DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College

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DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
Professors and Other Experts
Share Advice on Financing
Your Theatre Degree

by Amy Cuomo
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
Most performing arts students have heard that when it comes to theatre, the real work is
getting the job. Just as an actor must audition to get a part, those seeking to finance their
education have to invest time and energy to reach their goal.
   This past summer, Southern Theatre surveyed SETC members affiliated with colleges,
universities and training programs and asked them to share financial aid advice for the-
atre students, as well as information on scholarships at their schools. In addition, Southern
                                                                                                                             See list of
                                                                                                                             at schools that
Theatre asked admissions directors and financial aid directors to share tips for students.                                   participated
   The challenges that students face begin long before they step on campus. One of the big-                                  in the SETC
                                                                                                                             survey at
gest mistakes that Steven Roten, a theatre professor at Meredith College in North Carolina,                        
sees is that sometimes students don’t have their financial plans in order before school starts.                              scholarship-list
   “I have had students who have to figure out how they are going to pay tuition each and
every semester,” Roten said. “This adds a great amount of stress to the student and keeps
them on a shifting foundation that makes them question the permanence of their education.”  
   Part of the problem for many students and their parents is that college is expensive, and
the financial aid process can be overwhelming. A key to success is to make the time to educate
yourself. Fortunately, there are many resources that can help. From government websites to
video tutorials, there is a plethora of information on the financial aid process provided by
experts in the field. details comprehensive information regarding federal
student aid, and it publishes a “College Preparation Checklist” that explains the different
types of financial assistance and includes a timeline to map your progress. The website
also incorporates facts and figures for those who wish to go to graduate school and for
adult learners returning to college. For more specific suggestions related to financing your                                  Steven Roten
                                                                                                                             Meredith College
theatre education, college and university theatre professors can supply valuable advice.
DO FAFSA AND APPLICATIONS EARLY                            Crook, an associate professor and executive director
   At most colleges, universities and training pro-        of the Etherredge Center at the University of South
grams, the first step you should take toward financing     Carolina Aiken, recommends contacting “the admis-
your education is to fill out the Free Application for     sions office to find a list of all scholarships for which
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – and the sooner the           you might qualify.”
better, to ensure you have the greatest chance to secure      And Deborah Martin, chair of the theatre depart-
assistance. The FAFSA is required for a student to         ment at Berea College in Kentucky, says you should
receive federal grants, loans and work-study. Whether      not be afraid to ask questions “of the chair, your aca-
your family expects to apply for federal aid or not,       demic advisor, your admissions counselor, etc. Don’t                Megan Speth
you should fill out the FAFSA.                             assume that your question is insignificant. Make it                 Mary Baldwin
   “While some families may not necessarily qualify        your job to read your email every day and respond
for federal funding, many colleges and universities        when necessary.”
use FAFSA information in scholarship and other             CONSIDER THE COSTS
institutional funding decisions,” said Megan Speth,           Knowing how much money you will need for the
director of financial aid at Mary Baldwin University       school of your dreams can help you plan. CollegeCalc.
in Virginia.                                               org includes an analysis of each college’s tuition com-
   Generally, the sooner you fill out the FAFSA and        pared to the national average and estimates the cost
begin applying to the schools that are of interest to      of housing, books, supplies and other living expenses.
you, the better your chance of receiving aid.                 It also reveals the average aid amount provided
   “Many scholarships are determined early,” noted         to students by colleges and universities. However,
Eric van Baars, an associate professor and director        some universities with expensive sticker prices can               Eric van Baars
of the School of Theatre and Dance at Kent State           provide large aid packages, so keep in mind that the            Kent State University

University in Ohio.                                        dollar amounts listed on are based
   As you navigate the process of applying, Paul           on average awards. Your award could be greater or

                                                                                                                 Winter 2021 x Southern Theatre x 25
Reprinted with permission from the Winter 2021 issue of Southern Theatre, the magazine of the Southeastern Theatre Conference (
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
those add up quickly,” he said. “Even at the
                                                                                                  more prestigious schools, remember that
                                                                                                  you are interviewing them as much as they
                                                                                                  are interviewing you. While a program may
                                                                                                  seem fantastic and have tons of exciting
                                                                                                  alumni, no program is perfect for everyone.
                                                                                                  You are looking to find the right fit for you.”
                                                                                                     Public institutions usually are less
    Paul Crook               Heather McMahon      Carrie Klofach             Tom Burch            expensive than private ones, although
 University of South         Maryville College   Milligan University      University of North     private schools sometimes offer substantial
  Carolina Aiken                                                         Carolina at Charlotte
                                                                                                  scholarships that bring the costs more in
smaller depending on your circumstances.         opportunities because you assumed you            line with public school tuition. Professors
   “Don’t be put off by the sticker price,”      couldn’t afford it,” she said. “Your financial   at two-year institutions note that starting
said Heather McMahon, a professor of             aid package will look different at every         out at a community college, where tuition
theatre at Maryville College in Tennessee.       school.”                                         is lower, and transferring to a four-year
“Apply and wait for offers so that you can          In looking at the cost of attendance, stu-    institution as a junior may also cut educa-
compare the actual cost of each institution      dents need to realize that tuition is just one   tion costs.
you are considering.”                            component, noted Tom Burch, an associate            “Research community colleges in the
   Carrie Klofach, an assistant professor of     professor of scenic design at the University     area and get your first two years done
musical theatre at Milligan University in        of North Carolina at Charlotte.                  [there],” suggested Jessica Gaffney, chair
Tennessee, also noted that students should          “While tuition may look like a ‘good          of theatre at Cape Fear Community College
not eliminate schools before seeing their        deal,’ many students/families fail to            in North Carolina. “Knock out all of your
individual aid packages.                         adequately estimate the proper cost of           general education courses [in community
   “Don’t miss out on some financial aid         housing/food/books/fees/materials, and           college].”

26 x Southern Theatre x Winter 2021
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
Because living expenses can add sig-          major tuition discounts. Most schools offer    are offered. Your letter will also note the
nificantly to the cost of college, staying at    some kind of financial aid for students that   expected family contribution (EFC). Do not
home and attending community college             transfer into the program, but whether or      hesitate to seek guidance in understanding
for the first two years can save students        not it’s going to be a better bargain in the   the award letter and your total cost.
and their families a substantial amount of       long run is likely determined case by case.”      Your letter may include grants and
money. Also, some community colleges                In addition to researching the costs of     scholarships, which do not have to be
maintain transfer agreements with four-          institutions, consider your own financial      repaid, as well as options for federal loans
year institutions so that the credits earned     situation in making a decision about           and work-study. Any costs not covered by
while attending the two-year school can be       whether a school is right for you.             this aid will have to be paid out of pocket.
applied to the bachelor’s degree.                   “Have realistic conversations as a family      The best kind of aid, of course, is money
   While that can be a good option for           about what is financially reasonable and       that does not have to be repaid: grants
many students, it may not be right for all. At   what isn’t,” recommended Jacob Browne,         and scholarships. Some grants, such as
some schools, entering as a junior can make      director of admissions at Eckerd College in    Pell grants, are federal awards based on
a difference in scholarship availability, said   Florida. “Keep your options open in case       income, while others may be awarded to
Marty Lynch, an associate professor of           your ‘dream school’ does not work out          people pursuing certain careers or meeting
theatre at Eureka College in Illinois.           financially.”                                  other criteria.
   “If you absolutely need financial aid,        UNDERSTAND THE TYPES OF AID                    SCORE A SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP
you are probably looking at affordable two-         After a student is accepted at a college       Scholarships at institutions are typically
year programs as well, with the intention of     or university, the institution will provide    based on financial need or upon merit.
transferring into a four-year program down       an award letter that outlines the financial    Standardized test scores and grade point
the road,” Lynch said. “Some scholarships        aid package offered to the student. Award      averages are often factors in the award of
are only available to incoming freshmen.         letters vary from institution to institution   merit-based scholarships.
If you transfer in as a junior with an AA        but generally provide an estimated cost of        “Our university offers students merit
[degree], you may wind up missing out on         attendance (COA) and any aid that you          awards as soon as they apply,” said Michele

           MLitt/MFA in Shakespeare & Performance
           at Mary Baldwin in partnership with the
           American Shakespeare Center


                                                                                                              Winter 2021 x Southern Theatre x 27
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
Pagen, a professor of theatre at California            design at the University of Tennessee,
                                      University of Pennsylvania. “The amount                Knoxville.
                                      increases according to GPA.”                              F. Randy deCelle, head of MFA design
                                         In addition to the general merit-based              and technical production at the University
                                      scholarships that all students vie for, you’ll         of Alabama, notes that “the department is
                                      also want to explore theatre-specific schol-           going to have the most up-to-date informa-
                                      arships. Information on those is usually               tion regarding department-level scholar-
                                      found within the theatre department or                 ships, work-study or even potential paid
                                      theatre program. College and university                positions with the given department. And
                                      faculty members responding to the Southern             the bigger the university or college, the
                                      Theatre survey reported scholarships for               more important it is to contact the depart-
                                      theatre majors in amounts ranging from                 ment directly first. Start at the websites.”
             BA/BS in Theatre         under $1,000 to as much as full tuition, with             If you are interested in acting or design,
                                      some scholarships renewable for all four               you often need to audition or create a port-
               NAST Accredited
             Scholarships Available   years. (See the list of school scholarships            folio that you can share. Professors will be
                                      provided by faculty in the online survey at            looking for “a very strong audition and                        portfolio,” said Roger Del Pozo, director
                                         Once you’ve decided on a school that                of outreach for the New York Film Academy.
                                      you may wish to attend, theatre profes-                   Timing is important in receiving both
                                      sors say it is important that you reach out            general school-wide scholarships and those
                                      beyond the admissions office.                          specific to theatre. If you wait too long to
                                         “Talk to the department and individual              apply, scholarship dollars may already
                                      faculty members,” suggested Christopher                be committed. Timing also can play an
                                      Pickart, an associate professor of scenic              important role in how much money you

                                                                UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS               Minors
                                                                Bachelor of Fine Arts                • Music
                                                                • Acting
                                                                • Musical Theatre                    Certificates
                                                                Bachelor of Arts                     • Theatre
                                                                • Music                              • Production Technologies
                                                                • Theatre
                                                                                                     GRADUATE PROGRAMS
                                                                Bachelor of Music
                                                                                                     Master of Arts
                                                                • Musical Theatre                    • Musical Theatre
                                                                • Piano Performance                  • Worship Leadership
                                                                • Vocal Performance                  & Theology
                                                                Bachelor of Science                  Master of Music
                                                                • Music                              • Music Education
                                                                • Music Education                    Non-Certification
                                                                P-12 Teacher Certification           • Piano Performance
                                                                • Music Education                    • Vocal Performance
                                                                • Worship Leadership                 DOCTORAL PROGRAMS
                                                                • Production Technologies            Doctor of Musical Arts
                                                                                                     • Vocal Performance

                                                                 A P P LY T O D A Y A T U M O B I L E . E D U / A P P LY


28 x Southern Theatre x Winter 2021
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
receive at many schools.
   “Audition early to be considered for
the highest scholarship amounts,” said
Tara Warfield, chair of the Department of
Theatre and Musical Theatre at Shorter
University in Georgia.
   Also, consider the best times to visit
schools. Avoid contacting the theatre
department in the summer months if pos-            Jessica Gaffney          Jacob Browne         F. Randy deCelle           Tara Warfield
sible, deCelle recommends.                           Cape Fear              Eckerd College          University of         Shorter University
                                                  Community College                                  Alabama
   “For many places, the absolute worst
time to reach out to theatre practitioners          As you begin to get offers from different    The freshman scholarships aren’t the only
working in academia is during the sum-           schools, you shouldn’t base your decision       opportunity for merit-based aid.”
mer,” deCelle said. “Many are working            to attend strictly on how much scholarship         Professors also urge you to ask questions
summer stock or other positions during           help you might get as a freshman, advised       and state your needs clearly. Don’t be afraid
the summer so may not have access or time        Britton Lynn, a professor of theatre at Hard-   to ask for more aid if the package you are
to appropriately deal with all of the ques-      ing University in Arkansas. Some schools,       being offered is not enough.
tions. The biggest mistake is to just show up    he noted, may offer larger amounts to              “Advocate for yourself!” recommends
unannounced at a department during the           returning students.                             Natalie Robin, head of the Theatre Design
summer… However, if [potential students]            “Don’t use the amounts awarded to            and Technology Department at the Uni-
make contact with the department ahead           freshmen as the only factor,” Lynn said.        versity of the Arts in Pennsylvania. “Ask
of time, typically someone, likely the chair,    “We don’t want to give away the bank just       questions. Push for more aid. Be honest
will be glad to meet, because, after all, it’s   based on our first impression. We want to       and upfront about what you actually need
all about the students.”                         reward consistent strength and growth.          to make it work.”

                                                                                                               Winter 2021 x Southern Theatre x 29
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
SEEK SCHOLARSHIPS FROM                           to really use the profile feature that each
                                              OTHER ORGANIZATIONS                              website has. They will ask all kinds of
                                                 While financial aid awards received           questions about your interests, where you
                                              directly from institutions often comprise a      live, extracurriculars, etc. These allow their

        THEATRE                               significant amount of the money students
                                              receive for college, outside scholarships
                                                                                               site to narrow down and send you scholar-
                                                                                               ships that you might qualify for. Everyone
                                              can help defray some of the additional           applies for large scholarships, but there are
                                              expenses. As with applying for financial         some really specific scholarships – maybe
                                              aid, it helps to start early in applying for     one for a student interested in theatre from
                                              these scholarships. Many of the award            a county in Georgia who has danced for
                                              applications are due in the fall for the fol-    more than five years. If you don’t answer
                                              lowing year.                                     the questions in the profile, you might not
                                                 Organizations dedicated to theatre often      be sent that scholarship.”
                                              offer scholarships. For example, SETC               While you may be able to find some
                                              awards the Steve Bayless Undergraduate           theatre-specific scholarships online, don’t
                                              Scholarship, which provides $2,000 to a          limit your search only to those, recom-
                                              high school student on entering a college        mends Crook of the University of South
                                              or university in the SETC region to major        Carolina Aiken.
                                              in theatre. SETC also provides a number of          “Do your research online to see what
                                              awards for graduate students. View SETC          other entities are out there offering schol-
                                              scholarships and awards here:          arship money,” he said. “From churches to
                                              scholarships-awards/scholarships.                civic organizations to national essay com-
                                                 Playbill offers a list of “Thirteen College   petitions, there is a lot of money out there
                                              Scholarships for Arts Students” online. The      for students, if you only take the time to
                                              focus of the list is on the performing arts,     look. And don’t scoff at what you think is
                                              including several one-time scholarships          a ‘small’ amount. Remember that you can
                                              for students who intend to study theatre.        stack scholarships on top of each other, and

        U N D E R G RAD UAT E
                                                 Beyond that, you can search the web           every little bit helps.”
        DEGREES:                              for arts- or theatre-related scholarships.          Klofach of Milligan University notes that
        Bachelor of Fine Arts in              However, Wilmani Humphries, senior               students may also be able to find scholar-
        Theatre Performance                   financial aid advisor at the University of       ships offered by organizations where indi-
                                              West Georgia, cautions that students need        viduals in the family are members.
        Bachelor of Fine Arts in              to be careful in their online searches.             “Make a list of family connections – non-
        Theatre Technology                       “A number of websites exist only to steal     profits, heritage organizations, veterans’
                                              student data and personal identifying infor-     associations, churches, employer scholar-
        Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
                                              mation,” he said. “To avoid this, ensure the     ship programs – and do some research
                                              website is not requesting money upfront,         into scholarship programs they may have,”
        L E AR N M O R E AT :                 guaranteeing that you’ll win, or has very        she said.
                                              few eligibility requirements. Also, check           Benard Cummings, an associate pro-
                                              the ‘About Us’ section of the website and do     fessor of theatre at Southern Methodist
        AP P LY N OW:                         additional research about the organization,      University in Texas, noted that major com-                      based on the content they have provided          panies also offer scholarships.
                                              there. Remember that if it sounds too good          “Talk to your high school counselor
                                              to be true, it usually is.”                      about all of the wonderful scholarships
                                                 Speth of Mary Baldwin University says         and grants offered by major companies,
                                              the two major sites she recommends to            including Fortune 500 companies,” Cum-
                                              students searching for scholarships are          mings said.
       2800 University Blvd N. Jacksonville and                   Simply keeping your grades up in high
       FL 32211 | (904)- 256-7370                “Both are legitimate sources that have        school also may open doors to additional
                                              been vetted,” she said. “The key here is         money. Alan Yeong-Marcello, a professor of

30 x Southern Theatre x Winter 2021
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
Natalie Robin         Wilmani Humphries      Benard Cummings        Alan Yeong-Marcello
University of the Arts   University of West     Southern Methodist      University of West
                              Georgia               University               Georgia

theatre at the University of West Georgia,      ADD LOANS AS NEEDED
noted that some states offer scholarships          Scholarships are wonderful because
to high school students who graduate            they are “free” money that does not have
with grade point averages above a certain       to be repaid. But most students also need
level.                                          to take out loans in order to pay for college.
   “Do excellent work during your high             There are two major categories of stu-
school career,” he recommended. “There          dent loans: federal and private. You must                     BFA Theatre & Dance
are many state scholastic scholarships          fill out a FAFSA in order to receive a federal               with concentrations in:
[awarded] to those with excellent grades.       Stafford loan, which is either subsidized
In the state of Georgia, for example, incom-    (if family income meets certain criteria) or
ing freshmen could qualify for the HOPE         unsubsidized (for those above that level).
Scholarship or the Zell Miller Scholarship.     Students do not have to pay interest on
Continue your highest pursuit in your aca-      subsidized Stafford loans until after they                 Follow the Creative Impulse
demic goals, and opportunities will come.”      graduate or cease to attend college, while
   Because of the time that it takes to apply   unsubsidized Stafford Loans accrue inter-
                                                                                                                 BFA Theatre & Dance
for scholarships, especially if there is an     est immediately. The FAFSA also must be                         with concentrations In:
essay involved, you need to work strategi-      completed for parents to apply for PLUS                                     Acting
cally to increase your odds of success.         loans, federal loans that parents can receive                               Dance
   “You want to ensure you meet the basic       to help pay college expenses for the student.                           Musical Theatre
eligibility requirements for the scholarship,      Private loans are usually obtained
                                                                                                                BA Theatre & Dance
but never discount yourself,” Humphries         by students and/or their parents to pay
                                                                                                               with concentrations in:
of the University of West Georgia advised.      expenses in excess of what the aid package
“Scholarship searching can be frustrating,      will cover. Interest rates and availability                                    Dance
but it’s important that you don’t give up.      are based on credit ratings. There are other                                   Design

You’ll likely apply for quite a few scholar-    types of loans available for those seeking an
                                                                                                          Located close to Nashville, in
ships before you are awarded one, but           undergraduate or graduate degree. You can               Clarksville, Tennessee, APSU has a
that’s additional funding in your pocket        find more information at                     student-centered training program
                                                                                                        that is focused on giving you the
that doesn’t have to be repaid. To increase        The significance of taking out a student                skills you need to work in a
your odds of success, apply and search for      loan can elude students. Student loans                     competitive industry. With
                                                                                                          six shows
                                                                                                              sh      a year and multiple
scholarships throughout the year, not just      don’t go away even if you declare bank-                    connections to professional
during the summer. Also, ensure you apply       ruptcy, and you will have to pay back                       troupes, our students get
                                                                                                       opportunities from day one to work
for scholarships for which you meet the         significantly more than you borrowed.
                                                                                                         collegiately and professionally
criteria. Finally, ensure your essay(s) have    This doesn’t mean students shouldn’t bor-                 in a supportive environment.
been proofread by multiple professionals        row money to go to school, but planning is
you trust. Once you have enough essays,         essential. The reality of paying off student 
you’ll want to save them somewhere safe         debt can be a harsh one. This is the reason            Austin Peay State University does not discriminate on the
                                                                                                   basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
so that you can refer to them in the future     that ascertaining the exact amount you will        gender identity/expression, disability, age, status as a protected
                                                                                                   veteran, genetic information or any other legally protected class
or make small edits to submit them for dif-     need to take out in loans is so important.       with respect to all employment programs and activities sponsored by
                                                                                                     APSU. Policy 6:003 AP44/9-20/1
ferent scholarship applications.”                                    (Continued on Page 34)

                                                                                                                      Winter 2021 x Southern Theatre x 31
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College

It is rare that a non-profit organization operates like SETC. We rely very little on fundraising,
but rather we sustain on event registrations. However, these times of industry shutdown and
social quarantine make it apparent that we are going to need a helping hand.

 •    SETC connects many emerging artists with        •   SETC organizes hiring events for theatres and
      their first professional job.                       production companies of all sizes to produce
 •    SETC helps students be recruited by their           their best possible work.
      dream college, university, or program.          •   SETC promotes and nurtures networking
 •    SETC provides training and workshops to             moments turning new colleagues into artistic
      inspire career trajectory.                          collaborators.

 •    SETC offers commercial opportunities for        •   SETC creates experiences where everyone
      realized business growth.                           feels accepted and free to flourish as
 •    SETC fosters collaboration to face challenges
      and bring forth new ideas.

                           HOW TO MAKE A GIFT TO SETC
 ENCLOSED ENVELOPE                                                     ONLINE
 Return the enclosed envelope with cash, check,                        Visit
 or your card information. (Inserted in this magazine)
DOLLARS AND SENSE Professors and Other Experts Share Advice on Financing Your Theatre Degree - Maryville College
UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA                                                 2020
              THEATRE COMPANY                                                                     2021

P L A Y W E S T.NAST Accredited                   • Access to professional theatre artists
       Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre         • Access to industry standard software in theatrical sound, lighting,
                                                    costume, and scenic design
      BFA in Theatre, Acting Concentration
                                                  • Performance and design opportunities starting in freshman year
BFA in Theatre, Design/Technology Concentration
                                                  • Design lab, lighting lab, sound recording studio, large scene shop, and
           Musical Theatre Certificate              new costume shop
                                                  • Internship programs (local, national, international)
                                                  • Practical experience in all facets of theatrical production
        FOR MORE INFORMATION                      • Student scripts from playwriting course are produced in regular season
     678-839-4700 or           • Student-directed and designed theatre productions
                                                  • Conference participation and travel opportunities
         WESTGA.EDU/THEATRE                       • Strong alumni contacts

                                                  MAKE UWG YOUR DESTINATION FOR THEATRE.
(Continued from Page 31)      at 4.5% and pays the loan back in 10 years,

 C                                                The common factor linking federal and
                                               private loans is that they charge interest.
                                                                                                the cost of the interest is $6,019.27. Using
                                                                                                the same calculator, you will find that if a
 O                                             Few students entering college understand         student borrows $35,000 at 4.5% interest

 L                                             how interest is calculated. It’s crucial to
                                               know this information to anticipate the
                                                                                                and pays it back in 20 years, the cost of the
                                                                                                interest is nearly three times that amount:
 L                                             amount of money you will need to repay.          $17,916.10. Private loans, which often come

 A                                    includes a calculator that
                                               will estimate the total cost of a loan as well
                                                                                                with higher interest rates, can add even
                                                                                                more to the total price of an education.
 B                                             as monthly payments. For example, if a stu-         Once you analyze the impact of taking

 O                                             dent borrows $25,000 (in subsidized loans)       out loans to pay for your education, you

 A                                                BIGGEST MISTAKES STUDENTS MAKE
 T • BA in Theatre with                          RESEARCHING SCHOOLS                            NEGOTIATING AID
 E Performance          and Production
                                                 “The biggest mistake I see is depending
                                                 on people to lead you along. You have to
                                                                                                 “The biggest mistake families make regard-
                                                                                                ing financial aid is not applying. You may be
 . • Annual Production in London                 be proactive. Do your research and be          eligible for assistance and not even know it!
                                                 ready with questions to ask your admis-        With many programs, the financial aid pack-
         at the International Youth
 C               Arts Festival
                                                 sions and financial aid officers.” - Paul      age isn’t completely determined until after

 R State of the ArtLearning
                                                 Crook, associate professor of theatre,         admission is offered. Don’t let concerns
         • Experiential                in        University of South Carolina Aiken             over tuition keep you from applying and
 E • Acting Scholarships and                     “Simply not asking enough questions.
                                                                                                finding out what opportunities you could
                                                                                                have.” - Mica Harrison Loosemore, director
 A TechnicalAvailable
                                                 Make us look for answers within our
                      Assistantships                                                            of recruitment and enrollment, Carnegie
                                                 own university.” - Kelly Berry, director

                                                                                                Mellon University School of Drama
                                                 of theatre, Georgia Southern University
                                                                                                “They don’t ask for an increase. If a student
 E ForLeemore  information, please contact:      “They only see the sticker price of a col-
            Neibert, Director of Theatre at      lege and don’t further investigate other       wants to attend a specific school, oftentimes

 . (864) 503-5987 or     sources of aid.” - Jacob Browne, director
                                                 of admissions, Eckerd College
                                                                                                students can negotiate to get a better offer
                                                                                                and that will be enough to allow them to
               800 University Way
                                                                                                attend the college of their choice.” - Tara
             Spartanburg, SC 29303               “Not asking questions! There are so            Warfield, chair, Department of Theatre and

                                                 many amazing people willing to help.           Musical Theatre, Shorter University
                                                 Ask as many questions as you need.”

 N                                               - Kristen Bennett, visit/performing arts
                                                 recruitment coordinator, Alma College
                                                                                                 “Students and parents just take the first
                                                                                                offer or don’t bother applying at all.” - Natalie
 T                                               “Focusing on the award amount and
                                                                                                Robin, head, Theatre Design and Technol-

                                                                                                ogy Department, University of the Arts
                                                 not the overall program costs. Always
                                                 reach out to programs directly.” - Eric van    APPLYING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS
 I                                               Baars, director of the School of Theatre       “Not doing a FAFSA and not applying for

                                                 and Dance, Kent State University               specific scholarships. Nearly all of our


                                                     Kelly Berry            Kristen Bennett     Mica H. Loosemore          Richard Dunham
                                                   Georgia Southern          Alma College        Carnegie Mellon           Radford University                     University                                    Uniiversity

34 x Southern Theatre x Winter 2021
can better determine how large a role they       amount of debt they take on.
 should play in your financial aid plan. Noel        “Student loans can be part of an over-
 Rennerfeldt, an associate professor of sce-      all financial aid package if it can allow
 nic design at Austin Peay State University,      attendance at a school that is a good fit,”
 says students should guard against “tak-         he said. “An education is an investment in
 ing out higher loan amounts than what is         yourself. Conversely, too much debt can be
 needed.”                                         debilitating. Don’t be lured into a program
    Daniel Gordon, chair of the Theatre and       you cannot afford. The best program in
 Dance Department at Winthrop University          the nation is the one where you will fully                                   AU students
 in South Carolina, advises that students         engage and distinguish yourself, and this                                    studying in
 look for “a reasonable balance” in the           is based more on you, not the reputation of

 awards require submission of a FAFSA             scholarships have far fewer applicants
 whether a family needs or doesn’t need           than they should. Students aren’t taking
 financial aid. At the end of the recruiting      advantage of all opportunities.” - Gregory
 season, we actually had more scholarship         A. Mach, associate professor of theatre,
 funds that we could have handed out to           West Virginia Wesleyan College
 incoming freshmen that went unused.”
                                                  “Not doing enough research, and not
  - Richard Dunham, chair, Department of
                                                  starting early enough looking for non-
 Theatre and Cinema, Radford University
                                                  university-specific scholarship opportu-
 “Students neglect to search additional           nities.” - Tom Burch, associate professor
 scholarships offered by various theatre          of scenic design, University of North              Join our theatre family and
 organizations. They need to be proactive         Carolina at Charlotte                           learn to become an entrepreneur
 to seek those opportunities.” - Alan Yeong-      “Never tell a department you are audi-                 in film and theatre.
 Marcello, professor of theatre, University of    tioning for that this is the only school you
 West Georgia                                     are applying to. Scholarships are used
                                                  to attract students, not to reward loyalty.”
                                                                                                     ➞ 120 films a year
 “Continue to apply for scholarships after
 your freshman year. Every year, apply            - Daniel Gordon, chair, Theatre and                ➞ 10 stage plays a year
 for new ones as they apply to you.” - Jeni       Dance Department, Winthrop University
 Parker, assistant director, School of Theatre    COMPLETING PAPERWORK                                 Performance and study
 and Dance, East Carolina University              “Not filling out the proper forms on time.” -   opportunities include Shakespeare’s
 “They don’t apply to everything that’s out       Chris Flynn, theatre and speech instruc-        Globe in London (pictured above), the
                                                  tor, Pearl River Community College
 there. We have so many students that                                                             Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland
 participate in our productions that could        “Not filing state financial statements                 and 2nd City in Chicago.
 have received an award had they only             required for financial aid.” - Brian Jones,
 auditioned. If a student sings, audition for     chair, Department of Theatre, Dance
 the music department also. Stack up as           and Performance, Indiana University of               Learn more and apply now at:
 many scholarships as possible. The SETC          Pennsylvania

     Jeni Parker          Gregory A. Mach          Chris Flynn               Brian Jones
     East Carolina          West Virginia           Pearl River          Indiana University of
      University          Wesleyan College       Community College           Pennsylvania

                                                                                                            Winter 2021 x Southern Theatre x 35
Noel Rennerfeldt          Daniel Gordon             Ryan Long              Anna Filippo
                                                     Austin Peay State       Winthrop University    Huntington University       Berry College

                                                   the program. Take responsibility for your         marketing, etc.),” said Anna Filippo, direc-
                                                   education.”                                       tor of theatre at Berry College in Georgia.
                                                      Others also recommend being strategic             In addition, students often can find paid
                                                   in deciding what you can afford. Ryan             work in residence halls, admissions, the
                                                   Long, chair of the Department of Theatre          library or other offices, such as study abroad
                                                   Arts at Huntington University in Indiana,         or university communications. While jobs
                                                   noted that borrowing a large amount for           on campus often do not pay as well as off-
                                                   college can actually limit students’ options      campus jobs, they have the added benefits
                                                   after graduation.                                 of easy accessibility and an employer who
                                                      “Don’t let student loan debt turn your         understands class schedules.
                                                   dream into a nightmare,” she said. “Gradu-        FINANCE YOUR FUTURE
                                                   ating with as little debt as possible (prefer-       So, what are the benefits of investing
                                                   ably none!) will allow you to take a low-         time and money in a college degree? In
                                                   paying gig that you love and really want to       “Measuring the Value of Education,” Elka
                                                   accept, rather than your job opportunities        Torpey writes, “It’s hard to quantify the
                                                   being dictated by the student loan bill you       full value of an education. But U.S. Bureau
                                                   have to pay each month.”                          of Labor Statistics (BLS) data consistently
                                                   WORK-STUDY CAN HELP                               show that, in terms of dollars, education
                                                      Another way to help pay for your edu-          makes sense.” Statistics reveal that, on aver-
                                                   cation is through a federal work-study or         age, students who have a college degree
                                                   campus job. Federal work-study jobs are           earn more than those who have only a high
                                                   typically offered as part of the student’s        school diploma.
                                                   aid package and are available on both the            For theatre practitioners, higher educa-
                                                   undergraduate and graduate levels. Other          tion training provides an opportunity to
                                                   campus jobs can also provide a source of          learn new skills and hone your craft, as
                                                   income.                                           well as to make discoveries about yourself
                                                      Often, students can get theatre experi-        and your abilities. A college or university
                                                   ence through work-study. For example, a           education can lead you to career paths that
    THEATRE & DANCE                                theatre student might be offered a position       you have yet to imagine. Taking the time to
   PRODUCTION DESIGN WITH A                        as a house manager or usher, or a job in the      figure out how to finance this venture can
      BACHELOR OF ARTS IN                          scene or costume shop, the box office or          help ensure your future success. Get started
       THEATRE OR DANCE                            marketing. Some schools also offer jobs not       on your planning today to help make your
                                                   associated with work-study that allow stu-        theatre dreams a reality tomorrow. n
                                                   dents to be paid as they learn about theatre.
 For more information:                                                                                               Amy Cuomo is a professor of
Program of Theatre & Dance
                                                      “Instead of work-study, we offer paid                          theatre at the University
at the George Washington University
Corcoran School of the Arts & Design
                                                   positions in our theatre company, learning                        of West Georgia. Her short
814 20th St NW, 3rd Floor
                                                   the skill sets that help our students get                         plays have been produced in
Washington, D.C. 20052
202.994.8072                                                                                         several states and her play
                                                   paid summer professional theatre work                             Happy was a finalist for the
    202.994.8072 • WASHINGTON, DC •   (carpenter, box office, stitcher, recruiting,                     Heideman Award.

36 x Southern Theatre x Winter 2021
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