Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17

Page created by Mary Newman
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Sustainability Report 2016/17

Enabling People to
Live and Work Well
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17

                                                           3              12
                                                           Our Business			Customer Wellbeing
                                                           4                                  Customer Wellbeing
                                                           Message from our

                                                           Chief Executive			                 15
                                                                                              Responsible Sourcing
                                                           Whitbread’s                        17
                                                           Sustainability                     Environment
                                                                                              Future Strategy
                                                           Team and Community                 23
                                                           8                                  Our Performance
                                                           Our Teams
                                                           9                                  24
                                                           Commitment to                      Partners
                                                           our Communities
                                                                                              Assurance Statement

                                                           This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global
                                                           Reporting Initiative (GRI) Consolidated set of GRI Sustainability
                                                           Reporting Standards 2016, Core requirements. Our GRI Content
                                                           Index can be downloaded from our Sustainability reporting
                                                           web page.
           2 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Our Business

                                                               £3,106m       Group Revenue
                                                                                                            Whitbread PLC is the owner
                                                                                                            of the UK’s leading hotel chain,
                                                                                                            Premier Inn, and the UK’s
Our Business

                                                       Underlying Profit Before Tax
                                                                                                            favourite coffee shop, Costa,
                                                                                                            as well as restaurant brands
                                                                                                            Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Bar
                                                                  15.2%  Return on Capital
                                                                                                            & Block and Table Table.
                                                                                                            Whitbread PLC employs c. 50,000 people in over

                                                               Achieved                                     4,700 outlets, with its well-loved brands making
                                                                                                            everyday experiences special for over 28 million

                raised for GOSH
                Premier Inn
                                                               71%                                          customers in the UK every month.

                                                                                                            Whitbread has outlined growth milestones for 2020
                Clinical Building                              Dow Jones                                    to increase the number of Premier Inn UK rooms to
                                                               Sustainability                               around 85,000, and to achieve global sales of around
                                                               Index (DJSI)                                 £2.5bn for Costa.

                                                                                                            Our core values are Genuine, Confident and Committed.

                                                                                                            Whitbread PLC is listed on the London Stock Exchange

                                                               BITC                                         and is a constituent of the FTSE 100.
                                                                                                            If you’re interested in finding out more about
                raised for the                                                                              the work that our teams do for our Sustainability
                                                               Award 2016

                Costa Foundation                                                                            programme, please visit the website.

               3 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17    All achievements above relate to 2016/17.
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Message from our Chief Executive

                                                                                   I am delighted to share our
Message from our Chief Executive

                                                                                   2016/17 Sustainability Report,
                                                                                   which details our strategy,
                                                                                   commitments and progress
                                                                                   towards creating an ever
                                                                                   more sustainable and successful

                                                                                   Whitbread celebrates it’s 275th       This has been a year of
                                                                                   Anniversary this year and whilst      achievement and evolution for
                                                                                   we have always developed and          our sustainability programme
                                                                                   changed with the times, our           and I would like to thank
                                                                                   core values of investing in people    everyone for the effort and
                                                                                   and being a force for good in         energy they dedicate to this
                                                                                   our communities remain as true        important work. We have made
                                                                                   today as they did in 1742.            good progress against our targets
                                                                                                                         (which you can read about in full
                                                                                   As the UK’s largest hospitality       in this report) and I’ve outlined
                                                                                   company with 50,000 employees         some highlights below.
                                                                                   serving some 28 million customers
                                                                                   every month, sustainability is core   We continue to be committed
                                                                                   to what we do and is integral to      to helping all of our employees
                                                                                   our business strategy and long-       reach their full potential in a
                                                                                   term commercial success. Our          place where there are no barriers
                                                                                   sustainability approach focuses       to entry and no limits to ambition.
                                                                                   on delivering programmes linked       Over 750,000 training and
                                                                                   to the most material issues for       development courses have been
                                                                                   our business and we continue to       completed by our teams, while
                                                                                   be mindful of external factors and    our ground-breaking WISE
                                                                                   how shifting consumer and societal    (Whitbread Investing in Skills
                                                                                   trends can impact on our business.    & Employment) programme
                                                                                                                          is overseeing thousands of
                                                                                                                         apprenticeships, work placements
                                                                                                                         and work experiences.

                                   4 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Message from the Chief Executive continued
Message from our Chief Executive

                                   Thanks to the passion of our                    As a large and growing business it     I am excited about how our ‘Force        This report relates to our UK business for the
                                                                                                                                                                   period 1 March 2016 to the end of February
                                   teams we are making a meaningful                is important to us that we treat the   for Good’ programme will help us         2017 (referred to in this report as 2016/17).
                                   contribution to the communities                 planet and people with respect.        become an even greater place to          Any exceptions are stated in the report.
                                   within which we work. I’d                       This year, we moved to source all      work, build brands that people
                                   especially like to mention the                  the electricity for our UK owned       love and create a forward-looking,
                                   fantastic job our teams are doing               properties from renewable sources;     sustainable and successful business.
                                   raising funds for our chosen                    we opened one of the world’s most
                                   charities of Great Ormond Street                sustainable roasteries in Basildon
                                   Hospital Children’s Charity and the             and launched a nationwide
                                   Costa Foundation.                               recycling scheme across our 2,000
                                                                                   Costa stores to recover and recycle
                                   This year we surpassed our goal to              takeaway cups, not just ours but
                                   raise £7.5 million for GOSH by 2017,            our competitors too. We have been
                                   which will culminate in the opening             working hard, together with our
                                   of the new Premier Inn Clinical                 suppliers, to ensure we have the
                                                                                                                          Alison Brittain
                                   Building. While our Costa                       most rigorous and robust sourcing
                                   Foundation has completed over 70                standards in place. We were            Chief Executive
                                   different school projects in coffee             pleased to be the first national
                                   producing countries, providing                  hotel and restaurant chain certified
                                   over 60,000 school places.                      by the Marine Stewardship Council
                                                                                   for serving sustainable fish and
                                   We know our customers want                      this year we have committed to
                                   more choice and are increasingly                being cage free on whole shell
                                   making more informed decisions                  eggs by 2020.
                                   about the way that they eat, drink
                                   and live and we are committed to                I’m delighted to announce that we
                                   supporting them. We are actively                have updated our sustainability
                                   reformulating our food and drink,               programme for 2017/18 to focus
                                   as well as offering healthier dishes            and lead on our most important
                                   and providing customers with                    people, social and environmental
                                   clear and transparent information               issues. We’ve named it ‘Force
                                   about the products they are buying.             for Good’, and it will support
                                                                                   the millions of people we reach                                 “Whilst we have always evolved
                                                                                   every day, our customers, teams,
                                                                                   suppliers and communities,                                        and changed with the times,
                                                                                   to live and work well.
                                                                                                                                                     our core values of investing
                                                                                                                                                     in people and being a force
                                                                                                                                                     for good in our communities
                                                                                                                                                     remain as true today as they
                                                                                                                                                     did in 1742.” Alison Brittain
                                   5 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Whitbread’s Sustainability Approach

                                      Our Sustainability programme                                          Our Sustainability Approach
Whitbread’s Sustainability Approach

                                                                                                                                                   We ensure our strategy is
                                                                                                            We established our current             supported by appropriate
                                      is a fundamental part of our                                          sustainability programme in 2009
                                                                                                            and have been delighted with how
                                                                                                                                                   governance structures. We are
                                                                                                                                                   proud that responsibility for
                                      philosophy and the way we run                                         it has been embedded across our
                                                                                                            operations, making significant
                                                                                                                                                   driving the Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                   programme forward and delivering
                                      our business. Centred around                                          progress and achieving key
                                                                                                            targets. As we run our business,
                                                                                                                                                   against our targets is led by our
                                                                                                                                                   senior leaders and is an important
                                      the three pillars of ‘Team &                                          the impact we have on the
                                                                                                            communities and environment
                                                                                                                                                   remit of the PLC Board and our
                                                                                                                                                   executive management teams.
                                      Communities’, ‘Customer                                               around us is of critical importance,
                                                                                                                                                   The 2020 targets we set ourselves
                                      Wellbeing’ and ‘Environment’
                                                                                                            and being recognised as a
                                                                                                            responsible organisation is crucial    ensure we continue to take a
                                                                                                                                                   broad view of sustainability that
                                      we are committed to driving
                                                                                                            to our long-term strategy.
                                                                                                                                                   reflects our business priorities and
                                                                                                                                                   our determination to continue to
                                      Sustainability forward.                                               Under our current approach, we
                                                                                                            have focused on three key areas:       deliver outstanding performance.
                                                                                                            Team and Community, Customer           Our cumulative performance
                                                                                                            Wellbeing and the Environment.         against these targets is reported
                                                                                                            We have created leading                on page 23 .
                                                                                                            community and employment
                                                                                                            programmes, raised millions for        The scope for this year’s report
                                                                                                            the charities we support and           covers our achievements in the
                                                                                                            made significant improvements          year and the outputs of our
                                                                                                            to our environmental and sourcing      current programme’s three key
                                                                                                            processes. In addition, we have        pillars of Team and Community,
                                                                                                            fully embedded ISO14001 at Costa       Customer Wellbeing and
                                                                                                            Express and ISO50001 at our new        Environment.
                                                                                                            state of the art Costa Coffee

                                                                                      Whitbread was named

                                                                                      of the ASDA
                                                                                      Leadership Award

                                      6 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Team and Community

                                                                     We know our business can only
                                                                     be successful if the communities
Team and Community

                                                                     in which we operate thrive.

                                                                      314                                        £2.7m
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                      full apprenticeships                       raised this year for Great
                                                                      achieved                                   Ormond Street Hospital
                                                                                                                 Children’s Charity

                                                                      £1.86m 12,000
                                                                      raised for the                             Volunteer hours by Costa

                                                                      Costa Foundation                           team members this year

                     7 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17   All achievements above relate to 2016/17.
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Team and Community continued

                                                                          Our Strategic Approach                With our partners, we have         • Support for Whitbread’s
                                                                          We are committed to strengthening     committed to reinvest the Levy         suppliers to invest in developing
Team and Community

                                                                          the communities where our             into our current programmes,           the skills of their own workforces.
                                                                          restaurants, hotels and coffee        increasing the scope and potential
                                                                          shops operate. As one of the UK’s     they offer.                        Outputs and Successes
                                                                          largest employers, operating across                                            We are delighted with the success
                                                                          communities both in the UK and        WISE                                     of WISE, and this year (as with
                                                                          around the world, we are passionate   In 2012, Whitbread created WISE          previous years) it has exceeded
                                                                          about upskilling, recruiting and      (Whitbread Investing in Skills and       expectations:
                                                                          retaining great people so they are    Employment), a recruitment,              •£
                                                                                                                                                           1.86m invested in our WISE
                                                                          empowered to grow long-term           training and educational scheme,          apprenticeship programme.
                                                                          careers within our business. We       to speed-up, scale-up and join-up
                                                                                                                                                           14 full apprenticeships achieved
                                                                          also recognise that we can make       Whitbread’s engagement with the
                                                                                                                                                          and 833 in learning.
                                                                          a huge difference in our local        education system. Our aspiration
                                                                          communities, so we are proud that     is to create employment                  •S
                                                                                                                                                           ince its inception, over 11,800
                                                                          our teams have made a significant     opportunities and support young           qualifications have been awarded.

                                                                          impact by volunteering and            people’s entry into employment.          • In
                                                                                                                                                            2016/17, we achieved a WISE
                                                                          fundraising for the charities which   This investment also ensures that          first - following a successful adult
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                          we collectively support. Thanks to    our business develops a pipeline of        work placement from HM Prison
                                       invested in WISE                   the continued commitment of our       young talent to enable planned             Sudbury, we recruited a full-time
                                       Apprenticeship programme           teams, our charitable and community   growth. Learn more about Paige’s           barista. As part of this programme,
                                                                          contributions are delivering well     successful journey to ‘Premier Inn’s       the individual also had the
                                                                          ahead of their targets.               apprentice of the year’ here.              opportunity to complete a
                                                                                                                                                           Level Two Apprenticeship.
                                                                          Our Teams                             Since its implementation, WISE
                                                                          We need capable, dedicated            has gone from strength to strength
                                                                          employees to sustain the growth       and now offers the following:
                                                                          and success of our business. For     • Work experience and school
                                                                          many years, we have worked                visits for 11-18 year olds.
                                                                          closely with government and          • Employment placements for
                                                                          industry leaders to help influence        NEETS (young people not in
                                                                          continued investment in nurturing         education, employment or
                                                                          skills and developing careers             training), which usually results
                                                                          within the hospitality sector. We         in gaining an NVQ Level 1 in
                                                                          believe this will support fledgling       Hospitality.

                                                                          careers, break down barriers for
                                                                                                               • Apprenticeships and functional
                                                                          young people, and provide
                                                                                                                    skills for team members who
                                                                          opportunities for people with no
                                                                                                                    want to gain nationally
                                                                          employment, education or training.
                                       Since WISE’s inception, over                                                 recognised qualifications. All

                                                                          We fully support the Apprenticeship
                                                                                                                    apprentices are employed on
                                                                          Levy and are excited for the
                                                                                                                    permanent contracts, with great
                                                                          prospects it will bring many people.
                                                                                                                    progression opportunities, and
                                                                                                                    are paid the National Living Wage.
                                       qualifications have been awarded

                     8 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Team and Community continued

                                                                                            Commitment to our Communities         We are very proud of the
                                                                                            The work that we do places us at      success of our partnership and
Team and Community

                                                                                            the heart of many different           are delighted that to date, we
                                                                                            communities. We are committed to      have raised in excess of £8.9m.
                                                                                            supporting the areas in which we      We know that this success has
                                                                                            operate, leaving a positive and       only been achieved because of the
                                                                                            lasting legacy. Our team members      commitment and dedication of our
                                                                                            work incredibly hard to support       team members who have worked
                                                                                            their communities, near and far, by   tirelessly to raise money for GOSH.
                                                                                            volunteering as well as raising
                                                                                            money for Premier Inn &               Outputs and Successes
                                                                                            Restaurants’ chosen charity, Great    •£
                                                                                                                                    2.7m raised in the year
                                                                                            Ormond Street Hospital Children’s      for GOSH.
                                                                                            Charity, and Costa’s dedicated        •T
                                                                                                                                    he new Premier Inn Clinical

                                                                                            charity, the Costa Foundation, as      Building will provide Great
                                                                                            well as other charities they           Ormond Street Hospital with
                                                                                            personally support.                    much-needed facilities such as
                                                                                            In the past year, our teams have       a number of in-patient wards,
                                                                     raised for GOSH
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                            made us proud with their efforts       a surgery centre, a respiratory
                                                                     in 2016/17             and our customers and suppliers        centre and a specialist centre
                                                                                            have been enormously generous,         for children with severe skin

                                                                                            raising millions of pounds to help     conditions and infectious
                                                                                            improve the lives of children, both    diseases. Once the building is
                                                                                            in the UK and around the world.        complete, it is anticipated that
                                                                                                                                   the Hospital will be able to treat
                                                                     donated by suppliers                                          up to 20% more children.
                                                                                            Great Ormond Street
                                                                                            Hospital Children’s Charity

                                                                                            Premier Inn & Restaurants have
                                                                                            supported Great Ormond Street
                                                                                            Hospital (GOSH) children’s charity
                                                                     raised for GOSH        as their national charity partner
                                                                                            since 2012, when it was selected
                                                                     since start of         via a team member vote. We
                                                                     fundraising project    wanted to make a significant
                                                                                            impact with our new charity

                                                                                            partner and set stretching targets
                                                                                            from the onset. We committed to
                                                                                            raise £7.5m by 2017 to build a new,
                                                                                            much-needed facility, the Premier
                                                                                            Inn Clinical Building.

                     9 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Enabling People to Live and Work Well - Sustainability Report 2016/17
Team and Community continued

                                                                                         Costa Foundation                     Outputs and Successes
                                                                                         We are tremendously proud           • We have raised over £12 million

Team and Community

                                                                                         of the work that the Costa             for the Costa Foundation since
                                                                                         Foundation has achieved over the       its inception 10 years ago.
                                                                                         past 10 years, building and funding • The Foundation now supports
                                                                      different school   school projects in coffee-growing      a total of 72 different school
                                                                                         communities around the world.
                                                                      projects across                                           projects across nine countries;
                                                                                         The Foundation’s strategic mission     since it began, over 60,000

                                                                                         is to improve the life chances of      children have been able to access
                                                                                         boys and girls by providing them       quality education.
                                                                                         with the opportunity for a quality
                                                                                                                             • We also ran our first collaborative
                                                                                         education. Foundation schools
                                                                      countries          deliver both academic and
                                                                                                                                partnership with Project
                                                                                                                                Waterfall as part of UK Coffee
                                                                                         extracurricular programmes that
                                                                                                                                Week. Costa raised over £82,000
                                                                                         enhance health, gender equality
                                                                                                                                which was used to support water
                                                                                         and environmental awareness.
                                                                                                                                projects delivered by the Costa
                                                                                         Learn more here.
                                                                                                                                Foundation on behalf of Project
                                                                                                                                Waterfall in Uganda.
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                         We have a target to raise £20m
                                                                                         for the Costa Foundation by 2021
                                                                                         and complete 100 school projects
                                                                                         by 2020.

                                                                                         community hours volunteered
                                                                                         by Costa team members

                      Costa stores

                      litter for Clean
                      for the Queen
                      over 1 weekend

                     10 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Team and Community continued

                                                                      Community Investment                  achievement marked across
                                                                      The Costa Community Programme         Community, Sourcing and
Team and Community

                                                                      continues to empower team             Environmental sustainability
                                                                      members to make a positive            criteria.
                                                                      difference to their local
                                                                      communities. This year we            Derwen College and Premier Inn
                                                                      established a partnership with       We are thrilled with the success
                                                                      Police Community Clubs of Great      of our project between Derwen
                                                                      Britain (PCCGB) to run our first     College, Premier Inn and our
                                                                      Costa Reading Week. The              supplier Novus. Derwen College
                                                                      educational book series Barney       is a specialist education centre
                                                                      & Echo produced by PCCGB was         for young people with learning
                                                                      donated to local schools and book    difficulties and disabilities. It
                                                                      clubs were hosted in-store to        equips young people aged 16-25
                                                                      encourage parents and carers to      with the skills they need to be
                                                                      spend one-on-one time reading        independent and prepares them
                                                                      with their children.                 for the workplace. Students are
                                                                      For the second year, we were         given work experience
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                      proud to sponsor and support         opportunities in local Premier
                                                                      Keep Britain Tidy’s national         Inn sites, which hopefully then
                                                                      anti-litter campaigns, which in      become permanent positions
                                                                      2016 was the Clean for the           in our hotels across the country.
                                                                      Queen campaign.                      To make the training as effective
                                                                                                           as possible, space in the college
                                                                      Outputs and Successes                was converted to look like a
                                                                                                           Premier Inn hotel.
                                                                      • As
                                                                         part of reading week, 500
                                                                        of our Costa store teams           Building on the success of this
                                                                        donated educational books          current format, we are now looking
                                                                        to local schools.                  at opportunities to partner with
                                                                                                           similar colleges and to strategically
                                                                        00 of our Costa stores took
                                                                                                           develop the programme further.
                                                                       part in the Clean for the Queen
                                                                                                           Learn more here
                                                                       Anti-Litter campaign.
                                                                      • 1 2,000 community hours were      Outputs and Successes
                                                                         volunteered by Costa team
                                                                                                             ince the partnership began

                                                                         members this year.
                                                                                                            in 2013, 26 students have been
                                                                      • The Costa Community               through the programme.

                                                                          Programme received gold in the
                                                                                                             ive students have gone on
                                                                          Corporate Engagement Awards.
                                                                                                            to take up permanent roles
                                                                        osta attained Two Star             with Premier Inn.
                                                                       Sustainable Restaurant
                                    students through the               Association Rating for the
                                    Derwen programme                   second year running, which is
                                                                       an “excellent” sustainability

                     11 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                      As a values-led business, we
                                                                      are committed to ensuring
Team and Community

                                                                      our supply chain reflects the
                                                                      principles we uphold on a day
                                                                      to day basis.
Customer Wellbeing


                                                                      Reduction in sugar
                                                                                               UK hotel and restaurant
                                                                                               chain to be Marine
                                                                                               Stewardship Council
                                                                      across Costa Ice range   (MSC) certified

                                                                                               Good Egg Award
                                                                                               – commitment to Cage-
                                                                      Mapped risks of          free whole shell eggs by
                                                                      modern slavery in our    2020 and ingredient egg
                                                                      global supply chain      by 2025
                     12 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Customer Wellbeing continued

                                                                                     Our Strategic Approach                customers are better educated
                                                                                     Making sure our customers have        when making choices around
                                                                                                                           what they are eating and drinking.
Team and Community

                                                                                     the utmost confidence in the
                                                                                     integrity of our products is at the   They are increasingly looking for
                                                                                     heart of our Customer Wellbeing       healthier and lighter options and
                                                                                     strategy. We acknowledge that         our menu ranges should reflect
                                                                                     environmental risks and global        changing consumer tastes. We are
                                                                                     inequality are making operating a     committed to introducing and
                                                                                     business more complex, however        updating foods that reflect new
                                                                                     we remain fully committed to          and emerging consumer needs
                                                                                     ensuring our products and             and preferences and to clear and
                                                                                     services are sourced responsibly      transparent choices for customers.
                                                                                     and ethically with the wellbeing      We are actively reformulating
                                                                                     of our guests and customers at        dishes to make them healthier
                                                                                     the heart of every product. Our       where possible, whilst working
                                                                                     strategy takes a two-pronged          with our supply chain to do so, as
                                                                                     approach: Customer Wellbeing          well as providing greater choices
                                                                                     and Responsible Sourcing. The         in our new menus, together with
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                     former ensures our hotels,            improved nutritional information

                                                                                     restaurants and coffee shops offer    available on our websites.
                                                                                     products that offer a healthy
                                                                                     nutritional balance, and the latter   As operators of 650 restaurants
                                                                                     maintains a traceable, sustainable    and over 2,200 coffee shops in the
                              food choices, sugar,                                                                         UK, we offer our customers choice
                                                                                     and ethical supply chain.
                              salt and saturated                                                                           and transparency through our
                              fat reduction                                          Customer Wellbeing                    work on:
                                                                                     At Whitbread, we recognise the    • Removing and reducing:
                                                                                     ongoing concern childhood             reformulation of the food
                                                                                     obesity presents to our society.      and drink that we serve.
                                                                                     We are committed to working in    • Introducing credible healthier
                                                                                     partnership with Government and       choices.
                                                                                     industry partners to ensure       • Providing clear, meaningful and

                                                                                     progress is made on this important easily accessible information for
                                                                                     issue. We also understand that        our guests.

                                                                      have had
                                                                      salt reduced

                     13 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Customer Wellbeing continued

                                                                                Sugar reduction has been a key           Outputs and Successes
                                                                                priority for Costa and significant       •W
                                                                                                                           e have achieved 21% less
                                                                                reductions have been made in our

Team and Community

                                                                                                                          sugar in our Costa Ice range.
                                                                                drinks range. We have publicly
                                                                                                                           e now use 42% less sugar in
                                                                                committed to reducing added
                                                                                                                          our Chai Latte which had the
                                                                                sugar across our beverage range
                                                                                                                          highest added sugar on our
                                    sugar reduction                             by 25% by 2020. We also launched
                                                                                                                          menu. This has been achieved
                                    in Chai Latte                               the trial (in selected stores) of our
                                                                                                                          without any changes in taste and
                                                                                It’s All Good range, a selection of
                                                                                                                          quality and have been well
                                                                                lighter food alternatives specifically
                                                                                                                          received by our customers. Our
                                                                                for our customers who are looking
                                                                                                                          Costa food range also includes
                                                                                for a change from the traditional
                                                                                                                          products which have fewer than
                                                                                sandwich lunch. We are also
                                                                                                                          250 kcals per portion.
                                                                                working towards the government
                                                                                set salt reduction target.               •A
                                                                                                                           t our restaurants, our children’s
                                                                                                                          food and drink offer has been
                                                                                                                          positively received by the Soil
                                                                                                                          Association in their Out to Lunch
                                                                                                                          survey where Beefeater and
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                                                          Brewers Fayre were recognised
                                                                                                                          for their improvements to the
                                                                                                                          quality and nutrition of the food
                                                                                                                          offered. We are continuing to
                                                                                                                          work with them so we can build
                                                                                                                          on this achievement.

                                                                      of your
                                                                      5 a day

                     14 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Customer Wellbeing continued

                                                                        Responsible Sourcing                    the risks of modern slavery across
                                                                        Whitbread is committed to               its business. This has been
                                                                                                                achieved by undertaking detailed
Team and Community

                                                                        sourcing products responsibly and
                                                                        we work with suppliers who can          risk mapping of its food and
                                                                        both meet the quality and quantity      beverage, supplies and services,
                                     STOP THE TRAFFIK                   of product we require, and source
                                                                        their products according to the
                                                                                                                and property supply chains and
                                                                                                                supporting the organisation to
                                     has also provided bespoke          standards we set. Our Responsible
                                                                        Sourcing ‘Policy’ defines Whitbread’s
                                                                                                                develop its response to identified

                                     training to the procurement        minimum standards and the basic
                                                                        principles of co-operation that we
                                                                                                                This helps us ensure we know
                                                                                                                where our supply chain is most
                                     department across all brands;      require from all of our suppliers
                                                                        and business partners.
                                                                                                                at risk of modern slavery and
                                                                                                                forced labour, have the right tools
                                     training was delivered to all      Modern Slavery Act
                                                                                                                in place and the right processes
                                                                                                                in place for dealing with issues if
                                     supplier-facing staff, including   We are a values-led organisation
                                                                        and we treat our employees
                                                                                                                they are identified.
                                                                                                                Through our partnership, we
                                     directors, heads of buying,        equally and respect their human         created a heat map of forced
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                        rights. It is important these values    labour risk, which we have used to
                                     senior buyers, buyers and          are reflected in our supply chain
                                                                        and we have gone to great lengths
                                                                                                                prioritise our ethical audit
                                                                                                                schedule, making sure that our
                                     buying administrators. Through     to ensure that this is the case. We
                                                                        believe the Modern Slavery Act is
                                                                                                                resource and efforts are focused,
                                                                                                                targeted and deliver the maximum
                                     the adoption of this systemic      one of the most important pieces
                                                                        of responsible business legislation
                                                                                                                positive impact possible. We are
                                                                                                                now working through the results
                                                                        to be implemented in recent times,      to develop a strategic response for
                                     approach, Whitbread                and have established an important       each supplier identified as high risk.
                                                                        partnership with Stop The Traffik
                                     demonstrates leadership            and third party ethical auditing
                                                                                                                To support our work in this area
                                                                                                                and provide more detail of our
                                                                        companies. STOP THE TRAFFIK
                                     in its sector.                     has worked closely with Whitbread
                                                                                                                work, we have also published our
                                                                                                                first modern slavery report, which
                                                                        to proactively identify and address     can be found here.

                     15 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Customer Wellbeing continued

                                                 Our coffee is                                    Commodities                         Outputs and Successes

                                                                                                  We currently source many            • To reduce risk within our supply
Team and Community

                                                                                                  different products from our            chain, each supplier identified as
                                                                                                  suppliers around the world, across     high risk is now being taken
                                                 Rainforest                                       a number of commodities, each          through a process of individual
                                                                                                  facing their own ethical and           supply chain analysis including
                                                 Alliance CertifiedTM                             sustainability risks. We have          an independent third party audit.
                                                                                                  worked with sustainable sourcing • 100% of our coffee is Rainforest
                                                                                                  experts and appropriate NGOs to        Alliance CertifiedTM.
                                                                                                  identify and create definitive
                                                                                                                                      •A  ll of the fish we buy directly is
                                                                                                  policies for our high risk
                                                                                                                                         sustainably sourced and we were
                                                                                                  commodities (cotton, coffee,
                                                                                                                                         awarded the Marine Stewardship
                                                                                                  timber, palm oil, meat and fish).
                                                                                                                                         Council (MSC) Chain of Custody
                                                                                                  Our Product Specific policies
                                                                                                                                         Standard. This makes us the
                                                                                                  ensure that we minimise our
                                                                                                                                         largest hotel and restaurant
                                                                                                  impact on the planet and the
                                                                                                                                         chain in the UK to serve MSC
                                                                                                  welfare of the animals in our
                                                                                                                                         certified fish.
                                                                                                  supply chain is protected.
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                                                                      • In September 2016, Whitbread
                                                                                                  We remain committed to achieving
                                                                                                                                         announced a commitment to
                                                                                                  our Group 2020 target of having
                                                                                                                                         move to only purchase cage-free
                                                                                                  our critical commodities 100%
                                                                                                                                         whole shell eggs by 2020 and
                                                                                                  accredited against robust
                                                                                                                                         ingredient eggs by 2025. As a

                                                                        Committed to purchase     standards. Last year we introduced
                                                                                                                                         result, we have been awarded the
                                                                                                  a new system for measuring and
                                                                                                                                         Compassion in World Farming
                                                                                                  monitoring our critical commodities
                                                                                                                                         Good Egg Award.
                                                                                                  supplier base which has helped us

                                                                                                  make good progress against our      •W  orking in Partnership with
                                                                                                  targets. However, we realise we        Cotton    Connect, we have
                                                                                                  have more to do, and are also          mapped our cotton supply
                                                                                                                                         chain for Premier Inn down
                                                                        eggs and ingredient egg   working to improve our audit
                                                                                                                                         to the farm level.
                                                                                                  and assurance processes.
                                                                        by 2025
                                                                                                                                         e have developed our Animal
                                                                                                                                        Welfare Policy further with
                                                                                                                                        specific KPIs for measuring our

                                                                                                                                        suppliers’ performance against

                                                                                                                                        the standards we set.

                                    Chain of Custody
                                    Marine Stewardship
                                    Council (MSC) certified

                     16 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17

                      We know our Group strategy
                      for growth will only be
Team and Community

                      realised if we remain
                      committed to reducing
                      negative impacts on the

                       18.7%            1
Customer Wellbeing

                       reduction in carbon       Costa stores in the UK
                       footprint (since target   offering cup recycling
                       was set)

                       We have committed
                       to purchase*

                       100%                      of waste diverted

                                                 from landfill
                       renewable energy                                   1
                                                                              Included in the boundary of our
                                                                               carbon footprint: Scope 1 = Gas,
                       across the Group                                        LPG, Fuel Oil, F-Gas, Company
                                                                               cars and Scope 2 = Electricity.
                                                                               Full emissions data is available
                                                                               on Page 101 of Annual Report

                                                                          * In owned and managed hotels,
                                                                             restaurants and coffee shops
                                                                             in the UK.
Environment continued

                     We produce                                                           Our Strategic Approach                 New Roastery

                                                                                          We are constantly challenging          Our new state-of-the-art Roastery
Team and Community

                                                                                          ourselves to become more               in Basildon, opened its doors in
                                                                                          environmentally sustainable, and       March 2017. This new site has

                                                                                          aim to embed our thinking              quadrupled our roasting capacity
                                                                                          throughout the business. As our        and is producing around 11,000
                                                                                          growth strategy progresses and         tonnes of coffee a year which is
                                                                                          we open more coffee shops,             around 700 million cups of coffee.
                     cups of coffee a year                                                restaurants and hotels, our            Sustainability was an integral part
                                                                                          challenge is to ensure that we         of the design and build process
                                                                                          continue to manage our energy          and we are proud that it is the first
                                                                                          and environmental impact               industrial process site to be built
                                                                                          effectively. We do this through        to BREEAM Outstanding. It is one
                                                                                          energy efficiency, reducing our        of the most sustainable Roasteries
                                                                                          carbon emissions and diverting         in the world with many on-site
                                                                                          waste from landfill. By investing in   efficiency mechanisms
                                                                                          new technologies and ways of           which enable us to reduce
                                                                                          working, we are able to test and       our carbon footprint.
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                          demonstrate higher sustainability
                                                                                          standards, whilst also setting         Outputs and Successes
                                                                                          challenging targets to drive further   •F
                                                                                                                                   ull energy efficient LED

                                                                                          momentum. We have recently              lighting scheme.
                                                                                          announced that 100% of our
                                                                                                                                 • Electric car charge points.
                                                                                          energy in owned and operated
                                                                                          sites is now from renewable            • Zero waste to landfill.
                                                                      reduction in        sources. We are thrilled that we       •O
                                                                                                                                   n site renewable electricity
                                                                      energy to roast a   have achieved our 2020 carbon           generating solar panels.
                                                                      tonne of coffee     reduction target and will refocus      • Rainwater harvesting.
                                                                                          our efforts over the coming year.

                     18 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Environment continued

                                                                                                     Take Away Cups                            bio-bean
                                                                                                     As the first signatory of the Paper       This year, Costa announced its
Team and Community

                                                                                                     Cup Manifesto, Costa is committed         partnership with bio-bean, a clean
                                                                                                     to tackling cup recyclability. In         technology company that recycles
                                                                                   Coffee grounds    February 2017, we launched our            waste coffee grounds into biofuels.
                                                                                                     nationwide cup recycling scheme           Our new partnership will enable
                                                                                   recycled across   across 2,000 Costa stores. We are         thousands of tonnes of waste

                                                                                                     pleased that we have been able to         coffee grounds to be diverted to
                                                                                                     take the lead in this area as it is the   bio-bean’s facilities from over 800
                                                                                                     first of its kind amongst coffee          stores nationwide. Learn more here.
                     Launch of nationwide                                          Costa Stores      shop retailers. In addition, Costa        We look forward to updating on
                     cup recycling scheme                                                            now offers 25p off all barista made       our progress in next year’s report.
                                                                                                     drinks when using a reusable cup
                     across                                                                          at one of our stores.                     Outputs and Successes

                     Costa stores (February
                                                                                                     From April 2017, we launched a
                                                                                                     new, reusable cup. We also

                                                                                                     Challenge, where a variety of
                                                                                                                                         • We have recycled over 3,000
                                                                                                                                            tonnes of waste coffee this year
                                                                                                     supported the Hubbub Square Mile from over 800 of our Costa
                                                                                                                                            Coffee shops, which as of June
Customer Wellbeing

                     2017)                                                                           businesses have introduced coffee      2016, is now being recycled by
                                                                                                     cup recycling facilities in London.    bio-bean.
                                                                                                     Whilst there is more work to be
                                                                                                     done in partnership with the wider
                                                                                                     industry and the Paper Cup
                                                                                                     Manifesto, which we will continue
                                                                                                     to lead. We will continue to invest
                                                                                                     heavily in new cup innovation and
                                                                                                     hope to find a long-term,
                                                                                                     sustainable solution to this
                                                                                                     complex issue.

                                                                                                     Outputs and Successes
                                                                                                     • Since
                                                                                                           the launch of our
                                                                                                       nationwide recycling scheme
                                                                                                       we have recycled 10% of take
                                                                      off all barista made drinks

                                                                                                       away cups sold in the first three
                                                                      when using a reusable cup        months of the scheme.
                                                                      in our stores                  •W
                                                                                                       e are undertaking research
                                                                                                      with Sheffield University to
                                                                                                      further investigate cup
                                                                                                      recyclability and mapping
                                                                                                      where cups are disposed of
                                                                                                      by consumers.

                     19 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Environment continued

                                                                                                     Investing in Efficiency               Costa Express
                                                                                                     During 2016/17, we have continued     This year, Costa Express was
Team and Community

                                                                                                     to invest in renewable and on-site    awarded the ISO14001
                                                                      invested in Premier Inn        generation in our Premier Inns.       International Standard, which
                                                                                                     Energy consumption represents         demonstrates a best practice
                                                                      energy efficiency programmes                                         approach to environment
                                                                                                     significant costs across the entire
                                                                      throughout the year            business, saving energy helps         management. To meet the
                                                                                                     increase profits as well as protect   standard requirements, sustainable
                                                                                                     our natural resources and the         measures have been applied
                                                                                                     environment. We are proud to say      across every aspect of Costa
                                                                                                     that we have electricity generating   Express.
                                                                                                     solar panels in over 90 of our
                                                                                                     hotels and combined heat and          Outputs and Successes
                                                                                                     power units in over 20. This year,    •O
                                                                                                                                             ur Costa Express coffee
                                                                                                     we installed 15,000 new energy         machines now have insulated
                                                                                                     efficient LED lights across 100        boilers to make them more
                                                                                                     Premier Inn sites and voltage          efficient and reduce energy
                                                                                                     optimisation across 61. We also        usage resulting in energy savings
Customer Wellbeing

                                                                                                     executed a 44-site pilot               of around 400 watts per day.

                                                                                                     programme to control and
                                                                                                                                             he Costa Express fleet which
                                                                                                     optimise how we use our major
                                                                                                                                            supplies the machines uses
                                                                                                     power consuming assets. These
                                                                                                                                            telematics to enable the planning
                                                                                                     have shown significant energy
                     LED lights installed                                                            savings and will be at the heart
                                                                                                                                            team to route the field teams
                                                                                                                                            effectively. They are also working
                                                                                                     of our energy reduction strategy.
                                                                                                                                            to reduce maintenance callouts
                                                                                                     We also incorporate key strategic
                                                                                                                                            to lessen the environmental
                                                                                                     environmental measures in new
                                                                                                                                            impact of the vehicles and
                                                                                                     sites as part of our strategy for
                                                                                                                                            encourage efficient driving by
                                                                                                     sustainable development, for
                                                                                                                                            measuring fuel economy.
                                                                                                     example heat recovery in our

                                                                                                     in room heating systems.

                                                                                                     Outputs and Successes

                                                                                                     • £3.1m
                                                                                                            has been invested in
                                                                                                       projects across our hotels and

                                                                                                       restaurants which has delivered
                                            Costa Express                                              £0.4m of revenue benefits in this
                                                                                                       year, and £0.85m revenue benefit
                                            coffee machines                                            per annum from 2017/18, as well
                                                                                                       as reducing our CO2e emissions
                                                                                                       by 3,300 tonnes this year.
                                                                                                       ur employee engagement
                                                                                                      programme has aided this
                                                                                                      reduction in energy consumption.
                     20 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Future Strategy

                  Our new strategy ‘Force for                      Force for Good - a New Direction
                                                                   Strong values, a clear code of
                                                                                                          we examined wider external trends
                                                                                                          that may impact our business and
                  Good’ will help us be an ever                    conduct and robust ethical
                                                                   principles underpin how we do
                                                                                                          sustainability aspirations. Our
                                                                                                          analysis consisted of in-depth
                  greater place to work.                           business and are reflected in our      interviews, incorporated outputs
Future Strategy

                                                                   approach to Sustainability. Our        from recent desk top research,
                                                                   existing programme has been very       and the results of an externally
                                                                   successful, but we have recently       commissioned social and
                                                                   undertaken a review of its             environmental meta-trends review.
                                                                   activities. We are creating forward    Eight material issues were rated
                                                                   looking, long term sustainable         and interviewees asked to state
                                                                   brands. To do this, we need to be      the areas where Whitbread could
                                                                   ahead of the curve and prepared        set a higher level of ambition. Our
                                                                   for future business, social,           most important material issues
                                                                   consumer and environmental             (outlined in our GRI table) form
                                                                   trends. To achieve this, we have       the basis of our new strategy. For
                                                                   reviewed and built on the success      definitions of our material issues
                                                                   of our current programme and           please refer to our GRI Table.
                                                                   developed a new Sustainability
                                                                   Strategy - ‘Force for Good’.           Force for Good Strategy
                                                                                                          We have grouped our new
                                                                   Materiality                            strategy into three key pillars -
                                                                   To ensure our new Force for Good       Opportunity, Community and
                                                                   strategy meets stakeholder             Responsibility. Within each area,
                                                                   expectations we conducted an           we’ve set long term strategic
                                                                   in-depth materiality assessment to     commitments that we believe will
                                                                   understand the views of our senior     help us reach our goal of enabling
                                                                   business leaders, external partners,   people to live and work well. We
                                                                   NGO’s and customers.                   will review these commitments
                                                                                                          every year to make sure we stay
                                                                   The materiality assessment looked
                                                                                                          on track and focused on what
                                                                   at 32 sustainability categories
                                                                   aligned to the Sustainable
                                                                   Development Goals. In addition,   We are currently working through
                                                                                                     detailed key performance
                                                                                                     indicators for each commitment
                                                                                                     and will be reporting progress
                                                                                                     against these in next year’s
                                                                                                     Sustainability Report.

                  21 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Future Strategy continued

                                                                                                                Always Doing Business the             Our Strategy aligns with the
                   OPPORTUNITY                         COMMUNITY                   RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                Right Way                             Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                                                Our new strategy underpins the        (SDGs) and we will work over the
                                                                                                                way we do business and defines        coming year to embed them
                   A place where                       Making a meaningful         Treating people                                                    further into our Sustainability
                                                                                                                our vision of Sustainability. Our
Future Strategy

                   everyone can reach                  contribution to the         and our planet                                                     programme.
                                                                                                                people are key to delivering our
                   their potential – no                customers and               with respect
                                                                                                                commitments and we need to            Supporting our Force for Good
                   barriers to entry, no               communities we serve                                     enable everyone to play their part.   Strategy is our enhanced
                   limits to ambition                                                                           We remain committed to                Governance framework. Strong
                                                                                                                communicating our performance         sustainability governance is not
                   No matter who you                   We’re a big team here       We rely on the
                                                                                                                transparently and will continue to    only important for embedding
                   are or where you’re from,           – a team of 50,000. And     environment and the
                                                                                                                report on our sustainability          our new strategy but for managing
                   you’ll always be welcome            when each one of us         hard work of thousands
                   with us. Our coffee                 plays our part, we can      of people in our supply      performance on an annual basis.       risks effectively, enabling business
                   shops, hotels and                   make huge difference for    chain to bring our           We adhere to the principles of the    continuity and sustainable growth.
                   restaurants are accessible          our customers and           products and services to     Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)     Led from the top of the
                   and inclusive so that               communities near and        our customers. So we         Standards. We will review and         organisation, our new Sustainability
                   everyone can enjoy our              far. Whether it’s putting   take our responsibility to   update our materiality assessment     Steering Group, is chaired by our
                   hospitality or join us in a         our energy and passion      both people and planet       every year to ensure it reflects      General Counsel and our CEO
                   great place to work. We             into fundraising for        seriously. We set            changes in our business as well as    attends every meeting. The
                   believe in giving people            charities, finding new      standards to ensure our      socio-economic and environmental      Steering group sets and monitors
                   the chance to shine.                ways for our sites to       suppliers operate            trends. We will conduct our next      our strategic objectives and
                   With the best training              serve the community or      responsibly and with         materiality analysis in 2018. For     policies, as well as identifying any
                   and development                     helping our customers       integrity. From coffee       Whitbread, robust transparency        improvements that need to be made.
                   programmes in the                   make informed choices       cups to carbon, we’ll find   also includes participating in the
                   business, we’re the place           for a healthier life, our   opportunities to make a      Dow Jones Sustainability Index
                   you can build your career.          impact on people and        positive impact for the      (DJSI) which for this year we
                                                       communities will be         environment across our       achieved 71%.
                   Our Commitments:                    life-changing.              whole supply chain. And
                                                                                   we’ll make sure that our
                     e will have industry
                                                       Our Commitments:            suppliers and the people
                    leading training and
                                                         e will make a positive   who work with us are
                    development schemes
                                                        contribution to the        always treated fairly and
                     e will be the most                                           with respect.
                                                        communities we serve
                    inclusive hospitality
                    business                           •W
                                                         e will raise £30m for
                                                                                   Our Commitments:
                                                        our chosen charity
                     e will champion the                                          •W
                                                                                     e will source
                                                        partners by 2021
                    employment of under-                                            responsibly and
                    represented groups                 •W
                                                         e will support
                                                                                    with integrity
                                                        the wellbeing of
                                                        our customers              •W
                                                                                     e will reduce our
                                                                                    environmental impact
                                                                                     e will always do
                                                                                    business the right way

                  22 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Our Performance

                     We aim to be a leader in developing sustainable business practices within our
                     sector and have already made great progress this year on our 2020 targets.
Our Performance

                          Pillars               2020 Target                                                                                                                     Progress against 2020 targets                            Target Status

                                                By 2020 we will have:

                          Teams and             5,000 apprenticeships 2                                                                                                         2,309
                                                7,500 work experience placements 3                                                                                              3,863

                                                6,500 employment placements 4                                                                                                   3,399

                                                £10 million raised for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity                                                          £8.9m

                                                £15 million raised for 100 Costa Foundation School projects 5                                                                   Circa £12m

                          Customer              Whitbread’s critical product commodities 100% accredited against robust standards                                               215 critical suppliers on-boarded to
                          Wellbeing                                                                                                                                             our Responsible Sourcing Programme.

                                                Reduced added sugar in all Costa drinks by 25% 6                                                                                -13%

                                                Reduced added sugar in Costa Ice Range by 30% 7                                                                                 -21%

                                                Reduced salt in Costa sandwich range by 5%                                                                                      -2%

                          Environment           Reduced carbon by 15% relative to sales turnover (against a 2014/15 baseline) 8                                                 18.73%

                                                Reduced water use by 20% relative to sales turnover (against a 2014/15 baseline) 9                                              6.1%

                                                Increased direct operations recycling rate to 80% across hotels, restaurants and coffee shops                                   66.3

                                                on track/delivered     behind track    target missed

                         	Apprentice figures stated against 2014/15 baseline is the same since WISE began as we started tracking this in the same year.
                         	Work experience placement figures stated against 2014/15 baseline. 4,039 work experience placements have been delivered since WISE began.
                         	Employment placement figures stated against 2014/15 baseline. 4,450 employment placements have been delivered since WISE began.
                         	£12m was raised for 72 schools since start of Costa Foundation.
                         	All barista-made drinks on sale on menu in UK excluding trials. Based on average added sugar per portion (g).
                      	All barista-made ice (cold) drinks on sale on menu in UK excluding trials. Based on average added sugar per portion (g)
                         	This is a Group target and applies to both UK and international. Our target of a 15% reduction in carbon was surpassed when we reached 18.7% this year. This is a reflection of our ongoing commitment to reduce our
                           emissions and is also due to the decarbonisation of the UK power grid. Plans to work with landlords to build more energy-efficient sites will produce further reductions in carbon.
                         	We are working towards achieving our target of 20% improvement in water efficiency, having achieved a reduction of 6.1% per £m turnover this year. We continue to invest in grey water recycling systems, low flow taps
                           and shower heads, low flush toilets and low water-use appliances to ensure that we minimise water use.
                         	We are on track to reach our target of 80% recycling rates from direct operations having reached 66.3%. This year has seen the introduction of recycling coffee grounds and paper cups to ensure we minimise waste whilst
                           promoting recycling. We are also currently diverting 96.8% of waste from landfill, leaning towards zero waste to landfill. Plans to further increase this include looking at additional food waste options, developing a circular
                           economy strategy (with particular focus on food packaging) and targeting plastics which we estimate constitute 30% of our waste stream.

                  23 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17

                                                            Registered charity no. 1160024

           24 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Assurance Statement

                      Whitbread has commissioned Corporate
                      Citizenship to provide assurance against
                      the GRIPrinciples for Defining Report
Assurance Statement

                      Quality. The data relates to Premier Inn
                      and Restaurants and Costa in the United
                      Kingdom and international operations
                      where Whitbread has a majority stake. The
                      assurance covers the Whitbread financial
                      year 2016/17. The assurance complies with
                      the ISAE 3000 standard. This is the first
                      occasion we have commissioned assurance
                      of our social as well as our environmental
                      data. The full statement can be found here.

                      25 Whitbread PLC Sustainability Report 2016/17
Registered office:

Whitbread PLC
Whitbread Court
Houghton Hall Business Park
Porz Avenue

01582 424200
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