COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview

Page created by Laura Hammond
COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview
11–14 MAY 2021

COVID-19 – The Infection
Challenging the World:
a commercial preview
The Annual Scientific Conference hosted by the British                                       quantification of a broad range of
                                                                                             infectious disease pathogens.
Society for Microbial Technology has been the beneficiary                                       The AltoStar platform enables an
                                                                                             advanced ‘sample to result’ CE/IVD-R
of support and sponsorship from a range of relevant                                          automated workflow for RT-PCR testing
                                                                                             with minimal hands-on time. AltoStar
companies. With this year’s event being held virtually                                       assays include HIV, HCV, HBV, HEV, CMV,
                                                                                             EBV, adenovirus, BKV, JCV, HSV, VZV,
over four days, the following commercial colleagues                                          parvovirus, HHV6, a-Herpes, influenza
                                                                                             and SARS CoV-2.
have grasped the opportunity to be associated with                                               The new complementary FlexStar
                                                                                             product range brings a novel approach to
this important series of webinars.                                                           syndromic testing, allowing the customer
                                                                                             to define their own multiplex testing
                                                                                             panel. In addition, the well-known and
Alpha Laboratories                                                                           trusted RealStar infectious disease assay
Throughout the pandemic, Alpha                                                               range, which offers a common protocol
Laboratories has been supplying a range                                                      and is validated for use on a broad variety
of swabs and transport tubes to help                                                         of RT-PCR instrumentation, has been
facilitate testing demands. The company                                                      designed to offer users complete
has also provided expertise and supplies                                                     confidence in the validity of results.
to support compliant specimen transport.                                           
   Once a swab sample has been
collected there are strict guidelines                                                        BD Integrated Diagnostic Solutions
regarding how it should be packaged for                                                      BD Integrated Diagnostic Solutions (IDS)
transport to the laboratory. This must be                                                    provides solutions from collection to
in accordance with UN3373 regulations,      The AltoStar platform from Altona Diagnostics.   results, to drive impactful outcomes in
which require the use of primary,                                                            patient and healthcare worker safety
secondary and tertiary packaging            sample packaging components and for              through reducing diagnostic errors,
materials to provide a triple layer         added convenience the complete sample            improving efficiency and integrated
compliant system.                           transport kits, such as the popular              diagnostic stewardship.
   Alpha offers an extensive range of       RF95-LL1, including absorbent 95-kPa                BD IDS focuses on integrated
                                            pouch, security seal and the rigid outer         specimen management, microbiology
                                            box with regulatory markings. Additional
                                            specimen bags are also provided
                                               For transporting large numbers of
                                            samples, the Alpha range of UN3373
                                            Medical Sample Carriers is a popular
                                            choice with medical couriers and for
                                            hospital transport.

                                            Altona Diagnostics
                                            Altona Diagnostics is focused on
A complete packaging solution from          bringing to market high-quality molecular
Alpha Laboratories.                         test systems for the detection and               The portable BD Veritor Plus system.

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COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview
11–14 MAY 2021

solutions, STI and cervical cancer                                                                                                                                            of the first commercially available

                                                  Sharon Forrest, Biomed Online immunocytochemistry tutor, Liverpool
screening, and COVID-19 diagnostic                                                                                                                                            diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2, along
solutions. When it comes to strategies                                                                                                                                        with additional critical tests for COVID-19
implemented to contain the spread of                                                                                                                                          patient management.
SARS-CoV-2, the ability to identify                                                                                                                                              The SARS-CoV-2 R-GENE assay is a
infected patients rapidly is crucial.                                                                                                                                         real-time PCR kit for the detection of
BD offers a range of solutions from                                                                                                                                           SARS-CoV-2. The new BIOFIRE
collection to result for coronavirus testing                                                                                                                                  FILMARRAY Respiratory 2.1 Plus Panel
needs, including swabs, tubes and                                                                                                                                             enables rapid and accurate automated
needles for specimen collection, and                                                                                                                                          detection of pathogens behind respiratory
antigen and molecular tests for detection.                                                                                                                                    infections. It tests for 19 viruses including
    The BD Veritor Plus system is the                                                                                                                                         SARS-CoV-2, and four bacteria that cause
portable, easy-to-use rapid testing system                                                                                                                                    respiratory tract infections in 45 minutes.
that allows users to provide patients with                                                                             HER2 fluorescence in situ hybridisation in a case of   Individual VIDAS SARS-CoV-2 IgG and
reliable results for SARS-CoV-2, Flu A+B,                                                                              invasive breast cancer – Biomed Online learning.       IgM antibody assays complement the
Group A Strep and RSV in just minutes.                                                                                                                                        company’s PCR solutions.
Furthermore, BD MAX System PCR                                                                                         and workplace practitioners. A wide range                 Every COVID-19 patient comes with
detection delivers results in two to                                                                                   of topics in pathology-related areas is                a unique profile and experiences the
three hours.                                                                                                           available and different course                         disease differently. Patient management                                                                                                combinations can also be selected for                  means asking the right questions,
                                                                                                                       qualifications leading to MSc, PG Dip                  finding the right answers and providing
                                                                                                                       or PGCert awards.                                      appropriate care on the entire length of
                                                                                                                          Each course has been tailored                       the patient pathway.
                                                                                                                       specifically by healthcare specialists to    
                                                                                                                       suit workforce needs, and each is
                                                                                                                       delivered online, fully supported by
                                                                                                                       specialist tutors in small groups of around
                                                                                                                       10 students. Using password-protected
                                                                                                                       learning environments, Biomed Online
                                                                                                                       offers a safe, structured learning
                                                                                                                       environment where participants will also
                                                                                                                       be able to share their experience of
Screen for fungal diseases with BioConnections.                                                                        pathology in practice with colleagues.
                                                                                                                       Healthcare organisations in partnership
BioConnections                                                                                                         with the University of Greenwich manage
COVID-19 infections present a significant                                                                              the courses.
risk of secondary infection, as seen in                                                                                   Biomed Online tutors over 700
emerging reports of a link between                                                                                     students per annum, with a >90% pass
COVID-19 and fungal co-infections such                                                                                 rate.
as aspergillosis. Fungal co-infections are                                                                   
a severe threat to patients already
weakened by COVID-19 infection.                                                                                        bioMérieux
These fungal co-infections need to be                                                                                  The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing,
identified rapidly for antifungal therapy                                                                              unprecedented global health challenge.                 The MALDI Biotyper from Bruker.
to be successful.                                                                                                      bioMérieux is proud to be part of the
    Invasive fungal infections can be                                                                                  global response, having developed three                Bruker
challenging to identify. Bringing fungal                                                                                                                                      As a result of the global SARS-CoV-2
diagnostics in-house can lead to a                                                                                                                                            pandemic, clinical microbiology
significant reduction in result reporting                                                                                                                                     laboratories are facing a significantly
turnaround time. BioConnections is                                                                                                                                            increased workload. On top of the
introducing a range of products to UK                                                                                                                                         requirement to test for the virus itself,
clinical laboratories for the rapid                                                                                                                                           patients who are critically ill with COVID-
detection of various biomarkers used to                                                                                                                                       19 are susceptible to secondary bacterial
screen for fungal diseases, and, when                                                                                                                                         infections, which may even escalate to
combined with the Merlin Micronaut                                                                                                                                            sepsis.
antifungal susceptibility testing system,                                                                                                                                        Bruker’s MALDI Biotyper can be
enables rapid targeted patient care.                                                                                                                                          implemented with the MBT Sepsityper
    More information on these new                                                                                                                                             IVD Kit, enabling reliable species
products is available from BioConnections                                                                                                                                     identification directly from positive blood
through a virtual presentation.                                                                                                                                               cultures in 15–20 minutes.                                                                                                                                                           “The Sepsityper solution has
                                                                                                                                                                              revolutionised diagnostic microbiology in
Biomed Online                                                                                                                                                                 our laboratory. With rapid identification
Biomed Online offers a well-established                                                                                                                                       of a blood culture flagging positive,
suite of short courses delivered over                                                                                                                                         we are able to change treatment and
12 weeks for the continuing professional                                                                                                                                      management properly, escalating or
development of biomedical scientists                                                                                   The BIOFIRE FILMARRAY system from bioMérieux.          de-escalating as appropriate. Reducing

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COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview
11–14 MAY 2021

the time to identification means we are        the company is well-established in its          the serosurveillance study, the results of
able to improve patient outcomes               work with international partners to             which have informed the UK government’s
dramatically, and the Sepsityper has not       distribute a variety of automated               strategy to combat the pandemic.
only improved clinical outcomes but            laboratory solutions.                 
diagnostic practice as well,” says Francis         One example of this is COPAN’s newly
Yongblah, Laboratory Manager and HSST          launched UniVerse, a high-throughput
Clinical Scientist.                            system capable of de-capping, re-                                 capping, pipetting and aliquoting from
                                               primary tube to secondary tube (or deep-
                                               well plates) prior to molecular diagnostic
                                                   As the name suggests, UniVerse offers
                                               a universal response to some of the most
                                               critical challenges faced by today’s clinical
                                               laboratories. Paring perfectly with every
                                               downstream molecular biology platform,
                                               it ensures the safety of operators,             Launch Diagnostics supplies high-quality
                                               eliminates human error, provides rigorous       diagnostic reagents, instruments and services.
                                               traceability, and increases productivity.
GeneXpert Xpress from Cepheid.                     A wide variety of assays can be             Launch Diagnostics
                                               accommodated including respiratory,             Launch Diagnostics has been a supplier
Cepheid                                        gastrointestinal, hospital-acquired             of diagnostic innovation for more than
Over a decade ago, Cepheid set the             infections, SARS-CoV-2, HPV and STI             30 years, providing strategic solutions
standard for innovation in automated           screening.                                      for the microbiology laboratory.
molecular diagnostics — and the                                 Partnering with world-leading
company has never looked back.                    manufacturers, Launch supplies high-
    The GeneXpert System has been                                                              quality diagnostic reagents, instruments
heralded as game-changing by healthcare                                                        and services to the health service
leaders across the globe, enabling                                                             pathology departments throughout the
institutions of any size, from small medical                                                   UK, Ireland and Europe.
clinics to high-volume reference                                                                  Launch continually aims to introduce
laboratories and hospitals, to access                                                          the latest instruments and assays, such
the speed and accuracy of molecular                                                            as offering a total portfolio of COVID-19
diagnostics.                                                                                   diagnostics, from molecular to rapid tests,
    Cepheid’s growing Xpert test menu                                                          plus molecular controls. In addition, the
spans multiple clinical applications                                                           company recently launched the Curian
including healthcare-associated infections,                                                    from Meridian Bioscience, a fluorescent
sexual health, critical infectious disease,                                                    test analyser.
virology and oncology.                         Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection or         Liofilchem’s range of antibiotic                                vaccination; a trio of tests from EUROIMMUN.    resistance tests is currently expanding,
                                                                                               with new antibiotics being introduced
Don Whitley Scientific                         EUROIMMUN UK                                    and new innovative agar and broth
Don Whitley Scientific is best known           EUROIMMUN UK supplies the healthcare            dilution panels for easy test set-up and
within laboratory circles for its range of     industry with medical diagnostic products       interpretation.
modified atmosphere workstations and           in the principal areas of autoimmunity,
spiral platers. In addition to this legacy,    infectious diseases and allergy.
                                                   EUROIMMUN UK is the British
                                               subsidiary of the EUROIMMUN group,
                                               a manufacturer of medical laboratory
                                               diagnostic products. EUROIMMUN was
                                               one of the first companies in the world
                                               to offer a comprehensive panel of
                                               SARS-CoV-2 tests, validated for in vitro
                                               diagnostic purposes.
                                                   Tests offered by EUROIMMUN include
                                               direct detection methods and highly
                                               accurate indirect detection methods to
                                               assess the immune response following            Comprehensive respiratory pathogen
                                               SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination. The        detection from Luminex.
                                               latest assays developed by the company
                                               are the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 QuantiVac (IgG),        Luminex
                                               the SARS-CoV-2 NeutraLISA and the               Whatever the testing algorithm required,
                                               SARS-CoV-2 IGRA.                                Luminex has something to offer.
                                                   EUROIMMUN UK has supported public              Processing up to 96 samples in under
                                               health bodies in establishing a serology        three hours post-extraction, the NxTAG
The UniVerse, now distributed through          assay for use in the National Testing           Respiratory Pathogen Panel + SARS-CoV-
Don Whitley Scientific.                        Strategy since March 2020, especially for       2 detects 23 pathogens in a single well

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COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview
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                                               including SARS-CoV-2. For a more                    This enables Mast Group to provide
                                               targeted approach to testing with minimal       tools to aid in the diagnosis of clinical
                                               hands-on time and results within two            disease, from pioneering antibiotic
                                               hours, then ARIES may be better suited.         susceptibility testing to novel molecular
                                               In addition to the ARIES SARS-CoV-2             solutions, Mast Group continues to
                                               assay, Luminex offers many other tests.         develop products for the ever-changing        Selective enrichment broth and swab from MWE.
                                               Additionally, you can run laboratory-           IVD market, creating solutions to support
                                               developed tests with the help of Exo+           clinical diagnosis today and into the         treatment for, group B Streptococcus
                                               Ready Mix and Extraction Cassettes              future.                                       (GBS) to ensure the best outcome both
                                                  Luminex is about to launch its                                 for mothers and babies.
                                               combined ARIES SARS-CoV-2, Flu A/B                                                               The RCOG recommendation states that
                                               and RSV assay, which simultaneously                                                           a gold-standard Enriched Culture Medium
                                               detects these important respiratory                                                           swab test should be used as it is proven
                                               pathogens in a simplified sample-to-                                                          that, without using a selective enrichment
                                               result format.                                                                                broth, up to 50% of women who are GBS-
                                                  The latest addition to the COVID-19                                                        positive have false-negative culture results.
                                               testing line-up detects 20 viral                                                                 Prevention of early-onset GBS
                                               pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, and                                                          infections would benefit from improved
                                               three bacterial pathogens in a single                                                         detection methods by optimising
                                               well. Using the proven NxTAG and                                                              specimen collection and processing
                                               MAGPIX technology, it is possible to                                                          procedures. MWE developed Sigma GBS,
                                               process up to 96 extracted nucleic acid                                                       a selective enrichment broth, complete
                                               samples in under three hours, with just                                                       with swab, designed for isolation of GBS
                                               one pipetting step.                                                                           from pregnant women, to tackle the issue
                                                                                                                of false negatives, offering patients
                                                                                                                                             accurate results, saving lives and
                                               Mast Group                                                                                    improving outcomes.
                                               Mast Group is a UK-based independent            Molecular diagnostics from Mobidiag.
                                               European manufacturer and supplier of
                                               clinical diagnostic products. Established in    Mobidiag                                      National Collection of Type Cultures
                                               Liverpool in 1957, Mast Group has grown         Mobidiag develops and markets                 The National Collection of Type Cultures
                                               into a multinational company exporting          molecular diagnostics for gastrointestinal    (NCTC) is one of four Culture Collections
                                               globally. The corporate headquarters are        infections, antimicrobial resistance          operated by Public Health England. NCTC
                                               based in Bootle and Mast has subsidiary         management, healthcare-associated             is the longest-established collection of its
                                               companies in Reinfeld (Mast Diagnostica)        infections and respiratory infections         type and entered its centenary year in
                                               and Amiens, France (Mast Diagnostic).           (including COVID-19). The company aims        2020. The collection holds over 6000 type
                                                   Mast Group were among the first             to provide a global solution to clinicians,   and reference bacterial strains of medical,
                                               companies to commercialise the antibiotic       suited for their own laboratory needs and     scientific and veterinary importance.
                                               disc, and continues to work with major          capacities.                                   The strains support academic, health,
                                               pharmaceutical companies worldwide in               Following the COVID-19 crisis,            food and veterinary institutions and are
                                               the development of new products.                Mobidiag has harnessed its existing           used in microbiology laboratories and
                                                   Mast Group focuses on the                   technologies and expertise to develop         research institutes worldwide. All strains
                                               susceptibility, identification and resistance   and supply coronavirus molecular              are available in a freeze-dried format
                                               along with offering molecular and               diagnostic tests. In addition to targeted     and DNA from over 100 strains is also
                                               immunochemistry solutions for the IVD           tests for COVID-19, it is now offering        available.
                                               market. This is achieved through the            RESP-4 multiplex panels, which are highly         In 2020, NCTC accessioned over 175
                                               investment in personnel, R&D and                relevant to both the traditional influenza    new strains into the collection from all
                                               infrastructure, including state-of-the-art      season and COVID-19.                          over world. These included 79 newly
                                               manufacturing facilities on Merseyside.             Symptoms caused by most common            described type strains, strains of recently
                                                                                               winter season viruses (SARS-CoV-2,            described taxa, novel bacteriophage,
                                                                                               Influenza A, Influenza B and RSV) can be      control strains and recently circulating
                                                                                               very similar, and it is imperative that       clinical strains. NCTC is a unique resource
                                                                                               healthcare professionals are able to
                                                                                               distinguish between them rapidly, in order
                                                                                               to start the appropriate treatment.
                                                                                               Amplidiag RESP-4 (for batch testing) and
Microrao CC BY-SA 4.0

                                                                                               Novodiag RESP-4 (for on-demand testing)
                                                                                               are now available.

                                                                                               Recently, Nadine Dorries, Minister of State
                                                                                               for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and
                                                                                               Patient Safety, reinforced the importance
                                                                                               of following the Royal College of
                                               Antimicrobial resistance detection              Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)       The National Collection of Type Cultures collection
                                               expertise from Mast Group.                      guidelines on the prevention of, and          holds over 6000 type and reference bacterial strains.

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COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview
11–14 MAY 2021

and its remit over the past 100 years has         Developing the gold standard in
remained largely unchanged: to provide        testing, Randox patented Biochip
a trustworthy source of authentic bacterial   Technology presents unique testing
strains for use in scientific studies.        capabilities by enabling a multiplex        testing method. This has found
                                              application in hospitals, clinical research
                                              and molecular laboratories, food testing,
                                              forensic toxicology, veterinary laboratories
                                              and POCT.
                                                  Randox adapts quickly to meet market       The EntericBio workstation from Serosep UK.
                                              demands and currently offers a diverse
                                              range of testing solutions for COVID-19.       RSV with the same easy-to-use freeze-
                                              Utilising its Biochip Technology capable of    dried reagents – just add extract.
                                              conducting multiple tests simultaneously,         Users who wish to add to their
                                              the Randox Biochip has two tests for           diagnostic armoury can do so with assays
                                              COVID-19, one specific and one                 for STI and fungal testing using SpeeDx
                                              confirmatory, both run on the all-in-one       and PathoNostics, both available from
An update and new venture from                molecular solution, Vivalytic, a universal,    Serosep UK.
Pro-Lab Diagnostics.                          fully automated, cartridge-based     
Pro-Lab Diagnostics                                            Werfen
Pro-Lab Diagnostics is pleased to                                    Increasing diversity of SARS-CoV-2
continue its support of BSMT. It will be                                                     variants and potential higher infectivity
strange not being able to actually meet                                                      of new viral strains underline the need to
with our friends and colleagues during                                                       identify and track mutations across the
these unprecedented times during the                                                         complete viral genome.
pandemic.                                                                                        The Novatec/Gold Standard
   The company will provide an update                                                        Diagnostics (GSD) Group has launched
on its core products and work over the                                                       an innovative molecular solution for the
past year with COVID testing, RT-PCR,                                                        identification of the B.1.1.7 (UK) and
lateral-flow, biobanking, racking and                                                        B.1.351 (South Africa) variants with a short
benchtop equipment; it has been a busy                                                       turnaround time.
year for us all, set to continue as we roll                                                      GSD NovaType SARS-CoV-2 Detect
out the new variant kits.                                                                    & ID is a real-time RT-PCR test for the
   Also to be announced is a new venture      Comprehensive product range from               qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2, and
into the sepsis point-of-care (POC) testing   R-Biopharm Rhône.                              the subsequent identification of variants.
arena with some newly developed                                                              The GSD NovaType SARS-CoV-2 ID
technology.                                   R-Biopharm Rhône                               is intended as a confirmatory test for                             R-Biopharm Rhône is a daughter company         potential mutants and should be
                                              of R-Biopharm-AG with over 30 years’           performed on samples positive for
Randox Laboratories                           experience as a diagnostics developer          SARS-CoV-2 using the GSD NovaPrime
Randox, a global healthcare diagnostics       and manufacturer.                              SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) real-time PCR kit.
company, is committed to developing               With RIDA QUICK, RIDA SCREEN and           Further information is available from
state-of-the-art technology including         RIDA GENE, the company offers a variety        Werfen.
chemistry, immunoassay, molecular and         of product technologies including rapid
POC platforms, in addition to complete        tests for pathogen detection, ELISAs and
quality control solutions and high-quality    PCR assays covering respiratory, enteric,
first- and third-party reagents.              STI, transplant and microbiome targets.
                                              All assays are CE/IVD-marked.
                                                  In addition to an already extensive
                                              range, the company offers the Microbix
                                              range of Quality Assessment Products
                                                                                                                                              CDC/Cynthia S Goldsmith, A Tamin

                                              (QAPs) to complement diagnostic assays.

                                              Serosep UK
                                              Join the growing number of EntericBio
                                              users in the UK, delivering fast and
                                              accurate enteric screening using Serosep       Molecular solutions to detect new SARS-CoV-2
                                              UK’s Enteric PCR solution. Test for            variants as they emerge are available from
                                              bacteria, parasites and viruses using the      Werfen, the exclusive distributor for Novatec
                                              same easy process with freeze-dried            (GSD Group) in the UK.
                                              reagents for up to 46 samples per run.
                                                 What's new for 2021 from Serosep UK?
                                                                                              For more information, visit the BSMT
                                              Cover the new normal winter screen with         website ( or email
Vivalytic, the universal, fully automated,    RespiBio SARS-CoV-2 and combined                Valerie Bevan (
cartridge-based platform from Randox.         RespiBio SARS-CoV-2, Flu A, Flu B and

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COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview COVID-19 - The Infection Challenging the World: a commercial preview
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