Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum

Page created by Robert Doyle
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
winter 2016
                                                                                                                                 Edition 7

The Packaging Word is the official publication of The Packaging Forum | www.packagingforum.org.nz

                                   editorial Andrew Hewett
                                   		Chair, The Packaging Forum

    This year I took on a new role within         In Australia, New South Wales (NSW)               We have been discussing this report
    Coca Cola Amatil as Group General             announced a container deposit scheme              with stakeholders from local and central
    Manager External Communications, with         (CDS), to commence from July 2017 in              government. People have differing
    responsibility across Australia, New          an attempt to tackle litter relating to           views about the merits of CDS in New
    Zealand and Indonesia. This broader           beverage containers. This means that              Zealand. However, there is a common
    focus has given me greater insight into       NSW will join South Australia and the             understanding that introducing a CDS in
    the different approaches to packaging         Northern Territory in having CDS. In NSW          a country where there is an existing high-
    product stewardship on both sides of          the beverage container recycling rate is          performing kerbside collection will add
    The Ditch and also how these differ again     64% and according to the National Litter
                                                                                                    cost and moreover may risk the financial
    from issues in Indonesia.                     Index, drink containers represent 44%             viability of kerbside collections, which are
                                                  litter volume.                                    linked to long term investment contracts.
    The Waste Minimisation Act 2008 in
                                                                                                    Furthermore, due to the convenience of
    New Zealand provides the basis for            How is New Zealand looking in
                                                                                                    kerbside collections for households, there
    our programmes under The Packaging            comparison? Over 69%[2] of beverage
                                                                                                    is no guarantee that people will change
    Forum. In accordance with this Act, we        containers are recycled in NZ. This
                                                                                                    their recycling behaviours just because of
    have developed two voluntary product          number understates the recovery of
                                                                                                    the potential for a small refund.
    stewardship schemes and established           plastic bottles because it does not
    projects, such as the Love NZ Soft Plastic    include commercial collections and the            It is interesting to compare issues in New
    Recycling programme.                          hospitality sector. The National Litter           Zealand and Australia with the waste
                                                  Survey by Waste Not Consulting finds              management challenges in Indonesia.
    When we established the Public
                                                  that beverage containers make up only             The amount of waste is rapidly increasing
    Place Recycling Scheme in 2013, we
                                                  11% of litter, so putting a charge on             in Asia due to population increases,
    incorporated targets for litter reduction,
                                                  beverage containers alone is not going to         industrialisation, urbanisation and the
    in recognition of the connections between
                                                  solve the litter problem.                         improvement of living standards. Changes
    litter, recycling and reducing waste. The
                                                                                                    to consumption patterns generate
    Packaging Forum is now partnering with        Last month, the Forum released a new
                                                                                                    different types of waste with a notable
    Keep Auckland Beautiful, Auckland Litter      assessment by economist consultants
                                                                                                    increase in packaging materials. Many
    Prevention Group and several Local            Covec - “Evaluating the Costs & Benefits
                                                                                                    countries in Asia lack the necessary
    Councils to develop a “Litter Less, Recycle   of Introducing a Container Deposit
                                                                                                    intuitional, technical, and financial
    More” project. It is encouraging to see       System”. Covec concluded that while
                                                                                                    interventions required for an integrated
    that the Minister for the Environment has     CDS would increase recycling rates,
                                                                                                    approach to waste management, and
    extended the eligibility criteria for waste   introducing a 10 cents charge on beverage
                                                                                                    these changes in waste generation are
    minimisation funding to include projects      containers would actually lead to a net
                                                                                                    putting increasing pressure on existing
    that address litter, and we hope that our     cost to New Zealanders of approximately
                                                                                                    infrastructure and services. †
    pending application for project funding       $75m per year.
    will be successful.
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
Opinion Piece
                                              hon david parker mp
It is, therefore, not surprising that         Labour Spokesperson for the Environment
Indonesia, a country of 250 million
people, is one of five Asian countries
reported to jointly contribute 60% of
the plastic waste in our seas. In these
countries only 40% of waste is properly
collected[3], with many households having
no choice but to self-dispose of their
increasing wastes, by either burning
or dumping. Although Asia is a strong
growth market in food and beverage, it
also presents some tough sustainability
                                              David Parker (centre) with (L to R) Matt Wilson, Andrew Hewett, Sara Tucker and John Webber
challenges for global brands, many of
which are members of the Packaging
                                              I’ve never seen cows use toilet paper
As a NZ packaging industry it’s our role to
commission robust independent research        I’m not going to repeat the great stats                    It really is disgusting.
and analysis which can help inform            on the hundreds of brands that help fund
                                                                                                         Some of the hire firms are complicit
discussion. We are happy to engage in         the Packaging Forum’s work, nor the 73%
                                                                                                         and don’t give a hoot. I’m not surprised.
wider stakeholder discussions on CDS          of glass that is now recycled. You know
                                                                                                         The Wicked Campervan company must
and other issues, such as the calls for       all that. I want to enlist your support for
                                                                                                         be sleazy, putting such misogynist
bans on plastic bags. The word forum          another litter issue that we need to fix
                                                                                                         tawdry messages on their vehicles
means an open place for discussion and        as a country that your survey does not
                                                                                                         that some have been classified as
being open to public opinion is essential     pick up.
                                                                                                         offensive publications. They are not
to success, which is why the Packaging
                                              Freedom campers are now so large                           alone in hiring out campers with no toilet
Forum Board appreciates the input from
                                              in number that they are ruining it for                     facilities, advertising freedom camping
our advisory board.
                                              everyone. People in many parts of New                      opportunities. Social media helps those
_____                                         Zealand — Central and Coastal Otago,                       looking for a holiday on the cheap, but
1.   www.epa.nsw.gov.au/resources/            Banks Peninsula, Nelson, Gisborne, the                     others end up footing the bill, or with “it”
                                              far North — have had a gutsful. Their                      on their shoes.
                                              councils have too.
2.   Waste Not Consulting 2016                                                                           Freedom camping for those walking in
3.   www.pri.org/stories/2016-01-13/5-        Aerial photos show the extent of toilet                    our parks is a wonderful thing. But we
     countries-dump-more-plastic-             paper and human excrement strewn                           can’t have scores of vehicles doing it.
                                              around Lake Tekapo. It’s not an isolated                   What was probably OK in small numbers
                                              problem. Local toilets around the country                  has got out of hand. Campervans the size
                                              were designed for use as toilets, not for                  of the Titanic now carry entire families.
                                              overnight campers, nor for washing up                      Freedom camping is now despoiling our
                                              dishes. Grey water is not meant to be                      environment for locals and visitors alike.
                                              dumped in gutters.
                                                                                                         It’s time to push back. I am with the
                                              It gets worse. I couldn’t help laughing                    councils who want to put a stop to this,
                                              when a radio interviewer asked a council                   through by-laws and clamping. It’s not
                                              employee how he could be sure that                         too much to expect campervans to stay
                                              campervans were dumping their sewage                       in camping grounds and pay for the
                                              in livestock effluent road stops — “I’ve                   facilities they need. Let’s clean up this
                                              never seen cows use toilet paper” was                      industry. Fixing this protects tourism and
                                              the reply.                                                 keeps our country clean too.
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
hot off the press!
                                             mascot has been finalised, it will be made    Recycling Programme. The initiative aims
                                             available for everyone to use to spread       to get Hamilton residents to recycle their
                                             the anti-littering message.”                  unwanted plastic bags and other soft
                                                                                           plastic packaging, through their local
                                             Student feedback
                                                                                           Countdown store. At each store there will
                                             “Being a tidy kiwi makes me feel like the     be special recycling bins to collect the
                                             happiest, cleanest superhero who helps the    soft plastics, with the recyclables being
                                             environment.” 8-year-old boy, Wellington.     turned into park benches, like the one
                                             “Being a tidy kiwi makes me feel like I’ve    donated to Peachgrove Intermediate.
                                             done a humongous thing to make the world      www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/news/
                                             a better place. It makes me feel proud.”      hamilton-press/78134894/hamilton-
                                             8-year-old girl, Auckland.                    supermarkets-involved-in-plastic-

Beginning of the road for
glass stockpile in Twizel
reported by Timaru’s The Courier
A massive stockpile of glass in Twizel has
been removed, crushed and is being used
in roads. Mackenzie District Council solid
waste manager Angie Taylor said the
2687m3 pile of glass was the legacy from
glass collections in the district which
were stockpiled until three years ago.
The Glass Packaging Forum and a road
construction company, Road Metals,
have worked with the Council to find a
positive solution. The overall cost of the   From bags to benches -                        TV3 The Story investigates
project will be $59,000, with 90% funding    Hamilton supermarkets                         Wellington glass collector
received as a grant from the Glass
                                             involved in plastic                           The Story reports ‘very bad news’ for
Packaging Forum.
                                             recycling programme                           viewers, who separate their glass and
15,000 students have their                   reported by Waikato Times                     plastic rubbish for recycling. Heather
say on new ‘Tidy Kiwi’                       A seat made from 15,000 plastic bags was
                                                                                           Du Plessis-Allan followed Daily Waste
                                                                                           recycling trucks in Wellington, which have
New Zealand’s much loved anti-littering      donated to the students from Peachgrove       been dumping recycling into the landfill.
character is undergoing a makeover and so    Intermediate School, at the Hamilton          The company admits that it has not been
far over 16,000 students have taken part.    launch of the new Soft Plastic Recycling      recycling glass since August 1 2015.
                                             Programme at Countdown Claudelands.
Richard Leckinger, Auckland Litter
                                             Hamilton Mayor Julie Hardaker cut the         The Glass Packaging Forum responded
Prevention Steering Group Programme
                                             ribbon of the chair, alongside Peachgrove’s   that the feature does not fairly and
Manager said “We’re asking students
                                             assistant principal Helen Te Kiri. “I’m       accurately reflect glass collection and
around the country to have their say on
                                             mesmerised by this,” Hardaker said. “It’s     recycling in Wellington and around the
the design direction Tidy Kiwi is taking.
                                             incredible to think that that’s made out of   country, noting that glass collected from
The public can also take a short survey at
                                             plastic bags.”                                our members’ kerbside and commercial
www.beatidykiwi.nz to share their views
                                                                                           collections in Wellington is returned to OI
about litter and being a tidy kiwi. We are   Hamilton City Council became the first        in Auckland for remanufacture into new
testing the designs in cinemas, schools,     council in New Zealand to officially          containers.
parks and via surveys. Once the new          support the Love NZ Soft Plastic
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
packagingforum.org.nz | glasspackagingforum.org.nz | recycling.kiwi.nz

New economic                                 Packaging Forum                                     and community/retail drop off
                                             Perspective                                         recycling programmes is already
analysis puts the net                                                                            increasing the recycling of plastic
                                             Decisions need to be based on current
cost of introducing                          lifestyles and embedded collection
                                                                                                 bottles and cans. We are already

a 10 cents charge on                         systems. Nostalgia policy calls need to be
                                                                                                 at over 69%, which is comparable
                                                                                                 with CDS systems in New York and
beverage containers                          tested by economic analysis.
                                                                                                 Hawaii. Furthermore, investment

at $75 million a year.                       •    Over 69%1 beverage containers                  in resource recovery facilities in
                                                  are already recycled in NZ. This               targeted regions and sectors will
COVEC REPORT APRIL 2O16                           number understates the recovery of             increase recycling, as has been
Tim Denne, Director at Covec explains             plastic bottles because it does not            the case with glass, without the
that:                                             include commercial and hospitality             exorbitant cost of CDS.
“Container deposits could be expected                                                      _____
to increase New Zealand’s beverage           •    Drinks containers only make up           1.   Waste Not Consulting 2016
recycling rate from 69% to around 80%,            approximately 11% of litter, so CDS      2.   National Litter Survey May 2015 Waste
                                                  will not solve the litter problem2 .          Not Consulting
bringing a benefit of $22 million per
                                                                                           3.   Ministry for Environment
annum. However, introducing a container      •    CDS will put the cost of goods up,
deposit system (CDS) on top of a mature           because industry will likely pass on
and well performing kerbside collection           the additional cost (as has happened      Horizon Poll Question
system is outweighed by the $97 million           in the Northern Territories,
annual cost of establishing and operating         Australia).                               Suppose a charge was made on
a new take back system. This would                                                          containers (like bottles) at the
                                             •    On top of the 10 cents deposit,
result in a net cost of $75 million each                                                    point of purchase to help fund
                                                  which people can redeem if they
year meaning that every additional tonne                                                    recovery. Which of the following
                                                  are inclined to take their containers
recycled would be at a cost of around                                                       charges per container at point of
                                                  back, there will be an additional cost
$2200.”                                                                                     sale would be acceptable to you?
                                                  of at least 3.50 cents per container.
“A CDS is expected to result in greater
                                             •    Over 96% of New Zealanders have
recycling rates, increasing the revenue
                                                  access to kerbside recycling or
from material sales and reducing
                                                  community recycling for their
quantities of waste and litter. The two
                                                  beverage containers3. Introducing
main costs are the costs of household
                                                  CDS may put existing kerbside
time in making returns and the costs
                                                  collections at risk.
for installing and running collection
infrastructure, such as reverse vending      •    People do not want to pay any extra
machines. These beverage industry costs           for their grocery shopping – 36.5%
are likely to be passed on to households          are not prepared to pay anything
in increased beverage prices. Households          and 34.5% would only pay 5 cents
that do not return their bottles for              which will not cover the costs of a
                                                                                                   5c [34.5%]
refunds will bear the cost of the deposit,        CDS. (See Horizon poll response)
but this will become a benefit for                                                                 10c [18.1%]
                                             •    The glass recycling rate is now at
someone else, possibly the beverage                                                                15c [1,7%]
                                                  73%, with a target of 78% by 2017
industry itself or the government.”
                                                  following a decade of voluntary                  20c [5.9%]
                                                  product stewardship.
                                                                                                   0c [36.5%]
                                             •    Voluntary investment to increase                 Another amount [3.3%]
                                                  recycling facilities in public places
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
packagingforum.org.nz | glasspackagingforum.org.nz | recycling.kiwi.nz

Local Government                              the problem rather than reducing               Countdown Waiheke is now
                                              overall plastic usage. The 2004 ‘Make
& Environment                                                                                plastic shopping bag free
                                              a Difference’ voluntary accord in New
Select Committee                              Zealand lead to a 15.4% increase in            Countdown has removed all plastic
                                              unit sales of plastic bin liners and the       shopping bags from its Waiheke store in
– Petition on single                          2009 ban on single use plastic bags in         support of the island’s goal to be plastic
use plastic bags                              South Australia led to an 80% increase         bag free. Customers are encouraged
                                              in bin liner sales. Bin liners are often       to bring their own reusable bags to
Packaging Forum                               made from higher grade plastics and,           pack their groceries in, or for those
Perspective                                   therefore, constitute a worse landfill         customers who forget to bring their
                                              problem than plastic bags.                     own bags, Countdown has reusable bags
Decisions need to consider unintended
                                                                                             and new compostable bags available for
consequences...                               In England a 5 pence charge was
                                                                                             purchase in-store.
                                              introduced in October 2015 at all retail
The Packaging Forum has been asked
                                              outlets not just supermarkets. The             www.radionz.co.nz/national/
to submit an opinion on banning or
                                              levy has dramatically reduced bag              programmes/checkpoint/
charging for plastic bags. The main focus
                                              consumption but the charge has led to          audio/201797667/waiheke-countdown-
of the Forum’s response is to inform
                                              more shoppers leaving stores carrying          bans-plastic-bags
the Parliamentary Select Committee
                                              their purchases in their arms. This makes
about the early success of the Soft
                                              it more difficult for security staff to spot
Plastic Recycling Programme, which
                                              shoplifters and has reportedly led to a
provides shoppers with a comprehensive
                                              surge in retail theft.1
recycling service for all of their soft
plastic bags, wrappers and pouches. The       _____
Forum will also provide details about         1.   www.retail-week.com/sectors/
attempts to address litter through the
Public Place Recycling Scheme.                     england/7004610.fullarticle
As a general comment, retailers provide
plastic bags in response to customer          The Warehouse introduced a fee
demand and do not want to issue               for plastic bags in 2009 and has seen bag
unnecessary plastic bags, as they are         use fall by 67%
a cost to business. Therefore, from a
business perspective there is a natural
                                              New World pilot rebate
incentive to minimise use.                    for customers using
It is also important that a decision to ban
                                              reusable bags
or charge for plastic bags is managed         New World is undertaking a pilot in
to avoid unintended consequences. For         a limited number of stores, whereby
example:                                      customers receive a rebate of 5 cents for
                                              every reusable bag they use in their shop.
Banning plastic bags can lead to an
                                              Early results are very encouraging with a
increase in purchasing of plastic bags
                                              20% drop in plastic bag usage recorded.        Waiheke Countdown L-R Gurjant Singh, Shiva Kaikarnamalla,
for other uses, therefore shifting                                                           Satish Kumar, Noeline Tatham, Emma Bates

                                              Under our Licensing Agreement with the Ministry for the
                                              Environment, The Packaging Forum and members of our accredited
                                              schemes are eligible to use the Love NZ brand in accordance with the
                                              Style Guide and with prior written consent from the MFE.

                                              Please contact donna@packagingforum.org.nz for more information.
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
                                                                                 YO U
PROJECTS & INITIATIVES                                                           OULD BE
                                                                               PART OF
Round up on                           Te Tai Tokerau Festival 2016
                                                                              THE GLA
                                                                             PACKAG SS
Events                                The PPRS allocated $2000 to help

                                      Otamatea High School deliver a
The Ports of Auckland Round the

                                      Zero Waste Programme as hosts
Bays is known to benefit charities
                                      of the 41st annual Tai Kokerau
to the tune of around $100,000,
                                      Festival. Up to 10,000 people
but this year’s race was also the
                                      attended the festival for a massed
best ever for the environment.
                                      display and celebration of kapa
Fairfax Events which produces
                                      haka and Maori culture by students
the event partnered with Love
                                      from 29 secondary schools, from
NZ, and with the combined on the
                                      Mahurangi College and Rodney
ground efforts of Clean Events
and Green Shoot Pacific (GSP)
                                      College in the south to Taipa in the    WHAT DOES IT DO?
achieved a phenomenal 83%                                                     Promotes government
overall diversion rate, with nearly   Otamatea opened the Kapa Haka            recognition of glass
seven tonnes of plastic and glass     with a stirring performance that           packaging as an
bottles and cartons recycled.         showcased Kaipara and Ngāti                environmentally
This year GSP supported by Love       Whātua.                                  acceptable product
NZ, Pump and DB Export, trialled
an activation with monitored                                                    Works with councils
educational bin stations at the                                                  to address waste
finish line in Vellonweth Green and                                                 glass issues
Madills Farm, capturing and sorting
sponsor, vendor and general                                                   Educates to encourage
waste via manned educational                                                     glass recycling
bin stations. The diversion rate
achieved through the educational                                                Helps improve glass
waste stations at Vellonweth                                                    collection systems
Green was 96.9%.
                                                                                   WHY JOIN?
                                                                                 Best cost solution
                                                                                for the recovery and
                                                                              recycling of waste glass

                                                                                Participation across
                                                                              the industry decreases
                                                                               the risk of legislation

                                                                                 Meets consumers’

                                                                                   For more info
                                                                             Get in touch with John Webber
                                                                                       021 949 215
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum

what did we do
in 2015?
26% increase in public place recycling bins.
Added   292 new PPR bins including the first
recycling bins in Ashburton, Blenheim and Picton
and support for increased facilities in Thames
Coromandel, Hastings and at Rotorua Skyline.

Diverted over   4276 tonnes of packaging
from landfill through participating members
and partners. This is equivalent to 170 million
cartons, bottles and cans.

Waste diversion at events funded by the PPRS
has increased to over   70% helped by
strategic partnerships with specialist event
waste management companies.

12 new PPRS members and 17 founding
members of the Soft Plastic Recycling
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
Investment in Infrastructure

 Supporting communities                                                                     decking
                                                           Over four million plastic
 The GPF has approved funding to Silica                    bags and wrappers have
 Crushers to introduce glass bottle banks                  already been dropped off
                                                           by shoppers in Auckland
 in Horowhenua to allow residents
       The Packaging    Forum to                           and Hamilton. Around
 drop off their glass
          invites  youbottles.
                        to joinThe collected
                                                           10% of the plastic in the
 glass will
       HON  be NICKY
               processed by Silica Crushers
                      WAGNER                               recycling bins for the
 for use as
              sauna pool filtrationCENTRAL
                 CHRISTCHURCH                              Christchurch stores has
 medium,atroad                                             come from North Island
                launchand paving stone
                       of the                                                               bollards
 manufacture and garden ornaments.
RECYCLING         programme
 In December the PPRS awarded around                       Drop off your soft
 $25,000 in grants to install public place                 plastic packaging and
      Friday 10 June 2016                                  help manufacture
 recycling bins in three regions.
       12.30pm to 1.30pm                                   plastic bollards, traffic
                                                           speed bumps, decking
          ILAM NEW WORLD                                   and tracking, furniture
      47c Peer St, Upper Riccarton                         and a whole range of
        REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED                              durable and weather              park benches
                                                           resistant plastic products
            RSVP by 30 May
            ­                                              suitable for construction,
   carole.packagingforum@gmail.com                         conservation, commercial
                                                           and community groups.

                                                                                            speed bumps

 Driving the green at                           Soft plastic recycling                       The main packaging items being collected
                                                                                             are bread bags, toilet roll wrapping and
 Remuera Golf Club                              launches in South Island
                                                                                             the soft plastic packaging around drinks
                                                On 10 June soft plastic recycling            bottles.
 The PPRS has approved funding to
                                                launches at 50 Pak’nSave, New World,
 help Remuera Golf Club install 20 dual                                                      Top 5 performing stores. These 5 stores
                                                The Warehouse, Countdown stores
 recycling / litter bins, as part of the golf                                                have together collected over 7 tonnes of
                                                across Christchurch and south to
 club’s plan to become a certified Golf                                                      soft plastic bags.
                                                Ashburton and north to Rangiora.
 Environmental Organisation. The project
                                                                                             New World New Lynn
 will place eye-catching bins at each hole,     Over 4 million plastic bags and wrappers
                                                                                             New World Eastridge
 at the driving range and the club house, as    recycled already.
                                                                                             Pak’nSave Wairau
 part of preparation for hosting the final of
                                                Over 25 tonnes of packaging has been         New World Birkenhead
 the World Masters Games in April 2017.
                                                dropped off at 92 stores in Auckland and     Pak’nSave Albany
 The PPRS is keen to support other sports       Waikato.
                                                                                             Check out your nearest store
 preparing for the World Masters Games,
                                                Around 60% of product collected is single    www.recycling.kiwi.nz/soft-plastics/
 to help ensure that events showcase New
                                                use shopping bags, including fruit and       store-locator/
 Zealand’s sustainability to the world.
                                                vegetable bags.
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum

                                          PACKAGING ISSUES AROUND
                                          THE WORLD
                                          IN EUROPE                                      How long does litter
Congratulations                                                                          take to rot? Daily Mail
                                          The firms planning
to Green Ribbon                           on making less and                             report of clean up in
Finalists                                 recycling more                                 Forest of Dean, UK
                                                                                         During a clean-up, campaigners found
Protecting our biodiversity: Pernod       At the end of 2015 the European
                                                                                         crisp (chip) packets that were a staggering
Ricard Winemakers New                     Commission unveiled its Circular Economy
                                                                                         33 years old. Plastic bags and bottles
Zealand Biodiversity within               Package, committing more than €6bn
                                                                                         could potentially last hundreds, thousands
vineyards (Marlborough)                   (£4.7bn; $6.8bn) in funding. By 2030, the
                                                                                         or even millions of years without
Resilience to climate change:             Commission expects this to save the EU
                                                                                         decomposing, according to scientists.
Countdown Carbon emissions                economy €600bn a year and be a powerful
                                                                                         And banana skins can hang around for
reduction programme                       force for job creation. There are two main
                                                                                         more than a month, while orange peel can
                                          components to it: The first redefines
Minimising our waste: Foodstuffs          waste, allowing companies to make greater
                                                                                         take up to two years to fully disintegrate.
NZ Recyclable butchery trays              use of still-valuable resources that are
                                                                                         The Daily Mail article provides a guide to
and Countdown Food rescue                 currently discarded, and sets binding
                                                                                         how long litter lasts from two weeks to
programme donating waste food to                                                         centuries.
                                          recycling targets for the next 15 years.
charity                                                                                  www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/
                                          EU 2030 WASTE TARGETS
The finalists will attend a ceremony at                                                  article-3593792/How-long-does-litter-rot.
                                          Type of waste       Target                     html
Parliament on 7 June, during the week
of World Environment Day. Winners will    Municipal waste     65% recycled
be announced for each category, and                                                      IN AUSTRALIA
                                          Packaging waste     75% recycled
then an overall supreme winner will be                                                   New South Wales
announced.                                Landfill		          Max 10% of all waste       Premier says 10 cents
                                                                                         container deposit will
                                          The second is an action plan that              reduce litter
NEW MEMBERS                               encourages far greater resource
                                                                                         NSW Premier Mike Baird and Environment
                                          efficiency much earlier in the production
                                                                                         Minister Mark Speakman have announced
                                          process and includes an eco-design
The Forum would like to                                                                  the introduction of a 10 cent refund
welcome                                   standard, which encourages producers
                                                                                         container deposit scheme that will
                                          to design products with their end of life
glass packaging scheme                                                                   significantly reduce litter across the
                                          in mind. In other words ensuring that
The Gin Company (Rogue                                                                   state. The scheme will apply to most drink
                                          as many components as possible can
Society)                                                                                 containers between 150ml and three litres,
                                          be reused. A number of companies are
Whisky Galore                                                                            which will display NSW CDS labelling. “The
                                          starting to embrace a more circular
                                                                                         scheme we are announcing today is the
                                          business model, including Unilever, Philips,
public place recycling                                                                   single largest initiative ever undertaken
                                          Google, Ikea and BT. One carmaker leading
scheme                                    the way is JLR, which manufactures two
                                                                                         to reduce litter in NSW,” Mr Baird said.
Mondelez Foods (Cadbury)                                                                 Mr Speakman said a container deposit
                                          of its three Land Rover models from
Farro Fresh                                                                              scheme targeting drink containers will
                                          aluminium, which is lighter than steel,
                                                                                         deliver a key election commitment. This
                                          giving improved performance and fuel
soft plastics programme                   efficiency. Half its aluminium is now from
                                                                                         scheme will make a major contribution to
Ceres Organics                                                                           achieving one of the Premier’s 12 priorities
                                          recycled sources, and JLR has set a target
Kelloggs                                                                                 to reduce the volume of litter by 40% by
                                          of 75% by 2020.
Mondelez Foods (Cadbury)
Farro Fresh
Editorial Andrew Hewett - The Packaging Forum
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