Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.

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Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
your comfort. our world.

Daikin Aftercare Service
          For total peace of mind
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
For further information
Please call 01932 879229 or email fieldservice@daikin.co.uk
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
A name you can trust
With more than 50 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of
heating and cooling technologies, Daikin is a market leader in heat pump
technology, renowned for quality and reliability.

Some 150,000 Daikin Altherma units have             Support you can rely on
already been installed throughout Europe,
                                                    > 3 year parts & labour warranty
so no one is better placed to ensure the peak
performance of your heat pump installation          > D
                                                       edicated service with rapid call-out
than Daikin’s own fully trained engineers.            response times
Daikin offers a full range of after care services   > Nationwide network of trained engineers
to suit your needs. From a full commissioning
                                                    > E xcellent spare parts availability from our
service, annual maintenance cover to a
                                                      European manufacturing plants
comprehensive maintenance plan, our range of
aftercare services provides complete assurance
that your Daikin Altherma installation will
continue to operate efficiently and reliably,
whatever the weather.

                                                                                      Daikin Aftercare Service   1
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
A complete
    commissioning service
    Daikin UK offers a complete commissioning service by fully qualified and
    skilled engineers, to ensure that your new Daikin Altherma system has
    been designed and installed according to the very highest standards.

    This all helps to ensure that the system is working as efficiently as
    possible to deliver ample heating and hot water to meet the demand
    for the home.

2   Daikin Aftercare Service
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
What’s involved?                                                            How to book
1.	Our fully skilled and qualified engineers will                          To arrange your commissioning visit,
    check the quality of the installation and                               please contact our site booking department.
    confirm that the system has been designed                               We recommend that you provide at least
    and applied correctly.*                                                 10 working days’ notice to ensure that your
                                                                            required date is available.
2.	They will also fine tune the operating
    parameters to meet the users’ requirements                              Your system must be fully installed (electrically
    and the demands of the specific installation.                           and mechanically) and ready for operation prior
                                                                            to the Daikin engineer’s visit. Otherwise, the
3.	Once this has been done, a full
                                                                            commissioning may have to be rescheduled
    commissioning report is produced for
                                                                            for a later date, but the initial service visit would
    your records and the system can then be
                                                                            still be payable. Please provide at least 48 hours
    registered for the 3 year end user warranty.
                                                                            notice if you wish to cancel the commissioning.
                                                                            To arrange your appointment, you will need
                                                                            to provide a list of the equipment installed,
                                                                            together with the full site address and contact
                                                                            details. It’s easy to pay, either on account or via
* Please note that the sizing remains the responsibility of the installer   a debit/credit card payment.

   Book your commissioning appointment
   Please contact our site booking department between 09:00-17:30 Mon-Fri (exc. bank holidays)
   Email fieldservice@daikin.co.uk Tel 01932 879229 Fax 01932 879072

                                                                                                               Daikin Aftercare Service   3
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
    Maintenance Cover
    Daikin offers Annual Maintenance Cover, an annual service by Daikin
    approved engineers, to ensure that your Daikin Altherma air source heat
    pump operates at optimum efficiency, while reducing the risk of any
    unforeseen breakdowns.

    This service fulfils the required annual            Discounts on parts and servicing
    maintenance requirement of the 3 year end user
                                                        As part of the annual maintenance cover,
    warranty terms and conditions. This aftercare
                                                        you will also benefit from a discount on spare
    package is valid for 12 months, renewable
    annually, and includes:                             parts and a reduction in engineers’ call out
                                                        fees, should you have any call out or repair
    Annual maintenance visit                            requirements during the period of cover.
                                                        It’s easy to pay, either on account or via a debit/
    > Cleaning of heat exchangers and filters          credit card payment.
    > Settings check
    > System pressure check
    > Performance check

       To arrange your Annual Maintenance Cover
       Please call 01932 879229 or email fieldservice@daikin.co.uk

4   Daikin Aftercare Service
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
Maintenance Plan
The Comprehensive Maintenance Plan provides the additional
reassurance of dedicated aftercare service, even when your
Daikin Altherma heat pump installation is out of its 3 year end user
warranty period.

For total peace of mind, the Comprehensive           The Comprehensive Maintenance
Maintenance Plan covers a full annual                Plan includes:
maintenance service. In the unlikely event of
                                                     > Call outs
a component failure, the full cost of any call
outs, spare parts and labour are also covered.       > Spare parts & labour for repair
The Comprehensive Maintenance Plan covers            > Cleaning of heat exchangers and filters
your equipment for 12 months and is renewable
                                                     > Settings check
annually. With our nationwide network of
qualified and skilled engineers, you can be sure     > System pressure check
an engineer will be available in an area near you.
                                                     > Performance check

  To arrange a Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
  Please call 01932 879229 or email fieldservice@daikin.co.uk

                                                                                      Daikin Aftercare Service   5
Daikin Aftercare Service - For total peace of mind - your comfort. our world.
your comfort. our world.

Visit www.eca.gov.uk/etl and type ‘Daikin’ in the quick
search box for details of the latest ECA qualifying Daikin units

                                                                                                                                                        Printed in the UK on FSC certified paper from sustainable sources.
                                                                                                                                                        UKEPLEN12-924 / 03.12 / DesignHQ. Copyright 2012 Daikin
                          Balanced Paper                                    FSC

            Daikin units comply with the European regulations               The present leaflet is drawn up by way of information only and
            that guarantee the safety of the product.                       does not constitute an offer binding upon Daikin UK. Daikin UK has
                                                                            compiled the content of this leaflet to the best of its knowledge.
            Daikin Europe N.V. participates in the Eurovent Certification   No express or implied warranty is given for the completeness,
            Programme for Air Conditioners (AC), Liquid Chilling            accuracy, reliability or fitness for particular purpose of its content
            Packages (LCP) and Fan Coil Units (FC); the certified data of   and the products and services presented therein. Specifications are
            certified models are listed in the Eurovent Directory. Multi    subject to change without prior notice. Daikin UK explicitly rejects
            units are Eurovent certified for combinations up to 2 indoor    any liability for any direct or indirect damage, in the broadest sense,
            units. VRV products, Rooftops, FWB-J and FWD-units are not      arising from or related to the use and/or interpretation of this leaflet.
            within the scope of the Eurovent Certification Programme.       All content is copyrighted by Daikin UK.

    Daikin Airconditioning UK Limited The Heights Brooklands Weybridge Surrey KT13 0NY
                     Tel 0845 6419000 Fax 0845 6419009 www.daikin.co.uk

     Scotland                Northern                  Midlands                Western                     North                     South
      Region                  Region                    Region                 Region                     London                    London
   0845 641 9330          0845 641 9340             0845 641 9370           0845 641 9320             0845 641 9360              0845 641 9355
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