that we
                                                                                                                                        ways for the community to digitally       consider every opportunity to drive

14   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                                                                                                   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   15
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
Our people
                                                               We are strongly committed to ensuring that the
                                                               diversity of our workforce reflects the community
                                                               the airport will serve, as well as driving a supportive
                                                               and inclusive workplace culture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Our number one priority is maintaining the health
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and safety of our employees, contractors, partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and the general public. This is also key to ensuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                   our business operations continue as planned.
and capability                                                                                                                                 our risk

We understand that creating an                      Building a diverse workforce                                                               The impacts of COVID-19 have                 •S
                                                                                                                                                                                              takeholder and Reputation:                risk management is essential for
inclusive, diverse workforce leads to a                                                                                                        created uncertainty across the                risks affecting community and               any organisation’s success, and for
healthier, more productive workplace.                     WSA has committed to ambitious workforce targets in aiming to build                  economy, but particularly to                  stakeholder expectations and                successfully delivering any project.
It also enables us to leverage the                        a diverse workforce:                                                                 aviation and construction. Although           our ability to build organisational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In managing our risks, we strive to
unique skills and perspectives of our                                                                                                          significant risk exposure still exists, we    goodwill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         meet the highest standards. This is
people to best serve our communities                       Workforce                                  Target        * A diverse workforce     continue to monitor our risk profile
                                                                                                                                                                                              eople and Capability: risks               why we hold ourselves to AS/NZS
and customers. We strive to create                                                                                    includes women in        to capture and assess information.
                                                           Residents of Western Sydney              30% during        non-traditional roles,                                                 affecting how we attract and retain         ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management
an environment that reflects the                                                                                                               This means we can adjust both our
                                                                                                   construction       women in leadership,                                                   talent, and how our employees do            – Principles and Guidelines on
communities in which we operate.                                                                                                               COVID-safe and continuity plans as
                                                                                                    50% during        economic and socially                                                  their jobs                                  implementation (ISO 31000): an
We also want a working environment                                                                                                             required.
                                                                                                    operations        disadvantaged                                                                                                      internationally benchmarked
that is safe, engaging, productive                                                                                                                                                          •S
                                                                                                                                                                                              ecurity: risks affecting our physical
                                                                                                                      people, and people       As a greenfield airport, we are                                                           standard.
and flexible, in which our people can                      Diverse workforce*                           10%           with a disability, as                                                  security management and business
                                                                                                                                               committed to ensuring that our
reach their potential.                                                                                                well as 2.4% of our                                                    resilience
                                                           Learning workers                            20%                                     design accommodates changing
To create this, we have developed                                                                                     workforce made up of     requirements from both an industry           •C
                                                                                                                                                                                              yber Security: risks from breaches
                                                                                                                      Aboriginal people.
an action plan with measurable                                                                                                                 and governmental perspective. This            of, or attacks on, our information
objectives that focus on influencing                      Our commitment to workforce targets will also continue                               allows us to best prepare WSI for             systems
behaviour at individual, team and                         when Western Sydney International is operational.                                    future disruptions, and to continue
                                                                                                                                                                                              echnology: risks that threaten,
organisational levels. This aims to                                                                                                            operating during such times.
                                                                                                                                                                                             or happen as a result of, our
drive sustained positive impact by                  Creating employment and skills                   • Collaborating with the tertiary        Our risk profile is robust, and we have       technology environment
valuing differences and promoting                   development opportunities in the                   education sector, including             established control frameworks for
opportunities for all employees.                    community                                          universities and Registered Training                                                 •D esign and Delivery:
                                                                                                                                               risks that can potentially affect our
Within this plan, we are looking                                                                       Organisations (RTOs), where                                                          — risks affecting our ability to deliver
                                                    As we continue to build Western                                                            performance, including:
specifically at gender balance within                                                                  appropriate                                                                              the project to scope, on time and
our leadership positions. We aspire to              Sydney International, our workforce                                                        •H
                                                                                                                                                 ealth, Safety and Wellbeing:                  within budget
have women represent a minimum of                   initiatives will help to ensure that the         • Partnering with specialised             risks affecting the health, safety
40% of these roles, complemented by                 airport’s socioeconomic benefits for               organisations (for example                                                           — interface risks arising from the
                                                                                                                                                and wellness of our employees,
a minimum of 40% men.                               Western Sydney begin now by:                       Settlement Services International)                                                       alignment of, and integration with,
                                                                                                                                                contractors and the communities
                                                                                                       to help people from disadvantaged                                                        external works and their impact on
                                                    • Using local suppliers and employing                                                      in which we operate
                                                                                                       backgrounds to secure employment                                                         the delivery of the airport. These
                                                      local resources where possible                                                           •E
                                                                                                                                                 nvironment: risks affecting our               external works include delivering
                                                    • Creating opportunities for                                                               impact on the environment                       the road, rail and utility networks,         [The baggage handling
                                                                                                     • Keeping the community informed                                                          meeting Commonwealth Agencies’
                                                      Aboriginal people, including                                                             •S
                                                                                                                                                 ustainability: risks affecting our                                                         system] contract helps
                                                                                                       of job opportunities via our website,                                                    requirements, and liaising with
                                                      focusing on:                                                                              ability to achieve sustainability                                                            ensure that this world-
                                                                                                       career & jobs fairs, school education                                                    local councils within the airport
                                                    — strengthening our relationships                 forums, and higher education             objectives                                                                                   class airport is on track to
                                                        within the Aboriginal community                                                                                                         precinct
                                                                                                       forums                                  •G
                                                                                                                                                 overnance, Legal and                                                                       deliver quality domestic
                                                    — fulfilling our commitment to 3%                                                                                                      •O perations: risks affecting our
                                                                                                     • Continuing to lead the Skills           Compliance: risks affecting internal          ability to operate the business                and international services
                                                        of contracts being managed by                  Taskforce, which builds workforce        governance processes, fraudulent                                                             for Australia and become
                                                        Aboriginal suppliers                           capability and capacity to meet                                                      A key part of our management
     [For leadership
                                                                                                                                                or corrupt behaviours and our ability
                                                                                                                                                                                            structure is the Audit and Risk                  Western Sydney’s
                                                    — developing a Reconciliation Action              current and future requirements to       to meet regulatory compliance                                                                gateway to the world.
     positions] we aspire                               Plan.                                        — leverage education and training to
                                                                                                                                                                                            Committee. This committee sets out
     to have women                                                                                                                             •S
                                                                                                                                                 trategic: risks affecting our             the risk management charter for each             Every contract awarded
                                                                                                         establish employment pathways
     represent a minimum
                                                    • Cultivating opportunities for                                                            strategy delivery and overall               of the areas above and assesses any              on major developments
                                                      learner workers, including trainees,           — increase representation of diverse      business success                            new risks.                                       such as this one
     of 40% of these roles,                           apprentices and workers training                   groups in the workforce
     complemented by a                                                                                                                         •F
                                                                                                                                                 inancial: risks affecting                 We aim to manage and control                     is helping to drive
                                                      to upgrade their qualifications and            — increase opportunities in Western
     minimum of 40% men                               skills                                                                                    shareholder value and our project’s         all risks to minimise any negative               Australia’s economic
                                                                                                         Sydney for education, training and     or business’s overall financial             impact. This approach allows us                  recovery from COVID-19.
                                                    • Collaborating with the education                  employment                             stability                                   to understand foreseeable risks
                                                      sector, including TAFE, to support                                                                                                                                                     Senator The Hon Simon
                                                                                                     • Encouraging a diverse workforce                                                     and make effective decisions                     Birmingham on Western Sydney
                                                      pre-employment programs that                                                             •C
                                                                                                                                                 ommercial: risks impacting our
                                                                                                       that includes:                                                                       despite uncertainty. This kind of                International
                                                      showcase careers in aviation (for                                                         revenue and the value of both the
                                                      example the Youth Engagement                   — women in non-traditional roles          business and the airport
                                                      Strategy)                                      — women in leadership
                                                    • Partnering with TAFE to support the           — Aboriginal people
                                                      learning pathway for trainees                  — socially and economically
                                                                                                         disadvantaged people
                                                                                                     — people with a disability.
16    Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                                                                                                            Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   17
Corporate Plan 2021-22 - - | Western Sydney Airport
6.                  Measuring our performance
We use a range of performance                         metrics span both financial and non-                         At the end of the year, we will review
metrics and targets to keep us                        financial outcomes, because both                             our performance against these
accountable to our strategic priorities               dimensions are equally critical to our                       targets to ensure we remain focused
(see ’Our Direction’), which underpin                 success.                                                     and effective in delivering Western
delivering WSI. Our performance                                                                                    Sydney International.

                   Performance outcome                                                                 Measure/Target
              Strategic Safety                                    Measure:                                2021-22 target:                 2022-23 onwards:
              Management                                          Total Recordable Injury                 TRIFR < 5 1                     As per the 2022-23
                                                                  Frequency Rate (TRIFR)                                                  Corporate Plan
              Measures WSA’s success in
              cultivating and reinforcing a safety-
              first, prevention and protection
              mindset amongst employees,                                                                    1
                                                                                                                Industry benchmark
              contractors and consultants

              Strategic People                                    Measure:                                2021-22 target:                 2022-23 onwards:
              Management                                          Employee                                Employee                        As per the 2022-23
                                                                  engagement score                        engagement score                Corporate Plan
              Measures agility, engaging
                                                                                                          of 72%
              leadership, talent focus and
              commitment to roles

              Infrastructure                                      Measure:                                2021-22 target:        2022-23 onwards:
              & Technology Delivery                               Completion of key                       Completion of          As per the 2022-23
                                                                  delivery milestones within              delivery milestones    Corporate Plan
              Measures the achievement of key
                                                                  the specified timeframes                for the financial year
              delivery milestones as laid out in
              this plan

              Project Environmental                               Measure:                                2021-22 target:                 2022-23 onwards:
              Performance                                         Prevention of material                  Nil Environmental               As per the 2022-23
                                                                  harm to the environment                 Protection Orders               Corporate Plan
              Measures the effective execution
                                                                                                          issued by the
              of Construction Environmental
                                                                                                          Airport Environment
              Management Plans (CEMPs)
              throughout delivery phases of
              the Airport

              Commercial Business                                 Measure:                                2021-22 target:                 2022-23 onwards:
              Development                                         Completion of key                       Completion of                   As per the 2022-23
                                                                  business and operational                business and                    Corporate Plan
              Measures the achievement of
                                                                  milestones within the                   operational
              key business and operational
                                                                  specified timeframes                    milestones for the
              milestones as laid out in this plan
                                                                                                          financial year
              Community Engagement              Measure:                                                  2021-22 target:                 2022-23 onwards:
              Measures the extent of community  Community                                                 Maintain the index              As per the 2022-23
              engagement undertaken by          engagement index                                          at 65% or more                  Corporate Plan
              WSA and subsequent awareness
              and support of Western Sydney
              International (Nancy-Bird Walton)

              Financial Performance                               Measure:                                2021-22 target:                 2022-23 onwards:
              Measure of actual expenditure                       Variance to budgeted                    Expenditure within              As per the 2022-23
              relative to budgeted forecasts                      forecasts                               the approved                    Corporate Plan

            The performance criteria in this Corporate Plan will be tracked internally and reported through the Annual Report process. The Company also monitors
            performance trends to ensure performance-related risks are identified in a timely manner and are addressed proactively. It is important to note that factors
            which are beyond the Company’s control may arise that impact achievement of the targets set out above. However, WSA will mitigate these situations
            wherever practicable. Furthermore, it is expected that performance criteria will be refined and will evolve as WSA moves closer to operations in 2026.

18   Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22                                                                                                                     Western Sydney Airport I Corporate Plan 2021 – 22   19
WSA Co Limited
ABN 81 618 989 272
PO Box 397
Liverpool NSW 1871
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