Designing Accessible Courses: Fall 2020 + Winter 2021

Page created by Fred Rios
Designing Accessible Courses: Fall 2020 + Winter 2021
                         Suggestions for Six Course Components
Keep the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principle in mind: Provide multiple means of action and expression for students (e.g., provide learners with many ways of
demonstrating what they have comprehended and ways of managing that information such as through assignments, media presentations, concept maps, portfolios,
websites, diagrams etc.). Provide choice and alternatives, along with opportunities for students to suggest ideas. Always give lots of feedback.

                       Blended Learning                                          Asynchronous                                                      Synchronous
                       In-Person and Digital                                     Digital                                                           Digital
      Formative Give feedback in class to students. Create                       Create short audio clips for each student on                      Schedule small group or individual live feedback
       Feedback short audio clips for each student on                            specific feedback. Use Assignment, Journal                        sessions. Also consider creating short audio
                       specific feedback. Use Assignment, Journal                and/or Discussions in Blackboard Learn for                        clips to provide individualized feedback. Send
                       and/or Discussions in Blackboard Learn for                students to share thoughts and you reply. Write                   email or use the Assignment, Journal and/or
                       students to share thoughts and you reply.                 an email to students with feedback. Scheduled                     Discussion tools in Blackboard to engage in
                                                                                 an optional BlueJeans session for live feedback                   more feedback activity.
                                                                                 and discussion.
          Quizzes Give a quiz in class. Give an online quiz in                   Give an online quiz in Blackboard Learn. Have                     Use BlueJeans to have a live oral quiz with a
                       Blackboard Learn. Have students take a                    students take a quiz at beginning of topic or                     small group or individual students. Give an
                       quiz prior to an on-campus class to see if                module to test for comprehension and                              online quiz in Blackboard Learn. i
                       prepared.                                                 readiness.
         Create        Students complete assignments in a variety                Students use tools outside of Blackboard such as                  Students use tools outside of Blackboard such
   Assignments         of ways from hard copy to digital formats                 concept mapping tools, websites, presentations,                   as concept mapping tools, websites,
                       depending on course and content.                          papers etc. to create assignments.                                presentations, papers etc. to create
        Submit Submission via Assignments Tool in                                Submission via Assignments Tool in Blackboard                     Upload assignment into the Assignments Tool in
   Assignments Blackboard Learn, mark and return via tool                        Learn, mark and return via tool using inline                      Blackboard, provide feedback and grade inline
                       using inline grading, rubrics and grade                   grading, rubrics and grade center. Use single                     with the tool. Use single point rubrics.
                       center. Use single point rubrics.                         point rubrics.
           Exams       Give students an open-book exam to be                     Give students an open-book exam to be done                        Give an oral exam via BlueJeans. Give students
                       done during scheduled exam time.                          during scheduled exam time. Consider giving a                     an open-book exam to be done during
                       Consider giving a culminating project,                    culminating project, consolidation activity or                    scheduled exam time. Consider giving a
                       consolidation activity or choice of ways to               choice of ways to represent their learning.                       culminating project, consolidation activity or
                       represent their learning                                                                                                    choice of ways to represent their learning
      Individual       Students share on discussion forums with                  Students share on discussion forums with small                    Students present via sharing screen in
  Presentations        small groups for peer feedback.                           groups for peer feedback.                                         BlueJeans. Peers respond in chat. Students
                                                                                                                                                   create video doing presentation.

            Page 1 of 6 | Digital Learning Formats: Matrix of Applications for Design and Learning | August 18, 2020 | Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation | North Island College | Liesel Knaack
            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Icons from Noun Project: by Vectors Point, PK; ProSymbols, US; Duke Innovation Co-Lab, US
Keep the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principle in mind: Provide multiple means of representation (e.g., provide learners with many ways of engaging and
comprehending information and experiences such as videos, audio clips, graphics, symbols, tactile objects, etc.) Here are examples of ways to present content.

           Format      Blended Learning -                                        Asynchronous -                                                    Synchronous -
                       In-Person and Digital                                     Digital                                                           Digital
     Content via Present content in text-based modes for                         Present content in text-based modes for                           Present content in text-based modes for
           Text students to read, have screen readers                            students to read, have screen readers access and                  students to read, have screen readers access
                       access and provide a low-tech                             provide a low-tech downloadable document to                       and provide a low-tech downloadable
                       downloadable document to access content.                  access content. Examples include Word docs,                       document to access content. Examples include
                       Examples include Word docs, PDFs, Slide                   PDFs, Slide deck outlines, transcripts, and scripts               Word docs, PDFs, Slide deck outlines,
                       deck outlines, transcripts, scripts of videos.            of videos.                                                        transcripts, and scripts of videos.
     Content via Present content in video-based mode for                         Present content in video-based mode for                           Present content in video-based mode for
          Video students to watch, take quizzes within,                          students to watch, take quizzes within, comment                   students to watch, take quizzes within,
                       comment on, rewind and re-watch etc.                      on, rewind and re-watch etc. Examples include                     comment on, rewind and re-watch etc.
                       Examples include YouTube videos, Kaltura-                 YouTube videos, Kaltura-created videos with quiz                  Examples include YouTube videos, Kaltura-
                       created videos with quiz questions                        questions (instructional videos, welcome videos                   created videos with quiz questions
                       (instructional videos, welcome videos etc.)               etc.)                                                             (instructional videos, welcome videos etc.)
    Content via Put content in a slide deck, Prezi, Google                       Put content in a slide deck, Prezi, Google Slides                 Put content in a slide deck, Prezi, Google Slides
  Presentations Slides etc. with narration or notes. PDF                         etc. with narration or notes. PDF document for                    etc. with narration or notes. PDF document for
                       document for ease in viewing.                             ease in viewing.                                                  ease in viewing.
     Content via Present content in audio-only mode for                          Present content in audio-only mode for listening.                 Present content in audio-only mode for
          Audio listening. Examples include audio only files                     Examples include audio only files describing                      listening. Examples include audio only files
                       describing content, podcasts, audio                       content, podcasts, audio feedback on                              describing content, podcasts, audio feedback on
                       feedback on assignments. Etc.                             assignments. Etc.                                                 assignments. Etc.
     Content via       Put content in content collection and then                Put content in content collection and then link to                Put content in content collection and then link
     Blackboard        link to various pages in Blackboard Learn                 various pages in Blackboard Learn for access and                  to various pages in Blackboard Learn for access
                       for access and one-stop location for all                  one-stop location for all content.                                and one-stop location for all content.
          Learn        content.
     Content via Email content to students via email                             Email content to students via email (separately                   Email content to students via email (separately
          Email (separately or within Blackboard Learn) via                      or within Blackboard Learn) via a mailing list of                 or within Blackboard Learn) via a mailing list of
                       a mailing list of all students.                           all students.                                                     all students.
Guest Speakers         Invite to classroom or through a BlueJeans.               Involve guest speakers by using BlueJeans.                        Involve guest speakers by using BlueJeans.
         Open          Consider using open educational resources                 Consider using open educational resources                         Consider using open educational resources
   Educational         (OERs) = openly licensed material to save                 (OERs) = openly licensed material to save                         (OERs) = openly licensed material to save
                       students money and provide more                           students money and provide more equitable                         students money and provide more equitable
    Resources          equitable access to learning materials.                   access to learning materials. Consider using open                 access to learning materials. Consider using
                       Consider using open textbooks, resources,                 textbooks, resources, or ancillary materials. See                 open textbooks, resources, or ancillary
                       or ancillary materials. See BCcampus listing.             BCcampus listing.                                                 materials. See BCcampus listing.

            Page 2 of 6 | Digital Learning Formats: Matrix of Applications for Design and Learning | August 18, 2020 | Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation | North Island College | Liesel Knaack
            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Icons from Noun Project: by Vectors Point, PK; ProSymbols, US; Duke Innovation Co-Lab, US
Keep the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principle in mind: Provide multiple means of engagement (e.g., provide learners with connections about their interests,
support self-reflection, foster collaborations such as open class discussions, office hours, question and answer periods, etc.). Communicate with care. Often.

            Format         Blended Learning -                                        Asynchronous -                                                 Synchronous -
                           In-Person and Digital                                     Digital                                                        Digital
         Individual Email, Course Messages, Journal and                              Email, Course Messages, Journal and                            Video conference chat in BlueJeans. Email,
          Students Discussion tools in Blackboard Learn.                             Discussion tools in Blackboard Learn.                          Course Messages, Journal and Discussion tools
                                                                                                                                                    in Blackboard Learn.

      All Students Announcement, Course Messages or Email                            Announcement, Course Messages or Email in                      Announcement, Course Messages or Email in
                           in Blackboard Learn. Also communicate to                  Blackboard Learn. Also communicate to all                      Blackboard Learn. Also communicate to all
                           all students through Outlook NIC email.                   students through Outlook NIC email.                            students through Outlook NIC email.
                                                                                                                                                    Announcements in live classes.

            Group Use Discussion tool in Blackboard Learn.                           Use Discussion tool in Blackboard Learn. Use                   Break students into smaller groups and use
       Discussions Use other web tools for instant messaging                         other web tools for instant messaging and                      breakout rooms in BlueJeans.
                           and group collaboration such as Discourse,                group collaboration such as Discourse, Slack,                  Use other web tools for instant messaging and
                           Slack, Group Me, etc.                                     Group Me, etc.                                                 group collaboration such as Discourse, Slack,
                                                                                                                                                    Group Me, etc.

     Students Ask Use Discussion tool in Blackboard to post                          Use Discussion tool in Blackboard to post and                  Video conference live chat in BlueJeans. Post
        Questions and have answered at another time by                               have answered at another time by students                      on WordPress site as a comment. Phone call to
                           students and/or instructor. Phone call to                 and/or instructor. Phone call to chat with                     chat with students. Create a video. Answer
                           chat with students. Create a FAQ with                     students. Create a FAQ with answers. Create a                  common questions in video. Share link with
                           answers. Create a video answering                         video answering questions and share link with                  students.
                           questions and share link with students.                   students.
                           Students ask questions in class.

      Office Hours Have office hours in person before or after                       Indicate a time you will hold office hours on                  Share details and directions for how to engage
                           in-class lessons. Possibly consider some                  announcements page, hold in a discussion                       with publisher textbook content via a demo in
                           online live office hours with BlueJeans.                  forum, via email or live chat via BlueJeans.                   BlueJeans or recorded session.

 Getting to Know In a discussion forum have students                                 In a discussion forum have students introduce                  Have students introduce themselves in the
        Students introduce themselves in various ways –                              themselves in various ways – write something,                  chat and through taking turns in the main class
                           write something, insert a link to a short                 insert a link to a short video introduction or                 environment. Possibly use breakout rooms for
                           video introduction or insert a link to a                  insert a link to a personal website.                           4—5 students to chat and get to know each
                           personal website. When you get together                                                                                  other a bit more. Provide guiding questions for
                           in person students will have a head start in                                                                             the conversation.
                           building community.

             Page 3 of 6 | Digital Learning Formats: Matrix of Applications for Design and Learning | August 18, 2020 | Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation | North Island College | Liesel Knaack
             This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Icons from Noun Project: by Vectors Point, PK; ProSymbols, US; Duke Innovation Co-Lab, US
Keep the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principle in mind: Provide multiple means of engagement (e.g., provide learners with connections about their interests,
support self-reflection, foster collaborations such as small group discussions, collaborative activities like Google Docs, Padlet, etc.). Engage in motivating activities.

             Format        Blended Learning -                                        Asynchronous -                                                 Synchronous -
                           In-Person and Digital                                     Digital                                                        Digital
     Preparing for Engage students in preparing for in-class                         Engage students in preparing for online                        Engage students in preparing for live online
             Class learning by doing readings, watching                              learning by doing readings, watching videos,                   class by doing readings, watching videos, and
                           videos, and accessing other learning                      and accessing other learning materials. To                     accessing other learning materials. To ensure
                           materials. To ensure attentiveness to                     ensure attentiveness to content: provide                       attentiveness to content: provide guided
                           content: provide guided questions, charts,                guided questions, charts, missing fill in the                  questions, charts, missing fill in the blanks etc.
                           missing fill in the blanks etc. to fill out while         blanks etc. to fill out while doing activities.                to fill out while doing activities. Post questions
                           doing activities. Post questions in                       Post questions in Blackboard Learn discussion                  in Blackboard Learn discussion forums for
                           Blackboard Learn discussion forums for                    forums for engagement with groups of                           engagement with groups of students, have
                           engagement with groups of students, have                  students, have students annotate a PDF or                      students annotate a PDF or Word version of a
                           students annotate a PDF or Word version                   Word version of a reading with comments and                    reading with comments and questions shared
                           of a reading with comments and questions                  questions shared with group mates etc.                         with group mates etc.
                           shared with group mates etc.
Assess Readiness           To hold students accountable for                          To hold students accountable for preparatory                   To hold students accountable for preparatory
                           preparatory activities have them a) take a                activities have them a) take a short quiz                      activities have them a) take a short quiz
                           short quiz through Blackboard Learn prior                 through Blackboard Learn prior to class b)                     through Blackboard Learn prior to class b)
                           to class b) submit a summary post to a                    submit a summary post to a discussion forum                    submit a summary post to a discussion forum
                           discussion forum about response to key                    about response to key questions c) create their                about response to key questions c) create their
                           questions c) create their own summary of                  own summary of readings and share with class                   own summary of readings and share with class
                           readings and share with class etc.                        etc.                                                           etc.
   Team Learning           Hold students further accountable by                      Hold students further accountable by having                    Hold students further accountable by having
                           having them work with pre-selected                        them work with pre-selected teammates to do                    them work with pre-selected teammates to do
                           teammates to do a collaborative activity                  a collaborative activity (e.g., take a quiz                    a collaborative activity (e.g., take a quiz
                           (e.g., take a quiz together during class and              together during class and agree on same                        together during class and agree on same
                           agree on same answers for marks, prepare                  answers for marks, prepare a summary of each                   answers for marks, prepare a summary of each
                           a summary of each teammate’s section)                     teammate’s section)                                            teammate’s section)
Brainstorming an           Put students in groups. Have them use the                 Put students in groups. Have them use the                      Put students in groups. Have them work in
            Idea           Blackboard Learn wiki to type ideas and                   Blackboard Learn wiki to type ideas and share                  BlueJeans breakout room or on collaborative
                           share thoughts. Have them use Discussions                 thoughts. Have them use Discussions to                         space like Google Docs to brainstorm. They
                           to brainstorm in small groups.                            brainstorm in small groups.                                    share via screen share tool.
   Group Project           Collaborate on a shared document like                     Collaborate on a shared document like Google                   Meet in a web conferencing room to discuss as
 and Group Work            Google docs. Use an instant messaging tool                docs. Use an instant messaging tool like Slack                 a group or go into breakout groups in a class.
                           like Slack to share ideas. Use BlueJeans or               to share ideas. Use BlueJeans or another web                   Collaborate on a shared document like Google
                           another web conferencing tool.                            conferencing tool.                                             docs. Create long-standing BlueJeans meeting

             Page 4 of 6 | Digital Learning Formats: Matrix of Applications for Design and Learning | August 18, 2020 | Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation | North Island College | Liesel Knaack
             This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Icons from Noun Project: by Vectors Point, PK; ProSymbols, US; Duke Innovation Co-Lab, US
When working in a flexible instructional format, it is even more important to provide summaries and consolidation of learning as each week goes by. Students are
struggling with many new ways to engage with learning that they lose sight of the key messages and core concepts.

Some of the following ideas could help learners capture the big ideas they are to be focusing on, as well as start giving them outlines for study notes and note

             Format        Blended Learning -                                        Asynchronous -                                                 Synchronous -
                           In-Person and Digital                                     Digital                                                        Digital
   Class Reflections Through Discussions in Blackboard Learn                         Through Discussions in Blackboard Learn post                   Verbally share a reflective summary of the
                           post a reflective summary of the past week                a reflective summary of the past week                          past week injecting your personal
                           injecting your personal observations and                  injecting your personal observations and                       observations and insights from
                           insights from the assignments or                          insights from the assignments or submissions.                  assignments or submissions. Put students
                           submissions. Ask students for responses to                Ask students for responses to your post. Have                  in breakout rooms to discuss, reflect and
                           your post. Have students post reflections                 students post reflections and /or moderate                     share own thoughts upon return to larger
                           and /or moderate discussions.                             discussions.                                                   group.

Weekly Highlights: Email your class in Blackboard Learn, or                          Email your class in Blackboard Learn, or post in               Write an email or post in Blackboard Learn
Big Ideas and Core post in discussion area a bulleted summary                        discussion area a bulleted summary of the key                  discussion a bulleted summary of the key
          Concepts of the key takeaways, big ideas and                               takeaways, big ideas and highlights of the                     takeaways, big ideas and highlights of the
                           highlights of the content and learning of                 content and learning of the past week. Ask for                 content and learning of the past week. Ask
                           the past week. Ask for feedback on missing                feedback on missing components or                              for feedback in BlueJeans live chat about
                           components or enhancements.                               enhancements.                                                  missing components or enhancements.

 Concept Map and Have students create a concept map of key                           Have students create a concept map of key                      Have students create a concept map of key
    Relationships learning in a module or a section of your                          learning in a module or a section of your                      learning in a module or a section of your
                           course. Do in a concept mapping tool and                  course. Do in a concept mapping tool and post                  course. Have them screen share their
                           post in discussion forum and/or wiki for all              in discussion forum and/or wiki for all to                     desktop or the application to share with a
                           to share/comment.                                         share/comment.                                                 live class in BlueJeans.

        Study Notes Have students create a summary set of                            Have students create a summary set of notes                    Have students work in groups during a live
                           notes for a module or topic.                              for a module or topic.                                         BlueJeans class to collaborate on a set of
                           It can be a multimedia format with video                  It can be a multimedia format with video and                   study notes or summary notes for the class
                           and audio. Post in discussion board and/or                audio. Post in discussion board and/or wiki for                in Google Docs etc. Have them share their
                           wiki for sharing and commenting by                        sharing and commenting by classmates.                          screens on BlueJeans and describe.

             Page 5 of 6 | Digital Learning Formats: Matrix of Applications for Design and Learning | August 18, 2020 | Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation | North Island College | Liesel Knaack
             This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Icons from Noun Project: by Vectors Point, PK; ProSymbols, US; Duke Innovation Co-Lab, US
 All the supports and additional considerations we can give students will benefit them and their learning. Here are some ideas for supporting students throughout the
 learning experience.

              Format       Blended Learning -                                        Asynchronous -                                                 Synchronous -
                           In-Person and Digital                                     Digital                                                        Digital
          Learner          Make the digital classroom accessible for                 Make the digital classroom accessible for all                  Make the digital classroom accessible for
   Accommodations          all students. Reach out to DALS.                          students. Reach out to DALS.                                   all students. Reach out to DALS.
         Platform          Provide an orientation to your course.                    Provide an orientation to your course. Create a                Provide students an orientation to how
        Overviews          Create a video to show key spots and                      video to show key spots and where to find                      you are going to use BlueJeans and any
                           where to find important information,                      important information, deadlines, and                          other tools. Do this via a live class taking
                           deadlines, and assignment dates. Direct                   assignment dates. Direct students to the                       them on a tour of any applications via the
                           students to the “Student Training Course”                 “Student Training Course” in the Blackboard                    screen share option.
                           in the Blackboard Training section under                  Training section under their Student Resources
                           their Student Resources Tab in Blackboard                 Tab in Blackboard Learn.
    Study Strategies Share six strategies for effective learning                     Share six strategies for effective learning with               Share six strategies for effective learning
                           with students. Ask them to try some of the                students. Ask them to try some of the                          with students. Ask them to try some of the
                           strategies out during the course.                         strategies out during the course.                              strategies out during the course.
         English as Frequent feedback via email, video,                              Frequent feedback via email, video, discussion,                Frequent feedback via email, video, or
        Additional discussion, journal, or assignment tools.                         journal, or assignment tools. Use clear                        audio. Use clear language and organized
 Language Learners Use clear language and organized course                           language and organized course content.                         course content. Turn on closed captioning.
                           content. Provide videos to explain content,               Provide videos to explain content, with closed                 Record sessions. Use chat function to
                           with closed captions. Create, or have                     captions. Create, or have students create, a                   allow students more time to respond to
                           students create, a glossary of key terms                  glossary of key terms using the wiki function,                 questions/ discussion topics.
                           using the wiki function, for each class / full            for each class / full course.
   Learners Needing Adjust due dates, assignments and                                Adjust due dates, assignments and                              Adjust due dates, assignments and
         More Time modules/topics for some learners who may                          modules/topics for some learners who may                       modules/topics for some learners who
                           need adjustments for various reasons.                     need adjustments for various reasons.                          may need adjustments for various reasons.
  Learners with Low Use familiar tools. If new tools are used,                       Use familiar tools. If new tools are used,                     Use familiar tools. If new tools are used,
         Tech Skills provide step-by-step instructions.                              provide step-by-step instructions.                             provide step-by-step instructions.
                           Demonstrate those tools anytime you can                   Demonstrate those tools anytime you can                        Demonstrate those tools anytime you can
                           provide opportunities for questions.                      provide opportunities for questions.                           provide opportunities for questions.
Teaching Blended:
Teaching Asynchronously:
Teaching Synchronously:
             Page 6 of 6 | Digital Learning Formats: Matrix of Applications for Design and Learning | August 18, 2020 | Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation | North Island College | Liesel Knaack
             This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Icons from Noun Project: by Vectors Point, PK; ProSymbols, US; Duke Innovation Co-Lab, US
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