Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School

Page created by Kathryn Ferguson
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
ear nine
                                       curriculum guide 2021
                                                               CURRICULUM GUIDE

Challenging students to achieve   | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                          Stationery
to the Year 9 Curriculum                                                                                                                                                                              and fees for 2021
Whakatakinga                                                                                                                                                                                          Pukapuka
marau matauranga tau iwa                                                                                                                                                                              me ngā-utu mō rua mano rua tekau mā tahi

                                                                                                                               2021 Stationery List
Teaching and learning at Whakatane High School is centred on the eight
essential learning areas. The Year 9 curriculum offers students breadth of                                                     Each student must have a ruler, pencil, biro(s), coloured pencils, eraser, A4 refill, headphones and a Scientific Calculator
                                                                                                                               (available from Maths Department for $18), with fractions and direct logic.
subject choice allowing them to specialise in Year 10.
                                                                                                                                CORE SUBJECTS               REQUIREMENTS                        OPTION SUBJECTS              REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                English                     A4 refill, 1 x 1B5, coloured        French                       Both modules - 1 x 1B5
The curriculum for Year 9 begins with the core subjects        You will be examined on your core subjects, excluding
of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and          Health and Physical Education, in December 2021. You                                         pens, pencils or felts              Horticulture                 1 x 1B5
Health and Physical Education. Other subjects are classed      will be required to have a good year of practice and             Health & Physical           1 x 1B5, WHS physical               Japanese                     Both modules - 1 x 1B5
as optional, which means you choose. This allows you to        assignments to support your achievement in these                 Education                   education top and black             Business Studies             1 x 1B5, 1 x A4 Clear File
try subjects you would like to study but know very little      examinations.                                                                                shorts                                                           (20 pages)
about, or participate in a subject you already enjoy that is
                                                               Secondary school years are about specialising in a               Mathematics                 1 graph book, 30cm ruler,           Marine Studies               1 x 1B5
not part of the core curriculum.
                                                               narrowing range of subjects. With excellent teaching                                         scientific calculator (see
You will receive an option choice sheet that you are           staff and responsive, eager young minds such as yours,                                                                           Media Studies                1 x 1B5
                                                                                                                                                            above), headphones
required to complete and include with your application to      these years will be well enjoyed. Commit yourself to                                                                             Music                        Headphones
                                                                                                                                Science                     Headphones, 2 x 1B5, pens
enrol.                                                         your learning, stay focused on your subjects and you will                                                                        Technology - DVC             3 x HB pencils, 3 x H2
                                                               achieve excellence at Whakatane High School.                     Social Studies              1 x 1B5 or 1 x 2B5
Enjoy your junior years at Whakatane High School. These                                                                                                                                                                      pencils, eraser, coloured
                                                                                                                                Awanuiārangi Te             Please send in to the teacher                                    pencils, 1 x 18N9 folder
two years will allow you to explore many options in
                                                                                                                                Whakaruruhau                to be stored for the year’s                                      for A3 paper, 1 x black ball
Year 9 before narrowing your choices in Year 10 and
                                                                                                                                - Learning Centre           use                                                              point pen fine
heading into NCEA Levels 1-3 at Years 11-13.
                                                                                                                                English                     2 x 1B5, 4 blue pens,               Fashion Design               1 x A4 Clear File
                                                                                                                                                                                                Te Reo Māori                 1 x 1B5
Progress Statements                                                                                                             Mathematics                 2 x 1E5, 2 rulers, 2 pencils,
                                                                                                                                                            2 erasers
                                                                                                                                                                                                Visual Art - Design          1 x 3B pencil, 1 x eraser
                                                                                                                                                                                                Visual Art - Drawing &       1 x 3B pencil, 1 x eraser
Progress in Year 9 at Whakatane High School is                 ‘Soft’ skills are the personal attributes which enable           Science                     1 x 1B5                             Painting
measured both against the New Zealand Curriculum               people to interact effectively with other people. These          Social Studies              1 x 1B5                             Visual Art - Sculpture       1 x 3B pencil, 1 x eraser
Achievement Objectives and the Key Competencies.               include skills such as strong work ethic, communication
                                                               skills, time management, problem solving and team work.                                                                          Visual Art – Printmaking     1 x 3B pencil, 1 x eraser
Teachers in each subject area report against the
curriculum level your child is working at and select           As we work to develop the ‘soft’ skills, now recognised
whether they are Developing/Emerging, Usually                  as being as important as academic progress, we will

                                                                                                                               2021 Fees Schedule
Demonstrating, or Achieving to a High Standard.                be reporting on the Key Competencies of Managing
                                                               Self, Participating and Contributing, and Relating to
Across the two years in the Junior School, we aim to show
                                                               Others. Teachers will identify whether your child rarely,
the progress made across the curriculum. It is perfectly
                                                               sometimes, usually or always demonstrates these skills          Whakatane High School is part of the Donations Scheme
usual for your child to be working at different curriculum                                                                                                                                      OPTIONAL FEES
                                                               in that subject area. Your child will also be able to reflect   in 2021, which means that any non-curriculum related
levels in different subjects.                                                                                                                                                                   Student ID Photos                                           $7
                                                               and assess against set indicators.                              trips, eg. Sports/cultural trips, will be optional and will
                                                                                                                               carry a charge. This charge will be added to your account        School Magazine                                           $10
                                                                                                                               once your child selects to take part.                            Printing money (Personal-related printing will
                                                                                                                               Some fees will be charged for materials or resources used        still carry a charge)
                                                                                                                               for projects which are then taken home by students.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 3
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
Core Subjects                                                                                                                                                                                    Option Subjects
      for all Year 9 students in 2021                                                                                                     In Year 9, students choose eight                             and Pathways for each subject
                                                                                                                                          Option Subjects. These are
      Kaupapa matua                                                                                                                                                                                    Kaupapa Kōwhiringa te ara
      mo ngā tau iwa, katoa                                                                                                               completed two per Term.                                      mō ia kaupapa

                                                                                                                                      Arts                                                       Pathways Checklist
       English                                                        Health & Physical Education                                     Choose ONE subject from the following:                     Subjects in italics are core subjects.
                                                                                                                                      •   Visual Art:        Design                                                                                    YEARS
       English is the study, use and enjoyment of English language    Health Education is part of the core subjects taught to                                Drawing & Painting
       and its literature, communicated orally, visually and in       all Year 9 and Year 10 students. It is therefore not an                                                                    THE ARTS                                          9    10     11
       writing for a range of purposes and audience and in a          optional subject at these levels.                                                                                          Drama                                                       
       variety of text forms. Learning English encompasses                                                                            •   Drama:             Practical Drama Skills              Music course 1                                              
                                                                      The Board of Trustees is required to consult with
       learning the language, learning through the language                                                                                                  & Performance                       Music course 2
                                                                      the school community regarding the school’s Health                                                                                                                                     
       and learning about the language. Understanding, using,                                                                         •   Music:             Performance & Composition
                                                                      programme, particularly with regard to Sexuality                                                                           Visual Art - Design                                         
       and creating oral written and visual texts of increasing                                                                                              Skills
                                                                      Education. Hence, the programme course outline is                                                                          Visual Art - Drawing & Painting                             
       complexity is at the heart of English teaching and learning.
                                                                      included in this Curriculum Guide.
       By engaging with text-based activities students become                                                                                                                                    Visual Art - Printmaking                              
       increasingly skilled and sophisticated speakers and            Statement on the delivery of the Health curriculum                                                                         Visual Art - Sculpture                            
       listeners, writers and readers, presenters and viewers.        ‘At Whakatane High School Health Education is considered                                                                   ENGLISH
                                                                                                                                      Choose ONE subject from the following:
       Leads to: Year 10 English                                      an integral part of students’ educational opportunities.                                                                   English                                                     
                                                                      All Health students develop their understanding of the          •   International:     French 1 & 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION
                                                                      factors that influence the Health of individuals, groups and                           Japanese 1 & 2
                                                                      society. Students build resilience through strengthening        •   Te Reo Māori:      Te Reo Māori 1 & 2                  Health & Physical Education                                 
                                                                      their personal identity through engaging prevention and                                                                    Sport Science                                         
       In the Year 9 Mathematics Course students are taught           safety management skills and strategies. Students use these
                                                                                                                                      Students wishing to continue studying a language in Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                 INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES
       at different levels of the National Curriculum depending       skills and understandings to take critical action to promote    10 must take course 1 & 2 of that language in Year 9.
                                                                                                                                      These courses must be done in sequence, that is course 1   French                                                      
       on their level of ability. All classes though will cover the   personal, interpersonal and societal well-being.’
       five strands which include Number, Algebra and Patterns,                                                                       then course 2.                                             Japanese                                                    
                                                                      •   Anti-Bullying - unit covers the Whakatane High School                                                                  MATHEMATICS
       Measurement, Geometry, and Statistics. They will be
                                                                          values, and anti-bullying lessons. Concept of bullying is
       assessed on each of these units with the possibility of            explored, including types of bullying, roles in bullying
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mathematics                                                 
       movement depending on how they achieve.                            and strategies for minimising bullying situations                                                                      SCIENCE
       Leads to: Year 10 Mathematics                                  •   Healthy Body, Healthy Mind - covers what healthy            Choose TWO subjects from the following:                    Horticulture                                                
                                                                          is, nutrition, hygiene, physical activity and stress and                                                               Marine Studies
                                                                                                                                      •   Computer Programming                                                                                         
                                                                          strategies for positive decision-making                     •   Design & Visual Communication                          Science                                                     
                                                                      •   Face the Facts - tobacco and alcohol education.             •   Electronics                                            SOCIAL SCIENCES
       The Year 9 science programme is an exciting and                    Factual information about both of these drugs, and          •   Fashion Design                                         Accounting                                                  
       practical introduction to the basics of Physics (Energy),          strategies for positive decision-making                     •   Food Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Business Studies                                            
       Chemistry (properties of matter), Biology (living things)      •   Sexuality/Positive Relationships - friendships/             •   G Suite
                                                                          relationships, what’s healthy/unhealthy, positive           •   Mechatronics		                                         Media Studies                                               
       and Earth Space and Science (Astronomy). There are a
       number of different classes available working at various           decision making                                             •   Product Development - Wood/Metal                       Social Studies                                        
       curriculum levels to take into account all learning styles.                                                                    •   Web Pages and the www                                  TECHNOLOGY
                                                                      Leads to: Year 10 Health and Physical Education, NCEA
       The programme includes a variety of activities, including                                                                                                                                 Computer Programming                                  
                                                                      Level 1-2 Health Science
       hands-on practicals, digital tasks and lessons.                                                                                                                                           Design & Visual Communication                               
       Leads to: Year 10 Science                                                                                                                                                                 Electronics                                       
                                                                                                                                      Choose any FOUR subjects from the following list OR

       Social Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Food Technology                                             
                                                                                                                                      any other subjects from the lists above:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 G Suite                                           
                                                                                                                                      •   Accounting
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mechatronics                                                
       Social Studies involves looking at the people, places                                                                          •   Business Studies
                                                                                                                                      •   Horticulture                                           Fashion Design                                              
       and events which have influenced New Zealand and
       the World. At Year 9 we will focus on Leadership,                                                                              •   Marine Studies                                         Product Development - Wood/Metal                            
       Kaitiakitanga and New Zealand History. Students will be                                                                        •   Media Studies                                          Web Pages and the www                             
       challenged by new ideas and concepts.                                                                                          •   Sport Science                                          TE REO MĀORI
       Leads to: Year 10 Social Studies                                                                                                                                                          Te Reo Māori                                                

4   Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 5
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
The Arts
      Visual Art, Drama and Music
      Ngā Toi Aronui
      Toi ata ata, whakatautau, Pūoro                                                                                                 The Drama Department has
                                                                                                                                      tremendous appeal to students.
                                                                                                                                      Drama is offered at Years 9 to 13.
                                                                                                                                      In Year 9 students are introduced to basic drama skills.

       Visual Art
                                                                                                                                      The focus is on cooperative games, role play and devising.
                                                                                                                                      All assessments are practical performances.
                                                                                                                                      Students are encouraged to complete a Year 9 course
       Visual Art is a highly successful and                           creative and visually adaptive learners. Visual Art requires
                                                                       students to think and solve problems, understand and
                                                                                                                                      before undertaking the Year 10 course which involves
       popular subject at Whakatane High                               apply concepts, acquire practical skills and develop their
                                                                                                                                      more advanced performance. It is preferable that
                                                                                                                                      students successfully complete these junior courses
       School. Visual Art is offered at all                            own personal expression.
                                                                                                                                      before undertaking Level 1 NCEA Drama - a challenging
       levels.                                                         In the junior school, we focus on building students’           course involving practice, theory and production.
                                                                       drawing skills as well as instructing them in the use of a
                                                                                                                                      Numerous tertiary diplomas, university courses and NCEA
       It is one of the University Approved subjects. Visual Art       range of media such as pastel, paint, wash, ink pen and
                                                                                                                                      qualifications in Drama and Theatre exist for students
       branches out into separate subjects of Painting, Design         charcoal. In sculpture we use cardboard, cane, paper and
                                                                                                                                      who wish to pursue Drama further. Drama has a very
       and Photography. Many of our Year 13 Visual Art students        modelling materials and in printmaking we use etching
                                                                                                                                      important role in developing skills in self-confidence,
       continue on to the various fields of Design, Photography,       tools and ink. Design students learn the conventions
                                                                                                                                      public speaking and working cooperatively - vital life
       Visual Communication and Fine Arts courses at                   used by designers to communicate visually to convey
                                                                                                                                      skills for all young people. Drama is complementary with
       Universities or Polytechnics.                                   messages.
                                                                                                                                      Music, Art, English and Social Studies and its value should
       We are very fortunate to have a very well appointed             Some students come to us from their contributing schools       never be underestimated.
       building, the C Block, which houses multi-media facilities      with a considerable skill level; others have very little
       and large format printing. We have large and bright             experience with art making. We can cater for the broad          9DRA         Drama
       specialist classrooms, an art library, printmaking facilities   range of skill levels at Year 9.
       and a suite of Apple Macintosh computers for Design,                                                                                                                 Ms A Harland (HD)
                                                                       It is recommended that students complete at least one of
       Photography and Visual Art Research.                                                                                                         •   Games to develop voice and
                                                                       the four Visual Art courses offered at Year 9 to enter Year
       In an increasingly creative world the Visual Arts equips        10 Visual Art, then continue with the subject to Level 1                         movement skills
       students with the techniques and knowledge to be                NCEA.                                                                        •   Improvisation
                                                                                                                                                    •   Basic drama conventions and
        9VA1         Drawing and Painting                               9VA3         Sculpture                                                      •   Characterisation
                                                 Mr A Hurley (HU)                                              Mr A Hurley (HU)                     •   Use of costume and prop
                     The foundation course is the Drawing and                        Students will develop ideas for three                          •   Devising a drama
                     Painting course. You will learn to draw                         dimensional artworks through drawing.
                                                                                                                                       Leads to     Year 10 Drama, NCEA Level 1-3 and
                     accurately from subject matter and start                        You will use a range of sculpting materials
                                                                                                                                                    Scholarship, University, Polytechnic and
                     to explore colour media such as paint or                        which may include cane, paper mache,
                                                                                                                                                    Performing Arts School
                     pastel. You will have the opportunity to                        wire, clay and cardboard. You will develop
                     apply your creativity and imagination.                          skills and knowledge in respect to the
                                                                                     selected sculpting techniques and media.
        Leads to     Year 10 Visual Art                                              You will make sculptural artworks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     STUDENT VOICE
                     Design                                             Leads to     Year 10 Visual Art
                                                                                                                                          “I’ve found Drama is a great

                                                                                                                                          class for anyone, actor or
                                                 Mr A Hurley (HU)
                                                                        9VA4         Printmaking
                     Students will learn to use drawing to
                     develop and communicate visual ideas.                                                     Mr A Hurley (HU)           not, it is simply enjoyable.
                     You will explore and produce work related                       Students will research and learn a range             You can be yourself!”
                     to illustration and graphic design. You                         of different printmaking techniques from
                     will gain experience with colour and text                       intaglio/drypoint to woodcut and relief.
                     and image layout. You will develop design                       Using different tools and inks you will
                     skills with a range of media, both hand                         produce a series of both black and white
                     manipulated and computer based.                                 and colour prints.

        Leads to     Year 10 Visual Art                                 Leads to     Year 10 Visual Art

6   Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 7
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sport Science
                   For many students, this course will be                      •   Music theory to enable you to progress with your
                                                                                   instrumental studies and increase your knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Matauranga Hākinakina
                   an introduction to music, but for those                         and understanding of music
                   who have prior music skills it is an                        •   Technical skills specific to each instrument with
                   opportunity to extend knowledge and                             itinerant teachers
                   skills to a higher level.                                   •   Composition for students who have some knowledge

                   All students are encouraged to learn basic keyboard/
                                                                                   and have received some prior music tuition               Sport Science
                                                                               Assessment: Students will be assessed on musical
                   piano skills along with guitar and drums and an
                   instrument of choice.
                                                                               knowledge and aural skills (listening to and understanding   This course is designed to help
                                                                                                                                            students to understand how to get
                                                                               musical elements). They will also be assessed on
                   You will learn:                                             individual instrumental ability along with general
                   •   Basic music knowledge including reading standard        musicianship. Students are encouraged to start or join       the most out of physical activity by
                       music notation, tablature and chord charts              ensemble groups and rehearse for performances during
                                                                               the year.
                                                                                                                                            exploring how the human body works
                   •   Practical skills to enable you to perform within a                                                                   and how to care for it in relation to
                       group or solo
                    9MUS1        Music 1                                       9MUS2        Music 2                                         Through experiencing a variety of physical activity
                                                                                                                                            students will be able to investigate and reflect on the
                                                         Mr A Warner (WR)                                            Mr A Warner (WR)       role that body systems play during short and long term
                                 This course includes:                                      This course includes:                           exercise.
                                 •   Learning basic music notation                          •    Learning music theory and
                                 •   Learning the basics of guitar, keyboard                     composition
                                     and drums, and an instrument of                        • Developing skills on guitar, keyboard
                                                                                                                                            9SPS         Sport Science
                                     choice, eg vocals, Brass, Woodwind                          and drums, and an instrument of                                                   Mr B Sexton (SN)
                                     etc.                                                        choice, eg. vocals, brass, woodwind                     Content covered through this course
                                 •   Learning major and minor chords,                            etc.                                                    include:
                                     scales, drum rhythms and patterns.                     • Listening skills                                           • Functional anatomy (movement) of
                                 •   Performance of basic pieces of music.                  • Improvisation, chord patterns, drum                             the skeletal and muscular systems
                                 •   Listening skills                                            rhythms and guitar riffs                                • Exercises that support and
                                                                                            This is suited to students who have some                          strengthen the skeletal, muscular and
                    Leads to     Year 9 Music 2                                             degree of previous musical tuition and                            cardiovascular respiratory systems.
                                                                                            knowledge (though this is not essential).                    • The short and long term benefits of
                                                                                            Students who have successfully completed                          exercise.
                                                                                            the Music 1 course earlier in the year will                  Skills gained through this course include:
                                                                                            also be eligible for this option.
                                                                                                                                                         • Feeling more connected to how the
                   “I am thoroughly enjoying music                             Leads to     To progress to Music in Year 10 and then
                                                                                                                                                              body responds to daily demands.
                                                                                                                                                         • Appreciating the body beyond being a
                   at Whakatane High School. The                                            Music at Year 11 (NCEA Level 1), it is

                                                                                            recommended that students complete                                physical vessel.
                   teaching is really great and the                                         Course 2 at Year 9. To complete NCEA                         • Valuing the body’s ability to move
                   support for kids’ learning is                                            practical assessments in Year 11, students                        effectively and efficiently.
                                                                                                                                                         • Becoming more confident in
                   amazing. I am glad I picked this
                                                                                            should have been receiving tuition on an
                                                                                            instrument or voice either in school or                           understanding how the body moves.
                   subject and I am very excited to                                         privately for at least two years.                            • Developing a sense of curiosity
                   do it again next year in Year 10.                                                                                                          in relation to extending physical
                   I highly recommend this subject
                   for people coming to this school.”                                                                                       Leads to     Year 10 Sports Science, NCEA Level 1-3
                                                                                                                                                         Physical Education

          8     Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                                                         Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 9
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
      French and Japanese
      Reo Kōkuhu
      Wiwi, Tīapanihi

       All students benefit from learning another language from the earliest practicable
       age. Such learning broadens students’ general language abilities and brings
       their own language into sharper focus. It enriches students intellectually, socially
       and culturally, offers an understanding of the ways in which other people think
       and behave, and furthers international relations and trade.

       Why Learn French?                                          •   French is an international and important language for
                                                                      traveling, business and tourism
       •   Language learning is fun, active, challenging and
           boosts brain power                                     • Language learning skills are an asset for any career
       •   Enjoy French cultural aspects with French food,        • Studying a foreign culture helps us understand our
           festivities and fun pastimes                               own cultures
       •   Using technology, NZ students can ‘“connect” with
           their French counterparts
                                                                  • French has many similarities to both English (in
                                                                      spelling) and Te Reo (in pronunciation) which gives     Japanese
                                                                      New Zealand students an advantage
       •   Students may have the opportunity to travel to New                                                                 Why Learn Japanese?                                          •   Learning a language helps adolescent brain
           Caledonia                                              Note: Students wishing to take French at Year 10 must
                                                                                                                                                                                               development and helps students become active
                                                                  select the two courses at Year 9                            •   Learning Japanese provides new opportunities to
                                                                                                                                  communicate with Japanese people both in New
                                                                                                                                  Zealand and Japan                                        •   Students will be taught using a wide range of different
        9FRE1      French 1                                                                                                                                                                    methods to support and challenge their learning
                                                                                                                              •   It gives students a chance to participate in exchanges
                                             Mrs S Everitt (EV)                                                                   with Japanese Students and to Japan                      Note: Students wishing to take Japanese at Year 10 must
                   •    Greet people, introduce yourself and                                                                                                                               select the two courses at Year 9.
                                                                                                                              •   The Japanese Course provides a range of Japanese
                        others in French
                                                                                                                                  cultural experiences including Japanese food, sports
                   •    Give personal information                                                                                 and other activities
                   •    Use French numbers and colours in
                        games and activities
                   •    Understand classroom instructions in                                                                  9JAP1        Japanese 1                                      9JAP2        Japanese 2
                        French                                                                                                                                      Mr H Morris (MS)                                              Mr H Morris (MS)
                   •    Recognise France - the country,                                                                                    •    Give personal information                               •    Talk about your family
                        location and the culture
                                                                                                                                           •    Count in Japanese                                       •    Describe people and animals
        Leads to   Year 9 French 2                                                                                                         •    Understand classroom instructions in                    •    Talk about where you live and the
                                                                                                                                                Japanese                                                     weather
        9FRE2      French 2                                                                                                                •    Read Japanese hiragana                                  •    Talk about things you like to do and
                                                                                                                                           •    Understand Japan’s climate,                                  eat
                                             Mrs S Everitt (EV)                                                                                 geography and cultural aspects
                   •    Talk about your family                                                                                                                                             Leads to     Year 10 Japanese, NCEA Level 1-3,
                   •    Describe people and animals                                                                           Leads to     Year 9 Japanese 2                                            University or Polytechnic
                   •    Talk about where you live and the
                   •    Talk about things you like to do and
                   •    Tell the time in French

        Leads to   Year 10 French, NCEA Level 1-3, University
                   or Polytechnic                                     The students visit New Caledonia in 2018.

10   Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                                                                   Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 11
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
                  Horticulture and Marine Studies
                  Ohuone, Te Ao o Tangaroa

                  Horticulture                                                    Marine Studies
                  This course gives a basic introduction to Horticulture. It      Here in Whakatane we are blessed with easy access to
                  is practical and skills-based, with students spending half      beautiful oceans, lakes and rivers. You probably swim,
                  the learning time:                                              dive, surf and fish in them! It is well documented that
                                                                                  human activities are damaging these fragile ecosystems.
                  •   Developing an individual vegetable garden in the
                                                                                  Marine Studies is a very popular subject designed to
                      school horticulture area
                                                                                  increase awareness and understanding of these human
                  •   Developing skills of raising and caring for plants          activities and more importantly what we can do to
                  The other half of the learning time is spent in the             minimise the harmful effects of overfishing, climate
                  classroom.                                                      change and plastic pollution.

                  Further Study: The course will teach skills that can be
                  further developed in Year 10 and NCEA Level 1 - Level 3.        9MRS         Marine Studies
                  Horticulture is focused on practical skills. Horticulture can                                       Miss T Walker (WK)
                  be further studied at University or Polytechnic.
                                                                                               •   Why is the ocean important to us?
                   9HOR         Horticulture                                                   •   Life Under the Sea - Students learn
                                                                                                   about the wonders of the sea through
                                                          Ms K Asquith (AH)
                                                                                                   the eyes of Nemo. They will learn
                                •    Developing your own vegetable                                 some of the basic biological concepts
                                     garden                                                        that relate to life under water. We
                                •    Use of tools                                                  explore the ecological niche of marine
                                •    Caring for plants - diseases/fertilisers                      organisms as well as buoyancy, fish
                                •    Raising plants in open ground                                 anatomy, gas exchange and more.
                                •    Raising plants in punnets                                 •   I Will Knot - Students will build their
                                •    Soil properties                                               knot tying skills and knowledge. They
                                •    Soil improvement                                              have the opportunity to research and
                                                                                                   complete a presentation on a selected
                   Leads to     Year 10 Horticulture, NCEA Level 1-2                               knot. Each student will be assessed
                                Horticulture, University or Polytechnic                            on their ability to teach and learn new
                                                                                                   skills. They then have an opportunity
                                                                                                   to apply their knot tying knowledge by
                                                                                                   creating hand lines that we will test out
                                                                                                   on our fishing trip to the Ohiwa Wharf.
                                                                                               •   Swim survival - Students will prove
                  “The ability to learn about the                                                  their competency in the pool in
                  ocean, and the opportunities                                                     preparation for the Year 10 snorkelling

                                                                                                   trip to Whale Island where they get
                  we have with trips like fishing,                                                 to go snorkelling with seals. This
                  swimming and diving are cool!”                                                   unit focuses on building swimming
                                                                                                   endurance skills with compulsory pool
                  “Marine Studies gives us a                                                       sessions once a week.

                  good experience about what                                                   Students must have an interest/passion for
                                                                                               our oceans and want to protect them for
                  marine biology is like and all the                                           the future.
                  interesting jobs out there.”
                                                                                  Leads to     Year 10 Marine Studies, NCEA Level 2-3
                                                                                               Marine Studies

         12     Whakatāne High School                                                                                                          Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 13
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
Social Science
      Financial and Media Studies
      Pūtaiao pāpori
      Ahumoni me te māpāho

       Financial Studies                                                                                                                        Media Studies
       The Whakatane High School                                   Today, young adults can only benefit from making
                                                                   informed financial decisions. Our whakautu (response)
                                                                                                                                                Media Studies is an incredibly relevant
       Commerce whānau have the                                    is acknowledging that our students’ economic successes                       subject for 21st century learners as it                                         Careers that
       philosophy of elevating.                                    tomorrow (thriving not surviving) depends on the                             awakens individuals to the power and                                   Media Studies leads to
                                                                                                                                                influence of the media, including the
                                                                   financial and economic skills we provide them with today.
       Elevating the quality of teaching and learning, elevating
       expectations, motivation, aspirations, and elevating
                                                                   If we engage our students in these financial principles at
                                                                   an early age, they can confidently navigate and manage                       ways in which it shapes our lives.                                     Filmmaking; Journalism;
       assessment and exam results.
                                                                   their own tipu tonu (constantly evolving) future financial                   This is particularly pertinent in today’s day and age, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Online Influencer; Writing;
       Our Commerce whanau believe a financial future focus        landscape.                                                                   one third of Kiwi teens spending four or more hours online          Social Media Management;
       for our students’ must be supported by a sound economic
       platform for them to learn, develop, and strengthen their
                                                                   Commerce students are encouraged to be adaptable,                            on an average day. Media Studies can help the future                    Public Relations; Radio
                                                                   innovative, confident, creative, passionate, determined,                     generation become savvy media users who can critically
       financial core life skills.
                                                                   visionary, risk takers, great communicators and change                       question media intentions. It also fosters students’                   Broadcasting; Television;
                                                                   agents.                                                                      creative abilities.                                              Blogging/Vlogging; Marketing;
                                                                                                                                                Media Studies provides students with the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                to reflect on their relationship with media, to learn how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photography; Screenwriter;
        9ACC         Accounting                                     9BST         Business Studies                                               media industries - such as film, radio, television and print -          Web Content Manager;
                                                Mr J Keepa (KP)                                             Mr J Keepa (KP)                     operate, and to try their hand at creating their own media.                 Youtuber; Educator
                     This programme has a financial future                       This programme has a financial future                          Students will develop skills in filmmaking and journalistic
                     focus and is the first stage of an exciting                 focus and is the first stage of an exciting                    writing and design while experiencing industry standard
                     Accounting adventure. Students will gain                    Business Studies adventure. Students will                      software.
                     an understanding of income, savings,                        gain an understanding on how to plan,                          In a nutshell, Media Studies develops students’
                     revenue, expenses, taxes, Kiwisaver, and                    implement and manage a business.                               competencies in creativity, communication, collaboration
                     the accounting equation. By the end                         This involves producing a business plan,                       and critical thinking - vital skills in today’s ever-changing
                     of this option, students will be able to                    product development, as well as gaining a                      workforce!
                     produce profit and loss accounts, balance                   basic understanding of entrepreneurship,
                     sheets, cost plus pricing calculations,                     the 4 P’s of Marketing, SWOT analysis,
                     fixed, variable and total costs tables and                  accounting, economics, strategic planning,
                                                                                                                                                 9MSS         Media Studies
                     graphs. This is a prerequisite for Year 10                  and reflective and recommendation skills.                                                          Ms J Hoogstraten (HN)
                     Accounting.                                                                                                                              Media surrounds us! We watch films and
                                                                    Leads to     Year 10 Business Studies/Economics, NCEA                                     television, read magazines and books and
        Leads to     Year 10 Accounting, NCEA Level 1-3                          Level 1-3 Accounting, Economics, Financial                                   spend hours checking and updating our
                     Accounting, Economics, Financial Literacy,                  Literacy, and Business Studies                                               social media accounts. In this introductory
                     and Business Studies                                                                                                                     course, you will learn about how media
                                                                                                                                                              affects our lives and shapes the world
                                                                                                                                                              around us. You will also have the chance to
                                                                                                                                STUDENT VOICE

                                                                            “I actually enjoyed the whole                                                     make your own short film (a commercial)
                                                                                                                                                              and have a hand at directing, acting and/
                                                                            course. It was a great learning                                                   or editing.
                                                                            option and I’m glad that I’ll be
                                                                                                                                                 Leads to     Year 10 Media Studies, NCEA Level 1-3
                                                                            able to leave the class with lots                                                 Media Studies, Social Sciences
                                                                            of knowledge about owning a

14   Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                                                                    Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 15
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
       Te Reo Māori                                                                                                                                                                              IT, Electronics, Food, Fashion and Product Development

       The Māori language                                                                                                                                                                        Hangarau Pūnaha rorohiko, mātai tāhiko,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 haupo, auaha, hua whakawhanake

       KO TE IHI ME TE MANA O Ō TĀTAU TĪPUNA KEI ROTO I TE REO MĀORI                                                            Technology is a universal, age-old                          Students must choose two, but may choose up to four of
                                                                                                                                human activity. It is hard to imagine
                                                                                                                                                                                            the following Technology subjects:
       (The essence and prestige of our ancestors are inherent in the language)
                                                                                                                                our lives without the advantages we
                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Computer Programming
       The language and the culture of the tangata whenua of       •   Enable students to grow in their ability to understand                                                               •   Design & Visual Communication
       Aotearoa have become integrated into our way of life.           and speak Te Reo Māori                                   have gained and will continue to gain                       •   Electronics
       The nourishment of the Māori language is integral to the
       development of a positive New Zealand cultural identity,
                                                                   •   Provide the opportunity for students to read and         through technological advances.                             •   Fashion Design
                                                                       write in Te Reo Māori                                                                                                •   Food Technology
       based on partnership and diversity. We welcome all
                                                                   •   Ensure the continued growth and development of Te        Technology education develops a wide range of skills for    •   G Suite
       students to study Te Reo Māori. Te Aka Matua students
                                                                       Reo Māori within the school and community                students including problem solving, design, construction,
       must complete two courses of Te Reo Māori in Year 9.                                                                                                                                 •   Mechatronics
                                                                                                                                communication, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and
       The aims of this course are to:                             •   Develop positive attitudes and high self-esteem in       evaluation.                                                 •   Product Development - Wood/Metal
                                                                       students                                                                                                             •   Web Pages and the www
       •   Foster whanaungatanga (a family atmosphere)
           amongst students                                        Students entering Year 9 from Kura Kaupapa Māori may
                                                                   be invited into the NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Māori class.
       •   Enable students to acknowledge and understand                                                                         9CPG         Computer Programming                           9DVC        Design & Visual Communication
           Tikanga Māori (Māori values, attitudes and              Note: Students wishing to take Te Reo Māori at Year 10                                            Mr J Cochrane (CE)                                          Mr J Cochrane (CE)
           behaviour)                                              must select both Courses 1 and 2 at Year 9.
                                                                                                                                              Introduction to problem-solving                            This is an introductory course and gives
                                                                                                                                              methodologies needed in software                           students the chance to experience a range
                                                                                                                                              development, such as structured design                     of stimulating design contexts and learn
        9MAO1        Māori 1                                        9MAO2       Māori 2                                                       and structured programming. Use                            basic graphic skills.
                                         Teacher to be confirmed                                   Teacher to be confirmed                    pseudocode, flowcharting, as well as                       The following skills will be gained:
                     Whānau                                                     Group Identity, Whakawhānaungātanga                           a programming language to develop                          • Three dimensional design
                     • Myself, Āhau                                             • My friends, Ōku hoa                                         solutions to problems.                                     • CAD computer drawing (free software
                     • My family relationships, Tōku whānau                     • My school, Tōku Kura                                        The following skills will be gained:                            available for student home use)
                     • Students, Ākonga                                                                                                       • Planning                                                 • Freehand sketching (isometric,
                                                                    Leads to    Year 10 Māori, NCEA Level 1 Māori                             • Testing                                                       oblique, 1 point and 2 point)
        Leads to     Year 9 Māori 2                                                                                                           • Variables and Algorithms                                 The course will provide students with an
                                                                                                                                              • Basics of Python programming - Input,                    excellent foundation in Years 10-13.
                                                                                                                                                   Output, Decision Making and Loops                     This University approved subject at Level
                                                                                                                                              The skills and concepts will be used in                    3 could lead to careers in:
                                                                                                                                              many different situations to broaden the                   • Product Design/3d Printing/Computer
                                                                                                                                              students' ability to apply their knowledge                      Aided Design (CAD)
                                                                                                                                              and think for themselves.                                  • Architecture
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Advertising
                                                                                                                                 Leads to     Year 10 DGT (three modules to select
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Engineering/Computer Aided
                                                                                                                                              from), NCEA Level 1-3, University or
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Manufacturing (CAM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Landscape Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Interior Design

                                                                                                                                                                                             Leads to    Year 10 Design & Visual Communication,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         NCEA Level 1-3 Design & Visual
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Communication, University or Polytechnic

16   Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                                                                   Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 17
Curriculum guide 2021 - WHAKATĀNE HIGH SCHOOL Challenging students to achieve | Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau - Whakatane High School
9ELE       Electronics                                  9GSU       G Suite                                                        9PDH       Product Development -                          9WBP       Web pages and the www
                                           Mr J Cochrane (CE)                                      Mr J Cochrane (CE)                                Wood/Metal                                                                        Mr J Cochrane (CE)
                   This course is an opportunity for students              Digital Technology is used by a wide                                                            Mr P Goodman (GN)                   The internet is so much a part of our
                   to learn about the exciting world of                    variety of school subjects, business                                      In this course, students have an                          everyday lives. This course covers how
                   electronics. The course incorporates                    organisations and groups. Whakatane                                       opportunity to learn about and work with                  to make web pages by directly coding in
                   theory knowledge and hands-on practical                 High School operates on the G Suite for                                   hard materials. The course is split into                  HTML, CSS and Javascript. It also looks at
                   application through design projects.                    Education platform to develop the digital                                 two parts. In the first part, students learn              web safety and responsible use of devices.
                   This is a good course as a foundation for               literacy and fluency of our students and to                               about the materials and practical skills                  Students work towards producing a
                   Mechatronics.                                           prepare students for their place in an ever-                              necessary for making products. In the                     website in their chosen context, using all
                   • Basic electronic theory                               increasing digital world. This course covers                              second part, students will be set a project               the skills that they have learnt throughout
                   • Components used in an electronic                      the following basic skills: collaboration,                                where they need to follow the design                      the course.
                        circuit                                            creating, word processing, desktop                                        process so that they can solve a practical                The following skills will be gained:
                   • Prototyping                                           publishing, spreadsheets, digital graphics,                               problem. This will include analysing a                    • Webpage creation
                                                                           presentations, and animation.                                             context, identifying a problem, researching
                   • Soldering skills                                                                                                                                                                          • Embedding images, video and audio
                                                                                                                                                     the subject and then generating a range
                   • Safety                                                                                                                                                                                         into web pages
                                                                                                                                                     of possible solutions. They will then select
                                                                Leads to   Year 10 DGT (three modules to select                                                                                                • Basic Javascript
                                                                                                                                                     one idea and that is what they will make
        Leads to   Year 10 Mechatronics, NCEA Level 1-3,                   from), NCEA Level 1-3, University or                                                                                                • Web safety
                                                                                                                                                     as a prototype. This course is a good
                   University or Polytechnic                               Polytechnic
                                                                                                                                                     blend of practical and theory work. It also
                                                                                                                                                     gives students a chance to practice time       Leads to   Year 10 DGT (three modules to select
        9FAS       Fashion Design                               9MEC       Mechatronics                                                              management and collaborative learning.                    from), NCEA Level 1-3, University or
                                                                                                 Mr P Goodman (GN)                                                                                             Polytechnic
                                           Mrs G Harper (HA)                                                                                         Note: If students opt to take their projects
                   This module involves making a wrist pin                 Students will learn about Mechatronics, a                                 home, there will be a take-home cost
                   cushion then going on to make a pair of                 combination of mechanical and electronic                                  charged to their account.
                   shorts/pj pants and then a basic top with               systems, Embracing robotics, industrial
                   an appliqued design/logo. All materials                 control systems and human interfaces                           Leads to   Year 10 Wood/Metal, NCEA Level 1-3
                   provided. During the production of these                in numerous disciplines. Mechatronic                                      Wood/Metal
                   products we will be studying:                           systems employ microprocessors and
                   • Machinery & Equipment                                 software as well as special purpose
                   • Health & Safety                                       electronics.
                   • Materials                                             The following skills will be gained:
                   • Techniques & Processes                                • Mechanical Systems
                   • Design Process                                        • Robotic Control
                                                                           • Computational Thinking
        Leads to   Year 10 Fashion Design, NCEA Level 1-3
                   Fashion Design                               Leads to   Year 10 Mechatronics, NCEA Level 1-3,
                                                                           University or Polytechnic
        9FTE       Food Technology
                                           Mrs G Harper (HA)
                   This module is about understanding the
                   basics of food and how it can impact us,
                   society and our environment. Students will
                   gain knowledge on:
                   • Food Safety
                                                                   " I found Year 9 Mechatronics
                                                                   exciting and hands-on, and
                                                                                                                          STUDENT VOICE

                   • Nutrition
                   • Time Management                               I learnt lots of interesting
                   • Sustainability and Food Ethics                things about engineering,
                                                                   design and electronics. It is
                   • Recipe Planning
                   • Research and Design
                   They will then go on to design, produce         an exciting and fun subject
                   and evaluate their own food product             that I'm sure many other
                                                                   students also enjoy".
                   which will incorporate all topics covered.

        Leads to   Year 10 Technology, NCEA Level 1-3 Food

18   Whakatāne High School                                                                                                                                                                                                         Year 9 Curriculum Guide 2021 19
Goulstone Road, Whakatane
               Phone 07 308 8251

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