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Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE - European ...
Elenco delle pubblicazioni del Think Tank del PE

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                               Autore "ZYGIEREWICZ Anna"

                                23 Risultati(i)

                      Data di creazione : 31-12-2021
Inclusion measures within the Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                     Data  16-09-2021
                   Autore  DINU Alina Ileana | ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
          Autore esterno   Part I: The in-house opening analysis was written by Dr Alina Dinu and Dr Anna Zygierewicz from the Ex-Post
                           Evaluation Unit of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate-General
                           for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament. Part II: - The research
                           paper on Inclusion measures within Erasmus+ Programme 2014–2020 with respect to learning mobility of individuals
                           has been written by Prof. Dr Maurice de Greef, visiting professor and Unesco Chair at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. -
                           The research paper on Inclusion Measures within Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020: The Added Value of the Inclusion
                           and Diversity Strategy for Youth has been written by Prof. Silvia Florea, professor and Unesco Chair at Lucian Blaga
                           University of Sibiu.
     Settore di intervento Cultura
                Riassunto In December 2020, the European Parliament Conference of Committee Chairs authorised the launch of an
                           implementation report on the Implementation of inclusion measures within Erasmus+ 2014-2020 by the European
                           Parliament Committee of Culture and Education (CULT) (2021/2009(INI)). The Ex-Post Evaluation Unit (EVAL) of
                           EPRS has been asked to assist in the preparation of the implementation report with a European Implementation
                           Assessment (EIA). The EIA consists of two parts: an in-house desk-research analysis and two external studies that
                           combine desk research and primary data collection. The focus of the EIA is the learning mobility of individuals and the
                           inclusion of young people with special needs or fewer opportunities.
                    Studio EN

Implementation of citizenship education actions in the EU
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                     Data  03-08-2021
                   Autore  ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
          Autore esterno   Part I: In-house introductory analysis was prepared by Dr Anna Zygierewicz, Ex-Post Evaluation Unit (EVAL),
                           European Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS). This paper has been drawn up by the Ex-post Evaluation Unit of
                           the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary
                           Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament. Part II: A research paper on the
                           implementation of the citizenship education in the EU was written by Prof. Wiel Veugelers of the University of
                           Humanistic Studies Utrecht at the request of the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and
                           European Added Value, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat
                           of the European Parliament.
     Settore di intervento Democrazia UE | Istruzione | Politica sociale | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
                Riassunto In December 2020, the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) requested the drawing up
                           of an own-initiative report on the implementation of the citizenship education actions (2021/2008(INI)). Mr Domènec
                           Ruiz Devesa (S&D, Spain) was appointed rapporteur. This European implementation assessment (EIA) has been
                           prepared to accompany the CULT committee in its scrutiny work on the implementation of citizenship education
                           actions in the European Union. The first part of the EIA presents an overview of the EU policy framework for citizenship
                           education, while the second part presents actions in the field of citizenship education supported by EU funding
                           programmes, in particular the Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programmes. The second part also presents citizenship
                           education policies and practices in 10 EU Member States.
                    Studio EN

Renewable Energy Directive
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di interventoEnergia
            Parole chiave applicazione del diritto dell'UE | consumo d'energia | direttiva (UE) | energia rinnovabile | gas a effetto serra | riduzione
                          delle emissioni gassose | risorse rinnovabili | risparmio energetico | statistica energetica | studio d'impatto
               Riassunto Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (the Renewable Energy Directive, RED II), established a common framework for the
                          promotion of energy from renewable sources in the EU and set a binding target of 32 % for the overall share of energy
                          from renewable sources in the EU's gross final consumption of energy in 2030. It also established sustainability and
                          greenhouse gas emissions savings criteria for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels, and laid down rules on financial
                          support to enhance renewable energy usage. The RED II is a recast of Directive 2009/28/EC (RED I), done as part of
                          the 'Clean energy for all Europeans package'. In 2021 the European Commission will review the Directive with the aim
                          to better adjust it to the European Green Deal objectives.
                 Briefing EN

31-12-2021                                       Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                      1
Energy Efficiency Directive
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 15-03-2021
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Ambiente | Energia | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave  cambiamento climatico | consumo d'energia | direttiva (UE) | neutralità carbonica | relazione | rendimento energetico |
                           revisione della legge | risparmio energetico | studio d'impatto | utilizzazione dell'energia
                Riassunto The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was adopted in 2012 to promote energy efficiency across the EU and to help
                           the EU to reach its (at least) 20 % energy efficiency target by 2020. In 2018, the EED was amended as part of the
                           'Clean energy for all Europeans package'. The amendments included raising the EU energy efficiency target to (at
                           least) 32.5 %, to be achieved by 2030, among other things. The European Commission plans to submit its proposal for
                           the revision of the EED in June 2021, with the aim of better adjusting the EED to the European Green Deal objectives
                           and an increased climate ambition. Improvements will aim to achieve the objective for Europe to become the first
                           climate-neutral continent, with net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
                  Briefing EN

Roaming Regulation: EU Digital Single Market policy
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 15-02-2021
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave  cooperazione transfrontaliera | flusso transfrontaliero di dati | mercato unico digitale | politica europea di vicinato |
                           protezione del consumatore | regolamentazione dei prezzi | regolamento (UE) | roaming | tariffa delle comunicazioni
                Riassunto The Roaming Regulation established the ‘Roam-Like-At-Home’ (RLAH) rule that mandated the end of retail roaming
                           charges as of 15 June 2017 in the EU. The Regulation will be in force until 30 June 2022. In 2021, the European
                           Commission would review the Regulation, assessing its effects and the need to prolong it. The analysis of the Body of
                           European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) shows that a regulatory intervention is still necessary to
                           ensure the EU citizens can continue to benefit of the RLAH rule.
                  Briefing EN

Directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive)
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 10-11-2020
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Mercato interno e Unione doganale | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto
            Parole chiave  applicazione del diritto dell'UE | criminalità informatica | dati personali | direttiva (UE) | protezione dei dati | sicurezza
                           delle informazioni | sistema di informazione
                Riassunto Directive on security of network and information systems across the Union (Directive (EU) 2016/1148, NIS Directive) is
                           the first horizontal EU cybersecurity legal act, which will be reviewed in 2020 with the aim to increase cybersecurity in
                           the EU. The NIS Directive entered into force in August 2016 and Members States transposed it into national laws by 9
                           May 2018. The NIS Directive was designed to improve Member States' cybersecurity capabilities; the cooperation
                           between Member States; and Member States' supervision of critical sectors. The Directive established a culture of risk
                           management and incident reporting among key economic actors - operators providing essential services (OES) and
                           Digital Service Providers (DSPs). The Directive also set out cooperation mechanisms, such as the NIS Cooperation
                           Group and the network of national computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs).
                  Briefing EN

Association agreement between the EU and Ukraine
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 07-07-2020
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Adozione della legislazione da parte del PE e del Consiglio | Affari esteri | Commercio internazionale | Valutazione del
                           diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
             Parole chiave accordo di associazione (UE) | politica estera e di sicurezza comune | relazione di monitoraggio | Ucraina
                Riassunto The European implementation assessment (EIA) evaluates the implementation of the association agreement (EU AA),
                           including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), between the EU and Ukraine. The
                           evaluation forms an update of an evaluation published in July 2018. The EIA shows progress and challenges in the
                           implementation of the agreement in Ukraine and stresses the importance of further reforms in this Eastern Partnership
                           country. The EIA consists of two parts, an opening analysis prepared internally by the DG EPRS and a briefing paper
                           prepared externally by the Polish Institute of International Affairs. The EIA has been prepared to accompany the
                           European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) in its scrutiny work, namely on its work on the own-initiative
                           annual implementing report on the EU association agreement with Ukraine.
                    Studio EN

31-12-2021                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                  2
Association agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 19-05-2020
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Affari esteri | Commercio internazionale | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche
                           nella pratica
             Parole chiave accordo di associazione (UE) | analisi qualitativa | analisi quantitativa | Moldova | relazione di monitoraggio
                Riassunto The European Implementation Assessment (EIA) evaluates the implementation of the EU association agreement (EU
                           AA), including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), with the Republic of Moldova. The EIA
                           presents progress and challenges in the implementation of reforms in this Eastern Partnership country since July 2018,
                           when a previous report was published, until now. The EIA consists of two parts, an opening analysis prepared
                           internally by the DG EPRS and a briefing paper prepared externally by the Centre of Eastern Studies (OSW). The EIA
                           has been prepared to accompany the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) in its scrutiny work,
                           namely on its work on the own-initiative annual implementing report on the EU association agreement with Moldova.
                    Studio EN

Association agreement between the EU and Georgia: European Implementation Assessment (update)
    Tipo di pubblicazione Studio
                    AutoreZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di interventoAffari esteri | Commercio internazionale | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave accordo di associazione (UE) | Georgia | Moldova | Partenariato orientale | politica di cooperazione | relazione di
                          monitoraggio | situazione economica | situazione politica | Ucraina
                Riassunto The European implementation assessment (EIA) evaluates the implementation of the EU association agreement (EU
                          AA), including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), with Georgia. The evaluation forms an
                          update of an evaluation (EIA) published in July 2018, thus evaluates the implementation of the EU AA since mid-2018
                          until now. The EIA shows progress and pitfalls in the implementation of reforms in Georgia and stresses the
                          importance of the upcoming parliamentary elections in the democratisation of this Eastern Partnership association
                          country. The EIA consists of two parts, an opening analysis prepared internally by the DG EPRS and a briefing paper
                          prepared externally by the CEPS. The EIA has been prepared to accompany the European Parliament Committee on
                          Foreign Affairs (AFET) in its scrutiny work, namely on its work on the own-initiative annual implementing report on the
                          EU association agreement with Georgia.
                   Studio EN

EU-Africa academic cooperation
    Tipo di pubblicazione   Briefing
                      Data  12-12-2019
                    Autore  ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento  Affari esteri | Bilanci | Istruzione | Politica di ricerca | Sviluppo e aiuti umanitari | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche
                            nella pratica
             Parole chiave Africa | cooperazione educativa | incontro al vertice | insegnamento superiore | mobilità scolastica | paesi membri ACP
                            | programma dell'UE | relazione ACP-UE | scambio di giovani | scambio scolastico
                Riassunto EU-Africa academic cooperation is one of the priority of the strategic partnership between both regions. It allows the
                            mobility of students, researchers and academic staff as well as the cooperation between academic institutions from
                            both regions. The cooperation is supported, not least with the EU funds, through the Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020
                            programmes as well as through the Inter-Africa Mobility Scheme. With the new financial perspective and the new ‘post-
                            Cotonou’ agreement, still in negotiations, it is important to ensure the future of the EU-Africa academic cooperation is
                            relevant in scale to the needs and expectations and is focusing on topics important for both regions.
                   Briefing EN

Cultural heritage in EU discourse and in the Horizon 2020 programme
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Briefing
                     Data    22-11-2019
                   Autore    ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
               Riassunto     The EU recognises its Member States' collective cultural heritage both as a European legacy that will be passed onto
                             future generations and as a contributor to EU growth and development. Among others, in 2014 the Council of the EU
                             identified cultural heritage as a strategic resource for a sustainable Europe, and the European Commission singled out
                             the Horizon 2020 programme as one of the 'new generation of EU instruments' to support the implementation of the
                             European Agenda for Culture, while also helping safeguard and enhance the EU's cultural heritage. According to
                             Commission data, between 2014 and early 2019, €495 million was invested in Horizon 2020 research actions related
                             to the EU's tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In token of the value attached to cultural heritage as an intrinsic
                             part of the EU's identity and an important element of the EU's international presence, the year 2018 was designated
                             European Year of Cultural Heritage.
                   Briefing EN

31-12-2021                                           Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                      3
The EU strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di interventoAffari esteri | Bilanci | Politica di ricerca | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave accordo (UE) | cooperazione scientifica | cooperazione tecnica | innovazione | paesi terzi | politica della ricerca |
                          strategia UE
               Riassunto In 2012, the Commission announced the EU's strategic approach to enhancing EU international cooperation in
                          research and innovation, and in this it underlined the role for the EU that derives from being a global leader in research
                          and innovation. It also pinpointed the Horizon 2020 programme (2014-2020) and science diplomacy as the main tools
                          for implementing the strategy. This Implementation Appraisal presents and evaluates the implementation of the
                          strategy after a number of years in force, examining both successes and shortcomings. It also stresses the need to
                          ensure the efficient use of means in the financial framework for 2021 to 2027.
                 Briefing EN

Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020)
    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
                         ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento
                         Cultura | Democrazia UE | Democrazia UE, diritto istituzionale e parlamentare
            Parole chiavecooperazione culturale | industria culturale | pluralismo culturale | politica linguistica | produzione audiovisiva |
                         programma dell'UE | promozione culturale | ripartizione del finanziamento dell'UE | studio d'impatto
               Riassunto The study provides an up-to-date evaluation of the implementation of the selected smaller and bigger actions within the
                         Creative Europe programme (2014 to 2020) with focus on the European dimension and European added value of the
                         undertaken actions as well as their visibility.
                   Studio EN

Trade agreement between the European Union and Colombia and Peru
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Studio
                      Data   07-08-2018
                    Autore   ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento   Affari esteri | Commercio internazionale | Democrazia UE | Diritti dell''uomo | Politica sociale
            Parole chiave    accordo bilaterale | accordo commerciale (UE) | Bolivia | Colombia | Ecuador | Perù | preferenze generalizzate
                Riassunto    This European Implementation Assessment consists of two parts. The in-house opening analysis (part I) presents
                             briefly the signature of the trade agreement between the EU and Colombia and Peru. It also presents the socio-
                             economic situation in Colombia and Peru and the relations between the EU and Colombia and Peru as well as the
                             relations between the EU and Andean Community. The research paper prepared by external experts (part II) presents
                             detail analysis of trade in goods and services and foreign direct investments. The paper also evaluated in detail the
                             implementation of the trade and sustainable development chapter of the agreement in both Colombia and Peru. They
                             are followed by the presentation of the international cooperation of Colombia and Peru. Finally, the paper provides
                             recommendation for the improvement of the implementation of the trade agreement.
                   Studio ES, EN

Association agreements between the EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Studio
                      Data   28-06-2018
                    Autore   ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento   Affari esteri | Commercio internazionale | Democrazia UE
            Parole chiave    accordo di associazione (UE) | Georgia | Moldova | Partenariato orientale | Ucraina
                Riassunto    The study presents the successes and shortcomings of the implementation of three association agreements singed by
                             the EU with Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. The study is composed of four papers: the first presents the opinions of
                             the EU monitoring and supervising bodies on the implementation of the three agreements; the second evaluates in
                             detail the implementation of the agreement in Moldova, the third - in Georgia and the fourth - in Ukraine. The
                             recommendations on how to improve the implementation processes form part of the evaluation.
                   Studio EN

31-12-2021                                        Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                4
European Stability Mechanism
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di interventoProblemi economici e monetari | Questioni finanziarie e bancarie
            Parole chiave Fondo monetario europeo | funzionamento istituzionale | Meccanismo europeo di stabilità | proposta (UE) | Unione
                          economica e monetaria | zona euro
               Riassunto A proposal to transform the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into a European Monetary Fund (EMF) within EU
                          law was adopted by the Commission on 6 December 2017. The publication of the proposal was announced in Annex I
                          of the 2018 Commission work programme, as one of the actions within the item 'Completing the Economic and
                          Monetary Union'. In the context of the proposal, this briefing provides information on the functioning of the ESM, which
                          recently celebrated its fifth anniversary. The European Stability Mechanism is an intergovernmental organisation that
                          began operating on 8 October 2012, with the aim of providing financial assistance to euro-area countries experiencing
                          or threatened by severe financing problems, and with a lending capacity of €500 billion. During the last five years, five
                          EU countries: Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Spain have received support from the ESM. Around 33 % of the
                          ESM's lending capacity has been committed.
                 Briefing EN

The Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC)
    Tipo di pubblicazione    Studio
                      Data   24-11-2017
                    Autore   ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento   Ambiente | Energia | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave    apparecchio elettrodomestico | bene di consumo | commercializzazione | consumo d'energia | direttiva CE | economia
                             circolare | impatto ambientale | marcatura CE di conformità | ravvicinamento delle legislazioni | relazione | risparmio
                             energetico | Stato membro UE | studio d'impatto
               Riassunto This European Implementation Assessment (EIA) has been provided to accompany the work of the European
                         Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety in scrutinising the implementation of the
                         directive establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products ('Ecodesign
                         Directive'). The EIA consists of an opening analysis and two briefing papers. The opening analysis, prepared in-house
                         by the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit within EPRS, situates the directive in the EU policy context, provides key information on
                         implementation of the directive and presents opinions of selected stakeholders on implementation. The paper contains
                         also short overview of consumers' opinions and behaviour. Input to the assessment was received from CPMC SPRL
                         and from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, both in the form of briefing papers: – the first paper gathers the
                         opinions of EU-level and national stakeholders on successes in, failures of and challenges to the implementation of the
                         directive and the underlying reasons. Experts from seven Member States were interviewed: Belgium, Denmark,
                         Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Portugal and Finland. These interviews are complemented by a literature
                         review of available studies, reports and position papers; – the second paper is based on three elements. The first part
                         presents an analysis of the Ecodesign Directive, ecodesign working plans and related regulations, the second is based
                         on an analysis of the scientific articles discussing the application of the directive to specific product groups and the
                         third presents the results of the on-line surveys evaluating the application of the regulations of the directive for selected
                         product groups.
                  Studio EN

The '.eu' top-level domain
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                    AutoreZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di interventoIndustria | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave gestione | indirizzo Internet | mercato unico digitale | regolamentazione delle telecomunicazioni | società senza fini di
               Riassunto The .eu top-level domain ('.eu TLD') is based on Regulation (EC) No 733/2002 and was launched in December 2005.
                          EURid, a Belgian not-for-profit organisation, manages the .eu TLD registry; .eu domain names can be registered
                          through a network of 712 'accredited registrars'. According to the latest Commission report on the .eu TLD, at the
                          beginning of 2015, with almost 4 million registrations, the .eu TLD ranked eleventh among the biggest top-level
                          domains in the world (with '.com' heading the list) and sixth among country code top-level domains (ccTLD). The
                          inception impact assessment on the review of the .eu TLD regulation, published by the Commission, pointed to
                          problems which should be tackled, e.g. market development. The reviewed regulation should also simplify the
                          management of the .eu TLD. Between May and August 2017, the Commission ran public consultations with the aim of
                          reviewing the existing .eu TLD legislation. The results of the consultations are not yet available.
                 Briefing EN

31-12-2021                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                 5
Illicit trade in cultural goods
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Briefing
                      Data 25-07-2017
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Cultura | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
            Parole chiave  archeologia | bene culturale | istituzione dell'Unione europea | lotta contro la delinquenza | patrimonio culturale |
                           proprietà pubblica | protezione del patrimonio | scambi extra UE | terrorismo | traffico illecito
                Riassunto Illicit trade (or trafficking) in cultural goods is defined by the European Commission as the 'illicit import, export and
                           transfer of ownership of cultural property, i.e. items being of importance for archaeology, prehistory, history, literature,
                           art or science' and is characterised as ranging 'from theft from cultural heritage institutions or private collections,
                           through looting of archaeological sites to the displacement of artefacts due to war'. The European Commission points
                           out that trafficking in cultural goods 'fosters terrorism, money laundering, tax evasion, and organised crime' and that
                           'Europe, where art and culture are highly prized and where many wealthy buyers can be found, is a favourite outlet for
                           trafficking'. Cultural goods have a significant economic value in the market and the trafficking of cultural goods and
                           antiquities is estimated to be worth between US$50 million and US$150 million a year. The European Union does not
                           have common rules on the import of cultural goods. Two EU acts govern only selected areas: Regulation (EU)
                           116/2009 lays down rules on the export of cultural goods, and Directive 2014/60/EU governs the return of cultural
                           objects taken unlawfully from another EU country. Furthermore, most Member States impose restrictions on imports of
                           culture goods (e.g. requiring declarations or controls) in line with Articles 34 and 35 of Treaty on the Functioning of the
                           European Union (TFEU). On 13 July 2017 the European Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on the import
                           of cultural goods, which will set out conditions and procedure for the entry of cultural goods into the customs territory of
                           the EU. The Commission is also preparing a study on illicit trade in cultural goods in the EU and the new technologies
                           available to combat it.
                  Briefing EN

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)
    Tipo di pubblicazione Briefing
                     Data 19-05-2017
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Sicurezza e difesa | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
           Parole chiave Agenzia dell’Unione europea per la cibersicurezza | competenza istituzionale (UE) | consultazione pubblica | criminalità
                            informatica | funzionamento istituzionale | Internet | Parlamento europeo | partenariato pubblico-privato | programma
                            quadro di ricerca e sviluppo | regolamento (UE) | relazione d'attività | sicurezza europea | statistiche dell'UE
                Riassunto Information and communication technologies play an increasing role in modern-day life and in the creation of a digital
                            society. To ensure further growth, significant investments in security are necessary. Cybersecurity is a growing
                            concern for citizens, influencing their digital activity. It is also a significant cost for the economy. In 2015, the estimated
                            worldwide economic impact of cyber-attacks reached US$500 billion. The cybersecurity market in Europe was
                            estimated at €20.1 billion. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) was established
                            to support the EU and the Member States in enhancing and strengthening their ability to prevent, detect and respond
                            to network and information security (NIS) problems and incidents. ENISA is part of the broader legal and policy
                            environment, which includes the EU cybersecurity strategy and the recently adopted directive on security of networks
                            and information systems across the EU.
                   Briefing EN

Horizon 2020 EU framework programme for research and innovation
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                      Data 24-02-2017
                    Autore ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento Industria | Politica di ricerca | Politica sociale | Problemi economici e monetari | Questioni di genere, uguaglianza e
                           diversità | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
             Parole chiave cooperazione transfrontaliera | impresa privata | innovazione | politica di ricerca dell'UE | programma quadro di ricerca
                           e sviluppo | relazione | ricerca e sviluppo | Stato membro UE | uguaglianza di genere
                Riassunto Horizon 2020, the EU framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) is aimed at building a society
                           and an economy based on knowledge and innovation across the Union, while contributing to sustainable development.
                           The programme supports the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and other Union policies, as well as the
                           achievement and functioning of the European Research Area (ERA). The introduction to this European implementation
                           assessment (EIA) presents basic information on the implementation of Horizon 2020, including policy on gender
                           equality and international cooperation. In addition, the annexes contain the input to the EIA received from external
                           experts, who prepared analyses of the implementation of the three Horizon 2020 priorities: excellent science, industrial
                           leadership, and societal challenges. The implementation of each priority was analysed from two perspectives: a) a
                           research and industry perspective prepared by experts from the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
                           and the Centre for Industrial Studies (CSIL); b) economic and financial perspective prepared by experts from the
                           Europe Economics consortium.
                    Studio EN

31-12-2021                                         Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                                    6
The Erasmus+ Programme (Regulation EU No. 1288/2013): European Implementation Assessment
    Tipo di pubblicazione  Studio
                     Data  06-07-2016
                   Autore  ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
          Autore esterno   - Research paper analysing the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme –
                           Learning mobility of individuals in the field of education, training and youth
                           (Key Action 1), written by Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler from the Technical
                           University of Dresden and Prof. Dr. Daniel Apollon from the University
                           of Bergen
                           - Research paper analysing the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme –
                           Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the field
                           of education, training and youth (Key Action 2), written by Dr. Juha Kettunen
                           from the Turku University of Applied Sciences
     Settore di intervento Cultura | Istruzione | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto | Valutazione del diritto e delle politiche nella pratica
           Parole chiave cooperazione educativa | esecuzione di progetto | finanziamento dell'UE | formazione degli insegnanti | formazione
                           professionale | istruzione degli adulti | poliglottismo | programma dell'UE | scambio scolastico | sport | statistica
                           dell'istruzione | valutazione di progetto
                Riassunto This European Implementation Assessment has been provided to accompany the work of the European Parliament’s
                           Committee on Culture and Education in scrutinising the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme. The Erasmus+
                           programme for Union action in the field of education, training, youth and sport was launched on 1 January 2014 and
                           will run until 31 December 2020. It brings together seven successful programmes which operated separately between
                           2007 and 2013 (the Lifelong Learning Programme, five international cooperation programmes and the Youth in Action
                           programme), and also adds the area of sports activities. The opening analysis of this Assessment, prepared in-house
                           by the Ex-Post Impact Assessment Unit within EPRS, situates the programme within the context of educationpolicy,
                           explains its legal framework and provides key information on its implementation. The presentation is followed by
                           opinions and recommendations of selected stakeholders. A separate chapter is dedicated to the sport, which is the
                           new element of the Erasmus+ programme. Input to the EIA was also received from two independent groups of experts
                           representing the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Bergen, and the Turku University of Applied
                           Sciences.- The first research paper presents implementation of Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals in
                           the field of education, training and youth.- The second research paper presents implementation of Key Action 2 (KA2)–
                           Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the field of education, training and youth. The two
                           research papers, containing key findings and recommendations, are includedin full as annexes to the in-house opening
                    Studio EN

Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU): Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes -
European Implementation Assessment
    Tipo di pubblicazioneStudio
                         ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
     Settore di intervento
                         Ambiente | Energia | Recepimento e attuazione del diritto
            Parole chiaveapplicazione del diritto dell'UE | comportamento del consumatore | consultazione pubblica | consumo d'energia |
                         direttiva (UE) | rendimento energetico | risparmio energetico | Stato membro UE
               Riassunto In its 'Energy 2020 strategy' in 2010, the European Commission stated 'Energy efficiency is the most cost effective way
                         to reduce emissions, improve energy security and competitiveness, make energy consumption more affordable for
                         consumers as well as create employment, including in export industries'. A year later, the Commission presented a
                         proposal for a Directive on energy efficiency, which entered into forced on 4 December 2012. A further three years
                         later, the European Implementation Assessment was launched to accompany the ITRE Committee in its scrutiny of the
                         implementation of the directive. Input was received from three independent groups of experts representing: CPMC
                         SPRL, the University of Oxford and the University of Sussex, and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. The first research
                         paper presents opinions of national stakeholders' at Member States' level, gathered during interviews and surveys.
                         The second research paper presents the Member States' plans and achievements towards the implementation of
                         obligation schemes under Article 7 of the Directive (Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes, EEOS). The third research
                         paper presents the implementation of Article 7 of the Directive in the household and building sectors specifically. The
                         introduction to this European Implementation Assessment presents the overall legal and political context of energy
                         policy in the EU, as well as of the Energy Efficiency Directive and its implementation in particular. Key findings present
                         main elements of the analysis provided by the external experts in the three research papers, which are included in full
                         as annexes.
                  Studio ES, EN

31-12-2021                                      Fonte : © Unione europea, 2021 - PE                                                               7
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