CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center

Page created by Tracy Figueroa
CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center

                 Monthly Newsletter of

  What is the "Crayon Tribune"?

  Classroom Corner

  AmazonSmile & Wish Lists

  Parent Resources

  Extended Education Program

  Excellence in Child Care

  Development at WBC

Happy February to all our           feedback from our families. We      newsletter is a step in the right

wonderful families here at White    truly appreciate the time you       direction and that you find it as a

Birch Center! Whether your          have taken to complete our          helpful resource for your family.

family is relatively new to us or   surveys and/or participate in our   We want to continue

you have been here for a while,     focus groups. This has given us     strengthening the bond that we

we wanted to take a moment to       an insight into what the needs of   have with each of you and we

say welcome to our White Birch      our families are, and we can now    welcome any and all feedback

Family.                             continue to improve our             that you may have.

                                    programming to meet those

We are continually working to       needs.

improve our programs, and for                                              Thank you & Enjoy!
us to improve, we rely on the       Our hope is that creating this

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CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center
FEBRUARY               2020

A quick note from each of our WBC classrooms

TODDLERS                             TOTS                                              PRESCHOOL
We are wrapping up the winter        Over the past month the Tots                      Preschool has continued to work

season learning about emotions       classroom has been focusing on                    with letter and number

and how to share toys with our       significant social/emotional                      recognition. This may become

friends. We will be doing our part   growth. We have encouraged the                    evident at home if you start to

to combat cold and flu season by     children to focus on their                        see your child pointing out letters

making soapy water sensory bins      emotions as well as the way their                 in storybooks or signs along your

for the children to play in. This    friends might be feeling. They                    commute. The travel alphabet

will clean their hands while also    have come a long way recently                     game is a great way to continue

allowing them to explore their       with using their words to                         this education at home. We are

senses with slimy toys in the        communicate and relay                             also working on taking care of

soap! The water based sensory        messages to their classmates                      ourselves and our own needs. In

bin gives the children a chance      and teachers. We also took some                   doing so, we've developed a

to work on measurement skills        time to learn about animals that                  strategy to help the children put

when they use cups to pour the       live in colder climates. Stay tuned               their mealtime items in the most

water.                               for more sensory discovery as we                  appropriate place, to prevent

                                     explore sensory bins, noise                       spills. This helps the preschoolers

                                     makers, and so much more!                         to have a better understanding of

                                                                                       spatial awareness as well.

For the next few months we will

be encouraging the children to

write their own names every day.

We will begin working on learning

the difference between upper

and lower case letters. We will
                                      February 13th - Pre-K Valentine's Day Party
                                      February 14th - Preschool & Tots
be placing an emphasis on
                                                      Valentine's Day Party
number recognition as well. You
                                      February 16th - National Tell a Fairy Tale Day
may notice the different labels
                                      February 20th - National Love Your Pet Day
around the classroom as we
                                      February 24th - 28th - HCS School Vacation
begin to work more with sight
                                      March 2nd - Dr. Seuss Day
words, you can do this at home        March 10th - Pack Your Own Lunch Day
to encourage growth in the            March 30th - Take a Walk in the Park Day
beginning stages of spelling. In
                                                    Please see your child's
the upcoming months we will                         teacher for a class list for
                                                    Valentine's Day Exchange
also be focusing on the

establishments and buildings

around us, this may include small

trips as we get to know the

members of our community. As

always, please feel free to

browse through your child's

portfolio to check out what we've


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CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center
FEBRUARY         2020

   Shop on today and support White Birch Center!
   Each classroom has their own Amazon Wish List! If you are interested in

   purchasing something for your child's classroom, scan the QR Code on

   the Classroom Corner page next to your child's classroom to check out

   their lists! Remember to shop through AmazonSmile - when you do, they

   will donate to a non-profit of your choice! Scan this QR Code to go to

   Please feel free to reach out to our Admin Staff if you have any questions!

                       New Hampshire State Early Learning Alliance is a program that White Birch holds a

                       membership with, this in turn gives our staff and families access to apply for discounts on

                       things such as electricity, auto insurance and so much more. To apply please contact our

                       director for more information -

                       Our Parent Resources page on our website is a great access point for our families to

                       learn more about the multiple resources available to you. Here you can find information

                       on topics such as; child development, car seat safety, lyme disease, referral information

                       for Community Bridges and so much more. Scan the QR Code to be taken to our Parent

                       Resources Page!

                          WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE EXTENDED ED. PROGRAM?
                           Selling Cookbooks at the After School Program!
                           The Extended Education children have been working hard selling White Birch cookbooks at

                           the After School Program. They used the cookbook sales to emerge and grow children’s

                           individual skills, knowledge, and interests through a multi-step, multi-day project. Check out

                           our website for more information on the cookbook sales process and how they converted

                           each step into a learning opportunity. And be sure to head down to the After School

                           Program between 4:30pm and 5:30pm to buy a cookbook!

SAVE THE DATE: National Love Your Pet Day - Visit from Pope Memorial SPCA
                 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH @ 4:00PM
                Parents are welcome to join - this is a free event

              Donations to Pope Memorial SPCA are encouraged!

             Nominations will be accepted through March 1, 2020

   Has your child’s teacher gone above and beyond to create a loving environment, or to provide a quality learning

   experience for your child? If so, please consider nominating them for the Excellence in Child Care Award. You can

   fill out the enclosed nomination form and mail or email it to the designated address. If you need assistance in

   mailing the form out, please reach out to our admin staff.

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CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center

A note from our Development Manager

Hello Everyone!

My name is Megan Keim and I am the Development Manager here at White Birch. I wanted to take a moment to share

the fundraising that we do throughout the year. We are always in need of volunteers, and this is a great way to get

involved with our center. If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know. One thing I would love to

accomplish this year is creating a parent fundraiser. Be on the lookout for a short survey from me so that I can have

your input on this and what would work best for your family. If you have any questions about any of our events or ways

to get involved you can reach me at I hope you all have a happy and healthy last few
months of this winter season!

                              2020 Special Events Save the Dates
          4TH ANNUAL                                                         7TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT

          Kentucky Derby Party                                               Paquette & Shaw Classic
          Saturday, May 2, 2020                                             Friday, September 25, 2020
          3-7pm                                                             7am - 4pm
          Pats Peak Ski Area, Henniker, NH                                   Stonebridge Country Club, Goffstown, NH

          An event full of fun and excitement.                               The Paquette & Shaw Golf Classic is a
          Join us in the thrill of watching the Run                          day where local businesses and friends
          for the Roses on the big screen.                                   can gather together for great golf and
          Leading up to the event we will be                                 conversation on Stonebridge Country
          celebrating with live entertainment,                               Club's amazing course. 18 holes are
          delicious hors d'eourves, signature                                then followed by an awards luncheon.
          drinks, raffles and Derby themed                                   Raffle item winners are announced and
          contests.                                                          a Stonebridge Membership will be
                                                                             auctioned off. Proceeds benefit White
                                                                             Birch Center.

          Tuesday & Wednesday                                                Annual Appeal
          June 9th & 10th, 2020                                              Monday, November 30, 2020
          6pm - 6pm                                                          Our Annual Appeal goes out every year
          Online, Statewide, Giving Event                                    in late November to our generous
                                                                             donors asking for general operating
          NH Gives – an initiative of the NH
                                                                             funds for our non-profit organization.
          Center for Nonprofits – is designed to
          bring the state together as one
          community, raising as much money                                  SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
          and awareness as possible for New
          Hampshire’s nonprofits within a 24-
                                                                             ARE AVAILABLE BY EVENT OR
          hour, flash-mob of giving.                                                  YEAR-ROUND.

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CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center CRAYON TRIBUNE - Thank you & Enjoy! - White Birch Center
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