Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin

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Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Economic Summit 2019
Gemeinsam stark – Strong together!
11 –13 November 2019 – Hotel Adlon, Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
Kurt Kister
                                                                              Süddeutsche Zeitung

SZ Economic Summit 2019

Gemeinsam stark –
Strong together!                                                              between employers and employees, poor and
                                                                              rich, young and old, men and women. Rarely has
                                                                              the subject of “How to manage properly?” taken
                                                                              on such importance as today in times of great         3
                      Dear ladies and gentlemen,                              change. Once again, we expect more than 60 top-

                                                                              class speakers and panelists, including heads of
                      This year, I am looking forward particularly to the     global companies, leading women and men from
                      economic summit of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in           medium-sized businesses, academics, but also
                      Berlin in November. We are now meeting for the          many politicians, ministers and heads of govern-
                      13th time, and although this number is sup-             ment. For the opening, we decided on a double
                      posed to represent misfortune, we rather regard         presentation for the first time: the Bavarian Min-
                      it as a good omen. There are enough reasons for         ister President Markus Söder (CSU) and his coun-
                      concern at the moment, as the disorder in the           terpart from Lower Saxony Stephan Weil (SPD)
                      world seems to be increasing all the time. So, a        will sound out how much common ground there
                      little confidence will be good towards the end of       still is between the formerly prominent popular
                      the year, and we hope to strengthen that confi-         parties. And they will show that the strength of
                      dence at our summit. In any case, we want to in-        the country still lies in its regions.
                      form and enlighten, because that is our major           Of course, we are currently in contact with for-
                      objective year upon year: We want to bring you,         eign heads of government as well; many presi-
                      dear friends of the SZ, together with managers          dents, prime ministers and important officials
                      and entrepreneurs, with politicians and academ-         have spoken and engaged in discussions at the
                      ics as well as with other prominent figures from        SZ economic summits in recent years. You can
                      Germany and abroad.                                     find out more about this on our constantly up-
                      This year‘s summit will be held under the motto:        dated summit homepage at www.szwirtschafts-
                      “Strong together!” This appeal is sorely needed.        gipfel. de. We are holding on to the concept of
                      We live in a time of contrasts and demarcations.        the conference: we do not want to stage a large-
                      In Germany, commonalities have diminished,              scale event, but to provide a forum for discus-
                      coalitions are becoming more difficult, polarisers      sion, reflection and exchange. Two festive din-
                      are gaining ground. Europe is also deeply divid-        ners with special guests round off the offer. As
                      ed. People flee Africa at the risk of their lives –     Editor-in-Chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the
                      and are still not welcome here. The Middle East         highest-circulation quality newspaper with na-
                      remains a powder keg, the Iran crisis is worsen-        tional distribution in Germany, I would be de-
                      ing. China is positioning itself against the old        lighted if you could join us – for one day or for
                      West, both politically as well as economically. In
                      the USA, Donald Trump continues to pursue his
                      nationalist course; for which his followers, who
                      have not diminished, celebrate him.
                      But also in our everyday lives we experience a lot of
                      distrust time and again. No, of course this distrust
                      does not dominate everything; people work to-
                      gether well, and it is often fun to achieve things
                      together with others. Not everything is running
                      smoothly between the bosses and workforces,             Kurt Kister
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
SZ Economic Summit 2019

Ten reasons why you
should be part of it:
our highlights.
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
• Three congress days and three evening events with a variety of formats,
  exciting people and many opportunities for networking

• No parallel sessions, one stage only for all crucial topics

• No long-winded speeches – controversial discussions instead

• More than 60 international top speakers

• A unique atmosphere at one of the best hotels in the world

• Our guests: mingle with more than 400 top representatives of the
  German and international world of business

• Warm-up to the congress on Sunday with a start-up pitch followed by a
  welcome party in the Kalkscheune

• Talk evening in the Adlon Ballroom on Monday: entertainment by SZ‘s
  Chief Business Editor Marc Beise and his guests from culture and sports

• Night of the European Economy at the Museum for Communication on
  Tuesday with a formal dinner speech followed by an interview

• Flexible options to participate: join our conference for three days or
  shorter – whatever fits you and your schedule

                  Register now at:
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
SZ Economic Summit 2019

Germany‘s major
economic congress:
expand and maintain
your network in business
and politics
The SZ Economic Summit is a forum for the major debates that move business
and politics. We talk about the current challenges and opportunities for
companies in Germany and Europe, about digitisation and innovation, about
major political decisions and current events – and what this means for us. All
this embracing our motto “Strong together!”
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
SZ Economic Summit 2019

Three compact days
in the capital:
discuss what really
moves you

At the SZ economic summit, the discussions on the panels
are just as important as the discussions on the fringes – in
the breaks, at lunch and at the evening events. Engage with
other guests and benefit directly from their experience,
cultivate your networks and forge contacts. The congress
brings together people from a wide variety of backgrounds,
from representatives of large companies to family entrepre-
neurs and aspiring founders. By using our congress app, you
can address all participants directly and arrange to meet at
the coffee bar.
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung Economic Summit 2019 - Gemeinsam stark - Strong together! 11 -13 November 2019 - Hotel Adlon, Berlin
SZ Economic Summit 2019

More than a congress:
enjoy exclusive evenings
at special locations
If you are also interested in issues beyond the economy, then you are at the
right event with us! Just as the Süddeutsche Zeitung offers you more than
just a business section, our congress offers more than just debates on
business subjects at the evening events. On Sunday, we will start with a
welcome party at the Kalkscheune, on Monday, SZ Chief Business Editor
Marc Beise will entertain with a talk in the converted ballroom of the Adlon,
and the festive „Night of the European Economy“ at the Museum for Commu-
nication will be the highlight of the SZ economic summit on Tuesday. All
evening events are included in the congress ticket.
                The programme
The programme

                 * Subject to change prior to the start of the congress.
                   Information on the confirmation of further speakers and the updated
                   programme will be provided on www.sz-wirtschaftsgipfel.de/en/,
                   where you can also subscribe to our newsletter.
                 10 November 2019
                 5.00 pm -   Registration of the participants at Hotel Adlon
                 8.00 pm     (possible also on the other days of the congress)

                 from        START-UP-NIGHT
                 7.00 pm     The evening will highlight the German start-up                         13
                             scene. To kick off the congress, we invite our

                                                                                                   The programme
                             participants, especially those taking part for the
                             first time, to join us at the Kalkscheune in
                             Berlin-Mitte to ring in the congress.

                             “The Future of German start-ups”
                             a conversation with Frank Thelen / Freigeist Capital

                             Summiteers – Germany’s best start-ups
                             Six young companies present themselves with a          presented by
                             pitch. The guests select the winner via app.

                             Midnight Currywurst

                             Kalkscheune Berlin
                DIGITAL-DAY   11 November 2019
                              11.00   Introduction to the congress                         Marc Beise, Ulrich Schäfer /
                              am                                                           Süddeutsche Zeitung

                              11.11   Welcome address                                      Wolfgang Krach /
14                            am                                                           Süddeutsche Zeitung
The programme

                              11.15   Opening: What policies do companies                  Markus Söder /
                              am      need? A dispute                                      Minister President of Bavaria
                                                                                           Stephan Weil /
                                                                                           Minister President of Lower

                              12.15   Panel 1: The world in upheaval – strong together?      Ana Brnabić /
                              pm      Security experts, politicians and CEOs discuss current Prime Minister of Serbia
                                      developments in Germany, Europe and the world.         Dieter Kempf /
                                                                                             Federation of German
                                                                                             Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke /
                                                                                             Michael Sen / Siemens

                              1.00    Networking-Lunch

                              2.00    Keynote + Q&A                                        Armin Laschet / Minister
                              pm                                                           President of North Rhine-

                              2.30    Panel 2: Digital Germany – what needs to change?     Markus Haas / Telefónica
                              pm      • When will Germany really go digital?               Deutschland Holding
                                      • Have China and Silicon Valley already won          Philipp Justus / Google
                                        the race?                                          Ramona Pop / Senator
                                      • Do we need a new digital societal system?          for Economics Berlin
                                                                                           Gillian Tans / Booking.com
                                                                                           Frank Thelen / Freigeist Capital

                              3.15    Interview: The future of the German automotive       Ola Källenius / Daimler
                              pm      industry

                              3.45    Networking-Break
4.00   Speed dating: Pioneers of digital change             Including:
pm     • Four founders, four success stories, seven         Zoe Adamovicz /
         minutes each                                       Fifth Force / NEUFUND
       • What are the secrets of their success?             Bastian Nominacher / Celonis
       • What can others learn?                             Julian Teicke / wefox Germany     15

                                                                                             The programme
4.45   Panel 3: Digital health – medical care of tomorrow   Including:
pm     • What is currently changing in the healthcare       Daniel Nathrath / Ada Health
         industry?                                          Stefan Vilsmeier / Brainlab
       • Does digitisation keep us healthy longer?          Christiane Woopen / University
       • Are we all soon to be transparent patients?        of Cologne / Data Ethics
                                                            Commission of the Federal

5.30   Panel 4: Cyberwars and hackers –                     Including:
pm     how can we protect ourselves?                        Paul Kaffsack / Myra Security
       • What does the web know about us all?               Uwe Peter / Cisco Germany
       • How can we protect ourselves – as a business and   Arne Schönbohm /
         as an individual?                                  Federal Office for Information
       • What kind of world will our children live in?      Security

6.15   End of the Digital Day

7.30   Reception in the foyer of the Ballroom

8.00   Dinner and talk evening                              Joe Bausch / doctor, actor
pm     Gemeinsam stark – Strong together!                   and author
       in the Ballroom of Hotel Adlon                       Friedrich Curtius / DFB
                                                            Laura Karasek /
                                                            Lawyer, Author and
                CHANGE-DAY   12 November 2019
                             9.00    Mixed double: Lead like a world champion –                Philipp Lahm / Philipp Lahm
                             am      what managers can learn from top athletes.                Holding / DFB Euro
                                                                                               Kira Walkenhorst / Beach
                                                                                               Volleyball World Champion
                             9.30    Panel 5: Women on supervisory boards – the PLAN W panel   Ann-Kristin Achleitner /
The programme

                             am      • Why exactly is it better to have more women             Technical University of Munich
                                       on supervisory boards?                                  Beate Heraeus /
                                     • How do you find the right candidates?                   Senckenberg Gesellschaft
                                     • And above all: how do you lead properly?                für Naturforschung
                                                                                               Manuela Rousseau /

                             10.30   Networking-Break

                             11.15   Introduction and Q&A:                                     Peter Altmaier /
                             am      A regulatory policy for the digital age                   Federal Economics Minister

                             11.30   Panel 6: How do medium-sized companies manage             Sabine Herold / DELO
                             am      the digital transformation?                               Robert Mayr / DATEV
                                     • What problems do medium-sized companies                 Florian Resatsch /
                                       face with digitisation?                                 VC/O – Viessmann Group
                                     • How can a business transform successfully?              Katja Windt / SMS group
                                     • What kind of employees does this new age of
                                       digitisation require?

                             12.10   Introduction and Q&A: Greening the economy –              Svenja Schulze /
                             pm      how can we conquer climate change?                        Federal Minister for the
                                                                                               Environment, Nature
                                                                                               Conservation and Nuclear

                             12.35   Panel 7: Corporate social responsibility –                Nanda Bergstein / Tchibo
                             pm      what needs to change?                                     Ralph Hamers / ING Group
                                     • Market and morals – how do they go together?            Dirk Roßmann /
                                     • How much social involvement can a company handle in     Dirk Roßmann
                                       day-to-day business?                                    Joachim Schreiner /
                                     • The Kaeser case: should CEOs express political views?   Salesforce

                             1.15     Networking-Lunch

                             2.15     The aviation summit: how will we fly in the future?      Sir Tim Clark / Emirates
                             pm                                                                Carsten Spohr /
                                                                                               Deutsche Lufthansa
2.45      Panel 8: Do we have to be afraid of China?                   Sami Atiya / ABB Robotics
pm        • How powerful is the People‘s Republic today?               Holger Engelmann / Webasto
          • How do you conduct business in China?                      Stefan Schaible / Roland
          • How do Chinese investors operate in Germany?               Berger
                                                                       David Wang / Huawei              17

                                                                                                       The programme
3.30      Mixed double: Family business –                              Rudolf Delius /
pm        an exchange between father and daughter                      C.A. Delius & Söhne
                                                                       Verena Pausder /
                                                                       HABA Digital

4.00 pm   Networking-Break

4.30      Panel 9: Life without a car of your own – a viable option?   Including:
pm        • Will the German car industry survive – and how?            Vinzenz Pflanz / SIXT
          • How powerful are alternative business models?              Autovermietung
          • Do we actually still need cars?                            Günther Schuh /
                                                                       e.GO Mobile
                                                                       Katharina Wagner / Oply

5.15      Panel 10: Digital education –                                Birgit Bohle /
pm        are our children learning the right things?                  Deutsche Telekom
          • Are German schools ready for digitisation?                 Philipp Depiereux /
          • Programming lessons and what else?                         etventure
          • How do we protect our children from the                    Anja Karliczek / Federal
            internet madness?                                          Minister of Education and
                                                                       Anne Kjær Riechert / ReDI
                                                                       School of Digital Integration

6.00 pm   End of the Change Day

7.00 pm   Reception at the German Museum for Communication

7.30      Night of the European Economy                                Robert Habeck /
pm        at the Museum for Communication                              Party Leader
                                                                       ALLANCE 90/THE GREENS
          Dresscode: business casual

                                                                       presented by
                                                                                                                         FUTURE-DAY   13 November 2019
                                                                                                                                      9.00    One-on-one talk                                      Volkmar Denner / Robert Bosch

                                                                                                                                      9.30    Panel 11: The virtual bank of tomorrow               Including:
18                                                                                                                                    am      • The great banking crisis – who will survive?       Albrecht Kiel / VISA
                                                                                                                                              • How financial transactions are changing            Hermann J. Merkens / Aareal Bank
The programme

                                                                                                                                              • Cash, cards, apps – what do people need?           Miriam Wohlfarth / RatePAY

                                                                                                                                      10.15   Cross-examination                                    Rolf Schrömgens / trivago

                                                                                                                                      10.30   Speed dating: Products of the future                 Including:
                                                                                                                                      am      • Entrepreneurs present their innovative products,   Miriam Haerst / Kumovis
                                                                                                                                                in seven minutes each                              Stephan Schambach / NewStore

                                                                                                                                      10.45   Panel 12: New Space –                                Bulent Altan / Mynaric
                                                                                                                                      am      innovation through aerospace                         Marco Fuchs / OHB
                                                                                                                                              • How good are Europeans really?                     Claudia Kessler / Initiator of the
                                                                                                                                              • Aerospace, a driver of innovation                  ‚First Femal German Astronaut‘
                                                                                                                                              • Life in space – the latest trends                  Oliver Steil / TeamViewer

                                                                                                                                      11.30   Networking Break
                Please visit our website at www.sz-wirtschaftsgipfel.de for updated information on confirmed speakers.

                                                                                                                                      12.00   Panel 13: Can climate change still be stopped?       Daniela Jacob / Climate Service
                                                                                                                                      pm      • How long do we have – the final countdown          Center Germany (GERICS)
                                                                                                                                              • How expensive should/ may energy become?           Rolf Martin Schmitz / RWE
                                                                                                                                              • How much market can the environment                Jean-Dominique Senard / Renault
                                                                                                                                                handle?                                            Franziska Wessel / Fridays for Future

                                                                                                                                      12.45   Final keynote and Q&A: A reform agenda for           Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer /
                                                                                                                                      pm      Germany                                              leader of the CDU (Christian
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Democratic Union) / Federal
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Minister of Defence
                The programme is subject to changes and additions.

                                                                                                                                      1.15    Closing of the congress                              Marc Beise, Ulrich Schäfer /
                                                                                                                                      pm                                                           Süddeutsche Zeitung

                                                                                                                                      2.00    Networking Lunch

                                                                                                                                      3.00    End of the congress
The speakers
                                                    presented by authors from Süddeutsche Zeitung

The speakers

                                                 ANN-KRISTIN ACHLEITNER                                                   ZOE ADAMOWICZ
                                                  Some call her the most                                                   knows what founders need.
                                                   powerful woman in the                                                     She herself has already
                                                     German economy, she                                                     founded several compa-
                                                     wouldn‘t confirm that.                                                  nies. She co-founded
                                                     Ann-Kristin Achleitner                                                  Neufund, a blockchain-
                                                    (born 1966) is modest as a                                               based investing & fundrai-
                                                  person, but self-confident                                               sing platform. The Blockchain
                                                as a manager. She holds a                                                stock exchange issues and
                                            double doctorate in economics                                            trades tokens rather than shares.
               and law and is a professor at the Technical University of                    The start-up from Berlin wants to democratize start-up
               Munich with a research focus on venture capital. And she is                  funding and investing. Zoe initially tried her talents in arts,
               probably the most prominent member of the state‘s supervi-                   however, she discovered that it is entrepreneurship where
               sory board. She knows how corporations tick.            Marc Beise           she feels the best.                               Elisabeth Dostert

                                               BULENT ALTAN                                                        PETER ALTMAIER
                                                 The space engineer, born in                                        born in 1958, is considered

                                                   1977, set out to repair a                                          one of Chancellor Angela

                                                   Falcon 1 rocket on Kwajalein                                        Merkel’s closest advisors.
                                                   Island in the South Pacific                                         He was Federal Minister of
                                                   more than a decade ago. On                                          the Environment, Head of

                                                   28 September 2008, the craft                                       the Federal Chancellery and

                                                 took off into space flawlessly –                                   was put in charge of the
                                              the first successful Space-X                                        Federal Ministry for Economic
                                          launch. After studying Computer                                     Affairs and Energy in 2018. The
               Science and Astronautics at the TU Munich and Stanford, Bulent passionate European born in Saarland, however, has
               Altan was hired by Elon Musk in 2004. Since then, he has also          increasingly been grappling with transatlantic relations as
               worked for Airbus and founded a venture capital firm to finance of late, with trade matters mainly.                 Michael Bauchmüller
               start-ups in the space industry. Since March of this year, he has
               been in charge of Mynaric, a company developing satellite
               platforms for laser communication networks in Weßling near
               Munich. The father of two children is married to an American
               author.                                                   Dieter Sürig
SAMI ATIYA                                                            NANDA BERGSTEIN
                                  Born in 1964, he is respon-                                           „Where are the changes?“
                                   sible for the Robotics and                                            asks Nanda Bergstein (born
                                    Drives Division as a member                                           in 1979) in view of the
                                    of the ABB Group Executive                                            devastating consequences
                                    Board. The Swiss group                                                of our lifestyle. The Director
                                   wants to robots into                                                  of Corporate Responsibility
                                  hospitals and labs. Atiya                                             at Tchibo is concerned about
                               joined the company in 2016.                                           working conditions in the
                            From 1997 to 2015, he held                                           textile industry. She already dealt
management positions in the Siemens Group. He also worked               with the conditions during her studies and as an employee
for Harald Balzer & Partner, Robert Bosch and the Fraunhofer            of an NGO and consulting firm before she went to Tchibo.
Institute for Information and Data Processing. Atiya holds an                                                              Caspar Dohmen
MBA from MIT. He received his doctorate in electrical enginee-                                                                              21
ring from the University of Wuppertal in the field of robotics,

                                                                                                                                           The speakers
sensor technology and data processing.             Hendrik Munsberg

                                BIRGIT BOHLE                                                          ANA BRNABIĆ
                                 born in 1973, took up the                                             Born in 1975 in Belgrade, the
                                   positions Chief Human                                                business economist was the
                                    Resources Officer and                                                first woman to be elected
                                    Labour Director of                                                   Serbian Prime Minister in
                                    Deutsche Telekom AG on 1                                             June 2017. Only a year
                                   January 2019. Previously,                                            earlier, after working in the
                                 she had served in a number                                            private sector, she had been
                               of management positions at                                            appointed to the cabinet as
                            Deutsche Bahn AG in Bonn for                                         Minister. As a political career
many years. Most recently, she had been responsible for                 changer, she remains independent until now. She has
long-distance rail traffic and looking after the ICE and IC             focused her work on household renovation and digitisation
fleets of the company since 2015. Bohle moved from                      in order to keep Serbia on course in the EU.         Peter Münch
McKinsey to Deutsche Bahn in 2007. In 2011 she became
head of DB Sales. Bohle recalibrated business in line with
online offers.                                       Markus Balser

                                  SIR TIM CLARK                                                       FRIEDRICH CURTIUS
                                   He was a member of the                                               born in 1976, studied law in
                                     founding team of Emirates                                           Heidelberg and attained his
                                      and helped shape its                                                doctorate in 2004. In 2006,
                                      development into the                                                he joined the German
                                      largest international airline.                                      Football Association (DFB).
                                     Clark has been President of                                         In 2008 he became office
                                   Emirates Airline since 2003.                                        manager for the later
                                 Clark’s word carries weight with                                    president Wolfgang Niersbach.
                             airlines and manufacturers alike.                                   Since 2016, Curtius has been
Competitors such as Lufthansa are watching Emirates’ rise               Secretary General of the DFB. His motto: “Football is a
with suspicion. They demand that free market access be                  cultural asset that we must protect”.              Caspar Busse
restricted for the airline from Dubai.                   Jens Flottau
RUDOLF DELIUS                                                                  VOLKMAR DENNER
                                               born in 1953, runs the textile                                                 born in 1956, studied
                                                group in the ninth genera-                                                     physics in Stuttgart and
                                                 tion alongside his cousin                                                      then joined the Robert
                                                 and proves that change is                                                      Bosch Group in 1986, the
                                                 success. “The art lies in                                                      largest automotive supplier
                                                identifying the customer                                                       in the world. He has been
                                               who is unaware that he                                                         Chairman of the Board of
                                             actually needs any textiles,”                                                 Management since 2012. The
                                          says Delius. He has prepared well                                            enthusiastic motorcyclist is
               for his succession. After completing his schooling in                        currently struggling hard: profits are falling, sales are
               Bielefeld, Delius studied economics in Cambridge, worked                     stagnating, jobs are in danger, and the switch to electric
               for the investment bank J.P. Morgan and the oil company BP                   mobility is making it difficult for the Swabian. „The tailwind
22             before joining the family business in 1982.      Elisabeth Dostert           is gone,“ Denner recently noted with resignation. Caspar Busse
The speakers

                                              PHILIPP DEPIEREUx                                                              HOLGER ENGELMANN
                                               Born in 1977, he founded his                                                   When Holger Engelmann, a
                                                 own consulting firm                                                           business administration
                                                                                        basto Group

                                                  following his business                                                        graduate, transferred from
                                                  studies. He                                                                   Mannesmann to Webasto
                                                                                    © We

                                                  successfully restructured                                                     more than ten years ago, the
                                                 the film manufacturer                                                         family business from
                                               alesco as their CEO. In 2010,                                                  Stockdorf was known
                                             he founded etventure, a digital                                                predominantly for producing
                                        consultancy and cradle for                                                      roofs and parking heaters. A few
               start-ups, which develops digital business models for large                  years ago, Engelmann identified electric mobility as the next
               corporations and medium-sized companies. As ChangeRider                      big trend. At present, he and his company are entering the
               (non-profit model), he conducts conversations with success-                  market for battery systems and charging solutions. Engelmann
               ful companies in an e-car. etventure has been part of the                    thus demonstrates that a company founded as early as 1901
               consulting company EY since 2017, where Depiereux is also                    can still develop startup-type characteristics – especially when
               a partner.                                      Helmut Martin-Jung           it comes to new areas of future business.            Thomas Fromm

                                            MARCO FUCHS                                                                   MARKUS HAAS
                                             He would love to fly into                                                     born in 1972, started his
                                               space. „When commercial                                                      career in the legal affairs
                                                Projects like Virgin                                                         and regulatory division at
                                                Galactic are mature,“ he                                                     Telefónica in Germany in
                                                said, 57, once the SZ,                                                       1998 - at that time Viag
                                               „then I would take such a                                                    Interkom- after his legal
                                             flight to be considered“. So                                                  studies. Since 2017, Haas
                                           far is for the boss of the                                                    has been CEO of Telefónica
                                        Bremer Space company so at the                                                Deutschland Holding AG, the
               launch pad end. The listed family company has been                           company in his hometown of Munich. In terms of internal
               building space components since 1985 and satellites,                         digitisation, the hobby chef banks on ideas from the squad.
               initially for the German space laboratory Spacelab, later                                                                     Katharina Kutsche
               weather-, spying- and Galileo navigation satellites. Now
               Fuchs has also Moon ambitions.                       Dieter Sürig
ROBERT HABECK                                                                     MIRIAM HAERST
                                           born in Lübeck in 1969, is the                                                   has a vision: she wants to
                                            man of hope for the Greens.                                                       enable a bone implant to be
adine Stegemann

                                             Since January 2018, he has                                                        manufactured for a patient at
                                             been leading the party                                                            the hospital – on the spot,
                                             alongside Annalena                                                                during an operation. In order

                                            Baerbock. Many believe he                                                         to advance towards this goal,
                                           could be the first Green                                                         the graduate engineer
                                        Chancellor of Germany. Habeck                                                     co-founded Kumovis in 2017. The
                                    is actually a writer. “Writing was my                                            start-up develops 3D printers,
        life before it became politics,” he says. In 2009, he fought his                    specialising, for example, in building prototypes or implants
        way into the federal state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein.                        Tobias Bug
        Until 2018, he was Deputy Prime Minister of Schleswig-Hol-
        stein and Minister for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and                                                                                               23
        Rural Areas. Habeck is married to writer Andrea Paluch and has

                                                                                                                                                                 The speakers
        four children.                                           Silvia Liebrich

                                     RALPH HAMERS                                                                      BEATE HERAEUS
                                       born in 1966, radically trims                                                     67, has been advocating
                                        the Dutch financial group                                                         better teacher training for
                                         ING in order to set it up                                                         more than 30 years. The
                                         digitally. When he became                                                         economist started her
                                         CEO of the major bank in                                                          career at Roland Berger &
                                        2013 at the age of 46, this                                                       Partner and worked for the
                                       caused some excitement in                                                         company “Teutonia AG
                                    the Netherlands. Hamers is                                                        Zementwerk Hannover”, run by
                                 involved in the German market                                                    her family. She is president of
        through its subsidiary ING-Diba, the third-largest German                           Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung and, since
        private bank.                                    Meike Schreiber                    2011, Chairwoman of the Heraeus Educational
                                                                                            Foundation.                                      Lea Hampel

                                       SABINE HEROLD                                                                       DANIELA JACOB
                                         knows a thing or two about                                                         What are the consequences
                                          connections that last – in                                                         of global warming? Daniela
                                                                                   hristian Schmid

                                           more ways than one. Delo,                                                          Jacob, born in 1961, takes
                                           the company she and her                                                            on this question every day.
                                           husband own, produces                                                              She is one of Germany’s

                                          industrial adhesives that                                                          leading climate resear-
                                         are used, for example, to                                                          chers. For several years now,
                                       bond sensors in mobile phones                                                      Jacob has been Director of the
                                   or cars. As a member of the                                                        Climate Service Center in Ham-
        Presidential Board of the BDI (The Federation of German                             burg, which is part of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.
        Industries), she does not only concern herself with her own                         With a doctorate in meteorology, she also teaches as a
        interests, but also with those of medium-sized companies in                         visiting professor at Leuphana University of Lüneburg.
        general.                                          Elisabeth Dostert                                                                Julian Erbersdobler
PHILIPP JUSTUS                                                                    PAUL KAFFSACK
                                             born in 1970, has been in                                                         born 1981, is co-founder of
                                               charge of all business of the                                                     the German technology
                                                Google Internet corpora-                                                          manufacturer Myra
                                                tion across Germany,                                                              Security. Since 2013, the
                                                Austria and Switzerland                                                           company has been
                                               since May 2013. Previously,                                                       protecting websites from
                                             the business economist                                                             online attacks with its
                                           worked for the auction platform                                                   services. Customers include
                                        eBay in various positions for ten                                                the car rental company Sixt and
               years. In the 2000s, he helped build the company in                          the Baur mail order company. Politicians also trust in
               Europe, among other things. Justus started his career as a                   Kaffsack’s services: he thus protects the federal government
               consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. Helmut Martin-Jung                websites and was in charge of keeping the online presence
24                                                                                          secure at the G7 summit in Elmau. In his job, Kaffsack travels
                                                                                            the globe, from Silicon Valley to London. Here, he attends
The speakers

                                                                                            and speaks at conferences. Kaffsack has been a digital
                                                                                            entrepreneur for almost 20 years.                     Victor Gojdka

                                           OLA KäLLENIUS                                                                    LAURA KARASEK
                                            As Chairman of the Board of                                                      Her father, Hellmuth Karasek,
                                              Management of the Daimler                                                       was a culture journalist and
                                                                                    © Gaby erster

                                               Group, Ola Källenius, born                                                      critic known from TV, radio

                                               in 1969, stands for cultural                                                    and “Der Spiegel” (news
                                               change. Previously, the                                                         magazine), which she never
                                              company management                                                              tried to hide. And why would
                                            motto was: keep ‘em                                                              she – her own career is
                                          entertained with a cool show                                                    impressive in itself. Born in
                                      and big talk. The new guy leads                                                  Hamburg in 1982, she is an author,
               the automobile company differently. He is a no-nonsense                      a columnist and a presenter and generally pretty eccentric.
               business economist with a great grasp of technology and                      Karasek says about herself: “I love adrenalin, poetry, men with
               great restraint.                                   Max Hägler                chest hair, prosecco and abysses. And winning in casinos is
                                                                                            just as much fun as winning in court.” The latter is not actually
                                                                                            a joke, as Laura Karasek, besides her other roles, also works as
                                                                                            a lawyer for a large commercial law firm in Frankfurt. Marc Beise

                                               ANJA KARLICZEK                                                              DIETER KEMPF
                                                Initially, the Catholic (born in                                            66, President of the Federa-
                                                  1971) from Ibbenbüren in                                                   tion of German Industries
                                                  Westphalia was a popular                                                    (BDI) since 2017, unites
                                                  target of ridicule. She was                                                 burgers and IT: at a young
                                                  called the Minister of                                                      age, he worked for
                                                  Blunders. Since then, more                                                 McDonald’s and was
                                                and more praise has been                                                    promoted to branch manager
                                              voiced. Federal Minister of                                                 during his business studies.
                                           Education Anja Karliczek (CDU),                                            After graduating, he worked as an
               bank clerk, hotel manager, business economist, has been                      auditor before joining the Datev software company in 1991.
               able to report her first achievements, including the                         Five years later, he became Chairman of the Executive Board
               billion-dollar pact for science between the national and the                 – a position he held for 20 years. Today, digitisation is still
               federal state governments.                          Thomas Öchsner           close to his heart.                              Henrike Roßbach
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CLAUDIA KESSLER                                                              ALBRECHT KIEL
                                                       For years, as head of the                                                     As Regional Director of
                                                         Bremen recruiting company                                                    Central Europe for the
                                                         HE Space, she placed top                                                      card provider Visa, the
                                                         engineers with space                                                          former manager faces a
                                                         companies, then Claudia                                                       tough
                                                         Kessler dedicated herself to                                                 challenge: he is to woo
                                                       a new mission: After Germany                                                  over the cash-loving
                                                    had already sent eleven male                                                  Germans to electronic
                                                space travelers into space, it was                                             payment amongst other things.
                       time for a German astronaut to finally fly into space, she                    The growing turnover in online trading and the ever-incre-
                       thought and founded the „Astronautin“ initiative in 2016. In                  asing popularity of payment cards in Germany support
                       2017, together with the German Aerospace Center and the                       him in his task. Kiel was once CEO of the insurance
26                     Airbus Group, she selected two candidates. However, there is                  company Direct Line and of Allianz Direct. He joined the
                       no start date yet.                                      Dieter Sürig          world’s largest payment provider in 2015.
The speakers

                                                                                                                                                          Jan Willmroth

                                                    ANNE KJæR RIECHERT                                                              ANNEGRET
                                                      born in 1983, runs the ReDI                                                    KRAMP-KARRENBAUER
                                                       School in Berlin, a place for                                                   has been leader of the CDU
                                                                                              aurence Chape

                                                       refugees and migrants to                                                        (Christian Democratic
                                                       acquire or deepen their IT                                                      Union) since December
                                                       knowledge. The Dane                                                             2018 and also assumed the
                                                                                               DU L

                                                       speaks five languages and                                                       office of Federal Minister of

                                                      has already founded multiple                                                   Defence in July 2019. She
                                                   social start-ups. Prior to her                                                  was born in Völklingen in 1962
                                               career as an entrepreneur, she                                                   and has been a member of the CDU
                       worked as a corporate social responsibility consultant,                       since 1981. In 1999, she joined the federal state parliament
                       including for Samsung.                        Helmut Martin-Jung              of Saarland, and became Germany’s first female Minister of
                                                                                                     the Interior in 2000. Following the Bundestag elections in
                                                                                                     2017, she left the Saarbrücken state government for the
                                                                                                     position of CDU Secretary General in Berlin. She is married
                                                                                                     and has three children.                                 Nico Fried

                                                         PHILIPP LAHM                                                               ROBERT MAYR
                                                           36, was one of the most                                                   He challenges the outdated
                                                            successful German footballers.                                             image of a tax advisor and
               © Nadine Rupp

                                                             As captain, he led the German                                              auditor with an electric
                                                             national team to win the                                                   guitar manufactured by
                                                             World Cup title and FC Bayern                                              Squier. Robert Mayr, born
                                                            Munich to the Champions                                                    in Munich in 1966, studied
                                                           League victory. He won the                                                business administration and
                                                        Bundesliga eight times and the                                             holds a doctorate. He worked
                                                    DFB Cup six times. Spanish star coach                                      for the Berlin Treuhandanstalt
                       Pep Guardiola once said he was “the most intelligent player I have            (privatisation agency for East German assets) and later for
                       ever coached”. Lahm was considered a player with great                        the Deloitte auditing company. The hobby musician, who
                       leadership skills. He finished his career in 2017. Since then,                likes to jam with his employees from time to time, has
                       things have become noticeably more turbulent in and around the                relocated to Nuremberg in the meantime: since 2016, he
                       FC Bayern team. Lahm is shareholder in companies such as Sixtus               has been Chairman of the Executive Board of the software
                       (body care products) and Schneekoppe (foodstuffs). Harald Freiberger          company and IT service provider DATEV.           Katharina Kutsche
HERMANN J. MERKENS                                                              DANIEL NATHRATH
                               is what you could call an ‘old                                                  47, is a lawyer by training
                                 hand’. The current CEO of                                                      and son of an ophthalmolo-
                                  Aareal Bank joined the                                                         gist. He worked at various
                                  business world in 1985,                                                        internet start-ups, before
                                  with Deutsche Bank at the                                                      co-founding a digital health
                                 time. After a short intermis-                                                  guide with a human
                               sion at Deutsche Interhotel                                                     biologist in 2011. They were
                            Holding, he found his way to                                                    joined by a medical doctor a
                         Aareal Bank as early as 1999 and                                              little later. Three years ago, they
became a member of the Management Board in 2013. For                           launched the Ada Health app: its goal is to help users
about four years now, he has also been serving as CEO of the                   diagnose illnesses using artificial intelligence. Kristiana Ludwig
bank.                                            Nils Wischmeyer


                                                                                                                                                    The speakers
                                 BASTIAN NOMINACHER                                                            VERENA PAUSDER
                                  Born in 1984, he and his                                                      The digital education of
                                    co-founders Martin Klenk                                                     children is close to her
                                                                       © Kim Keibel

                                     and Alexander Rinke have                                                     heart. With her Haba
                                     achieved something many                                                      Digital Workshops project
                                     people in Germany can                                                        supported by industrial
                                    only dream of: his company                                                   partners, such as aerospace
                                  Celonis is a unicorn – a                                                      company Airbus, Verena
                                start-up with a market value of                                               Pausder has therefore
                           more than one billion dollars.                                                 dedicated herself to supporting
Celonis uses artificial intelligence to scrutinise digital                     children and pupils. Here, they can learn about the basics of
processes within companies and to identify weak spots and                      digitisation in a playful environment. Pausder, who lives in
bottlenecks                                      Helmut Martin-Jung            Berlin with her family, has founded several companies,
                                                                               including Fox & Sheep, who provide apps and online games
                                                                               for children, the majority of which she has sold to the toy
                                                                               manufacturer Haba.                                   Caspar Busse

                              UWE PETER                                                                     RAMONA POP
                               born 1966 is a bridge                                                         Born in Timisoara, Romania
                                 builder: He wants to build a                                                 in 1977, the member of The
                                  bridge between the                                                           Greens (Die Grünen) has
                                  engineering nation of                                                        been on the front line of
                                  Germany and the digital                                                      Berlin local politics from
                                 future. Peter has known                                                      early on. Pop moved to
                               Cisco‘s customers for years.                                                  Germany with her parents in
                             In 1999, he joined the IT                                                     1988. She studied political
                          company – and in the course of his                                           sciences in Münster and Berlin.
career, he has dealt with public clients as well as medi-                      From 2009, she was faction leader of The Greens in Berlin’s
um-sized companies. „There must not only be ‚smart cities‘,                    local parliament (Abgeordnetenhaus) for seven years. In
we also need ‚smart regions‘,“ says Uwe Peter. Before                          December 2016, she became a mayor of Berlin and Senator
joining Cisco, Peter worked for the industrial giant Siemens.                  for Economics and Energy in the capital’s Red-Red-Green
                                                       Victor Gojdka           senate administration.                            Jens Schneider
ANGELIQUE                                                                       FLORIAN RESATSCH
                                                      RENKHOFF-MüCKE                                                                 The Berlin-based VC/O
                                                       56, knows her way around                                                         company is part of the
                                                        light and shade. She is CEO                                                      Viessmann Group and
                                                        of Warema Renkhoff SE, a                                                         focuses on the topics of
                                                        specialist in sun shading.                                                       digital transformation,
                                                       As a family entrepreneur,                                                        new business and smart
                                                      she embodies what she                                                           living. Florian Resatch has
                                                    herself misses in politics:                                                    been its CEO since the
                                                arguing a clear-cut position. She                                              beginning of 2018. He was
                       has been a member of the new Digital Council of the                           co-founder of the mobile marketing network radcarpet,
                       Confederation of German Employers’ Association (BDA)                          which was acquired by Ströer Media AG in 2013. He also
                       since the beginning of April and serves as one of the                         founded several other companies.                Julian Erbersdobler

28                     chairpersons.                                    Elisabeth Dostert
The speakers

                                                       DIRK ROSSMANN                                                               MANUELA ROUSSEAU
                                                        At the beginning of the 70s,                                                born in Neumünster in 1955,
                                                         he opened his first drug-                                                   is one of the most experi-
                                                                                            enriette Pogoda

                                                          store in Hanover. After                                                     enced women on the
                                                          Schlecker went bankrupt,                                                    Supervisory Board of a
                                                          Rossmann is number two in                                                   globally operating DAX

                                                         Germany today with more                                                     group. She has been a
                                                        than 2,000 stores following                                                 member of the Supervisory
                                                      competitor dm. The socially-                                                Board of the Beiersdorf
                                                  minded entrepreneur, born in                                                cosmetics group on behalf of its
                       1946, published his autobiography entitled “... then I                        employees since 1999 and was recently appointed Deputy
                       climbed the tree” last year. The book illuminates his career,                 Chairwoman. Born to a seamstress and a locomotive driver,
                       remarkably self-critically at times               Michael Kläsgen             she had to leave school at the age of 14. Still, she managed
                                                                                                     to work her way to the top without a university degree.
                                                                                                     Today, she is a professor and one of the “100 Top Business
                                                                                                     Women” in Germany.                             Ann-Kathrin Eckardt

                                                    STEFAN SCHAIBLE                                                                 STEPHAN SCHAMBACH
                                                      is the new face of Roland                                                       Raised in the GDR, he is
                                                        Berger, the only German                                                        among the most successful
               ominik Butzmann

                                                        consulting firm to boast                                                        German serial founders. The
                                                        international standing.                                                         man from Jena established
                                                        Since the founder retired, a                                                    three popular companies,

                                                        number of different people                                                     all related to e-commerce. In
                                                      have been in charge.                                                            the late 1990s, he got off to a
                                                   Schaible, born in 1968, who                                                     flying start with Intershop on the
                                                leads the German core business                                                 German Neuer Markt. He then
                       with its new five-person Management Board, banks on                           moved to the USA, founded Demandware and sold the
                       transparency. He thus disclosed the figures of the past                       company to Salesforce in 2016 for nearly three billion dollars.
                       years. These were not always great. Now, however, Berger is                   Since 2015, he has been growing NewStore in Boston and
                       experiencing strong growth.                          Marc Beise               Berlin and is fully committed to shopping on mobile devices.
                                                                                                     Ulrich Schäfer
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ROLF MARTIN SCHMITZ                                                             ARNE SCHöNBOHM
                                                born in 1957, wants to                                                         Born in 1969, he has been
                                                 transform the RWE coal                                                         President of the Federal
                                                  group into a green energy                                                      Office for Information
                                                  giant. As the engineer, who                                                    Security (BSI) since
                                                  holds a doctorate, did not                                                     2016. Schönbohm
                                                 want to shut down all                                                           studied international
                                                coal-fired power plants                                                        management and
                                             immediately and save the                                                        co-founded the Cyber-Secu-
                                         Hambach Forest from being                                                       rity Council, where he acted as
               chopped down for an opencast mine in an instant, RWE is                       chairman until 2016. Schönbohm is the first business
               facing a great deal of protest from environmentalists.                        expert to lead the BSI. Since assuming his position, the BSI
               Schmitz, a trumpeter with a passion for carnival, has been                    has greatly expanded in terms of personnel. Helmut Martin-Jung
30             working in the energy industry for three decades.
                                                                    Benedikt Müller
The speakers

                                           JOACHIM SCHREINER                                                                 ROLF SCHRöMGENS
                                            Born in 1962, he spent his                                                        born 1976, is founder and
                                             entire professional life with                                                      head of the hotel search
                                              American IT companies. In                                                          engine Trivago, the
                                              1988, he joined Boole and                                                          company from Düsseldorf
                                              Babbage, an automation                                                             with which you can
                                             software developer. He later                                                       compare the prices of hotels
                                            worked as Sales Director for                                                      and other accommodations
                                          the German offices of Veritas                                                     and which has 1200 employ-
                                      Software and Symantec. Since                                                      ees, is one of the large German
               2006, he has been General Manager for Central Europe at                       Internet companies. Schrömgen‘s parents once ran a
               the cloud company Salesforce.               Helmut Martin-Jung                well-known restaurant in Mönchengladbach, the son
                                                                                             preferred to start a start-up.                        Caspar Busse

                                              GüNTHER SCHUH                                                                 SVENJA SCHULZE
                                               The company founder                                                           born 1968, has been
                                                completed his doctorate at                                                     Federal Minister for the
                                                                                      otothek BMU

                                                 RWTH Aachen University                                                         Environment, Nature
                                                 and habilitated himself at                                                     Conservation and Nuclear
                                                 the University of St. Gallen.                                                  Safety since the begin-
                                                                                       © ph

                                                Here, he was Professor of                                                      ning of 2018. Previously,
                                               Production Management until                                                   the SPD politician was
                                             2002. Eventually, he became                                                   Secretary General of her party
                                         Chair of Production Engineering at                                            in North Rhine-Westphalia and
               RWTH Aachen University. He sold his electric vehicle company                  Minister for Innovation, Science and Research in the state.
               Streetscooter to Deutsche Post; he now builds compact                         She studied German and political science and joined the
               electric cars with e.GO Mobile.                     Valentin Dornis           SPD in the year of her Abitur. One of her major political
                                                                                             projects was the abolition of tuition fees. Today she is
                                                                                             primarily concerned with climate change, CO2 emissions,
                                                                                             insect protection and plastic waste.              Vivien Timmler
MICHAEL SEN                                                          JEAN-DOMINIQUE SENARD
                               He was born in Korschenbro-                                           Born in 1953, he could have
                                 ich, North Rhine-Westphalia,                                         retired to his winery when
                                  in 1968. He is among the                                             he retired as head of tyre
                                  Siemens managers who                                                 manufacturer Michelin in
                                  started out their career                                             2019. Instead, he took on
                                 following vocational training                                        a heavy job. As successor
                               at the parent company. This                                           to the scandalous Carlos
                             does not only provide the right                                      Ghosn at the top of Renault,
                          pedigree and intimate knowledge of                                  he must bring calm to the
the corporation but also important networks. As member of                company, appease partner Nissan and open up new
the Managing Board, he oversees Siemens Healthineers in                  business.                                        Leo Klimm
the medical technology sector, and Siemens Gamesa in the
wind sector today, among others. Some even say that there is                                                                                  31
more scope for him to expand within the group. Incidentally,

                                                                                                                                             The speakers
he describes himself as a “generalist”.             Thomas Fromm

                                  MARKUS SöDER                                                         CARSTEN SPOHR
                                   When he joined the Christian                                         born in 1966, has been head
                                     Social Union (CSU) in 1983 at                                        of the Lufthansa Group
                                     the age of 16, he put up a                                            since 1 May 2014. The
                                     poster of Franz Josef Strauss                                         management career of the
                                     in his bedroom in Nuremberg.                                          industrial engineer and
                                     At the age of 27, he entered                                         Airbus A320 captain took
                                   the state parliament of Bavaria,                                     off in 1994. Prior to his time
                                at 36 he became Secretary                                             as Chairman of the Executive
                            General of the CSU party. At the age of                                Board, he was in charge of the
40 he was appointed State Minister; initially for Federal and            Lufthansa flight operations for three years. Spohr’s
European Affairs, then for Environment and Health and finally for        responsibilities include the development of the budget
Finance. In March 2018, Söder – just like his idol Strauß once           airline Eurowings. Following a lengthy dispute with the
upon a time – rose to the office of Prime Minister of Bavaria. After     pilots, he signed a long-term collective agreement with the
the state elections in autumn, he formed a coalition with the Free       trade union Vereinigung Cockpit.                     Jens Flottau
Voters (Freie Wähler). Meanwhile, Söder, born in 1967, has also
assumed leadership of the CSU.                         Roman Deininger

                               OLIVER STEIL                                                           GILLIAN TANS
                                 has been the CEO of TeamVie-                                          has been with Booking.com
                                   wer since 2018. The German                                           since 2002, when she was
                                    tech company has specia-                                             one of the first permanent
                                    lized in software that can                                           employees of the start-up
                                    be used to network and                                               company in Amsterdam.
                                   remotely control machines                                            The Dutchwoman made it to
                                 of all kinds and has always                                           the top and was CEO from
                               been regarded as spoiled for                                          2016 to summer 2019; now
                            success. The turnover and profit of                                   she operates as Chairwoman. The
the Göppingen-based company have been increasing                         hotel booking platform Booking.com is among the most
regularly for years. Steil recently indicated that an IPO would          successful online companies of all time and has up to one
bring many advantages for his company               Nils Wischmeyer      million customers a day.                           Caspar Busse
JULIAN TEICKE                                                                     FRANK THELEN
                                                      Born in Berlin, 32-year-old                                                       He has been luring founders
                                                        Julian Teicke attended the                                                        into the lions’ den as one of
                                                         John F. Kennedy German-                                                           the hosts in the aptly named
                                                         American Community                                                                VOX programme “Die Höhle
                                                         School and subsequently                                                           der Löwen” (similar to Shark
                                                        spent a year doing social                                                         Tank) for five years. In 2011,
                                                      work in Peru. He studied in                                                       Frank Thelen, born in 1975, was
                                                    St. Gallen and moved to                                                           named Hidden Champion with his
                                               London to join Groupon, a voucher                                                  investment company Freigeist Capital.
                      service provider. Soon after, he founded “Dein Deal” in                         Since then, he has pursued business rather more overtly as one
                      Switzerland. The Ringier Group bought the company in                            of the best-known German investors. His most successful
                      2015. Teicke founded the insurance broker Wefox. In 2017,                       investments include MyTaxi, Wunderlist and Lilium. Since 2018,
32                    he married Elisabeth von Stackelberg; the couple has been                       he has been leading the Innovation Council of the German
                      together for 15 years.                             Herbert Fromme               Federal Government as an entrepreneurial representative
The speakers

                                                                                                      together with Minister of State Dorothee Bär.         Katharina Kutsche

                                                     STEFAN VILSMEIER                                                                KATHARINA WAGNER
                                                      born in 1967, revolutionised                                                    born in 1983, owned a car
                                                        medical technology with                                                        only once, at 19, for a year.
                                                                                                  reas Klein

                                                        Brainlab. At age 19, he                                                         As an urbanite, she uses
                                                        published a bestselling                                                         public transport, a bicycle
                                                                                            © An d

                                                        book on digital 3D                                                              and sharing services, which
                                                        Graphics, after having                                                         she herself constantly
                                                      taught himself how to                                                           optimises: the business
                                                    program on a Commodore 64.                                                      economist worked at Daimler’s
                                                The profit became the starting                                                   car2go and is now head of Oply
                      capital for Brainlab, now a global leader for software-sup-                     Germany, a brand-new start-up. Her vision: to render private
                      ported medical technology.                         Christoph Gurk               cars superfluous for real.                            Max Hägler

                                                       KIRA WALKENHORST                                                           DAVID WANG
                                                        Beach volleyball player Kira                                               born in 1972, is deputy head
                                                         Walkenhorst achieved                                                        of Germany for the Chinese
                                                          everything an athlete could                                                telecommunications
               © Mirja Geh

                                                          ever dream of. Olympic                                                     provider Huawei. Wang
                                                          Champion 2016, World                                                       studied at Xi‘an Jiaotong
                                                         Champion 2017, European                                                     University and has worked
                                                        Champion 2015 and 2016.                                                    for Huawei since 1997.
                                                     She often struggled, however.                                              He is also Chairman of the
                                                  Serious injuries and illnesses                                             Investment Review Board of the
                      caused her many setbacks. Yet she fought her way back time                      company. Wang has previously held a number of senior
                      and again until she could accomplish it all. She and her                        management positions at Huawei.              Helmut Martin-Jung
                      partner Laura Ludwig captivated the people with her
                      appearance at the finals of the Summer Games in Rio de
                      Janeiro. At the age of 28, she ended her career. Early this
                      year, she announced that “my body doesn‘t tolerate competi-
                      tive sports anymore”.                                Hannah Wilhelm
STEPHAN WEIL                                                                FRANZISKA WESSEL
                                          born in 1958, is not an                                                    born in 2004, believes that
                                            ostentatious person: Lower                                                twelve tons of CO2 are far
                                             Saxony, the state he has                                                  too much per German
                                             ruled since 2013, he                                                      citizen per year – only
                                             describes as “poor but                                                    two tons are permissible.
                                            clean”. The lawyer and SPD                                                 On Fridays, the pupil is
                                          politician says this with a                                                rarely found inside the
                                       little hint of a smile, reflecting                                          classroom nowadays. She is
                                    both truth and irony. His low-key                                           out demonstrating for the
         manner has led to his re-election in times of the SPD crisis.            climate as part of the school student movement “Fridays For
         It is also appreciated at Volkswagen, where he serves on                 Future” on the streets of Berlin. She herself tried to live
         the Supervisory Board.                                   Max Hägler      climate neutrally for a year.                           Tobias Bug


                                                                                                                                                        The speakers
                                         KATJA WINDT                                                             MIRIAM WOHLFARTH
                                          born in 1969, has been a                                                She is one of the very few
                                           member of the Managing                                                   female leaders in the
                                            Board of the plant solutions                                             male-dominated Fintech
                                            provider SMS group since                                                 environment. The co-foun-
                                            2018. She holds a                                                        der and managing director
                                           doctorate in mechanical                                                  of RatePAY GmbH can look
                                          engineering and is respon-                                              back on more than 16 years
                                       sible for software and digital                                           of experience in online money
                                    products that the family business                                       transactions. Most recently, she
         distributes to clients such as steel mills. Windt was previ-             was employed with the internationally operating payment
         ously in charge of a private university in Bremen. The mother            service provider Ogone (Ingenico Payment Services). Prior
         of three serves on the supervisory boards of Fraport and                 to this, she had contributed massively to the building of the
         Deutsche Post.                                     Benedikt Müller       e-payments business of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
                                                                                  and its payment service subsidiary Bibit in Germany.
                                                                                                                                      Meike Schreiber

                                          CHRISTIANE WOOPEN
                                           Born in 1962, she initially
                                            studied medicine, then
     ner Zensen

                                             philosophy. Today, as
                                             Professor for Ethics and
© Rei

                                             Theory of Medicine at the
                                            University of Cologne, she
                                           can combine both. There, she
                                         serves as Executive Director of
                                     the Cologne Center for Ethics,
         Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health (Ceres). She
         also offers advice on ethics in the political world: at the
         international level as Chairwoman of the European Group on
         Ethics and at the national level as co-spokeswoman of the Data
         Ethics Commission of the German Government               Veronika Wulf
Mit durchgängig digitalen Prozessen

sichere ich mir                     neue Freiräume
                  in meinem Unternehmen.

 Egal, was Sie geschäftlich planen: Die dafür notwendigen Freiräume
 verschaffen Sie sich mit durchgängig digitalen DATEV-Lösungen. Für
 sämtliche kaufmännischen Aufgaben – von der Angebotserstellung bis
 hin zum Jahresabschluss bei Ihrem Steuerberater. So können Sie sich
 ganz auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren – Ihr Unternehmen.

               The sponsors
The sponsors
DATEV is a software developer and IT service provider for tax consultants, auditors, and attorneys,
               as well as their clients. In addition to the members, customers include companies, municipalities
               and institutions. The cooperative‘s range of products and services encompasses the fields of ac-
               counting, personnel management, business consulting, taxes, enterprise resource planning
(ERP), IT services, IT security and training and consultancy. DATEV was founded in 1966 and today is one of
Germany‘s largest information service providers and software development companies. As such in 2018, the
company ranked third on the list of business software providers in Germany. DATEV provides more than 325,000
customers with its solutions. Working together, the cooperative improves the business processes of 2.5 million
companies, municipalities and institutions.

                                                                                                                     The sponsors
               Two partners. One pole position: The digital consultancy etventure implements the digital trans-
               formation of companies in their existing core organization as well as by establishing new digital
               business models. The corporate customers include BARMER, Deutsche Bahn, Daimler Financial
               Services, Franz Haniel & Cie., Schwan-STABILO and the steel merchant Klöckner. To be even
stronger together, etventure became part of the auditing and consulting firm EY (Ernst & Young) in October
2017. The international organization offers an extensive portfolio in the areas of auditing, tax accounting, legal
advice, transaction consultations, advisory services and real estate consultations. This allows both partners to
ideally combine their industry experience and digital expertise. As a result of the cooperation, their talents,
experiences and assets mutually reinforce each other. EY and etventure are thus developing the digital future
of economy and society in an innovative process that is market-leading, groundbreaking and, above all, gene-
rating value. The goal is to become the consultancy of the future and also help their clients become real “game

             Salesforce is the global leader in customer relationship management (CRM), bringing companies
             closer to their customers in the digital age. Founded in 1999, Salesforce enables companies of
             every size and industry to take advantage of powerful technologies—cloud, mobile, social, inter-
             net of things, and artificial intelligence—to connect to their customers in a whole new way. The
Salesforce Customer 360 includes industry-leading services spanning sales, service, marketing, commerce,
communities, collaboration and industries, all on a single trusted cloud platform. The company is ranked #1 on
Fortune’s World‘s Best Workplaces list, and Forbes has ranked the company one of the world‘s most innovative
companies for eight years in a row. For information, please visit www.salesforce.com.
Headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany, Aareal Bank Group is a leading provider of smart financing,
                                software products and digital solutions for the property sector and related industries. These solutions
                                meet the highest quality standards, and support our clients in more than 20 countries across three
                                continents – Europe, North America and Asia/Pacific. In the Structured Property Financing business
               segment, we provide customised and flexible financing for our clients’ international property investments – particu-
               larly office buildings, hotels, shopping centres as well as residential and logistics properties – with a focus on exis-
               ting buildings. Our strength lies in combining local market expertise with sector-specific know-how. In the Consul-
               ting/Services business segment, clients from the European property and energy sectors optimise their business
               processes and enhance efficiency through our unique combination of specialised banking services and innovative
               digital products and services. Our digital platforms integrate property management with related industries.
38             www.aareal-bank.com
The sponsors

                                  Berlin Partner for Business and Technology – We’re working for growth! The economic development
                                  corporation Berlin Partner for Business and Technology is Berlin’s service provider for growth and
                                  innovation. Berlin Partner supports companies and investors as they move to Berlin and in their
                                  development at the location. The experts at Berlin Partner provide information on funding opportu-
               nities, advise in the search for suitable premises or qualified staff, and create networks with partners in the scientific
               community. The state of Berlin and over 280 companies dedicated to the promotion of their city stand behind Berlin
               Partner for Business and Technology as a unique public-private partnership. Berlin Partner is also responsible for
               marketing the German capital worldwide, for example with the successful “be Berlin” campaign.

                                With more than 9 million customers, ING in Germany is Germany’s third-largest bank.
                                Its core retail banking services are mortgages, current accounts, savings, consumer
                                loans and brokerage. The bank can be reached by customers 24/7. ING Wholesale
                                Banking takes care of corporate clients, including large, internationally operating
               companies. Some 4,000 employees work for ING at its offices in Frankfurt (headquarters), Hanover, Nu-
               remberg and Vienna.

                             Myra Security GmbH is developer and operator of a worldwide cloud security suite. It analyzes
                             traffic in real time, detects threats and reliably fends off attacks before they can cause damage
                             to websites and IT infrastructures. Myra Security‘s goal is to protect all digital business proces-
                             ses of a company against attacks from the Internet in real time and to ensure 100% data trans-
               parency. So virtual attacks are not a real threat. Myra Security relies on the highest quality standards and
               recognized certifications such asthe ISO 27001 certificate based on IT-Grundschutz or PCI-DSS. This proves
               that technology “Made in Germany“ is highly efficient, safe and successful.The company’s clients include
               institutions such as the European Central Bank and the German Federal Government as well as media hou-
               ses, DAX corporations and companiessuch as Sixt and BAUR.
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