Empowering Language Understanding with Counterfactual Reasoning

Page created by Curtis Strickland
Empowering Language Understanding with Counterfactual Reasoning

       Fuli Feng1,2 , Jizhi Zhang3 , Xiangnan He3∗, Hanwang Zhang4 , Tat-Seng Chua2
                      NExT-Sea Joint Lab, 2 National University of Singapore
      University of Science and Technology of China, 4 Nanyang Technological University
         fulifeng93@gmail.com, cdzhangjizhi@mail.ustc.edu.cn

                         Abstract                             samples, counterfactual thinking calls for compar-
                                                              ing the fact with imaginations, so as to make bet-
    Present language understanding methods have               ter decision. For instance, given a factual sample
    demonstrated extraordinary ability of recog-
    nizing patterns in texts via machine learning.
                                                              “What do lawyers do when they die? Lie still.”,
    However, existing methods indiscriminately                the intuitive evaluation of its sentiment based on
    use the recognized patterns in the testing phase          the textual patterns will recognize “Lie still” as
    that is inherently different from us humans               an objective description of body posture which is
    who have counterfactual thinking, e.g., to scru-          neutral. By scrutinizing that the “still” could be
    tinize for the hard testing samples. Inspired             intentionally postposed, we can imagine a counter-
    by this, we propose a Counterfactual Reason-              factual sample “What do lawyers do when they die?
    ing Model, which mimics the counterfactual
                                                              Still lie.” and uncover the negative sarcastic pun,
    thinking by learning from few counterfactual
    samples. In particular, we devise a generation            whose sentiment is more accurate.
    module to generate representative counterfac-                Recent work (Kaushik et al., 2019; Zeng et al.,
    tual samples for each factual sample, and a ret-          2020) shows that incorporating counterfactual sam-
    rospective module to retrospect the model pre-            ples into model training improves the generaliza-
    diction by comparing the counterfactual and               tion ability. However, these methods follow the
    factual samples. Extensive experiments on                 standard machine learning paradigm that uses the
    sentiment analysis (SA) and natural language
                                                              same procedure (e.g., a forward propagation) to
    inference (NLI) validate the effectiveness of
    our method.                                               make prediction in the testing phase. That is, mak-
                                                              ing decision for testing samples according to their
1    Introduction                                             relative positions to the model decision boundary.
                                                              The indiscriminate procedure focuses on the textual
Language understanding (Ke et al., 2020) is a                 patterns occurred in the testing sample and treats all
central theme of artificial intelligence (Chomsky,            testing samples equally, which easily fails on hard
2002), which empowers a wide spectral of applica-             samples (cf. Figure 1). On the contrary, humans
tions such as sentiment evaluation (Feldman, 2013),           can discriminate hard samples and ponder the deci-
commonsense inference (Bowman et al., 2015).                  sion with a rational system (Daniel, 2017), which
The models are trained on labeled data to recognize           imagines counterfactual and adjusts the decision.
the textual patterns closely correlated to different             The key to bridge this gap lies in imitating
labels. Owing to the extraordinary representational           the counterfactual thinking ability of humans, i.e.,
capacity of deep neural networks, the models can              learning a decision making procedure to serve for
well recognize the pattern and make prediction ac-            the testing phase. That is a procedure of: 1) con-
cordingly (Devlin et al., 2019). However, the cog-            structing counterfactual samples for a target factual
nitive ability of these data-driven models is still far       sample; 2) calling the trained language understand-
from human beings due to lacking counterfactual               ing model to make prediction for the counterfactual
thinking (Pearl, 2019).                                       samples; and 3) comparing the counterfactual and
   Counterfactual thinking is a high-level cognitive          factual samples to retrospect the model prediction.
ability beyond pattern recognition (Pearl, 2019). In          However, the procedure is non-trivial to achieve for
addition to observing the patterns within factual             two reasons: 1) the space of counterfactual sample
        Corresponding author.                                 is huge since any variant from the target factual

               Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pages 2226–2236
                             August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
sample can be a counterfactual sample. It is thus
challenging to search for suitable counterfactual
samples that can facilitate the decision making. 2)
The mechanism of how we retrospect the decision
is still unclear, making it hard to be imitated.
   Towards the target, we propose a Counterfactual
Reasoning Model (CRM), which is a two-phase
procedure consisting a generation module and a
retrospection module. In particular, given a factual       (a) Sentiment analysis    (b) Natural language inference
sample in the testing phase, the generation module     Figure 1: Prediction performance of the language un-
constructs representative counterfactual samples       derstanding models over testing samples at different
                                                       confidence levels.
by imagining what would the content be if the la-
bel of the sample is y. To imitate the unknown
                                                       samples in ascending order and split them into ten
retrospection mechanism of humans, we build the
                                                       groups, i.e., confidence level from 1 to 10.
retrospection module as a carefully designed deep
                                                          Figure 1 shows the performance of representa-
neural network that separately compares the latent
                                                       tive models over samples at different model con-
representation and the prediction of the factual and
                                                       fidence levels on the SA and NLI tasks (see Sec-
counterfactual samples. The proposed CRM forms
                                                       tion 4.1 for model and dataset descriptions). From
a general paradigm that can be applied to most ex-
                                                       the figures, we can observe a clear increasing trend
isting language understanding models without con-
                                                       of classification accuracy as the confidence level
straint on the format of the language understanding
                                                       increases from 1 to 10 in all cases. In other words,
task. We select two language understanding tasks:
                                                       these models fail to predict accurately for the hard
SA and NLI, and test CRM on three representative
                                                       samples. It is thus essential to enhance the stan-
models for each task. Extensive experiments on
                                                       dard inference with a more precise decision making
benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of
CRM, which achieves performance gains ranging
from 5.1% to 15.6%.                                    3       Methodology
   The main contributions are as follow:
                                                       In this section, we first formulate the task of learn-
• We propose the Counterfactual Reasoning Model        ing a decision making procedure for the testing
  to enlighten the language understanding model        phase (Section 3.1), followed by introducing the
  with counterfactual thinking.                        proposed CRM (Section 3.2) and the paradigm
                                                       of building language understanding solutions with
• We devise a generation module and a retrospec-       CRM (Section 3.3).
  tion module that are task and model agnostic.
                                                       3.1      Problem Formulation
• We conduct extensive experiments, which vali-
                                                       As discussed in the previous work (Wu et al., 2020;
  date the rationality and effectiveness of the pro-
                                                       Li et al., 2020, 2019), language understanding
  posed method.
                                                       tasks can be abstracted as a classification prob-
2   Pilot Study                                        lem where the input is a text and the target is
                                                       to make decision across a set of candidates of
Decisions are usually accompanied by confidence,       interests. We follow the problem setting with
a feeling of being wrong or right (Boldt et al.,       consideration of counterfactual samples (Kaushik
2019). From the perspective of model confidence,       et al., 2019; Liang et al., 2020), where the train-
we investigate the performance of language under-      ing data are twofold: 1) factual samples T =
standing models across different testing samples.      {(x, y)} where y ∈ [1, C] denotes the class or
We estimate the model confidence on a sample           the target decision of the text; x ∈ RD is the
as the widely used Maximum Class Probability           latent representation of the text, which encodes
(MCP) (Corbière et al., 2019), which is the prob-     the textual contents1 . 2) counterfactual samples
ability over the predicted class. A lower value of         1
                                                            The input is indeed the plain text which is projected to a
MCP means less confidence and “hard” sample.           latent representation by an encoder (e.g., a Transformer (De-
According to the value of MCP, we rank the testing     vlin et al., 2019)) in the cutting edge solutions. We omit the

T ∗ = {(x∗c , c)|(x, y) ∈ T , c ∈ [1, C]&c 6= y}
where (x∗c , c) is a counterfactual sample in class
c corresponds to the factual sample (x, y)2 . We
assume that a classification model (e.g., BERT (De-
vlin et al., 2019)) has been trained over the labeled
data. Formally,
        θ̂ = min                  l(y, f (x|θ)) + αkθk,
              θ                                           (1)
                   (x,y)∈T /T ∗

                                                                     Figure 2: Illustration of the proposed CRM.
where θ̂ is the learned parameters of the model
f (·) ; l(·) is a classification loss such as cross-            we devise three key building blocks for retrospec-
entropy (Kullback, 1997), and α is a hyper-                     tion, which successively perform representation
parameter to adjust the regularization.                         comparison, prediction comparison, and fusion .
   The target is to build a decision making pro-                In particular, the module first compares the repre-
cedure to perform counterfactual reasoning when                 sentation of each counterfactual sample with the
serving for the testing phase. Given a testing sam-             factual sample; then compares their predictions
ple x, the core is a policy of generating counterfac-           accordingly; and fuses the comparison across the
tual samples and retrospecting the decision, which              counterfactual samples.
is formulated as:                                               Representation comparison. Given a pair of
                                                                counterfactual sample x∗ and factual sample x,
        y = h x, {x∗ }|η, θ̂ , {x∗ } = g x ω ,
                                                                we believe the signals meaningful for making final
y ∈ RC denotes the final prediction for the testing             decision lie in the difference of the samples and
sample x, which is a distribution over the classes;             how the difference affects the classification. To
x∗ is one of the generated counterfactual samples               distill such signals, we devise the representation
for x. The generation module g(·) parameterized                 comparison block as y∆ = f (x − x∗ |θ̂), where
by ω is expected to construct a set of representa-              y∆ ∈ RC denotes the prediction of the representa-
tive counterfactual samples for the target factual              tion difference x − x∗ given by the trained classi-
sample, which provide signals for the retrospec-                fication model. Note that we leverage the trained
tion module h(·) parameterized   by η to retrospect             model to enlighten how the content difference af-
the prediction f x|θ̂ given by the trained classi-              fects the classification since the model is trained to
fication model. In particular, h(·) and g(·) will be            capture the connection between the textual patterns
learned from the factual and counterfactual training            and the classes. It should be noted that we use a
samples, respectively.                                          duplicate of the trained classification model for the
                                                                representation comparison. That is to say, the train-
3.2   Counterfactual Reasoning Model                            ing of the retrospection module will not affect the
Figure 2 illustrates the process of CRM where the               classification model.
arrows in grey color represent the standard infer-              Prediction comparison. To retrospect the pre-
ence of trained classification model, and arrows in             diction f (x|θ̂), we devise a prediction comparison
red color represent the retrospection with consider-            block to compare the predictions of each counter-
ation of counterfactual samples.                                factual and factual sample pair and distill patterns
3.2.1 Retrospection Module                                      from f (x|θ̂), f (x∗ |θ̂), and y∆ . Inspired by the
We devise the retrospection module with one key                 success of convolutional neural network (CNN) in
consideration—distilling signals for making final               capture local-region patterns, the block is devised
decision by comparing both the latent representa-               as a CNN, which is formulated as:
tion and the prediction of the counterfactual sam-                                                         
                                                                          y ∗ = CNN f (x|θ̂), f (x∗ |θ̂), y∆ ,     (2)
ples with the factual sample. To achieve the target,
encoder for briefness since focusing on the decision making.    where y ∗ denotes the retrospected prediction when
     Given the labeled factual sample, counterfactual samples   comparing to x∗ . In particular, a stack layer first
can be constructed either manually (Kaushik et al., 2019) or
automatically (Chen et al., 2020) by conducting minimum         stacks the three predictions as a matrix, which
changes on x to swap its label from y to c                      serves as an “image” to facilitate “observing” pat-

h                         i
terns. Formally, Y =              f (x|θ̂), f (x∗ |θ̂), y∆     formulated as x̃∗ = pooling({x∗ }). In this
                                                               way, the retrospection  module is formulated  as:
where Y ∈ RC×3 . Y is then fed into an 1D con-                            
                                                                                         ∗        ∗
                                                               y = CNN f (x|θ̂), f (x̃ |θ̂), f (x̃ − x|θ̂) . For
volution layer to capture the intra-class patterns
across the predictions, which is formulated as:                all the three fusion methods, we can use either
                                                               regular pooling function without parameter or pa-
          H = σ(Y ∗ F ), Hij = σ(Y:i Fj ),              (3)    rameterized pooling function (Ying et al., 2018)
                                                               to enhance the expressiveness of the retrospection
where F ∈ R3×K denotes the filters in the convo-
                                                               module. In our experiments, using a simple mean
lution layer, and σ(·) is an activation function such
                                                               pooling achieves a performance that is comparable
as GELU (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2016). Y:i and
                                                               to the parameterized one in most cases (cf. Table 3).
Fj represent the i-th row of Y and the j-th column
of F , respectively. The filter Fj can learn rules             3.2.2   Generation Module
for conducting retrospection. For instance, a filter
                                                               The target is to construct counterfactual samples
[1, −1, 0] means deducting the prediction of the
                                                               that are informative for retrospecting the decision
counterfactual sample from that of the factual sam-
                                                               on the target factual sample x. As the task involves
ple. The output H ∈ RC×K is then flattened as a
                                                               making decision among C candidate classes, we
vector and fed into a fully-connected (FC) layer to
                                                               believe that the key to generate representative coun-
capture the inter-class patterns. Formally,
                                                               terfactual samples lies in imagining “what would
              y ∗ = W f latten(H) + b,                   (4)   the content be if the sample belongs to class c”, i.e.,
                                                               generating C counterfactual samples {x∗c }. With
where W and b are model parameters.                            the C classes as the targets, the searching space of
Fusion. The target is to fuse the retrospected pre-            samples can also be largely narrowed down. To-
dictions {y ∗ } into a final decision y. Inspired by           ward this end, we devise the generation module
the success of pooling function in reading out pat-            with two main considerations: 1) decomposing the
terns, we devise the block as y = pooling({y ∗ }).             factual sample x to distill contents irrelevant to the
As the fusion is performed after the pairwise com-             label of the sample u = d(x|ω); 2) injecting class
parison, we term it as late fusion.                            c into u to form the counterfactual sample x∗c .

Training. We update the parameters of the retro-               Decomposition. To distill u, we need to recog-
spection module by minimizing the classification               nize the connection between the content of the fac-
loss over the factual training samples, which is:              tual sample and each class. We thus account for
                      X                                        class representations in the decomposition function.
          η̂ = min             l(y, y) + λkηk.                 To align the sample space of the generation module
               η                                        (5)
                                                               with the retrospection module h(·) and the clas-
where λ denotes the hyper-parameter to adjust the              sification model f (·), we extract the parameters
weight of the regularization term.                             from the prediction layer of the trained classifica-
   It should be noted that no existing research has            tion model as the class representations. In partic-
uncovered the specific mechanism of retrospection              ular, we extract the mapping matrix W ∈ RC×D
in our brain, i.e., the order of comparison and fu-            where the c-th row corresponds to class c. Note
sion is unclear. As such, we further devise two                that we assume that the prediction layer has the
fusion strategies: middle fusion and early fusion,             same dimensionality as the latent representation,
which performs fusion within the CNN, i.e., during             which is a common setting in most cutting edge lan-
comparison, and before the CNN, respectively.                  guage understanding models. The decomposition
• Middle fusion performs aggregation between the               function is devised as a CNN to capture both the
convolution layer and the FC layer. This fusion                intra-dimension and inter-dimension connections
first calculates the latent comparison signals H               between the factual sample and the classes.
for each pair of counterfactual and factual sam-               • Stack layer. The stack layer stacks the factual
ples according to Equation 3. The aggregated sig-              sample, class representations, and the element-wise
nals pooling({H}) are then fed into the FC layer               product between sample and each class, which is
(Equation 4) to obtain the final decision y.                   formulated as: X = [x, W T , x W T ]. x
• Early fusion aggregates the counterfactual sam-              W T ∈ RD×C shed lights on how closely each
ples before performing comparison, which is                    dimension of x connect to each class, where large

absolute value indicates closer connections.                           to judging the class between y and c3 .
• Convolution layer. This layer uses 1D horizon-
                                                                       Injection. Accordingly, given a testing sample x,
tal filters to learn patterns of deducting class rel-
                                                                       we can inject the orthogonal components towards
evant contents from the factual sample, which is
                                                                       class c via x∗c = 2 ∗ d(x|ω̂c ) − x, which is the
formulated as h = pooling(σ(X ∗ F g )). F g ∈
                                                                       imagined content of the sample if it belongs to class
R(2C+1)×L denotes the filters where L is the total
                                                                       c. In this way, for each testing sample, we conduct
number of filters. The output h ∈ RD is a hidden
                                                                       the injection over all the classes and construct C
                                                                       counterfactual samples {x∗c }, which are then used
• FC layers. We use two FC layers to capture
                                                                       in the retrospection module4 .
the inter-dimension connections. Formally, u =
W 2 σ(W 1 h + b1 ) + b2 , where W 2 ∈ RD×M ,                           3.3    Learning Paradigm with CRM
W 1 ∈ RM ×D , b2 ∈ RD , and b1 ∈ RM are learn-                         The existing work (Kaushik et al., 2019; Zeng et al.,
able parameters. M is a hyper-parameter to ad-                         2020) for language understanding typically fol-
just the complexity of the decomposition function.                     lows the standard learning paradigm, i.e., training
Note that we can stack more layers to enhance the                      a classification model over labeled data. Applying
expressiveness of the function, whereas using two                      the proposed CRM indeed forms a new learning
layers according to the universal approximation                        paradigm for constructing language understanding
theorem (Hornik, 1991).                                                solutions. Algorithm 1 illustrates the procedure of
   We learn the parameters of the decomposition                        the new paradigm.
function from the counterfactual training samples
by optimizing the following objective:                                 Algorithm 1 Learning paradigm with CRM
            X                                                          Input: Training data T , T ∗ .
                        r u∗c , ũc + γl c, f (x∗c − u∗c |θ̂)
   min                                                                          /* Training */
         (x∗c ,c)∈T ∗                                            (6)    1: Optimize Equation 1;        . Classification model training
                                                                      2: Optimize Equation 6;         . Generation module training
                        + r u, ũc + γl y, f (x − u|θ̂) ,               3: Optimize Equation 5; . Retrospection module training
                                                                        4: Return θ̂, ω̂c , and η̂.
where u∗c = d(x∗c |ω) and u = d(x|ω) are the                                    /* Testing */
decomposition results of the counterfactual sam-                        5: Calculate f (x|θ̂);       . Classification model inference
                                                                        6: for c = 1 → C do
ple x∗c and the corresponding factual sample x;                         7:     x∗c = 2 ∗ g(x|ω̂c ) − x;                   . Generation
ũc = 12 (x + x∗c ) denotes the target value of the                     8: end for
decomposition. The two terms r(·) and l(·) are Eu-                      9: Calculate h(x, {x∗c }|η̂, θ̂);              . Retrospection
clidean distance (Dattorro, 2010) and classification
loss. By minimizing the two terms, we encourage
the decomposition result: 1) to be close to the tar-
                                                                       4     Experiments
get value ũc ; and 2) if being deducted from the                      We conduct experiments on two representative lan-
original sample (e.g., , x − u), the classification                    guage understanding tasks, SA and NLI, to answer
cannot be influenced. γ is a hyper-parameter to                        the following research questions:
balance the two terms.                                                 • RQ1: To what extent counterfacutal reasoning
   The rationality of setting ũc = 12 (x + x∗c ) as the               improves language understanding?
target class irrelevant content of x and x∗c comes                     • RQ2: How does the design of the retrospection
from the parallelogram law (Nash, 2003). Note                          module affect the proposed CRM?
that this pair of samples belong to two different                      • RQ3: How effective are the counterfactual sam-
classes where a decision boundary (a hyperplane)                       ples generated by the proposed generation module?
lies between the two classes y and c. Considering
that the sample x corresponds to a vector in the                       4.1    Experiment Settings
hidden space, we can decompose the vector into                         Datasets. We adopt the same datasets in (Kaushik
two components that are orthogonal and parallel                        et al., 2019) for both tasks. The SA data are reviews
to the decision boundary, i.e., x∗c = o∗c + p∗c and                        3
                                                                             Note that we normalize all samples to be unit vectors in
x = o + p. Since the two samples belong to                             the decomposition function. Moreover, inspired by (Parascan-
different classes, their orthogonal components are                     dolo et al., 2018), we train a decomposition function for each
                                                                       class, i.e., class-specific parameters ω̂c
in opposite directions and their addition will only                        4
                                                                             The generation module consists of C decomposition func-
retain the parallel components, which are irrelevant                   tions d(x|ω̂c ) and the non-parametric injection function.

from IMDb, which are labeled as either positive or      adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with learning rate
negative. For each factual review, the dataset con-     of 0.001 to optimize the retrospection module and
tains a manually constructed counterfactual sample      the generation module. For the retrospection mod-
where the crowd workers are asked to manipulate         ule, we set the number of filters in the convolution
the text to reverse the label with the constraint of    layer K as 10, the weight for regularization λ as
no gratuitous change. NLI is a three-way classi-        0. As to the generation module, we set the number
fication task with two sentences as inputs and the      of convolution filters as 10, the size of the hidden
target of detecting their relation within entailment,   layer M as 256, and the weight for balancing Eu-
contradiction, and neutral. For each factual sample,    clidean distance and classification loss γ as 15. We
four counterfactual samples are given, which are        report the average classification accuracy over 5
constructed by editing either the first or the second   different runs. For each repeat, we train the model
sentence with target relations different to the label   with 20 epochs and select the model with the best
of the factual sample.                                  performance on the validation set.
   Classification models. Owing to the extraordi-
nary representational capacity of language model,       4.2   Performance Comparison (RQ1)
fine-tuning pre-trained language model has become       We first use the handcrafted counterfactual samples
the emergent technique for solving language un-         to demonstrate the effectiveness of counterfactual
derstanding tasks (Devlin et al., 2019). We select      reasoning in the inference stage of language un-
the widely used RoBERTa-base5 and RoBERTa-              derstanding model, which can be seen as using
large6 for the consideration of the robustness of the   a golden standard generation module to provide
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) and our limited compu-       counterfactual samples for the retrospection mod-
tation resources. For SA, we also test the classical    ule. Note that we do not use the label of counter-
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) (Teney et al., 2020)       factual samples in the testing set. Table 1 shows
with tf-idf text features (Schütze et al., 2008) as    the performance of the compared methods on the
inputs. For NLI, we further test RoBERTa-large-         two tasks. From the table, we observe that:
nli7 , which has been fine-tuned on the large-scale
MultiNLI dataset (Williams et al., 2018).               • +CRM largely outperforms all the baseline meth-
   Baselines. As the proposed CRM leverages               ods in all cases. As compared to +CF, the same
counterfactual samples, we compare CRM with               classification model without CRM in the testing
three representative methods using counterfac-            phase, +CRM achieves relative performance im-
tual samples in language understanding tasks: 1)          provement up to 15.6%. The performance gain is
+CF (Kaushik et al., 2019), which uses counterfac-        attributed to the retrospection module, which jus-
tual samples as data augmentation for model train-        tifies the rationality and effectiveness of incorpo-
ing; 2) +GS (Teney et al., 2020), which compares          rating counterfactual thinking into the inference
the factual and counterfactual samples in model           stage of language understanding model. In other
training through regularizing their gradients; and        words, by comparing the factual sample with its
3) +CL (Liang et al., 2020), which compares the           counterfactual samples, the retrospection module
factual and counterfactual samples through a con-         indeed makes more accurate decisions.
trastive loss. Moreover, we report the performance
of the testing model under Normal Training, i.e.,       • On the SA task, a huge gap (85.3 ↔ 93.4) lies in
training over factual samples only.                       the performance of the shallow model MLP and
   Implementation. We implement the proposed              the deep RoBERTa-base/RoBERTa-large. When
CRM with PyTorch 1.7.0 based on Hugging Face              applying +CRM, MLP achieves a performance
Transformer8 , which is released at: https://github.      that is comparable to the deep models. The re-
com/fulifeng/Counterfactual Reasoning Model. In           sult indicates that counterfactual reasoning can
all cases, we follow the setting of +CF for train-        compensate for the disadvantages caused by the
ing the classification model, which is a standard         insufficient model representational capacity. In
fine-tuning in (Liu et al., 2019). We then use            addition, the result reflects that CRM brings cog-
                                                          nitive ability beyond recognizing textual patterns.
                                                          If the retrospection module only facilitates cap-
     https://huggingface.co/roberta-large-mnli.           turing the correlation between textual patterns
     https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.         and classes, such simple model cannot bridge the

Sentiment Classification
   Backbone                 Normal Training     +CF          +GS              +CL         +CRM           RI
   MLP                         86.9±0.5       85.3±0.3 84.6±0.4                 -        98.6±0.2      15.6%
   RoBERTa-base                93.2±0.6       92.3±0.7 92.2±0.9             91.8±1.1     97.5±0.3      5.7%
   RoBERTa-large               93.6±0.6       93.4±0.4 93.1±0.5             94.1±0.4     98.2±0.3      5.1%
                                       Natural Language Inference
   Backbone                 Normal Training     +CF          +GS              +CL         +CRM          RI
   RoBERTa-base                83.5±0.8       83.4±0.9 83.8±1.7             84.1±1.1     91.5±1.6      9.7%
   RoBERTa-large               87.9±1.7       85.8±1.2 86.2±1.2             86.5±1.6     93.8±1.9      9.3%
   RoBERTa-large-nli           89.4±0.7       88.2±1.0 87.2±1.4             88.2±1.0     94.4±1.2      7.1%
Table 1: Performance of the proposed CRM (Early Fusion) and baselines on the SA and NLI tasks. RI means the
relative performance improvement achieved by +CRM over the classification model without CRM, i.e., +CF.

  huge gap of representational capacity between             the performance of +CRM is stable across differ-
  MLP and RoBERTa-large.                                    ent confidence levels, whereas the performance of
• The performance of baseline methods are compa-            the classification model shows a clear decreasing
  rable to each other in most cases, i.e., incorporat-      trend as the confidence level decreases from 10 to 1.
  ing counterfactual samples into model training            The result indicates that the retrospection module
  does not necessarily improve the testing perfor-          is insensitive to the confidence of the classification
  mance on factual samples. This result is con-             model. 2) In all cases, +CRM achieves the largest
  sistent with (Kaushik et al., 2019), which is rea-        performance gain at the first group with confidence
  sonable since these methods are devised for en-           level of 1, i.e., the hardest group to the classifica-
  hancing the generalization ability, especially for        tion model. For instance, the improvement reaches
  the out-of-distribution testing samples, which            85.7% on the RoBERTa-base model for the NLI
  can sacrifice the performance on normal testing           task. The large improvements further justifies the
  samples. Besides, the result indicates that train-        effectiveness of the retrospection module, i.e., com-
  ing with counterfactual samples is insufficient           paring the prediction of factual samples to counter-
  for achieving counterfactual thinking, which re-          factual samples indeed facilitates dealing with hard
  flects the rationality of enhancing the inference         samples.
  paradigm with a decision making procedure.
                                                                       Sentiment Classification
                                                               Backbone            Implicit     +CRM
                                                               MLP                79.3±0.2 98.6±0.2
                                                               RoBERTa-base       94.7±0.6 97.5±0.3
                                                               RoBERTa-large      98.0±0.4 98.2±0.3
                                                                     Natural Language Inference
                                                               Backbone            Implicit     +CRM
                                                               RoBERTa-base       81.9±3.5 91.5±1.6
                                                               RoBERTa-large      87.4±2.2 93.8±1.9
  (a) Sentiment analysis   (b) Natural language inference      RoBERTa-large-nli 88.8±1.6 94.4±1.2
Figure 3: Prediction performance of +CF and +CRM
                                                            Table 2: Performance comparison of implicit model-
over testing samples at different confidence levels.
                                                            ing (end-to-end model) and explicit modeling (CRM)
                                                            of counterfactual thinking.
Performance on hard samples. Furthermore,
we investigate whether the proposed CRM facili-             CRM V.S. implicit modeling. According to the
tate dealing with hard samples. Recall that we split        uniform approximation theorem (Hornik, 1991),
the testing samples into 10 groups according to the         the CRM can also be approximated by a deep neu-
confidence of the classification model, i.e., +CF (cf.      ral network. We thus investigate whether coun-
Section 2). We perform group-wise comparison                terfactual thinking can be learned in an implicit
between +CF and +CRM. Figure 3 shows the per-               manner. In particular, we evaluate a model that
formance of all the classification models with +CF          takes both the factual sample and counterfactual
and +CRM. From the figures, 1) we observe that              samples as inputs to make prediction for the fac-

tual one. Table 2 shows the performance, where            RoBERTa-large on the SA task. We omit the ex-
we have the following observations: 1) The im-            periments of other settings for saving computation
plicit modeling performs much worse than the pro-         resources. In this way, the model achieves an ac-
posed CRM in most cases, which justifies the ef-          curacy of 94.5 which is better than +CF (93.4) but
fectiveness of the retrospection module and the ra-       worse than +CRM with manually constructed coun-
tionality of modeling comparison explicitly. 2) On        terfactual samples (98.2) (cf. Table 1). The result
the NLI task, RoBERTa-base+CRM outperforms                indicates that the generated samples indeed facili-
RoBERTa-large (implicit), which means that the            tate the retrospection while the generation quality
superior performance of CRM is not because of             can be further improved. Moreover, on the testing
the additional model parameters introduced by the         samples at confidence level of 1, using the gener-
retrospection module, but the explicit comparison         ated samples achieves an accuracy of 81.3 which
between factual and counterfactual samples.               is much better than +CF (70.8) (cf. Figure 3). The
                                                          generated samples indeed benefit the decision mak-
4.3   In-depth Analysis                                   ing over hard testing samples.
Effects of retrospection module design (RQ2).
Note that the order of comparison and fusion in           5   Related Work
the retrospection mechanism of us humans is still
                                                          Counterfactual sample. Constructing counterfac-
unclear. We investigate how the fusion strategies
                                                          tual samples has become an emergent data aug-
influence the effectiveness of the proposed CRM.
                                                          mentation technique in natural language process-
Table 3 shows the performance of CRM based on
                                                          ing, which has been used in a wide spectral of lan-
the early fusion (EF), late fusion (LF), and middle
                                                          guage understanding tasks, including SA (Kaushik
fusion (MF) on the NLI task. We omit the compar-
                                                          et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020), NLI (Kaushik et al.,
ison on the SA task since the dataset only has one
                                                          2019), named entity recognition (Zeng et al., 2020)
counterfactual sample for the target factual sample.
                                                          question answering (Chen et al., 2020), dialogue
For both EF and LF, we use the mean pooling as the
                                                          system (Zhu et al., 2020), vision-language naviga-
pooling function. As to MF, we use a pooling func-
                                                          tion (Fu et al., 2020). Beyond data augmentation
tion that is equipped with self-attention (Vaswani
                                                          under the standard supervised learning paradigm,
et al., 2017). The reasons of this setting are twofold:
                                                          a line of research explores to incorporate coun-
1) using mean pooling will make LF and MF equiv-
                                                          terfactual samples into other learning paradigms
alent since the FC layer in the retrospection module
                                                          such as adversarial training (Zhu et al., 2020; Fu
is a linear mapping. Note that LF performs pooling
                                                          et al., 2020; Teney et al., 2020) and contrastive
after the FC layer, while the pooling function of
                                                          learning (Liang et al., 2020). This work lies in an
MF is just before the FC layer. 2) The compari-
                                                          orthogonal direction that incorporates counterfac-
son between the LF and MF can thus shed light on
                                                          tual samples into the decision making procedure of
whether parameterized pooling function can benefit
                                                          model inference.
the retrospection.
   From the table, we can observe that, in most              Counterfactual inference. A line of research
cases, CRM based on different fusion strategies           attempts to enable deep neural networks with coun-
achieve performance comparable to each other. It          terfactual thinking by incorporating counterfactual
indicates that the retrospection is insensitive to the    inference (Yue et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021;
order of fusion and the comparison between coun-          Niu et al., 2021; Tang et al., 2020; Feng et al.,
terfactual and factual samples. Considering that          2021). These methods perform counterfactual in-
MF with mean pooling is equivalent to LF, we can          ference over the model predictions according to
see that the benefit of parameterized pooling func-       a pre-defined causal graph. Due to the require-
tion is limited. In particular, MF only performs          ment of causal graph, such methods are hard to be
better than LF on one of the three testing models.        generalized to different tasks. Our method does
                                                          not suffer from such limitation since working on
Effects of generation module (RQ3). We then               the counterfactual samples which can be generated
investigate whether the proposed generation mod-          without a comprehensive causal graph.
ule constructs useful counterfactual samples for             Hard sample. A wide spectral of machine learn-
retrospection. We train and test the retrospection        ing techniques are related to dealing with the hard
module (using EF) with the generated samples on           samples in language understanding. For instance,

Backbone                  +CF           EF           RI       LF          RI         MF         RI
     RoBERTa-base            83.4±0.9     91.5±1.6       9.7%   92.8±1.8     11.3%     89.6±2.0     7.4%
     RoBERTa-large           85.8±1.2     93.8±1.9       9.3%   95.3±0.7     11.1%     93.4±1.7     8.9%
     RoBERTa-large-nli       88.2±1.0     94.4±1.2       7.1%   93.8±0.4      6.4%     94.7±1.3     7.4%
Table 3: Performance of the proposed CRM based on early fusion (EF), late fusion (LF), or middle fusion (MF)
on the NLI task. RI represents the relative performance improvement over the +CF method.

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