Page created by Reginald Hale

    Summer 2021

Fewer Car Brands
in the Future                                  A Message from the Jefferson County Clerk
By: Frank Friday,
Government Affairs Executive
                                                 As you know the Downtown Dealer Department, Motor Vehicle Records
  If you like cars, the last 30 years or so    and Lien Department recently moved to our new home on the 3rd floor
have been a great time to be around.           of the First Trust Centre. Having all three departments together on the
Brands from every part of Europe               same floor has been very convenient for the dealers and customers. I hope
and Asia have been shipped into our            you’ve had a chance to visit the new modern location, as well as our newly
country, and the domestic Big 3 makers,        relocated Motor Vehicle Downtown Branch on the 2nd floor of the First
while slowed by financial issues of 2008,      Trust Centre.
are still very much around.                      As things are beginning to return to normal for area businesses after a
  But the North American market is not         very challenging year, I am thankful to be able to resume the Wait-Work
growing as in previous generations.            service for our dealers. With new hours of operation, Wait-Work resumed
With the gradual transition to electric        in the downtown Dealer Department and all motor vehicle branches on
cars, and with the switch of interest in       June 11th. The new hours are:
sedans to SUVs, something must give.
                                                 Downtown Dealer Department: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (5 pieces)
  Lots of famous brands have already
                                                 				                              1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (2 pieces)
been retired- Plymouth in 2001, Olds-
mobile 2004, Pontiac in 2010, and Mer-                          Branch Locations: 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (3 pieces)
cury in 2011. Oldsmobile, founded in
1897, was the oldest surviving American          I thank you again for your patience as we worked together through this
auto brand and the world’s first mass          past year with altered services and sometimes limited staff. I truly appreci-
production automobile.                         ate the working relationship our office has with you.
   But with the recent merger of Fiat            If you have any questions or suggestions as to how the Clerk’s Office can
Chrysler and Peugeot/Citroen, expect           better serve you, please contact us here in the Dealer Department. If you
to see a lot of excess brands get the ax,      are not already receiving Dealer Direct email messages with special an-
or at least wind up never being offered        nouncements from the Clerk’s Office, please make it known. These emails
in North America again, starting with          are the most effective way to reach you between quarterly newsletters. As
Fiat, Lancia, Opel, Alpha Romeo, Peu-          always, we look forward to bringing you VIP services!
geot, and Citroen. The brands they plan
to retain, Jeep and Ram, are the most            May the summer season be safe for you and yours.
profitable vehicles the new company,
Stellantis, manufactures. Since Chrysler
is down to a minivan platform and the
300, that brand may go soon as well,
in favor of putting the remaining cars                        Bobbie Holsclaw
under Dodge.                                                  Jefferson County Clerk

  Ford USA no longer offers any actual

                         Continued on page 2
Kentucky License Plates Given Fresh Look
By: Jordan Kelch,
Public Relations

    or decades, Kentucky license plates
    have been produced by Kentucky
    Correctional Industries (KCI). The
weighty metal pieces are made each
day by inmates at the Kentucky State
Reformatory. Soon enough, though,
the traditional embossed numbers and                                                                                               Old style
                                             New style
letters will be extinct. In fact, unbe-                                                                                       The traditional
                                             Kentucky's new                                                                Kentucky license
knownst to some, the transition has          license plates are                  Close ups
                                                                                                                          plate is metal and
already begun. Vehicles all over the         light, flat, and digitally                                                  features embossed
                                             printed onto aluminum.                                                     numbers and letters.
Commonwealth are sporting new flat
license plates with letters and numbers
digitally printed onto aluminum.               This transition, from embossed metal          Thankfully, this increased efficiency
                                             to flat aluminum, had been in the works         shouldn’t cost vehicle owners in any
   While the cosmetic difference is          for some time. However, the Coronavi-           way; license plates and registration
striking, bigger changes are happening       rus pandemic actually sped up the pro-          continue to be functions of the county
behind the scenes. Traditionally, the        cess. When normal production at the             clerk, and all avenues of customer ser-
Commonwealth oversees filing, storing,       Kentucky State Reformatory had to be            vice will remain the same.
and distributing over 300 license plate      shut down due to health concerns, KCI
types to 145 locations and two ware-                                                         Sources: Commonwealth of Kentucky, https://
                                             turned to the digital process, rolling out
houses. By utilizing digital technology,     their new products ahead of schedule.           cense-Plates.aspx
all plates, whether specialty or standard,   Because of the reformatory closure,
can be produced as needed. KCI can           though, plate printing and manufac-             Kentucky Today,
now print all requested orders and num-                                                      stories/new-kind-of-license-plate-coming-in-ken-
                                             turing had to be temporarily accom-             tucky,27907
bers before shipping them directly to        modated at the Indiana-based plant of
the 120 county clerks of Kentucky. What      Intellectual Technology Inc., the vender        The River City News,
this means, of course, is that the days of   of the new production equipment.                cles/2020/09/13/new-flat-surface-license-plates-
mass plate production are over. This will                                                    make-debut-kentucky-vehicles
undoubtedly save the Commonwealth,             The replacement of older license              WLKY,
and the Kentucky Transportation Cabi-        plates with the new, flat, aluminum             surface-license-plate-making-debut-in-ken-
net, a great deal of money.                  models will take place over time.               tucky/34098512

Continued from page 1                        Chinese companies (Volvo cars) or Indi-         Asian truck builders have international
                                             an conglomerates (Land Rover, Jaguar)           ambitions. Japan’s Hino recently began
sedans in its lineup, aside from the                                                         building big trucks in West Virginia,
                                               The market for heavy duty trucks also         and other Asian offerings may be on
Mustang, as everything else, including
                                             went through this market rationalization        the way.
Lincoln, is a light truck/SUV/cross-over/
                                             a few decades earlier. The world’s larg-
minivan. Ford loses money everywhere
                                             est big truck maker is Daimler, split off          Oddly enough, it is in the world of
but North America, where their trucks
                                             from Mercedes Benz, which bought out            specialty big trucks that we see Amer-
still carry the company.
                                             Ford’s big truck business 20 years ago.         ica’s oldest vehicle brand still operat-
  Likewise, GM is phasing out regular        They acquired Freightliner in 1981,             ing. Autocar, now located in Indiana,
cars for more trucks and SUVs. The           along with the old White, Western Star,         began building touring cars in Pitts-
rear-engine Corvette is likely the only      and Thomas Bus brands, as well.                 burgh in 1897. Long a subsidiary line of
“sedan” that has any real future.                                                            heavy-duty vocational trucks owned by
                                               The second biggest truck maker, Vol-          White, it regained its independence in
  Meanwhile, foreign automakers are          vo, did much the same. They expanded            2001 and is steadily putting out a small
pulling back as well. Mitsubishi gave up     in Europe, buying out Renault’s truck           line of work trucks today. So, you never
on North America and Western Europe          business which recently purchased               know which brands are headed for the
a few years ago, its once substantial        Mack. Today there are just 4 big truck          scrap yard, and which ones will keep
factories being shuttered. Other famous      makers in the world- Daimler, Volvo,            on truckin’.
car brands are now just nameplates for       Paccar, and Navistar. However, local

What's in a Name: Sales Tax, Use Tax
By: Frank Friday,
Government Affairs Executive

    entucky imposes both a sales tax         paid. On used vehicles, total consid-
    and use tax of 6% on the cost of all     eration paid is the total given less
    retail items. While both taxes are       any trade-in allowance, if applicable.       'The general sales tax only
                                                                                          came along in 1960...'
very similar and complimentary, they         Trade- in allowance applies to used
are not quite the same.                      vehicles only and the vehicle being
                                             traded must be previously registered
  The use tax came first and was             in Kentucky.
originally applied to automobile sales.                                                     Internet retailers are also slowly being
The general sales tax only came along          Sales Tax is imposed on the gross          drawn into collecting Kentucky sales
in 1960 and, thankfully, there is still no   receipts derived from both retail sales of   taxes. Out-of-state retailers with 200 or
local general sales taxes allowed.           tangible personal property, digital prop-    more sales into the state or $100,000
                                             erty, and sales of certain services. Ken-    or more in gross receipts from sales
  The use tax is imposed on the              tucky did not collect sales taxes on the     into the state are to register and collect
purchase price of tangible personal          many services performed, but in 2018         Kentucky sales and use tax. These
property, digital property purchased for     passed laws broadening the base of           thresholds are the same as confirmed in
storage use, or other consumption in         which services can be taxed. Labor and       the Wayfair US Supreme Court deci-
Kentucky. The use tax is a "back stop"       services such as car repair, landscaping,    sion.
for sales tax and generally applies to       janitorial services, and more are subject
property purchased outside the state         to sales tax on the labor charges as well       Years ago, it was thought the inter-
for storage use or consumption within        as the materials consumed.                   net would be the ruin of state sales
the state. This type of tax can be col-                                                   taxes, but so many of the sellers have
lected by the state, i.e., the clerk, when     Many exemptions also apply to the          become so big, like Amazon, and have
an item is titled, no matter where the       sales tax. For example, groceries are        a major physical presence everywhere,
sale was made.                               exempt, but not candy, soda pop, or          it has become relatively easy for the 45
                                             prepared foods. Prescription drugs           states, who have sales and use taxes, to
  Used vehicle sales also carry the          are exempt, but not over the counter         collect them.
6% tax, being on the current average         drugs, and so forth.
retail as listed in the Used Car Guide
or 6% of total consideration

Jefferson County Clerk’s Office
Dealer Services
First Trust Centre
200 S Fifth Street, Suite 300 South
Louisville, KY 40202

Alan McNeil, Manager
Armond Bethel, Assistant Manager
Phone: 502.574.5892
Fax: 502.584.3214

Bobbie Holsclaw, Publisher
Jefferson County Clerk

Motor Vehicle Staff:                                                                                                  SHE RENEWED
                                                                                                                      HER TAGS ONLINE
Karen Fields,

Angela Wilson,

Alan McNeil,
Manager, Dealer Services

Armond Bethel,

Assistant Manager, Dealer Services

Lauren Glymph,
Motor Vehicle Administration                                                                             TO RENEW CAR TAGS
Contributing Writers:

Frank Friday,                                                                                                     ONLINE
Gov’t Affairs Executive                                                                          

Jordan Kelch,                                                                                                    TELEPHONE
Public Relations                                                                                                 502-569-3300
                                                                                                                P.O. Box 33033
                                                                                                           Louisville, KY 40232-3033
Holiday Closings                                                                                           At every Jefferson County
                                                                                                            Motor Vehicle location

Independence Day                           Labor Day
(Observed)                                 September 6, 2021
                                                                                                                   Jefferson County Clerk
July 5, 2021                                                                                                       bringing you VIP service

                            The Dealer Update - A quarterly publication of the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office
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