Efficacy and safety of duloxetine for postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty in centrally sensitized patients: study protocol for a ...

Efficacy and safety of duloxetine for postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty in centrally sensitized patients: study protocol for a ...
Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders              (2021) 22:316

 STUDY PROTOCOL                                                                                                                                        Open Access

Efficacy and safety of duloxetine for
postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty
in centrally sensitized patients: study protocol
for a randomized controlled trial
Shicheng Wang1, Wensheng Wang2, Long Shao1 and Jing Ling1*

  Background: Postoperative residual knee pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a significant factor that
  contributes to patient dissatisfaction. Patients with preoperative central sensitization (CS) may be more susceptible
  to unexplained chronic pain after TKA, and duloxetine has been reported to be effective in post-TKA pain control in
  patients with CS. However, there remains limited evidence to support this off-label use in routine clinical practice.
  Hence, we designed this randomized, placebo-controlled, triple-blind clinical trial to evaluate the effects of
  preoperative screening and targeted duloxetine treatment of CS on postoperative residual pain compared with the
  care-as-usual control group.
  Methods: This randomized controlled trial includes patients with knee osteoarthritis on a waiting list for primary
  unilateral TKA. Patients with preoperative CS will be randomly allocated to the perioperative duloxetine treatment
  group (duloxetine group) or the care-as-usual control group (placebo group). Patients in the duloxetine group will
  receive a half-dose of preemptive duloxetine (30 mg/day) for a week before surgery and a full-dose of duloxetine
  (60 mg/day) for six weeks after surgery. The primary outcome is the intensity of residual pain at six months after
  TKA, including the visual analogue scale, 11-point numeric rating scale, the sensory dimension of the brief pain
  inventory, and the pain subscale of the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. The secondary outcome
  measures will include the pain and function related outcomes. All of the patients will be followed up at one, three,
  and six months after surgery. All adverse events will be recorded and immediately reported to the primary
  investigator and ethics committee to decide if the patient needs to drop out from the trial.
  Discussion: This clinical trial will convey the latest evidence of the efficacy and safety of the application of
  duloxetine in postoperative pain control in CS patients who are scheduled for TKA. The study results will be
  disseminated at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals.
  Trial registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (http://www.chictr.org.cn) registration number: ChiCTR2000031674.
  Registered 07 April 2020.
  Keywords: Central sensitization, Duloxetine, Pain, Total knee arthroplasty

* Correspondence: lingjing82@126.com
 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ningbo No.6 Hospital, 1059
Zhongshan East Road, Ningbo 315040,, Zhejiang, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders   (2021) 22:316                                                            Page 2 of 9

Background                                                         treatment of CS could be an effective way to decrease the
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is one of the most suc-              level of residual pain after TKA and improve patient
cessful and effective surgical options performed in or-            satisfaction.
thopedics, aiming to relieve pain and restore function               The treatment options for CS focus on those strategies
for patients with end-stage knee osteoarthritis (OA) [1].          that specifically target the pathophysiological mechanisms
Over the past decades, significant advances have been              known to be involved in CS, which aim to desensitize the
made in TKA surgical techniques, implant design,                   central nervous system. The treatment options mainly in-
patient selection, and perioperative care management,              clude      pharmacological      options    (acetaminophen,
which led to the continuous improvement of clinical                serotonin-reuptake inhibitor drugs, selective and balanced
outcomes and expanded surgical indications [2–16].                 serotonin and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)
Given the rapidly aging population and the growing                 drugs, serotonin precursor tryptophan, opioids, N-methyl-
prevalence of knee-related diseases such as OA and                 d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antagonists, calcium-
rheumatoid arthritis, the number of TKA procedures is              channel alpha(2)delta (a2δ) ligands), rehabilitation (e.g.,
projected to increase substantially worldwide [17–19].             transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS), manual
However, the dissatisfaction rate following a TKA has              therapy) and neurotechnology options (e.g., transcranial
persisted over the last decade, with approximately                 magnetic stimulation) [41, 42]. Ho et al. performed a ran-
10 %~20 % of patients remain dissatisfied following pri-           domized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the efficacy of
mary TKA [20–23]. As patient satisfaction has been con-            duloxetine in reducing morphine requirements in patients
sidered a key parameter in assessing success after TKA,            after TKA and found that perioperative administration of
a substantial proportion of patients failed to achieve the         duloxetine could reduce postoperative morphine require-
desired goal of surgery [22]. Therefore, patient dissatis-         ments during the first 48 h after TKA, without significant
faction following TKA remains a challenging problem                differences in pain scores or adverse effects [43]. YaDeau
and should be a high priority.                                     et al. conducted a triple-blinded RCT to evaluate the effi-
   Previous studies have investigated the causes of dissat-        cacy of duloxetine on subacute pain after TKA, in which
isfaction after TKA, and the most common reasons were              patients received 60 mg/day from the day of surgery for
residual pain and limited function [22, 24–27]. A signifi-         14 days [44]. They found that duloxetine did not reduce
cant number of patients remain dissatisfied as the per-            pain at rest, with ambulation or flexion, but duloxetine
sistent chronic pain was not relieved, even though the             could reduce opioid consumption and nausea in the first
TKA procedure has removed the pain source [28, 29].                14 days after surgery [44]. Compared with the normal
Recent studies found that the pain in patients with OA             controls, patients with CS are associated with more severe
varies from nociceptive to neuropathic pain-(NP) like              postoperative pain, greater opioid consumption, and a
symptoms, which may contribute to joint nociceptors’               higher risk of persistent pain, so the analgesic efficacy of
exposure to the changing biochemical environment dur-              peri-TKA duloxetine could be more effective in patients
ing the process of OA [30]. It is thought that these               with CS. Koh et al. conducted an RCT in patients
changes might contribute to the activation and                     with preoperative CS to investigate whether duloxe-
sensitization of nociceptors, lead to hyperexcitability of         tine could reduce postoperative pain and improve re-
the central nervous system (central sensitization, CS)             covery quality after TKA [32]. This study suggested
[29–32]. CS is defined as increased responsiveness of              that in patients with preoperatively identified CS,
nociceptive neurons in the central nervous system,                 duloxetine reduced postoperative pain and improved
which is characterized by pain in the presence of a non-           quality of recovery, without increasing the risk of ad-
noxious stimulus (allodynia) and pain hypersensitivity             verse medication effects following TKA [32].
(hyperalgesia) [33]. Not all patients with knee OA are               Based on previous research, for patients who are
suffered from CS, but the subgroup of patients with CS             identified as having CS before TKA, supplementing
is related to low pain thresholds, high level of preopera-         perioperative duloxetine to the multimodal analgesic
tive pain, and severe pain in the early postoperative              protocol may help to reduce postoperative pain and
period after TKA [34–36]. Furthermore, preoperative CS             opioid consumption, improve the quality of recovery in
has been recently recognized as a significant risk factor for      terms of both emotional and physical functioning, with-
persistent pain and dissatisfaction following TKA, which           out increasing the risk of adverse events [32, 43, 44].
could persist two years after TKA, resulting in worse qual-        However, at this time, there is insufficient clinical data
ity of life, functional disability, and dissatisfaction [28, 34,   to recommend routine use of duloxetine in patients with
37–40]. Considering postoperative residual pain is the             CS to ameliorate the unexplained postoperative pain
primary cause of dissatisfaction following TKA and CS              after TKA. In order to tackle this knowledge gap, we de-
has been identified as a risk factor for persistent postoper-      signed this prospective randomized study to evaluate the
ative pain and dissatisfaction, preoperative screening and         efficacy and safety of preoperative screening and targeted
Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders   (2021) 22:316                                                        Page 3 of 9

duloxetine treatment of CS on residual pain compared           Participants
with the care-as-usual control group. We hypothesized          All potentially eligible participants will be selected from
that perioperative duloxetine would reduce postoperative       the consecutively recruited patients who agreed to
pain and analgesic consumption, and enhance postoper-          participate. According to the inclusion and exclusion cri-
ative functional recovery after TKA, without increasing        teria, one of the authors will screen the potentially quali-
the risk of adverse events in patients who are identified      fied participants.
as having CS before TKA. We present the following art-
icle in accordance with the Standard Protocol Items:
Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT)             Inclusion criteria
reporting checklist [45].                                      Participants who fulfill the following criteria will be in-
                                                               cluded: (I) Patients scheduled to undergo primary unilat-
Methods                                                        eral TKA for primary OA of the knee; (II) aged 50 years
Study design                                                   or older (CS are more prevalent in patients with a long
This prospective, randomized clinical trial was designed as    history of knee OA); (III) had education above primary
a single-center parallel-group study with balanced             school; (VI) American Society of Anesthesiologists
randomization and enrolled patients who are scheduled for      (ASA) physical status grade I ~ III; (V) participants who
TKA. This protocol is reported following the SPIRIT state-     voluntarily participate in the study and sign a written in-
ment [45]. This study was approved by our institutional re-    formed consent form.
view board and was registered at the Chinese Clinical Trial
Registry (http://www.chictr.org.cn) (ChiCTR2000031674).
Ethical approval for this retrospective cohort study was ob-   Exclusion criteria
tained from the institutional ethical committee (K2020005).    Candidates who meet any of the following criteria will
The trial flow chart is shown in Fig. 1.                       be excluded from participation:

 Fig. 1 CONSORT 2010 flow diagram of the study sample
Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders   (2021) 22:316                                                           Page 4 of 9

General exclusion criteria                                        control group). The hospital pharmacy will prepare indis-
(I) Received surgical knee joint procedures in the past           tinguishable capsules containing either duloxetine or pla-
year; (II) intra-articular knee injection or knee arthros-        cebo for the study. Randomization and allocation will be
copy in the past three months; (III) received other surgi-        revealed only after the required number of subjects has
cal procedure (e.g., hip joint procedure, major thoracic          been recruited and the data analysis has been completed.
or abdominal operations that may influence the assess-
ment of CS) during the past year; (VI) planned or                 Blinding
intended contralateral TKA procedure or any other sur-            This trial was designed as a pragmatic, randomized, con-
gical procedure within the study duration; (V) cognitive          trolled, triple-blinded trial with three parallel arms. All
or neurological disorders that could strongly affect the          patients, surgeons, clinical investigators who are
questionnaire surveys (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, demen-          responsible for data collection, and statisticians will be
tia); (VI) inability to complete research questionnaires;         kept unaware of group assignments until the final data
(VII) with severe preoperative comorbidities that are             analyses were completed. Although patients will be kept
more likely to be hospitalized during the course of the           blind to their prescription, the computer-generated
study or the illness compromises study participation sig-         randomization table will be provided to the hospital
nificantly; (VIII) pre-existing pain (except the knee joint       pharmacy. Therefore, our hospital pharmacy will not be
pain) and received relevant analgesic treatment; (IX) pa-         blinded to the randomization and will prepare all
tients who refused to participate in the study due to             medications with a single packet of medicine as
stress events; (X) rejection of randomization.                    scheduled. Considering the success of blinding is a fun-
                                                                  damental issue in clinical trials, blinding will be further
Duloxetine‐related exclusion criteria                             verified with the Bang’s Blinding Index [49]. After the
(I) Previous exposure to duloxetine, non-selective                intervention, patients will answer a separate question
monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants,          (“Guess Duloxetine”, “Guess Placebo”, “Don’t Know”) in
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SNRIs; (II) al-        the blind assessor questionnaire, which attempts to
lergy to the duloxetine; (III) simultaneously usage of            measure the effectiveness of blinding.
strong cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) inhibitors; (IV)
impaired liver function, liver cirrhosis, or liver trans-         Perioperative care
plantation; (V) severe renal impairment (estimated cre-           All TKAs will be performed by the same orthopedic sur-
atinine clearance less than 30 ml/min), requiring renal           geon using the same approach. The routine periopera-
dialysis, or renal transplantation; (VI) history of cardiac       tive analgesic strategy, including preemptive analgesia
arrhythmias, cardiac failure, myocardial infarction; (VII)        (celecoxib), intraoperative periarticular cocktail injection,
personality disorder, psychiatric disorders or any major          postoperative patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and
depressive disorder (based on Hospital Anxiety and De-            celecoxib, and discharge medication (celecoxib). In case
pression Scale (HADS), the cut-off point score was ≥ 11)          of patients suffering unbearable postoperative pain,
[46]; (VIII) chronic gabapentin or pregabalin use (regular        morphine or other opioids will also be given, the opioid
use for longer than 3 months), and chronic opioid use             consumption would also be recorded and compared. In
(regular use for longer than 3 months); (IX) a history of         the duloxetine group, patients will receive a half-dose of
alcohol or other substance abuse or dependence prior to           preemptive duloxetine (30 mg/day) for a week before
enrolment; (X) any other possible conditions that are             surgery, and a full-dose of duloxetine (60 mg/day) for six
considered inappropriate to participant in this clinical          weeks after surgery. The maintenance dose (60 mg/day)
trial.                                                            of duloxetine was chosen based on previous publications
                                                                  [32, 43, 44, 50]. While patients in the placebo group and
Randomization and allocation                                      blank control group will receive placebo for the same
After applying the selection criteria, the potentially eligible   period. All enrolled patients will receive the same stand-
patients will be screened with the Central Sensitization In-      ard preoperative publicizing and education, intraopera-
ventory (CSI) preoperatively, with a CSI score ≥ 40 indi-         tive type of anesthesia, postoperative care, and
cating CS and a CSI score of < 40 indicating normal [46–          rehabilitation.
48]. Patients with preoperative CS will be randomly
allocated (1:1) to the duloxetine group or the placebo            Follow‐up period
group by a computer-generated randomization list. After           During hospitalization, the basic metabolic panel will be
randomization, there will be a baseline assessment, such          obtained once or more to monitor serum sodium level,
as patient demographics and baseline values for outcome           as hyponatremia is a duloxetine-induced complication
measures. In addition, a group of patients who are                that may occur early on after duloxetine initiation. In
assessed as normal will receive the placebo (as the blank         our routine clinical practice, patients are advised to
Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders   (2021) 22:316                                                           Page 5 of 9

return to the outpatient clinic for follow-up evaluation at       motion (ROM), Knee Society Score (KSS) score, West-
one, three, and six months after surgery and subsequently         ern Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index
every one year after surgery. Thus, in this clinical trial, all   (WOMAC) score, and physical activity [55]. These out-
of the patients will be followed up at one, three, and six        comes will be assessed by means of several question-
months after surgery. If patients are unwilling or unable to      naires at multiple follow-up time points. Furthermore,
return to the study center for evaluation, they will be           we will also collect other parameters, including joint-
interviewed via telephone. Both the hospital and out-             associated problems, health-related quality of life, CSI
patient follow-up evaluation will be conducted by an in-          score, depressive and anxiety symptoms, perceived im-
vestigator who is blinded to the experimental groups.             provement and arthroplasty-related expectations, and
                                                                  patient satisfaction (ordinal scale) [56].
Criteria for withdrawal
Participants will be informed that they are under no ob-          Patient characteristics
ligation to participate and have the right to withdraw            The following baseline descriptive data will be obtained:
consent for participation in this clinical trial at any point     age, gender, height (cm) and weight (kg), body mass
without prejudice, and their routine clinical care and            index (BMI), marital status, family status, education
follow-up will not be affected by declining to participate        level, employment status, duration of OA pain symp-
or withdrawing from the trial. Meanwhile, the investiga-          toms, Kellgren-Lawrence (K-L) grade, OA pain-related
tor or regulatory authority can discontinue a patient’s           medication consumption, ASA classification, smoking
participation in the clinical trial at any time if medically      and alcohol consumption, disease history, comorbidities,
or otherwise necessary. Of note, it is not recommended            history of drug use, and past health problems.
to discontinue duloxetine abruptly, especially when tak-
ing the maintenance dose of 60 mg/day. Therefore, the             TKA-related characteristics
participant who wishes to discontinue or withdraw must            The surgical procedure-related data include the type of
contact the investigator to obtain discontinuation advice.        anesthesia, surgical approach, type of implant, operation
                                                                  time, intraoperative and postoperative blood loss, and
Outcome measurement                                               arthroplasty-related complications.
The following outcome parameters and patient charac-
teristics will be retrieved from electronic hospital              Adverse events
information systems or medical records, physical exam-            All adverse events reported spontaneously by the patients
ination, and patient questionnaires.                              or observed by the investigators or staff will be recorded.
                                                                  If any adverse event occurs, the doctor will provide the
Primary outcome measures                                          corresponding treatment to the patient. Meantime, the ad-
The primary outcome is the intensity of residual pain at          verse events will be immediately reported to the primary
six months after TKA. The perception of residual pain             investigator and ethics committee to decide if the patient
will be measured with the visual analogue scale (VAS),            needs to withdraw from the trial. Based on previous litera-
11-point numeric rating scale (NRS), the sensory dimen-           ture, the most common adverse events were decreased
sion of the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and the pain sub-         appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, insomnia, constipa-
scale of the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome               tion, and dry mouth, which could be well managed with
Score (KOOS) at six months after surgery [51–54].                 i.v. ondansetron [32, 43, 44].
These questionnaires have been proven to be valid and
reliable, and the results of these questionnaires will help       Data collection and management
to ascertain the robustness of our results. The key post-         The demographic and baseline characteristic data will be
operative time point of six months was chosen as this is          collected by screeners when the patients are recruited and
recognized as the first possible time point to evaluate           enrolled in this trial (Table 1). During the hospitalization
the ‘success’ of TKA in clinical practice.                        and follow-up periods, the clinical outcomes, question-
                                                                  naires, incidence of complications, and adverse events will
Secondary outcome measures                                        be collected by an independent trained investigator and
The secondary outcome measures will include the fol-              will be monitored by an independent Data Monitoring
lowing. The pain-related outcomes mainly included the             Committee. No additional participants will be included
cumulative PCA consumption during the first 48 h after            during the re-evaluation period. Personal data will be han-
TKA and the amounts of rescue analgesic at 48 h after             dled confidentially. Every participant will receive a unique
surgery. We will also evaluate the pain severity using the        code, and data of each patient will be collected under this
VAS score, NRS score, BPI score, and KOOS score. The              unique code. A unique patient identification list will be
function-related outcomes included knee range of                  used to link the data to the patient, and the key to the
Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders           (2021) 22:316                                                                 Page 6 of 9

Table 1 Demographic and preoperative clinical characteristics                    previous study, the smallest change score for the VAS
of the patients                                                                  score to be considered clinically relevant is 2 points (on
Demographics                         Placebo Duloxetine Blank control            a 0–10 scale) between the duloxetine group and the pla-
                                     group   group      group                    cebo group [32]. The power calculation is performed
Age (yr)                                                                         based on the VAS score difference using a two-sided hy-
Gender, n (%)                                                                    pothesis test at an alpha level of 0.05 and a power of
  Male                                                                           80 %, and a total of 38 participants is needed in each
                                                                                 group [57–59]. Taking into account the possibility of
                                                                                 20 % violators or dropouts, we will include 50 patients in
BMI (kg/m2)
                                                                                 each group.
Marital status
Family status                                                                    Statistical analysis
Education level, n (%)                                                           Analyses will be performed using the IBM SPSS software
  Primary school                                                                 (version 21.0, IBM Corp., New York, NY, USA). All out-
  High school
                                                                                 comes measures will be assessed using both the ITT
                                                                                 (intention-to-treat, all randomly assigned patients) and
  Some college
                                                                                 PP (per-protocol, patients who completed the trial with-
  Technical degree/                                                              out any protocol deviations) data sets. The missing value
  associate’s degree
                                                                                 will be imputed by the last-observation-carried-forward
  Bachelor’s degree
                                                                                 (LOCF) method. For continuous variables and descrip-
  Advanced/professional                                                          tive values, means ± standard deviations (SDs) will be re-
  degree (MA, PhD, etc.)
                                                                                 ported. For the enumerative variables, frequency and
Employment status                                                                corresponding percentage will be calculated. For the var-
ASA status                                                                       iables with a normal distribution, statistical comparisons
  I                                                                              between the groups will be made by using a t-test. For
  II                                                                             variables with a non-normal distribution or ordinal level,
                                                                                 the statistical comparison will be made using the Mann-
                                                                                 Whitney U test. Outcomes with a discrete distribution
Preoperative parameters
                                                                                 will be expressed as percentages and analyzed by the
  Duration of OA pain                                                            chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. A P
                                                                                 value < 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
  Kellgren-Lawrence grade
  OA pain-related medication                                                     Discussion
                                                                                 Residual pain is the most common reason for patient
  Smoking consumption                                                            dissatisfaction following TKA. Recently, several studies
  Alcohol consumption                                                            suggested that CS is associated with chronic postopera-
  History of drug use                                                            tive pain and decreased satisfaction after TKA. Duloxe-
  CSI score                                                                      tine has been used in an off-label way to treat centrally
  VAS score
                                                                                 mediated chronic pain in patients with preoperative CS,
                                                                                 but the efficacy of pain control after TKA remains un-
  NRS score
                                                                                 clear. Currently, the available evidence is extremely lim-
  BPI-pain severity score                                                        ited; thus, we designed this clinical trial to examine the
  KOOS score                                                                     efficacy and safety of duloxetine for postoperative pain
ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists, BMI Body Mass Index, BPI Brief Pain   after TKA in CS patients. The present study was de-
Inventory, CSI Central Sensitization Inventory, KOOS Knee injury and
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, MA Master of Arts, NRS numeric rating scale,
                                                                                 signed based on previous literature, thus, our trial has
OA Osteoarthritis, VAS visual analogue scale                                     some advances and strengthens when compared with
                                                                                 previous similar RCTs [32]. First of all, except the dulox-
code will be safeguarded by the principal investigator. All                      etine group and placebo group, we set an extra blank
source documents will be entered into the trial database                         control group, which consists of normal patients without
(OpenClinica clinical trials software).                                          medication. Parents in the blank control group will pro-
                                                                                 vide the standard baseline for the trial, which will help
Sample size                                                                      to evaluate the magnitude of improvement. Second, sev-
Sample size calculation was performed with the VAS                               eral parameters will be included to measure the intensity
score as the primary outcome measure. Based on the                               of residual pain, including the VAS score, NRS score,
Wang et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders            (2021) 22:316                                                                                    Page 7 of 9

BPI score, and KOOS score. The consistency of these                               Declarations
parameters will help to ascertain the robustness of the
                                                                                  Ethics approval and consent to participate
results. Third, based on previous RCTs, we will collect                           The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that
all of the efficacy and safety related parameters, which                          questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
will contribute to a more comprehensive evaluation of                             appropriately investigated and resolved. The study was conducted in
                                                                                  accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The study
duloxetine.                                                                       protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Ningbo No. 6 Hospital
   We will ensure that this study is a genuinely random-                          (K2020005). Informed consent will be obtained from each patient. The
ized, controlled, triple-blinded trial through the full                           findings of this study will be disseminated widely at national and
                                                                                  international conferences, and will be published in peer-reviewed, scientific
implementation of randomization, blindness, and con-                              journals.
cealment. We will conduct and report this clinical trial
in strict accordance with the Consolidated Standards of                           Consent for publication
                                                                                  All patients who voluntarily participate in the study will sign a written
Reporting Trials (CONSORT) [60]. It is important to ac-
                                                                                  informed consent. Volunteers are aware of this publication and have clarified
knowledge that the results of this trial will provide scien-                      the importance of the study and publication of the manuscript.
tific and rigorous clinical evidence for the application of
perioperative duloxetine in CS patients being scheduled                           Competing interests
                                                                                  All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form. The authors
for TKA.                                                                          declare that they have no competing interests.
Abbreviations                                                                     Author details
ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI: Body Mass Index; BPI: Brief      1
                                                                                   Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ningbo No.6 Hospital, 1059
Pain Inventory; CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials;              Zhongshan East Road, Ningbo 315040,, Zhejiang, China. 2Department of
CS: Central Sensitization; CSI: Central Sensitization Inventory; HADS: Hospital   Neurology, Ningbo No.6 Hospital, 1059 Zhongshan East Road, Ningbo
Anxiety and Depression Scale; ITT: Intention-To-Treat; K-L: Kellgren-Lawrence;    315040, Zhejiang, China.
KOOS: Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; KSS: Knee Society
Score; LOCF: Last-Observation-Carried-Forward; MA: Master of Arts;                Received: 26 January 2021 Accepted: 11 March 2021
NRS: Numeric Rating Scale; NMDA: N-methyl-d-aspartate; OA: Osteoarthritis;
PCA: Patient-Controlled Analgesia.; PP: Per-Protocol.; RCT: Randomized
Controlled Trial.; ROM: Range Of Motion; SD: Standard Deviation;
SNRI: Selective and balanced serotonin and Norepinephrine-Reuptake Inhibi-
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