DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society

Page created by Glenn Walters
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society


                                                                         LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                                                         A section of The London Natural
London Natural History Society                                           History Society
                                 @londonbirdclub                         Version: October 2019
londonbirdclub                   @LNHSoc     
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society

PART 01 London Birders Calendar

PART 02 London Bird Club Talks

PART 03 London Natural History Society Programme

PART 04 Events from other London wildlife organisations

London Wetland Centre, Barnes
                                                 LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                                 A section of the London Natural
                                                 History Society
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society

 London is one of the greatest capital cities in the world. What is less well known is that it is also one of
 the best places in the world to enjoy wildlife, and to acquire the skills of a naturalist and wildlife
 photographer. A large and varied network of reserves and some of the best wildlife-visitor infrastructure
 in the world, means that London is a surprisingly good destination for wildlife photographers, naturalists
 and tourists.

 The presence of a number of local natural history clubs and societies who organise field meetings led by
 outstanding all-round naturalists means it is also probably unmatched in the potential it offers for
 people to build their skills as naturalists. Furthermore, London has a long history of having some of the
 world’s pre-eminent scientific and biological institutions, together with smaller local societies also with
 long histories staging public talks ranging from cutting edge science to discovering wildlife in your
 backyard. London is amazing for enjoying wildlife and for developing field skills. For tourism companies,
 London is attractive with its high density of affluent travellers with an interest in wildlife.

 Some of London’s wildlife societies also run day trips by coach from central London, within a 3 hour
 drive radius. These are run at cost allowing people to have inexpensive guided wildlife tours to explore
 a variety of habitats in superb nature reserves further afield from London.

                                                                                LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                                                                A section of The London Natural
#londonbirds                                                                    History Society
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
This pack was developed primarily to share details of the talks programme of the London Bird Club, a
section of the London Natural History Society. However, it also covers events from other LNHS sections and
other organisations that are of interest to wildlife enthusiasts.

Please always check for updates from the websites and social media of the institution organising an event.
Due to weather and logistics issues events may be cancelled at short notice (although this rarely happens in

Email of pdf of this pack
This pack is updated and emailed as a pdf with each of the 6 ‘LBC Talks Reminders’ that are sent out by the
Chair of the London Bird Club a few days before the 6 LBC Talks that take place in a year. If you would like
to receive a copy please email him with ‘Subscribe LBC Reminder’ in the header. To reduce the work load
and to avoid being a nuisance for recipients, emails are kept to just 6 a year.

Email: gehan.desilva.w (at)

Social Media
For more timely updates, you can also subscribe to meetup groups managed by the LNHS and RSPB CLLG for
example. But manage your settings aggressively otherwise you will receive a flood of emails from the app.

                                                                              LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                                                              A section of The London Natural
#londonbirds                                                                  History Society
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
This section provides a calendar overview of the talks, walks, day trips and coach
trips (which are also day trips) by the LBC, MBS, RSPB and Central London Local
Group. See the accompanying slides and websites of these organisations for more
detailed information.

Residents of arguably the greatest capital city in the world is spoilt for choice
when it comes to wildlife activities.

                                             BOC        British Ornithologists Club
                                             LBC        London Bird Club, a section of the LNHS
                                             LNHS       London Natural History Society
                                             MBS        Marylebone Bird Watching Society
                                             RSPB       RSPB Central London Local Group (CLLG)

DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
                                Weekend Birding for Central Londoners: Sep 2019 - Feb 2020
    September                         October                November               December                   January                    February
       Sat           Sun              Sat           Sun          Sat       Sun        Sat          Sun          Sat           Sun            Sat         Sun
                      01              05                06        02       03                      01           04             05             01          02
       07             08              12                13        09       10          07          08            11            12             08          09
                                   Crossness                    RSPB                                                                                      LBC
 LBC Tottenham                                                                        RSPB                   Wetlands                        RSPB
                                                                Oare                                                                                   Greenwich
    Marshes                          RSPB                                        Titchwell Marsh                MBS                       River Lee CP
                                                               Marshes                                                                                 Peninsula
                                    Pagham                                                                   Abberton
                                    Harbour                                                                  Reservoir
       14             15              19                20         16      17          14          15            18            19             15          16
                                                               Two Tree                                        MBS             LBC          MBS
                                     MBS                                              MBS
                                                                Island                                       Rainham      Bedfont Lakes     Oare
                                Two Tree Island                                   Regent's Park
                                                                 MBS                                         Marshes                       Marshes
       21             22              26                27         23      24          21          22           25             26             22          23
      MBS             LBC            RSPB                                                                      RSPB                         RSPB
     Amwell        Alexandra       Rainham                                                                   Hook with                     Welney
                      Park         Marshes                       MBS                                         Warsash                        WWT
       28             29                                          30                   28          29                                         29

Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.        Coach Trip

                                                                                         NB. Links do not
                                                                                         work on jpeg                                                      6
RSPB CLLG                                   version.
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
                              September 2019
  Mo           Tu        We         Th            Fr          Sa          Su

   02          03        04          05           06          07          08

                                                            Marshes                Brent Reservoir
   09          10        11          12           13          14          15
                                 RSPB Talk
                                Turtle Doves
   16           17       18          19           20          21          22
             LBC Talk
                                               MBS Talk
  BOC         Birds,                                         MBS          LBC
Hastings   Mammals &                                        Amwell     Alexandra
                                                 ing in
Rarities   Butterflies                                                    Park
            of Borneo
   23           24       25          26           27          28          29

Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.                              Dungeness, Kent

Coach Trip     Talks       Event (with an indoor element)                                            7
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
                                 October 2019
 Mo       Tu         We                Th                Fr                 Sa          Su
           01        02                03                04                 05          06

 07        08        09                10                11                 12          13

                                    RSPB Talk                           Crossness
                                 Dragonflies and
                                   Volunteers                                                Cheshunt
                                                                     Pagham Harbour
 14        15        16                17                18                 19          20

                  LBC Talk
                                                     MBS Talk              MBS
                The Intriguing
                                                   When Birds Sing    Two Tree Island

 21        22        23                24                25                 26          27

                                                                     Rainham Marshes

 28        29        30                31

      Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.                                  Oare Marshes
      Coach Trip     Talks       Event (with an indoor element)                                             8
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
                                November 2019
  Mo          Tu           We          Th                 Fr                Sa            Su
                                                          01                  02          03
                                                                       Ruislip Woods
                                                                     Abberton Reservoir
  04          05           06          07                 08                09            10
                                                                       Oare Marshes
  11          12           13          14                 15                16            17
           LBC Talk
                                     RSPB Talk         MBS Talk             LBC
        Unravelling Bird
                                Intriguing Dunnock   Biking Birder    Two Tree Island
  18          19           20          21                 22                 23           24
                                                                      London Wetland
  25          26           27          28                 29                 30

                                                                                               Greenwich Park

Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.
Coach Trip     Talks       Event (with an indoor element)                                                       9
DISCOVER LONDON'S WILDLIFE - LONDON BIRD CLUB A section of The London Natural History Society
                          December 2019
 Mo        Tu      We            Th            Fr       Sa       Su

  02       03       04            05           06        07      08
  09       10       11            12           13        14      15
                               RSPB Talk
                            Bees and wasps
  16       17       18            19           20        21      22

  23       24       25            26           27       28       29

  30       31

Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.                 London Wetland Centre
Coach Trip     Talks       Event (with an indoor element)
                           January 2020
 Mo   Tu       We                 Th              Fr          Sa         Su
                01                02             03           04         05

 06   07        08                09             10           11         12

                                RSPB Talk
                                                          w Wetlands
                           Lead ammunition &
                                 wildlife                    MBS
 13   14        15                16             17           18          19

 20   21         22               23              24          25         26
              LBC Talk                         MBS Talk      RSPB
                Filey                          Seabird     Hook with
           International                       Nirvana     Warsash
 27   28        29                30             31

Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.
Coach Trip     Talks       Event (with an indoor element)
                            February 2020
  Mo       Tu      We             Th               Fr          Sa        Su
                                                               01        02

   03      04      05             06              07           08        09

                                                              RSPB       LBC
                                                            River Lee Greenwich
                                                               CP     Peninsula

   10      11      12              13             14          15         16
                               RSPB Talk                     MBS                  Rainham Marshes
                            Stone curlews to                 Oare
                                skylarks                    Marshes
   17      18       19             20              21         22         23
                 LBC Talk                       MBS Talk
                How to be                      Inspiratio
                an Urban                          n of
                  Birder                        Waders
   24      25       26            27               28          29

 Bird Watching Walk, including day trips using trains.
 Coach Trip     Talks       Event (with an indoor element)                         Rye Harbour
                             SEPTEMBER 2019 TO APRIL 2020

                                                                        LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                                                        A section of The London Natural
John Beaufoy Publishing                                                 History Society 

   Ticket Sponsor         Venue Sponsor          Speaker Sponsor
                                              PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE
                               Quentin & Honor Phillipps - Birds, Mammals & Butterflies of
1   Tue 17 Sep 2019
2   Wed 16 Oct 2019            Tony Wileman - The Intriguing Dunnock

3   Tue 12 Nov 2019            Rob Sheldon - Unravelling Bird Migration

4   Wed 22 Jan 2020            Mark Pearson - Filey International

5   Wed 19 Feb 2020            David Lindo – How to be an Urban Birder

6   Wed 11 Mar 2020            Nigel Hicks - Birds and Wildlife of the Philippines
7   Fri 24 Apr 2020            Dominic Couzens - Birding a Local Patch.
                               (Joint event with MBS. Not at Burgh House)

    John Beaufoy Publishing 

       Ticket Sponsor         Venue Sponsor           Speaker Sponsor                 LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                                                                      A section of The London Natural
                                                                                      History Society

                                     The Bornean rainforest has the highest diversity of plant and insect life in
                                     the world. Quentin will talk on ‘Hornbills, Orangutans and Elephants’. He
                                     will also offer guidance on how to maximise the wildlife viewing on a visit
                                     to this large tropical island. Borneo is home to around 1,000 species of
                                     butterfly ranging from the spectacular Birdwings with a wingspan of up to
                                     18cm to the dainty Blues. Honor’s talk will be an introduction to the
                                     butterflies of Borneo and will look at representatives of each of the six
                                     Bornean families, with a focus on the most visible species.

Quentin Phillips
Quentin was born on the island of Borneo in
Sabah, Malaysia and has spent many years
exploring and photographing the varied wildlife.
Quentin has written popular field guides to the
birds and mammals.

Honor Phillips
Honor is the author of a Field Guide to the
Butterflies  of   Borneo,   illustrated  with
photographs taken in the wild on her journeys
around Borneo.
                              Tuesday 17 September 2019 at
                              7pm Doors open at 6.30pm.
                              Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead,                   LONDON BIRD CLUB
                              London, NW3 1LT                                           A section of The London Natural
                              Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by                  History Society         John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari       Camp Yala & Serendipity Retreats.                                                                                       15
                              The talk looks at the intriguing life of the often overlooked but common bird known
                              as the Dunnock along with a host of other sometimes misleading and confusing
                              names. The Dunnock also gained fame in a study that showed how males engage in
                              cloacal pecking to render void a prior mating attempt by a rival suitor. As a declining
                              species, the talk will look at its physiology and ecological requirements across its
                              geographical range and look how its behaviour, food sources and association with
                              people has both positive and negative effects on its population.

Tony Wileman
Tony Wileman is a trained ecologist working
for the London Wildlife Trust with over 25
years experience in nature conservation. His
interest in birds spans 37 years and he has
travelled to five continents watching and
recording them. He has a particular interest
in species to species and habitat
interactions and is passionate about
ensuring wildlife in all its forms obtains a
voice for its preservation.

                               Wednesday 16 October 2019 at
                               7pm Doors open at 6.30pm.                                  LONDON BIRD CLUB
                               Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead,                    A section of The London Natural
                               London, NW3 1LT                                            History Society          Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by        John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari    Camp Yala & Serendipity Retreats.
                               Rob Sheldon
                               Rob Sheldon has worked in nature conservation for almost 20 years, including 12 years
                               with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). Since 2013, he has been the
                               Chair of the Ornithological Society of the Middle East, The Caucasus and Central Asia
                               (OSME). Most recently he has worked for the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) as the
                               Director of the King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre (KKWRC) in Saudi Arabia. He now
                               works freelance as a consultant through RDS Conservation.

Migration is one of the wonders of the
natural world. Recent technological
advances has led to some fascinating
insights into the migratory behaviour of
a wide range of species that occur in
the UK and elsewhere. This talk will
draw upon examples of migration from
around the world. It will discuss the
technology that scientists are using
such as satellite tagging that have
unveiled the amazing and hazardous
migratory journeys of iconic species, as
well as discuss some of the challenges
they face.
                                    Tuesday 12 November 2019
                                    at 7pm (doors open at 6.00pm for
                                    AGM at 6.30pm. Talks commences after
                                    Burgh House, New End Square,                            LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                    Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT                              A section of The London Natural              Open to all. FREE admission sponsored                   History Society            by John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing        Safari Camp Yala & Serendipity
                                    Retreats.                                                                          17
                          Mark Pearson
                          Mark is a well known and obsessive Yorkshire coast birder and naturalist whose roles
                          include wildlife guide, ecologist, speaker, writer and educator. He is regularly asked
                          to share his knowledge and enthusiasm via mainstream media for conservation
                          organisations, and delights in spreading the gospel by any means necessary,
                          whether through outreach, education and community engagement or campaigning
                          on local, national and international stages for conservation.

Fasten your seatbelts! Migration never stops at
this east coast hotspot - and neither does Mark
in his pursuit of its wonders. Let him take you
on a whistlestop tour through four seasons of
high drama at his beloved Filey Bird
Observatory. Mark has shone the spotlight on
this idyllic corner of the east coast through his
very popular series of articles in Birdwatch
magazine and Birdguides, his radio and
television contributions (including co-presenting
recent features from Filey with Chris Packham
and for BBC Springwatch with Michaela
Strachan) and his ongoing work celebrating his
remarkable adventures there.

                               Wednesday 22 Jan 2020 at 7pm. Doors
                               open at 6.30pm.
                               Burgh    House,    New     End    Square,                 LONDON BIRD CLUB
                               Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT                                A section of The London Natural         Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by                  History Society       John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari   Camp Yala & Serendipity Retreats.
                                David Lindo
                                David Lindo, also known as The Urban Birder is a broadcaster, writer,
                                naturalist, photographer, public speaker and a tour leader. He is passionate
                                about making urban dwellers notice the birds and other wildlife in their
                                urban environments. He has also pioneered leading overseas birding tours
                                with an urban birding element injected into his tour itineraries.

In this talk David Lindo, a
Londoner and former Chair of the
London Bird Club, explains ‘How
to Be an Urban Birder’. David
Lindo talks about what you need
to know about birds and birding in
towns and cities in the UK and
overseas. He will give a brief
history of urban birding in the UK.
He covers the best places to look
for birds in towns and cities and
helps you get to know your urban
birds. There are useful tips on
how to attract birds to your
garden and what gear you need
and how to go about being an
urban birder.
                              Wednesday 19 Feb 2020 at
                              7pm. Doors open at 6.30pm.                              LONDON BIRD CLUB
                              Burgh House, New End Square,                            A section of The London Natural
                              Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT                              History Society         Open to all. FREE admission sponsored       by John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing   Safari Camp Yala & Serendipity Retreats.
                                 Nigel Hicks
                                 Nigel Hicks originally trained as a biologist before becoming a professional
                                 photographer. He works mainly in travel and tourism, though with a special interest
                                 in ecotourism, particularly in Southeast Asia, and most especially in the Philippines.
                                 He is a member of the National Geographic Image Collection, the photo agency
                                 wing of the USA's prestigious National Geographic Society, and is a Fellow of the
                                 British Institute of Professional Photography.

In this talk, Nigel summarises the essence of
his book ‘Wild Philippines’ (due Summer
2019), concentrating especially on some of
the Philippines' many endemic species,
particularly its birds. Through his talk, he
describes a few of these species, and
outlines both the huge problems faced as a
result of habitat loss and some of the
progress being made by the country's
increasingly     active    and     prominent
conservation movement. Nigel has worked off
and on for around 20 years in the Philippines
and the talk will be richly illustrated with
images of its fauna.
                                      Wednesday 11 March 2020 at
                                      7pm Doors open at 6.30pm.                              LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                      Burgh House, New End Square,                           A section of The London Natural
                                      Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT                             History Society              Open to all. FREE admission sponsored            by John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing        Safari Camp Yala & Serendipity
                                      Retreats.                                                                         20
                                 Dominic Couzens
                                 Dominic is a prolific, best-selling author of nature books. His writing
                                 varies from nature columns in popular magazines to detailed
                                 photographic field guides. There is unlikely to be anyone serious about
                                 British nature who does not have a book by Dominic in their book
                                 shelf. He is also an entertaining speaker.

Some birdwatchers are casual, finding birds when and
where they can for fun. Others are more obsessive,
travelling the length and breadth of the country to find
rarities for their British list. And then you’ve got Patch-
watchers, who are every bit as keen as their twitcher
colleagues, but are content to watch day-in, day-out, at
the hallowed area of the ground that they call their Local
Patch. This talk is all about being in the Patch-watcher’s

Fri 24 April 2020 at 7.15pm (doors open at 7.00pm)
Gospel Oak Methodist Church. Agincourt Road, NW3 2NT.
(Entrance in Lisburne Road. Entrance charge of £5 (£3 for MBS
or LNHS members).
Note that this is a Joint Event with MBS and is not at the usual                 LONDON BIRD CLUB
LBC venue of Burgh House. Also note that the MBS entrance                        A section of The London Natural
fees structure will apply and LNHS members who are not MBS                       History Society
members can pay £3.
Burgh House
                      New End Square, Hampstead, London NW3 1LT.
For the London Bird Club talks which start at 7pm, the doors open
at 6.30pm. For the talks, it is open on all week days.

However, for visiting Burgh House and the Museum, opening times are
12pm - 5pm from Wednesday to Friday and Sunday. Closed on

The lovely Burgh House, the venue for the LBC Talks is just a few
minutes walk from Hampstead tube station on the Northern Line (not
Hampstead Heath - that's the nearby Overground station).

Hampstead is a delightful village which can be explored with a lot of
cafes. The Heath is just minutes away from Burgh House and can be
explored in a mini nature walk.
                                                        Right panel:
                                                        Burgh House

 Left Panel: Hampstead
                            SEPTEMBER 2020 TO MARCH 2021

                                                                        LONDON BIRD CLUB
John Beaufoy Publishing
                                                                        A section of The London Natural    History Society

   Ticket Sponsor         Venue Sponsor          Speaker Sponsor
1      Wed 16 Sep 2020            Geoffrey Davison: Birds of Peninsular Malaysia

2      Tue 13 Oct 2020            Steve Portugal: Bird Flight & Co-operative Aerodynamics
3      Tbc Nov 2020               tbc
4      Tue 19 Jan 2021            Andy Sands: Secret Britain
5      Tue 16 Feb 2021            Jonathan Forgham: The Birds of the North Norfolk Coastal Footpath
6      Tbc March 2021             tbc

                                                                            LONDON BIRD CLUB                                                   A section of The London Natural                                                 History Society
                              Geoffrey Davison
                              Geoff has worked for many years in Southeast Asia, most recently as a staff
                              member of the National Parks Board, Singapore. He has specialised in bird ecology
                              and behaviour, and the ecology of bird communities in tropical rain forest in
                              Malaysia, with an emphasis on pheasants and partridges. Peripheral interests have
                              included bats (inside caves), molluscs (living on the limestone outside the caves),
                              and zooarchaeology (in the earth at cave mouths) of Peninsular Malaysia. He has
                              been responsible for various Malaysian birding books and natural history books.

Peninsular Malaysia more than 600 species of birds,
mostly within forest. The most urgent for
conservation purposes include the birds of lowland
forest, particularly forest over level ground in the
extreme lowlands. They include iconic species such
as White-bellied Woodpecker, Wallace's Hawk-eagle
and Malaysian Peacock-pheasant. The birds of
occasionally inundated peat-swamp forest, and of
hill forest, form distinctive communities dominated
by birds with a distribution centred on Sundaland
(Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo), whereas many birds of
mountain forest are of Himalayan origin. All forest
bird communities are likely to be in decline,
compensated by an increase in the habitat available
for open country birds of lesser conservation

                               Wednesday 16 September
                               2020 at 7pm (doors open at 6.30)
                               Burgh House, New End Square,
                               Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT                                 LONDON BIRD CLUB
                               Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by                   A section of The London Natural
                               John Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari                    History Society
                               Camp Yala & Serendipity Retreats.
                              Steve Portugal
                              Steve is a Reader in Animal Behaviour and Physiology at Royal Holloway University
                              of London. He is a comparative ecophysiologist, who studies how animals adapt
                              their behaviour and ecology to the challenges of their environment. His research
                              has focused on naked mole rats, Siamese fighting fish, and the role of vision in the
                              propensity for certain bird species to fly into man-made objects. His main
                              research, however, is bird flight, and what happens when birds come together in
                              flocks. Steve has published over 60 academic papers, and acted as scientific
                              advisor for numerous nature documentaries including Springwatch, David
                              Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities, Conquest of the Skies, Life in the Air, and
                              Nature’s Boldest Thieves.

This talk is about how birds co-operate and the
mechanisms they employ to save energy during
flight. The distinctive V formation of bird flocks
has long intrigued researchers and continues to
attract both scientific and popular attention.
Through the use of novel biologging technology,
and by working with the reintroduction scheme
of the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis,
studies have been performed on the relative
positioning of individuals in a V-formation, and
the co-operative aerodynamic interactions that
take place, at a level and complexity not
previously feasible.

                                Tuesday 13 October 2020 at 7pm
                                (doors open at 6.30).
                                Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead,                     LONDON BIRD CLUB           London, NW3 1LT                                             A section of The London Natural         Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by John               History Society     Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari Camp Yala &
                                Serendipity Retreats.
                              Andy Sands
                              Andy shoots on a range of digital cameras from Nikon and Olympus and for the past
                              15 years his photographs have been marketed by Nature Picture Library and
                              regularly published in books and magazines. He also owns and runs his own camera
                              shop, Chiswick Camera Centre. His main interest is British natural history and he
                              does a lot of bird and small mammal photography, with a particular interest in
                              macro photography. Recent projects have engaged his fascination with bees and
                              wasps and also Autumn fungi and British wild flowers. Andy likes showing people
                              things they probably walk past every day but never notice.

This is a general talk on British wildlife with a
bias towards the lesser seen and more secretive
species.      Birds covered include Nightjar,
Nightingale, Garden Warbler and many other
species that can be elusive as well as nocturnal
mammals, various insects and also a few of the
more secret/lesser visited locations of the
British Isles. Hopefully the audience will be
enthralled by this photographic journey through
the fantastic array of strange and elusive
creatures that can be found here in Britain,
without the need for long distance travel!

                                Tuesday 19 January 2021 at 7pm                            LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                (doors open at 6.30).                                     A section of The London Natural
                                Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead,                   History Society
                                London, NW3 1LT
                                Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by John           Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari Camp Yala &         Serendipity Retreats.

                               Jonathan Forgham
                               Jonathan is a life long birder and all round naturalist. He records all the natural
                               history of the rural parish of Little Hadham, East Herts where he has lived since
                               2007, totalling over 780 moth species and 109 bird species. He contributes a
                               column on local nature around Bishop's Stortford to the local newspaper once a
                               fortnight and back in 2011, published all his village records in a book detailing the
                               natural history of Little Hadham.

Jonathan has completed the 47 mile North
Norfolk Coastal Footpath on 3 occasions
over the years and has been visiting this
area for 5 decades, building up a fairly
impressive list of species which is now
approaching 300. In 2019 he decided to
fund raise for a Sri Lankan project by
setting off on foot from his front door to
cover the 160 miles to Cromer in 9 days,
with the last 3 days being the Coastal
Footpath Trail.

                                 Tuesday 16 February 2021 at 7pm                              LONDON BIRD CLUB
                                 (doors open at 6.30).                                        A section of The London Natural
                                 Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead,                      History Society
                                 London, NW3 1LT
                                 Open to all. FREE admission sponsored by John
                                 Beaufoy Publishing, Jetwing Safari Camp Yala &     Serendipity Retreats.

Ticket Sponsor for London Bird Club Talks

                                    John Beaufoy Publishing

Venue Sponsor for London Bird Club Talks

Speaker Sponsor for London Bird Club Talks


                    London Natural History Society

Birdwatching with the LNHS
The London Bird Club, a section of the LNHS organise around 25 field meeting a year, averaging one a
fortnight. They are a superb way to learn your birds and learn London’s best locations for bird photography.
It is possible to see around 200 species in a year in London which boasts a checklist of 370 species.

LNHS Programme #1
                                        See also the LNHS online programme

Sat 31 Aug 2019 10.00am – 3.00pm Bushy Park Field Recorder Day
Booking essential To book a space on this free event and for more info please see the FSC BioLinks website:

Sun 1 Sep 2019 11.00am – 4.00pm New River Walk for trees Bettina Metcalfe
We will look at the trees along the New River between Halton Cross Street and St Paul’s Road. Meet 11.00am at
South Library on Essex Road, N1 2SL (TQ319839, NW side of road opposite Dibden St. Nearest station NR Essex Rd).
Bring lunch.

Sat 7 Sep 2019 9.30am Tottenham Marshes for Whinchat and other autumn migrants; perhaps Kingfisher and
Grey Wagtail Pete Lambert
Meet 9.30am at Ferry Lane entrance (TQ347895). Nearest station is Tottenham Hale (Victoria/NR Liverpool St). AM
only. (Toilets.)

10.00am – 4.00pm Perivale Wood Field Recorder Day
Booking essential. Free event - to book a place and for further information please visit

10.30am – 3.00pm Hampstead Heath Plant Gall Survey Tommy Root (LNHS plant galls recorder)
A look at the fascinating variety of tree galls that can be found on the Heath. Of interest to beginners and experts
alike. End time is approximate. Bring lunch. Everyone is very welcome, members or not, so spread the word. Survey
Area: East of the Mixed Bathing Pond area of Hampstead Heath. Meet 10.30am at The Gospel Oak entrance of the
Heath. The Gospel Oak entrance is located on Gordon House Road a few metres up from Gospel Oak overground
station. Bus C11 also stops here.

LNHS Programme #2
                                          See also the LNHS online programme

Sat 14 Sep 2019 10.30am – 4.00pm Bookham Common Survey
See later slide for details.

10.30am – 4.00pm Chobham Common for heathland flora Paul Bartlett
Meet 10.30am Virginia Water station (TQ001679, NR W'loo). Cars needed. Bring lunch.

Tue 17 Sep 2019 7.00pm – 8.30pm Mammals & Butterflies of Borneo by Quentin Phillips (Doors open 6.30pm).
Location: Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT.
FREE admission sponsored by John Beaufoy Publishing & Jetwing Safari Camp Yala.

Sat 21 Sep 2019 11.00am – 4.00pm Earthworms & Snails of Nonsuch Park
Keiron Brown (Earthworm Society of Britain) and Dr June Chatfield (Conchological Society of Britain)
Join us to record the molluscs and earthworms of Nonsuch Park. Bring lunch. Adults only, no dogs. Meet at the
Cheam Gate (TQ238635). Nearest station is Cheam (TQ244633), the gate near Nonsuch High School, NR Vict.).
Please note that this event will involve individuals collecting, preserving and killing invertebrate specimens for
identification purposes in order to assist us in generating a site species list. Joint event with the Earthworm Society
of Britain

Sun 22 Sep 2019 10.00am Alexandra Park for woodland birds, woodpeckers, waterbirds (maybe Kingfisher),
possible migrants Andrew Peel
Meet 10.00am in entrance to Wood Green U/g Station (Picc). AM only. (Toilets).

Thu 26 Sep 2019 5.30pm Plant ID workshop. Plant ID workshop led by George Hounsome.
Location: Angela Marmont Centre, Natural History Museum

Sat 28 Sep 2019 11.00am – 4.00pm Sutton Community Farm Roy Vickery
Sutton Community Farm, 40A Telegraph Track, Wallington, SM6 0SH (TQ284620). Former nursery site with relic plants
and many ruderals. Meet 11.00am Wallington Station (TQ288639, NR Vic.), approx. 2km to north, from whence we
will either walk to the site or use cars if there are sufficient. Joint with the South London Botanical Institute. Bring 35
Ecology & Entomology with the LNHS
A wide variety of animal life is recorded within the recording area of the LNHS. The Ecology & Entomology and
Surveys (Bookham Common & Hampstead Heath) sections run a series of events which are a brilliant
introduction to London’s wildlife.

LNHS Programme #3
                                        See also the LNHS online programme

OCTOBER 2019 cont…

Sat 5 Oct 2019 10.30am – 3.00pm Hampstead Heath Autumn Spider Survey David Carr (BAS recorder)
Meet at 10.30am outside Hampstead Heath overground station (which is a few minutes’ walk from Belsize Park tube
station on the Northern line). End time is approximate. Bring lunch. Everyone is very welcome, members or not, so
spread the word.

10.30am Mayesbrook Park Plant Gall Survey Tommy Root
Meet at Lodge Avenue car park (not sports centre car park) TQ465845. Nearest station Becontree, District Line
(approx 1km walk). Bring lunch. No toilets. Joint with Essex Field Club.

2.00pm – 5.00pm Coldfall Wood Dave Bevan
Meet 2.00pm East Finchley U/g station (TQ272892, Northern line).

Sat 12 Oct 2019 10.00am – 2.00pm Crossness for migrants George Kalli
Meet 10.00am Belvedere Stn (NR Charing Cross). Long half day. Bring snacks. (No toilets).

10.30am – 4.00pm Bookham Common Survey
See later slide for details.

10.30am – 4.00pm Brookwood Cemetery for conifers George Hounsome
Brookwood Cemetery for conifers and anything else we might see. Meet 10.30am Brookwood Stn (SU952569, NR
W'loo). Bring lunch.

Wed 16 Oct 2019 7.00pm – 8.30pm When a sparrow is not a sparrow: the Intriguing Dunnock by Tony Wileman
(Doors open 6.30pm)
Location: Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT
FREE admission sponsored by John Beaufoy Publishing & Jetwing Safari Camp Yala.
LNHS Programme #4
                                          See also the LNHS online programme


Sun 27 Oct 2019 10.00am – 4.00pm The Haringey Fungus Foray Andy Overall and Alan Skipp
Meet 10.00am at Railway Fields LNR (TQ318883), corner of Green Lanes and Umfreville Rd N4, five minutes’ walk
from Manor House U/g station (Picc.). Sites visited will be as last year: after searching Railway Fields we will go to
Queens Wood and then to Alexandra Palace. Bring lunch. Cars needed. Joint with LWT. To avoid turning up late
please note that the clocks will have gone back the night before.


Sat 2 Nov 2019 9.30am – 2.00pm Hampstead Heath Bird Survey Pete Mantle
Meet at 9.30am outside Hampstead Heath overground station (which is a few minutes’ walk from Belsize Park tube
station on the Northern line). End time is approximate. Bring lunch if you wish to continue after 1pm, as many of us
doubtless will. Everyone is very welcome, members or not, so spread the word.

10.00am – 3.00pm Ruislip Woods NNR for woodland birds and wildfowl Neil Anderson
Meet 10.00am at bus stop in Reservoir Road (TQ087892). Nearest station is Ruislip (U/g Met/Picc), then H13 to Lido
or 331 bus to Ducks Hill Road. Long half day. (Toilets, cafe & pub!) If the weather forecast is for very wet weather,
this walk will be cancelled. Please contact Neil on 020 8578 2464 or 0792 223 2801 for confirmation.

10.30am – 4.00pm Barnes Common for lichens John Skinner
Meet 10.30am Barnes Station (TQ222756, NR W'loo). Bring lunch. Leader can be contacted on 07508 956 839 or

Brad Ashby Memorial Lecture (time TBC)
In conjunction with the Annual BENHS Exhibition (Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London, WC1R 4RL).
Check the LNHS website for details.
LNHS Programme #5
                                        See also the LNHS online programme

Sat 9 Nov 2019 10.30am – 4.00pm Bookham Common Survey
See later slide for details.

Tue 12 Nov 2019 6.30pm – 8.30pm LBC AGM & Talk: Unravelling Bird Migration by Rob Sheldon (Doors open at
6.00pm for AGM at 6.30pm)
Location: Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT
Talks commences at 7pm after AGM. FREE admission sponsored by John Beaufoy Publishing & Jetwing Safari Camp

Wed 13 Nov 2019 6.30pm – 9.00pm Botany AGM & Talk
Location: Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL
Talk by John Edgington: "From Banckes to Stace - 500 years of British Botany" will commence after Botany AGM.

Sat 16 Nov 2019 10.00am – 5.00pm Two Tree Island for Brent Geese, Avocet and high tide wader roost Robin
Meet 10.00am Leigh-on-Sea Station (NR Fenchurch Street). All day. Bring lunch. (Toilets).

Sat 23 Nov 2019 10.30am – 2.00pm London Bird Club Walk: London Wetland Centre for winter birds and other
wildlife in autumn
Richard Bullock and Gehan de Silva Wijeyaratne
At one of Europe’s premier urban wetland reserves, we will look for Bittern, wintering wildfowl and more. Meet
10.30am outside visitor centre by Sir Peter Scott statue. Non WWT members, please do not get your tickets until the
group has assembled. Directions & Facilities: See London Wetland Centre website. (Café & Toilets.)

Botany with the LNHS
Several hundred species of plants can be seen by participating in the botany walks organised by the
LNHS. A good chance to learn some of the common as well as scarcer plants in the capital.

LNHS Programme #6
                                         See also the LNHS online programme


Sun 1 Dec 2019 11.00am – 4.00pm Wildflowers in flower in Deptford Nick Bertrand
The traditional hunt for wildflowers in flower in Deptford on the first day of winter. Meet 11.00am Deptford Stn
(TQ371774, NR Cannon St). Joint with the Creekside Education Trust.

Mon 2 Dec 2019 10.00am – 4.00pm Making and Using Insect Collections
Location: Angela Marmont Centre, Natural History Museum
Booking is essential as spaces are limited. This workshop, run in partnership with FSC Biolinks and the AMC, is
aimed at complete beginners and will cover some basic collections skills such as pinning and equipment as well as
give an overview of facilities available to recorders at the AMC. Participants will also be able to use AMC
microscopes and photo stacking equipment. Please check the LNHS website for booking details. There is a £5 admin

Tue 3 Dec 2019 10.00am – 4.00pm Beetle Collections Workshop
Location: Angela Marmont Centre, Natural History Museum
Booking is essential as spaces are limited. The aim of this workshop, organised in partnership with FSC Biolinks and
the AMC, is to bring together both new and existing beetle recorders. The AMC beetle collections will be available
for use and there will be short presentations on different beetle groups. Please check the LNHS website for booking
details. This workshop is free to attend.

Sat 7 Dec 2019 10.30am – 3.00pm Hampstead Heath Winter Spider Survey David Carr (BAS recorder)
Meet at 10.30am outside Hampstead Heath overground station (which is a few minutes’ walk from Belsize Park tube
station on the Northern line). End time is approximate. Bring lunch. Everyone is very welcome, members or not, so
spread the word.

Wed 11 Dec 2019 6.30pm – 8.30pm LNHS AGM
Location: Swedenborg Hall, Barter St, Holborn, London WC1A 2TH
The society's annual AGM. To be followed by an address at the invitation of council (details to be confirmed, check    41
the LNHS website for information).
LNHS Programme #7
                                        See also the LNHS online programme

DECEMBER 2019 cont…..

Sat 14 Dec 2019 10.30am – 4.00pm Bookham Common Survey
See later slide for details.


Tue 7 Jan 2020 6.30pm – 8.30pm E&E AGM
Location: ILEC Conference Centre, 47 Lillie Rd, Fulham, London SW6 1UD
A talk given by Andy Sands (topic TBC) will follow after E&E AGM. Check the LNHS website for information.

Sat 11 Jan 2020 9.30am Walthamstow Wetlands for winter wildfowl, including Goldeneye and perhaps Scaup
and Goosander, and gulls Pete Lambert
Meet 9.30am entrance, opposite Ferry Boat Inn pub (TQ350893). Nearest stations: Tottenham Hale (U/g Vic, NR
London Liverpool St) or Blackhorse Rd (U/g Vic, Overground). Café. AM only. (Toilets.)

10.30am – 4.00pm Bookham Common Survey
See later slide for details.

Sun 12 Jan 2020 10.30am – 4.00pm Thames footpath - A winter walk with botany George Hounsome
Meet 10.30am under the southern end of Kew Bridge. We will walk upstream along the Surrey side as far as
Richmond Lock then return along the Middlesex side, retrace our steps or do anything else that seems suitable.
Nearest station is Kew Bridge (TQ190781, NR W'loo). Bring lunch.

Sun 19 Jan 2020
10.00am Bedfont Lakes for woodpeckers, redwing, wildfowl; smew and bittern possible Andrew Peel
Meet 10.00am Hatton Cross Station (Picc), then H26bus, or at Bedfont Road entrance car park (next to cemetery).
AM only (Toilets).
LNHS Programme #8
                                       See also the LNHS online programme

JANUARY 2019 cont…

Sun 19 Jan 2020 10.00am Bedfont Lakes for woodpeckers, redwing, wildfowl; smew and bittern possible
Andrew Peel
Meet 10.00am Hatton Cross Station (Picc), then H26bus, or at Bedfont Road entrance car park (next to cemetery).
AM only (Toilets).

Mon 20 Jan 2020 5.30pm “Winter Twigs” Workshop led by John Poland
Location: Angela Marmont Centre, Natural History Museum

Wed 22 Jan 2020 7.00pm – 8.30pm Filey Bird Observatory: four seasons of drama by Mark Pearson (Doors open
FREE admission sponsored by John Beaufoy Publishing & Jetwing Safari Camp Yala.

Thur 23 Jan 2020 6.30pm Best Botanical Photos
Location: Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL

LNHS Programme #9
                                        See also the LNHS online programme


Sat 1 Feb 2020 10.30am – 3.00pm Hampstead Heath Bryophyte Survey Prof. Jeff Duckett
We will explore both the West Heath sphagnum bog and the sphagnum bog near Kenwood House, (two of only a
handful in the London area). Meet at 10.00am outside Hampstead underground station (Northern line) OR at
10.30am at the car park by Jack Straw's Castle (From Archway - Northern Line tube - the 210 bus goes to Jack
Straw's Castle). End time is approximate. Bring lunch. Everyone is very welcome, members or not, so spread the

Sat 8 Feb 2020 10.30am – 4.00pm Bookham Common Survey
See later slide for details.

Sun 9 Feb 2020 9.30am Greenwich Peninsula & Ecology Park for winter ducks, Kingfisher, Green Sandpiper and
possibly Water Rail George Kalli
Meet 9.30am North Greenwich Station (U/g Jubilee). AM only. (Toilets at station and Ecology Park).

7.00pm – 8.30pm How to be an Urban Birder by David Lindo (Doors open 6.30pm)
Location: Burgh House, New End Square, Hampstead, London, NW3 1LT
FREE admission sponsored by John Beaufoy Publishing & JetwingSafari Camp Yala.

Tue 11 Feb 2020 6.30pm Botany Quiz
Location: Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL

Sat 29 Feb 2020 11.00am – 4.00pm Brompton Cemetery and its environs Mark Spencer
Meet 11.00am West Brompton station (TQ254780, U/g Dist.). Bring lunch.


Survey: The surveys are opportunities for individual or group studies to investigate and monitor
aspects of the natural history of 400 acres of deciduous woodland and scrub grassland, with a stream
and nine ponds, on this N.T. common. Large scale maps, aerial photographs, progress reports,
identification handbooks and charts available. Explorer No 146 recommended. Meetings are held on
the second Saturday in each month. Meet at Society’s hut (grid ref. TQ125563) at 11:00 or between
13:00 and 14:00. Car parking on common at grid ref. TQ121567, 134569 and 130557. Anyone needing
to be met at station please phone 013 7245 6143 the day before. Bring lunch. Tea made at hut.
Beginners and experts all welcome.

Field Study days: These are designed for the beginner or someone with ‘just a little knowledge’ who
may wish to increase their knowledge and gain confidence in their area of interest. They are
informative, friendly and fun. Teaching material is supplied. In the event of rain, sessions are held in
the hut. Study days are held in the summer months on dates indicated in the body of the programme.
They start at 10:30 (unless otherwise stated) and finish at 16:00. Bring lunch, notebook, pencil and
reference book (a few available at hut). Meet Bookham Station (NR Waterloo/Victoria, but check).

The Hampstead Heath Survey is a long-term project to record the flora and fauna in this large area
(more than 300 ha) of semi-natural habitat entirely surrounded by the urban environment of North
London. Walks and study events, focused on various aspects of the ecology and wildlife of the heath,
are held throughout the year. All are welcome, experts and beginners alike, so come along and bring
your friends if you want to discover more about Hampstead Heath's diversity of wildlife. For further
information contact Kat Duke (
London has an amazing variety of habitats and some of the best nature reserve visitor infrastructure in the world. The
LHNS and other London based nature organisations take full advantage of this.

Why join the London Natural History Society?

    London is a great place to observe wildlife, having a lot of
    places with very special and varied biodiversity

•    The membership benefits are excellent value for money.
•    A great way to discover London’s wild spaces in the
     company of like-minded people.
•    Access to the knowledge of experts who are friendly and
     welcoming to beginners.
•    An excellent way to develop your skills and knowledge
     for recreation or for a career in conservation.
•    Support a society that collects data and influences how
     London’s biodiversity is managed and conserved.

The LNHS is over 150 years old and traces its history back
to 1858.

LNHS Sections

• Membership of the LNHS automatically covers all of its sections
  which include the:

• Ecology and Entomology section
• Botany section
• London Bird Club (its ornithology section)
• Other sections include the Bookham Common Survey and the
  Hampstead Heath Survey.
• There are no separate ‘section membership’ fees.

Print Publications (free for LNHS Members)
The following print publications are received by
members. Back copies of The London Naturalist
and the London Bird Report can be purchased by

The London Naturalist
Annual journal with scientific papers. Ove 90
issues to date.
It is an A5 sized full colour publication, typically
around 200 pages.

London Bird Report
Published since 1937 and with 80 issues to date,
sets a benchmark.
It is an A5 sized full colour publication of 256

LNHS Newsletter
The quarterly Newsletter carries many trip reports
and articles and useful announcements. A4 sized,
typically 30 pages.

LNHS Programme
This compact, A6 sized single colour publication is
sent out twice a year. Its pocket size means many
members keep it permanently in their bag.
LNHS Library

• The LNHS library has one of the largest
   collections on natural history related to

•   In the Angela Marmont Centre in the Natural
    History Museum in South Kensington.

•   Any member of the public can access the LNHS
    library for reference, but borrowing rights are
    only for members.

LNHS Social Media & Membership

Social Media

•   Twitter                              @londonbirdclub, @LNHSoc

•   Facebook                             London Natural History Society

•   MeetUp                               London Natural History Society

•   Instagram                            londonbirdclub

• Yahoo Message Board.

How do I become a member?
Details are on the website Student and family membership options are available at
modest rates. Membership subscriptions can be paid by PayPal or a Standing Order set up. The ordinary
individual membership of £20pa is outstanding value for money.

If you are seeing this at a talk and would like a pdf of this presentation emailed to you, please speak to
Gehan de Silva, the Chair of the London Bird Club or email him on                  51
London Bird Club Reading Circle
Read the major birding periodicals for less!
Members can elect to subscribe to some or all of a number of shared publications. All you have to do
after reading the periodical is to post it to the next person on the list.
For more information contact Angela Linnell (LBC Reading Circle Secretary) at

                                                     Subs   Full Private
                                                    Cost pa Subscription
Ardea is a Dutch scientific journal on birds. All
articles are in English.                              1.50       Euro 45
British Birds has papers on identification,
rarities and conservation.                            6.75       £60.00
Dutch Birding is a technical journal, includes
papers on identification and rarities. About half
the papers are in English.                            3.50      Euro 43.50
Ibis is one of the world's leading scientific
journals on birds, published by the British
Ornithologists Union.                                 8.00       £55.00
Irish Birds has reports and records and papers on
Irish birds.                                          2.00
Scottish Birds has reports and records and
papers on Irish birds.                                5.00       £36.00
London Bird Atlas
    ‘Every birder in the capital should own a copy of this important book’. Dominic Mitchell, Founder &
    Editor, Birdwatch Magazine

    ‘The wealth of information in this impressive volume will add significantly to our understanding and
    enjoyment of the capital’s birdlife’. Roger Riddington, Editor, British Birds
•     Published November 2017.
•     280 x 215 mm (nearly A4 size). Hard cover with dust jacket.
      416 Pages.
•     Readable accounts of species with informative graphs and
•     Photographs for each of the 188 species given full accounts.
•     502 maps.
•     RRP £39.99. Check pricing and availability online.

Get Involved with the London Bird Club

Over 30 people holds posts in the LBC and share the workload. Here are a few skills/people we are
looking for.

London Bird Report Editorial Board
Keen birdwatchers to assist with writing species accounts for the annual London Bird Report or to take
on a wider role in assisting the Editorial Board.

Website Skills
To help manage web content. The LBC have a liaison team to support the LNHS webmaster.

Design Skills
People with experience in using professional publishing software to produce books, posters and flyers.
To help with the LNHS Learning series.

London Bird Report: Call for Writers
• The London Bird Report Editorial Board is looking to expand the number of writers from 20 to 40.
• A chance to sharpen your skills as a birder and writer and have a citable piece of work.
• More details on the LNHS website. See
•   Or contact Pete Lambert the Chair of the Editorial Board on

The London Naturalist: Call for Papers & Cover Photos
                  Volume 98 of The London Naturalist, the annual journal of the LNHS,
                  will appear in November 2019. Any authors wishing to submit papers
                  – or who are considering doing so – should contact the Editor, Nick
                  Rutter, by email at Nick will be very
                  happy to discuss ideas for papers. The deadline for submission of
                  papers is likely to be 31 July, but it would be helpful to receive
                  indications of proposed papers no later than 31 March 2019.

                  Cover Photographs
                  Members of the LNHS are invited to submit photos for consideration
                  for use on the cover of future issues of The London Naturalist. The
                  photos will be considered by The London Naturalist editorial team,
                  with input from other photographers including Gehan de Silva

                  • Photos should be on the theme of “London and its wildlife”.
                  • Any aspect of London’s natural history may be covered, but
                     priority will be given to non-ornithological subjects (as birds are
                     well catered for in the London Bird Club’s publications).
                  • Photos should be submitted to the Editor, Nick Rutter, by 31 July
                  • Photos should not already have appeared in other 56  publications.
                  Please send submissions, or any questions, to Nick at

Marylebone Birdwatching Society 1. Talks

Venue: All Indoor Meetings start 7.15pm at Gospel Oak Methodist Church. Agincourt
Road, NW3 2NT. (Entrance in Lisburne Road). Entrance charge of £5 (£3 for MBS


Fri 20 Sep 2019 Jeff Blincow - Birdwatching in Yunnan.
Lecture followed by AGM. Following a talk about Bhutan in March 2017, Jeff returns to describe
his three-week winter trip to Yunnan. Most of the birds will be unique to Asia: Rusty-Fronted
Barwing & Scimitar Babblers as well as bulbuls, barbets, flycatchers, laughing-thrushes,
leafbirds & sunbirds. Jeff's talks are always interesting, educational and not all about birds.
This talk will feature trees, fungi, dragonflies and even dinosaurs!

Fri 18 Oct 2019 Saffron Summerfield - When Birds Sing
 Saffron Summerfield is a musician, composer, passionate bird observer and bird song recordist.
When Birds Sing is a digitally illustrated talk which combines latest scientific research and
human reaction to bird song, illustrated with her own field recordings, sonograms and music.

Fri 15 Nov 2019 Gary Prescott - The Biking Birder
Gary, a special needs teacher from Worcestershire, has always been a keen birder, cyclist and
promoter of environmental causes. He will be telling stories from his 3 years on the road as he
cycled around the UK visiting every RSPB and Wildlife & Wetlands Trust nature reserve.

Marylebone Birdwatching Society (MBS)                                        58
Marylebone Birdwatching Society 2. Talks

Fri 24 Jan 2020 Mark Pearson - Seabird Nirvana: Bempton Cliffs & Filey Bay
Mark is an ecologist, nature writer, speaker, wildlife guide, conservationist, expert birder and a
passionate and engaging communicator. In this talk, he takes us to one of Yorkshire's most
iconic and breath-taking panoramas and the best bay for birds on the east coast.

Fri 21 Feb 2020 Rick and Elis Simpson - An Inspiration of Waders
The founders of Wader Quest spoke to us before about their work supporting shorebird
conservation. This talk explores how waders have inspired people, the arts, culture, myths &
legends and how they are, in themselves, a most inspiring group of birds.

Fri 20 March 2020 Ashley Grove - Jewels of The Gambia
Ashley and his wife run Experience Nature offering birding holidays at home and abroad.
Ashley’s talks are known to be informative and colourful and show his true passion for wildlife
and the great outdoors. He will share his experience of regular visits to The Gambia.

Fri 24 April 2020 Joint Meeting with London Bird Club Dominic Couzens - Birding a
Local Patch
Dominic is a writer and field trip leader. He is passionate about sharing his experience and
knowledge of bird behaviour. He has written many books and is a frequent contributor to
birding and wildlife magazines. Drawing on his experience as the Patch-watcher at Longham
Lakes, Dorset, he will fully cover all the many delights and frequent disadvantages of being a

Marylebone Birdwatching Society (MBS)
Marylebone Birdwatching Society 3. Local Outings
Sat 21 Sept 2019 Amwell Wildlife Trust SSSI, Herts
Reserve with 2 waterbodies and a variety of wetland, grassland & woodland habitats.
Great Crested Grebe, Heron, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Water Rail, Common Sandpiper,
Yellow Wagtail, Stonechat, Wryneck, Whinchat & Hobby. No facilities but there’s The
Jolly Fisherman, near the station, (opens 11am) where toilets are available for the
price of a coffee. Liverpool Street to St Margarets. Meet 10.30. 10-min walk to reserve.

Sat 19 Oct 2019 Two Tree Island, Essex
640-acre island of grassland, scrub, reedbed and lagoons. Waders including Knot,
Dunlin, Lapwing, Curlew, Grey Plover. Also Brent Geese and a variety of ducks. Station
Café & WC plus a Café by the golf range nearer the reserve. London Fenchurch Street to
Leigh-on-Sea. Meet 10.30. 10-min walk.

Sat 16 Nov 2019 Cheshunt, Fishers Green, Lee Valley, Herts
Wetland, rivers and streams, open water, grassland, woodland. Bittern, Goosander,
Goldeneye, Water Rail, Buzzard, Red Kite. WC in car park by station, WC at Fishers
Green plus hot drinks at Bittern Information Point. WC, Café in YHA near station.
Liverpool Street to Cheshunt. Meet 10.30. Walk to reserve.

Sat 14 Dec 2019 Regent’s Park pre-Christmas walk
 Meet at 2 Park Road, NW1 4SH, NW of Baker Street tube by Santander cycle dock. 10.30
departure. Morning only. Packed lunch not needed. Water (including collection) and
woodland birds. Cafés, WC.

   See the MBS website for more details.                              60
Marylebone Birdwatching Society 4. Local Outings.
Sat 18 Jan 2020 Rainham Marshes RSPB, Essex
Medieval marshes next to the River Thames. Marsh Harrier, Avocet, Bearded Tit, Godwits and many wildfowl. Thrushes &
Finches. Hides and open viewing areas, Visitor Centre with café, shop and WC. Fenchurch St to Purfleet. 20-min walk.
Meet at reserve centre 10.30.

Sat 15 Feb 2020 Oare Marsh, Kent
Grazing marsh, reedbed, saltmarsh and seawall. Brent Geese, Curlew, Dunlin, Merlin, Hen Harrier, Bittern, Twite. WC at
station. Victoria or St Pancras to Faversham. Meet 10.30. Cars/taxis to reserve.

Sat 21 March 2020 College Lake, Tring, Herts
65-hectare reserve in a former chalk quarry with marshland, chalk grassland, woodland scrub and hedgerows. Lapwing,
Redshank, Skylark, Kestrel, Thrushes, Finches and Tits. Hides. Visitor Centre, WC, shop, café. Euston to Tring. Meet 10.30.
Cars and taxis to reserve.

Sat 4 April 2020 Totteridge Valley and Darlands Lake
Lake, brooks, willow & sallow carr, woodland & ancient hedgerows. Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrow Hawk, Red Kite; Spotted
Flycatcher, Stonechat, Yellow Wagtail; Warblers. WC at the station. Café in Finchley Nurseries Garden Centre. Northern
Line to Totteridge and Whetstone. Go to Orange Tree Pub, westerly direction, 20-min walk (0.8mile) or 6-min on bus 251
from Stop B opposite station. Meet at pub 10.30.

Sat 23 May 2020 Paxton Pits Nature Reserve, Cambridgeshire
78 hectares of lakes, riverside, meadow, reedbed, scrub & woodland. Hirundines, warblers including possible Garden
Warbler, Common and Artic Tern, Hobby, Avocet, Cuckoo, Nightingale. Visitor Centre with WC, hot drinks and snacks.
Kings Cross to St Neots. Meet 10.30. Cars/taxis to reserve.

Sat 13 June 2020 Stocker’s Lake (HWT) and Rickmansworth Aquadrome LNR, Herts.
Lakes, scrub marshland, the Grand Union canal, river and reed bed. Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Common Terns, Little Egret,
Swallow, Kingfisher, waterfowl. WC at station. Café with WC at Bury Lake. Chiltern Rly from Marylebone or Metropolitan
line to Rickmansworth. Meet at 10.30. Walk to reserve.                                                              61
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