Creativity Embracing Integration: in Osteopathic Medicine - American ...

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Creativity Embracing Integration: in Osteopathic Medicine - American ...
Embracing Integration:
                                      2020 Convocation
             in Osteopathic Medicine

                                 J’Aimee Anne Lippert, DO
                                            program chair

   March 11-15 • The Broadmoor • Colorado Springs
Creativity Embracing Integration: in Osteopathic Medicine - American ...
Convocation Highlights                                         THE
             Convocation offers so many events, it can be a
             little mindboggling, but be sure to take note of
                                                                   C O L O R A D O                S P R I N G S
             these outstanding events.

  For physicians
                                                                A luxurious retreat conveniently located just minutes from
  AAO annual meeting                                   Page 4   downtown Colorado Springs, The Broadmoor is the pinnacle
  RAAO lecture track                                   Page 7   of meeting locations in North America. The lush 3,000 acres
  RAAO annual meeting and mixer                        Page 7   are easily accessible, with nonstop flights from Los Angeles,
                                                                San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix directly
  For physicians and students                                   to Colorado Springs Airport, or from anywhere in the United
  Evening With the FAAOs                             Page 18    States through Denver International Airport, just 90 minutes
  Evening With the Stars                             Page 18    away.
  Evening With the Stars & Stripes                   Page 18
  Fun Run                                            Page 13
  LBORC research forum                                Page 6
  Mentorship program                                 Page 15
  Opening reception                                  Page 10
  Osteopathic Education Service                       Page 8
  President’s banquet                                 Page 8
  SAAO silent auction                                Page 13

  For students
  SAAO mixer                                         Page 16

              Attendees are
             responsible for
           placing the correct                                    Non-student attendees should make their Broadmoor
          attendance tickets in                                   reservations online at
         the boxes outside the                                    Student attendees should make their Broadmoor
        meeting rooms to verify                                   reservations online at
        their attendance at the                                   To make your reservations by phone, call 855-634-7711
         lectures and breakout                                    and use booking code AAO2020.
                sessions.                                         AAO rates start at $189 per night plus the daily resort fee.
                                                                  All reservations have a 1-night nonrefundable deposit and
                                                                  an additional 1-night penalty if canceled fewer than 7 days
                                                                  in advance.

2 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                      Physicians register online at
Creativity Embracing Integration: in Osteopathic Medicine - American ...
AAO’s 2020 Convocation
                   Embracing Integration:                                                             Embracing Integration:
                                                                                         Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

                                                      in Osteopathic Medicine
                        J’Aimee Anne Lippert, DO
                        2020 Convocation program chair

Osteopathic medicine provides patients, physicians and                   osteopathic medicine, and they will leave with practical knowledge
communities the opportunity to explore health from all                   and confidence in implementing these ideas directly with their
perspectives, and it integrates mind, body and spirit into the           patients. There also will be time dedicated to expanding personal
provision of care and education. The 2020 Convocation, in the            wellness and exploring individual health transformation.
inherently inspirational setting of Colorado Springs, will provide
                                                                         Additionally, osteopathic educators will have opportunities to
experiences for integrating such concepts as nutrition, functional
                                                                         explore innovations in the changing environment of medical
medicine, movement therapy, exercise prescription, injection
                                                                         education as we extend osteopathic medicine into a broader arena.
modalities, and team care approaches into the osteopathic care of
patients and self-care of physicians.                                    Although Convocation doesn’t officially start until Wednesday
                                                                         evening, we hope you will consider attending one of the three
Attendees will learn through energizing lectures and interactive
                                                                         optional pre-Convocation courses that run from Sunday through
workshops how to implement innovations in their own practice of
                                                                         Tuesday. Separate registration is required.

            Daylight saving time starts Sunday, March 8,
            so don’t forget to set your clocks forward one               8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.       Pre-Convocation Course—Brain Advanced:
            hour on Saturday night!                                                             Releasing the Cranial Meninges Using a
                                                                                                Biotensegrity Model—Bruno Chikly, MD, DO
Sunday, March 8		                    (All times are Mountain)                                   (France), course director (Separate registration
                                                                                                required. See Page 21.)
8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.      Pre-Convocation Course—Brain Advanced:             8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.       Pre-Convocation Course—Cranial Nerve
                      Releasing the Cranial Meninges Using a                                    Course—Kenneth J. Lossing, DO (Separate
                      Biotensegrity Model—Bruno Chikly, MD, DO                                  registration required. See Page 23.)
                      (France), course director (Separate registration
                      required. See Page 21.)
8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.      Pre-Convocation Course—Cranial Nerve               Tuesday, March 10
                      Course—Kenneth J. Lossing, DO (Separate            8 a.m.–5 p.m.          Committee on Fellowship in the AAO meeting
                      registration required. See Page 23.)                                      and interviews
1–5 p.m.              Pre-Convocation Course—Pediatric Manual            8 a.m.–5 p.m.          Pre-Convocation Course—Pediatric Manual
                      Medicine—Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO, and                                      Medicine—Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO, and
                      Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL (Separate                                 Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL (Separate
                      registration required. See Page 22.)                                      registration required. See Page 22.)
                                                                         8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.       Pre-Convocation Course—Brain Advanced:
Monday, March 9                                                                                 Releasing the Cranial Meninges Using a
                                                                                                Biotensegrity Model—Bruno Chikly, MD, DO
8 a.m.–5 p.m.         Pre-Convocation Course—Pediatric Manual                                   (France), course director (Separate registration
                      Medicine—Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO, and                                      required. See Page 21.)
                      Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL (Separate
                      registration required. See Page 22.)               8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.    Pre-Convocation Course—Cranial Nerve
                                                                                                Course—Kenneth J. Lossing, DO (Separate
                                                                                                registration required. See Page 23.)
                                                                                                                           (continued on Page 4)

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Embracing Integration:
                 Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Tuesday, March 10 (continued from Page 3)
                                                                                 DO-Touch.NET’s Annual Meeting
6–9 p.m.              DO-Touch.NET meeting (Separate registration
                      required. See Page 4.)                                     at Convocation
                                                                                 The A.T. Still Research Institute in Kirksville, Missouri, will
Wednesday, March 11                                                              host its annual meeting of its practice-based research network,
8 a.m.–noon           AAO Board of Trustees’ meeting                             DO-Touch.NET, at The Broadmoor on Tuesday, March 10,
8 a.m.–noon           DO-Touch.NET meeting (Separate registration                from 6 to 9 p.m. and on Wednesday, March 11, from 8 a.m.
                      required. See information to the right.)                   to noon.
8 a.m.–6 p.m.         American Fascial Distortion Model Association
                      examinations                                               Current members and those interested in promoting or
10 a.m.–8 p.m.        Convocation registration open                              conducting practice-based research with an emphasis on
11 a.m.–1 p.m.        Residents’ in-training written exam                        osteopathic manipulative medicine are welcome to attend.
Noon–1 p.m.           AAO leadership luncheon (invitation only)                  The Tuesday evening program will be designed specifically
Noon–4 p.m.           Ed Stiles study group                                      for residents and residency directors who are interested in
                      All attendees are invited to hear Dr. Stiles’ update on    promoting research in their programs.
                      the latest data he has gathered on sequencing.
                                                                                 Registration and payment for the DO-Touch.NET Annual
1–4 p.m.              AAO Board of Governors’ meeting
                                                                                 Meeting and Educational Seminar is separate from that of
2–5 p.m.              Residents’ in-training practical exam
                                                                                 Convocation. Please visit www.DO-Touch.NET to learn more
4–5 p.m.              AAO Investment Committee’s meeting
                                                                                 about registration and programming.
4–7 p.m.              National Undergraduate Fellows Association’s
                      program (NUFA members only)
5–7 p.m.              Opening reception in the exhibit hall
5–7 p.m.
5–7 p.m.
                      Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)
                      SAAO silent auction (see Page 13)
                                                                                 AAO Annual Business Meeting
7–9 p.m.              Evening With the FAAOs, Laura E. Griffin, DO,
                      FAAO (moderator)
                                                                                 and Luncheon
                      All registered attendees are invited to this event to      The AAO’s full members should plan to attend the AAO’s
                      learn tips and tricks from some of the luminaries of       annual business meeting and luncheon on Thursday, March
                      the profession.                                            12, from 11:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. At the meeting, AAO
9–10 p.m.             Mentorship meeting                                         officers will present annual reports, and voting members will
                      The AAO Membership Committee will facilitate               have the opportunity to elect new leaders. In addition, 2019-
                      connecting physician mentors with student protégés.
                      See Page 15.                                               20 AAO President Kendi L. Hensel, DO, PhD, FAAO, will
9–10 p.m.             Train the Trainers Workshop                                present the Academy Award, which recognizes individuals
                      Breakout session facilitators will brief their table       outside of the Academy who have profoundly contributed to
                      trainers on how they want techniques taught at the         the profession, and the AAO’s Resident of the Year award.
                      treatment tables. DOs who would like to volunteer
                      as table trainers are also invited to attend to make       To cast your vote for the Academy’s leaders, bring a cell phone,
                      arrangements with facilitators.
                                                                                 tablet or other mobile device with texting capabilities. The
9–11 p.m.             Evening With the Stars
                                                                                 AAO will not provide paper ballots this year.
                      Practicing DOs will share with students pearls that
                      are not taught in osteopathic medical school.
                                                                                 Submit your registration no later than Feb. 20 to ensure your
                                                                                 lunch reservation. Members who register after Feb. 20 are
Thursday, March 12
                                                                                 invited to attend the meeting, but they will not be served a
6:30–7:15 a.m.        Morning yoga
                      Wake up with beginner yoga, a gentle, flowing class
                      focused on breath and alignment. Attendees are             Members not registered for Convocation but wishing to attend
                      encouraged to bring mats or towels to use for floor
                      postures.                                                  the business meeting should email AAO Executive Director
                                                                                 Sherri L. Quarles at by
                                                    (continued on Page 5)        March 1.

4 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                                      Physicians register online at
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Embracing Integration:
                                                                                      Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Thursday, March 12 (continued from Page 4)                              11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.     Lunch in the exhibit hall
                                                                                              Get lunch on the go. Purchase prepaid lunch vouchers
6:30–8 a.m.          SAAO Fun Run (Check-in begins at 6 a.m. See
                                                                                              or use cash on-site. See Page 10.
                     Page 13.)
                                                                        11:45 a.m.–2:15 p.m. AAO annual business meeting and luncheon
7 a.m.–11:30 a.m.    Convocation registration open
                                                                                             (ticket required)
7:30 a.m.–7 p.m.     Exhibit hall open
                                                                                              Register by Feb. 20 to reserve your meal. To vote
7:30–11:30 a.m.      Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)                          for elected officials, each full AAO member should
8 a.m.–6 p.m.        SAAO silent auction (see Page 13)                                        bring a cell phone, tablet or other mobile device
                                                                                              with texting capabilities. Paper ballot will not be
Lectures                                                                                      available.
8–8:05 a.m.          Welcome and Introduction, J’Aimee Anne             2–7 p.m.              Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)
                     Lippert, DO, program chair                         2–8 p.m.              Convocation registration open
8:05–8:45 a.m.       “Prescribing Creativity,” Lara Salyer, DO, IFMCP
                                                                        2:30–4 p.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
8:45–9:30 a.m.       “Ayurveda and Yoga With Osteopathy,” Heather
                     P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL                            01a: “Creative Healing and OMT for the Physician,” Lara Salyer, DO,
9:30–10:15 a.m.      “Addressing Inflammation Through the Lymphatic          IFMCP
                     System: Treatment of the Piston,” David M.         01b: “Ayurveda and Osteopathic Medicine,” Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS
                     Kanze, DO, FAAO                                         MEdL
10:15–11 a.m.        “Osteopathic Principles and the Energy Body,”
                                                                        01c: “Osteopathic Principles and the Energy Body,” Dana Christopher
                     Dana Christopher Anglund, DO
                                                                             Anglund, DO
11–11:45 a.m.        Visit with the exhibitors
                                                                        01d: “Yoga and Osteopathic Manipulation,” Carrie R. Janiski, DO, MS,
                                                                             ATC, NASM-PES
                                                                        01e: “Addressing Inflammation Through the Lymphatic System,” David
                                                                             M. Kanze, DO, FAAO
           Continuing Medical Education
                                                                        4–4:30 p.m.           Visit with the exhibitors
  Attendees are responsible for placing the correct attendance
  tickets in the boxes outside the meeting rooms to verify              4:30–6 p.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
  their attendance at the lectures and breakout sessions.
                                                                        02a: “Creative Healing and OMT for the Physician,” Lara Salyer, DO,
  The AAO anticipates the Convocation will be approved                       IFMCP
  for as many as 34.5 credits of AOA Category 1-A CME.                  02b: “Ayurveda and Osteopathic Medicine,” Heather P. Ferrill, DO,
                                                                             MS, MEdL
  Anticipated Credits                                                   02c: “Osteopathic Principles and the Energy Body,” Dana Christopher
  Lectures and workshops (Thursday through Sunday) 24 credits                Anglund, DO
  Evening With the FAAOs (Wednesday)                 2 credits          02d: “Yoga and Osteopathic Manipulation,” Carrie R. Janiski, DO, MS,
  Evening With the Stars (Wednesday)                 2 credits               ATC, NASM-PES
  LBORC research forum (Thursday)                  1.5 credits          02e: “Addressing Inflammation Through the Lymphatic System,” David
  Evening With the Stars and Stripes (Thursday)      2 credits               M. Kanze, DO, FAAO
  Conclave of Fellows (FAAOs only, Saturday)         2 credits
                                                                        5–6:30 p.m.           Foundation for Osteopathic Research and
  Judging the A. Hollis Wolf Competition (Saturday) 1 credit                                  Continuous Education’s board meeting
  Additional Credits for Pre-Convocation Courses                        6–7 p.m.              Judging the Research Poster Presentation
  March 8-10                                                                                  of the Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research
                                                                                              Committee and the National Undergraduate
  “Brain Advanced: Releasing the Cranial Meninges         21 credits                          Fellows Association (see Page 18)
    Using a Biotensegrity Model”                                        6:30–7:30 p.m.        Gavel Club reception
  “Pediatric Manual Medicine”                             20 credits                          (former AAO presidents and guests only)
  “Cranial Nerve Course”                                  21 credits    7–8:30 p.m.           Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee’s
                                                                                              research forum (see Page 6)
  Additional Credits for Post-Convocation Course
  March 15
  Program Directors’ Workshop                            5.5 credits
                                                                                                                           (continued on Page 6)

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Embracing Integration:
                 Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Thursday, March 12 (continued from Page 5)                                      Lectures
                                                                                8 a.m.–noon           Resident track lectures (see Page 7)
7–9 p.m.              Pediatric special interest group
                                                                                8–9 a.m.              “Fascia,” Frank H. Willard, PhD
                      All attendees interested in pediatric medicine are
                      invited to attend this event.                             9–9:45 a.m.           “Gait Analysis and Treatment of the Foot,” Lino
                                                                                                      Cedros, ATC, CAMTC, SP, MT
8–9 p.m.              Mentorship meeting
                                                                                9:45–10:15 a.m.       Visit with the exhibitors
                      The AAO Membership Committee will facilitate
                      connecting physician mentors with student protégés.       10:15–11 a.m.         “Movement Is Medicine: Developmental
                      See Page 15.                                                                    Movement Patterns and Muscle Imbalance,”
                                                                                                      Jordan Ann Keys, DO, and Susan Milani, DO
9–11 p.m.             Evening With the Stars and Stripes
                                                                                11–11:45 a.m.         “FDM Unifying Osteopathy—How the Model
                      Practicing DOs and residents will share pearls with
                                                                                                      Fits Today,” Todd A. Capistrant, DO, MHA
                                                                                11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. “Sculpt Your Brain: Nutrition,” Lara Salyer, DO,
Friday, March 13
                                                                                11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.     Lunch in the exhibit hall
6:30–7:15 a.m.        Morning qigong                                                                  Get lunch on the go. Purchase prepaid lunch vouchers
                      Qigong is a holistic system of coordinated body posture                         or use cash on-site. See Page 10.
                      and movement, breathing and meditation used for           Noon–3 p.m.           SAAO auction item collection (see Page 13)
                      the purpose of health, spirituality and martial arts
                                                                                12:30–2 p.m.          Visit with the exhibitors and lunch on your own
                      training. Attendees are encouraged to bring mats or
                      towels to use for floor postures.                         12:30–2 p.m.          Resident American Academy of Osteopathy’s
                                                                                                      annual business meeting and luncheon
7–8 a­.m.             AAO Osteopathic Education Service Committee’s
                      meeting                                                   12:30–2:30 p.m.       AAO Education Committee’s meeting
7 a.m.–6 p.m.         Convocation registration open                             2–3:30 p.m.           AAO Postdoctoral Training Committee’s meeting
7:30 a.m.–noon        SAAO silent auction (see Page 13)                         2:30–4 p.m.           Resident of the American Academy of
                                                                                                      Osteopathy’s mixer
7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.      Exhibit hall open
8 a.m.–5 p.m.         Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)                                                             (continued on Page 7)

LBORC Research Forum:
Research Proposal and Mentorship Grand Rounds
On Thursday, March 12, the Louisa Burns Osteopathic                             Rounds will provide status updates on their projects at the
Research Committee (LBORC) will host its annual research                        beginning of this session.
forum, Research Proposal and Mentorship (RPM) Grand
Rounds from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The purpose of this program                          Researchers interested in presenting proposals should
                                                                                download and submit an application no later than Jan. 31,
is to assist physicians and osteopathic medical students in
                                                                                2020, to Proposals should
assessing research proposals and to facilitate the outcome of
                                                                                clearly define the clinical relevance, research question, and
osteopathic research.
                                                                                testable hypothesis. They should include an overview of the
The format for this evening is similar to the TV show “Shark                    study design, cohort to be studied, recruitment strategy,
Tank” where aspiring investigators at any stage of their                        methodology, and projected timeline and budget. Learn more
careers present their research proposals to the audience and                    at
a panel of experienced researchers. The audience directly
                                                                                Please sign up for the forum when you register online for
engages both the investigators and the panelists to help
                                                                                Convocation. Alternatively, physicians can use the form on
audience members gain numerous pearls to refine their own
                                                                                Page 11 of this brochure to register for the research forum.
research questions and identify ways to improve osteopathic
                                                                                Student registration is on Page 19.
research projects. Presenters will receive advice on their
projects to increase the rigor of their study, and they have                    You are encouraged to join the members of the LBORC for
the opportunity for one of the experts to help mentor them                      a very interactive, entertaining session to experience the
during their study. Presenters from previous RPM Grand                          process of research project development.

6 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                                      Physicians register online at
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Embracing Integration:
                                                                                   Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Friday, March 13 (continued from Page 6)                             04b: “Movement Is Medicine: Muscle Imbalance,” Jordan Ann Keys,
2–3:30 p.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
                                                                     04c: “Fascial Distortion Model: Hands-on Tools for a Modern OMM
03a: “Fascial Articulatory Technique,” Michael S. Carnes, DO, FAAO        Practice,” Todd A. Capistrant, DO, MHA
03b: “Movement Is Medicine: Muscle Imbalance,” Jordan Ann Keys,      04d: “Movement Is Medicine: Infant Developmental Movement
     DO                                                                   Patterns,” Susan Milani, DO
03c: “Fascial Distortion Model: Hands-on Tools for a Modern OMM      04e: “Gait Analysis and Treatment of the Foot,” Lino Cedros, ATC,
     Practice,” Todd A. Capistrant, DO, MHA                               CAMTC, SP, MT
03d: “Movement Is Medicine: Infant Developmental Movement            4–5:30 p.m.           Component societies’ meeting, Paul R. Rennie,
     Patterns,” Susan Milani, DO                                                           DO, FAAO, 2019-20 AAO president-elect
03e: “Gait Analysis and Treatment of the Foot,” Lino Cedros, ATC,    4–7 p.m.              NMM-OMM Residency Information Session
     CAMTC, SP, MT
                                                                                           Students and residents can learn about residency
3:30–4 p.m.           Visit with the exhibitors                                            opportunities and meet residency program directors.
                                                                     7–8:30 p.m.           Alumni receptions
4–5:30 p.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
04a: “Fascial Articulatory Technique,” Michael S. Carnes, DO, FAAO
                                                                                                                       (continued on Page 8)

   Attention Residents:
   Look for these RAAO events at the 2020 Convocation!
   The RAAO Executive Council is thrilled to announce signifi-
   cant expansions to resident activities based on the well-
   received inaugural resident lecture track held last year at
   Convocation 2019!

   The 2020 Resident Track will consist of a full day of resi-
   dent-focused activities at Convocation on Friday, March 13:

       8 a.m. to noon • Morning lectures developed specifi-
        cally for residents based on feedback from last year’s
        survey. Topics include board certification, integrating
        scholarly activity into practice, medical innovations,
        and more. Speakers are David R. Boesler, DO, FAAO;
        Eileen M. Conaway, DO; Brian F. Degenhardt, DO;
        R. Todd Dombroski, DO; and Luther D. Quarles IV, DO.
                                                                        4 to 7 p.m. • The Residency Information Session, an
       12:30 to 2 p.m. • The RAAO Annual Business Meeting               annual event hosted by the AAO’s Postdoctoral Train-
        and Luncheon where you have the opportunity to                   ing Committee, where ONMM residency representa-
        elect your new Executive Council and vote on other               tives introduce interested students and residents to
        important RAAO matters. Please note that space is                our ONMM programs and provide opportunities to
        limited for the luncheon, so register early!                     meet with the program directors, faculty, and current
       2:30 to 4 p.m. • A combined mixer and job fair, where
        representatives from schools, hospitals, private             Look for these events when registering for Convocation
        practices, and other osteopathic facilities nationwide       2020! Please also stop by our table in the exhibit hall if you
        will be invited to discuss future job opportunities for      have any questions, to check out our raffle items, or just to
        upcoming graduates. We will also be drawing winners          say hello.
        for our fundraising raffle at this event. Enjoy time with
                                                                     In the meantime, watch for important updates and an-
        your colleagues and plan for the future!
                                                                     nouncements and more details of how your RAAO Execu-
                                                                     tive Council is working for you!

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Embracing Integration:
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Friday, March 13 (continued from Page 7)                                    6:30–8 a.m.           AAO International Affairs Advisory Council’s
8–10 p.m.             FAAO dinner (FAAOs and guests only)                   6:45–8 a.m.           SAAO advisers’ discussion
9–11 p.m.             National Undergraduate Fellows Association’s          7:30–11:30 a.m.       Convocation registration open
                      social (NUFA members only)
                                                                            8–9:30 a.m.           Magoun Memorial FAAO-NUFA Forum, Hugh
                                                                                                  M. Ettlinger, DO, FAAO, moderator (FAAOs
Saturday, March 14                                                                                and NUFAs only)
6:30–7:15 a.m.        Morning yoga                                          8 a.m.–noon           Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)
                      Wake up with beginner yoga, a gentle, flowing class   Lectures
                      focused on breath and alignment. Attendees are
                      encouraged to bring mats or towels to use for floor   8–9 a.m.              “Reintegration of Functional Movement of the
                      postures.                                                                   Upper Quarter,” Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO
                                                                            9–10 a.m.             “Techniques of the Masters,” R. Todd
                                                                                                  Dombroski, DO
                                                                            10–11 a.m.            “Prolotherapy,” Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO

  Have Hands, Will Teach:                                                   10 a.m.–noon          Conclave of Fellows (FAAOs only)
                                                                                                  This event allows FAAOs to present innovative
  OES Volunteers Receive CME                                                                      approaches to their peers.
  and Chance to Win                                                         11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.    Lunch on your own
                                                                            11 a.m.–2 p.m.        AAO Board of Trustees’ meeting
  Convocation Registration
                                                                            Noon–3:30 p.m.        The Osteopathic Cranial Academy’s board meeting
  At the Academy’s Osteopathic Education Service (OES),
  volunteer physicians provide hands-on demonstrations of
  osteopathic diagnostic and treatment techniques in both
  private and group sessions.                                                                                                 (continued on Page 9)

  DOs from all specialties are invited to volunteer to
  demonstrate their palpatory and treatment skills at the OES.

                                                                                  President’s Banquet
  Volunteers receive 0.5 credit of AOA Category 1-B CME
  for each demonstration. In addition, for each demonstration
  a physician provides during the 2020 Convocation, his or
  her name will be entered into a drawing for complimentary                               You are cordially invited to the
  registration for the 2021 Convocation at the Hilton Anatole
  in Dallas.                                                                              2020 President’s Banquet
  After the 2019 Convocation, Andrew I. Schwartz, DO,
                                                                                                 Saturday, March 14
  won the raffle for complimentary registration to the 2020                                             7:15 p.m.
  Convocation. Dr. Schwartz provided 15 demonstrations at the
  2019 Convocation.                                                                           1920s • Black tie optional
  Contact Bev Searcy, the AAO’s finance and membership
  liaison, at (317) 879-1881, ext. 212, or at BSearcy@                                   Purchase your tickets when you to volunteer in advance for the OES
                                                                                            register for Convocation.
  at the 2020 Convocation.

  This is a great opportunity for DOs to share valuable skills and                   Find a flapper dress or get out your
  experiences with their peers in a relaxed setting.
                                                                                   greatest Gatsby get-up because we are
  Volunteers must have their own professional liability coverage.                         celebrating in 1920s style!
  Demonstrations are for educational purposes only.

8 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                                  Physicians register online at
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Embracing Integration:
                                                                                       Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Post-Convocation Course
Residency Program Directors’ Workshop
On Sunday, March 15, 2020, from 1 to 7 p.m., members of the             annual workshop. ONMM residency directors must attend this
Postdoctoral Training Committee will facilitate the residency           workshop at least every two years, and new program directors
program directors’ workshop. The workshop is designed to                must attend within one year from when their appointment is
address key concepts to assist residency program directors and          acknowledged by either the AOA or the ACGME. Intended topics
administrators in their roles as educators. The workshop is open        at the 2020 program directors’ workshop will include updates
to anyone with an interest in osteopathic neuromusculoskeletal          from the American Osteopathic Association and the Accreditation
medicine (ONMM) residencies, not just ONMM residency                    Council for Graduate Medical Education, preparing for the oral
program directors. We also encourage the attendance of program          portion of the OMM Board Exam, and more.
                                                                        Register online or contact AAO Postdoctoral Liaison
All ONMM residency programs accredited by the American                  Amber Rausch at (317) 879-1881, ext. 216, or at
Osteopathic Association (AOA) or by the Accreditation Council  for more information about
for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) are required to send             the workshop.
their program directors or a designated physician faculty to this

Saturday, March 14 (continued from Page 8)                              06e: “Faculty Development Workshop—Supporting Osteopathic
                                                                             Scholarly Activity,” Robert W. Hostoffer, DO, LhD, FAAP,
12:30–2:30 p.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)                          FACOP, FACOI, FCCP; Brian Patrick Peppers, DO, PhD;
                                                                             Michael P. Rowane, DO, MS, FAAFP, FAAO
05a: “Reintegration of Functional Movement,” Lisa Ann DeStefano,
     DO                                                                 3–5 p.m.              International lecture track (no CME)
05b: “Prolotherapy,” Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO                         4:30–5 p.m.           Student awards presentation
                                                                        6:30–7:15 p.m.        President’s reception
05c: “Neural Therapy,” Gerald R. Harris, DO
                                                                        7:15–10 p.m.          President’s banquet (ticket required, see Page 8)
05d: “Techniques of the Masters,” R. Todd Dombroski, DO
                                                                        10 p.m.–1 a.m.        President’s entertainment
05e: “Faculty Development Workshop—Supporting ACGME
     Osteopathic Recognition,” Judith A. O’Connell, DO, MHA,            Sunday, March 15
     FAAO; Tyler C. Cymet, DO; Evelyn Ann Schwalenberg, DO,
     MS, FACP, FACOI; Michael P. Rowane, DO, MS, FAAFP, FAAO            6:30–8 a.m.           The Osteopathic Cranial Academy’s board meeting
1–2 p.m.             Harold A. Blood, DO, FAAO, Memorial Lecture:       Lectures
                     “Osteopathic Approach to Patient Care,” Karen T.
                     Snider, DO, FAAO                                   8–9 a.m.              “Optimizing Physician Mental Health While
                                                                                              Providing OMM,” Teodor Huzij, DO, FACN,
2–4:30 p.m.          A. Hollis Wolf Case Presentation Competition
                     (see Page 13)
                                                                        9–10 a.m.             “An Osteopathic Approach to Palliative and
3–5 p.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)                                                  Hospice Care,” Veera Neville Motashaw, DO
06a: “Reintegration of Functional Movement,” Lisa Ann DeStefano,        10–11 a.m.            “Inflammation—Keep It or Treat It? An Evidence-
     DO                                                                                       Based Review,” Brieanna M. Seefeldt, DO
                                                                        11 a.m.–noon          “Osteopathic Centeredness,” J’Aimee Anne
06b: “Prolotherapy,” Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO                                               Lippert, DO
06c: “Neural Therapy,” Gerald R. Harris, DO                             Noon                  Convocation adjourns
06d: “Techniques of the Masters,” R. Todd Dombroski, DO                 1-7 p.m.              Post-Convocation Course—Residency Program
                                                                                              Directors’ Workshop (Separate registration
                                                                                              required. See Page 9.)

                                   For the most up-to-date schedule, visit

Physicians register online at                                                     AAO’s 2020 Convocation • 9
Creativity Embracing Integration: in Osteopathic Medicine - American ...
Embracing Integration:
               Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Convocation Meals                                                    Who May Attend Convocation?
Opening Reception                                                    The AAO’s primary educational objective is to provide programs
Your registration fee for Convocation includes admittance to         that enhance the philosophical foundation, palpatory diagnostic
the opening reception on Wednesday, March 11. The opening            skills and manipulative techniques of AAO members, nonmember
reception is an ideal time to preview exhibits and catch up with     DOs, other individuals who are licensed for the unlimited scope
old friends. Hot and cold hors d’oeuvres will be served, and a       of practice of medicine, and those in programs leading to such
cash bar will be available. In addition, the AAO’s Ostoepathic       licensure.
Education Service will be available.
                                                                     Although other health care professionals are welcome to learn about
Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon                                 osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) at AAO programs,
Academy members in good standing are invited to attend the           attending the AAO’s Convocation or its pre-Convocation courses
AAO’s annual business meeting and luncheon on Thursday,              is not a substitute for graduating from osteopathic medical school
March 12. Submit your registration no later than Feb. 20 to          and completing graduate medical education. Simply participating in
ensure your lunch reservation. Members who register after Feb.
                                                                     continuing medical education programs in manual techniques does
20 are invited to attend the meeting, but they will not be served
                                                                     not provide the necessary training and skills to practice OMM.
a meal.

Members who are not registered for Convocation but wish to
attend the meeting should email AAO Executive Director Sherri        Support Tomorrow’s
L. Quarles at by March 1.
In this case, meals will not be provided.                            Osteopathic Physicians
                                                                     Contribute to the Nicholas S. Nicholas Fund and subsidize student
Lunch Vouchers                                                       registration fees. You can donate online, or you can use the mail-in
Limited lunch options will be available in the exhibit hall on
                                                                     registration form on Page 11 of this brochure.
Thursday and Friday. Pre-sale lunch vouchers, which provide a
sandwich or salad along with chips and drink, are available when
you register for Convocation online or using Pages 11 or 19 of
this brochure. On-site cashiers will accept vouchers or cash only.
                                                                     Convocation Refund Policy
                                                                     All cancellations must be received in writing.
President’s Banquet
All tickets for the AAO’s annual president’s banquet, which          An administrative fee of 20 percent of the total registration fee will
will take place on Saturday, March 14, must be purchased by          be charged for cancellations made by Feb. 11, 2020.
Wednesday, March 11.
                                                                     After Feb. 11, registrants who cancel may apply up to 50 percent of
At the president’s banquet, honorees are recognized, and the         their registration fee to another AAO continuing medical education
incoming president is inaugurated.                                   course that is scheduled within the next 12 months. The remainder
                                                                     of the fee will not be refunded or applied to other AAO courses.
The president’s banquet is a formal event. Be mindful if you are
bringing young children.                                             Meal tickets are nonrefundable, and there is no discount for not
                                                                     attending food functions covered by the main registration fee.
Additional Information
No outside food or beverages are permitted at meal events.           To cancel your registration for the 2020 Convocation, the
                                                                     pre-Convocation courses, or the post-Convocation Residency
The Academy will provide only those meals that you select
                                                                     Directors’ Workshop, contact AAO Executive Director Sherri L.
when you register online or that you choose when you fill out
the forms on Pages 11 and 19. All other meals are on your own.       Quarles by emailing her at,
It is strongly recommended that you make dinner reservations         faxing her at (317) 879-0563 or writing to her at the American
well in advance of Convocation if you wish to dine at a specific     Academy of Osteopathy, 3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1100,
restaurant on a specific night.                                      Indianapolis, IN 46268-1136.

10 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                          Physicians register online at
Physician Registration Form
                      2020 AAO Convocation • March 11-15 • The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs
1.  Type or print clearly in the spaces below.
2.  Submit one completed form per registrant by:
    • emailing the form and credit card information to
    • faxing the form with your credit card information to (317) 879-0563.
    • mailing it with the appropriate fee to 2020 Convocation, American Academy of Osteopathy, 3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1100, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1136.
3.  By registering for Convocation, you agree to abide by the AAO’s code of conduct, photo and video release and Convocation cancellation policy.
If you have any questions or want additional program information, call (317) 879-1881, ext. 212, or email

 FIRST NAME                                                                              LAST NAME

 NICKNAME FOR BADGE                                                                      DEGREES, FELLOWSHIPS, DESIGNATIONS (e.g., DO, MD, PhD, FAAO, FACOFP, etc.)

                                                                                                                                               I AM: r C-NMM r C-SPOMM

 CITY                                                                  STATE             ZIP CODE               COUNTRY (IF NOT U.S.)

 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER                                                                AOA NUMBER


 GUEST’S FIRST NAME                                                                      GUEST’S LAST NAME

 MEALS AND EVENTS                                                        Will Will not      REGISTRATION FEES
                                                                        attend attend
                                                                                            Registration Type                   Early              Regular              Late*
 NUFA program (March 11, no fee) (NUFA members only)		                       r       r
                                                                                            Member                              (by 1/9)           (1/10–2/13)         (2/14-2/20)
 Opening reception (March 11, no fee)		                                      r       r
                                                                                             Active full member                r $715              r $815              r $865
 Evening With the FAAOs (March 11, no fee) 		                                r       r
                                                                                             Retired member                    r $535              r $635              r $685
 Evening With the Stars (March 11, no fee)		                                 r       r
 SAAO’s Fun Run (March 12, $20) 		                                           r       r       First two years in practice       r $535              r $635              r $685
 AAO annual business meeting and luncheon (March 12)		                       r       r       Resident, intern or NUFA** r $510                     r $610              r $660
    One ticket per member. Extra tickets are $60 each. #____                                 Associate member                  r $715              r $815              r $865
     Meal preference: r Chicken r Vegan r Gluten-free (hotel’s choice)                       International affiliate           r $715              r $815              r $865
 Thursday lunch voucher (March 12, $30)		                                    r       r
                                                                                             Supporter member                  r $715              r $815              r $865
 Gavel Club (March 12, $60 each) (former presidents and guests only) #____   r       r
                                                                                            Nonmember                          r $1,115            r $1,215            r $1,265
 LBORC’s research forum (March 12, no fee) 		                                r       r
 Evening With the Stars and Stripes (March 12, no fee)		                     r       r      *Registrations received after Feb. 20 will be processed as on-site registration.
 Friday lunch voucher (March 13, $30)		                                      r       r      On-site registration will be charged at the late rate plus $150.
 RAAO business meeting and luncheon (March 13, no fee) 		                    r       r      **NUFA members have the option to register for the physician program or
     (Residents, interns and residency directors only) Buffet with vegan option.            the student program. This registration is for the physician program.
 RAAO mixer (March 13, no fee) (RAAO members only)		 r                               r
 Fellows dinner (March 13, $125 each) (FAAOs and guests only) #____ r                r      NICHOLAS S. NICHOLAS FUND
     Meal preference: r Beef r Fish r Vegan r Gluten-free (hotel’s choice)                  r $100 donation                   r $25 donation                     r Other amount
 NUFA social (March 13, no fee) (NUFA members only)		 r                              r      r $50 donation                    r $10 donation                       $___________
 President’s banquet (March 14, $125 each)         #____ r                           r
     Meal preference: r Beef r Fish r Vegan r Gluten-free (hotel’s choice)
                                                                                            PAYMENT              r Visa r MasterCard r Discover
 BECOME A PHYSICIAN MENTOR (Learn more on Page 15.)                                                              r Check made payable to the AAO
 Specialty (check one) r NMM r FP r IM r Peds r Sports med
 r PM&R r EM r OB/gyn r Ortho r Gen surgery
                                                                                             CREDIT CARD NUMBER
 r Other: __________
 Number of protégés you are willing to mentor (circle one): 1                    2   3
                                                                                             EXPIRATION DATE           NAME ON CARD
 Do you use cranial manipulation in your practice? r Yes r No
 I will attend the mentorship event on
 r Wed., March 11 r Thurs., March 12                                                         CVV NUMBER                SIGNATURE

r Please consider me as a judge for the LBORC-NUFA Poster Presentation.
r Please consider me as a judge for the A. Hollis Wolf Case Presentation                     CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)

                                          To complete your registration, choose breakout sessions on next page.

Physicians register online at                                                                                  AAO’s 2020 Convocation • 11
Full name and degrees:

                              Physician Lectures and Breakout Sessions
r     General session: Thursday, March 12, 8–11 a.m. (3 CME)
r     RAAO Resident Track Program (RAAOs only): Friday, March 13, 8          Indicate all lecture and breakout sessions you plan to
      a.m.–noon (4 CME)                                                      attend. You will receive CME attendance tickets for all of the
r     General session: Friday, March 13, 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (4 CME)           lecture and breakout sessions you select. To obtain CME, you
r     General session: Saturday, March 14, 8–11 a.m. (3 CME)
                                                                             will need to place the appropriate ticket in one of the boxes
r     Magoun Memorial Forum (FAAOs and NUFAs only): Saturday,
      March 14, 8–9:30 a.m. (1.5 CME)                                        outside the lecture hall for each session you attend.
r     Conclave of Fellows (FAAOs only): Saturday, March 14, 10 a.m.–
      noon, (2 CME)
r     Joint session with students: Sunday, March 15, 8 a.m.–noon (4 CME)

Breakout sessions
For each set of concurrent sessions, pick three, numbering them from 1 to 3. Please note that in most cases, the breakout
sessions in the early afternoon are repeated in the late afternoon. Descriptions of the breakout sessions will be posted online as
they are provided.

Thursday, March 12 • 2:30–4 p.m. (1.5 CME)                                 Friday, March 13 • 4–5:30 p.m. (1.5 CME)
           01a:   “Creative Healing and OMT for the Physician,”                     04a:   “Fascial Articulatory Technique,” Dr. Carnes
                  Dr. Salyer                                                        04b:   “Movement Is Medicine: Muscle Imbalance,”
           01b:   “Ayurveda and Osteopathic Medicine,” Dr. Ferrill                         Dr. Keys

           01c:   “Osteopathic Principles and the Energy Body,”                     04c:   “Fascial Distortion Model: Hands-on Tools for a
                  Dr. Anglund                                                              Modern OMM Practice,” Dr. Capistrant

           01d:   “Yoga and Osteopathic Manipulation,” Dr. Janiski                  04d:   “Movement Is Medicine: Infant Developmental
           01e:   “Addressing Inflammation Through the Lymphatic                           Movement Patterns,” Dr. Milani
                  System,” Dr. Kanze                                                04e:   “Gait Analysis and Treatment of the Foot,”
                                                                                           Dr. Cedros

Thursday, March 12 • 4:30–6 p.m. (1.5 CME)
                                                                           Saturday, March 14 • 12:30–2:30 p.m. (2 CME)
           02a:   “Creative Healing and OMT for the Physician,”
                  Dr. Salyer                                                        05a:   “Reintegration of Functional Movement,”
                                                                                           Dr. DeStefano
           02b:   “Ayurveda and Osteopathic Medicine,” Dr. Ferrill
           02c:   “Osteopathic Principles and the Energy Body,”                     05b:   “Prolotherapy,” Dr. Cantieri
                  Dr. Anglund                                                       05c:   “Neural Therapy,” Dr. Harris

           02d:   “Yoga and Osteopathic Manipulation,” Dr. Janiski                  05d:   “Techniques of the Masters,” Dr. Dombroski

           02e:   “Addressing Inflammation Through the Lymphatic                    05e:   “Faculty Development Workshop: Supporting
                  System,” Dr. Kanze                                                       ACGME Osteopathic Recognition,” Dr. O’Connell,
                                                                                           Dr. Cymet, Dr. Schwalenberg and Dr. Rowane

                                                                           Saturday, March 14 • 3–5 p.m. (2 CME)
Friday, March 13 • 2–3:30 p.m. (1.5 CME)
                                                                                    06a:   “Reintegration of Functional Movement,”
           03a:   “Fascial Articulatory Technique,” Dr. Carnes
                                                                                           Dr. DeStefano
           03b:   “Movement Is Medicine: Muscle Imbalance,”
                  Dr. Keys                                                          06b:   “Prolotherapy,” Dr. Cantieri
                                                                                    06c:   “Neural Therapy,” Dr. Harris
           03c:   “Fascial Distortion Model: Hands-on Tools for a
                  Modern OMM Practice,” Dr. Capistrant                              06d:   “Techniques of the Masters,” Dr. Dombroski
                                                                                    06e:   “Faculty Development Workshop: Supporting
           03d:   “Movement Is Medicine: Infant Developmental
                                                                                           Osteopathic Scholarly Activity,” Dr. Hostoffer,
                  Movement Patterns,” Dr. Milani
                                                                                           Dr. Peppers and Dr. Rowane
           03e:   “Gait Analysis and Treatment of the Foot,”
                                                                                    06f:   International track (no CME)
                  Dr. Cedros

12 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                                Physicians register online at
Embracing Integration:
                                                                                     Creativity in Osteopathic Medicine

Judges Needed: A. Hollis Wolf
Case Presentation Competition
The Student American Academy of Osteopathy’s annual
A. Hollis Wolf Case Presentation Competition will take place
Saturday, March 14, from 2 to 4:30 p.m.

During the competition, students chosen from each SAAO
chapter will have five minutes to present their cases. Students will
demonstrate their understanding and application of osteopathic
principles and treatment, their knowledge of pathophysiology
and clinical aspects of their cases, and the impact of osteopathic
care. Presenters will be judged on their presentation style, skill
and slide design in addition to the students’ involvement in            2020 SAAO Fun Run
decision-making and delivering treatment.                               Jump start your Convocation experience with the SAAO’s fourth
                                                                        annual Fun Run at 6:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 12. Check-in
The SAAO needs physicians to volunteer to judge the
                                                                        begins at 6 a.m. On-site registration will not be available this year.
competition. Judges earn Category 1-A CME for participating.
Indicate your willingness to volunteer when you register for            The SAAO will award medals to the first three male and female
Convocation 3 or using the form on Page 11. If selected, you will       physician finishers and to the first three male and female student
be contacted by the SAAO Executive Council to confirm your              finishers.
appointment to the judging panel.
                                                                        All attendees and guests are encouraged to participate. There is an
Judges’ comments, but not scores, will be shared with presenters.       additional $20 fee for physicians, $10 for students. Register for the
                                                                        Fun Run when you register online or use the forms on Page 11 for
For more information, contact SAAO Vice Chair Sarae Sager,              physicians or Page 19 for students.
OMS IV, at
                                                                        Start training now!

SAAO Silent Auction Runs Wednesday–Friday
In 2016, the Student American Academy of Osteopathy established         For information on donating items to the auction, contact
a new format for the annual auction. Instead of the semi-silent         Stephanie Davenport, OMS IV, the SAAO Executive Council’s
auction offered in years past, the auction is a fully silent auction.   secretary-treasurer, at Auction offerings often
Stop by to see all the offerings available and bid frequently!          include medical devices, books, artwork and tasty treats.

       Wednesday, March 11, 5 to 7 p.m.                                 Proceeds from the silent auction help to support the SAAO’s
       Thursday, March 12, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.                             Convocation program for the following year.
       Friday, March 13, 7:30 a.m. to noon
                                                                        Items should be collected on Friday between noon and 3 p.m.

Physicians register online at                                                    AAO’s 2020 Convocation • 13
2020 SAAO            Convocation:
     Embracing Integration:
     Exploring the Limitless Applications of Osteopathy Embracing Integration:

 Exploring the Limitless Applications of Osteopathy

The SAAO Executive Council has designed a program that explores
novel topics, treatments, and integrating concepts that aren’t
normally included in the traditional medical curriculum while
remaining true to our osteopathic principles and practice. Our
student program provides an introduction to innovative topics
like herbal medicine, acupuncture, percussion hammer, nutrition,
functional medicine, and movement therapy.                              The 2019-20 SAAO Executive Council: Kristyn Lester, OMS III, national
                                                                        coordinator; Sarae Sager, OMS IV, vice chair; Stephanie L. Davenport,
To assist students in choosing what to attend, breakout sessions        OMS IV, secretary-treasurer; Danielle D. Dukes, OMS IV, chair; Samantha
                                                                        Tyler, OMS V, NUFA liaison; and Paula Archer, DO, immediate past
have been categorized as intermediate, intermediate-advanced and
advanced. Students are invited to register for any courses regardless
of OMS year.

Sunday, March 8		                   (All times are Mountain)            Noon–4 p.m.           Ed Stiles’ study group

8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.      Pre-Convocation Course—Cranial Nerve                                    All attendees are invited to hear Dr. Stiles’ update on
                      Course—Kenneth J. Lossing, DO (Separate                                 the latest data he has gathered on sequencing.
                      registration required. See Page 23.)              Noon–5 p.m.           SAAO Board of Governors’ meeting
1–5 p.m.              Pre-Convocation Course—Pediatric Manual           4–7 p.m.              National Undergraduate Fellows Association’s
                      Medicine—Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO, and                                    program
                      Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL (Separate         5–7 p.m.              Opening reception in the exhibit hall
                      registration required. See Page 22.)
                                                                        5–7 p.m.              Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)
                                                                        5–7 p.m.              SAAO silent auction (see Page 13)
Monday, March 9                                                         7–9 p.m.              Evening With the FAAOs, Laura E. Griffin, DO,
8 a.m.–5 p.m.         Pre-Convocation Course—Pediatric Manual                                 FAAO (moderator)
                      Medicine—Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO, and                                    All registered attendees are invited to this event to
                      Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL (Separate                               learn tips and tricks from some of the luminaries of
                      registration required. See Page 22.)                                    the profession.
8:30 a.m.–6 p.m.      Pre-Convocation Course—Cranial Nerve              9–10 p.m.             Mentorship meeting
                      Course—Kenneth J. Lossing, DO (Separate
                                                                                              The AAO Membership Committee will facilitate
                      registration required. See Page 23)
                                                                                              connecting physician mentors with student protégés.
                                                                                              (See Page 15)
Tuesday, March 10                                                       9–11 p.m.             Evening With the Stars
8 a.m.–5 p.m.         Pre-Convocation Course—Pediatric Manual                                 Practicing DOs will share with students pearls that
                      Medicine—Lisa Ann DeStefano, DO, and                                    are not taught in osteopathic medical school.
                      Heather P. Ferrill, DO, MS MEdL (Separate
                      registration required. See Page 22.)
                                                                        Thursday, March 12
8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.   Pre-Convocation Course—Cranial Nerve
                      Course—Kenneth J. Lossing, DO (Separate           6:30–7:15 a.m.        Morning yoga
                      registration required. See Page 23)                                     Wake up with beginner yoga, a gentle, flowing class
                                                                                              focused on breath and alignment. Attendees are
Wednesday, March 11                                                                           encouraged to bring mats or towels to use for floor
10 a.m.–8 p.m.        Convocation registration open

                                                                                                                           (continued on Page 15)

14 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                              Students register online at
Embracing Integration:
                                                                        Exploring the Limitless Applications of Osteopathy

Thursday, March 12 (continued from Page 14)                                2Es: “Long Distance Palpation,” Damon Matthew Whitfield, DO

6:30–8 a.m.           SAAO Fun Run (Check-in starts at 6 a.m. See          11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.     Lunch in the exhibit hall
                      Page 13.)                                                                  Get lunch on the go. Purchase prepaid lunch vouchers
7–11:30 a.m.          Convocation registration open                                              or use cash on-site. See Page 10.
7:30 a.m.–7 p.m.      Exhibit hall open                                    11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Visit with the exhibitors and lunch on your own
7:30–11:30 a.m.       Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)      Noon–4 p.m.           SAAO Board of Governors’ meeting
8 a.m.–6 p.m.         SAAO silent auction (see Page 13)                    Lectures
8–9:30 a.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)                            1:30–1:40 p.m.        Welcome and Introduction, Danielle D. Dukes,
                                                                                                 OMS IV, SAAO Executive Council chair
1As: “Introduction to Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine,”
     Annette E. Hulse, DO, and Dennis Burke, DO                            1:40–2:30 p.m.        “Integrating Acupuncture Into OMM Practice”
                                                                                                 Stevan A. Walkowski, DO
1Bs: “OMT for Trigger Points Causing Neck Pain and Headaches,” José        2–7 p.m.              Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)
     S. Figueroa, DO, FAOCPMR, FAAPMR, and Drew D. Lewis,
     DO, FAAO                                                              2–8 p.m.              Convocation registration open
                                                                           2:30–3:30 p.m.        “Sutural Approach to Cranial Manipulation,”
1Cs: “Incorporating OMM Into the Treatment of Mental Health                                      Edward G. Stiles, DO, FAAODist
     Disorders,” Millicent King Channell, DO, FAAO
                                                                           3:30–4:30 p.m.        “Neuroanatomy Behind Acupuncture,” Frank H.
1Ds: “Inpatient Medicine,” Hugh M. Ettlinger, DO, FAAO, FCA                                      Willard, PhD
1Es: “Long Distance Palpation,” Damon Matthew Whitfield, DO                4:30–5:30 p.m.        “Medicinal Plants That Complement OMT,”
                                                                                                 David Beatty, DO
9:30–10 a.m.          Visit with the exhibitors
                                                                           6–7 p.m.              Judging the Research Poster Presentation
10–11:30 a.m. —Breakout sessions (ticket required)                                               of the Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research
                                                                                                 Committee and the National Undergraduate
2As: “Introduction to Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine,”                                Fellows Association (see Page 18)
     Annette E. Hulse, DO, and Dennis Burke, DO
                                                                           7–9 p.m.              Pediatric special interest group
2Bs: “OMT for Trigger Points Causing Neck Pain and Headaches,” José                              All attendees interested in pediatric medicine are
     S. Figueroa, DO, FAOCPMR, FAAPMR, and Drew D. Lewis,                                        invited to attend this event.
     DO, FAAO
                                                                           7–8:30 p.m.           Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee’s
2Cs: “Incorporating OMM Into the Treatment of Mental Health                                      research forum (see Page 6)
     Disorders,” Millicent King Channell, DO, FAAO
2Ds: “Inpatient Medicine,” Hugh M. Ettlinger, DO, FAAO, FCA                                                                  (continued on Page 16)

AAO Mentor Program
The mission of the American Academy of Osteopathy’s Mentor                 Mentor Program. This is an excellent opportunity for students to
Program is to provide guidance and leadership to members of                obtain career advice from seasoned clinicians and for physicians to
the Student American Academy of Osteopathy. This program is                contribute to making the profession stronger.
designed to increase osteopathic-specific education during the
                                                                           Join us Wednesday, March 11, from 9 to 10 p.m., and Thursday,
clinical years of osteopathic medical school by:
                                                                           March 12, from 8 to 9 p.m. to learn more and to meet prospective
•   reaching out to osteopathic medical students early in their            mentors and protégés.
    education to positively influence their careers.
                                                                           Physicians should sign up for the Mentor Program when they
•   providing educational and career guidance on choosing
                                                                           register for Convocation online or by using the form on Page 11 of
    hospital sites for third- and fourth-year rotations, selecting
                                                                           this brochure. Students should sign up when they register online or
    internships and residencies and, ultimately, incorporating
                                                                           by using the form on Page 19.
    osteopathic philosophy into all aspects of medicine.
                                                                           For more information, contact Bev Searcy, the AAO’s finance and
All osteopathic medical students and osteopathic physicians who
                                                                           membership assistant, at (317) 879-1881, ext. 212, or at Bsearcy@
belong to the Academy are invited to participate in the AAO

Students register online at                                                          AAO’s 2020 Convocation • 15
Embracing Integration:
                 Exploring the Limitless Applications of Osteopathy

Thursday, March 12 (continued from Page 15)                                 Friday, March 13
8–9 p.m.              Mentorship meeting                                    6:30–7:15 a.m.        Morning qigong
                      The AAO Membership Committee will facilitate                                Qigong is a holistic system of coordinated body posture
                      connecting physician mentors with student protégés.                         and movement, breathing and meditation used for
                      See Page 15.                                                                the purpose of health, spirituality and martial arts
                                                                                                  training. Attendees are encouraged to bring mats or
9–11 p.m.             Evening With the Stars and Stripes
                                                                                                  towels to use for floor postures.
                      Practicing DOs and residents will share pearls with
                                                                            7 a.m.–6 p.m.         Convocation registration open
                                                                            7:30 a.m.–noon        SAAO silent auction (see Page 13)
10 p.m.–1 a.m.        SAAO mixer (see below)
                                                                            7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.      Exhibit hall open
                                                                            8 a.m.–5 p.m.         Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)

                                                                            8–9:30 a.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)

 SAAO is going                                                              3As: “5-Minute Approach to Osteopathic Medicine,” David C. Mason,
                                                                                 DO, MBA, FACOFP
                                                                            3Bs: “Neurovisceral OMT: Integrating Polyvagal Concepts,” Michael L.
                                                                                 Kuchera, DO, FAAO, FNAOME
                                                                            3Cs: “Osteopathic Education and Treatment of the Newborn,” Kimberly
                                                                                 J. Wolf, DO
                                                                            3Ds: “OMT, Exercise Prescription, and Cupping to Optimize
                                                                                 Musculoskeletal Care,” Benjamin V. Bring, DO, CAQSM, FAAFP
                                                                            3Es: “Sutural Approach to Cranial Manipulation,” Edward G. Stiles,
                                                                                 DO, FAAODist
                                                                            9:30–10 a.m.          Visit with the exhibitors

                                                                            10–11:30 a.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
                                                                            4As: “5-Minute Approach to Osteopathic Medicine,” David C. Mason,
            Thursday, March 12 • 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.                               DO, MBA, FACOFP
                                                                            4Bs: “Neurovisceral OMT: Integrating Polyvagal Concepts,” Michael L.
Grab your shoulder pads, power suits and/or leg                                  Kuchera, DO, FAAO, FNAOME
warmers, my dudes! The SAAO mixer is going to be                            4Cs: “Osteopathic Education and Treatment of the Newborn,” Kimberly
a totally bodacious party!                                                       J. Wolf, DO
                                                                            4Ds: “OMT, Exercise Prescription, and Cupping to Optimize
Come hang out with all your totally rad friends and                              Musculoskeletal Care,” Benjamin V. Bring, DO, CAQSM, FAAFP
enjoy games, grub and grog!                                                 4Es: “Sutural Approach to Cranial Manipulation,” Edward G. Stiles,
                                                                                 DO, FAAODist
                                                                            11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.     Lunch in the exhibit hall
                                                                                                  Get lunch on the go. Purchase prepaid lunch vouchers
                                                                                                  or use cash on-site. See Page 10.
                                                                            11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.     Visit with the exhibitors and lunch on your own
                                                                            Noon–3 p.m.           SAAO auction item collection (see Page 13)

                                                                            1–2 p.m.              “Supplemental Modalities for Pain Relief in Out-
                                                                                                  Patient Practice,” Joshua Heath Dalton, DO
                                                                            2–3 p.m.              “Sculpt Your Brain: Nutrition,” Lara Salyer, DO,
                                                                            3–4:15 p.m.           “Introduction to Robert C. Fulford, DO, and the
                                                                                                  Percussion Hammer,” Richard W. Koss, DO

16 • AAO’s 2020 Convocation                                                  Students register online at
Embracing Integration:
                                                                             Exploring the Limitless Applications of Osteopathy

Friday, March 13 (continued from Page 16)                                       5Es: “OMM in the Performing Arts,” Sajid A. Surve, DO

4:15–5:30 p.m.         “Exploring the Neurobiology of Mind-Body-                10–11:30 a.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
                       Spirit Unity,” Stacey L. Pierce-Talsma, DO,
                       MS-EdL, FNAOME                                           6Bs: “Still Technique for the Lumbar Spine / Pelvis / Sacrum,” Cheryl
                                                                                     Hammes, DO
4–7 p.m.               NMM-OMM Certification and Residency                      6Cs: “You Too Can Master Thoracic/Lumbar HVLA,” Warren W. Chin,
                       Program Information Session                                   DO
                       Students and residents can learn about residency
                       opportunities and meet residency program directors.      6Ds: “Exercise Prescription and Concept of Muscle Imbalance,” Amber
                                                                                     Gruber, DO
7–8:30 p.m.            Alumni receptions
9–11 p.m.              National Undergraduate Fellows Association’s             6Es: “OMM in the Performing Arts,” Sajid A. Surve, DO
                       social (NUFA members only)                               11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.      Lunch on your own
9–11 p.m.              Practice for A. Hollis Wolf Case Presentation            1–2 p.m.               Harold A. Blood, DO, FAAO, Memorial Lecture:
                       Competition (presenters only)                                                   “Osteopathic Approach to Patient Care,” Karen T.
                                                                                                       Snider, DO, FAAO
Saturday, March 14                                                              2–4:30 p.m.            A. Hollis Wolf Case Presentation Competition
                                                                                                       (see Page 13)
6:30–7:15 a.m.         Morning yoga
                                                                                4:30–5 p.m.            Student awards presentation
                       Wake up with beginner yoga, a gentle, flowing class
                       focused on breath and alignment. Attendees are           6:30–7:15 p.m.         President’s reception
                       encouraged to bring mats or towels to use for floor      7:15–10 p.m.           President’s banquet (ticket required, see Page 8)
                       postures.                                                10 p.m.–1 a.m.         President’s entertainment
7:30–11:30 a.m.        Convocation registration open
8 a.m.–noon            Osteopathic Education Service open (see Page 8)          Sunday, March 15
8–9:30 a.m.—Breakout sessions (ticket required)
5As: Magoun Memorial FAAO-NUFA Forum, Hugh M. Ettlinger,
                                                                                8–9 a.m.               “Optimizing Physician Mental Health While
     DO, FAAO, moderator (FAAOs and NUFAs only)
                                                                                                       Providing OMM,” Teodor Huzij, DO, FACN,
5Bs: “Still Technique for the Lumbar Spine / Pelvis / Sacrum,” Cheryl                                  AOBFP
     Hammes, DO                                                                 9–10 a.m.              “An Osteopathic Approach to Palliative and
5Cs: “You Too Can Master Thoracic/Lumbar HVLA,” Warren W. Chin,                                        Hospice Care,” Veera Neville Motashaw, DO
     DO                                                                         10–11 a.m.             To be determined, Brieanna M. Seefeldt, DO
5Ds: “Exercise Prescription and Concept of Muscle Imbalance,” Amber             11 a.m.–noon           “Osteopathic Centeredness,” J’Aimee Anne
     Gruber, DO                                                                                        Lippert, DO
                                                                                Noon                   Convocation adjourns

                                      For the most up-to-date schedule, visit

Students register online at                                                               AAO’s 2020 Convocation • 17
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