Reduced Ionic Diffusion by the Dynamic Electron-Ion Collisions in Warm Dense Hydrogen

Page created by Terrance Hicks
Reduced Ionic Diffusion by the Dynamic Electron-Ion Collisions in Warm
                                                  Dense Hydrogen
                                                              Yunpeng Yao,1 Qiyu Zeng,1 Ke Chen,1 Dongdong Kang,1 Yong Hou,1 Qian Ma,1 and Jiayu Dai1, a)
                                                              Department of Physics, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073,
                                                              P. R. China
                                                              (Dated: 5 January 2021)
                                                              The dynamic electron-ion collisions play an important role in determining the static and transport properties of warm
                                                              dense matter (WDM). Electron force field (eFF) method is applied to study the ionic transport properties of warm dense
arXiv:2009.04051v2 [physics.comp-ph] 3 Jan 2021

                                                              hydrogen. Compared with the results from quantum molecular dynamics and orbital-free molecular dynamics, the ionic
                                                              diffusions are largely reduced by involving the dynamic collisions of electrons and ions. This physics is verified by the
                                                              quantum Langevin molecular dynamics (QLMD) simulations, which includes electron-ion collisions induced friction
                                                              (EI-CIF) into the dynamic equation of ions. Based on these new results, we proposed a model including the correction
                                                              of collisions induced friction of the ionic diffusion. The CIF model has been verified to be valid at a wide range of
                                                              density and temperature. We also compare the results with the Yukawa one component plasma (YOCP) model and
                                                              Effective OCP (EOCP) model. We proposed to calculate the self-diffusion coefficients using the EOCP model modified
                                                              by the CIF model to introduce the dynamic electron-ion collisions effect.

                                                  I.   INTRODUCTION                                                     equation, time-dependent density function theory23 (TDDFT)
                                                                                                                        gives the relatively exact electronic structure information.
                                                     Warm dense matter (WDM) is an intermediate state bridges           Thanks to the coupling of the electrons and ions, TDDFT-
                                                  the condesed matter and ideal plasma1 . The transport prop-           Ehrenfest approach can give the results such as energy dis-
                                                  erties of WDM, such as diffusion, viscosity, thermal con-             sipation process, excitation energies and optical properties
                                                  duction, and temperature relaxation, etc.2–6 , play important         etc24,25 . However, TDDFT is extremely time-consuming,
                                                  roles in the field of astrophysics and inertial confinement           limited by finite time and size scale. Thus low frequency
                                                  fusion7–11 (ICF). For WDM, the ionic coupling parameter               modes can not be described well and the convergence of
                                                  Γ = Zi2 e2 / (ri kB T ) is larger than 1, and the electron degen-     scale is required to be verified carefully. Quantum Langevin
                                                  eracy parameter Θ = T /TF is less than 1. That requires               molecular dynamics (QLMD) holds a more efficient first prin-
                                                  us to consider both strong coupling between ions and the              ciples computation efficiency, simultaneously regarding dy-
                                                  partial ionization and partial degeneration of electrons when         namic electron-ion collisions as frictional forces in Langevin
                                                  studying the unique state. There has not been a mature the-           dynamical equation of ions26 . Using the QLMD method, a
                                                  ory that is good enough to describe the properties of WDM.            stronger ionic diffusive mode at low frequency has been found
                                                  At present, numerical simulation methods are more popu-               when the selected friction parameter becomes larger, as well
                                                  lar schemes, such as molecular dynamics (MD) methods12–14             as the decrease of the sound-speed27. Nevertheless, the deter-
                                                  and density functional theory15–17 (DFT). Most of these mod-          mination of the friction parameter is a priori. Recently, Si-
                                                  els are based on the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approxima-                 moni et al have provided ab-initio calculations of the friction
                                                  tion. BO approximation—decouples ions from electrons to               tensor in liquid metals and warm dense plasma28 . They ob-
                                                  the instantaneously adjusting potential energy surface (PES)          tain a non-diagonal friction tensor, reflecting the anisotropy
                                                  formed by fast electrons—has achieved great success on com-           of instantaneous dynamic electron-ion collisions. Electron
                                                  plex many-body systems. However, it may have difficulty in            force field (EFF) expresses electrons as Gaussian wave pack-
                                                  WDM considering the excitation and ionization of electrons.           ets, so that it can include the non-adiabatic effect intrinsically
                                                  The drastic dynamic electron-ion collisions cause great dis-          in molecular dynamics simulation29,30 . Lately the method
                                                  turbances in the PES, and the non-adiabatic effect will exhibit       has been applied to warm dense aluminum and found simi-
                                                  significant effects on the equilibrium and the non-equilibrium        lar conclusions that non-adiabatic effect enhances ion modes
                                                  processes18–21 . With the improvement of diagnostic meth-             around ω = 0, however, the effect is not sensitive to the sound
                                                  ods, especially the application of X-ray Thomson scattering           speed31. Q. Ma et al have developed the EFF methodology to
                                                  techniques22, electronic information of WDM can be obtained           study warm and hot dense hydrogen32,33 . They conclude that
                                                  in the laboratory. To interpret the experimental data, a more         dynamic electron-ion collisions reduce the electrical conduc-
                                                  precise theory beyond BO approximation is required on ac-             tivities and increase the electron-ion temperature relaxation
                                                  count of the complex environment of WDM.                              times compared with adiabatic and classical framing theories.
                                                     The non-adiabatic effect has been considered by some               As another approach, Bohmian trajectory formalism has been
                                                  methods to get more accurate interactions between electrons           applied by Larder et al recently34. Constructing a thermally
                                                  and ions in WDM. Derived from time-dependent Kohn-Sham                averaged, linearized Bohm potential, fast dynamical compu-
                                                                                                                        tation with coupled electronic-ionic system is achieved34. The
                                                                                                                        result also reveals different phenomenon of dynamic structure
                                                                                                                        factor (DSF) and dispersion relation from DFT-MD simula-
                                                  a) Electronic   mail:                               tion. All researches reflect that electron-ion collisions affect

significantly on the study of dynamic properties of WDM,                                         ṗs = −∂ V /∂ s.                           (2d)
for both electrons and ions. Nevertheless, the effect of non-
adiabatic effect on the ionic transport properties such as dif-      where d is the dimensionality of wave packets. For a three-
fusion coefficient35 is few studied, in both numerical simula-       dimensional system, d is equal to 3, and it becomes 2 in 2D
tions and analytical models. We could image the existence of         systems. V is the effective potential. Combining with ionic
dynamic electron-ion collisions will induce new effects such         equations of motion, EFF MD simulations have been imple-
as dissipation or friction. In particular, for the analytical mod-   mented in LAMMPS package30.
els based on traditional BO methods, we should study the                In addition to electrostatic interactions and electron kinetic
non-adiabatic dynamic collisions effect on the self-diffusion        energy, spin-dependent Pauli repulsion potential is added in
in warm dense matter, and propose a new model including              the Hamiltonian as the anti-symmetry compensation of elec-
collisions induced friction (CIF).                                   tronic wave functions. In EFF methodology, the exchange ef-
   The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, details of the-       fect is dominated by kinetic energy. All interaction potentials
oretical methods and the computation of diffusion coefficient        are expressed respectively as
are introduced in Section II. Then, in Section III, the static
and transport results of QMD, OFMD, QLMD, and (C)EFF                                     Enuc−nuc = ∑ Zi Z j /Ri j ,                        (3a)
simulations are showed and the dynamic collisions effect is                                                i< j
discussed. In section IV, we systematically study the colision
frequency effect on ionic diffusions and the CIF model is in-                                                          √          
troduced to estimate the impact of electron-ion collisions. In                 Enuc−elec = ∑ − (Zi /Ri j ) erf           2Ri j /s j ,       (3b)
section V, the results are compared with the YOCP, and EOCP                                    i< j
models. Finally, the conclusions are given in section VI. All
units are in atom unit if not emphasized.
                                                                                                            √       q         
                                                                           Eelec−elec = ∑ (1/ri j ) erf       2ri j / s2i + s2j ,           (3c)
                                                                                        i< j

                                                                                         Eke = ∑ (3/2) 1/s2i ,
A.   (Constrained) electron force field methodology                                                                                         (3d)

   EFF method is supposed to be originated from wave packet
molecular dynamics (WPMD)36 and floating spherical Gaus-
sian orbital (FSGO) method37. Considering each electronic
                                                                                 EPauli =      ∑      E (↑↑)i j +    ∑        E (↑↓)i j .   (3e)
                                                                                            σi =σi                  σi 6=σi
wave function as a Gaussian wave packet, the excitation of
electrons can be included with the evolution of positions and        where Z is the charge of nucleus, ri j and Ri j correspond to the
wavepacket radius. N-electrons wave functions are taken as a         relative positions of two particles (nuclei or electrons). erf (x)
Hartree product of single-electron Gaussian packet written as        is error function, σ means the spin of electrons. Pauli poten-
                                                                     tial is consists of same and opposite spin electrons repulsive
                  2 3/4
                                    1 2ps i          2               potentials. More details can be found in Refs. 29, 30, 38, and
     Ψ (r) = 2             exp − 2 −          (r − x)
                 s π                s   sh̄                          39.
                      i                                                 However, the EFF model also suffers from the limita-
              · exp      px · r .                          (1)       tion of WPMD. That is the wave packets spread at high
                                                                     temperature40. To avoid excessive spreading of wave pack-
where s and x are the radius and average positions of the elec-      ets, the harmonic constraints are often added. Recently, Con-
tron wave packet, respectively. ps and px correspond to the          strained EFF (CEFF) method has been proposed using L =
conjugate radial and translational momenta. Nuclei in EFF            λD + b0 as the boundary of the wave packets32 , getting much
are treated as classical charged particles moving in the mean        lower electron-ion energy exchange rate agreeing with exper-
field formed by electrons and other ions.                            imental data41,42 .
   Substituting simplified electronic wave function in the              We use the EFF method to calculate the static and transport
time-dependent Schrödinger equation with a harmonic poten-           properties of hydrogen at ρ = 5g/cm3 and ρ = 10g/cm3 . The
tial, equation of motion for the wave packet can be derived          temperature is from 50kK to 300kK. In the simulations, the
                                                                     real electron mass is used so that we choose the time step as
                                                                     small as 0.2as. 1000 ions and 1000 electrons are used in the
                          ẋ = px /me ,                      (2a)
                                                                     simulation. 5ps microcanonical ensemble with a fixed energy,
                                                                     volume, and number of particles (NVE) has been performed to
                          p˙x = −∇xV,                        (2b)    calculate statistical average after 10ps simulations with fixed
                                                                     temperature, volume, and number of particles (NVT). When
                                                                     the temperature becomes higher, CEFF is applied to avoid
                       ṡ = (4/d)ps /me ,                    (2c)    wave packets spreading32.

B. Quantum molecular dynamics and orbital-free molecular              represented by Φ[ne (r)] depend on electronic density ne (r)
dynamics                                                              only
   For comparision, we also run the adiabatic simulations                     2                        4 2
                                                                            ∇ Φ[ne (r)] = 4π ne (r) = 2 3/2 I 1 {Φ[ne (r)]}. (8)
including QMD and OFMD. The QMD simulations have                                                     π β      2

been performed using Quantum-Espresso (QE) open-source
                                                                         The OFMD simulations are performed with our locally
software43 . In QMD simulations, electrons are treated quan-
                                                                      modified version of PROFESS51 . The PBE functional45 is
tum mechanically through the finite temperature DFT (FT-
                                                                      also used to treat the exchange-correlation potential. 256 H
DFT). While ions evolve classically along the PES determined
                                                                      atoms are also used in the supercell. The kinetic energy cut-
by the electric density, and the electron-ion interaction is de-
                                                                      off is 7000eV when the density ρ = 5g/cm3 , and 10000eV at
scribed as plane wave pseudopotential. Each electronic wave
                                                                      ρ = 10g/cm3 . The time step is set from 0.04fs to 0.15fs with
function is solved by the Kohn-Sham equation44
                                                                      the temperature increasing. The size effect has been tested in
                                                                      all MD simulations.
             − ∇2 + VKS [ne (r)] ϕi (r) = Ei ϕi (r) .        (4)

where Ei is the eigenenergy, −1/2∇2 is the kinetic energy             C.   Quantum Langevin molecular dynamics
contribution, and the Kohn-Sham potential VKS [ne (r)] is given
by                                                                       QMD and OFMD are good tools in describing static prop-
                                                                      erties of warm dense matters. However, the information of
                                    ne (r′ ) ′
      VKS [ne (r)] = υ (r) +                dr + Vxc[ne (r)].   (5)   electron-ion dynamical collisions is lost because of the as-
                                   |r − r′|                           sumption of BO approximation. In addition, electron-ion col-
                                                                      lisions are important for WDM in which electrons are excited
where υ (r) is the electron-ion interaction, the second term          because of the increasing temperature and density. To de-
in the right hand of the above equation is the Hartree contri-        scribe the dynamic process, QMD has been extended by con-
bution, an Vxc [ne (r)] represents the exchange-correlation po-       sidering the electron-ion collision induced friction (EI-CIF) in
tential, which is represented by the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof           Langevin equation, and corresponding to the QLMD model26.
(PBE) functional45 in the generalized-gradient approximation          In QLMD, ionic trajectory is performed using the Langevin
(GGA) during the simulations. The electronic density consists         equation52.
of single electronic wave function
                                                                                        MI R̈I = F − γ MI ṘI + NI .              (9)
                    ne (r) = 2 ∑ |ϕi (r)|2 .                    (6)
                                   i                                  where MI and RI is the mass and position of the ion respec-
   In our simulations, only the Γ point (k = 0) is sampled in         tively, F is the force calculated from DFT simulation, γ means
the Brillouin-zone, and we used supercells containing 256 H           the friction coefficient, and NI represents a Gaussian random
atoms. The velocity Verlet algorithm46 is used to update po-          noise. In QLMD, the force produced by real dynamics of
sition and velocity of ions. The time step is set from 0.05fs         electron-ion collisions can be replaced by the friction on ac-
to 0.1fs at different temperature to ensure convergence of en-        count of less time scale of electronic motions comparing with
ergy. The cutoff energy is tested and set from 100 Ry to 150          that of ions. The friction coefficient γ is the key parameter
Ry. The number of bands is sufficient for the occupation of           should be determined a-priori. Generally, at high temperature
electrons. Each density and temperature point is performed            such as WDM and HDM regimes, the EI-CIF dominates the
for at least 4000-10000 time steps in the canonical ensemble,         friction coefficient, and can be estimated from the Rayleigh
and the ensemble information is picked up after the system            model53
reaches equilibrium.
                                                                                               me ∗ 4π ni 1/3 kB T
   At high temperatures, the requirement of too many bands                              γ = 2π Z (         )         .          (10)
                                                                                               MI       3         me
limits the efficiency of QMD method. OFMD is a good choice
when dealing with high temperature conditions47–50 . Within           where me is the electronic mass, Z ∗ is the average ionization
orbital-free frame, the electronic free energy is expressed as        degree. In the paper, we used average atom (AA) model, in
                                              √                       which the energy level broadening effect is considered, to esti-
              1                              2 2
                Z    n                                         o
Fe [R, ne ] =      dr ne (r) Φ[ne (r)] − 2 3/2 I 3 {Φ[ne (r)]}        mate the average ionization degree. ni means the ionic number
              β                            3π β      2
                                                                      density. There is another way to assess γ based on the Skup-
                     ZZ                    ′
                               ne (r) ne (r )                         sky model54,55 , and in this work, we adopted Rayleigh model
+ drVext (r) +           drdr′                + Fxc[ne (r)]. (7)      only considering the hydrogen we studied has high density
                   2              |r − r′|
                                                                      and high temperature.
where R is the ionic position, β = 1/kB T where T is the                To make sure that the particle velocity satisfies the Boltz-
temperature and kB is the Boltzmann constant. Iν is the               mann distribution, the Gaussian random noise NI should obey
Fermi integral of order ν . Vext (r) represents the external or       the fluctuation-dissipation theorem56
the electron-ion interaction, and Fxc [ne (r)] is the exchange-
correlation potential. The electrostatic screening potential is                       hNI (0) NI (t)i = 6γ MI kB T dt.           (11)

where dt is the time step in the MD simulation. The angle                                          QMD         OFMD         (C)EFF

bracket denotes the ensemble average.                                                   5.0   a

D.     Self-diffusion coefficient                                                       3.5

  In MD simulations, the self-diffusion coefficient is often                            2.5

calculated from the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF)                            2.0
using Green-Kubo formula57                                                                                              T=100kK

                           D = lim D (t) ,                    (12a)
                                    t→∞                                                 0.5

                               Z t                                                        0.0     0.5   1.0    1.5   2.0   2.5   3.0
                   D (t) =           dt hvi (t) · vi (0)i .   (12b)                     5.0
                           3    0                                                                                       T=300kK

in which vi (t) is the center of mass velocity of the ith parti-                        4.0
cle at time t, and the angle bracket represents the ensemble                                                            T=200kK

average. Generally, the integral is computed in long enough                             3.0
MD trajectories so that the VACF becomes nearly zero and                                                                T=150kK
has less contribution to the integral. All the same species of                          2.0
particles are considered in the average to get faster convergent                                                        T=100kK
statistical results.
    In practical, it is impossible to get a strict convergent result                                                    T=50kK
because the infinite simulation is forbidden. Thus, we usually
use a exponential function hv (t) · v (0)i = a exp(−t/τ ) to fit                        0.0
                                                                                           0.0    0.5   1.0    1.5   2.0   2.5   3.0
the VACF to get the self-diffusion coefficient D = a · τ . Where
a and τ are fitting parameters determined by a least-squares                                                  r(a.u.)
fit. τ is corresponds to the decay time. In moderate and strong
coupling regimes, a more sophisticated fitting expression is           FIG. 1. The RDFs of H-H at 5g/cm3 (a) and 10g/cm3 (b). The or-
need to be considered50. In the exponential function fitting,          dinate is differentiated by adding factors at different temperatures.
                                                                       Blue double dots lines represent the results from (C)EFF simulation.
the statistical error can be estimated by58
                                                                       Black solid and red dashed lines are the QMD and OFMD results,
                                s                                      respectively.
                            ε=                                 (13)
                                                                       effects of Langevin dynamics on the static structures27,56 , in
where N is the number of particles, Ttraj is the total time in the     which the choice of friction coefficients has little effect on the
MD simulation.                                                         RDFs.
                                                                          However, non-adiabatic effects on dynamic properties are
                                                                       significant26,27,34 . We calculated the self-diffusion coeffi-
III.   RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                          cients for warm dense hydrogen by integrating the VACF. To
                                                                       get a convergent value, a simple exponential function men-
A.     Static and transport properties                                 tioned in Section II is applied. The self-diffusion coefficient
                                                                       varies with temperature at 5g/cm3 and 10g/cm3 are shown in
   We firstly calculate the radial distribution function (RDF)         Fig. 2 using different methods of (C)EFF, QMD, and OFMD.
g (r) of H-H, as shown in Fig. 1. It is shown that the RDFs               It is very interesting that three methods give consistent re-
from OFMD calculations agree well with RDFs of QMD re-                 sults when temperature is relatively low. And the OFMD
sults. Moreover, the RDFs calculated from (C)EFF reflect               and QMD results have close values even with the increase of
similar microscopic characteristics with QMD and OFMD re-              temperature. However, the (C)EFF simulations have a dis-
sults, especially when the temperature is relatively low, where        tinct reduce on the self-diffusion coefficients comparing with
the electron-ion collisions are not so important. For these            QMD and OFMD results. And the difference becomes more
cases, it is appropriate to show the intrinsic different physics       obvious at higher temperature. We boil it down to the non-
between static and transport properties if the RDFs shown are          adiabatic electron-ion dynamic collisions, which is lost in the
very close to each other. It should be noticed that the RDFs           framework of BO approximation such as QMD and OFMD.
of (C)EFF model shows a little more gradual than QMD’s and             Regarding the electron as a Gaussian wave packet, (C)EFF
OFMD’s with the increase of temperature. It is deduced that            methodology implements the electron-ion dynamics simula-
the non-adiabatic effect plays little role in the static structures    tions, in which the dynamic coupling and collisions can be
of warm dense hydrogen shown here, which is similar to the             naturally included. As shown in Fig. 2, with the temperature

                   100                                                        the (C)EFF results as benchmark for the results of all adiabatic

       Self-diffusion(10 cm /s)
                                                QMD                           methods and analytical models.
                                  80            OFMD


                                                                              IV.   ELECTRON-ION COLLISIONS EFFECT ASSESSMENT
                                  60            QLMD

                                                                                 As shown above, we should figure out the mechanism how
                                  40                                          does the dynamic collisions work on the ionic transport? We
                                                                              can find a clue from the Landau-Spitzer (LS) electron-ion re-
                                                                              laxation rate (νei )59,60
                                                                                              8 2π ni Z 2 e4 kB Te kB Ti −3/2
                                                                                       νei =                      +           ln Λ    (14)
                                                                                                  3me mi      me    mi
                                           50   100   150   200   250   300

                              60                                              where me (mi ), ne (ni ) and Te (Ti ) are the mass, number den-
       Self-diffusion(10 cm /s)

                                                QMD                           sity and temperature of electrons(ions), respectively. The
                                                                              Coulomb logarithm ln Λ can be calculated by the GMS

                                                                              model61. In Eq. 14, it is obvious that with the increase of

                              40                                              density and temperature (the Coulomb logarithm also varies
                                                QLMD                          with the density and temperature), the collision frequency be-
                              30                                              comes higher, leading the diffusion coefficients reduce more
                                                                              significantly. The results of QMD and (C)EFF simulations
                              20                                              showed in Fig. 2 exhibit the same behaviors.
                                                                                 As shown in Eq. 14, the electron-ion relaxation rate (νei ) is
                              10                                              the function of temperature and density. However, the ther-
                                                                              modynamic state also changes with temperature and density,
                                  0                                           therefore it is difficult to distinguish the electron-ion collisions
                                           50   100   150   200   250   300   effect. For this purpose, we can change the effective mass of
                                                Temperature(kK)               electrons in the (C)EFF simulation without altering the intrin-
                                                                              sic interactions in the Hamiltonian of the system30,62 . Since
FIG. 2. The self-diffusion coefficients of H as a function of temper-         the mass of ions is much greater than that of electrons, we can
ature at 5g/cm3 (a) and 10g/cm3 (b), calculated by QMD, OFMD,                 find a simple relationship between the electron-ion collision
QLMD, and (C)EFF methods. Black squares represent the QMD re-                 frequency νei and the mass of the electron me from Eq. 14
sults, red circles are the results of OFMD’s, and the (C)EFF results
are represented by blue triangles. The QLMD results26 are repre-                                                       1/2
                                                                                                     νei = f (ρ , T ) me                     (15)
sented by purple diamonds
                                                                              When the dynamic electron mass is larger, the motion of ef-
                                                                              fective electrons exhibit more classical, and the collisions be-
increase, more electrons are excited or ionized and become                    tween electrons and ions become stronger. By this way, we
free electrons. These free electrons lead continual and non-                  can study the influence of electron-ion collisions by adjusting
negligible electron-ion collisions, supplying drag forces for                 electronic mass in (C)EFF simulations. The VACFs and self-
the motion of ions, and giving rise to much lower diffusion                   diffusion coefficients of H at different dynamic electron mass
coefficients. The collision rate increases with the tempera-                  are showed in Fig. 3.
ture, showing lower diffusive properties for ions, significantly                 From the VACF results we can see, The change of dynamic
affects the transport properties of WDM.                                      electron mass does not alter the thermodynamic states of ions.
   The lost of dynamic collisions can be introduced into the                  While, dynamic collisions reduce the correlation of particles,
QMD model by considering electron-ion collision induced                       showing lower decay time with the increase of dynamic elec-
friction in Langevin equation. Here, we use the Rayliegh                      tron mass, as well as the electron-ion collision frequency. Dif-
model to estimate the friction coefficient γ , and the QLMD                   fusions reflect similar trends, and more interestingly, the dif-
simulations have been performed. It is very exciting that the                 fusion of ions is inversely proportional to the log of electronic
QLMD results, showed in Fig. 2, agree well with (C)EFF                        mass as showed in Fig. 3(b). The inverse ratio relation re-
simulations. The greatest difference between the two mod-                     flects the reduction of the diffusion due to electron-ion col-
els is 12%, but mostly within 6%. This suggests that the re-                  lisions, and the slope determines the magnitude of this influ-
duction in ionic diffusion from (C)EFF simulations does in-                   ence. In Fig. 3(b), it is shown that the influence of electron-ion
deed come from electron-ion dynamic collisions. We believe                    collisions becomes stronger with the increase of temperature,
the small difference belongs to the choice of friction coeffi-                since the electrons are more classical at higher temperature.
cient γ . Since the prior parameter should be determined arti-                To quantitatively describe the relationship between diffusion
ficially in QLMD simulations, we are encouraged to do quan-                   and collision frequency, we performed more intensive simula-
titative analysis about the electron-ion collisions effect using              tions on dynamic electron mass as showed in Fig. 4. Here, the

                                    ´10     -3
                                                                                                                                                            ´10   -3

                                        a                            1.0

                                                                                        T=200kK                                                       8.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                raw data

                              0.8                                    0.7
                                                                                                                                                      8.0                                       fitting

                              0.6                                   0.40



                                                                    0.20                                                                              7.0


                                                                    0.16                                                                              6.5
                              0.2                                   0.12

                                                                           0       10    20   30   40

                                                                                    time(a.u.)                                                        6.0

                                    0       50   100                150                 200      250    300    350    400                             5.5
                                    ´10   -3
                                                                                                                                                            1              10            100              1000

                                    b                                                                                                                                     me+1(a.u.)

                                    D=-8.72      ´10   -4
                                                                log            me+0.022
                                                                                                         T=200kK            FIG. 4. Dynamic electron mass effects on ionic diffusion. We show
                                                                                                         T=100kK            the (C)EFF simulation results with different dynamic electron mass
                                                                                                                            at 5g/cm3 and the temperature is 5kK. The mass of electrons has been
                                                                                                                            shifted to avoid infinity definition of log function at zero point. The
                                                                                                                            value at zero point is replaced by the QMD result. The fitting result
                                     D=-6.30     ´10   -4
                                                                    log        me+0.010                                     is represented by the red line.

                                     D=-6.10     ´10   -4
                                                                    log        me+0.0055                                    of the density ρ and temperature T . If νei is set to zero,
                               0                                                                                            the first term in the right hand of Eq. 16 vanishes, and D =
                                    100                                                  500            1000         2000    f3 (ρ , T ) = D0 . Here, the remaining term D0 represents the
                                                                     me(a.u.)                                               diffusion without electron-ion collisions. We call the first term
                                                                                                                            as collisions induced friction (CIF) of the ionic diffusion DCIF .
FIG. 3. (a) VACFs of H for different dynamic electron mass at                                                               Within this consideration, the total diffusion coefficient can be
200kK, 100kK, and 50kK from top to bottom. The density is                                                                   obtained via
10g/cm3 . The black lines, red lines, and blue lines represent the dy-                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                          f (ρ ,T )
namic electron mass of 100a.u., 500a.u., and 1823a.u., respectively.                                                                D = f1 (ρ , T ) log 1 + f2 (ρ , T ) νei3          + D0
Details are showed in the insets. (b) The corresponding ionic self-                                                                                                                        (17)
diffusion coefficients as a function of dynamic electron mass. The                                                                     = DCIF + D0
squares, circles, and triangles represent the temperature at 50kK,
                                                                                                                                For D0 , plenty of models have been developed to study on
100kK, and 200kK, respectively. The lines are the fitting results,
and the fitting functions are listed below the lines.
                                                                                                                            it, such as QMD and OFMD which are based on BO approxi-
                                                                                                                            mation. In this paper, the diffusion coefficient including non-
                                                                                                                            adiabatic effect has been calculated using (C)EFF method. As
QMD results are used as the value at reference point, corre-                                                                the collision frequency is a small term, the equation can be
                                                                                                                                                                       f ′ (ρ ,T )
sponding to no dynamic electron-ion collisions, since me can                                                                simplified as DCIF = D − D0 = f (ρ , T ) νei           . D and D0 can
not be zero.                                                                                                                be obtained from (C)EFF and QMD simulations, respectively.
   As showed in Fig. 4, the change of diffusion coeffi-                                                                     We develop an empirical fitting function from the available
cients decreases much steeper when the electron dynamic                                                                     data as the assessment of electron-ion collisions induced the
mass becomes smaller, revealing more significant effect of                                                                  decrease of ionic diffusions
electron-ion collisions. Another decaying function as D =                                                                                                                          νei0.25
a log (1 + bmce) + d can well describe this relation of diffusion                                                                                            DCIF =                                          (18)
varying with the dynamic electron mass me . This function                                                                                                              aρ /T 3/2 + bρ + c/T 3/2 + d
can transit to the linear form when me is large. Here, we                                                                   where the fitting coefficient a = −8.942 × 10−3, b = 1.585 ×
have found the approximate relationship between ionic dif-                                                                  10−3, c = 6.849, and d = −4.195.The corrected QMD results
fusion coefficient D and electron-ion collision rate νei taking                                                             by the CIF model, which are shown in Fig. 5, agree well with
Eq. 15 into the fitting function                                                                                            (C)EFF simulations. To verify the accuracy of the fitting func-
                                         f (ρ ,T )
                                                                                                                           tion, we calculate self-diffusion of H and He at some other
   D = f1 (ρ , T ) log 1 + f2 (ρ , T ) νei3          + f4 (ρ , T ) (16)                                                     temperatures and densities. The results are listed in Table I.
                                                                                                                               In Table I, the ionic self-diffusion coefficients obtained
where f1 (ρ , T ) , f2 (ρ , T ) , f3 (ρ , T ) , f4 (ρ , T ) are the function                                                from the QMD model can be modified by adding the CIF fac-

TABLE I. The self-diffusion coefficients calculated by QMD, QLMD and (C)EFF models. The QMD results corrected by the CIF model is
also listed in the table.
species                                density(g/cm3 )     temperature(K)   DQMD (cm2 /s)        DQLMD (cm2 /s)     D(C)EFF (cm2 /s)      DQMD+CIF (cm2 /s)
  H                                           8               100000          0.0155                0.0133              0.0122                0.0123
  H                                           8               200000          0.0386                 0.029              0.0264                0.0284
  H                                          15               200000          0.0237                0.0181              0.0182                0.0183
  H                                          15               300000          0.0396                0.0289               0.03                 0.0278
  He                                         10               100000          0.00757               0.0066             0.00598               0.00596
  He                                         10               200000          0.0181                 0.016              0.0108                0.0128

                   100                                                                      V.   COMPARISION WITH ANALYTICAL MODELS
       Self-diffusion(10 cm /s)


                                  80                                                           The expensive computational costs of first principles sim-
                                                                                            ulations make it difficult to apply online or generate large

                                                  QMD+CIF                                   amount of data. On the contrary, some analytical models
                                                                                            based on numerical simulations have been proposed, supply-
                                                                                            ing promising approaches to the establishment of database.
                                  40                                                        However, the accuracy of these models should be examined
                                                                                            when applied to WDM63 . In this section, we use QMD and
                                                                                            our modified QMD results as benchmark trying to find an ef-
                                                                                            ficient and accurate model to acquire transport parameters.
                                                                                               We firstly compare our results with the Yukawa one-
                                   0                                                        component plasma (YOCP) model, which is a development
                                           50    100     150   200    250   300
                                                                                            version of OCP model64,65 . In the YOCP model, the elec-
                                                                                            tron screening is included to modify the bare Coulomb
       Self-diffusion(10 cm /s)

                                                 QMD                                        interactions66–68 . The interaction between ions is replaced by

                                                                                            the Yukawa potential

                              40                 QMD+CIF                                                           u (r) = q2 e−κ r /r                  (19)

                              30                                                            where κ is the inverse screening length. All properties of the
                                                                                            YOCP model are dependent on the inverse screening length κ
                              20                                                            and the coupling parameter Γ. Daligault has applied the model
                                                                                            in a wide range of κ and over the entire fluid region69. In
                              10                                                            the gas-like small coupling regime, the reduced self-diffusion
                                                                                            coefficients model can be extended from the Chapman-Spitzer
                                  0                                                         results as69
                                           50    100     150   200    250   300                                      r
                                                  Temperature(kK)                                         ∗            π 1            1
                                                                                                         D (κ , Γ) =                                  (20)
                                                                                                                       3 α (κ ) Γ ln Λ (κ , Γ)

FIG. 5. Self-diffusion coefficients of H calculated by different meth-
ods at 5g/cm3 (a) and 10g/cm3 (b). The solid black squares and red                          The generalized Coulomb logarithm ln Λ (κ , Γ) is expressed
triangles represent the QMD and (C)EFF results, respectively. The                           as
CIF model is used to correct the QMD results as the consideration of                                                                                
                                                                                                                             λD                 B (κ )
non-adiabatic effect. The results are represented by the blue circles.                         ln Λ (κ , Γ) = ln 1 + B (κ )        = ln 1 + √            (21)
                                                                                                                             bc                  3Γ3/2
                                                                                            where λD is the Debye length λD = 4π q2n/kB T and bc
                                                                                            is the classical distance of closest approach bc = Zq2 /kB T .
                                                                                            α (κ ) and B (κ ) are fitting parameters dependent on κ only
tor as the compensation of electron-ion collisions. The results
                                                                                                                              3      1
are in good agreement with the (C)EFF and QLMD results,                                                          α (κ ) =                                (22)
                                                                                                                             π a 0 + a 1 κ a2
showing that our CIF modification can be applied to warm                                                                                     
dense matter. It needs to be emphasized that the CIF modi-                                                      B (κ ) = b0 + b1 erf b2 κ b3             (23)
fication is independent of other models, therefore, any model
based on the adiabatic framework can use it to offset the lost                              with a0 = 1.559773, a1 = 1.10941, a2 = 1.36909, b0 =
of the electron-ion collisions.                                                             2.20689, b1 = 1.351594, b2 = 1.57138, and b3 = 3.34187.

                                       a                                                   are excluded from dense ions that ionic repulsion becomes

       Self-diffusion(10 cm /s)
                                                                                           stronger at short range72,73 . And the correlation of ions be-
                                                                                           comes weaker leading to lower diffusions which is not con-
                                  80                                                       sidered in the TF model. To modify the YOCP model, we

                                                  QMD+CIF                                  should adjust screening length artificially74,75 . There is an-
                                  60                                                       other scheme to deal with larger ionic coupling systems, in
                                                                                           which we can reduce effective volumes of particles so that the
                                  40                                                       collision frequency can be increased and the ionic transporta-
                                                                                           tion can be dragged or dissipative. The model has successfully
                                                                                           improved the transport properties of strongly coupled plasmas
                                                                                           in the range 1 ≤ Γ ≤ 3073,76,77 .
                                                                                              As another method, the EOCP model has a better descrip-
                                       50        100    150       200   250   300          tion for all density and temperature range we studied with the
                                                                                           QMD simulations as shown in Fig. 6. In EOCP model, The
                                       b                                                   effective coupling parameter Γe and ionization Qe are intro-
       Self-diffusion(10 cm /s)

                                  60                                                       duced as the correction of the OCP model to reproduced the

                                                                                           static structures of the OFMD’s78 , the model also works well
                                  50                                                       on transports properties such as diffusion and viscosity71,79 .

                                                                                           In this paper, we set Γe by the procedure developed by Ott et
                                                                                           al80 as
                                                                                              Γe = 1.238 exp 1.575r1/2      − 0.931,   r1/2 < 1.3 (25)

                                                                                           where r1/2 is obtained from the RDFs g (r) at g (r) = 0.5, The
                                                                                           distance is expressed in the Wigner-Seitz radius√ unit. The ef-
                                   0                                                       fective average charge Qe is defined as Qe = Γe akB T /e. We
                                       50    100        150       200   250   300          use the RDFs of QMD’s as the input of EOCP model, the re-
                                                  Temperature(kK)                          sults agree well with those extracted from long time MD sim-
                                                                                           ulations, especially when temperature is low. Compared to the
FIG. 6. Comparison of QMD and modified QMD simulations with                                YOCP model, the EOCP model results give a more reasonable
different analytical models for self-diffusion coefficients of warm                        description of ionic diffusions. The EOCP model extracts the
dense H at 5g/cm3 (a) and 10g/cm3 (b). The black solid squares                             information directly from the static structure of the system.
and circles represent the results calculated by QMD and QMD with                           While the accuracy of the YOCP model depends on the selec-
CIF correction, respectively. The red and blue solid lines are the
                                                                                           tion of the particle interactions, which should be modeled a
results of the YOCP model69 and EOCP model71 . The effective cou-
pling parameters of the EOCP model are obtained from the RDFs of                           priori.
QMD.                                                                                          However, neither model agrees well with modified QMD
                                                                                           results. This can be attributed to the loss of the non-adiabatic
                                                                                           effect of the two models. Both the YOCP model and the
  Here, we use the Thomas-Fermi (TF) length22 to estimate                                  EOCP model calculate self-diffusion coefficients based on the
the screening of electrons, so that                                                        static potential, and the dynamic electron ion collisions can
                                                                                           not be considered in it. This reminds us to pay attention to
                                                  1               1                        the instantaneous dynamic collisions effect when doing MD
                                            κ=          =              √            (24)
                                                 λT F       (π /12Z)1/3 ri                 simulations. For application, we can use the CIF model to
                                                                                           modify the EOCP model, which is a cheaper way to obtain
where Z is the ionic charge, and ri is the Wigner-Seitz                                    the self-diffusion data including the non-adiabatic effect.
radius defined as ri = (3/ (4π ni ))1/3 .The self-diffusion co-
efficient is obtained according to D = D∗ ω a2 , and ω =
 4π ni Z ∗2 e2 /mi      , where Z ∗ is the average ionization degree                       VI.   CONCLUSION
which is calculated by the AA model70. The comparision be-
tween the results of different models are shown in Fig. 6. The                                We have performed QMD, OFMD, and (C)EFF simula-
QMD results and the CIF modification of QMD’s are also                                     tions to determine the RDFs and the ionic self-diffusion co-
shown as benchmarks.                                                                       efficients of warm dense hydrogen at the densities of 5g/cm3
   As shown in Fig. 6, for warm dense hydrogen at the den-                                 and 10g/cm3 and temperatures from 50kK to 300kK. The re-
sity of 5g/cm3 , the YOCP model can excellently reproduce                                  sults from (C)EFF-MD method are carefully compared with
results from the QMD simulations. However, at higher den-                                  the results from QMD/OFMD methods based on the BO ap-
sity, the YOCP model overestimates the diffusions compared                                 proximation. In EFF method, the static properties are in-
with QMD results. This is because TF length overestimates                                  sensitive to electron-ion collisions, however, the diffusion of
the screening. With the density increase, electronic charges                               ions decreases significantly with the increase of electron-ion

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