Curriculum Progression - Geography

Page created by Terrance Henry
Curriculum Progression – Geography
              EYFS    Year 1              Year 2                Year 3                Year 4                   Year 5                   Year 6
                     -Ask and answer geographical             -Ask and answer geographical questions       -Collect and analyse statistics and other
Investigate          questions such as: What is this          about the physical and human                 information in order to draw clear conclusions
Places               place like? What or who will I see       characteristics of a location.               about locations.
                     in this place? What do people do in      -Explain own views about locations, giving   -Identify and describe how the physical
                     this place?                              reasons.                                     features affect the human activity within a
                     -Identify the key features of a          -Use maps, atlases, globes and               location.
                     location in order to say whether it      digital/computer mapping to locate           -Use a range of geographical resources to give
                     is a city, town or village, coastal or   countries and describe features.             detailed descriptions and opinions of the
                     rural area.                              -Use fieldwork to observe and record         characteristic features of a location.
                     - Use world maps, atlases and            the human and physical features in the       -Use different types of fieldwork sampling
                     globes to identify the United            local area using a range of methods          (random and systematic) to observe, measure
                     Kingdom and its countries, as well       including sketch maps, plans and graphs      and record the human and physical features in
                     as the countries, continents and         and digital technologies.                    the local area. Record the results in a range of
                     oceans studied.                          - Use a range of resources to identify       ways.
                     - Use simple fieldwork and               the key physical and human features of a     - Analyse and give views on the effectiveness
                     observational skills to study the        location.                                    of different geographical representations of a
                     geography of the school and the          -Name and locate counties and cities of      location (such as aerial images compared with
                     key human and physical features of       the                                          maps and topological maps – as in London’s
                     its surrounding environment.             United Kingdom, geographical regions         Tube map).
                     -Use aerial images and plan              and their identifying human and physical     -Name and locate some of the countries and
                     perspectives to recognise                characteristics, including hills,            cities of the world and their identifying
                     landmarks and basic physical             mountains, cities, rivers, key               human and physical characteristics, including
                     features.                                topographical features and land-use          hills, mountains, rivers, key topographical
                     - Name, locate and identify              patterns; and understand how some of         features and land-use patterns; and
                     characteristics of the four              these aspects have changed over time.        understand how some of these aspects have
                     countries and capital cities of the                                                   changed over time.
United Kingdom and its surrounding       -Name and locate the countries of           -Name and locate the countries of North and
                 seas.                                    Europe and identify their main physical     South America and identify their main
                 -Name and locate the world’s             and human characteristics.                  physical and human characteristics.
                 continents and oceans.
                 -Understand geographical                 -Name and locate the equator, northern      -Identify and describe the geographical
Investigate      similarities and differences             hemisphere, southern hemisphere, the        significance of latitude, longitude, equator,
Patterns         through studying the human and           tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic     northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere,
                 physical geography of a small area       and Antarctic Circle and date time          the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic
                 of the United Kingdom and of a           zones. Describe some of the                 and Antarctic Circle, and time zones (including
                 contrasting non-European country.        characteristics of these geographical       day and night).
                 -Identify seasonal and daily             areas.                                      -Understand some of the reasons for
                 weather patterns in the United           -Describe geographical similarities and     geographical similarities and differences
                 Kingdom and the location of hot          differences between countries.              between countries.
                 and cold areas of the world in           - Describe how the locality of the school   - Describe how locations around the world are
                 relation to the equator and the          has changed over time.                      changing and explain some of the reasons for
                 North and South Poles.                                                               change.
                 - Identify land use around the                                                       -Describe geographical diversity across the
                 school.                                                                              world.
                                                                                                      -Describe how countries and geographical
                                                                                                      regions are interconnected and
                 -Use basic geographical vocabulary       -Describe key aspects of:                   -Describe and understand key aspects of:
Communicate      to refer to:                             •physical geography, including: rivers,     • Physical geography, including: climate zones,
Geographically   •key physical features, including:       mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes        biomes and vegetation belts, rivers,
                 beach, coast, forest, hill, mountain,    and the water cycle.                        mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes and the
                 ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation   •human geography, including: settlements    water cycle.
                 and weather.                             and land use.                               • human geography, including: settlements,
                 •key human features, including:          - Use the eight points of a compass,        land use, economic activity including trade
                 city, town, village, factory, farm,      four- figure grid references, symbols       links, and the distribution of natural
                 house, office and shop.                  and key to communicate knowledge of         resources including energy, food, minerals and
                 - Use compass directions (north,         the United Kingdom and the wider world.     water supplies.
                 south, east and west) and locational
language (e.g. near and far) to                                                  -Use the eight points of a compass, four-
                            describe the location of features                                                figure grid references, symbols and a key
                            and routes on a map.                                                             (that uses standard Ordnance Survey
                            - Devise a simple map; and use and                                               symbols) to communicate knowledge of the
                            construct basic symbols in a key.                                                United Kingdom and the world.
                            Use simple grid references (A1,
                            B1).                                                                             -Create maps of locations identifying patterns
                                                                                                             (such as: land use, climate zones, population
                                                                                                             densities, height of land).
             Begin to       Use maps and      Use maps,           Use maps,           Use maps, atlases      Confidently use maps, Confidently use maps,
Locational   explore        a globe to        atlases and/or      atlases and/or      and/or globes to       globes, Digimaps and      globes, Digimaps and
Knowledge    globes and     identify the      globes to locate    globes to locate    confidently locate     Google Earth.             Google Earth.
             picture        continents and    the northern and    the Equator, the    all four
             atlases.       oceans and        southern            Tropics of Cancer   hemispheres, prime     Use atlases/maps to     Use atlases/maps to
                            understand        hemispheres and     and Capricorn.      meridian and begin     describe and locate     describe and locate
                            that both a map   places on the                           to explore the lines   places using 4 figure   places using 6 figure
                            and a globe       equator which                           of latitude and        grid references.        grid references.
                            show the same     are the hottest.                        longitude.
                            thing.                                                                           Use maps to identify
                                                                                                             longitude and
             Begin to       Locate and        To confidently      Build on prior      Locate the main -      Identify the            Identify the
             identify the   name the          identify the 4      knowledge of UK     rivers and mountain    different countries     different countries
             locations of   continents of     countries of the    regions by using    ranges of Europe on    of North America.       of South America.
             their home     the world.        UK and label the    maps to locate      a map using a range
             and school                       capital cities.     countries of        of sources.            Identify the major      Identify the major
             and other      Locate and                            Europe.                                    cities in America and   cities in populous
             familiar       name the 4        Locate the                                                     consider how they       South American
             places.        countries that    Atlantic, Pacific                                              differ to other         countries and
                            make up the       and Indian ocean.                                              regions in the          consider how they
                            UK.                                                                              country.                differ to other
Locate and          Confidently                                                   Identify the           regions in the
                           name the            locate Australia                                              different climate      country.
                           Arctic and          and the states                                                zones.
                           Southern            within                                                                               Identify countries
                           Oceans                                                                            Locate the mountain    and cities in South
                                                                                                             ranges and rivers in   America using a range
                           Locate                                                                            North America.         of geographical
                           Australia on a                                                                                           resources.
                           map.                                                                              Identify the Desert,
                                                                                                             Freshwater, Taiga,      Locate the mountain
                                                                                                             Tundra, Temperate      ranges and rivers of
                                                                                                             Deciduous and          South America.
                                                                                                             Grassland biomes.
                                                                                                                                    Identify the Ice,
                                                                                                                                    Savannah, Marine and
                                                                                                                                    Tropical rainforest
            Begin to       Use simple          Use simple         Use simple           Use the compass       Use the compass        Use the compass
            describe       compass             compass            compass              points N, NE, E,      points N, NE, E,       points N, NE, E,
            locations      directions          directions         directions           SE, S, SW, W,         SE, S, SW, W, NW       SE, S, SW, W, NW
            using simple   (North, South,      (North, South,     (North, South,       NW to direct and      and 4 grid             and 6 grid
            locational     East and West)      East and West)     East and West)       locate using a        references to direct   references to direct
            and            to describe the     to describe the    to describe the      compass.              and locate using a     and locate using a
            directional    location of         location of        location of                                compass.               compass.
            language.      features on a       features on a      features on a map
                           map.                map
            Begin to ask   Study               Study              Study                Raise questions       Study                  Ask Geographical
Place       and answer     pictures/videos     pictures/videos    pictures/videos      about the different   photos/pictures/maps   questions e.g. How
Knowledge   simple         of a locality and   of two differing   of Europe and ask    hemispheres e.g.      to make comparisons    was the land used in
            geographical   ask                 localities, (the   geographical         What are the          between locations.     the past? How has it
            questions      geographical        UK and             questions e.g.       similarities and      . Ask Geographical     changed? What made
            linked to      questions e.g.      Australia) and     What is it like to   differences           questions e.g. How
location e.g.   What is it like   ask geographical      live in this place?   between Eastern        was the land used in    it change? How may it
Where is…?      to live in this   questions e.g.        How is this place     and Western            the past? How has it    continue to change?
                place? How is     What is it like to    different to          cultures? How do       changed? What made
                this place        live in this place?   where I live? How     the settlements in     it change? How may it
                different to      How is this place     are lifestyles        Europe compare to      continue to change?
                where I live?     different to          different?            MK?
                                  where I live?
                                  How are

                Express own       Explain the                                 To explore the         To explore the          To explore the
                views about a     purpose of a                                population of          population of North     population of South
                place, people     capital city and                            Europe, comparing      America, comparing      America, comparing
                and               form opinions on                            populations of         populations of North    populations of South
                environment.      how this affects                            European countries     American countries to   American countries to
                                  population size.                            to the UK.             the UK.                 the UK.

Discuss and     Draw and label    Study pictures        Study maps to         Make predictions on    Compare and             Compare and
begin to        pictures to       of the localities     make                  how they think life    contrast photographs    contrast two
describe        show how          in the past and in    assumptions           will be different in   of two differing        differing regions
own             places are        the present and       about the             the two                regions within North    within South America.
significant     different.        ask ‘How has it       different areas       hemispheres.           America.
places such                       changed?’             of Europe e.g.
as home and     Compare                                 using map keys to     Make comparisons       Using photographs,      Using photographs,
school.         physical and      Compare               identify              between different      children to make        children to make
                human             physical and          mountainous           European countries     connections between     connections between
Develop a       features.         human features,       areas, urban          focusing on            North America and       South America and
basic,                            beginning to pose     areas.                settlements and        the UK.                 the UK.
personal                          questions.                                  human/physical
understandi                                                                   features.
ng of the
term ‘place’,   Compare physical    Compare physical
linked to       and human           and human
own homes,      features, draw      features, draw
own             conclusions, pose   conclusions, pose
classrooms      questions and       questions and use
and areas       use prior           prior knowledge of
they use        knowledge of map    map reading.
regularly.      reading.

that places
can have

Begin to
identify the
features of
                Analyse evidence    Analyse evidence        Make assumptions       Make assumptions
                and draw            and draw                based on               based on
                conclusions e.g.    conclusions e.g. make   images/videos/Google   images/videos/Google
                make comparisons    comparisons             Earth about life       Earth about life
                between locations   between locations in    within differing       within differing
                in Europe using     Europe using            biomes and the         biomes and the
                photos/pictures.    photos/pictures.        animals which may      animals which may
survive in those          survive in those
                                                                                                           conditions.               conditions.

                                                                                                           Make comparisons          Make comparisons
                                                                                                           between biomes and        between biomes and
                                                                                                           discussing with           discussing with
                                                                                                           classmates the            classmates the
                                                                                                           similarities as well as   similarities as well as
                                                                                                           the differences           the differences

            Begin to        Begin to            Explain the main   Begin to            Explain the         Begin to understand       Secure
Human &     name            understand the      differences        understand the      differences         the links between the     understanding of the
Physical    features/fa     differences         between human      terms ‘physical     between the terms   human and physical        links between the
            miliar places   between human       and physical       geography’ (the     ‘human geography’   geography of the          human and physical
Geography   within the      (e.g. city, town,   geographical       study of the        and ‘physical       places studied.           geography of the
            local           village, shop)      features.          natural features    geography’.                                   places studied.
            environment     and physical                           of the Earth) and
            e.g. school,    (e.g. hill, sea,                       ‘human geography’
            home, house,    river, weather)                        (the study of how
            road, park.     geographical                           human activity
                            features.                              affects or is
            Make                                                   influenced by the
            observations    Identify key                           Earth’s surface
            of the local    human and                              and environment).
            environment     physical
            and begin to    features of
            understand      familiar places
            why some        including the
            things occur    school, its
            and/or          grounds and
            change.         the surrounding
Identify       Use some basic    Understand and      Begin to use a       Use a wide            Secure and further       Confidently use a
similarities   geographical      use a range of      wider                geographical          develop the use of a     wide geographic
and            vocabulary to     basic               geographical         vocabulary to         wide geographic          vocabulary to
differences    identify key      geographical        vocabulary to        identify, describe    vocabulary to            identify, describe and
between        human and         vocabulary to       identify, describe   and compare the       identify, describe and   compare the human
familiar       physical          identify key        and compare the      human and physical    compare the human        and physical features
places using   features of       human and           human and            features of the       and physical features    of all of the locations
basic          places studied.   physical features   physical features    countries and         of the continents,       studied.
vocabulary                       of the places       of the places        regions studied.      countries and regions
               Begin to          studied.            studied.                                   studied.
               opinions on the   Make simple
               features of the   comparisons
               immediate local   between the key
               environment       human and
                                 physical features
                                 of places studied
                                 Milton Keynes
                                 and Australia.

Identify       Identify          Identify            Understand the       Describe what         Describe and             Explain the concept
and begin      seasonal and      examples of         main processes of    clouds are, the       understand the           of climate.
to describe    daily weather     extreme weather     the water cycle.     different types of    concept of climate.
the daily      patterns in the   and where in the                         cloud and how they                             Identify the key
weather and    UK and explain    world these can     Explore the          are formed.           Identify the key         features of the
seasons        how the           be witnessed        different types                            features of the          world’s climate zones,
using basic    weather                               of weathering and    Understand the        world’s climate zones,   biomes and vegetation
vocabulary     changes with                          how this can         main causes of        biomes and vegetation    belts
               each season                           affect the           climate change, the   belts
                                                                          impact this has and
landscape over      how we can manage       Understand the          Understand the
time.               the effects             impact of climate       impact of climate
                                            zones and biomes on     zones and biomes on
Identify the                                the human and           the human and
physical                                    physical geography of   physical geography of
processes                                   the Americas.           the Americas.
climate change
Describe the key    Explore the 3 main      Understand the
features and uses   stages of a river and   process of ocean
of rivers and       understand the          currents and how
understand how      types of erosion and    these contribute to
their features      deposition that         the Great Pacific
and uses have       happens at each         Garbage Patch.
changed over        stage.
                    Understand what
Understand the 3    volcanoes and
different types     earthquakes are and
of mountain and     describe how they
how they are        can impact the
formed.             human and physical
                    geography of a
Identify the main
transport links     Understand what a
within cities and   coast is and identify
explore the main    the main physical
advantages and      features of a
disadvantages of    coastline.
national and
international        Explore a variety of
                                                                  travel.              sea structures and
                                                                                       why they are used.
                                                                  Understand what
                                                                  we mean by           .
                                                                  and exploring the
                                                                  trade routes for
                                                                  Identify natural
                                                                  resources and
                                                                  their uses.

               Identify a   Use a globe and   Use world maps,     Begin to use a       Use a wider range of   Use a wide range of       Use a wide range of
Geographical   map.         world map and     globes and          wider range of       maps (including OS     maps (including OS        maps (including OS
Skills &                    locate            atlases to          maps (including      maps at varying        maps at varying scales    maps at varying scales
                            continents and    identify            OS maps) as well     scales) as well as     and thematic maps) as     and thematic maps) as
Fieldwork                   oceans.           locations studied   as atlases, globes   atlases, globes and    well as atlases, globes   well as atlases, globes
                                                                  and digital          digital mapping to     and digital mapping to    and digital mapping to
                            Use an                                mapping to locate    locate countries and   locate countries and      locate countries and
                            atlas/map to                          countries and        describe features      describe features         describe features
                            identify the UK                       describe features    studied.               studied                   studied.
                            and surrounding                       studied.
                            seas.                                                      Use the                Use four-figure grid      Use six figure grid
                                                                                       contents/index of      references to             references to
                                                                                       an atlas               identify and describe     identify and describe
                                                                                                              locations.                locations.

                                                                                                              Confidently use the       Confidently use the
                                                                                                              contents/index of an      contents/index of an
                                                                                                              atlas.                    atlas.
Begin to        Begin to follow    Devise a simple     Create a simple      Draw a map             Draw with detail a      Draw a map to scale
make            routes on          map of a place in   sketch map e.g.      (including symbols     map (including          (including symbols and
attempts at     prepared maps.     the local area.     of a short route     and key) from a        symbols and key)        key)from a
drawing a                                              followed, with       description and        from a description      description and
map.            Use basic          Use and             symbols and a        compare to other       and compare to other    compare to other
                symbols in a       construct basic     key.                 maps.                  maps.                   maps
Make            key.               symbols in a key.
attempts to
draw and        Draw own maps
label           and plans by
features of     drawing around
familiar        shapes/using
environment     own symbols.
s and

Begin to use    Begin to use       To recognise        Begin to             Understand more        Explain ideas using a   Explain ideas using a
secondary       aerial/satellite   and identify        understand more      complex keys (e.g.     thematic map for        thematic map for
sources (e.g.   photos and plan    basic OS            complex keys (e.g.   wider range of OS      reference               reference
photographs     perspectives to    symbols.            wider range of       symbols, size of
, sketches      recognise                              OS symbols, size     symbol for quantity)
or films) to    familiar places.   Zoom in/out and     of symbol for
find out                           begin to            quantity)
about places                       highlight/annota
                                   te digital maps

                                   Use aerial
                                   /satellite photos
                                   and plan
                                   perspectives to
locate and
                  identify local
                  landmarks and

Use tallies and   Use pictograms,     Use a range of    Use a range of data   Complete and            Complete and
simple tables     tally charts, and   data collecting   collecting methods    interpret tables        interpret tables
(from Maths       simple tables       methods such as   such as tallies,      (including timetables   (including timetables
NC).              (from Maths NC)     tallies,          pictograms, line      where appropriate)      where appropriate)
                                      pictograms and    graphs and bar        and line graphs (from   and line graphs (from
                                      bar graphs.       graphs.               Maths NC)               Maths NC)
You can also read