Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James

Page created by Terry Gonzales
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Early Years
Spring Holiday Learning Pack
        2019 – 2020
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
                            Easter Activities

Activity 1 – Mini growing project

Sprinkle a teaspoon of cress seeds (you can buy these from a garden centre) onto
wet cotton wool and press them down gently with your finger. You may want to use
a tub to place the cotton wool into. Place the cress heads in a warm, light place on
the windowsill, and wait for your seeds to grown into tiny, delicious bushes of

                                                           Keep a diary of what
                                                           might happen over 7

days to the cress seeds.
You could draw a picture each day and then write a
caption to describe what is happening.

   Day 1        Day 2      Day 3       Day 4       Day 5        Day 6       Day 7

Use your camera to take pictures of what happens daily – print them and stick
them into your table.

When they have grown – do a google search to find out if cress is edible.
Think - what you might make with your cress, if yours is edible too….
Activity 2 – Making sandwiches

Here is a suggestion:

1. Ask a grown up to help you boil an egg.
2. Spread margarine onto 2 slices of bread. Which bread will you use white or
brown or a mixture?
3. Mix the egg and cress together to make a filling.
4.if you do not like egg – just use the cress.
5. Spread the filling onto your bread and create a sandwich.
6.Can you cut your sandwich in half and then into quarters?
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Activity 3 – The method.

Use language - first, then, next, afterwards,
lastly to say how you made the cress and
then what you did with the cress if you made a sandwich.

For example, use your speaking skills tell an adult….
First we sprinkled cress seeds onto wet cotton wool.
Next they grew into cress.
Then we boiled an egg etc etc.

Challenge – can you use your writing skills to create an instructional book for
others to use. The title could be
How to make and grow cress.
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Activity 4 – Humpty Dumpty – Who did it?

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
could not put Humpty together again.

Create a crime scene and investigate who pushed Humpty off the wall.
Who did it?

Suspects are……
Jack & Jill
Gingerbread Man
Little Red Riding Hood

Maybe you could use your toys to be the suspects.
Be a reporter and ask them questions.

Where were you when it happened?
What were you doing?
Do you like eating eggs?
Have you ever pushed anyone?

Use your magnifying glasses to look for clues such as
Chocolate wrappers.

Draw posters to ask the public for help…
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Did you see anything on Wednesday 1st April when Humpty was pushed?

Contact Yew Tree school and speak to _______ with any information.

You could create a suspect sheet like the example below….


Activity 5 – Exercise Challenge - Easter Egg Hunt

You will need:
An empty egg box, plastic fillable eggs and mini exercise challenge slips.
(Cut out the ones below or be creative and make up your own)

1. Cut out the exercise challenge slips below and hide one inside each egg.
2. Ask a grown-up/sibling to hide them in the garden.
3. Go on an egg hunt and collect your eggs.
4. Count how many eggs you have found. How many more do you need to find?
Count the empty compartments in your egg box.
5. Open your egg and complete the exercise challenge. Maybe there might be a
little treat inside too!
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Exercise challenge strips:
Do 10 star jumps
Walk like a crab for 1 minute
Dance like a chicken
Slither like a snake on the grass
Balance a beanbag on your head
Run to each corner of your garden
Spin round 4 times
Tickle each person in your garden
Do 10 bunny hops
Stretch as high as you can and touch the

Activity 6 – Can you sequence the life             cycle of a chicken?

Colour, cut and sequence the pictures.
Stick numbered flaps over the top to make your own flip flap book.
Can you think of any other animal life cycles? What would your life cycle sequence
look like?
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Activity 7 – Shadow drawing.

As the sun is shining, why not have a play around with shadows?

Can you line up your animals or other toys so that their shadows can be seen?

Use paper to draw around the shadow of your objects and you can use this outline
to colour in your objects properly!
If you don’t have paper, this also works brilliantly outside with chalks.

Are some shadows different to others? Why is this? Discuss shapes, heights and
widths with your child.

Activity 8 – Caterpillar number lines

You will need:
   • Paper (lined or plain)
   • Paint
   • Coloured Pens/Pencils

   • Can you create a caterpillar number
   • Write numbers 1-10 down the left side of
      the paper.
   • Have a go at drawing a caterpillar head
      by each number
   • With your finger, dab into the paint you
      have chosen and make fingerprints next
      to each head that represents the number.
   • Can you challenge yourself and go beyond 10?
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Activity 9 – Spring Watch
      Have a look in your garden or go out for a walk. What can you see and hear? Can
                                  you tick them off the list?

Butterfly                         Frog                              Daffodils

Bee                               Blossom                          Ladybird

Tulips                            Bird                              Snail
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Activity 10 – Easter Bunny Craft

   -    White paint
   -    3 toiler rolls
   -    Card to print on
   -    Green paint or crayons and black paint or crayons
   1.   Gather your 3 toilet rolls
   2.   Squash 2 toilet roll and keep one round
   3.   Stick the 2 squashed toilet rolls to the top of the round one to form the ears
   4.   Dip this into some white paint
   5.   Print onto card or paper – it should create a bunny outline
   6.   Once dry, add in some eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers to the bunny
   7.   You can draw some grass or flowers around them!
   8.   Have fun!
Early Years Spring Holiday Learning Pack 2019 2020 - Tudor Grange Primary Academy St James
Activity 11 – Number Bonds to 10 Egg Game
   1. Cut along the crack in the eggs
   2. Mix them all up
   3. Try to match the top of an egg to the bottom of an egg so that the 2 numbers
      would add together to make 10!
   4. You can colour them in afterwards!

            0                          1                           2

           10                          9                           8
           3                           4                           5
            7                          6                           5
            =                          5                           =
            5                                                      5
6   7    8

4   3    2

9   10
1   0
Inspiration                           Materials                 Instructions

                                     Easter Wreath

                                                                     1. Cut the inner portion
                                                                     from the paper plate,
                                                                     so that your have the
                                                                     outer portion intact.

                                                                     2. If your paper has a
                                                                     design on it, turn it over
                                                                     and trace the cookie
                                                                     cutter onto the paper
                                                                     for a template.

                                                                     3. Cut the eggs from
                                     •   Paper plate                 the paper and glue
                                     •   Spring                      onto the back of the
                                         and Easter themed/colored   paper plate wreath.
                                     •   Glue
                                     •   Glue Dots
                                     •   Ribbon (we used a 7/8″
                                         wide craft ribbon)
                                     •   Egg Cookie Cutter or oval
                                         cookie cutter
                                     •   Scissors

                                                                     4.Cut a piece of ribbon,
                                                                     make a bow, use a glue
                                                                     dot, and attach to the
                                                                     top of the wreath.

                                                                     5. Cut another piece of
                                                                     ribbon, form a loop, use
                                                                     a glue dot, and attach
                                                                     to the back of the

                                                                     6. Hang and enjoy for

                      Creating chocolate playdough!
Playdough is one of the great    •    8 tbsp plain flour             1. Mix the flour and salt
sensory mediums, it allows for   •    2 tbsp table salt              in a large bowl. In a
endless creative and open-       •    60ml warm water                separate bowl mix
ended play and always keeps      •    food colouring                 together the water, a few
little ones engaged for long     •    1 tbsp vegetable oil
periods of time. Create a           •   3 tsp cocoa powder              drops of food colouring
chocolate scented playdough by      •   beads, buttons, pipe cleaners   and the oil.
adding in a few teaspoons of            to decorate
cocoa powder to a basic                                                 2. Pour the coloured
playdough recipe.                   You will also need                  water into the flour mix
                                                                        and bring together with a
                                    •   mixing bowl
                                    •   whisk                           3. Dust a work surface
                                    •   plastic moulds (see below for   with a little flour and turn
                                        ideas)                          out the dough. Knead
                                                                        together for a few
                                                                        minutes to form a
                                                                        smooth, pliable dough. If
                                                                        you want a more intense
                                                                        colour you can work in a
                                                                        few extra drops of food

                                                                        4. Store in a plastic
                                                                        sandwich bag (squeeze
                                                                        out the air) in the fridge
                                                                        to keep it fresh.

                         Make your own bird feeders
This is a great way to strengthen                                       1. Thread the Cheerios
 fine motor skills through play.
                                    You will need:                      onto the pipe
                                                                        2. Once finished secure
                                        • cheerios                      it in order for the
                                        • pipe cleaners/                Cheerios not to fall off.
                                                                        3. Hang them in your
                                        • string                        garden and count how
                                                                        many hungry animals
                                                                        come and eat your home
                                                                        made snacks.

                                                                        Enjoy ☺
Egg Carton Chick
  •   egg cartons               1.Cut apart 2 egg
  •   acrylic paint and brush   holders from the carton
  •   glue, scissors, marker    and trim off the excess
  •   construction paper        on the edges.

                                2. Glue the 2 pieces

                                3. Paint and allow to dry.

                                4. Add a beak and some
Other Easter / Spring ideas you can do
Go on a Spring walk and look for         Using stones, pebbles, shells or sticks, ask the
signs of spring, i.e. buds on trees/     create a picture. Try a dinosaur or even a ship.
spring flowers.                          Show them how to create the outline of a shape
                                         to form part of the picture, for example a triangle
Create a spring picture, using natural   for the dinosaur’s head. Once the children have
resources to make a blossom tree,        made their shape outlines and the picture is
caterpillar, butterfly.                  complete, use natural materials to fill up each
                                         shape. Weeds, dry grass, leaves and moss are all
                                         great wild materials which add texture to natural
                                         art. Discuss which shapes the children are using
                                         for each part of the picture. Take some photos of
                                         the children’s natural pictures. Use this
                                         opportunity to allow them to talk about which
                                         shapes they used.
Read the Easter story and then role      Papier-mâché a balloon and create a
play the last supper. Wash your          colourful Easter egg.
family’s feet and give them
blackcurrant squash and bread to eat.    Decorate hard boiled eggs with felt tips,
Discuss how Jesus did this because       and glitter.
he cared for his friends and family.

                                                         Mini beast hunt

                          stamping art

                                             Find and take photos on letters in
                                             nature! Can you spell your name?

Bunny / handprint art

Make play dough (method above)
and practice your cutting skills!
Easter pattern art & Easter counting
Tricky egg
word hunt
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