Earth-Hack EAGE Hackathon Participant's Handbook -

Page created by Carmen Henderson
Earth-Hack EAGE Hackathon Participant's Handbook -
    2 2 –2 4 F E B R UA R Y 2 019 • K UA L A L U M P U R , M A L AY S I A

   Hackathon Participant’s Handbook

W W W. E AG E .O R G
Earth-Hack EAGE Hackathon Participant's Handbook -
WELCOME TO THE EAGE EARTH-HACK                                         SCHEDULE
Where all is allowed, except an                                              22 February       23 February     24 February         25 February
                                                                            14:00-15:00        08:30-9:30      08:30-9:30          15:40-16:10
                                                                           Hackathon Team       Breakfast       Breakfast          The winning
                                                                             to Register                                        solution presented
                                                                                                                                  by Earth-Hack
                                                                                                                                   top 3 team.
                                                                              15:00-15:30      12:00-13:00    12:00-13:00
                                                                              Introduction        Lunch          Lunch
                                                                             and Briefing –
                                                                             Team up with
                                                                           industrial mentor
                                                                                15:30          18:00-19:00       15:30
                                                                           Hackathon Starts       Dinner     Hackathon ends
                                                                             18:00-19:00                      15:30-17:00
                                                                                Dinner                           Demo
WELCOME!                                                                                                     5 min per team
Welcome to the EAGE Earth-Hack Hackathon, a 2 full days                                                        17:00-17:30
coding, problem solving and social event. Our principles:                                                    Judges Selection
•  We want to build the machine learning community                                                           17:30-19:00
    focused on solving geoscience problems                                                                     Celebration
•  We want to think out-of-the-box! Solutions may be                                                        and networking
    inspired by processes from outside of the oil & gas
•  We encourage diversity in teams! Mentors, experts,                 ROLES
    novices, geoscientists, students are very welcome to offer
    and test new ideas.                                                Mentors are industry geoscience domain experts: geologists,
• We love open source software and open source data!                 geophysicists, petrophysicists, reservoir engineer who can
•  Intellectual property is governed by Creative Commons,             explain the geology, physics or math currently employed
    which favour both attribution to the author and the                behind solving current subsurface problems. A mentor
    further use of the work for the purposes the author                would have extensive experience dealing with geoscience
    intended, and promote sharing                                      data and would explain pain points and technological gaps
•  We encourage industry collaboration, entrepreneurship              pertaining to the defined hackathon problem.
    and innovative startups
                                                                       Ideally, one team should have one mentor.
Programming Language is in Python, or just about any
ML language that you are comfortable with.                             VENUE
Winning team will bring back MYR 10,000 cash                           ASEAN Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX)
prize home!                                                            Level 27, Tower B, Vertical Business Suites,
                                                                       Avenue 3, Bangsar South,
WHERE AND HOW TO START?                                                59200 Kuala Lumpur,
                                                                       Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
1.	Join the Slack channel (see Get on Slack later in this             Malaysia.
2. Find a team:!AjtF2RTjovEvchujVrqj18YOg5Q
3.	Select the project you want to tackle with you team
    (see above)
4.	Bring the tech you need – computers, notebook,
    your own gitlab/github repos
5.	Look forward to connect with fellow neurons,
    see you there!

1.	Join Slack to meet other participants, you can also
    message your teammates in Slack.
2.	Find teammates and form a team of three, maximum
3.	Remember to include people with diverse background
    and skills
4.	Join the event and register your team via https://events.
    registration before the deadline of 11 February 2019.

2   # E A R TH HACK FEB R UA RY 22-24, 2 019 KUAL A LU M PU R MAL AYS IA
Earth-Hack EAGE Hackathon Participant's Handbook -
                                                                              Sign up at
1.	 No smoking on Level 27, to smoke, you need to go
       down to the designated area at the ground.                             You can message your team-mates directly in Slack or create
2.	   Praying Rooms for Muslims (Male and Female) is located               a private channel if you wish.
         beside the café area, it can accommodate 2 persons at
         any time respectively.                                               If you have any trouble signing in, please get in touch:
3.	There are toilets located outside of ADAX on Level 27,          
         it is accessible via exiting the main entrance of ADAX
         and beside the lift area.                                            HACKATHON ENVIRONMENT WITH
4.	     Please maintain a level of cleanliness inside ADAX.                MICROSOFT AZURE
5.	Fixtures and fittings will be utilized by the guests in
           a manner consistent with the purpose for which they                • Single Virtual Machine with 2 Tesla P100 GPU on Azure
           were designed.                                                         will be provided to each team during 48 hrs
6.	       No alcohol is permitted inside the premise of ADAX and               - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
             Level 27.                                                               (Virtual machine and its GPU can be changed with
7.	Eating and drinking is permitted in the café/common                              notification on Slack)
             area/designated area only. All trash, crumbs, etc. will be       • Azure Data Science Virtual Machine has pre-installed
             cleaned up immediately after eating and placed in                    library and software, but you may prepare any additional
             the designated trash compartments                                    installation on your own
8.	You can only access designated area defined by                                - Jupyter Hub is pre-installed. You can start without
             the organizer/the management of ADAX.                                   any preparation
9.	It is advisable to use VOIP for telephone call,                               - Anaconda Python 2.7, 3.5 with popular packages
             Telco signals are bad in ADAX.                                          pre-installed
10.	Want to code overnight at the ADAX? You may bring                        • On top of default Data Science Virtual Machine, you may
             your sleeping bags!                                                  use other Azure component by your own need within
                                                                                  given credit for team. Azure Machine Learning service
GET ON SLACK                                                                      can be a solution to whom needs more sophisticated
We will use Slack as a news outlet and chat forum for the                     • After Hackathon, Azure account and subscriptions will be
event. Slack is an instant message service. You can use it in                     given to one of team members to share or store the codes
a browser, or via desktop or mobile apps for most OS’s.                           you produce
                                                                                  - Credit balance will be varied by your 48hr activity.
Please join the Slack team Earth-Hack so you can take part in                        Once the balance finishes, you may put your credit card
the #earth-hack channel.                                                             information to continued use

                                                                          # E A R TH HACK FEB R UA RY 22-24, 2 019 KUAL A LU M PU R MAL AYS IA   3
Earth-Hack EAGE Hackathon Participant's Handbook -
• Review on common geoscience file formats and
    problematics (especially segy, las, images, pdfs and CSV)
    and find suitable data wrangling tools.
• Discuss with your team your strategy – whether its about
    data selection or algorithm selection
• Review on your pandas (for data), scikit-learn (for machine
    learning) and frontend webapps tools

                                                                    IMPORTANT TIMELINES TO REMEMBER
• We will provide Friday dinner, and breakfast, lunch and
    dinner on Saturday and Sunday. You will not be hungry. Yay!                     23 January   Joining Orientation
• Redbull, soft drinks, coffee, tea and water will be provided.                   8 February   Data Availability
                                                                                   11 February   Registration Deadline
JUDGING CRITERIA                                                                   15 February   Team Freeze
                                                                                22-24 February   EARTH-HACK!!
We’ll be scoring the demos on.
1.	Value Addition: How painful is the problem to the
    industry?                                                       In Cooperation With
2.	Creativity: Out-of-the-box solution that has not been
    tried before!
3. Execution: Did the solution work? :D
4. Story-telling: Audience impact!                                  Hosted By

Demos will be 5 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions
                                                                    Platinum Sponsor
Code Repos will be posted in Github.
                                                                    Main Sponsors
For additional questions, please do not hesitate
to contact:
Registration & Logistics: Irene Ng,
Data and Themes: Nina Marie Hernandez,                              Supported by
Cloud Compute Setup: Minsoo Bae,

                                    See you in Kuala Lumpur!

        +31 88 995 5055   +7 495 640 2008        +971 4 369 3897             +60 3 272 201 40        +57 1 7449566 EXT 116

       HEAD OFFICE • PO BOX 59 • 3990 DB HOUTEN • THE NETHERLANDS • +31 88 995 5055 • EAGE@EAGE.ORG


                                                     join us on social media!
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