Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit

Page created by Bernard Dawson
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Embracing the
    Muskoka Experience

 2015 Media Kit
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Our Vision
Inaugural issue published July 2000 by Cottage
Country Communications with the vision of being
an upscale lifestyle magazine for both permanent
and seasonal residents as well as visitors to

Today, Muskoka Magazine is the region’s premier
upscale lifestyle magazine for those who enjoy the
district and care about its future
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Editorial Package
Articles are timeless, telling the story of Muskoka’s
past, its present and its future

Feature topics focus on the people of Muskoka and
their lifestyles – activities, interests, hobbies,
entertainment – celebrating the Muskoka experience

Outstanding photographic presentations complete
the editorial package

Bald Eagles may stay in their                                                          Bald eagles have strong feet and talons
territory as long as ice does                                                          to enable them to pick up large prey.
not cover their feeding areas.

                                                                                                         BALD EAGLES
                                                                                                                 returning to Muskoka
                                                                                                                                Article by Doug Smith / Photographs by Eleanor Kee Wellman

                                                                                                      ald eagles are rarely seen in Muskoka nowadays, so it is hard to     work for Bracebridge had a photo of a bald eagle perched in the trees
                                                                                                      imagine they were once considered a common resident.                 along Highway 118 West, near Touchstone Resort. The next day it
                                                                                                        Yet that is exactly how they were described by James Fleming,      was still there, large as life, in the company of a few ravens, all of them
                                                                                              who was a naturalist in the region back in 1901. This was reiterated by      attracted there because of a road-killed deer.
                                                                                              another well-known naturalist at that time. Alfred Kay, who lived near         Bald eagles are scavengers. They are capable of capturing their own
                                                                                              Port Sydney, reported that bald eagles “were rather common.”                 prey, such as waterfowl or fish, which is a mainstay in their diet. But
                                                                                                 That was before DDT and other pesticides had such a devastating           they scavenge whenever there is the opportunity – or steal, as is often
                                                                                              effect on many raptors’ populations, including that of the bald eagle.       the case with bald eagles robbing osprey of their freshly caught fish.
                                                                                                 Fortunately these birds have made a comeback since the banning of           Scavenging sometimes brings large numbers of eagles together,
                                                                                              these pesticides. There is now a better chance than there has been in        something most raptors are averse to, except during migration. Their
                                                                                              a long time to see a bald eagle in Muskoka, especially in the winter.        cousin the golden eagle, the only other eagle species that breeds in
                                                                                                 What brings the eagles here are the deer, or more to the point, the       North America, is a loner, preferring the mountainous west.
                                                                                              dead deer. If you see a bald eagle in the region in the winter, it is more     Bald eagles congregate wherever there is a good source of food. An
                                                                                              than likely that somewhere nearby is a dead deer.                            example is the dozens and even hundreds of bald eagles that gather
                                                                                                 The Muskoka Bird Board records from last winter bear this out.            when the salmon run on the west coast.
                                                                                              Naturalist Al Sinclair reported many sightings of bald eagles around           In Muskoka a substantial gathering of bald eagles would be more
                                                                                              Huntsville during the winter. That includes three adult eagles at a deer     than two together.This happened last winter at the landfill site south
Dark head feathers and beak are                 Bald eagles drop their legs and feet          carcass on Chub Lake, just south of the town of Huntsville.                  of Gravenhurst during the Christmas bird count on Dec. 15. Coun-
typical for a first-year bald eagle.            when coming in for a landing.                    Earlier last winter, in mid-December, a report on the Weather Net-        ters reported three bald eagles at that time, a new high for eagles seen

26   Winter 2014/2015 www.muskokamagazine.com                                                                                                                                                        www.muskokamagazine.com Winter 2014/2015 27
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Who’s Reading Us
Seasonal residents • Permanent residents • Visitors to Muskoka

                                                                                                    the dam kee                 per’s cottage
                                                           an unwinds         at the lake l Keeping
                                    a bakeries l Marc Jord
                                                                                                                                                                               Muskoka Cottagers
                                                                                                                                         July 2014
       Taste   the treats at Muskok                                                                                                           $4.95

                                                                                                                                                                               – the seasonal residents
                                                                                                                                                                               • Spend over $600 million
                                                                                                                                                                                 per year in goods and
                                                                                                                                                                               • Combined average value
                                                                                                                                                                                 of home and cottage is
                                                         Emu eggs make extra
                                                                                vagant art l Good
                                                                                                  things are brewing
                                                                                                                        in Muskoka l Coffe
                                                                                                                                                                                 $1.3 million
                                otorious craft
                                                                                                                                           e roasters inspired
                                                                                                                                                                  by nature
                                                                                                                                                              November 2014

                                                                                                                                                                               • About 1 in 5 Muskoka

                         Constructed in
                                                       Muskoka                                                                              COMPLIMENTA
                                                                                                                                                          RY COPY
                                                                                                                                                                                 cottagers have a house
                                                                                                                                                    ntry retreat
                                                                                                                     Modern home is cou
                       SeaBirDs were built
                                           for every man    l Town of Bala crea
                                                                                        ted 100 years ago l
                                                                                                                                                                                 hold income of over
                                                  Culinary                                                                                                                     • 1.7 million overnight
                                                  creation                                                                                                                       guest stays to Muskoka
                                                 Starts with gro
                                                 hunting and gat wing,

                                              Made in Muskoka gifts
                                                                      for the holidays l Reme
                                                                                              mbering the   Korean War l Fall
                                                                                                                              fair bakers share   their secrets

                                       District of Muskoka, Second Home Study, 2004
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
The District of
  The District of Muskoka
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Seasonal residents • Permanent residents • Visitors to Muskoka

12,103 distribution, based on an average distribution
for the 6-month period ending October 2012
(6-month sworn statement)

Some interesting distribution information
• 6,085 Mailed by addressed publications Mail
  • 3,064 within Muskoka
  • 3,021 outside Muskoka
• 3,919 Newsstands and as in-room magazines at
  Muskoka resorts
• 2,099 Complimentary at special events, trade show
  and promotional mailings

Complimentary magazines are strategically distribut-
ed at consumer shows in Toronto, at local events
including the internationally-acclaimed Antique Boat
Show and Cranberry Festival, and to upscale resorts
across the region.                                 Pickers discover treas
                                                                          ures l Celebrating
                                                                                             100 years   at Minota l Keeping
                                                                                                                             Muskoka     forests healthy

                                                                                                                                                   October 2014

                                                                                           Taking to
                                                                                           the water
                                                                                          Experience dra
                                                                                                                        ws hundreds

                                             Photographing the
                                                                 night skies l Lovin
                                                                                     g life in L.A. l Shari
                                                                                                            ng Thanksgiving   memories
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Muskoka Magazine
Strong brand recognition in Muskoka for people
who love Muskoka

Huge shelf life and pass-along readership

Advertiser base is diverse representing builders,
suppliers, interior designers and retailers as well as the
arts community, fine dining experiences and unique
Muskoka attractions

Reach seasonal and permanent residents, as well as
visitors to the region; all in one package

Muskoka cottagers have the financial ability to support
a diversified lifestyle with the power to buy goods and
services offered to them
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Advertising Facts
Muskoka Magazine is the magazine for Muskoka                                                          Bald eagles return
                                                                                                                           to Muskoka l Dogs
                                                                                                                                             ledding adven   tures make most of
                                                                                                                                                                                     winter l Looking back
                                                                                                                                                                                                           at Christmas   past

cottagers, residents and frequent visitors – people                                                                                                                                                          Winter 2014/2015

who enjoy the district’s unique lifestyle and care
about its future. Reaching subscribers at their home                                                  Log home liv
residence, Muskoka Magazine provides coverage                                                        A place of fam
                                                                                                                                  ily fun through
                                                                                                                                                                   the seasons

of fascinating people, things to see and do, special
places, and current issues facing those with an
interest in Muskoka. Contemporary in design, every
issue is a must-read which combines outstanding
feature journalism and superb photography to offer
readers an in-depth look at Muskoka.                                                       Hammond’s collection
                                                                                                                  continues to grow
                                                                                                                                      l Explore cross-coun
                                                                                                                                                           try   ski trails l Detailed
                                                                                                                                                                                       birds carved with patience

Featuring a full-colour 80 lb. coated stock cover, Muskoka Magazine is printed on
40 lb. coated stock with full colour throughout.

2015 Net Advertising Rates                                                                  MATERIAL INFORMATION: Press-ready
                                                                                            ads must be submittedas computer-
                               1X   2X-3X 4X-6X                     7X-9X    10X            generated electronic files (Macintosh-
                                                                                            compatible,using Adobe InDesign or
Full Page                    $2,331 $2,049 $1,803                   $1,591 $1,405           Adobe Acrobat PDFs).

2/3 Page                     $1,870 $1,649 $1,456                   $1,287 $1,142           AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION: 12,104 copies
                                                                                            (6-month period ending October 2012)
1/2 Page                     $1,520 $1,344 $1,191                   $1,058 $942
1/3 Page                     $1,125 $1,000  $891                     $798   $716            ISSUE DATES: Wednesday preceding
                                                                                            the 1st day ofFebruary, April, May, June,
1/4 Page                      $913   $816   $732                     $658   $959            July, August, September, October,
                                                                                            November, December.
1/5 Page                     $790    $707  $634                      $571   $515
                                                                                            BOOKINGS & MATERIAL DEADLINES:
1/6 Page                      $685   $610  $544                     $488    $438            Bookings are requiredno later than
                                                                                            21 days prior to the issue date. Press-
1/8 Page                      $556   $497  $446                     $402    $362            ready admaterial is required no later
1/12 Page                    $406    $365   $327                     $295   $268            than 14 days prior to the issue date.
                                                                                            Arrangements for ads requiring design
1/16 Page                     $321   $289   $261                     $238   $217            work must be made at thetime of

Marketplace                                                                                 Pre-press Discount: 10 per cent
                               1X         2X-3X        4X-6X        7X-9X            10X    A pre-press discount is provided
                                                                                            for advertisements which are
1/6 Page                      $480        $427          $381         $342           $307    computer-generated electronic files.
                                                                                            Computer-generated electronic files
1/8 Page                      $389        $348          $312         $281           $254    must becompatible with equipment
1/12 Page                     $284         $255         $229        $207            $187    and software used by Muskoka
                                                                                            Magazine(Macintosh computers, using
1/16 Page                     $225        $202          $183         $167           $152    Adobe Indesign or Adobe Acrobat).
                                                                                            Repeat Ad Discount:Advertisers,
                                                                                            who repeat the same ad (NO COPY
Covers                                                                                      CHANGES), are alsoentitled to receive
                                                                                            the above-noted Pre-press Discount on
                    1X   2X-3X 4X-6X 7X-9X     10X                                          the second andsubsequent insertions.
                                                                                            Prepayment Discount: Prepayment
Outside Back-Full $3,818 $3,355 $2,953 $2,605 $2,301                                        discounts require payment to be
Inside Front/Back $3,434 $3,018 $2,656 $2,343 $2,070                                        received on or beforepublication date.
                                                                                            For advertisers receiving a prepayment
                                                                                            discount, paymentmust be made by
Premium rates upon request                                                                  post-dated cheques or debit card –5%;
                                                                                            VISA or Mastercard –3%.
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
Ad Size Guide
   Trim Size: 10.25” x 13”
Embracing the Muskoka Experience - 2015 Media Kit
2015 Schedule
                                AD BOOKING                    AD COPY                    RELEASE
                                 DEADLINE                     DEADLINE                    DATE
        February                     January 8                January 19                January 28
          April                       March 5                  March 16                  March 25
           May                         April 7                 April 20                   April 29
          June                         May 4                    May 18                    May 27
           July                        June 9                  June 22                     July 1
         August                        July 7                   July 20                   July 29
      September                       August 6                August 17                 August 26
        October                 September 10                September 21              September 30
       November                      October 5               October 19                 October 28
       December                     November 12             November 23                December 2

                               AD BOOKING DEADLINE:
             Conrmation of your advertisement running in Muskoka Magazine.

                                    AD COPY DEADLINE:
                     Receipt of your ad material – photos, text, disks, etc.

                                      RELEASE DATE:
                  Publication has been printed and is ready for distribution.

                              PLEASE NOTE OUR MAILING ADDRESS:
                               P.O. BOX 180, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T6

                                         STREET ADDRESS:
                             Unit 12, 440 Ecclestone Drive, Bracebridge

                              TEL:705-646-1314 • Fax:705-645-6424

                                       Community Partners
Rotary Club of Huntsville              Muskoka Hospice                      Port Sydney Chamber of Commerce
Rotary Club of Bracebridge/            Muskoka Tourism                      Muskoka Watershed Council
Muskoka Lakes                          Huntsville/Lake of Bays Chamber of   Muskoka Conservancy
Rotary Club of Bracebridge             Commerce                             Muskoka Steamships and Historical
Rotary Club of Gravenhurst             Muskoka Lakes Chamber of             Society
Rotary Club of Huntsville/Lake of      Commerce                             Muskoka Chataqua
Bays                                   Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Muskoka    Gravenhurst Chamber of Commerce
Technical Specifications
Trim size of Magazine: 10.25” x 13”
Full Page ads with bleed: 1/4” bleed on all edges
Binding method: Saddle stitched
Printing process: Covers (sheetfed), Interior pages (high speed heatset)
Stock: Covers (80 lb. coated), Interior pages (40 lb. coated)

Digital Artwork File Specications
Our design department uses Mac OS X – Apple Macintosh based computer systems.
Please carefully read theinformation listed below to make sure that your digital
artwork les conform whenever possible.

Production Software
Adobe Photoshop CS3 v10
Adobe Illustrator CS3 v13
Adobe Acrobat CS3 v8

Acceptable Digital File Formats & Resolutions
The formats listed below should be in either Greyscale or CMYK colour modes.

PDF (Please embed all images and fonts)
EPS (Please embed all fonts or convert fonts to outlines & curves)
TIF (Must have a resolution of 300 dpi)
JPG (Must have a resolution of 300 dpi – Low compression – Best quality)
        Community Partners
Removable Media Supported
CD Rom / DVD Rom
USB Flash Drive

Please limit total file size to under 50 megabytes - No Larger!

We Transfer
It’s free and easy. www.wetransfer.com

         Mail: Box 180, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T6 Courier: 12 - 440 Ecclestone Drive
         Phone: (705) 646-1314 Fax: (705) 645-6424 E-mail: mm.info@sunmedia.ca
                           Website: www.muskokamagazine.com
Muskoka’s Consumer Lifestyle Magazine

  For people who love Muskoka
  Phone: (705) 646-1314 • Fax: (705) 645-6424 • Email: mm.info@sunmedia.ca

             Mailing Address: P.O.Box 180, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T6
  Courier/Street Address: Unit 12, 440 Ecclestone Dr., Bracebridge, ON P1L 1Z6

                    A DIVISION OF SUN MEDIA CORP.
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