PRICES & TERMS OF BUSINESS 2021 - LINDØ port of ODENSE A/S Kystvejen 100 5330 Munkebo CVR: 38437011 WWW.LPO.DK - Odense Havn

Page created by Gabriel Hanson
PRICES & TERMS OF BUSINESS 2021 - LINDØ port of ODENSE A/S Kystvejen 100 5330 Munkebo CVR: 38437011 WWW.LPO.DK - Odense Havn

Kystvejen 100
5330 Munkebo
CVR: 38437011
PRICES & TERMS OF BUSINESS 2021 - LINDØ port of ODENSE A/S Kystvejen 100 5330 Munkebo CVR: 38437011 WWW.LPO.DK - Odense Havn
  Dear Customer,

  Welcome to LINDØ port of ODENSE A/S which harbours the largest industrial cluster in Denmark and one of
  the country’s largest commercial ports. We have compiled the essentials of our business in these Terms of

  Our operations rest on three pillars: Business Acumen, Responsibility and Pioneer Spirit.

  The day-to-day operations of our customers are constantly changing – and so are ours. If you are unable to
  find what you are looking for in our Terms of Business, we will be happy to help you. We are only a personal
  meeting, a call or an e-mail away. We also encourage you to visit our website where we have gathered rele-
  vant information for our customers. This is also where you can find the relevant departments and contacts.
  And if this is does not cover your needs, please feel free to call for our assistance at +45 72 28 20 00.

  We are constantly taking the digital solutions to our customers one step further. We kindly ask that all book-
  ings and notifications for calls at the port are mainly made using our on line platform via our website in order
  to ensure optimum planning and thereby optimum service for our customers.

PRICES & TERMS OF BUSINESS 2021 - LINDØ port of ODENSE A/S Kystvejen 100 5330 Munkebo CVR: 38437011 WWW.LPO.DK - Odense Havn
Table of contents
1.      INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 6
     1.1 Legal basis ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
     1.2 Validity period ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
     1.3 Taxes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
     1.4 Vessel notification and booking of services ............................................................................................................ 6
     1.5 Danish and English versions .................................................................................................................................... 6
     1.6 Own standard terms and conditions of contract parties, if applicable .................................................................. 6
     1.7 Normal working hours ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.      CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3 PRICES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT.................................................................................................................................. 8
     3.1 Currency and VAT.................................................................................................................................................... 8
     3.2 Credit period ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
     3.3 Adjustment due to faulty reporting ........................................................................................................................ 8
     3.4 Invoice by ordinary mail .......................................................................................................................................... 8
     3.5 Security provided for claims against the ship, if applicable .................................................................................... 8
     3.6 Security provided for claims against the cargo, if applicable ................................................................................. 8
4 NOTICE OF SHIP ARRIVAL AND PROVISION OF INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 8
     4.1 Use of information .................................................................................................................................................. 8
     4.2 Digital reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
     4.3 Deadline for reporting ............................................................................................................................................ 8
     4.4 Validity of reporting and LINDØ port of ODENSE’s way of verification .................................................................. 9
5 CALLING AT LINDØ PORT OF ODENSE ............................................................................................................................ 9
     5.1 Using a pilot ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
6 SHIP'S DUES .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
     6.1 Ship's dues cover..................................................................................................................................................... 9
     6.2 Calculating the ship's dues ...................................................................................................................................... 9
     6.3 Individual calls ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
     6.4 Monthly ship's dues ................................................................................................................................................ 9
     6.5 Exemption from ship's dues .................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Freight charges ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
     7.1 Ship's dues cover................................................................................................................................................... 10
     7.2 Calculating the ship's dues .................................................................................................................................... 10
7.3 Exemption from freight charge ............................................................................................................................. 10
   7.4 Exemption from ship's dues .................................................................................................................................. 10
   7.5 Partial exemption from freight charges ................................................................................................................ 10
   7.6 Freight charge rates .............................................................................................................................................. 10
8 STATE ICEBREAKER FEE ................................................................................................................................................ 11
   8.1 Legal basis ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
   8.2 The state icebreaker fee covers ............................................................................................................................ 11
   8.3 The size of the duty ............................................................................................................................................... 12
9 STORAGE OF CARGO FOR LOADING/UNLOADING ....................................................................................................... 12
   9.1 Agreement of storage of cargo ............................................................................................................................. 12
   9.2 Cargo storage charges ........................................................................................................................................... 12
   9.3 Cargo storage periods free of charge ................................................................................................................... 12
   9.4 Rental fee and periods free of charge................................................................................................................... 12
   9.5 Liability for stored cargo ....................................................................................................................................... 12
10 CLEANING OF QUAYS AND WORKING AREAS ............................................................................................................ 13
   10.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
   10.2 Booking cleaning ................................................................................................................................................. 13
   10.3 Cargo residues..................................................................................................................................................... 13
   10.4 Failure to clean after loading or unloading ......................................................................................................... 13
   10.5 Supervision .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
11 LEASE OF INDOOR AND OUTDOOR FACILITIES .......................................................................................................... 13
   11.1 Lease of indoor and outdoor facilities ................................................................................................................ 13
12 LEASE OF CRANES....................................................................................................................................................... 14
   12.1 Lease of cranes.................................................................................................................................................... 14
   12.2 Instructions and liability when working with cranes .......................................................................................... 14
   12.3 Liability ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
   12.4 Prices for lease of cranes .................................................................................................................................... 14
   12.5 Lease of cranes.................................................................................................................................................... 15
       12.5.1 Booking ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
       12.5.2 Overtime ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
       12.5.3 Cancellation.................................................................................................................................................. 15
       12.5.4 Waiting time and weather conditions ......................................................................................................... 15
   12.6 General provisions .............................................................................................................................................. 16
   12.7 Normal working hours and overtime .................................................................................................................. 16
   12.8 Routine lifts or project lifts ................................................................................................................................. 16
   12.9 Routine lifts ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
12.10 Project lifts ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
   12.11 Description and prices ...................................................................................................................................... 17
   12.12 Lease of lifting gear and equipment for the cranes .......................................................................................... 20
   12.13 Performing test loads ........................................................................................................................................ 21
   12.14 Infrastructure charge ........................................................................................................................................ 21
13 LEASE OF MISCELLANEOUS OTHER EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES ................................................................................ 21
   13.1 Lease of miscellaneous other equipment and devices ....................................................................................... 21
   13.2 Instruction ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
   13.3 Liability ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
   13.4 How to book equipment and devices ................................................................................................................. 22
       13.4.1 Booking ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
       13.4.2 Overtime ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
       13.4.3 Cancellation.................................................................................................................................................. 23
   13.5 Normal working hours and overtime .................................................................................................................. 23
   13.6 Equipment and devices ....................................................................................................................................... 23
14 LEASE OF DOCK 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
   14.1 Lease of dock 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 24
   14.2 Working areas alongside Dock 3 ......................................................................................................................... 25
   14.3 Equipment and technical specifications for Dock 3 ............................................................................................ 25
15 ENGINEERING AND SUPERVISION .............................................................................................................................. 25
   15.1 Engineering and supervision ............................................................................................................................... 25
16 PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
   16.1 Hiring personnel to perform services ................................................................................................................. 26
   16.2 Normal working hours, overtime charge and weekend/holiday charge ........................................................... 26
   16.3 Hiring personnel – prices and charges ................................................................................................................ 26
17. OTHER SERVICES DELIVERED TO SHIPS ..................................................................................................................... 26
   17.1 Other services delivered to ships ........................................................................................................................ 26
   17.2 Booking of services to ships ................................................................................................................................ 26
   17.3 Supply of electricity............................................................................................................................................. 26
   17.4 Supply of freshwater ........................................................................................................................................... 27
18. Collection of ship-generated waste .......................................................................................................................... 27
   18.1 Legal basis ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
   18.2 Scope of the collection system ........................................................................................................................... 28
   18.3 Booking ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
   18.4 Payment for disposal of ship-generated waste .................................................................................................. 28
   18.5 Charges and fees ................................................................................................................................................. 28
18.6 Special provisions for specific types of waste ..................................................................................................... 28
19 WORKING ENVIRONMENT CHARGE ........................................................................................................................... 29
20 SECURITY AND ACCESS CONTROL .............................................................................................................................. 29
   20.1 Legal basis ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
   20.2 ISPS security ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
   20.3 Queries concerning ISPS ..................................................................................................................................... 29
   20.4 Issue of Declarations of Security ......................................................................................................................... 29
   20.5 Access control ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
21 LIABILITY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30

1.1 Legal basis
Formally, LINDØ port of ODENSE A/S is a limited liability company port with Odense Municipality as the sole
shareholder. Our operations are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Ports [Havneloven]1, to
be found at

All port related activities at LINDØ port of ODENSE comprise, but are not limited to, notification, entering, moor-
ing, loading, unloading, ship repair and storage, use of port facilities and miscellaneous regulations and take place
in accordance with the Standard Regulations for the Observance of Good Order in Danish Commercial Ports, the
Danish version (Standardreglementet)2 to be found at

Together with the complementary provisions laid down in the port’s own regulations – the Local Rules and Regula-
tions of Lindø Industrial Park, August 2020 – these Standard Regulations apply to activities within the port, as de-
tailed by the local regulations.

1.2 Validity period
These Terms of Business are valid for this year. In October of each year, LINDØ port of ODENSE issues the Terms of
Business for the following year with effect from 1 January.

Prices and fees may be subject to changes during the validity period at two months’ notice.

1.3 Taxes
Harbour infrastructure charge, as provided by the EU Port Regulation, are charged on ships calling at the port and
for loading or unloading using the port’s areas and facilities. These involve ship dues, freight charges, the state
icebreaker fee and infrastructure charges on third party cranes.

1.4 Vessel notification and booking of services
We offer a range of digital service solutions to ensure the best possible service for our customers. For enquiries
concerning use of these services, please contact the Port Office at +45 72 28 20 10.

1.5 Danish and English versions
These Terms of Business are also in a Danish version. In the event of a discrepancy between the Danish and the
English version, the Danish version prevails.

1.6 Own standard terms and conditions of contract parties, if applicable
These Terms of Business take precedence over any standard terms that contract parties of LINDØ port of ODENSE
might have. Contract parties’ standard terms and conditions which deviate from the Terms of Business of LINDØ
port of ODENSE may only be relied on vis-à-vis LINDØ port of ODENSE provided such terms and conditions have
been expressly agreed on in writing with LINDØ port of ODENSE.

1.7 Normal working hours
Any references to “normal working hours” mean the working hours of the Logistics & Port department, as detailed
in clause 16.2.

Consolidated Act on ports, with amendments (Lovbekendtgørelse nr. 457 af 23. maj 2012 med senere ændringer om havne)
 Executive Order on Standard Regulations for the Observance of Good Order in Danish Commercial Ports (Bekendtgørelse nr. 1146 af 25. november 2004 om standardreg-
lement for overholdelse af orden i danske erhvervshavne)
Kystvejen 100
DK-5330 Munkebo
Comp. reg. no./VAT: +45 38 43 70 11

Reception:                  +45 72 28 20 00
Port Office, 24-hour watch: +45 72 28 20 10
Main Gate, 24-hour watch: +45 30 83 09 00

The administration is open for contact on weekdays during opening hours:
Monday – Thursday 07:30 – 16:00
Friday 07:30 – 15:30

Purpose                                               Contact

Notice of ship arrivals                               Port Office:

Booking of crane or the like for handling of          Order form:
bulk goods.                                           Port Office: +45 72 28 20 10
Cancellation and postponement.

Book, cancel and postpone the use of a                Logistics & Harbour: havnekon-
crane or the like for project lift operation
and transport.

Book electricity, water, waste container or           Order form:
oily waste vacuum tanker.                             Port Office: +45 72 28 20 10
Cancellation and postponement.

Disposal of oily waste or sewage from ships           Port Office: +44 72 28 20 10 or

Fixed leases and project leases                       Port: or +45 30 83 08 93
                                                      Industry: or +45 22 94 44 64

ISPS                                                  PSO: +45 61 63 44 23 or

Accessing ISPS facilities                             Port Office: +44 72 28 20 10 or
3.1 Currency and VAT
All prices and sum in these Terms of Business are stated in DKK (Danish kroner), exclusive of VAT.

LINDØ port of ODENSE is registered for VAT purposes and consequently VAT is added to all prices (currently 25%)
in accordance with currently applicable regulations.

3.2 Credit period
The credit period for services and taxes owing to LINDØ port of ODENSE is 14 days after the invoice date. After this
date, a 2% interest will be added per month commenced from the due date and a compensation fee of DKK

In the event of debt collection, a collection fee of DKK 100.00 is added per reminder issued plus collection charges.

Chapter 3 on lien on ships etc. and chapter 4 on arrest of a vessel of the Merchant Shipping Act (in Danish:
Søloven) apply to taxes as set out in clauses 6 and 7.

3.3 Adjustment due to faulty reporting
For adjustment as a consequence of faulty reporting, LINDØ port of ODENSE is entitled to charge a handling fee of
DKK 508.00. However, excessive payment is not reimbursed later than three months from the invoice date.

3.4 Invoice by ordinary mail
Invoices are issued electronically. Invoices sent by mail are subject to an administrative fee of DKK 105.00 per in-

3.5 Security provided for claims against the ship, if applicable
LINDØ port of ODENSE can make it a condition for calls that the ship’s owner, broker or agent provides a security
satisfactory to LINDØ port of ODENSE for any claims against the ship and its owner. Prior to departure, all out-
standing taxes must be settled with LINDØ port of ODENSE or security must have been otherwise provided.

3.6 Security provided for claims against the cargo, if applicable
LINDØ port of ODENSE can make it a condition for handling cargo within the port area and across the quay that
the ship’s owner, broker or agent provides a security satisfactory to LINDØ port of ODENSE for any claims against
the cargo and its owner.

4.1 Use of information
LINDØ port of ODENSE uses information to calculate and charge taxes and for statistical reporting purposes to
Danmarks Statistik.

4.2 Digital reporting
Ship arrivals are reported on line via the website of LINDØ port of ODENSE The information to be
provided is evident from the reporting form.

4.3 Deadline for reporting
Arrivals must be reported to LINDØ port of ODENSE at the latest 24 hours before the ship arrives or at the latest
upon its departure from the latest port for travels lasting less than 24 hours.

4.4 Validity of reporting and LINDØ port of ODENSE’s way of verification
The ship's owner, captain and agent warrant, on objective grounds, that the information provided is correct.
LINDØ port of ODENSE is entitled to conduct a physical verification of the validity of the information provided.
Acting on information received, the ship’s captain or agent must be able to document the information provided to
LINDØ port of ODENSE by presenting the relevant documents. Acting on information received, the ship’s captain
or agent must also be able to document the information about the cargo provided to LINDØ port of ODENSE by
presenting the manifests, weight documentation etc.

If ship and cargo statements are not submitted within the deadline and fully documented, LINDØ port of ODENSE
is entitled to charge ship and cargo duties as estimated.

5.1 Using a pilot
A pilot is used when calling at LINDØ port of ODENSE as provided by the current Executive Order on use of pilots3,
to be found at

6.1 Ship's dues cover
The ship’s dues are a harbour infrastructure charge covering the entry of the ship (including the vessel and any
other floating equipment) and the mooring or anchoring in the port or in the deepened channel leading into the

6.2 Calculating the ship's dues
The ship's dues are payable by the ship and calculated on the basis of its gross tonnage (GT). The ship's dues are
charged for each individual call or as monthly dues at the captain’s or the ship agent’s option.

6.3 Individual calls
The ship’s dues for individual calls cover the ship's mooring or anchoring for five calendar days, including the day
of arrival. For mooring or anchoring beyond the five calendar days, another five calendar days are added and so

The ship's dues for individual calls are DKK 3.76 per GT, minimum DKK 1,000.00 per call.

6.4 Monthly ship's dues
Monthly ship's dues are payable in advance and entitle the ship to an infinite number of calls within the calendar
month concerned. The maximum berthing time per call for a ship on monthly dues is five calendar days. The
monthly dues will not be reimbursed, although the ship might be unable to call on the port for the month con-

Ships on monthly dues are unable to dispose of ship-generated waste free of charge. This is charged separately as
set out in clause 18.

The monthly ship's dues total DKK 20.71 per GT and are calculated for a minimum of 20 GT.

6.5 Exemption from ship's dues
The following calls are exempted from ship's dues:

Executive Order no. 449 of 10 May 2012 on the use of pilots
•   Ships that exclusively call at LINDØ port of ODENSE to seek medical assistance, to let ashore sick people, ship-
    wrecked and similar, provided the ship does not stay in the harbour for more than 24 hours.
•   Ships that exclusively import cargo and equipment for use by LINDØ port of ODENSE and ships used exclusive-
    ly for construction and maintenance work carried out at the account of LINDØ port of ODENSE.

7 Freight charges
7.1 Ship's dues cover
The freight charge is a harbour infrastructure charge charged on all cargo loaded, unloaded or otherwise launched
or landed in the port or in the deepened channel into the port.

7.2 Calculating the ship's dues
The freight charge is calculated based on the information reported by the ship’s captain or agent to LINDØ port of
ODENSE. The freight charge is payable by the cargo owner or their representative.

7.3 Exemption from freight charge
The following cargo is exempted from freight charges:

•   Goods for the ship’s own consumption
•   Goods for LINDØ port of ODENSE’s own consumption

7.4 Exemption from ship's dues
LINDØ port of ODENSE can exempt the following cargo from freight charge:

•   Cargo temporarily unloaded to be loaded onto the same ship during the same call at the same quay in connec-
    tion with stowing and handling the cargo on board the ship.
•   Cargo transferred from one ship to another without being landed is exempted upon loading, provided that the
    full freight charge has been paid upon unloading.

Exemption is subject to prior written approval by LINDØ port of ODENSE.

7.5 Partial exemption from freight charges
LINDØ port of ODENSE can partially exempt the following cargo from freight charge:

•   Goods which after having been unloaded from the ship will be taken to another destination by another ship
    can be partially exemption from freight charges.

Partial exemption from freight charges is granted on the following conditions:

•   That the goods will not be processed in any way, including packaged while in the port.
•   That the goods are transported by another ship within 12 months from unloading.
•   That only 50% of the current freight charge is payable in connection with the loading.
•   That LINDØ port of ODENSE grants prior written approval of the partial exemption.

7.6 Freight charge rates
Main rate
   -     Goods not included in the below categories                        DKK          17.26 / tonne

Stones, pebbles and sand
    -    Chippings                                                         DKK          5.86 / tonne
    -    Marine materials                                                  DKK          5.86 / tonne
    -    Crushed asphalt                                                   DKK          5.86 / tonne
Recycled materials
   -     Scrap                                                                            DKK             9.42 / tonne

By products
    -   Bioash                                                                            DKK             5.86 / tonne

Agricultural produce
    -     Flour, granules, seeds, grains                                                  DKK             10.20 / tonne
    -     Fertiliser                                                                      DKK             11.08 / tonne

Liquid bulk
    -     Liquid CO2                                                                      DKK             13.60 / tonne
    -     Soy oil                                                                         DKK             17.10 / tonne
    -     Glycerin                                                                        DKK             17.10 / tonne
    -     Biodiesel                                                                       DKK             17.10 / tonne
    -     Fish oil                                                                        DKK             17.10 / tonne
    -     Rapeseed oil                                                                    DKK             17.10 / tonne
    -     Mineral oil                                                                     DKK             17.10 / tonne
    -     Molasses                                                                        DKK             17.10 / tonne

Dry bulk
    -      Wood pellets                                                                   DKK             9.42 / tonne
    -      Biomas (wood chips etc.)                                                       DKK             9.42 / tonne
    -      Cement                                                                         DKK             10.15 / tonne
    -      Limestone                                                                      DKK             5.86 / tonne

General cargo
   -     Steel structures                                                                 DKK             13.33 / tonne
   -     Sheets/plates                                                                    DKK             13.33 / tonne

For queries concerning types of goods outside of the above categories, please call the Port Office at +45 72 28 20

8.1 Legal basis
The state icebreaker fee is calculated and charged as provided by the current Act Preparedness for Ice Breaking4,
to be found at

8.2 The state icebreaker fee covers
The state icebreaker fee is a harbour infrastructure charge which LINDØ port of ODENSE charges on behalf of the
Danish State to cover the funding and operation of the state icebreaker preparedness scheme. As provided by the
Consolidated Act, the state icebreaker fee is levied per cargo tonne for all quantities of cargo loaded or unloaded
across the quay in the Danish ports within Skagen.

Consolidated Act on preparedness for ice breaking (Lovbekendtgørelse nr. 969 af 25. juli 2017 om beredskab for isbrydning)
8.3 The size of the duty
The state icebreaker fee is laid down in the current Executive Order on determination of the icebreaker fee.

9.1 Agreement of storage of cargo
Storage of cargo unloaded from or loaded onto a ship via LINDØ port of ODENSE takes place by prior written ar-
rangement with LINDØ port of ODENSE via the Port Office. LINDØ port of ODENSE organizes the access to storage
of cargo on quays and areas at all times. As an example, LINDØ port of ODENSE defines the maximum load on pav-
ing and subsoil, the need to cover sewers and grating etc.

9.2 Cargo storage charges
The charges payable for storage of cargo is determined using the following criteria:

•   The location, infrastructure and use of the site
•   Specific needs, such as the quay carrying capacity, access to heavy load area, coverage by gantry cargo, special
    operating conditions etc.

9.3 Cargo storage periods free of charge
The period free of charge starts on the first day of storage.

9.4 Rental fee and periods free of charge
Terminal and quay                    Rental fee                         Period free of charge

Terminal North and                   DKK 3.02/m2 per week               The first seven days
Terminal South                       commenced                          are free of charge
apart from quays as
listed below

Terminal North and                   Upon request                       Upon request
Terminal South
Quays 62, 63, 64, 73,
77, 78 and 79

Terminal City                        DKK 1.52/m² per week               The first seven days
                                     commenced                          are free of charge
Quays 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47 and 50

9.5 Liability for stored cargo
LINDØ port of ODENSE disclaims any liability for cargo or equipment stored or left in areas belonging to LINDØ
port of ODENSE. LINDØ port of ODENSE disclaims any liability for any damage caused by such cargo or equipment
to LINDØ port of ODENSE or a third party.

10.1 Scope
The cargo owner or their representative is responsible for cleaning quays and working areas after loading or un-
loading which is carried out in accordance with the current Standard Regulations for the Observance of Good Or-
der in Danish Commercial Ports.

This obligation also includes cleaning of sewers, drains, gratings, crane rails, cable trays etc. where required.
LINDØ port of ODENSE can request that sewers, drains, gratings, crane rails, cable trays etc. be covered in connec-
tion with loading or unloading operations.

10.2 Booking cleaning
LINDØ port of ODENSE offers to carry out cleaning of quays and working areas after loading or unloading at the
following rates, upon request:

                                                                              Price/hour [DKK]

Sweeping with sweeping car, including operator                                     1,257.00

Sweeping with tractor w/broom, including operator                                  943.00

Cleaning with crane 16 using magnet, including operator                            1,618.00

Disposal of waste                                                             As per account rendered

To book cleaning, please contact the Port Office.

10.3 Cargo residues
Cargo residues are to be collected in containers or swept using a sweeping car and deposited at an approved facili-
ty. Alternatively, cargo residues can be collected and used by the cargo owner.

10.4 Failure to clean after loading or unloading
If the ship, the cargo owner or their agent fails to clean the quay and working areas after loading or unloading,
LINDØ port of ODENSE will organise cleaning at their account without further notice.

10.5 Supervision
LINDØ port of ODENSE monitors compliance with the above regulations. Under particularly unfavourable weather
conditions when the relevant bulk cargo in LINDØ port of ODENSE’s opion cannot be loaded or unloaded without
considerable dust problems affecting the ambient environment, LINDØ port of ODENSE can order a temporary
stop of the loading or unloading operation.

11.1 Lease of indoor and outdoor facilities
LINDØ port of ODENSE offers lease of indoor and outdoor facilities for storage of goods and port related activities.
The lease conditions are determined on an individual basis between LINDØ port of ODENSE and the lessee.

Please contact our sales department to discuss the options available. The contact details can be found at our web-

12.1 Lease of cranes
LINDØ port of ODENSE disposes of a range of modern and efficient cranes for lease to the port’s customers with a
crane operator. The lease conditions for lease of ODENSE’s cranes can be found below.

12.2 Instructions and liability when working with cranes
The safety of people, equipment and goods comes first in all lifting and transport operations. LINDØ port of
ODENSE personnel are entitled to stop the work if applicable rules and regulations, guidelines and instruction are
not followed or if safe operation is uncertain.
All communication in connection with lifting and transport operations must take place in Danish or English.
If the lessee uses their own lifting gear for hoisting cargo, the lessee undertakes to ensure compliance with the
current regulations and guidelines for this, including the Danish Working Environment Authority’s AT instructions
concerning rigging5 and rigging gear6 and the Executive Order on lifting gear and winches7. Upon request, the les-
sor must be presented with documentation substantiating that the lifting gear is certified, duly inspected, of ap-
propriate dimensions and otherwise suitable for the job.

12.3 Liability
LINDØ port of ODENSE disclaims all liability for injuries and damage arising from the lessee's use of cranes belong-
ing to LINDØ port of ODENSE. While using the devices, the lessee is liable for any damage or injuries inflicted upon
themselves, LINDØ port of ODENSE, any third party, vessels or cargo and for damage inflicted on the devices prop-
er, including crane grabs.
LINDØ port of ODENSE disclaims any stevedore liability in the event of non-attendance of dockers/stevedores.
LINDØ port of ODENSE can only be held liable for damage and injuries resulting from intentional or gross negli-
gence on the part of LINDØ port of ODENSE due to improper maintenance of the equipment.
In the event of liability, the liability of LINDØ port of ODENSE is limited in accordance with the limitation of liability
laid down in clause 21 which also provides that no compensation is payable for loss of operation, loss of profits,
waiting time for lorries, dockers etc., loss of market share or any other indirect losses.

12.4 Prices for lease of cranes
The prices are listed as hourly prices which apply to normal working hours.

All prices include the cost of an operator. Any other personnel included in the prices is specifically stated.

The prices are generally exclusive of lifting gear. Any lifting gear included in the prices is specifically stated. LINDØ
port of ODENSE disposes of a wide range of lifting gear for lease to the port’s customers. Please refer to the clause
specifically on lease of lifting gear.

For certain bulk products, LINDØ port of ODENSE offers to lease cranes based on a charge per tonne. Please con-
tact the Port Office if this is relevant.

Working environment instruction on rigging [AT-anvisning nr. af 1. maj 1997 om anhugning]
Working environment instruction on rigging gear [AT-meddelelse nr. 2.02.10 af 1. oktober 1996 opdateret april 2015 om anhugningsgrej]
 Executive Order on hoisting gear and winches, with amendments [Bekendtgørelse nr. 1101 af 14. december 1992 med senere ændringer om hejsered-
skaber og spil]
12.5 Lease of cranes
Crane operation is booked using the on line booking form via the website of LINDØ port of ODENSE
Alteration of starting time or cancellation of crane operation must be reported to the Port Office.

12.5.1 Booking
Bookings of cranes to commence operation at the beginning of normal working hours on a business day must be
made no later than by 12:00 noon on the business day before.

Bookings made between 12:00 noon and the end of normal working hours are invoiced at a fee of DKK 464.00 per
head used for the crane operation.

Bookings made after normal working hours are invoiced at a fee of DKK 1,597.00 per head used for the crane op-

12.5.2 Overtime
Bookings of crane operation on overtime must made no later than by 12:00 noon.

Bookings of crane operation on overtime made between 12:00 noon and the end of normal working hours are
invoiced at a fee of DKK 464.00 per head used for the crane operation.

Bookings of crane operation on overtime made after the end of normal working hours are invoiced at a fee of DKK
1,597.00 plus 3 hours’ overtime per head used for the crane operation.

Bookings of crane operation during weekends or on public holidays made after the end of normal working hours
are invoiced at a fee of DKK 1,597.00 plus 3 hours’ weekend/holiday charge per head used for the crane operation. Postponement
Booked overtime which has not yet begun can be postponed up to 2 hours before start-up and by up to 4 hours in
total without additional charge.

Postponement of overtime by more than 4 hours in total is invoiced at a fee of DKK 1,597.00 plus 3 hours’ week-
end/holiday charge per head used for the crane operation. Advancement
Advancing of start-up is invoiced at a fee of DKK 1,597.00 plus 3 hours’ overtime or weekend/holiday charges per
head used for the crane operation.

12.5.3 Cancellation
Cranes to commence operation at the beginning of normal working hours on the following business day must be
cancelled no later than by 12:00 noon on the business day before.

Cancellations made between 12:00 noon and the end of normal working hours are invoiced at a fee of DKK 464.00
per head used for the crane operation.

Cancellations made after normal working hours are invoiced at a fee of DKK 1,597.00 per head used for the crane

12.5.4 Waiting time and weather conditions
The lessee is responsible for keeping informed and up-to-date on weather conditions.

Cranes that are cancelled due to weather conditions are paid by the crane lessee at the hourly price for personnel
plus overtime or weekend/holiday charges, if relevant.

Waiting time not attributable to LINDØ port of ODENSE is invoiced at the hourly price for crane and personnel plus
overtime or weekend/holiday charges, if relevant.

LINDØ port of ODENSE disclaims any liability for crane operations halted by LINDØ port of ODENSE due to weath-
er conditions.

In the event of waiting time, for leases where the crane operation is charged at a price per tonne, the lease will
transition to an hourly price during the waiting time.

Rigging and derigging operations are charged at an hourly price plus overtime or weekend/holiday charges, if rele-

12.6 General provisions
•   LINDØ port of ODENSE has the right to fully dispose of the cranes which are generally allocated according to
    ship arrivals, while allowing for operations which can only be performed by certain cranes or across certain
•   If an operation is awaiting a crane, the relevant lessee using the crane has a duty to advance the work as much
    as possible, for example by using several cranes, overtime or working a 2-shift schedule. LINDØ port of ODEN-
    SE may order a ship whose unloading or loading operation has been put on hold moved to another berth in
    order to provide access for the waiting ship.
•   The minimum lease of a crane is for one hour and then for 30-minute periods. The total period settled ranges
    from starting up the crane through to turning it off after completion of the job.
•   Crane mobilisation is settled according to the time consumed at the lowest rate.

12.7 Normal working hours and overtime
•   All prices include lease of a crane with crane operator during normal working hours which are Monday to
    Thursday 07:00 to 15:00 and Friday 07:00 to 14:30.
•   Outside normal working hours, overtime charge and weekend/holiday charge are added. These charges are
    specified in clause 16 on hiring of personnel in connection with services.

12.8 Routine lifts or project lifts
LINDØ port ODENSE can offer one of the industry’s most sophisticated crane fleets – from the largest gantry crane
in Scandinavia, the world’s largest mobile harbour crane to smaller hydraulic loading/unloading units. In order to
cater for this range, the port differentiates between routine lifts and project lift according to the following guide-

12.9 Routine lifts
Routine lifts comprise:

•   Routine lifts comprise all bulk operations using a grab or polygrab, all lifts of big bags, all lifts of steel plates
    using special beams with lifting clamps, all lifts of standard containers using container beams.
•   All lifts where the static hook load of a hoisting device constitutes max 80% of the relevant dWLL (Derate
    Working Load Limit) at the reach required for the lifting operation8.

Routine lifts are performed:

•   During routine lifts, the crane lessee has the full authority over instruction and supervision. which must be
    given in accordance with Danish legislation and acknowledged crane operation guidelines. People involved in

The lift can make use of max 80% of the crane nominal load curve (“the 75% curve”).
the rigging and direction of the crane must have the requisite experience and the necessary theoretic qualifi-
    cations. Theoretic qualifications (for example a “rigger certificate”) must be presented upon request.
•   LINDØ port of ODENSE disclaims any stevedore liability in the event of non-attendance of dockers/stevedores.
•   LINDØ port of ODENSE offers to give instructions on behalf of the lessee by express agreement and against
    separate payment. This will be settled at the hourly price for supervisors.

12.10 Project lifts
Project lifts comprise

•   All lifts involving more than a single crane, for example joint lifts.
•   All lifts with a critical impact on the trim, heel or stability of the ship.
•   All lifts involving alteration of the orientation of the load, for example up-ending and rotation; although with
    the exception of rotation around the vertical axis through its centre of gravity.
•   All lifts involving complex rigging. Examples of complex rigging are asymmetric rigging (centre of gravity not
    centred between rigging points); statically indeterminate lifts (typically three or more rigging points); rigging
    points positioned lower than the centre of gravity; complex rigging (difficult access conditions, working at
    heights, etc.); use of special lifting gear (such as spreaders with hydraulic adjustment).

Project lifts are performed:

•   Project lifts are performed by separate arrangement and in accordance with the general terms as specified in
    the current version of the ”General terms of Project Lifting and Transport”, to be found at

12.11 Description and prices
GANTRY CRANE                                                                   Price/hour [DKK]

The largest gantry crane in the Nordic region
   • Unique for loading, unloading and production
   • Total capacity 1200 t based on six 300 t main hoists and
        one 15 t auxiliary hoist
   • Maximum lifting height: 79 meters above the crane rails
        and about 81.5 meters above water
   • Located at Terminal South and covers a total area of
        120,000 m², including Dock 3
   • For further information and facts sheets, please contact
        our sales department.
Rental fee:                                                                      Upon request
   • The rental fee includes lease of the crane, crane operator, su-
        pervisor, four riggers and existing lifting gear.
   • LINDØ port of ODENSE makes an assessment of the individual
        lifting operations and determines the number and type of
        personnel required for competent and safe performance of
        the work.
   • If LINDØ port of ODENSE finds that the job requires personnel
        or additional vehicles to prepare the lifting gear, perform lift-
        ing gear changes or complete the lifting operation in addition
        to what is included in the rental fee, this will be charged sepa-
Special conditions
•   Using the gantry crane for loading or unloading at quay 62 re-
       quires that no ships are dry docking at or leaving Dock 3.

RAIL-MOUNTED SLEWING CRANE ALONG DOCK 3 AND QUAY 62–66                  Price/hour [DKK]

Crane “MAN”
   • Rail-mounted slewing crane
   • Lifting capacity:   100 t main hoist
   • Lifting capacity:   8 t auxiliary hoist
   • Reach:              Main hoist 62 m
   • Reach:              Auxiliary hoist 65 m

   • Rail-mounted slewing crane
   • Lifting capacity:   100 t main hoist
   • Lifting capacity:   8 t auxiliary hoist
   • Reach:              Main hoist 68.5 m
   • Reach:              Auxiliary hoist 72.5 m

   •    The cranes can operate Dock 3 and quays 62, 63, 64, 65 and
   • The cranes can be used for hook lifts.
   • For further information and facts sheets, please contact
        our sales department.
Rental fee:
   • 0 – 40 t                                                               2,498.00
   • 41 – 80 t                                                              4,816.00
   • 81 – 100 t                                                             5,466.00

RAIL-MOUNTED SLEWING CRANES QUAY 69                                     Price/hour [DKK]

Crane “HENSEN”
   • Rail-mounted slewing crane
   • Lifting capacity:   90 t main hoist
   • Lifting capacity:   7.5 t auxiliary hoist
   • Reach:              Main hoist 51 m
   • Reach:              Auxiliary hoist 53 m

   •    The crane can operate quay 69.
   •    The crane can be used for hook lifts.
   •    For further information and facts sheets, please contact
        our sales department.
Rental fee:
   • 0 – 40 t                                                               2,498.00
   • 41 – 80 t                                                              4,816.00
   • 81 – 100 t                                                             5,466.00
MOBILE HARBOUR CRANE                                              Price/hour [DKK]

Crane no. 15 – Liebherr LHM 550
   • Mobile harbour crane
   • Lifting capacity: 144 t
   • Reach: 51-11 m
   • Lifting height: 46 m
   • Grabs: 60 m³ wood chip grab, 14 m³ HMS grab & 14 m³
       shredder grab

Crane no. 17 – Liebherr LHM 800
   • Mobile harbour crane
   • Lifting capacity: 308 t
   • Reach: 64 m
   • Lifting height: 87 m
   • Grabs: 20 m3 shredder grab

   •    The cranes are mobile and capable of operating most ar-
        eas and all quays at Terminal North and Terminal South.
   • The cranes can be used for bulk, general cargo, project
        cargo, containers etc.
   • The cranes can used for joint lifts which gives them a to-
        tal lifting capacity of 452 t.
   • For further information and facts sheets, please contact
        our sales department.
Rental fee for cranes nos. 15 and 17:
   • 0 – 37 t                                                        2,498.00
   • 38 – 80 t                                                       4,816.00
   • 81 – 110 t                                                      7,278.00
   • 111 – 144 t                                                    11,070.00
   • 144 – 185 t                                                   Upon request
   • 186 – 226 t                                                   Upon request
   • 227 – 267 t                                                   Upon request
   • 268 – 308 t                                                   Upon request
   • Joint lifts using both cranes                                 Upon request

OTHER CRANES AND LOADING/UNLOADING DEVICES                        Price/hour [DKK]

Crane no. 7 – Sennebogen

   •   Hydraulic material handling machine Sennebogen 850M
   •   Lifting capacity: 5.5 t
   •   Reach: minimum 6 m – maximum 20 m

•   Grabs: 2 m³ and 4 m³
   •   This material handling machine is ideal for bulk and big
   •   The material handling machine is located at Terminal
       City. The machine can be shifted to Terminal North and
       Terminal South against a mobilisation fee of DKK
       20,000.00.                                                    1,540.00
   •   Rental fee

Crane no. 16 – Sennebogen

   •   Hydraulic material handling machine Sennebogen 850M
   •   Lifting capacity: 8.9 t
   •   Reach: 20 – 7 m
   •   Grabs: 1.8 m³ and 3.6 m³
   •   This material handling machine is ideal for bulk and big
   •   The material handling machine is located at Terminal
       North. The machine can be shifted to Terminal City
       against a mobilisation fee of DKK 20,000.00.
   •   Rental fee

Crane no. 12
   • Rail-mounted wire crane
   • Lifting capacity: w/hook: 24 – 37 t; w/grab: 20 t
   • Reach: 35 – 29 m
   • Grabs: 6.1 m³ and 6.5 m³
   • This crane is ideal for lifts using a grab.
   • The crane is located at Terminal North and can operate
       quays 70 – 75.                                                2,498.00
   • Rental fee

For further information and facts sheets about these crane,
please contact our sales department.

12.12 Lease of lifting gear and equipment for the cranes
LIFTING GEAR AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CRANES                         Price per day

Lifting beams                                                     20.60 per t/WLL
20 feet container beam                                               1,030.00
40 feet container beam                                               1,546.00
Wire slings                                                       7.22 per t/WLL
Shackles                                                          4.12 per t/WLL

Soft slings                                                                      10.30 per t/WLL
Ballast blocks                                                                     30.91 per t

For further information and facts sheets, please contact our
sales department.

12.13 Performing test loads
LINDØ port of ODENSE offers to perform project lifts for test loads by separate arrangement and in accordance
with the general terms as specified in the current version of the ”General terms of Project Lifting and Transport”,
to be found at

LINDØ port of ODENSE should like to emphasize that LINDØ port of ODENSE does not perform certified test lifting.
Consequently, potential certification of a project lift is of no concern to LINDØ port of ODENSE, and LINDØ port of
ODENSE disclaims any responsibility that a project lift complies with certification requirements.

12.14 Infrastructure charge
LINDØ port of ODENSE can, by written agreement, authorize temporary installation of third party cranes – includ-
ing lorry mounted cranes, hydraulic material handling machines, etc. – in connection with loading and unloading
operations carried out across the quays of LINDØ port of ODENSE. Permission to be obtained through Port Office
before the crane arrives. The crane owner must state the crane dead load, the load on the quay and the nature
and duration of the job. A condition for the permission could be to place contact plates and reinforcement below
the crane's support legs.

The owner of the crane will be charged a crane fee and the owner is also liable for any damage, including impact
damage to quay structures and paving, to property belonging to LINDØ port of ODENSE and third parties and to
ships and cargoes.

The infrastructure charge totals DKK 5,075.00 per calendar day commenced per crane, including lorry mounted
cranes, hydraulic material handling machines etc. of a
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