Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...

Page created by Darryl Lawrence
Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...
Table Captain Packet
Founder’s Day Breakfast | 2018
An Annual Benefit to aid individuals
suffering from homelessness, addiction and
mental illness.

Little America Hotel, Grand Ballroom
500 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...
Dear Friends,
Volunteers of America is the charity that steps forward to help the most vulnerable
suffering from homelessness, addition and mental illness. We work to uplift those in
the greatest need, breaking down barriers and enabling clients to transform their lives
by leading them to a path of self-reliance.
                                                                                             Included in this packet:
Many face barriers that they are not able conquer alone – legal issues, lack of educa-
tion and employment skills, trauma issues, mental illness and addiction, lack of safe        •Event Overview
housing – VOA Utah assists individuals in working through and/or eliminating these
barriers.                                                                                    •Table Captain 101
We are inviting you to help us improve the lives of over 8,000 low-income individuals
                                                                                             •Check List & Duties
in Utah. Together, we can make a big impact on the lives of these individuals. By vol-
unteering as a table captain for our annual Founders’ Day Breakfast, you will help us
spread our mission and raise funding necessary to sustain this valuable work.
                                                                                             •VOA Utah Information

The hour long breakfast program will include video presentations and speakers to             •FAQ’S
illustrate the impact of VOA Utah’s work. There is no cost for your guests to attend.
Instead, we will ask for your assistance in filling the room with generous guests who will   •Sample Invitation
be invited to make a contribution at the event – a formal ask will be made as part of the
breakfast program.

We couldn’t help Utah’s most vulnerable without your help.

                                       Thank you for your support.
Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...
Event Overview: Founders’ Day Breakfast

Volunteers of America, Utah’s 17th
Annual Founders’ Day Breakfast.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Doors Open - 7:30 am
Breakfast Service - 7:45 am
Program - 8:00 - 9:00 am

Little America Hotel, Grand Ballroom
500 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

                                                 We have a goal of raising $150,000
Breakfast is free. After an inspiring program,
guests will be asked to make a contribution.
There is no minimum gift but if each of the
500 guests donated just $300, we would                The money raised from this event will support
meet our fundraising goal.
                                                      essential community programs such as:
who:                                                  •Homeless Youth resource Center
At least 500 community members will be in
the audience including public policy makers,          •Adult Detoxification Center
judges, business owners, law enforcement,
                                                      •Homeless Outreach Program
concerned neighbors, friends and profes-
sionals from Salt Lake County.                        •Cornerstone Counseling Center
                                                      •Maud’s Cafe: A job internship for homeless youth
Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...
Event Overview: Founders’ Day Breakfast
                                                      •Use the email templates we provide to follow    •Enjoy the program, the speaker will tell you
                                                      up on calls & personal visits.                   when to distribute the donation forms.
Starting Now:                                         •Each table seats 10 guests, if you have more    •Make your own personal/company gift at
•Call 801.875.4587 or email tyrell.aagard@            than 9 guests confirm, we are happy to seat      your table at the same time your guests pledge to reserve your table & confirm your                                                         their support.
willingness to volunteer as a Table Captain.          March 26, 2018:                                  •Return your table envelope to the Table
•Make a list of potential guests. Please consider     •Confirmed Guest Lists are due 3.26.18.          Captain Registration Desk on your way out.
family, friends, colleagues, business associates,     •Register guests online at:
members of clubs or groups, etc. who may have                        After the Event:
interest in the work & mission of VOA Utah.           •If you cannot register guests online, call      •Thank your guests. Send an email, thank you
•To fill your table, identify at least 20 potential   801.875.4587 or email tyrell.aagard@voaut.       note or make a phone call. Blank thank you
guests.                                               org.                                             notes will be available at the Table Captain
•Communicate with you potential guests that           •If you have guests drop out, fill their spots   Kickoff event.
this is a fundraising event. There is no minimum      with other potential guests and email Tyrell     •Donations are tax deductible and all donors
or maximum donation and there is no ticket            the changes. Changes must be made before         will receive an acknowledgment from VOA.
price. We hope that guests are inspired by the        4.13.18.                                         •Follow up with any guests who were unable
stories about our work and through that inspira-                                                       to attend, but expressed interest in making a
tion, be moved to give.
                                                      April 9 - 13, 2018:                              gift. Donations can be made online, in person
•Make a goal to invite those 20 guests prior to                                                        or in the mail after the event.
                                                      •Make personal reminder calls & send
March 1st.
                                                      reminder emails to all your guests.

Jan - Feb, 2018:
•Invite your potential guests. Invite them in the
                                                      April 17, 2018:
                                                      •Arrive at the Grand Ballroom by 7:30 am.
way that works best for your relationship with
                                                      •Check in at the Table Captain Registration
them: email, phone or in person. We’ll provide
                                                      Desk, pick up your name tag & donation
you with Save the Date cards & email templates
when you confirm your participation as a Table
                                                      •Volunteers in VOA t-shirts will show you and
                                                      your guests to your table. Please enjoy coffee
                                                      or juice, mingle, greet & welcome your guests.
Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...
Helping Utah’s Most Vulnerable Each Year

Last year, VOA’S:
                                            •The Homeless Youth Resource Center
                                            saw an average of 85 youth a day, 49% of
•Homeless Youth Resource Center pro-        them accessed shelter and 44% of them           •Volunteers of America, Utah
vided 9,457 shelter nights, averaging 26    are utilizing case management.                  touched the lives of some of Utah’s
youth per night
                                                                                            most vulnerable 59,345 times
                                                                                            through our outreach services.
•Over 50,000 meals were served to home-
                                           •Over 85,000 basic need items (shampoo,
less and at-risk youth through the Youth
                                           hygiene items, clothes, shoes, etc.) were giv-
Resource Center.
                                           en out through the Youth Resource Center
                                           and Homeless Outreach Program.

                                                                                            *All statistics are from Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016
Founder's Day Breakfast | 2018 - Table Captain Packet An Annual Benefit to aid individuals suffering from homelessness, addiction and mental ...
Frequently Asked Questions

                                                  What If I have less or more than 9 guests?

FAQ’s                                             •We will seat your additional guests close to your first table so that you can welcome & interact
                                                  with them. If you have less than 9 guests, we will combine your table with other guests.

What if my RSVP count changes the night before the breakfast?
•Call 801.875.4587 or email as soon as you can.

How much money do my guests need to give?
•There is no minimum or maximum gift amount. We ask that you invite guests who may share your passion for the work VOA Utah does in the
community, and who may be willing to sear their time, talent and resources.

What do I do if a guest can’t attend by wants to make a contribution?
•Guests can donate online by visiting If guests would rather pay by cash or check, you are welcome to bring those
donations with you for your table envelopes. After the event, checks can be mailed to: VOAUT, 435 W Bearcat Dr. SLC, UT 84115.

Why do we wait to give our guests the donation forms at the end of the program instead of the beginning?
•By the end of the program, guests have heard about the mission & work of VOA Utah. We hope they feel inspired to give. Having people com-
plete forms prior to the end of the program can be distracting to the speakers and other guests.

Where does the money go?
•VOA Utah is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our goal of raising $150,000 at this event will support the operations and continuations of
programs like:
•VOA’s Homeless Youth Resource Center •VOA’s Adult Detoxification Center •VOA’s Homeless Outreach Program •VOA’s Cornerstone
Counseling Center •Maud’s Cafe: A Job Training Internship Program

                                               Please contact if you have any other questions or concerns
The Invitation - Tips & Samples

                                                          Sample email:
                                                            Dear [Invitee],

Tips for Inviting Guests:                                   I am honored to be hosting a table at Volunteers of America,
                                                            Utah’s Founders’ Day Breakfast Benefit and I would love for you
                                                            to join me. Let’s catch up and unite under an incredible cause.
•Share your passion. Tell your invitiees why you sup-
port VOA Utah. Have you volunteered? Attended an
                                                            This event supports VOA Utah’s efforts reaching and uplifting
event? Taken a tour? Know a client? Share your story!
                                                            those in greatest need. VOA Utah supports and empowers our
                                                            communities vulnerable suffering from homelessness, addiction
•Know the facts about VOA Utah’s programs. Use the
                                                            and mental illness. This includes at-risk and homeless youth.
facts in this packet.
                                                            VOA Utah assists these individuals in working though their
                                                            personal battles to aid them in one day living a life of self-suffi-
•Communicate the goals of the event. Share that the
                                                            ciency. The gathering will bring together local business leaders,
goal for the Founders’ Day Breakfast is to raise aware-
                                                            elected officials, civic and community leaders. I hope you will join
ness & raise funds for programing.
                                                            me at my table!
•Feel free to educate guests prior to the breakfast by
                                                            The breakfast is Tuesday, April 17th at the Little America Hotel
directing people to our website - or
                                                            and will begin at 7:30 am. The program will begin promptly at
requesting to tour our facilities - email
                                                            8:00 am and will conclude at 9:00 am. The program is moving to schedule a tour.
                                                            and inspirational. It’s also packed, so I’ll be there early to have
                                                            time to chat.
•A personal invitation from you is the best way to ask
guests to sit at your breakfast table. Think creatively
                                                            There is no cost to attend the breakfast, but there will be a formal
about whom to invite and then make a phone call,
                                                            ask at the event. Just reply to this email, and come prepared to
send an email, or invite them over coffee - use the
                                                            join a community of supporters changing the lives of Utah’s most
best method for you and the guest you are inviting.

                                                            Best Regards,
                                                            [Your Name]

 Once your invites have all said “yes,” help get
 them it on their calendar by sending an Out-
 look, iCould, Gmail, etc. meeting request.

 Sample email confirmation:
 Subject - VOA Utah’s Founders’ Day Breakfast
 When: Tuesday, April 17, 2018, 8-9 am
 Where: Grand Ballroom, Little America Hotel

 Thank you so much for joining me for VOA
 Utah’s Founders’ Day Breakfast. Doors open at
 7:30 am. Come early to mingle with other VOA
 Utah supporters & staff.

 I’ll see you on April 17th before 8:00 am!

 After the event, please remember to show your
 appreciation & thank your guests.

 Sample thank you email:
 Dear [Guest’s Name],
 Thank you so much for joining me at VOA Utah’s
 Founders’ Day Breakfast yesterday. U hope you
 found the event both inspiring and informative.
 I appreciate your support in helping to support
 the amazing work VOA Utah does to help some
 of Utah’s most vulnerable Individuals.
 Best Regards,
 [Your Name]
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