Page created by Shawn Franklin

                                  PAGES 38-39

2020/21 INDEX
PAGE 3                 Introduction                                            PAGE 16       Jacobite | Ravenscar                                         PAGE 28               Eastbourne | Matlock Illuminations
PAGE 4                 Information                                             PAGE 17       Severn Valley Rail | Burn hall                               PAGE 29               Nidd Hall | Ravenscar Winter Wonderland
PAGE 5                 COVID-19 Safety on-board                                PAGE 18       Summer in the West | Morecambe                               PAGE 30               Edinburgh Illuminations |
PAGE 6                 Isle of Wight | Bath                                    PAGE 19       Kynren and Beamish                                                                 Longleat Festival of Light
PAGE 7                 Potters Resort | Bridlington                            PAGE 20       Palaces & Parliament                                         PAGE 31               Torquay Mistletoe & Wine | Hever Castle
PAGE 8                 Bournemouth | Studley Castle                                          Time Tunnels Trains and Treasures                            PAGE 32               Birmingham Tattoo | Christmas at Kew gardens
PAGE 9                 Wye Valley | Pennine Explorer                           PAGE 21       Disneyland Paris                                             PAGE 33               Weston super-Mare | A Yorkshire Christmas
PAGE 10                Llanberis | Grange Over Sands                           PAGE 22       Jersey                                                       PAGE 34-35 Overnight stays
PAGE 11                Belfast and The Titanic Exhibition                      PAGE 23       Shropshire | Blackpool                                       PAGE 36               Your Contract with Hunts
PAGE 12                Yorkshire Delights | Poole                              PAGE 24       Llandudno                                                    PAGE 37               Bonding Information
PAGE 13                Llanelli | Cornwall                                     PAGE 25       Isle of wight                                                PAGE 38-39 Day Excursions
PAGE 14                Torquay                                                 PAGE 26       Monster Tour of Scotland
PAGE 15                Dublin Delights                                         PAGE 27       Ireland, Westport And The Wild Atlantic Way

    30 SEAT COACH SEATING PLAN                                               49 SEAT COACH SEATING PLAN                                                       48 SEAT COACH SEATING PLAN



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                                                                                                                                                                                              27 28

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                                                                                                                                                                                                              35 36
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              43 44
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      47 48




































                                                                                                                                                                      13 14
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      29 30
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      45 46











                                                                                                       29 30





























  G            Ground floor rooms available                          Industrial Location                                      Tv in room                                                      Spa

               Lifts                                                 Ensuite                                                  Wifi                                                            Gym

               Central Location                                      Walk in showers available                                Leisure facilities/indoor pool                                  Green Bowls and/or Boules

               Rural Location                                        Tea & Coffee making facilities                           Outdoor pool                                                    Entertainment
                                                                     available in the room


Welcome to our 91st anniversary                       It was 23rd March 1930 when Fred Hunt founded the company with a
                                                      handful of vehicles operating local services and private hire. Then 23rd
                                                                                                                                     As a 3rd generation family business we are proud of the level of personal
                                                                                                                                     service we offer our clients. From the moment you book your holiday with
edition of the holiday brochure, which                March 2020 when we had to shut down due to the pandemic. We only
                                                      closed our office for 3 weeks and the team was back at it. We have found
                                                                                                                                     our reservations staff, to when you say goodbye to our driver at the end
                                                                                                                                     of your holiday, our number one concern is your satisfaction. We know

we feel has just the right amount of old
                                                      a few changes had to be made to our services, day excursions and tours to      how important your holiday is to you and we continually strive to ensure
                                                      ensure your safety. In particular the use of hand sanitizers on the vehicles   that wherever you go and for however long, you have an enjoyable break.

favourites and a sparkling mix of new
                                                      has been extended to the passengers. The drivers have had specialist
                                                      training in how to deep clean their vehicles efficiently whilst on tour and    We look forward to welcoming new clients on our coaches and would like
                                                      deal with any concerns you may have to a high standard (Even though            to thank our existing travellers for their continued and valued support
destinations to whet your appetite.                   they did this anyway). Plus face masks are now available to purchase on all
                                                      of our vehicles.
                                                                                                                                     during these unprecedented times. Without you we would not still be

A trip down memory lane
We recently received these photos from a
customer of ours Pauline Ghest from a trip she
took with us back in 1952 along with a quote from
the Parish Magazine 1952.
“Great credit must go to Mr Hunt’s two drivers Algy
and Fred for the splendid time we made throughout
our twelve hundred miles of travelling but more
cannot be said than that they enjoyed themselves as
much as we did. Without a doubt this adventure in
Scotland proved the most successful school journey
attempted” E.K. Ingham. Headmaster.
Thank you Pauline, what a lovely trip down
memory lane, we always try to give our customers
the best possible experience.

Please read the following information carefully as it forms your contract with us

Travel Office                                                                Meals                                                                                 Passenger Behaviour
Your trip begins when you contact our travel office where our friendly       Please refer to the brochure regarding the meals included in your trip, If            We want all of our passengers to have a happy and carefree trip.
and experienced office staff are able to guide you through the booking       you have any allergies or special requirements regarding your diet please             We reserve the right to terminate a clients booking in the event of
process and deal with any queries you may have. Alternatively our online     ensure you mention this in the booking process so we can advise the venue.            unreasonable conduct which in our opinion is likely to cause damage, stress
booking service is quick and easy for you to negotiate and gives you the                                                                                           or danger or annoyance to any other clients, employees or third parties.
luxury of paying safely online.                                              Seatbelts                                                                             If you are prevented from travelling or continuing your excursion by such
                                                                                                                                                                   termination our responsibility to you ceases and we will be under no
2-3 West Street, Alford, Lincolnshire, LN13 9DG                              In line with legislation seatbelts must always be worn when travelling
                                                                             on the coach. Seatbelt extensions are available if required and must be               obligation for any refund, compensation or loss you may incur.
Tel;   01507- 463000
                                                                             ordered when making your booking.
EMAIL;                                                                                                                           Carriage Of Wheelchairs And Scooters
WEB;                                                 Special Needs/Access Requirements                                                     Our policy is to assist with the handling of fold up wheelchairs or walkers
We are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays)            We try to ensure all of our trips are as disability friendly as they can be. If       for those who are disabled, but we can only carry lightweight foldable
                                                                             you have any special access requirements or require special assistance in             wheelchairs or walkers in the luggage compartment of the coach. Any
Saturday 9am to 1pm
                                                                             any way please mention this at the time of booking. All visitor attractions           passenger wishing to take a wheelchair or walker should inform us during
                                                                                                                                                                   the booking process so we can ensure space is reserved for transportation.
Covid-19 Information - See Page 5                                            and hotels will provide access statements to us/you on request.
                                                                                                                                                                   Passengers travelling with these items must be able to assemble/dismantle
After the unpredictable times of the past year Hunts Coaches will take all
the necessary precautions for you to be safe during transport and your
                                                                             24 Hours Emergency Contact                                                            them or be travelling with someone who can. We can now accept one
                                                                                                                                                                   electric scooter per tour and this must be mentioned during the booking
stay with us.                                                                In case of emergency either prior to collection or during your trip you               process. This must weigh no more than 15kg and the passenger must be
                                                                             can contact the usual office number 01507-463000 where you will be                    accompanied by someone who will be able to take the scooter on and off
Reserved Coach Seating                                                       diverted to an out of hours mobile. Please note any non emergencies will              the coach when needed. Drivers or other passengers must not help with
                                                                             not be dealt with out of usual office hours and you will be asked to call back.       this process due to insurance restrictions.
When you make a booking you will be allocated seat numbers on the
coach which will remain yours for the duration of the trip. Requests
for specific seat numbers can be made but as bookings are made on a
                                                                             Lost Property                                                                         Making A Complaint
first come first served basis, we recommend you book early to avoid          Any items of lost property which are found on our coaches will be handed              If you have a complaint whilst on your trip please inform in the first
disappointment. On page 2 you will find the seating plans for our various    in to our traffic office as soon as possible, where it will be possible for           instance your driver immediately who will do their best to solve the
coaches, use this to help choose your seats. Coaches will be allocated       collection. Please report lost items by calling the office on 01507-463000            problem, If you are still unhappy then call the travel office on 01507-
nearer the time and you will be contacted as soon as possible to confirm                                                                                           463000 and we will do our best to put things right. If you are still not
changes should your allocated seats be affected.                             Extras                                                                                satisfied on return you must notify us in writing within 14 days of the
                                                                             We are continuously releasing additional information on late availabilities           completion of your trip. Failure to establish a complaint in accordance
Travel Documents                                                             which are not listed in this brochure, please either go online at                     with the above procedure may affect the outcome of it.
Upon receipt of your payment you will be issued with confirmation of your for updates or call in to the travel office for               Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all the information contained in our
booking, or, if you have booked online your documents will be emailed        details. We also offer an extensive day excursions brochure which will be             brochure is accurate we cannot be held responsible for any omissions or
to you. Please check these documents carefully and contact the office        released in March.                                                                    errors included in it.
immediately if you think anything needs amending. Certain documents
such as entry tickets will be given to you by the driver on the day          Pick Up Points
                                                                             You are responsible for being at the correct departure point at the correct
Luggage                                                                      time, with the correct documents and we cannot be held responsible for
We would ask on all overnight stays and holidays you only bring one          any loss or expense suffered by passengers due to their late arrival.
medium sized suitcase (max weight 15kg) per person plus one piece of hand
luggage. Overnight stays do not include porterage unless otherwise stated.

Hotel Accommodation                                                            New Purifying Air Filters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Plasma technology
Accommodation featured in this brochure varies from luxurious 4*               Hunts Coaches has sourced and is in the process of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (High Voltage Pulse)
establishments to homely family run hotels. We make every effort to            installing the latest technology in purifying air filters to its
ensure that all accommodation is of an acceptable standard and you are         fleet of vehicles. The system uses Plasma air purification
allocated precisely the kind of room you have requested. Although all                                                                                                                                              UVC Ultraviolet radiator
                                                                               technology which has a powerful sterilisation function,
special requests are not guaranteed we do our best to accommodate.
When booking for 2 people sharing a room you should either request             killing viruses and other microbes. It also eliminates                                                                              Photocatalytic purification
a double or twin beds. Single rooms are always in high demand and              unpleasant odours and improves the overall air quality                                                                              (Photocatalyst filter)
early booking is recommended. Trips which offer single rooms without           in the vehicle. Six Hunts Coaches vehicles are currently
a supplement are limited, Once these rooms have sold and we request                                                                                                                                                Decomposition of
                                                                               fitted with the new purifying air filters and we are working                                                                        harmful substances
additional rooms over our allocation then a supplement may apply on            hard to install to others. Hunts Coaches are committed to
a tour which has advertised no single room supplement. Some hotels
release Double or twin bedded rooms and some issue true single rooms           staying Covid-19 Secure and the health and safety of our
                                                                               staff and passengers remains the highest priority.                              For all our latest updates visit
but still charge the supplement, this is something we do not agree with
but we have no control over.

We’re so pleased to be able to welcome you all back on board.
    We have been working hard over the period to make sure you are safe on all your travels with us.                                                                                                                                        The Spirit of Lincolnshire
We are so excited to welcome back all our valuable and loyal customers. We’ve been                                         Keeping you safe on-board
looking forward to having you back travelling with us, and with that in mind we have
                                                                                                                           To comply with Government guidelines all seats will be pre-booked. We will also be leaving a
made your safety and our customer care a primary objective. We have put in new                                             spare row between each set of occupied seats to make your journey as safe and comfortable
procedures which are listed below, all of which are designed with your safety and well-                                    as possible
being in mind and to give you peace of mind so you can sit back, relax and enjoy your
journey with us.

On-board facilities










                                                                                                                                        3 IN USE

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOT IN USE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NOT IN USE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NOT IN USE


Toilets:         Remain open in case of emergency use only and will be cleaned regularly











Safe Distancing: Please follow Government Guidelines

                 Unfortunately, we cannot allow the consumption of food or drinks
                 on our vehicles
Vehicle Seating: Please check your travel tickets for your pre-booked seat number










                                                                                                                                                   5 IN USE

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NOT IN USE

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NOT IN USE

Well-being Pack











For all your safety essentials please speak to our reservation staff for further information.

This information is subject to change in accordance with government guidelines.


            Drivers                        Temperature Checks                    NEW Purifying Air Filters                            Face Coverings                                                      Cleaning                                                    Hand Sanitiser
  Our drivers have been supplied          Daily and regular temperature           NEW UV air filtration systems have       As advised by the Government, it is                            We have implemented new and                                        Hand sanitiser dispensers have
with Personal Protective Equipment      checks may be taken by your driver        been fitted to our vehicles. They will    mandatory for customers to wear                                enhanced cleaning regimes as                                   been installed on-board our vehicles
(PPE) and where possible, they will        using a digital thermometer.            regularly purify the air and kill any     face coverings, unless expempt                             necessary throughout the day, which                                for both driver and passenger use.
 disembark when passengers are                                                        bacteria or airborne viruses.          (preferably face masks). Please                             includes disinfectant of key touch                                   Please ensure that you clean
  entering and exiting the vehicle                                                                                          speak to our reservation staff for                          points and high contact areas. X Mist                                your hands upon boarding and
   to minimise any unnecessary                                                                                                     further information.                                 sanitiser and deodoriser will also be                                     alighting the vehicle.
            interactions                                                                                                                                                                        used to kill bacteria.

                 Thank you for your co-operation and support. For further information please contact our team on 01507 463000
                       F Hunt (Coach Hire) Ltd will adhere to all Government and WHO guidelines regarding coach travel and leisure services. This may alter the way we provide services. Please ask our staff for details.
ISLE OF WIGHT AND VICTORIA’S TRAIL                                                                                              BATH
  22nd - 26th February                                                                                                            28th February - 2nd March

                                                                                            £369 PER
                                                                                          All double and twin rooms are
                                                                                               guaranteed sea view
                                                                                         Unlimited single rooms available
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       £315 PER
                                                                                              without supplement                                                                                                       £76 single room supplement

The UK’s warmest and sunniest destination is packed with things to see and do, even if the weather takes the                    Built for pleasure and relaxation, beautiful Bath has been a wellbeing destination since Roman times. The
odd dip, with the islands many attractions. On a beautiful sunny day explore the stunning coastline by foot                     waters are still a big draw, both at the ancient Roman Baths and the thoroughly modern Thermae Bath Spa,
or by bike. The Island boasts miles of stunning coastline views and beaches to take a look at. If the weathers                  which houses the only natural thermal hot springs in Britain you can bathe in. Bath’s compact, visitor-friendly
not so kind, discover a wealth of history and heritage or maybe visit a family favourite such as The Needles                    centre is overflowing with places to eat and drink, plus some of the finest independent shops in Britain, making
or Sandown Pier.                                                                                                                it the ideal city break. Immerse yourself in Bath’s remarkable collection of museums and galleries.
MONDAY // We travel south to meet          love of India. Delve into Osborne’s       history, church buildings, concerts,       SUNDAY // Today we travel to Bath,
the ferry for your winter journey to       history and the lives of Victoria,        exhibitions, services of worship or        Your friendly driver will ensure
the Isle of Wight. Your friendly driver    Albert and their children here. On the    simply a place to be quiet the Minster     comfort stops are made on your
will ensure you arrive in plenty of time   way home we travel to St Mildred’s        has something to offer you. With           journey.
to settle in before your evening meal .    Church, Whippingham where Victoria        fascinating historical links, Newport
                                                                                                                                MONDAY // Today is free to
                                           and Albert worshipped and their           Minster is also part of the Victoria’s
TUESDAY // Osborne House is our                                                                                                 fully enjoy your location. Bath’s
                                           daughter Beatrice was married and         Island Trail.
destination for today. One of our                                                                                               stunning honey-coloured Georgian
                                           buried in the grounds. Inside there
passengers favourite locations on                                                    THURSDAY // After breakfast please         architecture is straight from a Jane
                                           is a permanent exhibition of Royal
the island. The House and Estate                                                     join your coach for a scenic tour of       Austen novel - highlights include
                                           memorabilia including a replica of
created by Queen Victoria and Prince                                                 the island . Your driver knows the         the iconic Royal Crescent and
                                           Princess Beatrice’s wedding dress.
Albert at Osborne are unrivalled                                                     island very well and he will take you to   the majestic Circus. Very easy to
for the intimate insight they give us      WEDNESDAY // Newport offers               places of interest.                        navigate on foot, the city of Bath,
into their private lives. This seaside     plenty of things to do and is a great                                                boasts a unique and diverse range
                                                                                     FRIDAY // Time to return to
retreat from court life gave them          place for shopping with a number of                                                  of restaurants, independent shops,
                                                                                     Lincolnshire. Say a fond farewell to
the chance to indulge their interests      well-known chain stores mixing with                                                  businesses, theatres, pubs and a wide
                                                                                     your hosts and board the coach for
and express their tastes. It is truly      smaller independent shops across                                                     range of city tours if you require.
                                                                                     your journey to meet the ferry. Your
their creation, from the replica Swiss     the two main squares, Newport
                                                                                     driver will ensure comfort stops are       TUESDAY // Sadly we have to return
Cottage where their children learned       High Street and the side streets.
                                                                                     made on the way.                           to Lincolnshire, Your driver will take
housekeeping to the extraordinary          Newport Minster is the church in the
                                                                                                                                comfort stops on the way.
Durbar Room, a tribute to the queen’s      centre of Newport. Whether you like

                                                                The Trouville Hotel                                                                                                       Francis Hotel
                                                                Opposite the golden beach and with panoramic views over                                                                   The Francis Hotel boasts splendidly vibrant interiors that
                                                                the sweep of Sandown and Shanklin Bay, the hotel offers                                                                   celebrate the vivaciousness and charm of the Regency
                                                                the comfort and care for a well deserved break. The hotel’s                                                               period. Step inside an exemplary ensemble of Georgian
                                                                88 well appointed rooms, most with sea view, provide the                                                                  townhouses on the World Heritage Site of Bath’s original
                                                                facilities expected by today’s well travelled guest.                                                                      classic square.
                                                                                                                                                                                          WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                                                                                                                                          > 2 nights half board accommodation
                                                                > 4 nights Half Board accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                          > Free time in the City of Bath at your leisure
                                                                > Osborne House
                                                                > Excursions
                                                                > All double and twin rooms are guaranteed sea view              G

POTTERS RESORT                                                                                                                  SPRING INTO BRIDLINGTON
  8th - 12th March                                                                                                                15th - 19th March


                                                                                                  £399 PER                                                                                                                 £379 PER

                                                                                                       PERSON                                                                                                                   PERSON
                                                                                                  Limited singles available                                                                                                  Limited singles available
                                                                                                    with no supplement                                                                                                         with no supplement

MONDAY // We take a leisurely             seaside resort. There’s much evidence                                                 Bridlington has two stunning beaches of gleaming golden sands, with a picturesque, bustling harbour in the
morning departure from Alford to          of the ancient town for those that                                                    middle. The harbour is a hive of activity with fishing boats bringing in the day’s catch, pleasure cruises along
travel to the resort with a comfort       wish to discover the maze of twisting
stop on the way. We will arrive mid       streets close to the 14th Century                                                     the heritage coast, speedboat rides across the bay and North Sea fishing expeditions on offer making perfect
afternoon for you to settle in and take   Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul.                                                  family memories on our door step.
in your surroundings whilst you plan
                                          THURSDAY // For those who wish                                                        MONDAY // After a leisurely              harbour, maybe catch the shuttle bus        FRIDAY // With great memories
your activities for the week. Bear in
                                          to join us we will travel to Wroxham                                                  departure we travel to Bridlington       or for the fit there are steps up to the    of an amazing holiday we return to
mind everything on site is included
                                          for a broads cruise. Full commentary                                                  with a mystery comfort stop on the       top where the view is spectacular           Lincolnshire. Your driver will ensure a
in your break price except drinks,
                                          from the skipper will ensure you don’t                                                way. You will arrive at the hotel with   over the sea and Whitby centre.             comfort top is made on the way.
coin operated machines, Aphrodite
                                          miss a thing, explaining the origins                                                  plenty of time to relax and enjoy your
treatments, retail areas and shops.                                                                                                                                      THURSDAY // Today has been
                                          of the Broads, identifying points of                                                  beautiful surroundings before your
TUESDAY // Your resort is packed          interest along the way and showing                                                                                             put aside for you to relax and enjoy
                                                                                                                                evening meal. Maybe pop downstairs
with things to do. Bowls, Swimming,       you the abundance of local water                                                                                               your resort. Bridlington is nice
                                                                                                                                afterwards for entertainment in the
Squash, Tennis, and for those who         birds as they come into view. There                                                                                            and flat so getting around is easy
                                                                                                                                popular Marine bar.
wish to relax the Aphrodite beauty        is no better way to learn about the                                                                                            for most people. Glorious clean
studio has everything you would need      Broads whilst taking in the beautiful                                                 TUESDAY // Today we have included        beaches, history galore, sporting
(extra charges apply)                     scenery all around you. Skippered and                                                 a visit to the wonderful Scarborough     fun, independent shops, great
                                          crewed by experts in their field, who                                                 Fair collection. Enjoy a guided tour     entertainment and amazing nature.
Plus of course the arranged activities,                                                                                         with a knowledgeable historian who       In Bridlington there really is
                                          will take care of you on board, each of
from Clay Pigeon shooting to Archery                                                                                            will tell you about all the vintage      something for everyone, whatever
                                          the fleet offers (at an extra cost) light
there is something to keep all ages                                                                                             vehicles and rides on site. We have      the weather. Bridlington’s pre-
                                          refreshments, a fully licensed bar,
and ranges of abilities busy.                                                                                                   also arranged a scone with tea or        roman harbour and characterful Old
                                          wheelchair access* and toilet facilities.
WEDNESDAY // Today after a                                                                                                      coffee in the café.                      Town are must-sees for any history
                                          FRIDAY // Our fun must come to an                                                                                              buff, being home to the beautiful
relaxing breakfast we travel up the                                                                                             WEDNESDAY // Of course we
                                          end, after breakfast as it is time to                                                                                          Augustinian Priory, Bayle Museum
coast to Cromer. Cromer combines                                                                                                cannot visit this coastline without a
                                          return home. We take refreshment                                                                                               and Harbour Heritage Museum.
the charm of the ancient fishing town                                                                                           visit to Whitby. The Abbey dominates
                                          stops en-route and arrive back in
with the hustle and bustle of a modern                                                                                          the skyline above the beautiful
                                          Alford for early evening.

                                                                 Potters Resort                                                                                                                 The Expanse Hotel
                                                                 As the longest running family-owned Resort in the UK, they                                                                     Overlooking the stunning North Beach and Flamborough
                                                                 have learnt a thing or two about creating short breaks that                                                                    Cliffs at Bridlington, The Expanse brings style and comfort
                                                                 help you spend Quality Time Together with your family                                                                          to your holiday. The experienced friendly staff can’t do
                                                                 and friends. So, while other short break operators seem to                                                                     enough to help. They will point the way downstairs to the
                                                                 spend their days dreaming of even more ways to sell you                                                                        Marina Bar where entertainment and friendly atmosphere
                                                                 more and give you less, at Potters Resort, they do the exact                                                                   will make your time in Bridlington memorable. Please note,
                                                                 opposite. Pretty much everything on site is included in your                                                                   although ground floor rooms are available there are 6 steps
                                                                                                                                                                                                to negotiate to enter the hotel.
                                                                 one break price, which means that your wallet can have a
                                                                 little break too!                                                                                                              WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                 WHAT’S INCLUDED:                                                                                                               > 4 nights half board accommodation
 G                                                               > 4 nights Full board accommodation                             G                                                              > Scarborough fair collection
                                                                                                                                                                                                > Excursions
                                                                 > Wroxham Broads cruise > Excursions

ALL INCLUSIVE MOTORS, MONKEYS AND MAYHEM                                                                                             STUDLEY CASTLE, WARNERS NEWEST HOTEL
  22nd - 26th March                                                                                                                    29th March - 2nd April


                                                                                                £449 PER
                                                                                                     PERSON                                                                                                                     £495 PER
                                                                                               Limited single rooms available                                                                                                   Limited single rooms available
                                                                                                    with no supplement                                                                                                               with no supplement

Bournemouth may be famous for it’s long and beautiful beach, but did you know that the Bournemouth                                   All Warners breaks are relaxing and tend to the needs of all. These adult only (over 18) properties include a
Piers are just as famous? There are two of them but we’ll focus on the Boscombe Pier. It was built in 1889                           spa, indoor swimming pool and one of the best entertainment venues in the industry. Plus with the events
and just after its renovation in 2009, was declared Britain’s Coolest Pier. In 2010, it claimed even more fame                       which are on offer you will enjoy every minute.
when the National Piers Society voted it Pier of the Year. (Yes, there really is a National Piers Society.)                          MONDAY // Your driver will welcome        Shakespeare Distillery spirits and a       THURSDAY // Today discover the
                                                                                                                                     you on board and ensure you are           Gin & Tonic.                               fascinating history of Bournville with
MONDAY // We travel to                     call it home. Let’s not forget the safari     THURSDAY // Today we visit                  comfortable for your journey. We will                                                a Heritage Tour. You will discover
Bournemouth with comfort stops on          park, featured in the TV programme            Monkey World, Enjoy your packed                                                       WEDNESDAY // Today is free to
                                                                                                                                     arrive at your hotel mid afternoon        enjoy your surroundings. Maybe take        the Cadbury brothers’ vision of
the way, Your driver will ensure you       Animal Park, Longleat is home to over         lunches whilst taking time at the           with plenty of time to plan your week                                                a ‘Factory in a Garden’ and view
                                                                                                                                                                               a walk around the beautiful gardens or
arrive at the hotel with plenty of time    500 animals, and the estate occupies          fun-filled, fascinating day out for all     of activities and settle in before your   find out more about the history of the     examples of Bournville’s beautiful
to relax and enjoy a complimentary         9,000 acres (36.42 km2) of Wiltshire          the family at Monkey World Ape              evening meal and entertainment.           building. Designed to make the most of     architecture, including the unique
cuppa before your evening meal and         countryside.                                  Rescue Centre in Wareham. The               TUESDAY // After breakfast please         the natural setting, archery, crossbow     village green. Discover the making
entertainment with free selected                                                         65-acre park is home to the stars           join your driver for a trip into          and shooting hint at the country sports    and magic behind the Cadbury brand
                                           WEDNESDAY // After breakfast                                                                                                                                                   in the series of chocolatey zones.
house drinks at the bar between 6pm                                                      of TV’s ‘Monkey Life’ and ‘Monkey           Stratford upon Avon. A market town        that would have taken place on the
                                           with packed lunches in hand we                                                                                                                                                 Enjoy a sequence of special effects
and 9pm.                                                                                 Business’, and provides sanctuary for       with more than 800 years of history,      estate in days gone by. The experts
                                           make our way to Beaulieu. With over                                                                                                                                            cinema presentations in themed
                                                                                         rescued and endangered primates             containing not only many buildings        provide hands-on tuition to help you
TUESDAY // After breakfast we pick         250 vehicles in its World famous                                                                                                                                               auditoriums. Then light Afternoon
                                                                                         from around the world. Some are             that survive today and would have         get the most out of the experience.
up packed lunches and visit Longleat       collection, the National Motor                                                                                                                                                 Tea will be served in the Cadbury
                                                                                         now part of international breeding          been familiar to Shakespeare, but also    Of course the spa may be one of your
Safari Park, To wander through             Museum tells the story of motoring in                                                     a thriving community offering a wide      destinations. The Stables Spa is Studley   Café - Enjoy scones and sandwiches,
                                                                                         programmes for endangered species
the sweeping corridors and grand           Britain from humble beginnings to the                                                     variety of leisure, accommodation and     Castle’s sanctuary. A place to escape      served in the themed Cadbury Café
                                                                                         including Europe’s official orang-utan                                                                                           with a tea or coffee. Walking / Coach
rooms of Longleat House is to be           present day. Tickets also include entry                                                   shopping experiences. This afternoon      the distractions of every day and relax
                                                                                         crèche! Daily keepers’ talks provide a                                                                                           Tour of Bournville or Informative talk
transported back in time. Exploring        into the World of Top Gear, Palace                                                        we drop by the Shakespeare Distillery     and re-energise at your own pace:
                                                                                         captivating insight into life at the park                                                                                        in our Education Rooms Discover
this stunning example of high              House & Gardens, The Secret Army                                                          for a fun and informative tour around     enjoy the sauna or steam room, swim a
                                                                                         and its inhabitants                                                                                                              the Cadbury brothers’ vision of a
Elizabethan architecture - and the         Exhibition and unlimited rides on the                                                     the working distillery in Stratford       few lengths or simply curl up on a sun
Capability Brown landscaped grounds        Monorail and Veteran Bus. This will           FRIDAY // We return to Lincolnshire         upon Avon. You will discover how          lounger with a good book. The pool is      ‘Factory in a Garden’ and learn about
surrounding it - is a day out in itself.   be a full day visit to give you chance to     with fond memories of the South             gin is made, learn about its history,     open from early until late, and there      Bournville’s rich heritage.
It was substantially completed by Sir      experience as much as possible at this        coast. There will be comfort stops          and experience the many different         are plenty of comfy corners where          FRIDAY // With great memories
John Thynne in 1580. And today, his        amazing attraction.                           arranged for your return journey.           ingredients we use. Followed by a         you can enjoy a great choice of healthy    of an amazing holiday we return to
descendants are still lucky enough to                                                                                                tutored tasting of at least 3             drinks and snacks.                         Lincolnshire. Your driver will ensure a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          comfort stop is made on the way.

                                                                  The Suncliff Hotel                                                                                                                 Studley Castle Hotel
                                                                  Located on the seafront overlooking Bournemouth Bay in                                                                             Modern additions complement the original buildings, while
                                                                  the prestigious East Cliff neighbourhood of town, the Suncliff                                                                     ancient facades and features have been skilfully restored
                                                                  hotel Bournemouth is a five-minute stroll from seven miles                                                                         and blended with the new. Studley Castle is Warner’s 14th
                                                                                                                                                                                                     property and is our new landmark hotel. And they can’t
                                                                  of sandy beach and a twenty minute stroll to the main centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                     wait to show you around. (Please note, this castle was built
                                                                  of Bournemouth. A traditional English seaside hotel offering                                                                       in 1836 and has all the characteristics you would expect
                                                                  comfortable and versatile bedrooms, as well as indoor leisure                                                                      from an old building. Uneven floors, steep steps and in some
                                                                  facilities. Boasting various bars and lounges where they provide                                                                   cases hidden dips in the main building and some floors may
                                                                  live entertainment most evenings.                                                                                                  not be accessible to wheelchairs.)
 G                                                                WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                  > 4 nights Full board accommodation
                                                                                                                                      G                                                              WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     > 4 nights Half Board accommodation
                                                                  > Longleat > Monkey world > Beulieu                                                                                                > Shakespeare distillery > Entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                                                     > Cadburys heritage tour with refreshments

WYE VALLEY AND THE FOREST OF DEAN                                                                                                PENNINE EXPLORER
  6th - 9th April                                                                                                                  12th - 15th April

                                                                                            £349 PER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               £325 PER
                                                                                            Limited single rooms available
                                                                                                 with no supplement                                                                                                            £66 single room supplement

Visit the Forest of Dean and Wye Valley for breathtaking views, acres of ancient forest and wild river valleys.                  The Pennines are a mountain range in England. Often said to be the “backbone of England”, they form an
Spanning the three counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Monmouthshire, this region will surround                       unbroken range stretching from the Peak District in the Midlands, through the Yorkshire Dales, parts of
you with nature, tempt you into adventure, and fascinate you with its heritage.                                                  Greater Manchester, the West Pennine Moors of Lancashire and Cumbrian Fells to the Cheviot Hills on the
TUESDAY // Receive a grand               THURSDAY // This morning we                  against the backdrop of views that         Scottish border. Their total length is about 250 mi (402 km).
welcome from our driver as you board     travel into Hereford. The magnificent        extend over three counties. You will
the coach for our short break to the     Cathedral towers over the town.              witness a hand crossing ferry taking       MONDAY // This morning we travel           Midland Railway Company, it had             and population centres, Kirkby
Wye Valley. There will be comfort        Maybe take a moment to have a look           passengers from either side of the         West to your hotel with a comfort          taken six years to build. For the 19th      Stephen has developed a strong and
stops on the way and when you arrive     at the stonemasons’ work - the skill. If     River Wye as well as the rapids.           stop at the popular Brigg Garden           century engineers, the landscape            self-sufficient identity and a vibrant
at the hotel you can enjoy a warm        you explore the Cathedral make sure                                                     centre. Spring is fully blooming and       presented a tremendous challenge            sense of community.
                                                                                      FRIDAY // Relaxed we return you            this garden centre has lots of ideas for   to their ingenuity, skills and abilities.
drink as your cases are being taken to   that you visit the Mappa Mundi, a                                                                                                                                              WEDNESDAY // Today please join
                                                                                      home to Lincolnshire with comfort          your gardens this summer. We should        Your driver will allow free time in
your room.                               thirteenth century map which shows                                                                                                                                             your driver so he can take you to the
                                                                                      stops on the way.                          arrive at the hotel with time to settle    the lovely town of Kirkby Stephen.
                                         Jerusalem as the centre of the world.                                                                                                                                          marina for a cruise along the Leeds
WEDNESDAY // After breakfast we                                                                                                  in before your evening meal.               A traditional market town of historic
                                         Christopher de Hamel, a leading                                                                                                                                                Liverpool Canal. Foulridge Canal
take a mystery ride out on the coach.                                                                                                                                       buildings, cobbled yards, quaint
                                         authority on medieval manuscripts                                                       TUESDAY // After breakfast we                                                          cruises has been operating under the
Your driver will take you to places of                                                                                                                                      corners and interesting shops, ideally
                                         said “... it is without parallel the most                                               travel into Settle to meet the railway                                                 present ownership for 23 years on
interest and this afternoon you will                                                                                                                                        located in the beautiful Upper Eden
                                         important and most celebrated                                                           for a 40 minute journey to Kirkby                                                      the tranquil countryside section of the
join the Dean Forest Railway. The 4                                                                                                                                         valley, formerly the old county of
                                         medieval map in any form ...” . This                                                    Stephen. The Settle to Carlisle                                                        Leeds & Liverpool Canal so they know
1/2 mile line runs through beautiful                                                                                                                                        Westmorland, now Cumbria. This is
                                         afternoon we travel to Symonds                                                          Railway is one of the most scenic                                                      a thing or two about the area and will
woodland and countryside offering                                                                                                                                           an area of Cumbria much less well
                                         Yat for a cruise. Leaping salmon,                                                       and impressive railways in the UK,                                                     share their knowledge as you enjoy a
visitors a chance to experience the                                                                                                                                         known than the Lake District, but
                                         peregrine falcons and mink are all                                                      with viaducts, tunnels and the wild                                                    warm drink and biscuits on board.
relaxing pace of a typical country                                                                                                                                          equally appealing. It is surrounded
                                         regularly sighted, although the local                                                   scenery of the North Pennines,
branch line. Whilst you relax and                                                                                                                                           by a landscape of pastoral rural            THURSDAY // We say a fond farewell
                                         otters are a little more elusive! You                                                   Eden Valley and Yorkshire Dales.
unwind they will serve a cream tea.                                                                                                                                         scenery and wild uplands and offers         to our hosts and travel back to
                                         will overlook the rapids where hillside                                                 The Settle to Carlisle Railway was
Please be aware this may be either a                                                                                                                                        breathtaking views in every direction       Lincolnshire. Your driver will ensure a
                                         streams babble into the river between                                                   the last great mainline railway to
diesel engine or a steam hauled train                                                                                                                                       and has been part of the Yorkshire          comfort stop is made on the way.
                                         mature woodlands of oak, ash, beech                                                     be built in this country. Completed
but cannot be confirmed till the day.                                                                                                                                       Dales National Park, since 2016.
                                         and cherry trees which are all set                                                      for passenger travel in 1876 by the
                                                                                                                                                                            Remotely located from large towns

                                                               The Bells Hotel                                                                                                                      Hallmark Preston Leyland
                                                               & Country Club                                                                                                                      A wonderful hotel with a modern and vibrant feel situated
                                                               The Bells Hotel combines traditional, elegant style with                                                                            in the heart of Lancashire. Offering well-appointed
                                                               convenient modern facilities to ensure your stay is as relaxing                                                                     bedrooms and excellent facilities, it is regarded as one of
                                                               and welcoming as possible. Staffed 24 hours a day, they are                                                                         the finest hotels in the region.
                                                               always on hand to provide you with a warm welcome, no matter
                                                               what time you arrive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   > 3 nights half board accommodation
                                                               WHAT’S INCLUDED:                                                                                                                    > Settle-Carlisle Railway
                                                               > 3 nights half board accommodation                                                                                                 > Foulridge Canal Cruise
                                                               > Symonds Yat Cruise                                               G                                                                > Excursions
                                                               > Dean Forest Railway

LLANBERIS, NORTH WALES SPECTACULAR                                                                                                  SPRINGTIME IS GRAND IN CUMBRIA
  19th - 23rd April                                                                                                                   29th April - 3rd May

                                                                                            £359 PER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  £469 PER
                                                                                           Limited single rooms available
                                                                                                with no supplement                                                                                                                £64 single room supplement

Where to start? Llanberis is packed with enough attractions to keep visitors busy for weeks. But first, there’s                     Grange is a pretty resort with an Edwardian flavour and a mild climate. It is on the shores of Morecambe Bay,
the lakeside location at the foot of Snowdon. When you’re tired of walking beside the water – which you                             and from the 13th Century until the 1850’s, the major route from Lancaster was across the sands. In 1887,
won’t be – take a ride with your driver to enjoy your inclusions.                                                                   the coming of the Furness Railway encouraged the growth of Grange from a small hamlet to the town we see
                                                                                                                                    today. Wealthy industrialists from Lancashire and Yorkshire were quick to build large houses here.
MONDAY // Travel to North Wales            an amazing feat of engineering on the      guided walking tours with one of
with comfort stops on the way              top of a mountain. This unique building    the friendly tour guides. They also           THURSDAY // On the outskirts of            This could either be a diesel engine         mansion contains some of the finest
                                           was built to withstand the mountain        offer a complimentary audio-visual            Grange over Sands lies the Cumbria         or a steam engine and this will be           Elizabethan carved overmantels in the
TUESDAY // We can’t be this close
                                           weather conditions, whilst blending        show featuring Clough Williams-Ellis          Grand Hotel, your base for the next        confirmed nearer the time. It’s a            country, as well as a collection of good
to Mount Snowden without taking
                                           in with its natural surroundings. The      discussing how and why the village            4 nights.                                  unique day out for all. Jump aboard          English and French furniture and
the Mountain Railway. This diesel
                                           building is clad in oak and granite, and   was built and a free land train tour of                                                  our train at Haverthwaite Station.           family portraits. Of particular interest
train will take you right to the summit                                                                                             FRIDAY // This morning there is
                                           panoramic windows reveal wonderful         the Gwyllt woodlands. The Welcome                                                        Enjoy views from your carriage up to         are the large gardens surrounding
where there is a visitors centre. Trains                                                                                            free time to enjoy your resort. Then
                                           views to the valleys below. During your    Centre is open all year to help with any                                                 Lakeside at the southern tip of Lake         the Castle, a notable feature being
depart from Llanberis station and begin                                                                                             you can join your driver for a trip to
                                           30 minute stopover you can venture         information, books or maps you might                                                     Windermere. Then on to your cruise           the National Trust’s largest limestone
their climb 1085m to the summit of                                                                                                  Holker Hall & Gardens. Holker is the
                                           to the cairn of the highest mountain       require.                                                                                 boat for a 40 minute sailing along Lake      rock garden, including part of the
Yr Wyddfa, a journey experienced by                                                                                                 home of Lucy Cavendish and her
                                           in Wales and England, 1085m above                                                                                                   Windermere to Bowness where there            National Collection of Hardy Ferns.
some 12 million travellers since 1896.
                                           sea level.                                 THURSDAY // Llandudno is                      husband Tor McLaren who extend
These ancient Snowdonian mountains,                                                   our destination for this morning.                                                        will be free time before returning to        Enchanting wildflower and water
                                                                                                                                    a warm welcome to all visitors.
thrust upwards by volcanic forces          WEDNESDAY // After breakfast               Llandudno’s immaculate seafront,                                                         the hotel.                                   gardens also add to the charm of this
                                                                                                                                    Magnificently situated only a short
450 million years ago, once grew to        please join your driver for a journey      gracefully framed by two headlands, is a                                                                                              elegant estate. When we return to
                                                                                                                                    distance from Grange-over-Sands and        SUNDAY // Today we travel to
heights of 10,000 metres. Over eons        to visit Portmeirion. Portmeirion          seaside classic. It’s a proper resort, with                                                                                           the hotel an evening of entertainment
the wind and rain and successive                                                                                                    the expanse of Morecambe Bay, the          Sizergh Castle and Garden for a
                                           was created by Welsh architect             a pier, Punch and Judy and Donkey Man                                                                                                 awaits.
ice ages have sculpted them to their       Clough Williams-Ellis from 1925            and even Alice in Wonderland. Plus arty       Estate is set in exceptionally beautiful   free flow visit. The Strickland family
current form; with Snowdon being           to 1976. He wanted to show how             and other modern attractions that add         countryside with gardens that merge        has lived at Sizergh for more than           MONDAY // Sadly we have to say
the highest summit in England and          a naturally beautiful site could be        the perfect contemporary touch.               into parkland, framed by the Lakeland      750 years, and it remains their              good bye to Grange over Sands and
Wales. On a clear day the views can        developed without spoiling it. Today                                                     Hills.                                     home today. Set in large, beautifully        return to Lincolnshire. Your driver will
stretch as far as Ireland. On arrival      Portmeirion is one of Wales’ premier       FRIDAY // Sadly we have to say                                                           landscaped gardens and based on              arrange comfort stops on the way.
                                                                                      good bye to Wales and return to               SATURDAY // This morning after
at the Summit, railway passengers          visitor attractions, welcoming over                                                                                                 an impressive 14th Century solar
                                                                                      Lincolnshire. Your driver will arrange        breakfast, we make our way to
and walkers are welcomed in to a           200,000 visitors every year. Visitors to                                                                                            tower, Sizergh was extended in
                                                                                      comfort stops on the way.                     Haverthwaite to meet the railway.
modern contemporary environment,           Portmeirion can enjoy complimentary                                                                                                 Tudor times. The romantic fortified

                                                                 Royal Victoria Hotel                                                                                                                 Cumbria Grand Hotel
                                                                 The Royal Victoria Hotel is uniquely located close to                                                                                Set within the Lake District National Park, the ideal base to
                                                                 Llanberis at the foot of Snowdon, within 30 acres of their                                                                           go and explore The Cumbria Grand Hotel, built in 1880, is
                                                                 very own gardens and woodlands, which include the historic                                                                           only a short drive from the majestic Lake Windermere. Set in
                                                                 castle of Dolbadarn. Being cradled between two lakes, Llyn                                                                           20 acres of private gardens and woodlands and overlooking
                                                                 Padarn and Llyn Peris, as well as the Welsh mountains the                                                                            Morecambe Bay, you will receive a warm and friendly
                                                                 location is quite simply breathtaking, and the Snowdon                                                                               welcome at this charming AA 3-Star Victorian Hotel.
                                                                 Mountain Railway is right opposite!
                                                                                                                                                                                                      WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                 WHAT’S INCLUDED:                                                                                                                     > 4 nights half board accommodation
                                                                 > 4 nights half board accommodation                                                                                                  > Holker Hall and Gardens
                                                                 > Snowdon Mountain rail
                                                                 > Portmeirion > Excursions                                          G                                                                > Lakeside and Haverthwaite Railway
                                                                                                                                                                                                      > Windermere Lake Cruise > Sizergh Castle

  4th - 9th May

                                                                                                                                                                                             Trim Castle Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                             Trim Castle Hotel is a family-owned hotel with
                                                                                                                                                                                             a fantastic atmosphere. Regarded as one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                             finest independent hotels in County Meath, their
                                                                                                                                                                                             promise is to offer exceptional service delivered in
                                                                                                                                                                                             a relaxed and informal style.

                                                                                                                                                                                             The Talbot Hotel Stillorgan
                                                                                                                                                                                             The Talbot Hotel Stillorgan is one of Dublin’s
                                                                                                                                                                                             premier four star Fáilte Ireland approved hotels
                                                                                                                                                                                             and also Automobile Association (AA) rated. The
                                                                                                                                                                                             Talbot Hotel Stillorgan has won numerous awards
                                                                                                                                                                                             for Service Excellence from Fáilte Ireland, CIE
                                                                                                                                                                                             Tours and the 2017 AA Courtesy & Care Award.

                                                                                                                                                         £619 PER
                                                                                                                                                        £132 single room supplement
                                                                                                                                                                                             Stormont Hotel (Main Hotel)
                                                                                                                                                                                             The 4 star Stormont Hotel boasts an unequalled
Culture, history and super-friendly people are what Belfast is all about. Visit here and you’ll experience a place unlike any other in Europe. This is a city that can trace its             location, overlooking Belfast’s Royal Mile and
history back to the Bronze Age; a city that built Titanic; a city forging a unique food scene; and a city that dances to its own beat. From its mighty shipbuilding past to the              gardens leading up to Stormont Parliament
dynamic arts scene that swirls around the Cathedral Quarter, Belfast likes to mix it up.                                                                                                     Buildings. This leafy suburban setting is just
                                                                                                                                                                                             minutes away from Belfast City Centre, bringing
TUESDAY // We depart Lincolnshire to meet the ferry at Holyhead. Your driver will            and pull out your camera all at the same time. This afternoon we will drop you into the         unique advantages that make the Stormont Hotel
ensure comfort stops are made on the way to the overnight hotel situated in Trim Town        centre of Belfast for time at your leisure. There is so much history here for you to explore.   an ideal base for business or leisure. In addition to
Centre. On arrival you will be able to relax before your evening meal is served.             Pointing to the city’s maritime history, the symbol of a seahorse has strong connections        an excellent reputation for professionalism and
                                                                                             with Belfast. Early merchants printed the creature on their coins throughout the 17th           exceptional hospitality, this prestigious hotel boasts
WEDNESDAY // After your full Irish breakfast, we depart your hotel for the outskirts of      Century, and two seahorses still feature on Belfast’s coat of arms. You’ll also spot            superb facilities to assure the ultimate in comfort.
Belfast to check in at our main hotel. Your driver will ensure comfort stops are made on     seahorses around the city, including the seahorse sculpture at Belfast’s port and the
the way. On arrival you will have time to relax whilst your cases are being taken to your    glowing seahorse logo on the side of the lofty Grand Central Hotel.
                                                                                             SATURDAY // We depart our hotel for free time in the City of Dublin. Home of Guinness
THURSDAY // This morning we visit Belfast for a half day guided tour. Learn about the        and The Temple Bar area, Dublin is lively and warm hearted, the people will greet you with
history and culture of Belfast from your informative guide. Then we have included a          a big smile as you explore the streets. We then depart for our last overnight hotel on the      WHAT’S INCLUDED:
visit to the Titanic museum for a guided tour. Rising like an incredible shimmering ship     outskirts of Dublin.
near the waters of Belfast Lough, Titanic Belfast has been named the World’s Leading                                                                                                         > 5 Nights half board accommodation
Tourist Attraction at the World Travel Awards. This majestic building stands on the very     SUNDAY // A very early start begins your return journey to Lincolnshire. Your breakfast         > Ferry transfers
site where Titanic was built, and boasts nine galleries covering everything from Belfast’s   will be served on the ferry and as you disembark your driver will ensure comfort stops are      > Guided Tour of Belfast
shipbuilding heritage to the discovery of the wreck.                                         made on your way back.
                                                                                                                                                                                             > The Titanic Exhibition
FRIDAY // This morning we will take you up to the Giants Causeway. The moment your                                                                                                           > Excursions
eyes fall on the 40,000 hexagonal basalt columns, sliding into the sea like dark stone                                                                                                       > Scenic tour to the Giants Causeway
steps into bubbling foamy waves, is a jaw-dropping one. You’re going to want to high-five
nature, call your old geology teacher to say “you were right, rocks CAN be awesome!”

  10th - 14th May
                                                                                              £395 PER
                                                                                             £100 single room supplement
                                                                                                                                         24th - 28th May
Skipton offers many shops, cafés and restaurants and is famous for its lively outdoor market on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The setting could not be better, as the market throngs the main street
which is dominated at the top by the church and magnificent castle. Skipton Castle is a gem; perhaps the
most complete medieval castle in England, survivor of the Wars of the Roses and the Civil War and still fully
roofed, making it the ideal place to shelter from the elements on a rainy day!
MONDAY // We travel to Yorkshire           Skipton. Skipton Market is unique in         path to Troller’s Gill and Simon’s Seat.
this morning with a stop on the            the way it operates. Its history dates       It’s an ideal place to relax, spot the
way in the bustling City of Leeds.         back to medieval times, when a Royal         wildlife and enjoy the tranquillity of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  £485 PER
The unofficial capital of Yorkshire,       Charter from King John granted               this beautiful place. Over many years,
Leeds is located in the heart of the       consent to ‘The Lord of the Honour’ of       Parcevall Hall Gardens has become a
UK and is one of our passengers            Skipton Castle to hold a fair on Skipton     very popular location with TV and film                                                                                                         PERSON
favourite destinations. Whether            High Street.                                 companies, recently being shown on                                                                                                       £120 single room supplement
you’re looking for culture, history,                                                    ‘The Dales’, ‘Hairy Bikers’ and ‘Escape
shopping or just to wander and enjoy       This consent still holds true today - and    to the Country’.For your final evening
                                           the current owner of Skipton Castle                                                         Poole in Dorset is a natural first choice for a holiday on the south coast. With its bustling Quay, some of the best
the vibrant atmosphere, there’s so                                                      we have included a 3 hour luxury
much to experience in Leeds. The           grants the rights to hold the market         dinner cruise hosted by your hotel. On         beaches in England and a stunning natural harbour, Poole guarantees you an exciting holiday at any time of year.
shopping offer is unrivalled and the       on four days each week. For many             board The Swan you will travel down            Five gently sheltered beaches, including Sandbanks - winner of more Blue Flags than any UK resort - with soft
independent scene is thriving. We will     years, the market in Skipton was a           the Canal whilst you enjoy a 3 course          golden sands, are raked and cleaned all year round. The overall style is Georgian and stems from re-development
arrive at the Rendezvous on the banks      place where animals were traded. The         meal prepared by the head chef. Based
                                           town’s close association with sheep is                                                      in the 18th Century when the area accommodated the prosperous middle class of Poole, such as sea captains and
of the beautiful Leeds, Bradford Canal                                                  on connotations of the ‘Orient Express’,
with time to settle in before your         reflected in the name. Skipton actually      the elegant, glamorous and well-
                                                                                                                                       well-do-do tradesmen. Their brick-built houses have fine proportions with a wealth of authentic architectural
evening meal.                              means ‘Sheep Town’ - so the historic         appointed interior features sumptuous          details such as fanlights and boot scrapers.
                                           link will always remain.                     upholstery, rich fabrics, soft lighting, art
TUESDAY // Bolton Abbey is our                                                                                                         MONDAY // Travel down to the              abundant wildlife and fascinating          18th centuries. The Poole ‘Cockle
                                           THURSDAY // Parcevall Hall Gardens           deco design and antique fixtures. This is      South coast with your friendly driver.    geology as well as the influence the       Trail’, which was opened in 1998 to
destination for this morning. Its                                                       a classical design in a timeless style.
landscape is the “jewel in the crown” of   are the largest gardens open to the                                                         Comfort stops will be arranged for        region had on famous authors such as       celebrate the 750th anniversary of
Yorkshire’s many landscapes, and the       public in the Yorkshire Dales. The 24        FRIDAY // Sadly we say a fond                  the journey.                              Enid Blyton and Thomas Hardy. When         Poole’s first charter.
30,000 acres of beautiful countryside      acres of woodland and formal gardens         farewell to our hosts and travel back          TUESDAY // After breakfast we             Enid Blyton holidayed in the area, she     THURSDAY // After a relaxing start
boast over 80 miles of footpaths to        offer impressive views of Simon’s Seat       to Lincolnshire. We will have a comfort                                                  used the railway and would generally
                                                                                                                                       travel into Swanage for some free                                                    to the day please meet your driver
walk and explore, providing something      and Wharfedale.                              stop in the charming town of Beverley.                                                   include a train journey (inspired by
                                                                                                                                       time to enjoy this lovely resort.                                                    for a trip out to sea. From the base at
for all ages. Explore the ruins of the     Sir William Milner (1893-1960) began         Beverley’s charming streets and                Swanage Pier is an integral part of the   her own experiences) in her Famous         Fish Shambles Steps right on Poole
Priory and discover a landscape full       (in 1927) on a project to rebuild the        courtyards continue to attract history         character of Swanage, reflecting its      Five books.                                Quay, take a relaxing and refreshing
of history and legend. We then travel      derelict early 16th/17th Century shell       buffs, music lovers, racegoers and             Victorian splendour and rich heritage.    WEDNESDAY // Today has been set            pleasure cruise around the world’s
into Harrogate. With its handsome          of Parcevall Hall and developed the          shoppers alike. Landmarks include the          Enjoy a stroll with the finest views of   aside for you to enjoy Poole. Being        second largest natural harbour. You’ll
historic buildings and verdant gardens,    surrounding moorland landscape in            gothic Beverley Minster - famous for           Swanage. Maybe uncover the story of       situated on Europe’s largest harbour,      get a unique look at all five islands, the
Harrogate is one of Yorkshire’s most       to glorious gardens. At the height of        its 13th century stone carvings and            Swanage at Swanage Museum - from          Poole Dorset has always looked to          Dorset Lakelands,the Isle of Purbeck,
elegant destinations. Maybe take tea at    6’7” he was known as a ‘gentle giant’,       stained glass - and the 15th century           Dinosaurs and the Jurassic Coast to       the sea for its prosperity. This has       busy Poole Harbour entrance and the
the famous Betty’s tearoom and then        but despite his title and having Queen       North Bar which divides impressive             Seaside Resort, stone trade and the       shaped its character as a town of          commercial areas that give the town
explore the many varied shops or visit     Mary as his Godmother (who made              Georgian streets containing a great            Second World War. This afternoon we       merchants, mariners and foreign            its heartbeat.
the antique shops, there is something      frequent visits to the Hall) he was          number of listed buildings. Take               join the railway for a 6 mile journey     influences. Much of Poole’s rich
                                                                                        advantage of the upmarket shopping                                                                                                  FRIDAY // We return to Lincolnshire
for all to enjoy.                          known to be a reluctant socialite. The                                                      through the Purbeck countryside.          history still survives in the Old Town
                                                                                        experience and browse high street                                                                                                   with fond memories of the South
WEDNESDAY // After breakfast               Tea Room, situated at the gardens’                                                          As you travel down to Swanage from        with an exciting mix of smugglers’         coast. There will be comfort stops
                                           entrance, has spectacular views of the       names and independent shops.                   Norden Station you can appreciate         passageways and elegant houses built
your friendly driver will take you into                                                                                                                                                                                     arranged for your return journey.
                                                                                                                                       the rich history of the area, its         by rich merchants in the 17th and

                                                                  The Rendezvous Hotel                                                                                                                The Thistle Poole Hotel
                                                                  This family run hotel on the outskirts of the delightful                                                                            Relax and soak in all the seaside views from this quayside
                                                                  market town of Skipton – gateway to the Yorkshire Dales,                                                                            hotel overlooking Poole Harbour. You can make yourself at
                                                                  offers the best in Yorkshire hospitality – with staff who                                                                           home in one of the 70 en-suite rooms, dine al fresco on the
                                                                  really do care! Guests return time and again, whether it’s                                                                          terrace, or kick back with a cocktail in the comfy bar.
                                                                  for business or leisure, because they offer warmth and a
                                                                  genuine professional hospitality.                                                                                                   WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                  WHAT’S INCLUDED:                                                                                                                    > 4 nights half board accommodation
                                                                  > 4 nights half board accommodation                                                                                                 > Swanage railway
 G                                                                > 3hr dinner cruise aboard the Graceful swan                                                                                        > Greenslade Pleasure Cruise
                                                                  > Bolton Abbey                                                                                                                      > Excursions
                                                                  > Parcevall Hall Gardens > Excursions                                 G

LLANELLI AND THE GOWER PENINSULA                                                                                                  CORNWALL
  30th May - 3rd June                                                                                                               4th - 10th June
                                                                                                                                  This compact little village has a thriving and creative local community which supports lots of independent
                                                                                                                                  shops and businesses. Add beautiful, dog-friendly beaches, world-class pubs and restaurants, and access to
                                                                                                                                  some of the county’s most stunning coast path and walks, it’s not hard to see why they’re so proud of where
                                                                                                                                  they live. Please be aware this area is quite hilly.
                                                                                                                                                                            SUNDAY // We have put today aside           TUESDAY // After breakfast please
                                                                                                                                                                            for you to enjoy St Agnes at your           join the coach for a visit to Trelissick
                                                                                                                                                                            leisure. Steeped in mining history,         House where you will be treated to
                                                                                                                                                                            the village retains a traditional           a guided tour of the house and free
                                                                                              £475 PER
                                                                                                                                                                            friendly Cornish atmosphere,
                                                                                                                                                                            with four different beaches. There
                                                                                                                                                                            are dramatic coastal walks and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        time to explore the beautiful gardens.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (please note some areas may include
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        steep stair access in the house). The
                                                                                              £80 single room supplement                                                    breathtaking scenery filled with relics     views from the house are second to
                                                                                                                                                                            from the past, including the iconic         none. Open to the public since 2014
Just a short drive from Swansea, the Gower Peninsula is more than just a pretty face. It was designated as                                                                  Wheal Coates engine house. You will         it regularly hosts exhibitions which
the UK’s first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty back in 1956, and we’re glad to say it hasn’t changed                                                                     discover a thriving community with a        delve into the house’s varied history.
                                                                                                                                                                            choice of shops as well as galleries and    There’s plenty of room to let the
much since! Visit the Gower Peninsula for a rich and varied environment which is breath-taking (and we’re                                                                   craft workshops where beautiful gifts       imagination run wild, and you can lead
not just saying that!) – From wild moors and limestone cliffs to golden, sandy beaches. Gower is a geological                                                               are made by hand.                           your imagination across the globe as
goldmine with inspiring landscapes – just look at Dylan Thomas’ work.                                                                                                                                                   you discover foreign trees and shrubs
                                                                                                                                                                            MONDAY // Today we try something
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        collected on worldwide wanders.
SUNDAY // Today please board your          TUESDAY // After breakfast we join          by Norman Foster, poised in the                                                      new, a visit to Flambards. Try
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        There is also a specialist plant shop,
comfortable coach and travel to South      the coach for a visit to the Gower          landscape like a giant raindrop, is home                                             to resist the tempting smells of
                                                                                                                                  FRIDAY // An early departure begins                                                   restaurant and café on-site, so you can
Wales. Your driver will ensure comfort     Peninsula, beginning with the Heritage      to some of the most endangered plants                                                Victorian sweets and Camp Coffee
                                                                                                                                  your Cornish holiday. Your friendly                                                   fill hungry bellies and indulge in some
stops are made on the way.                 Centre. Set in the heart of the Gower       on the planet. This afternoon we depart                                              as you explore a life-size village from
                                                                                                                                  driver will arrange comfort stops on                                                  green-gifts for your garden at home.
                                           Peninsula just west of Swansea, South       to meet The Gwili Railway. A standard                                                yesteryear, painstakingly created
                                                                                                                                  the way to St Agnes and we should         to include more than 50 realistic           WEDNESDAY // Today we have
MONDAY // St Fagans Museum of              Wales, the Gower Heritage Centre was        gauge steam railway located in the         arrive in time to settle in before your
Natural History is our destination for                                                                                                                                      shops including a confectioner’s,           arranged free time in the nearby
                                           established in 1990 as a countryside        village of Bronwydd, 3 miles north of      evening meal.
today. Explore the stories of the people                                                                                                                                    toy store, milliner’s, ironmonger’s,        resort of Newquay. Maybe take a
                                           crafts centre situated in historical and    Carmarthen. The railway follows the
of Wales and take a walk through                                                                                                  SATURDAY // Today we travel to            tobacconist’s, butcher’s, corsetière        walk down the prom or visit the iconic
                                           beautiful surroundings. We then board       original main line between Carmarthen                                                and a barbershop. Experience                Zoo, Newquay is a traditional Cornish
history at one of Europe’s leading open-                                                                                          The Eden Project. With a worldwide
                                           the coach for a 2 hour scenic drive         and Aberystwyth and once formed part                                                 snapshot scenes of lives ‘frozen in         resort with ices cream and candy floss
air museums. The Museum stands in                                                                                                 reputation, and recognised by the
                                           with a local guide to point out points      of a continuous link between North and                                               time’ as you step inside the local          a plenty.
the grounds of St Fagans Castle and                                                                                               British Travel Awards as the Best UK
                                           of interest and tell you stories of days    South Wales.                               Leisure Attraction 4 years running        pub, visit a Victorian home, and see
gardens, a late 16th century manor         gone by.                                                                                                                                                                     THURSDAY // Sadly we travel home
house donated to the people of Wales                                                   THURSDAY // Sadly we say a fond            (2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011) and           the divide between rich and poor as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to Lincolnshire. Your driver will
by the Earl of Plymouth in 1948. There     WEDNESDAY // This morning we                farewell to our hosts and travel back to   the Silver Award for Best Leisure         you compare the grand hotel lobby
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        arrange comfort stops on the way.
are over 50 historic buildings from all    spend time at the National Botanic          Lincolnshire.                              Attraction in 2016, Eden barely           alongside the hardship in the working
                                                                                                                                  needs an introduction, but this epic      quarters. Discover thousands of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              £579 PER
over Wales have been re-built at the       Gardens of Wales. The remarkable
                                                                                                                                  destination definitely deserves a day     authentic artefacts such as jewellery,
Museum including a Victorian school,       National Botanic Garden of Wales is a
a medieval church and a Workmen’s          very special place. The largest single-                                                of your undivided attention. This         toys, textiles, tools and housewares.                  PERSON
                                                                                                                                  evening will be full of dancing and                                                        Limited single rooms available
Institute.                                 span glasshouse in the world designed
                                                                                                                                  singing with live entertainment.                                                                with no supplement

                                                                 The Best Western                                                                                                                 The Rosemundy House Hotel
                                                                 Diplomat Hotel                                                                                                                   Relax and recharge at the Rosemundy House Hotel, situated
                                                                 Located on the outskirts of Llanelli this family run hotel has                                                                   in the quaint Cornish coastal village of St Agnes. As well as
                                                                 all you need for a relaxing stay. Maybe treat yourself to a                                                                      the beautifully appointed en suite rooms, many of which
                                                                 spa treatment or a dip in the heated indoor swimming pool.                                                                       enjoy garden views, they also have a heated swimming pool,
                                                                 Please note some rooms are located in the annexe which                                                                           choice of cosy lounges, well stocked bar and an excellent
                                                                 is just a 40mtr walk from the main entrance to the hotel                                                                         restaurant serving both Table d’Hôte and Á la Carte menus.
                                                                 (please enquire on booking)                                                                                                      Please note this area is quite hilly.

 G                                                               WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                 > 4 nights half board accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                                  WHAT’S INCLUDED:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  > 6 nights half board accommodation
                                                                 > Snowdon Mountain rail
                                                                 > Portmeirion > Excursions                                        G                                                              > The Eden project > Trelissick House tour
                                                                                                                                                                                                  > Flambards indoor living history attraction > Excursions

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