Project Management - #KeepLearning - Postgraduate Diploma - USB Stellenbosch

Page created by Eleanor Blair

Project Management
       Postgraduate Diploma
  Learn how to confidently manage projects
    in a competitive business environment

     03                       04                    05                       06                   09                   11
   Acquire skills to      Message from the       Message from the        10 reasons to study    Overview of the     What will you
  future-proof your        Director of USB       Programme Head                at USB            programme          gain from this
career in an uncertain                                                                                              qualification?

     12                       13                     13                      14                   19                  19
 Learning outcomes        Who should enrol?       Format: learn on       Overview of modules       Admission         How to apply
                                                 campus and online                               requirements

     21                       21                    22                       23                   24                  25
     Timetable           Application deadlines    Programme fees         Recognition of Prior    International    Facilities, resources
                                                                              Learning             students          and services

                                                    25                       26
                                                    USB Alumni               Contact us

Acquire skills to future-proof your career in an
uncertain world
The world, and the way in which we                   USB’s areas of expertise include business
live and work, can change in an instant.             management, development finance,
It can turn the familiar into something              futures studies, management coaching,
frightening; it can also create enormous             leadership development, project
opportunities.                                       management and financial planning. All of
                                                     USB’s programmes benefit from these areas
What are the skills we need to navigate our          of expertise in one way or another. It also
way through the uncertainty, trust deficits          creates ample opportunities for continued
and rapid change? How do we rebuild                  growth.
economies and rethink our businesses?
                                                     If you want your learning to be
According to the World Economic Forum,               transformative and your leadership
adaptability is one of the key competencies          journey to bring both personal and
we need right now. When we are                       professional growth, USB’s PGDip in Project
adaptable, we can use new learning to                Management will serve you well.
challenge our thinking and change our
behaviour; we can reinvent ourselves and             Now is not the time to stop learning.
our environments.

USB’s internationally accredited                     World Economic Forum. (2020). 4 ways COVID-19 could change
Postgraduate Diploma in Project                      how we educate future generations. https://www.weforum.
Management is particularly suited to                 org/agenda/2020/03/4-ways-covid-19-education-future-
help you future-proof your career in a
rapidly changing world. The programme
incorporates advanced management skills
and strategic project management skills,
allowing you to fill senior-level positions in
any organisation.

Project management is universally
accepted as a scarce skill. Proficient
project managers are in high demand. It
is therefore completely understandable
that Fortune Magazine identified Project
Management as the number one career

Message from the
                                   Director of USB
Thank you for your interest in the University of                      •     We will widen your strategic vision while
Stellenbosch Business School. You have come to the right                    also equipping you with operational skills in
place to discover and develop your leadership potential.                    fields like responsible leadership, finance,
                                                                            strategy and marketing.
We are one of the few “Triple Crown” business schools in
the world. These are schools with all three of the major              •    We will carefully assist you to select one of our
international accreditations, namely AACSB (from the                       programmes, and then engage with you to
USA-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools                   leave 		                us as a changed person.
of Business), EQUIS (from the Brussels-based European
Foundation for Management Development) and AMBA                    USB is a values-driven school. We embed our values
(from the UK-based Association of MBAs). You therefore             – which are excellence, value creation, equity,
know in advance that the standards of our academic                 accountability, respect and compassion – in everything
programmes, infrastructure, and learner support are                we do.
benchmarked against the best.
                                                                   We are part of Stellenbosch University – the top research
We would also like to share the following about USB:               university in Africa – and steer our research agenda to
                                                                   inform business and the content of our curricula. Via
   •     We are deeply committed to Africa. At the same            our Small Business Academy and annual Lion’s Den we
         time, we educate you to function in a global 		           create value for budding entrepreneurs to improve their
         business world.                                           businesses and create jobs in their communities.

   •     We will introduce you to the latest theories in a         Ultimately, USB wants to be recognised as a source of
         particular field while also providing you with 		         value for a better world.
         opportunities for practical application in your
         business.                                                 Prof Piet Naudé
                                                                   USB Director
   •     We will walk the road to sharpen your critical
         thinking abilities while also igniting your passion
         for better business skills.

                                                                              “From a business school
                                                                                 perspective, social
                                                                            development in South Africa
                                                                           happens through empowering
                                                                            students to understand their
                                                                             role as responsible leaders
                                                                               when they go back into

“Learn how to confidently manage
                                                                        projects in a competitive business

                     Message from
              the Programme Head
Managers are facing increasingly complex challenges,                USB’s internationally accredited Postgraduate Diploma in
having to contend with rapid changes stemming                       Project Management goes beyond project management
from the constant obsolescence of their products and                know-how. It incorporates advanced management
with the need to quickly respond to their markets and               skills and strategic project management skills, enabling
opportunities. Project management is concerned with                 graduates of this programme to fill senior-level positions
delivering a specified, discontinuous deliverable by a              in organisations that require such expertise to perform
specific team representing the various specialist skills            optimally and compete globally.
required, against planned performance, time and cost
targets, and is therefore eminently suited to contend with          Competent project managers who understand business
the above reality. The reality is that project management           are needed in all industry sectors, all over the world. This
is a scarce competency. Hence, it is listed as a scarce skill       programme will help to get you there. It can also give you
in South Africa. Our programme focuses on capacitating              access to an MBA.
project managers with solutions that make business
                                                                    MC Botha
                                                                    Programme Manager

10 reasons to
      study at USB
                                                                   KEEP ON LEARNING
                                                                   The World Economic Forum says adaptability is one of the
                                                                   key competencies we need in an uncertain and rapidly
                                                                   changing world. When we are adaptable, we can use
                                                                   new learning to challenge our thinking and change our
                                                                   behaviour. USB’s programmes are particularly suited to help
                                                                   you unlock the skills you need to navigate this new world,
                                                                   reinvent your business and rebuild the economy.

                                                                   GROW AS A RESPONSIBLE LEADER
                                                                   USB’s mission is to develop responsible leaders who can
USB was the first school from an African university to             lead on different levels (me, we, work, world) to bring about
receive all three international accreditations: AACSB, EQUIS       positive change. This is ingrained into USB’s programmes –
and AMBA. The school is well ranked in South Africa and            in particular the MBA.
Africa, and also globally.

                                                                   BENEFIT FROM USB’S BUSINESS
The quality of the lecturers on USB’s core courses has             Our close cooperation with industry ensures an academic
been rated as excellent by 89% of USB’s alumni in a 2019           offering aligned with the needs of the world of work.
Financial Mail survey.                                             Collaboration also leads to commissioned research, access
                                                                   to employers’ recruitment platforms, and increased societal
                                                                   impact through initiatives such as USB’s Small Business
                                                                   Academy, Lion’s Den and Consulting Club. We have local
                                                                   and global business leaders on our Advisory Board.

USB is part of Stellenbosch University, an international
                                                                    TAP INTO OUR AREAS OF EXPERTISE
                                                                    USB has become known for its African-focused, but
institution of distinction and the top research university in       globally relevant, expertise in areas such as sustainable
Africa. USB has partnerships with business schools on all the       development, futures research, development finance,
continents and has a presence in various African regions.           ethics and corporate governance, responsible leadership
Joint research, faculty members serving on international            development, management coaching and emerging-
boards, international memberships, jointly presented                country economics.
conferences and the exchange of faculty members and
students contribute to USB’s global perspective of business

                                                                    REMAIN RELEVANT THROUGH THE
                                                                    BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE WE SHARE
Our students come from different industry backgrounds,              USB creates business knowledge through its research
cultures and geographies. This diversity enables them               centres, academic conferences, research fellowships, the
to learn from one another and to work with different                research undertaken by its faculty members and students,
perspectives. Our alumni regularly cite collaborative               and various academic and industry partnerships. We share
learning as a highlight of their learning journey.                  our research on various platforms – like our journals,
                                                                    USB Management Review and speaker events.

                                                                    JOIN A SCHOOL WITH STRONG
                                                                    SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                    At USB social impact is about creating hope for people and
                                                                    advancing change for a flourishing world. This emanates
                                                                    from our teaching, learning and research as we strive to
                                                                    be responsible leaders who work with others to enhance
                                                                    quality of life, create a spirit of generosity, and work for a fair
                                                                    and just society.

Postgraduate Diploma
                      in Project Management
I believe the following quote by the USA-based Project Management Institute summarises USB’s learning approach in the PGDip PM:

“We are looking for project managers with skills beyond project management. The more context that project managers have, the more
value they have to that company. If project management applicants can expand the description [of their project management work]
into a business context that will serve them extremely well.”
MC Botha, Programme Manager: Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management

                  Manage projects
                                                                                Acquire a scarce skill
                  with confidence

              Study while you work:                                                    Acquire an
               2 on-campus blocks                                                    internationally
               + blended learning                                                      accredited
                classes in between                                                    qualification

                          2 years                                              Gain access to an MBA

Overview of the programme
Managers are facing increasingly complex challenges, having to contend with rapid changes stemming from constant obsolescence of
their products, and the need to respond quickly to changing markets and new opportunities. This situation will be exacerbated in the
post-Covid-19 period with most of these challenges being of a discontinuous nature and increasingly requiring functional inputs across
the organisation, across various organisations or even across various countries. Strategic initiatives aimed at ensuring business reliance
or business process re-engineering will require a comprehension of the implementation benefits that can be derived from structured
project management methodologies.

How does one acquire such project management skills? USB’s internationally accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management
focuses on the business management of projects. This will allow you to confidently manage and contextualise projects in a competitive
business. It is the only qualification of its kind delivered by a business school in South Africa.

The programme content is covered from a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective that will assist students to understand
and manage the complex, multidimensional challenges faced by top-level project managers. A natural progression after completing
the PGDip PM will be to consider our MBA with the Project Management focal area. This qualification capacitates managers to deal with
project strategy on portfolio and sponsorship level.

The programme requires high-level engagement with theoretical frameworks and international literature, and reflection on national
and international project management practices. Students are required to research and analyse the areas covered in the programme,
and to formulate recommendations that indicate critical intellectual engagement and independent thinking.

This PGDip reflects on both the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide, 6th edition) as well as Prince 2®

USB is associated with Project Management South Africa (PMSA), which recognises this qualification towards the designation of either
Professional Project Manager or Senior Project Manager. The comprehensive last assignment on the PGDip is regarded by PMSA as part
of the portfolio of evidence that is required for consideration of a designation.

The programme will widen access to advanced learning in business, commerce, management and project management for students
who do not have formal qualifications above Bachelor’s degrees. Passed at a certain level, it can provide access to an MBA. It will also
enable graduates to gain Continuing Professional Development points to satisfy the requirements of the Engineering Council of South
Africa (ECSA).

Overview of the programme

 8    NQF level                                                   Assessment:
                                                                  A mix of interactive lectures, course material and
120   credits                                                     case studies. Handbooks, guidelines, articles,
                                                                  journal articles and a matrix or checklists will serve
      Learn-while-you-earn format:                                as reference material for future project design and
      Blended learning programme (6 blocks of 1 week              delivery.
      each over 2 years) where the first and last modules
      are attended on campus. The modules in between are          Language of tuition:
      delivered online via any internet-linked device. The on-    English
      campus blocks are presented at the USB campus in the
      Tyger Valley business district in northern Cape Town.       Information sessions:
      This allows students to study while they work, with         USB hosts information sessions – usually in
      minimum time away from work.                                Cape Town, Johannesburg and Windhoek. This is
                                                                  where you can obtain first-hand information on USB’s
      International accreditation:                                programmes and meet faculty members, alumni
      EQUIS                                                       and support staff. See for
                                                                  dates, venues and booking details. Or send e-mail to
      Delivery format:                                   or call
      Class contact and blended learning sessions (modules),      +27 (0)21 918 4246.
      syndicate groups, independent self-study of standard
      texts and references (study guides, books, journal          Faculty:
      articles), independent self-study of specially prepared     Besides its full-time and part-time academic staff,
      materials (case studies, multi-media, etc.).                many of whom have distinguished themselves as
                                                                  organisational leaders, USB welcomes international
                                                                  academics and experts to lecture on its postgraduate
                                                                  programmes. This gives you exposure to academic
                                                                  learning and real-world experience from across the
                                                                  See USB’s faculty at

What will you gain
                         from this qualification?
Manage projects with confidence in a competitive                             Take on managerial positions in any industry
business environment
                                                                             This qualification equips executive managers with specialist
This programme equips project managers with strategic                        project management competencies to use in various contexts
project management competence, enabling them to position                     anywhere in the world – from SMMEs and NGOs to large
their organisations to compete successfully in a complex                     organisations and multinational global players. The content
and competitive business environment. It creates upper                       of this programme is internationally benchmarked. Yet, it is
management skills to understand the integration of functional                particularly relevant to African managers and leaders as it
competencies in a project domain and to integrate projects with              takes into account the diversity, traditions and multicultural
the strategic management of organisations. The programme                     environments of South Africa and the greater African continent.
therefore incorporates advanced management competencies
and strategic project management skills, allowing graduates to               Contribute to the empowerment of the workforce
fill senior-level positions in any organisation.
                                                                             The qualification enhances the achievement of the country’s
Stay in demand with a scarce skills set                                      black economic empowerment and employment equity
                                                                             objectives by building the executive management competence
Project management has been listed as a scarce skill on the                  of managers from previously disadvantaged communities.
South African National Scarce Skills List. Also, the need for skilled
project managers at middle and higher levels has become a                    Gain access to an MBA
national skills and development priority identified by both the
                                                                             The programme is presented on NQF level 8, which corresponds
business and public sectors.
                                                                             with the entry-level requirements for an MBA in South Africa.

                                             Project management
                                       has become a scarce competency
                                                in South Africa
                                           and in the greater Africa.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this programme, you should have the managerial ability to:

   •    Generate and manage the dimensions of project management in an integrated manner in order to build a continuous
        and sustainable organisational capacity

   •    Distinguish and interpret the relationship between organisation strategy and project management, and differentiate
        between various categories of projects

   •    Appraise the importance of stakeholder engagement and formalised communication planning prior to and during
        the execution of the project

   •    Identify and properly record project risks and develop mechanisms to analyse and prioritise project risks

   •    Apply complex scheduling methodologies based on the strategic nature of the project

   •    Develop contracting models reflecting the output from procurement planning being a highly-detailed or broadly-
        framed procurement plan based on a make-or-buy analysis

   •    Apply dimensions of financial and cost management in the strategic assessment of a project portfolio

   •    Integrate project management ethics and the importance of sustainability in organisational interpretation of project

   •    Develop a project portfolio based on the comprehension and application of value realisation.

Who should enrol?
   •     Project managers from the whole spectrum of middle, senior and executive management levels in all economic sectors
         and in all types of private and public enterprises

   •     Managers who have the potential to be promoted to higher management positions

   •     Those who need an NQF level 8 qualification to apply for an MBA

               learn on campus and online
This is a modular programme. Students attend the first and last of 6 study blocks of classes of 1 week each on the USB campus over 2
years. Four modular weeks are presented in a blended learning format. Learning is combined with structured self-study and electronic
support to allow you to study while you work. It also enables students from elsewhere in South Africa or in other countries to attend.

The blended learning format allows you to join the class via any internet-linked smart phone, laptop or device. USB’s high-tech class
rooms allow the lecturers to see, in real time, the faces of all the online students portrayed onto a screen. This virtual environment
enables you to actively participate in discussions – whether you are logging in from an airport in Europe, a boardroom in Africa or your
office at home. Blended learning means minimum time away from work. It also lowers the opportunity cost to do this programme at
USB as it reduces travel costs to the campus. Also see

                                          This programme combines
                                        project management skills with
                                          upper management skills.

Overview of modules
The eight core modules are compulsory:

Module 1: Project Leadership and EQ (20 credits)

Module 2: Managing Projects (20 credits)

Module 3: Project Communication Management (8 credits)

Module 4: Project Risk Management (12 credits)

Module 5: Project Procurement Management (8 credits)

Module 6: Project Scheduling (12 credits)

Module 7: Project Cost Management (20 credits)

Module 8: Fundamentals of Management (20 credits)

                                      “I believe that the demand for
                           project management training and qualifications
                               will increase substantially post-Covid-19.
                        Imperatives of capital investment and other projects
                        in order to stimulate growth and economic recovery
                        will require a national focus on project management
                         proficiency, the latter in which USB is a primary role
                           player. Given the approval of USB’s MBA stream
                          in Project Management, our project management
                            academic offerings are unique in the southern
                                              African market.”
                                                   MC Botha
                              Programme Manager: PGDip in Project Management

Overview of modules
Project Leadership and EQ

This module covers the leadership perspective of project management with the behavioural aspects that influence project execution
and success. After completion of the module, students will be able to:

   •    Develop a personal understanding of one’s authentic leadership profile and the impact thereof on others;

   •    Apply appropriate leadership styles, attributes and competencies to enable oneself to identify and develop one’s own optimal
        authentic leadership approach;

   •    Apply insights into team dynamics to build strong teams and stimulate team work;

   •    Provide effective change leadership to ensure project success;

   •    Proficiently work with emotional regulation and emotional intelligence as critical project leadership competencies;

   •    Manage and resolve conflicts effectively;

   •    Effectively build, influence and manage working relationships with others, especially within the project setting

Managing Projects

This module covers basic project management planning, implementation and monitoring processes. After completion of the module,
students will be able to:

   •    Position a project’s goal and objectives relative to the organisation’s strategy;

   •    Identify, list and categorise project stakeholders and define appropriate management actions;

   •    Apply a comprehensive project scoping technique to determine and document the project statement of work and work
        breakdown structure;

   •    Develop a project baseline based on appropriate scheduling and the application of activity based costing principles;

   •    Compare a project’s performance against the stated baseline and propose remedial managerial interventions if required.

Project Communication Management

This module focuses on communication planning and management within a project context. After completion of the module, students
will be able to:

   •    Identify and implement communication methodologies appropriate to project complexity;

   •    Identify and manage stakeholders within the project domain;

   •    Implement and maintain information distribution and performance reporting;

   •    Develop and maintain communication planning on a project.

Overview of modules
Project Risk Management

This module deals with risk in a project environment. After completion of the module, students will be able to:

   •     Describe the steps in managing quality on a project;

   •     Describe why quality requirements are an important source of project risk;

   •     Describe and apply the steps of a general project risk management process;

   •     Identify relevant sources of project risk;

   •     Identify and properly record project risks and develop mechanisms to analyse and prioritise project risk;

   •     Develop appropriate responses to project risks;

   •     Explain and manage how risks should be controlled.

Project Scheduling

Project schedule planning and management assist students to utilise and apply specific project software in order to schedule projects
with repetitive tasks and outputs according to the balance line technique. After completion of the module, students will be able to:

   •     Schedule a project with repetitive tasks and outputs in terms of the balance line technique;

   •     Resolve the resource dependency of precedence scheduling through application of the Theory of Constraints;

   •     Optimise the duration of a project through balancing fixed and variable costs;

   •     Utilise and apply MS Project software on a basic level.

                                                                   This PGDip can give you
                                                                      access to an MBA.

Overview of modules
Project Procurement Management

This module introduces students to different types of contracts based on the division of the risks between the owner and a contractor.
This will enable students to understand and compile a quality assurance plan for a project. After completion of the module, students
will be able to:

   •     Develop a contracting model reflecting the output from procurement planning being a highly-detailed or broadly-framed
         procurement plan based on a make-or-buy analysis;

   •     Identify the different types of contracts based on the division of the risks between the owner and a contractor and select an
         appropriate contract type with an accompanying procurement method;

   •     Identify the fundamental risk issues within a contract as it relates to the transfer and management of such risks;

   •     Understand the factors and issues influencing the selection of contract type with specific emphasis on the rules driving
         contract selection;

   •     Understand and be able to develop a contract quality assurance plan for a project with specific emphasis on the planning,
         solicitation and selection of proposed bidders;

   •     Implement contract management or administration and closeout processes.

Project Cost Management

This module deals with project costing, budgets and reporting. After completion of this module, students will be able to:

   •     Understand the fundamental function of financial statements and the relationships between financial and cost management;

   •     Identify, distinguish between and plan for the variable and fixed costs on a project;

   •     Allocate the costs for the various inputs to the relevant functional inputting department, contributors or contractors;

   •     Understand and apply the fundamental thinking process or mechanism(s) involved in the formulation of an economic or
         business model for the project and how the model supports the strategy of the organisation from a cost perspective;

   •     Establish a project budget as appropriate for the various gates or decision-making of the gated risk management process;

   •     Interpret cost implications of Front End Loading and cash flow;

   •     Develop the project budget and apply hedging of cost to optimise cash flow;

   •     Analyse the present status of a project, make a diagnoses, determine the appropriate steps to rectify and make a prognosis of
         the eventual outcome of the project;

   •     Determine project contingency and apply risk modelling when Monte Carlo simulation of cost risk is utilised, conversion of
         the approved or sanctioned project budget into a project control base based on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS);

   •     Interpret and manage early warning signals influencing deviations for the control base resulting from Variations from Plan,
         Scope Changes, Schedule Delays and Cost Trends.

Overview of modules
Fundamentals of Management

This module exposes students to the multiple perspectives and dimensions of a system with an idealised redesign approach to
formulate ideal futures for the organisation. After completion of this module, students will be able to:

   •    Defend the role project management plays within the organisation;

   •    Assess the value of project management;

   •    Motivate the importance of the business case;

   •    Motivate the importance of benefit management within the organisation;

   •    Relate benefits to the sustainability of the organisation;

   •    Criticise the importance and role of sustainability;

   •    Determine the role of project management within the domain of sustainability;

   •    Assess the relationship between project success and sustainability;

   •    Critique the principles of sustainability;

   •    Integrate industry accepted ethical standards into project management and general management.

                                                                      This PGDip incorporates advanced
                                                                       management skills and strategic
                                                                          project management skills,
                                                                        enabling you to confidently fill
                                                                            senior-level positions.

Admission requirements
   •     At least a relevant Bachelor’s or Honours degree

   •     A minimum of 2 years of relevant experience in a project management position in an organisation

   •     Mathematical skills equal to NQF Level 4 are highly recommended

Also see Recognition of Prior Learning elsewhere in this brochure. In line with the requirements of the Council on Higher Education,
USB may admit up to 10% of its student body under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who wish to be admitted under
the RPL policy will firstly have to submit all the documentation and tests as required for all prospective students. In addition, they need
to have at least an NQF 4 qualification and ten years of working experience, of which at least five should have been in a managerial or
related professional position.

                                            How to apply
Before you start

   •     You will be able to complete the form in steps without losing information.

   •     The online application form consists of various sections. In order to progress to the next section, all the information in the
         current section must be completed and accepted by the information management system.

   •     The application process is the same for South African and international students.

   •     International qualifications require a South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluation certificate to evaluate your
         degree according to South African standards. Please contact SAQA at in this regard.

   •     It is best to use Google Chrome as web browser when completing your application.

How to apply
The application process

Go to and complete the online Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management application form by completing
each of the following sections:

Section 1: Personal details

Section 2: Address details

Section 3: Work and studies

Section 4: Documentation. Here you need to upload the following supporting documentation:

   •     Completed and signed application form

   •     Certified copies of all academic records and degree/diploma certificates

   •     Proof of application fee payment

   •     Detailed CV

   •     A copy of your ID (or passport for non-South African students)

   •     A marriage certificate (where the applicant’s new surname does not match that on the degree certificates)

Section 5: Application fee payment

   •     Which bank details to use: Bank: Standard Bank; Type of account: cheque account; Account name: US Business School;
         Account number: 073003069; Branch name: Stellenbosch; Branch code: 050610; Beneficiary name: Stellenbosch University;
         SWIFT code: SBZAZAJJ.

   •     Where to send proof of payment: Proof of payment of your application fee should be e-mailed to the cashier at

Section 6: Status

What happens next?

Your application can only be assessed by the selection panel if it is accompanied by your completed online application form, all the
supporting documents and proof of your application fee payment. The outcome of the selection process will be made known within
30 days or as soon as possible thereafter.

The timetable for this programme is published on USB’s website once the dates become available.
See for details. Please note that USB reserves the right to change dates of the lecture schedule or
subjects per term table. Students will be informed of any changes in good time.

                         Application deadlines
   •    South African applicants: 15 December

   •    RPL applicants: 31 October

   •    Applicants from (visa-exempt) SADC countries: 31 October

   •    Applicants from the rest of the world: 31 October


   •    Study permits for foreign students at USB: Obtaining a study permit (study visa) from the South African authorities takes up
        to 12 weeks from the date of being offered a place on a programme at USB – hence the early application deadline for foreign

   •    Multiple-entry visas: Students from non-SADC African countries and other countries with visa requirements who need to
        apply for study visas can obtain a letter from USB confirming the duration of registration at USB. This will help students to
        obtain multiple-entry study visas in case of modular studies.

                                                                     Keep on learning
                                                                  The World Economic Forum says
                                                            adaptability is one of the key competencies
                                                            we need in a rapidly changing world. When
                                                            we are adaptable, we can use new learning
                                                             to challenge our thinking and change our
                                                            behaviour. USB’s programmes will help you
                                                            unlock the skills you need to reinvent your
                                                                 business and rebuild the economy.

Programme fees
The programme fees for 2021 are published on USB’s website once this information becomes available.
See for details.


  •    Payment of full programme fees: South African students can pay the full programme fees upon registration or they can pay
       75% of the annual fees by the end of May and the balance of 25% by the end of September. International admitted students
       pay 50% of the annual fee as deposit. The remainder is due two weeks before commencement of the programme.

  •    Deposit: All students pay a deposit on acceptance of admission. South African students must pay a set deposit on admittance.
       International admitted students pay 50% of the annual fee as deposit. The deposit payable is non-refundable.

  •    Application fee: The application fee must accompany the application. The application fee is non-refundable.

  •    Fees for 2022: The fees for the second year of enrolment will be adjusted to make provision for annual price increases.

  •    Study materials: Study fees include books and study materials.

  •    Travel and accommodation: Students are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements and costs.

  •    Fee changes: USB reserves the right to change the fees at any time.

                                                                            This PGDip is the
                                                                      only qualification of its kind
                                                                     delivered by a business school
                                                                             in South Africa.

Recognition of prior learning
What if you do not have the necessary admission requirements?

USB provides wider access to its programmes through its Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process. In line with the requirements of
the Council for Higher Education (CHE), USB may admit up to 10% of its student body under RPL. Candidates who wish to be admitted
under the RPL policy will firstly have to submit all the documentation and tests as required for all prospective students. In addition,
prospective students under the RPL policy have to adhere to the following:

   •     Have at least an NQF 4 qualification (all school and academic certificates are required).

   •     Have at least TEN years of working experience after obtaining a school leaving certificate, of which at least FIVE years should
         have been in a management or related professional position.

   •     Submit a comprehensive CV, indicating detailed areas of responsibility as well as information of activities outside the work

   •     Provide USB with at least two references (typically current or former line heads) who can testify about the candidate’s
         managerial or related professional abilities. These references will be required to give a detailed personal reference about the
         candidate on forms provided by USB.

The RPL selection process entails the following:

   •     The programme head and another academic will conduct an in-depth interview with the candidate and make a
         recommendation about admission.

   •     USB’s Admissions Committee will consider the full application including the interview recommendation and the inputs
         received from the references for admission.

   •     A notice of admission is sent via USB’s Academic Planning Committee to the Board of the Faculty of Economic and
         Management Sciences for notification.

   •     Important: RPL candidates need to apply by 31 October each year to allow sufficient time for the assessment process.

Additional information
                   for international students
Study visa requirements for international students

All residential students who are non-South African citizens and are studying at USB require a study visa. Prospective students should
contact their nearest South African Mission (South African Embassy, Consulate or High Commission), normally in their country of
origin, to enquire about the requirements for study visas for South Africa. Applicants are required to present themselves in person so
that biometric data may be captured. Students from West Africa can also contact USB’s representative for this region in Nigeria while
students from East Africa can contact USB’s representative for this region in Kenya. (See contact details at the back of the brochure.)
All international students can contact the USB International Office at for assistance. All international students
must hold a valid visa for their intended activity prior to entering South Africa.

Notes on obtaining a study visa

   •     Obtaining a study visa from the South African authorities takes approximately 12 to 16 weeks from the date of application.
         However, some missions may process applications sooner. Sufficient time should be allowed for study visa applications to be

   •     Your study visa application should include a copy of the letter offering a place on USB’s study programme. This letter will be
         provided by USB’s Academic Administration once the application has been approved. A place on the programme must be
         confirmed before a study visa application can be considered by the South African Department of Home Affairs. Students
         should not proceed to Stellenbosch University or USB without a valid study visa.

   •     Although applicants are expected to determine exactly what they require to apply for a study visa, they can expect to have to
         provide the following, among others: a police clearance certificate, proof of medical insurance recognised in South Africa, a
         radiological report, proof of sufficient funds, and an admission letter from USB. Your nearest South African Mission will be able
         to advise in this regard. The onus falls on the student to make sure that he/she submits a complete application pack.

   •     All documents should be certified and translated into English before submission (in order not to delay the outcome of the

Facilities, resources and services
   •     ICT facilities: Interactive lecture rooms; free Wi-Fi access campus-wide; video communication, collaboration and e-learning
         platforms; break-away rooms and access to academic software packages and databases.

   •     Library: The Stellenbosch University Bellville Park Campus Library (USBL) provides access to printed and online local and
         international publications, books, journals and databases (including African Journal Archive, Scopus, Ebscohost, Gartner,
         Web of Science and Emerald). Our services include information requests for master’s research assignments and PhD theses,
         academic literature requests and inter-library loan services. See

   •     Career Leadership Office: This office will help you with career development, networking opportunities and job search

   •     Support services: Support to students is offered via touch points such as the Admissions Office, Academic Administration,
         International Affairs Office, Alumni Relations Office and USBL (library).

   •     Accommodation and restaurants: The Bellvista Lodge ( on the campus provides accommodation
         and a restaurant. Two other cafeterias offer meals and refreshments.

                      USB Alumni Association
USB’s Alumni Association has strong roots and a wide reach. We are extremely proud of our more than 30 000 alumni who have
excelled in managerial and leadership roles all over the world – many of them at the highest level. Various channels are used to create
ongoing conversations between USB and its alumni, opportunities for continued learning and ways to give back to USB. Together, USB
and its alumni create a powerful network that contribute to the common good of society. See

                                               Learn how to manage
                                            projects in a way that builds
                                             sustainable organisational

Contact us
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management enquiries
Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4246 | |
Carl Cronjé Drive, Bellville 7530, Cape Town, South Africa

Information sessions
Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4246 | |

USB Careers Office
Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4187 |

International Affairs Office
Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4196 |

Campus accommodation
Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4444 |

USB Alumni Office
Telephone: +27 (0)21 918 4212 |

Office for West Africa, East Africa and Mauritius
Prospective students from can contact USB’s representative for assistance with applications, transcripts and visas:
Contact person: Marietjie van der Merwe
Telephone: +230 52 91 85 84



                   University of Stellenbosch
                       Business School

           Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management
                                +27 (0)21 918 4264 |
              Carl Cronjé Drive, Bellville, 7530, Cape Town, South Africa

          Office for West Africa, East Africa and Mauritius

        Prospective students can contact USB's representative for assistance
                       with applications, transcripts and visas:
                      Contact person: Marietjie van der Merwe
                            Telephone: +230 52 91 85 84

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