Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG

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Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG

The “Better Business” Publication Serving the Exploration / Drilling / Production Industry

Cuttings Analysis
Using Machine Learning
Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty
By Ross Taylor, Chi Vinh Ly,
Aiguo Bian and Stephen Secrest

   HOUSTON–Cuttings are a valuable and cost-effective source of subsurface
data from both vertical and lateral wells that is commonly overlooked in oil
and gas exploration and development drilling. Advancements in analytical
technologies have enhanced the data extraction from cuttings to provide key
subsurface insights, in lieu of core or sidewall core data.
   However, there have always been challenges and uncertainties with sample
depth allocations and upscaling/downscaling the data to log resolution for
petrophysical analysis. This causes uncertainties throughout the subsurface
characterization process, affecting results at all scales. A new methodology
integrates high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis with
machine learning techniques to allow for semi-autonomous lithotyping of in-
dividual cuttings-particles within each cuttings bag (typically representing
10-30 foot intervals) and their direct correlation with measured well logs.
   This new workflow greatly reduces cuttings uncertainties through the spe-
ciation of bulk mineralogy back into the original rock types from which the
cuttings originate, helping upscale results to petrophysical models and
beyond. The result is an improved understanding of rock characteristics,
lithology and geologic heterogeneity along the wellbore to optimize completion
design. Moreover, by recalibrating representative cores, the technology
provides a cost-effective alternative to core analysis.

Reproduced for CGG with permission from The American Oil & Gas Reporter
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
Tech Trends 2021
    The approach takes advantage of            bed boundaries to delineate rock types       how is it possible to assess reservoir het-
SEM-based mineralogical analytical             based on mineralogy and/or porosity dis-     erogeneity in the absence of core and/or
tools, which combine the imaging capa-         tribution.                                   FMI (formation micro imager) logs?
bility of an SEM with energy dispersive                                                         Quantitative analysis of cuttings, the
                                               Lithotype-Based Analysis
spectrometry (EDS) to provide both tex-                                                     closest thing you can get to core, can pro-
tural and elemental data. The value of             Figure 2 shows the resolution at         vide a solution. The core-to-cuttings
using SEM-EDS over traditional tech-           which the reservoir can be appraised,        lithotype calibration workflow is shown
niques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD)        and the pitfalls of thin-bedded reser-       in Figure 3, where core lithotypes are
and X-ray fluorescence (XRF), is that the      voirs. The benefit of characterizing cut-    used as seed testing for cuttings litho-
original rock texture of each cuttings par-    tings data as lithotype proportions as       types classification. A lithotype model is
ticle is retained and collected. Figure 1(A)   opposed to mineral volumes is that a di-     created by training a machine learning al-
shows an example of an output grey-scale       rect comparison can be made with the         gorithm to automatically assign litho-
photomicrograph generated by the SEM,          lithofacies assigned in the core interval    types to cuttings based on similarity to
while Figure 1(B) shows the equivalent         to delineate net reservoir.                  the training set. The benefit of this tech-
mineral map with each color representing           The CT density curve data, which ac-     nique is that consistent lithotyping can
a different mineral species detected by        quires data at 0.01-foot increments aver-    then be conducted on adjacent wells,
EDS analysis of the same area.                 aging over 0.1-foot intervals, shows good    which do not have conventional core, and
    The calibration of lithotypes from cut-    sensitivity to the porous sandstone beds.    where formation characterization other-
tings against lithotypes from core data,       Core gamma ray (GR) shows slightly           wise would have been purely reliant on
using both the mineralogical and textural      poorer resolution (0.1-foot increments       petrophysical log interpretation.
data, provides the crucial calibration and     averaged over 0.5-foot intervals) with
                                                                                            Machine Learning
upscaling data for this workflow. Core         some of the cleaner sandstone beds delin-
description allows for qualitative assign-     eated, but relatively poor definition be-        The workflow was applied to train a
ment of lithofacies over the cored inter-      tween dense siltstone beds (similar GR       machine learning algorithm on a calibra-
val, harnessing quantitative continuous        response) and mudstones. The log GR          tion well and its subsequent application
data, such as core gamma ray, XRF              shows almost no variation throughout the     to a test well from an asset development
(hand-held) and CT density as well as          illustrated short stratigraphic intervals.   area in the Midland Basin in West Texas.
discrete data from plugs, such as petrog-      Essentially the productive and nonpro-       The machine learning lithotyping algo-
raphy/mineralogy and core analysis.            ductive beds combine to form a solitary      rithm was trained using the lithotypes de-
Continuous data allows for definition of       response through the 10-foot interval. So,   fined in the core and cuttings samples as

   Backscattered Electron Image of Cuttings Samples from SEM-EDS (A) and Map of Detected Minerals (B)

           (A)                                                  (B)

Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
                                                                                    Lithotype Analysis of Thin-Bedded Reservoirs

                                        Log Scale
     10 ft Stratigraphy                Comparison                         y
                                                                                                                  3 ft Stratigraphy
                                                                   nsit                                                                                               What does an average quartz content indicate in a 10 ft interval with
                                  GR      re   GR           CT
                            Log        Co           Co
                                                       re                                                                                                                     sand, calcareous sand, mudstone and limestone?

                                                                               Appraisal of reservoirs requires                                                               Unravelling this puzzle requires delineation of which lithotypes are
                                                                                   the analysis of various                                                                                     contributing to this quartz content.
                                                                               captured at a range of scales.                                                           Quantitative mineralogical analysis of individual particles within cut-
                                                                                                                                                                               tings is the only method to hold the logs to account.

                                                                              Conventional log suites struggle                                                                              CUTTINGS                                       CUTTINGS
                                                                               to resolve thin beds (
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
Tech Trends 2021
ponents adjusted to optimize the classifi-                           Figure 4C is a confusion matrix gener-                             inhibiting cementation, are intercalated
cation model’s performance. A key re-                                ated from these datasets, showing a ma-                            with dense siltstones and mudstones,
quirement for training a machine learning                            jority of true positive outcomes.                                  which are baffles to hydrocarbon flow.
algorithm is a large volume of data. This                                                                                               The reservoir zone is heterogeneous with
                                                                     Case Study Well
is one of the major advantages of using                                                                                                 beds typically less than one foot in thick-
cuttings, as each cuttings particle repre-                              In this application, a vertical well lo-                        ness and composed of very fine-grained
sents a potential training or testing data                           cated in Midland County, Tx., was se-                              sands, stacked into amalgamated sand
point. With each sample containing hun-                              lected because of its intersection with the                        bodies, which conventional log suites
dreds–if not thousands–of cuttings, train-                           Dean/Spraberry transition, an interval of                          cannot distinguish.
ing data is no longer a limiting factor in                           established hydrocarbon production                                     The Lower Spraberry formation is
the analysis.                                                        across the Midland Basin and subject to                            composed of mudstones and carbonates,
    For this case study, the scaled mineral                          current lateral well drilling campaigns.                           deposited as gravity flows on a carbon-
dataset and textural data were divided                               Well success is driven by the ability to                           ate-influenced slope. Bed thickness is
into a training versus testing dataset at a                          create an effective fracture network in                            hugely variable, with the carbonate beds
ratio of 1-to-2. The outcome from the                                order to maximize oil recovery.                                    pinching and swelling within a shale-
training dataset was compared with the                                  The Dean formation is composed of a                             dominated interval. Accurately determin-
testing dataset, and it was found that the                           series of clastic, submarine fan lobes                             ing the composition and distribution of
precision of the match peaked at ~81%.                               within the central Midland Basin. The                              brittle (carbonate) beds has important im-
Figures 4A and 4B show a comparison                                  formation is a series of heterogeneous                             plications for landing zone placement
between the final machine-driven lithofa-                            pay zones. The productive beds of very                             and in estimating fracture height growth,
cies prediction and the “truthed” facies.                            fine-grained sandstones, with clay coats                           which ultimately controls hydrocarbon
FIGURE 4                                                                                                                                    For the purposes of the study, 13 main
    Comparison of True Facies (A) versus Predicted Facies (B) and                                                                       lithofacies were defined using mineral-
            Confusion Matrix (C) Between the Datasets                                                                                   ogy criteria belonging to carbonate-,
                                                                                                                                        clay- and siliciclastic-dominated groups.
     True               Predicted                                                                                                       Petrographic control points (mineralogy)
    Facies               Facies
                                                                                                                                        were used as inputs for descriptive statis-
                                                                                                                                        tics to determine the range of key mineral
                                                                                                                                        values and total organic carbon content
                                                                                    Confusion Matrix                                    within lithofacies.
                                                                                      Predicted Facies
                                                         PLT   ALT   DL   AL   LW   LPG MSM CM   SM      C   AS   CS CSAND ASAND SAND
                                                                                                                                        Reservoir Appraisal

                                                   ALT                                                                                      As shown in Figure 5, the Dean con-
                                                    DL                                                                                  tains porous sandstones at the base of the
                                                    AL                                                                                  interval, which decrease in frequency and
                                                   LW                                                                                   sum thickness toward the contact with the
                                                   LPG                                                                                  overlying Spraberry. These very fine-
                                     True Facies

                                                                                                                                        grained sandstones have porosity ranges
                                                                                                                                        of 8%-10%, where calcite and clay con-
                                                                                                                                        tent are both independently less than 10%
                                                                                                                                        (i.e., quartz greater than 90%). An up-
                                                                                                                                        ward increase in calcite- or dolomite-ce-

                                                                                                                                        mented sandstones and siltstones
                                                                                                                                        adversely impacts reservoir quality.

                                                                                                                                            Interval 1 (highlighted in Figure 5) in
                                                                                                                                        the Dean formation is composed of a di-
                                                                                                                          (C)           verse range of sandstones, siltstones and
             (A)               (B)                                                                                                      mudstones with minor carbonates
                                                                                                                                        (dolomitized siltstones). The reservoir fa-
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
cies in this instance is the clean sand-                                                                                           tings lithotypes data in the test well                                                                                           nonrepresentative and rely on log data
stones, which form 24.0% of the cored                                                                                              shows a greater proportion of sandstone                                                                                          alone.
lithofacies. Clean sandstone forms 20.3%                                                                                           reservoir facies, and a greater proportion                                                                                          This new lithotype dataset, therefore,
of the cuttings proportion over this inter-                                                                                        of brittle beds in the overlying Spraberry                                                                                       allows wells to be ranked and risked on
val, which is a very close match to the                                                                                            (owing to the greater frequency and/or                                                                                           the basis of cuttings. It can be supported
core proportion. Average quartz volume                                                                                             magnitude of carbonate gravity flows in                                                                                          by log data, but can be used independ-
in this interval (48.1%) is distributed in                                                                                         this interval). This is in keeping with the                                                                                      ently as a dataset to appraise reservoir
various proportions across all clastic                                                                                             average cleaner GR observed in both the                                                                                          quality distribution in terms of the pro-
lithologies. A back calculation from an                                                                                            Dean and the Spraberry formations in                                                                                             portion of reservoir facies or seal facies
average volume theoretically could be                                                                                              the test well compared with the calibra-                                                                                         and provide ground-truthing to log-based
possible, but would be reliant on assump-                                                                                          tion well.                                                                                                                       reservoir/pay cut off values (e.g., GR val-
tions and circular logic if restricted to log                                                                                         However, it must be noted that in the                                                                                         ues of less than 50 API and neutron
data (i.e., reliant on VClay logs) as op-                                                                                          test well, the intervals with the greatest                                                                                       porosity values of greater than 0.15).
posed to primary data collection from                                                                                              proportion of reservoir facies (8,990-9,010
rock material.                                                                                                                     feet), ranging from 30%-40%, all have                                                                                            Landing Zone Appraisal
    An adjacent uncored well was in-                                                                                               quartz volumes from 50%-60%. A hasty                                                                                                Interval 2 (highlighted in Figure 5) in
cluded to test the accuracy of the litho-                                                                                          interpretation of average mineral data                                                                                           the Spraberry interval is a mix of dolo-
typing parameters assigned from the                                                                                                could lead to a decision to rule out pay                                                                                         stone, limestone and mudstone in the
cored well to an uncored well. The cut-                                                                                            zones, or to distrust the cuttings data as                                                                                       cored interval. Carbonate lithofacies form

       Proportion of Lithotypes per 10-foot Interval versus Normalized Sub-Area Percent of Minerals

                                                       1. SANDSTONE - SILTSTONE-MUDSTONE                                                                                                      2. CARBONATE-SHALE                                                                                               STRAT COLUMN
                             WHITE LIGHT

                                                                                                                                                            WHITE LIGHT

                Core Depth

                                                                                                                                               Core Depth
                                           UV Images

                                                                                                                                                                          UV Images

                                                                     CORE                                                                                                                         CORE
                                                          GR        RHOB g/cc   XRD                                                                                                      GR      RHOB g/cc   XRD


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CORE LITHOFACIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dolomitic limestone, Grainstone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Limestone, argillaceous, Wackestone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Limestone, Packstone, grain dominated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Limestone, Packstone, mud dominated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mudstone, calcareous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mudstone, siliciclastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Siltstone, siliciclastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MINERAL VOL%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Quartz%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (K-Feldspar%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Albite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Illite/Muscovite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Montmorillonite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Chlorite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Amiphibole%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Calcaerous Clay%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Calcite%)
                                                                                                   10.5%                                                                                                                                                               Sum (Dolomite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Ankerite%)
                                                                                  MINERAL %

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Pyrite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              MINERAL %

                                                                                                6.7%                                                                                                                                                                   Sum (Apatite%)

                                                                                                               48.1%                                                                                                         32.7%                                     Sum (Anhydrite%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sum (Rutile%)
                                                                                                13.5%                                                                                                                                                                  Sum (Barite%)

                                                                                                   12.7%                                                                                                                               13.3%                         RoqLith LITHOTYPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sum (Pyrite Lithotype)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sum (Apatite Lithotype)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sum (Dolomitic Limestone)

                                                                                                           11.0%                                                                      7.3%                                                                            Sum (Argillaceous Limestone)
                                                                                                                                                                          5.1%                8.2%                                                                    Sum (Limestone - wackepackstone)
                                           20.3%                                                 23.0%                                                                                                                          18.0%       15.0%                     Sum (Limestone Packstone-Grainstone)
                                                                                                                                     LITHOTYPE %

                                                                                                                                                              6.3%                               9.5%                                                                 Sum (Mixed - Siltstone)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sum (Mixed - Claystone)

                                                                    13.7%                                                                                                                                                                        8.0%                 Sum (Mixed - Wackestone)
                             11.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sum (Mudstone - Calcareous)
                                                                                                                                                            14.7%                                    5.4%                                                             Sum (Mudstone - Sandy)
                                                                                                               40.0%                                                                                                        29.0%                                     Sum (Claystone)
                                  5.1%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sum (Siltstone - Argillaceous)
                                                                                                 24.0%                                                                                                                                                                Sum (Siltstone - Calcereous)
                                     7.9%                                                                                                                                                                                                   21.0%
                                                            22.4%                                                                                                                     15.0% 5.7%                                                                      Sum (Sandstone - Calcereous)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sum (Sandstone - Argillaceous)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sum (Sandstone - Clean)
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
Tech Trends 2021
31% of the 10-foot core interval. Carbon-     lineating lithotypes from cuttings inter-       ric calculation by over- or underestimat-
ate-dominated lithotypes form 24.9% of        vals. The end-user has the capacity to          ing reserves within a field. A good core-
the ditch-cutting interval, which again is    evaluate the distribution of minerals           to-cuttings calibration utilizing this
a very close match with the core. It is im-   within each lithotype, allowing for a dy-       lithotyping approach enables an operator
portant to note that in both of these ex-     namic evaluation of reservoir parameters        to run multiple wells within a field and
ample intervals, the dominant mineral         (e.g., clay/carbonate volumes or image          build their reservoir maps on the basis of
does not correspond to a comparable pro-      porosity) when new rock types are en-           a consistent and comprehensive rock-cal-
portion of that end member.                   countered in a well. This significantly in-     ibrated petrophysical model.
   For instance, Interval 2 has an average    creases the accuracy of the reservoir               Ultimately, the ready availability of
carbonate volume of 50.1%, but most of        description in comparison with alternative      cuttings from all wells, combined with the
the carbonate is portioned into “lime-        techniques, which are confined to simply        application of this workflow, allows for
stone” lithotypes that form only 24.9% of     (homogenized) bulk mineralogy values.           consistent objective lithological descrip-
the interval. These observations can have        Second, incorporating lithotype distri-      tion of subsurface formations. The lower
important implications for the geome-         bution in zones where wireline log data         cost of cuttings analysis, compared with
chanical behavior of the formation in         underappreciates the formation hetero-          log collection, also allows for the cost-ef-
terms of fracture propagation and how         geneity (as a result of thin bed effects, for   fective generation of a detailed lithologi-
the thickness, composition and lateral        example) can lead to a more accurate ap-        cal database from cuttings. This database
continuity of these brittle carbonate beds    praisal of net reservoir within any given       then becomes an effective tool in mapping
vary along lateral well stages.               well or interval. Reservoir models built        and interpreting the spatial reservoir qual-
   As illustrated in the Midland Basin ap-    from petrophysical logs alone could lead        ity of a target formation and allows for
plication, there are strong benefits of de-   to upscaling of errors, affecting volumet-      more informed landing zone decisions.❒
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
   Ross Taylor is a sedimentologist in CGG’s Reservoir Americas group, which offers RoqLith™ ad-
vanced cuttings analysis as part of its RoqScan™ quantitative and automated rock properties and
mineralogical analytical solutions. He worked for Corex for two years before joining CGG five years
ago, leading international exploration projects. Since joining the Houston team, Taylor has gathered
extensive experience with core and wireline-based data across the Lower-48, including in the Hay-
nesville, Wolfcamp, Dean, Barnett, Frontier and Niobrara. He holds a B.S. and Ph.D. from the Uni-
versity of Aberdeen.

                            VINH LY
                               Chi Vinh Ly is a regional technical manager for the CGG Reservoir Americas Geoscience group,
                            where he is in charge of the RoqScan analytical group. He has been working in the minerals, mining
                            and energy sector since 2004 for CSIRO and ALS Minerals, focusing on analytical techniques, such
                            as XRD, XRF, ICP-MS and IXP-OES, with a focus on automated mineralogical analysis. He holds
                            an undergraduate degree in applied physics from Curtin University and a Ph.D. from the Hiroshima

   Aiguo Bian is a geoscience technician providing geotechnical support to CGG’s geology team
and the RoqScan group. He joined CGG in 2014 as a RoqScan technician performing day-to-day
analysis on instrumentation in the laboratory and in the field. Bian began his career as a staff geol-
ogist for Uranium Energy Company, advising the production and development team for potential
new resources. He completed his undergraduate studies in geoscience and a Ph.D. in science at
Texas A&M University.

                               Stephen Secrest is the geoscience manager for PetroLegacy Energy II in Austin, Tx. He primarily
                            oversees all well planning/steering, business development and exploration initiatives while also man-
                            aging a regional multi-operator geochemistry study. Before joining PetroLegacy, he had served for
                            seven years as a district geologist at Samson Resources. Secrest holds a B.S. and an M.S. in
                            geology/earth science from Baylor University.
Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG Cuttings Analysis Using Machine Learning Reduces Reservoir Uncertainty - CGG
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