Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture

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Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
Data Acceleration: Architecture
for the Modern Data Supply Chain
Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
Overview   Data technologies are evolving rapidly, but
           organizations have adopted most of these
           in piecemeal fashion. As a result, enterprise
                                                                    To unlock the value hidden in their data,
                                                                    companies must start treating data as a
                                                                    supply chain, enabling it to flow easily and
           data—whether related to customer                         usefully through the entire organization—
           interactions, business performance,                      and eventually throughout each company’s
           computer notifications, or external events               ecosystem of partners, including suppliers
           in the business environment —is vastly                   and customers. The time is right for this
           underutilized. Moreover, companies’ data                 approach. For one thing, new external data
           ecosystems have become complex and                       sources are becoming available, providing
           littered with data silos. This makes the                 fresh opportunities for data insights. In
           data more difficult to access, which in turn             addition, the tools and technology required
           limits the value that organizations can get              to build a better data platform are available
           out of it. Indeed, according to a recent                 and in use. These provide a foundation
           Gartner, Inc. report, 85 percent of Fortune              on which companies can construct an
           500 organizations will be unable to exploit              integrated, end-to-end data supply chain.
           Big Data for competitive advantage through
           2015.1 Furthermore, a recent Accenture
           study found that half of all companies have
           concerns about the accuracy of their data,
           and the majority of executives are unclear
           about the business outcomes they are
           getting from their data analytics programs.2

           1. “Big Data Business Benefits Are Hampered by ‘Culture Clash’,” Gartner, September 12, 2013.
           2. “Journey to Analytics ROI,” Accenture, February 27, 2013.
Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
A modern data supply chain begins when          Data acceleration plays a major role           In this point of view, Accenture’s Big Data
data is created, imported, or combined          in a robust data supply chain. In its          practice in collaboration with Accenture
with other data. The data moves through         simplest form, data acceleration stems         Technology Labs closely examine those
the links in the chain, incrementally           from tools and techniques that enable          challenges and assess the landscape of
acquiring value. The supply chain ends with     massive amounts of data to be ingested         architectural components available to
actionable, valuable business insights—         (transported from its source into a system     address them. We then explore options for
such as ideas for new product, service, or      designed for data), stored, and accessed       combining these components to create data
process innovations, marketing campaigns,       at lightning speeds. Specifically, with data   platform solutions.
or globalization strategies. Configured and     acceleration, organizations gain quick
managed effectively, a data supply chain        access to valuable data—which enables
enables organizations to discover their data,   them to perform analysis on the data, gain
leverage more data sources, and accelerate      insights, and take actions in the sometimes
data. These capabilities, in turn, position     very small window of opportunity available
an organization to extract more value           to businesses. Data acceleration thus helps
from its data through advanced computing        organizations surmount three data-related
techniques such as machine learning.            challenges: movement, processing, and

Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
Three challenges that data acceleration
can address
Data acceleration helps organizations address three challenges: how                                       Processing
to move data swiftly from its source to places in the organization                                        Organizations have long been processing
where it is needed, how to process it to gain actionable insights                                         data in an effort to extract actionable
                                                                                                          insights from it. However, the volume and
as quickly possible, and how to foster faster responses to queries
                                                                                                          variety of data requiring processing have
submitted by users or applications—referred to as interactivity.                                          ballooned. To accommodate growth on
                                                                                                          those two fronts and generate faster but
                                                                                                          also accurate results, enterprises have
Movement                                                  Whether a business is deploying thousands
                                                                                                          to step up their processing capabilities.
Traditionally, bringing data into an                      of individual systems or simply trying to
                                                          keep up with its own growth, having a           In particular, they must carry out three
organization was a slow but fairly                                                                        activities more speedily than ever:
straightforward process: Data was collected               modern data infrastructure in place that
                                                          can collect relevant data can lead to           performing calculations on the data,
in a staging area and then transformed in                                                                 creating and executing simulation models,
to the appropriate format. The data was                   differentiation by enabling data insights.
                                                          But to extract valuable insights from           and comparing statistics to derive new
then loaded to reside in one source, such as                                                              insights from the data.
a mainframe or enterprise data warehouse.                 data in this new world, organizations
From there it was directly transferred in                 need to harness it from multiple sources        The rise of real-time analytical technologies
a point-to-point fashion to a data mart                   without losing any of it, and deliver it for    has presented new opportunities on this
for users and applications to access.                     processing and storage. Some data exists        front. A good analytical technology pre-
However, with the mammoth increase in                     as log files on external systems that have      processes incoming data. For example,
data volumes and variety, such a traditional              to be transported to an organization’s          by monitoring a customer’s location, an
process no longer works effectively.                      data infrastructure for future use. Other       organization can deliver a promotion or
                                                          sources provide streaming data, which is        discount to a customer’s mobile device
The Internet of Things (IoT) is playing a                 piped into the system in real time; that is,    when he or she is near a likely place of
major role in driving new developments in                 as the data is generated. Examples include      purchase. But a better technology combines
data movement. In its simplest sense, the                 power consumption information from smart        streaming data with historical (modeled)
IoT comprises connected devices—ranging                   electrical meters that is always updating.      data to enable more intelligent decision
from refrigerators, smart meters, and video                                                               making. For instance, by correlating a
cameras to mobile phones and children’s                   Whatever the source and format, moving
                                                          the data from its origin to where it is         customer’s location with his or her previous
toys —that could be located anywhere in                                                                   purchase history, the company can deliver
the world. According to Gartner, Inc., there              needed in the organization can seem like
                                                          drinking from a fire hose while trying not to   a promotion that is tailored to that same
will be as many as 26 billion devices on                                                                  customer, increasing the likelihood of
the IoT by 2020.3 Every connected device                  lose a single drop. Data acceleration helps
                                                          organizations manage this feat by enabling      conversion.
generates data, each with its own format
and idiosyncrasies.                                       multiple ways of bringing data into an
                                                          organization’s data infrastructure and
                                                          ensuring that it can be referenced quickly.

3. “Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020,.”
Gartner, December 12, 2013.
Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
To reap the full benefits of faster data       The longer users have to wait, the more
processing, companies must make better         time it takes them to gain the insights
use of computer clusters—organized sets        required to make the business decision
of hundreds or thousands of computers          facing them and to satisfy their clients’
working together to sift through large         expectations. That is the case whether
amounts of data. With the cost of random-      clients are internal (such as a marketing
access memory (RAM) at an all-time low,        director who wants to know which of
new solutions for extracting data from         the company’s customers are most loyal
storage more quickly have bombarded the        and profitable) or external (for example,
market, each with its own promise of speed,    a business process outsourcing (BPO)
durability, and accuracy.                      client company that needs to know how
Data acceleration supports faster              performance of an outsourced process
processing by leveraging advances in           has changed over the term of the BPO
hardware and software for computer             engagement). Clients providing critical
clusters, enabling them to operate more        services to their own customers—such
efficiently than ever.                         as retail transaction processing—might
                                               require response times in the sub-second
Interactivity                                  (millisecond) range. With less critical
                                               business tasks, acceptable response times
Interactivity is about usability of the
                                               may be longer.
data infrastructure. Fundamentally,
users or applications submit queries to        Data acceleration supports faster
the infrastructure and expect to receive       interactivity by enabling users and
responses to the queries within an             applications to connect to the data
acceptable amount of time. Traditional         infrastructure in universally acceptable
solutions have made it easy for people         ways and by ensuring that query results are
to submit queries to get the results they      delivered as quickly as required.
need to arrive at actionable insights.
However, the rise of big data has led to new
programming languages that discourage
existing users from adopting the systems.
Additionally, owing to the sheer volume of
data, users may have to wait many minutes
or even hours for results on a query.

Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
Understanding the architecture
Organizations can choose from many different data technology components to build the architecture
needed to support data acceleration. These include big data platforms, complex event processing,
ingestion, in-memory databases, cache clusters, and appliances. Each component can address data
movement, processing, and/or interactivity, and each has distinctive technology features. In the sections
that follow, we take a closer look at these components.

Big data platform                             Traditionally, the big data core file system   added to a the core can enable real-time
A big data platform (BDP) is a distributed    can use techniques such as replication         complex event processing, and in-memory
file system and compute engine that           and sharding (database partitioning            analytics technologies support better data
can be used to facilitate data movement       that separates very large databases into       interactivity.
and processing. BDPs contain what             smaller, faster, more easily managed parts)    Additional enhancements to big data core’s
we call a big data core—a computer            to accelerate and scale data storage.          focus on creating fast and familiar interfaces
cluster with distributed data storage and     Additionally, these techniques can help        with data on the cluster. Typically, the
computing power. Advancements in big          strengthen processing capabilities.            core stores semi-structured data (such
data technologies have enabled BDCs to        Newer additions enable more powerful           as XML and JSON) and unstructured data
function as a platform for additional types   use of the core memory as a high-speed         (for instance, word documents, pdfs,
of computing, some of which (like query       datastore, supporting improved data            audio files, and videos) and requires map/
engines) can specifically support data        movement, processing, and interactivity.       reduce functionality to read. Query engine
interactivity.                                These improvements allow for in-memory         software enables the creation of structured
                                              computing on an existing computer              data tables in the core and common query
                                              cluster. Moreover, streaming technologies      functionality (such as SQL).

Figure 1: Big data platform

                              Many varieties of data                 Reduce
Input                                                                           Organized

Data Acceleration: Architecture for the Modern Data Supply Chain - Accenture
Ingestion                                       As noted earlier, organizations need          In this “pub-sub” system, the producer of
Ingestion is all about collecting, capturing,   a mechanism for capturing data from           the data publishes it from the source to
and moving data from its sources to             multiple external sources (each of which      a buffer or channel (data holding area).
underlying repositories where users can         might deliver data in different formats and   The subscriber (user or consumer) of the
process it. Traditional ingestion was done      might have different requirements) and        data picks it up from there. A queuing
in an extract-transform-load (ETL) method       quickly transporting the data to a place      mechanism allows data to be buffered
aimed at ensuring organized and complete        where users can access it for processing.     while the system waits for producers
data. Modern data infrastructure is less        The data can be static and reside in a        and consumers to take their respective
concerned about the structure of the data       repository external to the organization’s     actions. The speed of data producers’ and
as it enters the system and more about          data infrastructure—or it may be generated    consumers’ actions determines the size of
making sure the data is collected. Modern       in real time by the external source.          the buffer and the queue.
techniques act on streaming data, such as       Ingestion solutions offer mechanisms for      Robust ingestion supports data acceleration
continuous clicks on a website, and involves    accessing and using data in both scenarios.   by enabling large amounts of data to be
queues (processing of the data in the                                                         collected and stored quickly.
appropriate order).

Figure 2: Ingestion

                       PUBLISHER                                          SUBSCRIBER



Complex event processing                        Figure 3: Complex event processing
Complex event processing (CEP) is a method
of tracking and analyzing (processing)                                                Complex Event Processing
streams of data about events (such as click
streams or video feeds) and deriving a
conclusion from them. A quick example is                        INGEST                       PRE-PROCESS
validating security events against previously                                                                            REPOSITORY
verified breaches of information in real
time to assess new threats. Complex event                                                                              Combine
processing combines data from multiple                                                       AGGREGATE                 historic data
sources to infer events or patterns that                                                                               with fresh data
suggest more complicated circumstances.
It aims to identify meaningful events (such
as opportunities or threats) and enable                                                              Trigger Events
                                                                                                     based on
organizations to respond to them as quickly                                                          pattern match
as possible.
Complex event processing is particularly
valuable for performing real-time analytics     In-memory database                             Because IMDBs constrain the entire
                                                An in-memory database (IMDB) is a              database and the applications to a single
and driving real-time insights. As fresh data
                                                database management system that relies         address space, they reduce the complexity
streams in from its sources, these engines
                                                primarily on main memory for computer          of data management. Any data can be
perform the initial pre-processing and
                                                data storage. It differs from database         accessed within just microseconds. IMDBs
transformations to:
                                                management systems that use a disk             are not new, but decreases in RAM prices
• Count parts of the data and use the                                                          and steady increases in server RAM
                                                storage mechanism. In-memory databases
  totals to expedite future processing of                                                      capacity have made them highly cost-
                                                are faster because the internal algorithms
  data batches, by combining historical                                                        effective options.
                                                are simpler and execute fewer central
  data with fresh data.
                                                processing unit instructions. Moreover,
• Match the data against pre-determined
                                                accessing data in memory eliminates the
  patterns as well as infer new patterns in
                                                “seek time” involved in querying data on
  the data.
                                                disk storage, thus providing speedier and
• Trigger events and actions based on the       more predictable performance.
  detected patterns, delivering real-time
  insights to decision makers.
The primary advantage of CEP is the             Figure 4: In-memory database
immediacy of the insights and actions it
facilitates, compared to users having to wait
for an overnight batch-processing job to be
completed. The increased processing speed                                               Records
                                                 APPLICATIONS              SQL
stems from the fact that data movement
and processing occur in parallel, backed by
in-memory computations. These solutions                                                                                      FILES
differ from ingestion solutions in that they                             QUERY
have added processing power to perform                                  OPTIMIZER
                                                                                        Memory Address
calculations on the initial data before it is                                           of Records                    Database pre-loaded
consumed by the datastore or file system.                                                                             from disk to memory

Cache clusters                                Cache clusters perform caching operations
Cache clusters are clusters of servers in     on a large scale. Traditionally they
which memory is managed by central            accommodate simple operations such as
software designed to transfer the load from   reading and writing values. Often they are
upstream data sources, such as databases,     populated when a query is sent from a data
to applications and users. Cache clusters     consumer to a data source. The results
are typically maintained in memory and        from the data source are then stored in
can offer high-speed access to frequently     the cache cluster. That way, if the same
accessed data. They sit between the data      query comes in again, it does not have
source and data consumer. The clusters        to go all the way back to the data source
are used when there is an extremely high      for retrieval by the data consumer. Query
volume of reads from multiple sources of      “receipts” build up over time in the cluster.
data that does not change often, or when a    When a data consumer requests data stored
database is stored on disk where seek time    in the cluster, then the cluster responds by
can be sub-optimal.                           going to the data source—unless specific
                                              parameters are met (typically, time since
                                              the last refresh). Pre-populating data into a
Figure 5: Cache cluster                       cache cluster (also known as “warming it”)
                                              with data that is known to be frequently
                                              accessed can decrease stress on underlying
      Client Application                      systems after a system restart. Data grids
                                              take caching a step forward by adding
                                              support for more complex query operations
                                              and certain types of massively parallel
     Source or Big                            processing (MPP) computations.
      Data Core
                                  of cache
       Memory Cache               process

        of cache


Appliance                                      High-performing databases running               to create unique solutions tailored to
An appliance is a prepackaged or               on a cluster of servers are complicated         their specific needs. Custom silicon also
preconfigured set of hardware (servers,        to implement and require specialized            enables development on devices optimized
memory, storage, and input/output              knowledge of system, database, and              for specific use cases without the cost of
channels), software (operating system,         storage management. In organizations that       individually developing all the underlying
database management system, and                lack such knowledge, business or IT staff       intellectual property. For example, custom
administrative management software),           may be leery of adopting such databases.        silicon for network optimization provides a
and support services. It is sold as a          System maintenance and software                 unique solution that integrates embedded
unit, typically with built-in hardware         updating are also highly time consuming         logic, memory, serializer/deserializer
redundancy, which helps confirm that the       for system administrators working with          technology, networking cores, and processor
device will remain available in the event      such databases. For such organizations,         cores—all of which can squeeze additional
of a component failure. An appliance may       appliances offer an easier way to get the       performance gains out of the appliance,
have a common database for both online         benefits of high-performing databases           providing advantages over non-custom
transaction processing and online analytical   while avoiding the challenges. Most             solutions.
processing). This reduces delays in data       appliances provide the infrastructure and       Thanks to these advanced capabilities,
movement, processing, and interactivity—       tools needed to build high-performance          appliances can support and perform
thus supporting data acceleration.             applications—including anything from            complex calculations on massive amounts
                                               core database technology and real-              of data from across an enterprise. Decision-
                                               time replication services to lifecycle          makers can thus analyze huge volumes of
Figure 6: Appliances
                                               management and data provisioning.               data at unprecedented response times with
                                               On the hardware side of appliances,             remarkable flexibility, without the need
                                               “custom silicon”—circuit boards that are not    for constant support and hand-holding
                                               available for use outside of the appliance—     from vendors. For many organizations, this
                                               offers valuable benefits. An example is the     “plug-and-play” aspect of appliances holds
            Data Access
                                               use of custom silicon in application-specific   considerable appeal.
                                               integrated circuits, which enable developers

                                               Architecture components and technology features

                                                Component                                      Technology Features
        Massively Parallel
          Processing                            Big data platform                              •   Distributed computing
                                                                                               •   In-memory
                                                                                               •   Streaming
                                                                                               •   Optimized network
                                                Ingestion                                      • Distributed computing
                                                                                               • In-memory
           Data Storage                                                                        • Streaming
                                                Complex event processing                       • Distributed computing
                                                                                               • In-memory
                                                                                               • Streaming
                                                In-memory database                             • Distributed computing
Appliances leverage technologies similar                                                       • In-memory
to big data cores that provide processing
                                                Cache clusters                                 • In-memory
parallelism. By using MPP architecture,
appliances can support high-performing,         Appliances                                     •   Distributed computing
faster running databases and scale up when                                                     •   In-memory
loads increase.                                                                                •   Optimized network
                                                                                               •   Custom silicon

Combining components to create
The architecture components described above cannot function in isolation to support data acceleration.
Instead, they must “play well” with each other, capitalizing on one another’s advantages. In this section,
we explore four fundamental technology stacks that meet these imperatives. We use an incremental,
add-on approach to show how these stacks (all of which include common layers) are built to enable data
movement, processing, and interactivity.

Figure 7: Solutions landscape

                                             Application                                                  Common layers
                                                                                                          For any use of enterprise data, the data
                                      Service Interface Layer                                             comes into the organization’s data
                                                                                                          infrastructure, it is processed, and users
                                                                                                          interact with it by submitting queries and
               In-       IMDB, CEP   IMDB, CEP         Distributed            In-Memory DB
                                                                                                          receiving responses with which to make
              Memory       Cache                          Cache                                           decisions. Where the data originates and
                                                                                                          where it leaves the system are what we
                                                                                                          call common layers that can be envisioned
                                                                     Query Engine
                    Graph     Streaming     1 Pass                                                        as above and below the architecture
                    Stream       CEP        Stream
                                                                 In-Memory Analytics                      components discussed earlier. Data
                                                                                                          sources feed the ingestion component at
                                              Big Data Core                                               the bottom of the system. At the top of
                                                                                                          the system, users and applications interact
         Bulk Transfer                          Interactive                            Streaming          with the data.


     Common                      Big Data         Memory
     Layer      Appliances       Platform         Clusters      Interactive      Movement    Processing

Problem Types

                                             Movement                    Processing                “Urgent question that
                                             “Drinking from the fire     “Need to process large    must be answered
                                             hose and can’t miss a drop” amounts of data faster”   immediately”
                                             ETL        Streaming
 1. Appliance Only                           Basic      Enhanced        Enhanced                   Enhanced
 2. BDP to Appliance                         Basic      Enhanced        Enhanced                   Enhanced
 3. Streaming to Appliance                   Basic      Enhanced+       Enhanced+                  Enhanced
 4. BDP Only                                 Basic      Enhanced        Basic                      Basic
 5. Streaming to BDP                         Basic      Enhanced+       Enhanced                   Basic
 6. BDP with In-Memory Analytics             Basic      Enhanced        Enhanced                   Enhanced
 7. Streaming to BDP with In-Mem Analytics   Basic      Enhanced+       Enhanced+                  Enhanced
 8. BDP with Query Engine                    Basic      Enhanced        Basic                      Enhanced
 9. Streaming to BDP with Query Engine       Basic      Enhanced+       Enhanced+                  Enhanced
10. Distributed Cache Cluster Only           Basic      Enhanced        Basic                      Enhanced
11. BDP to Cache Cluster                     Basic      Enhanced        Basic                      Enhanced
12. In-Memory Database Cluster Only          Basic      Enhanced        Basic                      Enhanced
13. BDP to In-Memory Database Cluster        Basic      Enhanced        Basic                      Enhanced
14. Streaming to In-Memory Database          Basic      Enhanced+       Enhanced+                  Enhanced

                                             Complex event processing   Complex event processing   Caches and In-Memory
                                             can enhance streaming      can increase speed by      databases can enable
                                             ingestion                  pre-processing data        real-time interactivity

Big data platform
Big data core only                               Figure 8: Big data core only
In this scenario, data typically enters                                                           Application
the computer cluster through a batch or
streaming process. However, events are not                                                Service Interface Layer
processed immediately. The big data core is
job based—calculations are scheduled to run
at a certain interval rather than done in real
time. It leverages replication and distributed
parallel processing on large datasets, which
enables advanced analytics. Applications
and services may access the core directly
and deliver improved performance on
large, unstructured datasets. It is quickly
becoming the de facto standard; therefore,                                                      Big Data Core
we consider this technology the benchmark
for exceptional data movement, processing,               Bulk Transfer                               Interactive                                  Streaming
and interactivity.

                                                    Common                           Big Data             Memory
                                                    Layer      Appliances            Platform             Clusters      Interactive      Movement       Processing

Big data core and complex                        Figure 9: Big data core and complex event processing
event processing                                                                                  Application
Adding CEP enhances a big data core’s
processing capabilities, as ingesting data                                                Service Interface Layer
through a CEP enables real-time detection
of patterns in the data and event triggering.
This functionality is useful for correlating                                               In-Mem             Distributed
                                                              CEP           DB CEP                                                    In-Mem DB
real-time information with an analytic                                                      DB CEP               Cache
model; for example, when an organization
wants to be alerted to a security event
in real-time. By leveraging processing                              Graph      Streaming         1 Pass
capabilities on an existing dataset on the                          Stream        CEP            Stream
core, data scientists can create a machine
learning model and transfer it to the CEP                                                       Big Data Core
unit. Rather than waiting for the core’s
jobs to execute, the CEP can take action                 Bulk Transfer                               Interactive                                  Streaming
immediately, drawing on criteria generated
in the model. It thus enhances the big data                                                           Sources
core’s processing capabilities and augments
                                                    Common                           Big Data           Memory
interactivity components by enabling real-          Layer      Appliances            Platform           Clusters       Interactive       Movement       Processing
time animated dashboards.

Big data core and in-memory                 Figure 10: Big data core and in-memory database
database                                                                                      Application
A big data core’s traditional analytical
capabilities stem from the ability to                                                 Service Interface Layer
leverage the distributed computing power
of commodity hardware. As such computing
power has strengthened over time, so have                                              In-Mem               Distributed
                                                          CEP           DB CEP                                                     In-Mem DB
the applications that use this hardware.                                                DB CEP                 Cache
For example, IMDB analytics software
can be added to the big data core to
improve computations by placing key data                                                     1 Pass
in RAM on nodes in the cluster, avoiding                                                     Stream
                                                                                                                      In-Memory Analytics
the problem of slow disk operations.
Additionally, new software products                                                         Big Data Core
promise to help reduce required computing
time by several orders of magnitude.                 Bulk Transfer                                Interactive                                  Streaming


                                               Common                            Big Data             Memory
                                               Layer       Appliances            Platform             Clusters       Interactive      Movement       Processing

                                            Figure 11: Big data core, complex event processing and in-memory database analytics
                                            Joining these three enables faster processing and interactivity.


                                                                                      Service Interface Layer

                                                                Graph      Streaming         1 Pass
                                                                Stream        CEP            Stream
                                                                                                                      In-Memory Analytics

                                                                                            Big Data Core

                                                     Bulk Transfer                               Interactive                                Streaming


                                               Common                            Big Data           Memory
                                               Layer       Appliances            Platform           Clusters         Interactive     Movement       Processing

Big data core with query engine              Figure 12: Big data core with query engine
Adding query engine technology to a BDC
opens common interfaces for applications
to access data with less delay. This makes                                     Service Interface Layer
big data more immediately accessible to
users and applications.

                                                                                                             Query Engine

                                                                                     Big Data Core

                                                     Bulk Transfer                        Interactive                       Streaming


                                                Common                    Big Data           Memory
                                                Layer      Appliances     Platform           Clusters    Interactive   Movement   Processing

Big data core, complex event                 Figure 13: Big data core, complex event processing and query engine
processing and query engine                                                            Application
With certain technologies, CEP results can
be accessed directly from query engine                                         Service Interface Layer
technologies, fostering improved data
movement, processing, and interactivity.

                                                                                                             Query Engine
                                                               Graph    Streaming     1 Pass
                                                               Stream      CEP        Stream

                                                                                     Big Data Core

                                                     Bulk Transfer                        Interactive                       Streaming


                                                Common                    Big Data           Memory
                                                Layer      Appliances     Platform           Clusters    Interactive   Movement   Processing

In-memory database
In-memory database cluster                     Figure 14: In-memory database cluster only
only                                                                                 Application
To facilitate data movement, processing,
                                                                               Service Interface Layer
and interactivity, data from different
external sources is either streamed-in or
bulk transferred directly to the IMDB. The
processing includes simple to complex
                                                                                                          In-Memory Database
calculations, model executions, and
statistical comparisons—all of which take
place in-memory within the database.
Without the need to page information
in or out of memory, the IMDB improves
read and write performance, speeding up
data processing. Users and applications
can directly query the IMDB as they
would any other database for specific                  Bulk Transfer                    Interactive                            Streaming
information. These queries typically use
SQL-like structures, making the data
easily accessible. Additionally, queries are      Common                  Big Data        Memory
optimized in-memory. For instance, when           Layer      Appliances   Platform        Clusters       Interactive   Movement      Processing
returning data, the computers in the cluster
with the most resources available will be
selected to respond. Such optimization
provides faster response times.

In-memory database cluster                     Figure 15: In-memory database cluster and big data platform
and big data platform                                                                       Application
Data is first ingested into the system
either as a bulk transfer or as a streaming                                         Service Interface Layer
process through the platform. The data is
stored on the platform’s distributed file
system. This approach enables some pre-
                                                                                                               In-Memory Database
processing to take place on the platform
before data is transferred to the IMDB.
Such pre-calculation speeds up future
processing. The database does the bulk
of the analytical processing completely
in-memory, delivering faster read and write
performance. As with IMDB cluster only,                                                   Big Data Core
queries requested by an application are
optimized and executed in the in-memory                   Bulk Transfer                        Interactive                          Streaming
database, and results are quickly returned
to the application.                                                                             Sources

                                                  Common                       Big Data           Memory
                                                  Layer         Appliances     Platform           Clusters    Interactive   Movement      Processing

In-Memory database cluster                     Figure 16: In-Memory database cluster and complex event processing
and complex event processing                                                                Application
Data from sources is first ingested into the
system through a CEP engine. The bulk of                                            Service Interface Layer
the analytical processing, including model
execution and statistical comparison, takes
place in the IMDB. Queries requested by an
                                                                                                               In-Memory Database
application are executed in the database
and returned to the application for faster
                                                                    Graph    Streaming     1 Pass
                                                                    Stream      CEP        Stream

                                                                                          Big Data Core

                                                          Bulk Transfer                        Interactive                          Streaming


                                                  Common                       Big Data           Memory
                                                  Layer         Appliances     Platform           Clusters    Interactive   Movement      Processing

Distributed cache
Cache Only                                      Figure 17: Cache Only
This stack consists of a simple caching                                                  Application
framework sitting atop the data source
repository and connected to an application.                                      Service Interface Layer
The application retrieves data. To optimize
query time, the cache must be “tuned”
such that data subsets that are most
                                                                                                              Distributed Cache
relevant to the application are placed in the
cache. Since the cache simply stores data,
processing of data falls to the application,
which may cause slower processing speeds
and delays.

                                                        Bulk Transfer                       Interactive                            Streaming


                                                   Common                   Big Data           Memory
                                                   Layer      Appliances    Platform           Clusters    Interactive    Movement       Processing

Cache, application and big                      Figure 18: Cache, application and big data platform
data platform                                                                            Application
The platform ingests data from the source
and does the bulk of the processing before                                       Service Interface Layer
loading a data subset into the cache. This
moves the burden of data processing from
the application to the the platform, which
                                                                                                               Distributed Cache
can run complex analytic processes on
large datasets more efficiently. A cache
sits atop the the platform, which feeds the
application’s query results.

                                                                                       Big Data Core

                                                        Bulk Transfer                       Interactive                            Streaming


                                                   Common                   Big Data           Memory
                                                   Layer      Appliances    Platform           Clusters    Interactive    Movement       Processing

Appliance only                                  Figure 19: Appliance only
Data from the source streams directly into                                                  Application
the appliance, which completes processing,
analytics, and calculations. The application                                        Service Interface Layer
“talks” directly to the appliance for query
                                                             In-        IMDB, CEP   IMDB, CEP
                                                            Memory        Cache                           Cache

                                                        Bulk Transfer                          Interactive                           Streaming


                                                   Common                      Big Data           Memory
                                                   Layer      Appliances       Platform           Clusters        Interactive   Movement   Processing

Appliance and big data                          Figure 20: Appliance and big data platform
platform                                                                                    Application
Data from the source is imported and
stored within the platform. The stack may                                           Service Interface Layer
process the data inside the platform before
transferring it to the appliance to achieve
faster processing speed. The application can                 In-        IMDB, CEP   IMDB, CEP
also directly talk to the appliance for query               Memory        Cache

                                                                                          Big Data Core

                                                        Bulk Transfer                          Interactive                           Streaming


                                                   Common                      Big Data           Memory
                                                   Layer      Appliances       Platform           Clusters        Interactive   Movement   Processing

Appliance and streaming                       Figure 21: Appliance and streaming
Data from the source is first imported                                                    Application
and stored within the big data platform
through streaming. The stack may also                                             Service Interface Layer
process the data inside the platform before
transferring it to the appliance to achieve
optimal processing speed. The application                  In-         In-Mem
                                                                      IMDB, CEP   IMDB, CEP
can directory query the appliance for                     Memory        Cache

                                                                Graph    Streaming       1 Pass
                                                                Stream      CEP          Stream

                                                                                        Big Data Core

                                                      Bulk Transfer                          Interactive                       Streaming


                                                 Common                      Big Data           Memory
                                                 Layer      Appliances       Platform           Clusters    Interactive   Movement   Processing

To gain a competitive advantage from its        Yet the landscape of solutions aimed at       complementary advantages. By exploring
enterprise data, an organization must be        fostering data acceleration has grown         four potential architecture configurations,
able to generate business insights from the     more complex than ever. To build the right    executives can initiate valuable discussion
data. The barrier of entry is at an all-time    data acceleration architecture, executives    about which configurations may be best
low, thanks to the advent of big data.          must first deepen their understanding of      for their organization’s needs. Equally
However, big data also brings challenges.       the challenges inherent in data movement,     important, they can bring a more informed
To surmount them, organizations need to         processing, and interactivity. Then they      perspective to discussions with vendors
establish a data supply chain that (among       have to familiarize themselves with the       about prospective solutions.
other accomplishments) accelerates data         architectural components now available on     This point of view provides an overview
movement, processing, and interactivity—        the market—each of which supports data        that executives can use as a starting point
enabling decision makers to more swiftly        acceleration in unique ways.                  to both understand this evolving landscape
capture and act on insights from their data     But even this understanding is not enough:    and begin familiarizing themselves with
as well as achieve returns on their analytics   The architectural components deliver          appropriate architectural solutions to
investments.                                    maximum value only when they are              address their business needs and achieve
                                                combined in ways that capitalize on their     analytics ROI.

Next steps
To begin building a data supply chain           • Identify data silos. Along with silos,      • Consider external data sources. Look
strategy that supports data acceleration in       identify corresponding data needs that        outside your organization for external
your organization:                                are currently unmet across the business.      data sources that can be incorporated
• Inventory your data. Start with your most     • Simplify data access. Create a strategy       to complement existing data and help
  frequently accessed and time-relevant           for standardizing data access via the         generate more complete insights.
  data. This will be given first access to        data platform. Solutions may be hybrid,     • Choose the data acceleration technology
  your data platform and accelerated on           combining traditional middleware and          stack for your data and research the
  the platform.                                   API management, or even a platform-as-        optimal deployment methods.
• Identify inefficient processes. Look            a-service offering.
  for any manual, time-consuming data           • Prioritize individual data supply chains.
  curation processes, such as tagging             Prioritizing helps you develop a road map
  or cleansing. These may be candidates           for implementing the data supply chain
  for replacement with machine learning           at scale.

For more information, please contact:
Vincent Dell’Anno
Managing Director, Accenture Analytics - Big Data
Carl M. Dukatz
R&D Manager, Accenture Technology Labs - Data Insights

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