Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 New Zealand - KPMG

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 New Zealand - KPMG
Responsible Investment
                           Benchmark Report
                           2018 New Zealand

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 New Zealand - KPMG
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand

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                              RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT
                              ASSOCIATION AUSTRALASIA

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                              Sydney, NSW 2000

                               +61 2 8228 8100

                              © Responsible Investment Association Australasia, 2018

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Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 New Zealand - KPMG
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


Australian Ethical                                                                   Pengana Capital Group  

Australian Ethical is Australia’s leading ethical wealth manager,                    Pengana Capital Group (ASX: PCG) is a listed diversified funds
providing investors with products that align with their values and                   management group specialising in global and Australian equities,
investments without compromise.                                                      with distinct investment strategies that aim to deliver superior risk
                                                                                     adjusted returns to investors. They offer a range of investment
With over $2.8 billion in funds under management across                              solutions that allow investors to align their portfolios with their
superannuation and managed funds, Australian Ethical has                             principles without compromising their investment returns, including
invested according to its Ethical Charter since its inception in 1986.               sustainable impact investments, negatively screened managed
The Charter not only guides its investment approach but also                         funds and a listed investment company.
underpins all elements of the business. Since 2014, the company
has maintained its B Corp ‘Best for the World’ status, ranking it in                 Pengana is committed to best practice in ethical and sustainable
the top 10% of 1,800 B Corps globally. Ten percent of Australian                     impact investing. They are a member of RIAA, a signatory to the
Ethical’s annual profits (before bonus) fund its Community Grants                    UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment, source ESG company
programme. To date, more than $2.5 million has been granted to                       research from a specialist provider, and undertake an annual audit
charitable organisations and social impact initiatives through this                  by an independent research house focused on ESG analysis.
programme. Since 2016, Australian Ethical Super has been one of
the fastest growing super funds in Australia.

                                                                                     New Zealand Super Fund  
AXA Investment Managers  
                                                                                     The NZ$35 billion New Zealand Superannuation Fund invests
AXA Investment Managers is an active, long-term investor. From                       globally to help pre-fund the future cost of universal superannuation
equities, fixed income and real assets to alternatives and multi-                    in New Zealand. The Fund is managed by an Auckland-based
asset, we marry innovation and risk management in a bid to deliver                   Crown entity, the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation. The
long-term value for clients. We are responsible investors; we believe                Guardians believes that environmental, social and governance
that responsible investment not only delivers sustainable, long-                     (ESG) factors are material to long-term investment returns, and
term value for clients, it also makes a positive impact on society.                  is committed to integrating ESG considerations into all aspects of
This is why we incorporate environmental, social and governance                      the Fund’s investment activities. A founding signatory of the United
considerations into our investment decisions. We are committed to                    Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, the Guardians
making investing easier – we want to help investors cut through the                  also provides responsible investment services to the Accident
noise and empower them to make the right investment choices. We                      Compensation Corporation and the Government Superannuation
are bringing to bear the power of big data and technology not only to                Fund Authority and is a member of the New Zealand Corporate
improve our investment offering but to enhance the ways in which we                  Governance Forum.
engage with our clients. We manage $1,145 billion* on behalf of our
clients, with 771 investment professionals in 21 investment centres
around the world.
                                                                                     Research support from:
* as at 31 December 2017

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 New Zealand - KPMG
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


This report is the 4th annual New Zealand     ABOUT THE RESPONSIBLE
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report       INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION
prepared by the Responsible Investment        AUSTRALASIA
Association Australasia (RIAA). The report
details industry data on the size, growth
and performance of the New Zealand            RIAA is the peak industry body representing
responsible investment (RI) market over       responsible, ethical and impact investors
the 12 months to 31 December 2017 and         across Australia and New Zealand. RIAA
compares these results with the broader       is a growing active network of over 220
New Zealand financial market.                 members managing more than $9 trillion
                                              in assets, including superannuation funds,
Through this report RIAA aims to support      fund managers, consultants, researchers,
the ongoing growth of the responsible         brokers, impact investors, property
investment industry consistent with our       managers, banks, community trusts and
objective of both broadening the uptake of    financial advisers. In NZ, RIAA has 30
RI whilst increasing the positive impact of   member investment organisations cross
investments on society and our environment.   funds management, asset owners through to
By providing clear and transparent data       financial advisers.
on the development of the market and
the implementation of RI strategies, RIAA     RIAA’s goal is to see more capital being
aims to support more investors undertaking    invested more responsibly; shifting more
a responsible approach to investment.         capital into sustainable assets and
Furthermore, by identifying the key drivers   enterprises and shaping responsible
of increased RI, assets under management      financial markets to underpin strong
(AUM) and the barriers to uptake, RIAA        investment returns and deliver a healthier
works to increase the adoption and quality    economy, society and environment.
of RI strategies.
                                              RIAA does this through:
KPMG was commissioned by RIAA to
undertake the data collection and analysis    1 Acting as the member hub of timely and
for this 2018 report. KPMG developed            relevant environmental, social, corporate
and delivered a survey to investment            governance (ESG), ethical and impact
organisations across New Zealand,               investing information to strengthen the
compiled the data derived from this primary     capacity of the finance and investment
research, undertook secondary research on       industries through regular events,
publicly available data, undertook the ESG      webinars, conference calls and working
integration assessment based on RIAA’s          groups, industry research and;
framework and analysed the data to deliver
the size, performance and growth of the       2 Growing the awareness and demand
responsible investment industry.                for responsible investments through
                                                communications and marketing work,
The report was designed by Loupe Studio.        media activity, as well as by operating
                                                the world’s first and longest running fund
                                                Certification Program and the consumer
                                                online tool Responsible Returns.

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


ABOUT THIS REPORT                                                  2        TABLES AND FIGURES

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                  4        FIGURE 1Responsible investment AUM split into two distinct
                                                                            categories based on their strategy: Broad responsible investment
  Background                                                       4
                                                                            or Core responsible investment                                   4
  Key findings                                                     4
  Broad responsible investment                                     5        FIGURE 2   RIAA’s Responsible and Ethical Investment Spectrum     6
  Core responsible investment                                      5
  Performance                                                      5        FIGURE 3   Responsible investment AUM – totals by year            11
  Key drivers and detractors of RI growth                          5
  Outlook                                                          5        FIGURE 4   Responsible investment by approach                     11

ABOUT RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT                                       6        FIGURE 5   Frequency of issues being screened                     12
  Responsible investment strategies                                6
                                                                                   Largest responsible investment asset managers
                                                                            FIGURE 7
  International context                                            7
                                                                            and asset owners                                                  14
  Core versus Broad responsible investment                         7

METHODOLOGY                                                        9              Performance of Core responsible investments against
                                                                            FIGURE 6
                                                                            benchmarks                                                        14
  Reporting boundary                                               9
  Data collection                                                  9        FIGURE 8   Key drivers of market growth by those surveyed         16
  Data analysis and reporting                                      9
  Data completeness                                                9        FIGURE 9   Key deterrents to RI market growth by those surveyed   16

RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT IN NEW ZEALAND                            11
                                                                            FIGURE 10 The time horizon over which performance is measured
  Core responsible investment                                    12         and rewarded                                                  17
  Performance of Core Responsible Investment
  funds- New Zealand                                             13
  Broad responsible investment                                   13

MARKET DRIVERS AND FUTURE TRENDS                                 16

  Key growth factors                                             16
  Measurement of performance                                     17

APPENDIX A                                                       18

  Glossary                                                       18
  Definitions of responsible investment strategies               18

APPENDIX B                                                       19

DISCLAIMER                                                       20

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


BACKGROUND                                       KEY FINDINGS                                                    3 The Survey identifies a massive growth
                                                                                                                   in Core responsible investments –
                                                                                                                   primarily negatively screened funds –
Each year since 2002, the Responsible            This Responsible Investment Benchmark                             for the second year running, growing by
Investment Association Australasia (RIAA)        Report reinforces that a responsible                              102% reaching $86.4 billion.
has commissioned research into the size          approach to investing– one that
and growth of responsible investment             systematically considers environmental,                         4 Broad responsible investments – those
across Australasia. This 2018 report is the      social and governance (ESG) and/or ethical                        integrating ESG considerations – grew
fourth stand-alone New Zealand report, a         factors across the entire portfolio – is now                      by 9% to reach $97.0 billion AUM.
companion report to the 2018 Australian          the expected minimum standard of good
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report.         investment practice in New Zealand.                             5 Core responsible investment funds are
The aim of this research is to gather data on                                                                      outperforming equivalent New Zealand
the various forms of responsible investment      Importantly an emerging understanding that                        equities and multi-sector balanced funds
and to present analysis of growth in the         ESG factors are a driver of value across a                        over all time horizons.
sector. The New Zealand Responsible              portfolio has significantly shifted more of the
Investment Benchmark Report charts the           investment industry towards a responsible                       6 There continues to be a massive increase
ongoing growth of responsible investing          investment approach.                                              in the use of negative screens in NZ in
strategies, whilst also identifying the key                                                                        the last year, with increased frequency
drivers of increased capital flows towards       1 As at 31 December 2017, responsible                             of tobacco and controversial weapons
responsible investment (RI) and the barriers       investment constituted $ 183.4 billion                          screens.
to uptake with the intention of increasing the     assets under management (AUM), up
adoption and quality of RI strategies.             a significant 40% from $131.3 billion
                                                   AUM in 2016.
This report details industry data on the size
and growth of the New Zealand responsible        2 Survey responses identified that
investment market over the 12 months to 31         a key driver of growth in RI funds
December 2017.                                     was the further desire by clients to
                                                   align investments to mission with the
                                                   second most cited driver being the
                                                   understanding that ESG factors impact
                                                   on investment performance.

                                                    FIGURE 1 Responsible investment AUM split into two distinct categories based on
                                                    their strategy: Broad responsible investment or Core responsible investment

                                                                   Broad                                    Total                         Core
                                                             responsible               $ 97              responsible       $86.4          responsible
                                                              investment              billion            investment        billion        investment
                                                           strategy AUM                                 $183.4 billion                    strategy AUM

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand

BROAD RESPONSIBLE                                    PERFORMANCE                                                   Alignment to mission, indicating a growing
INVESTMENT                                                                                                         interest by clients to align their investments
                                                                                                                   with Mission/values, continues to be the
                                                     For the first time this report has looked at the              primary identified driver of growth in NZ,
Broad RI approaches – whereby ESG                    performance of Core responsible investment                    demonstrating the demand side interest
integration is the principle RI strategy –           funds against relevant benchmarks.                            continues strongly in the Kiwi market.
continue to make up the largest portion of                                                                         The second and third drivers relate to the
total responsible investment AUM, with $97.0         This report found very strong performance                     positive impact of ESG on investment
billion in AUM.                                      results from Core responsible investment                      performance either as a predictor of growth
                                                     funds:                                                        or the avoidance of risk.
These organisations span community trusts,
                                                     • Core responsible investment New
investment managers and asset owners                                                                               On the flip side, it was very clearly
                                                       Zealand share funds outperformed
including crown financial institutions.                                                                            communicated that a lack of demand and
                                                       the relevant benchmarks across all time
                                                                                                                   awareness by both retail and institutional
                                                                                                                   clients continues to hold back ever greater
                                                     • Core responsible investment
                                                                                                                   growth in RI.
                                                       international share funds outperformed
                                                       their relevant benchmarks over the three
CORE RESPONSIBLE                                       and ten year time horizons.
INVESTMENT                                           • Core responsible investment multi-
                                                       sector growth funds (balanced
                                                       funds) outperformed their equivalent
In 2017 Core responsible investment
                                                       benchmarks over all time horizons.
strategies - and specifically the use of
negative screens - have emerged as a                                                                               The elevated public focus on the underlying
significant part of the total responsible            It is recognised that the above analysis is                   investment holdings of the KiwiSaver
investment AUM, jumping up substantially             drawn from a small sample of performance                      market in 2016 caused a massive shift in
for the second year running to $86.4 billion         data, especially for the New Zealand share                    the industry towards negative screening
AUM. This increase is due primarily to               funds. However, analysis performed in                         of funds, which has effectively caused an
the inclusion of additional funds in this            Australia, over larger samples produced a                     entire industry to switch to a base level
year’s survey, either from new entrants or           consistently similar outcome1.                                of responsible investment practice in an
large managers screening tobacco and                                                                               incredibly short period of time. There is an
controversial weapons investments.                                                                                 increasing understanding, at least within the
                                                                                                                   investment community, that in addition to
Core responsible investment approaches                                                                             negative screening, RI strategies are also
apply at least one of the following primary          KEY DRIVERS AND DETRACTORS                                    an increasing component of driving better
strategies: negative, positive or norms based        OF RI GROWTH                                                  investment outperformance.
screening; sustainability themed investing; or
impact investing and community finance.                                                                            More work is needed to build retail
                                                     For the second year the survey asked                          awareness of the availability and the relative
The vast majority of Core responsible                investment organisations to identify the                      performance of RI Core funds versus
investment involves screened investments             key drivers of RI growth and key factors                      equivalent mainstream funds and to engage
which at $ 85.9 billion constituted 99.5%            that have deterred RI growth. The top three                   stakeholders and influencers.
of the total Core RI (up from $42.3 billion          responses were:
AUM in 2016). The major screened issues
included tobacco, controversial weapons,
but also nuclear power and gambling.                 TOP DRIVERS

Sustainability themed investments remained             Key Driver                      % of respondents
constant at $0.4 billion ($0.4 billion in 2016).      Alignment to mission                             56%

Impact investing is an emerging responsible           ESG factors impact on                            50%
investment strategy having gained in                  performance
momentum in the last year, however as at              Growing awareness of                             36%
31 December 2017, still accounted for only a          ESG risks impact on value
small amount of investments.
                                                     TOP DETRACTORS

                                                       Key Driver                      % of respondents
                                                      Lack of demand from                              40%
                                                      retail investors
                                                      Lack of awareness by                             27%
                                                      members of the public
                                                      Lack of demand from                              27%
                                                      institutional investors                                      1   See Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 Australia

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


All businesses, and therefore all                                      and ethical factors are considered alongside                               RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT
investments, have an impact on people                                  financial performance when making an                                       STRATEGIES
and the planet, both positive and negative.                            investment.
Responsible investing seeks to minimise
the negative effects generated by business                             Responsible investing considers a broad                                    There are many different ways to engage
and promote positive impacts, ultimately                               range of risks and value drivers as part of the                            in responsible investment, as outlined in
delivering a healthier economy, society and                            investment decision-making process, beyond                                 RIAA’s Responsible and Ethical Investment
environment and underpinning a stronger                                and in addition to reported financial risk. It is                          Spectrum, and investors often use a
investment outcome.                                                    a systematic approach that takes ESG and                                   combination of strategies.
                                                                       ethical issues into account throughout the
Responsible investing, also known as ethical                           process of researching, analysing, selecting                               As responsible investment becomes an
investing or sustainable investing, is a                               and monitoring investments. It acknowledges                                increasingly sophisticated component of the
holistic approach to investing, where social,                          that these factors can be critical in                                      financial sector, it is guiding the investment
environmental, corporate governance (ESG)                              understanding the full value of an investment.                             approach of a broad range of products

   FIGURE 2 RIAA’s Responsible and Ethical Investment Spectrum

                       TRADITIONAL                                                         RESPONSIBLE & ETHICAL INVESTMENT                                                             PHILANTHROPY

                                             ESG INTEGRATION            NEGATIVE               POSITIVE OR             THEMATIC/                       IMPACT INVESTING
                                                (including             SCREENING              BEST-IN-CLASS         SUSTAINABILITY
                                               shareholder           (& norms based)           SCREENING                THEMED                 MARKET RATE          CONCESSIONARY
                                               engagement                                    (& norms based)         INVESTMENTS                                        RATE
                                                 & voting)

         FOCUS            Limited or           Consideration         Industry sectors       Investments that        Investments that          Investments that      Investments that       Grants that
                        no regard for           & analysis of          or companies         target companies        specifically target       target social and     target social and    target positive
                       environmental,          environmental,            excluded/             or industries           sustainability          environmental         environmental         social and
                          social and              social and          divested from          with better ESG         themes eg clean             impact and            impact and        environmental
                         governance          governance (ESG)           to avoid risk          performance            energy, green            deliver market         deliver below     impact with no
                            factors            factors as part        or better align                                    property               rate financial         market rate      financial return
                                                of investment            with values                                                               returns               returns
                                              decision making

        IMPACT            Agnostic                          Avoids harm                                                                     Benefits stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                       Contributes to solutions

     FEATURES                                                               Delivers competitive financial returns

                                                                               Manages ESG risks

                                                                                                                           Pursues ESG opportunities

                                                                                                                                              Intentionality: delivery of impact is
                                                                                                                                            central to underlying asset/investment

                                                                                                                                                      Impact of investment is
                                                                                                                                                       measured & reported

   * This spectrum has been adapted from frameworks developed by Bridges Fund Management, Sonen Capital and the Impact Management Project

ABOUT RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand

and services, from large investment                  CORE VERSUS BROAD                                            investment strategy selected by the investor
managers who integrate ESG factors                   RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT                                       – or where they do, these are not the
into their decision-making to so-called                                                                           primary responsible investment strategies
‘deep green’ ethical investment funds that                                                                        – and are usually wholesale or institutional
apply exclusionary screening criteria over           For the purposes of this report we                           products.
investments, and impact investments that             distinguish between Core and Broad
intentionally seek to deliver positive social        responsible investment. This allows us                       As this report demonstrates, asset
and environmental outcomes. It includes              to differentiate the data to allow for an                    managers are increasingly applying multiple
superannuation funds that apply multiple RI          enhanced analysis of the responsible                         responsible investment approaches. For
strategies across all asset classes to banks         investment industry and the degree to                        example, a fund may apply Broad ESG
that take an ethical and socially minded             which responsible investment strategies are                  integration as well as Core responsible
approach to lending.                                 integrated into products and services.                       investment strategies such as negative
                                                                                                                  or positive screening. In such a case, we
Given the volume and variety of responsible          Core responsible investment approaches                       have categorised the fund according to the
investment and banking products available            apply at least one of the following primary                  primary responsible investment strategy
in New Zealand, individual investors are             strategies: negative, positive or norms-based                being pursued. The primary strategy
best positioned to determine the products            screening; sustainability themed investing;                  is identified by the organisation in their
and services most closely aligned to                 impact investing and community finance; or                   survey response. In addition to this, RIAA
their values and beliefs. In other words,            corporate engagement.                                        performs a review of all survey responses
the determination of what constitutes                                                                             to ensure that strategies are categorised
adequate or appropriate ESG screening                Core responsible investment approaches                       consistently across the cohort of responses
for a particular product is subjective and           are made up in large part of those                           and that investor responses are categorised
dependent on the individual investor’s               funds traditionally referred to as socially                  consistently year on year.
expectations. There is a high level of               responsible investing (SRI) or ethical
variability in the degree in which these             investments, as well as sustainability                       It is important to note that this report aims to
factors are weighted, analysed and                   themed funds and impact investments.                         clearly and conservatively estimate the size
incorporated into investment decision-making.                                                                     of the value and volume of the responsible
                                                     Broad responsible investment                                 investment industry. Therefore, for the
To enable comparison of New Zealand’s                approaches use ESG integration as the                        purpose of this report, AUM included under
responsible investment market with those             principle responsible investment strategy.                   a Broad responsible investment strategy
of other regions, this report has been               This involves the systematic inclusion                       only includes asset managers demonstrating
prepared in line with the seven strategies           of ESG factors into traditional financial                    industry leading ESG integration practices
for responsible investment as detailed               analysis and investment decision-making                      as opposed to including all self-declared
by the Global Sustainable Investment                 based on the acceptance that these factors                   ESG managers.
Alliance (GSIA) and applied in the Global            are important drivers of risk and value in
Sustainable Investment Review 20162,                 companies and assets. This strategy is often                 It is noteworthy that RIAA sees the role of
which maps the growth and size of the                accompanied by a structured approach to                      financial advisers as critical gatekeepers
global responsible investment industry.              corporate engagement and other active                        in the finance industry and are an integral
These strategies are:                                ownership and stewardship mechanisms.                        part of the implementation of responsible
                                                                                                                  investment. Although this report doesn't
1   Negative/exclusionary screening                  RIAA and KPMG have undertaken a detailed                     estimate the state of play of responsible
2   Positive/best-in-class screening                 desktop analysis of: all New Zealand asset                   investment in financial advice, RIAA
3   Norms-based screening                            managers that are signatories to the PRI                     continues to work to ensure advisers
4   Integration of ESG factors                       (UN backed Principles for Responsible                        do understand their role in delivering
5   Sustainability themed investing                  Investment); other asset managers that                       responsible investment advice for clients.
6   Impact and community investing                   RIAA’s database indicates as practicing ESG
7   Corporate engagement and shareholder             integration; and a selection of international
    action                                           asset managers with a strong presence
                                                     in this market and strong ESG credentials
Full definitions of each responsible investment      that manage assets for local clients. In this
strategy can be found in the Glossary.               case only assets specifically identified as
                                                     managed for local clients were included
                                                     in the assessment. Only those that score
                                                     above 80% against the RIAA assessment
                                                     methodology are included in the results. This
                                                     approach has been used in the survey for
INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT                                the past four years. For more detail on the
                                                     assessment methodology, please see the
                                                     breakout box on ‘How RIAA defines leading
RIAA is a proud member of the GSIA,                  practice in ESG integration’.
together with Eurosif (The European
Sustainable Investment Forum), UKSIF                 The Broad responsible investment market
(UK Sustainable Investment & Finance                 is largely comprised of institutional funds
Association, US SIF (The Forum for                   that apply ESG integration as part of a
Sustainable & Responsible Investment) and            mainstream investment offering. These
                                                                                                                  2   Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, Global Sustainable
VBDO (Dutch Association of Investors for             products for the most part do not include                        Investment Review 2016,
Sustainable Development).                            an ethical, SRI or sustainability themed                         resources/trends-report-2016

ABOUT RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


Over the past decade, responsible                 This framework was developed by                          These pillars were weighted to ensure
investment has grown to a point                   RIAA based upon global definitions and                   balance between evidence of systematic
where a significant proportion of the             existing assessment frameworks for ESG                   investment processes versus policies and
investment industry has now committed             integration practices, and remains the                   public commitments. Using this framework,
to implementing a responsible investment          same as the framework used by RIAA in                    RIAA then assessed New Zealand
approach. For large institutional investors,      last year’s report.                                      and a selection of international asset
this has focused primarily on applying                                                                     managers who have an active presence
                                                  The framework acknowledges that
ESG integration practices to traditional                                                                   in New Zealand based on their publicly
                                                  although it is difficult to prescribe a single
investment decision-making.                                                                                available information including websites,
                                                  best practice process for the integration
                                                                                                           PRI responsible investment transparency
Defining and measuring ESG integration            of ESG factors into investment decision-
                                                                                                           reports and all other available material. All
practices is challenging due to limited           making, there are a number of leading
                                                                                                           asset managers were scored using these
disclosure and a broad variation in               practices and constituent parts of leading
depth of integration – from systematic            practice that can be identified. RIAA has
implementation embedded into investment           established a framework drawing on the
                                                                                                           Only those asset managers that scored
valuation practices and company                   core pillars of leading ESG integration
                                                                                                           more than 80% have been included in the
engagement, to more ad hoc approaches.            practices that assesses and scores:
                                                                                                           Broad responsible investment category in
For the purposes of this report – to define                                                                this report. Some additional inclusions are
the size of the responsible investment                                                                     made in the Broad responsible investment
                                                  • Publicly stated commitments to
industry in New Zealand – RIAA aims                                                                        category where a fund manager or asset
                                                    responsible investment;
to include only those assets managed                                                                       owner undertakes both ESG integration as
                                                  • Responsible investment policy;
by asset managers who are practicing                                                                       well as negative screening.
                                                  • Commitments to the transparency
a leading approach to ESG integration,
                                                    of processes and approach;
rather than all assets managed by
                                                  • Systematic processes for ESG
organisations who have self-declared
                                                    integration as well as evidence
that they are implementing responsible
                                                    demonstrating how this process is
                                                    applied as part of traditional financial
For the fourth year in a row, RIAA                  analysis;
undertook a desktop review of asset               • Evidence of activity in other areas
managers who are self-declared                      of active ownership and stewardship
responsible investors – either via their            including voting and engagement;
commitment to the PRI, or other public            • Membership of a collaborative investor
commitments – and rated each of these               initiative; and
against a framework of leading practice to        • Coverage of total AUM by responsible
ESG integration.                                    investment or ESG practices.

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


REPORTING BOUNDARY                                DATA COLLECTION                                                the depth of responsible investment
                                                                                                                 strategies applied, to identify any overlap
                                                                                                                 of approaches and to assist in categorising
This report covers the 2017 calendar year         Data used to compile this report was                           funds. This approach was used in order
and where possible, data disclosed has            generously provided and collected from the                     to create an accurate depiction of the
been recorded as of 31 December 2017.             following sources:                                             responsible investment environment in
Data from some asset managers was not                                                                            New Zealand.
                                                  • Directly supplied by asset managers as
available on a calendar year basis and in
                                                    well as some asset owners;
these cases data was taken from the closest                                                                      Fund overlaps between survey respondents
                                                  • Morningstar statistics for total assets
available reporting date. All financial figures                                                                  have been removed, where identified, from
                                                    under management (TAUM) in New
are presented in NZD.                                                                                            the reported figures. RIAA is continuously
                                                    Zealand and the average performance
                                                                                                                 working to improve its data collection
                                                    of mainstream managed fund categories.
The financial sector is a globalised industry.                                                                   process to enhance the quality of reported
                                                    Morningstar also provided a secondary
Responsible investment funds may be                                                                              figures and to ensure that all products in the
                                                    source of AUM data for some of the funds
held in one country, managed in another                                                                          New Zealand market are identified.
and sold in a third, meaning that a level of
                                                  • RIAA’s database and industry contacts;
estimation is applied in order to demarcate                                                                      It is important to note that all information in
the boundary of the New Zealand                                                                                  this survey is ‘self-reported’ by respondents
                                                  • Desktop research of publicly available
market. This impacts on the accuracy/                                                                            and only limited analysis is performed over
                                                    information regarding assets under
usefulness of reporting survey results as                                                                        statements made. There is no assurance of
                                                    management, performance data and
proportional to the market size as reported                                                                      statements.
                                                    investment strategies from sources
with Morningstar’s statistics for TAUM.
                                                    including company websites, annual
Morningstar’s TAUM figures are limited
                                                    reports and PRI Responsible Investment
in their coverage of the full investment
                                                    Transparency Reports.
market in New Zealand by covering only
those assets managed by the New Zealand
managed funds industry through retail and         Where survey responses were not received,                      DATA COMPLETENESS
wholesale funds, discrete mandates and            publicly available information was used where
listed investments. Morningstar’s TAUM            available. In total, this research managed to
does not capture overseas fund managers           gather a comprehensive summary of the full                     Many of the products in the New Zealand
and direct investments. However, in the           responsible market in New Zealand.                             responsible investment market are not
absence of a more appropriate measure,                                                                           bound by any public reporting, disclosure
TAUM continues to be used for comparison          Responses that identify the key drivers of RI                  requirements or independent review
purposes. This report is intended to              and detractors were only taken from survey                     (assurance). This report includes both retail
inform readers of the range of responsible        respondents.                                                   and wholesale investment products, and
investment products that are available in                                                                        increasingly, institutional fund mandates,
New Zealand. As such it includes assets           No data has been extrapolated from its                         individually managed accounts, and
managed within the region, as well as             original source.                                               separately managed accounts. Some
assets managed outside the region where                                                                          investment custodians are reluctant to
these are on behalf of New Zealand clients.                                                                      supply information for reasons of privacy
                                                                                                                 or commercial confidentiality. Data
                                                                                                                 pertaining to funds held outside of managed
                                                  DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORTING                                    responsible investment portfolios was not
                                                                                                                 accessible. For this reason, as well as
                                                                                                                 matters identified in the Reporting Boundary
                                                  As many asset managers apply several                           section above, this report provides a
                                                  investment strategies, the data collection                     conservative depiction of the responsible
                                                  survey required respondents to identify                        investment environment in New Zealand.
                                                  a single primary responsible investment
                                                  strategy. The survey also requested to
                                                  respondents to nominate any secondary
                                                  strategies applied in order to determine

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


The responsible investment industry in
New Zealand has grown significantly in           FIGURE 3 Responsible investment AUM – totals by year
2017 for the second year in a row to make
up an ever greater portion of the overall
investment market in New Zealand. Our               Responsible investment approach                                   2016               2017               Change
research reveals that $183.4 billion in AUM                                                                    Responsible        Responsible
is managed under responsible investment                                                                         investment         investment
strategies as at 31 December 2017, a                                                                             AUM ($bn)          AUM ($bn)
growth of 40% since 2016.
                                                    Screening (including negative, positive,                            33.6
                                                                                                                        42.3              147.7
                                                                                                                                           85.9                340%
                                                    best in class and norms-based screening)
When compared to the total professionally
managed assets (TAUM) in New Zealand,               Sustainability themed investing                                     27.2
                                                                                                                         0.4                31.0
                                                                                                                                             0.4               14%
reported by MorningStar as $80.9 billion,
this represents a significantly larger figure.      Impact investing and community finance                               4.1
                                                                                                                         0.1                 8.0
                                                                                                                                             0.1               94%
This figure surpasses the total value of            Core responsible investment total                         64.9      42.8     186.7      86.4     188% 102%
professionally managed assets due to many
of the assets captured in this report being         Broad responsible investment total                        557.1     88.6     679.3      97.0     22%         9%
managed outside of NZ on behalf of the              ESG integration
institutional asset managers and owners in          TOTAL RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT                                      622.0
                                                                                                                      131.4               866.0
                                                                                                                                          183.4                39%
this study.

Of this total AUM just over half (53%) or
$97.0 billion – is accounted for by asset
managers and asset owners undertaking            FIGURE 4 Responsible investment by approach
a Broad responsible investment approach,
using ESG integration as their primary RI
strategy. This demonstrates a growth of
9% year on year.

In 2017, Core responsible investment funds
doubled from $42.8 billion to $86.4 billion
AUM, constituting over 107% of New                                         Total                                                         $85.9 billion
Zealand’s TAUM. This staggering step up is           $ 97               responsible              $86.4                                   Screening (including negative,
                                                    billion             investment               billion                                 positive, best in class and
due primarily to the continued incorporation
                                                                       $183.4 billion                                                    norms-based screening)
of negative screening across tobacco and
controversial weapons into mainstream
fund offerings.

                                                                                                                                         $0.4 billion
                                                                                                                                         Sustainability themed investing

                                                                                                                                        $0.1 billion
                                                                                                                                        Impact investing and
                                                                                                                                        community finance
                                                               Broad responsible investment                   Core responsible investment
                                                                       strategy AUM                                  strategy AUM

  Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand

INVESTMENT                                                FIGURE 5 Frequency of issues being screened

Core responsible investment funds grew                                 Weapons
significantly during 2017, increasing by                                              97%
102% to $86.4 billion at 31 December                                                 100%
2017 compared with $42.8 billion for the                                               55%
previous year.                                                                         40%
At $86.4 billion AUM, Core responsible
investment funds represent 107% of the                              Fossil fuels
TAUM held in New Zealand, increasing                                                   47%
                                                                 Nuclear power
from 61% of TAUM in 2016.                                                              26%
                                                                  Adult content
The $86.4 billion of Core responsible                                                  38%
investment in New Zealand is held by 23                                                13%
                                                          Human rights abuses
asset managers managing 79 products (an
increase from 51 in prior year). A range of                Environment/climate
Core responsible investment strategies have                                            37%
been applied to these funds and the key                          Animal welfare
trends in these strategies are detailed below:                                         16%
                                                                                       42%                                                   p 2016 p 2017
Screening, primarily negative, is the RI
                                                          Proportion of funds screening
approach applied to 99.5% of Core AUM.                                                       0           20             40              60        80         100
                                                                           for issue (%)
The use of screening has seen a significant
amount of growth year on year with AUM
increasing by 102% on 2016.

In August 2016, news reports revealed that            Furthermore, we are increasingly observing                    responsible investing in NZ, as we have
KiwiSaver funds had investment holdings in            the incorporation of ESG integration, or                      seen in other markets.
tobacco, cluster munitions, land mines and            broad responsible investment practices, with
nuclear devices. This resulted in massive             negative screens, as the market matures to                    Impact Investment: Early stages of activity
interest in the investment practices of               reflect both consumer expectations as well                    within the category of impact investment
KiwiSaver funds, and it rapidly became                as recognising the investment performance                     and community finance have now begun
apparent that the average New Zealander               implications of ESG factors.                                  in NZ, with a small but significant early
was not content to have their KiwiSaver                                                                             moves occurring in 2017. This year’s report
investments invested in such industries.              As noted in previous years, we see in                         identified activities by community trusts and
This resulted in a very rapid response from           the NZ market some very significant                           private foundations making allocations to
the industry whereby the largest KiwiSaver            asset owners who incorporate screening                        impact investment, as well as a sizeable first
providers put in place exclusions across              into their funds, such as the Accident                        green kauri bond issued by the International
these main industries.                                Compensation Corporation and New                              Finance Corporation. But in the months
                                                      Zealand Superannuation Fund. These                            since the end of 2017, activity continues
This 2017 survey indicates that managers              funds, for example, all incorporate screening                 to ramp up in the NZ impact investment
are continuing to put in place screening in           across tobacco, controversial weapons                         market, and we look forward to seeing more
portfolios, both labelled ‘ethical’ portfolios        (cluster munitions, nuclear explosive                         activity in this category in coming years.
as well as mainstream portfolios. As shown            devices, anti-personnel mines) and whaling
below all Core funds included in the survey           sectors, however, also incorporate an
have screens over weapons and tobacco.                ESG integration approach across their
                                                      investments. For these asset owners, we
In addition, overall there was an increase            have included them under their primary RI
in the number of issues screened, with                strategy that we take to be Broad RI – ESG
significant increases in screens over fossil          integration.
fuels and environmental and climate issues
compared to the prior year.                           Sustainability themed investing remained
                                                      consistent with the prior year at $0.4bn with
Some funds have traditionally marketed                the small change driven by organic growth
themselves as being ethical or socially               in the two funds identified. Interestingly,
responsible funds, and typically include              this seems to indicate the market is still
more than just a base level of screening              very much focused on both ESG as a
across one or two issues. There continues to          investment value enhancer and negative
be both a growth in those funds marketed as           screens as meeting client expectations, with
SRI or ethical funds, as well as mainstream           only early moves to tap the client interest in
offerings incorporating a baseline of                 more positively screened, more sustainably
negative screens.                                     themed funds, as we’re seeing emerge in
                                                      other markets. We would expect to see this
                                                      opportunity emerging as the next wave of

  Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


   A focus on impact investment is truly              of approaches across New Zealand,                         one network to foster market development
   taking off in NZ. There is now an active           pioneering the early stages of this market                and activity, and as a community to share
   community combining investors, social              development.                                              learnings to date. Furthermore, a New
   enterprises, philanthropists, civil society                                                                  Zealand Impact Investment National
   and government who are working together            The Growing Impact in New Zealand                         Advisory Board has been established that
   to ensure capital is directed to support           Report, launched by Akina, EY and JB                      will connect NZ with the Global Steering
   social and environmental outcomes along            Were in September 2017, maps out the                      Group for Impact Investment, allowing the
   with financial returns.                            current and emerging impact investment                    market to leverage the experience of other
                                                      landscape in detail, highlighting the thriving            markets at this important emerging stage.
   This year’s Responsible Investment                 activity underway across multiple sectors.
   Benchmark Report New Zealand again                 Importantly, the report also estimates the                As we’ve seen in other markets, we
   finds only small total value of assets             future market potential for impact investing              anticipate that in future years there will be a
   invested as impact investments in 2017,            of NZ$5 billion based on the relative size of             rapid ramp up of activity and capital flowing
   however this masks the amount of activity          the NZ economy, charity sector and capital                to impact investments, from green bonds to
   underway in this market, and due to                markets.                                                  social impact bonds, venture capital funds
   the nature of this study, likely misses                                                                      to private lending, micro finance to social
   smaller private investments and lending            Progress is now well underway, and                        infrastructure. NZ is now establishing a
   activities that are happening outside of the       pleasingly capital is starting to flow towards            strong foundation for its impact investment
   mainstream capital markets.                        investments that create positive social                   activities.
                                                      impact, connecting capital markets to
   Community trusts, private foundations,             social and environmental outcomes.
   angel investors, as well as major banks
   and asset managers have all now been               In the recently year, an Impact Investment
   actively seeking and making impact                 Network has been formed bringing
   investments and lending with a diversity           together the hive of activity and actors into

PERFORMANCE OF CORE                                  The results of this analysis indicate:                        BROAD RESPONSIBLE
RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT                               • Core responsible investment New
FUNDS- NEW ZEALAND                                     Zealand share funds outperformed their
                                                       equivalent benchmarks for all periods.
                                                                                                                   Beyond Core responsible investment, ESG
                                                     • Responsibly invested international share
This report, for the first year, has assessed                                                                      integration constitutes a major force in the
                                                       funds outperformed their benchmarks in
the performance of New Zealand Core                                                                                mainstream investment industry today. As
                                                       the three and ten year time horizons, but
responsible investment funds compared with                                                                         at this survey period 18 New Zealand asset
                                                       underperformed over the one and five
their benchmark index and the average of                                                                           managers and eight asset owners have
                                                       year terms.
equivalent mainstream funds.                                                                                       declared their commitment to responsible
                                                     • Additionally, responsibly invested
                                                                                                                   investment by becoming signatories to
                                                       balanced portfolios outperformed the
The average performance in each time                                                                               the PRI. Signatories to the PRI commit
                                                       multi-sector growth fund average for
horizon has been determined using the                                                                              to incorporating ESG considerations into
                                                       all periods (with no benchmark data
asset-weighted returns (net of fees) as                                                                            investment analysis and decision-making
                                                       available for 10 year period).
reported by each responsible investment                                                                            processes and to publically report on their
fund within its category. Mainstream                                                                               performance.
performance indices and fund comparison              This pleasingly reinforces global studies
data were calculated by MorningStar using            as well as our own Australian performance                     Combined, these investment organisations
a comparable methodology.                            research that support the conclusion that                     demonstrate that ESG integration is
                                                     responsibly invested funds provide similar                    becoming a key consideration in mainstream
Figure 6 shows a comparison of the                   or stronger risk-adjusted returns to their                    investment strategies.
performance of the principal categories of           mainstream peers.
core responsible investment funds against                                                                          RIAA has always taken a conservative
the performance of mainstream funds over                                                                           approach to estimating the value of AUM
one, three, five and ten year time horizons.                                                                       relating to funds that consider ESG factors.
                                                                                                                   The AUM attributable to asset managers and

  Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand

asset owners comprising the $97.0 billion
AUM in this report was determined using a                           FIGURE 6 Performance of Core responsible investments against benchmarks
combination of approaches including RIAA’s
responsible investment survey results as
well as a desktop assessment of eight asset                           NZ share funds                                                   1 Year       3 Years      5 Years     10 Years
managers who are self-declared responsible
                                                                      Average responsible investment fund (between                     29.9%         17.3%        19.0%        10.0%
investors (primarily from PRI signatory lists).
                                                                      1-2 funds sampled depending on time period)

As outlined in the earlier section on ‘How                            NZ OE Equity Region NZ                                           21.8%         14.6%        15.8%          8.8%
RIAA defines leading practice in ESG                                  S&P/NZX 50 TR NZD                                                22.0%         14.7%        15.6%          7.6%
integration’, the asset managers were
reviewed against a framework of leading
practice in ESG integration as determined                             International share funds                                        1 Year       3 Years      5 Years     10 Years
by RIAA, and based on global research, in
                                                                      Average responsible investment fund (between                     14.2%         22.6%        10.5%          6.7%
order to determine those asset managers
                                                                      2-8 funds sampled depending on time period)
demonstrating a leading approach to ESG
integration. Asset owners were included                               Large-cap international share fund average                       20.0%         12.8%        15.0%          5.9%
who also had in place extensive negative                              MSCI World ex-Australia Index                                    20.9%         11.5%        13.3%          4.9%
screening in addition to their ESG integration
                                                                      Multi-sector growth funds                                        1 Year       3 Years      5 Years     10 Years
In this year’s report, included in the Broad RI                       Average responsible investment fund (between                     14.7%           7.0%       10.4%          6.4%
assets are:                                                           6-17 funds sampled depending on time period)
• The largest NZ asset owners applying                                NZ OE Multisector - Balanced                                     12.0%           6.3%        8.5%
  multiple RI approaches;
• Asset managers that apply an ESG
  approach coupled with screening (mainly
                                                                                                                                             p Over performance p Under performance
  for institutional mandates);
• Community trusts undertaking ESG
                                                                This assessment found that four domestic                           These four asset managers were able to
  integration through their external
                                                                asset managers in New Zealand are applying                         clearly demonstrate a systematic process
  managers; and
                                                                a leading approach to ESG integration in                           to ESG integration in their investment
• Asset managers demonstrating leading
                                                                their Broad responsible investment approach.                       process, through policies, clearly defined
  practice in ESG integration taken from
                                                                These four managers are:                                           approaches to stewardship, active ownership
  our assessment.
                                                                                                                                   that includes engagement and voting, and
                                                                •   AMP Capital                                                    meaningful disclosure.
To ensure no double counting, RIAA’s survey
                                                                •   Harbour Asset Management
asks asset owners to identify the underlying
                                                                •   HRL Morrison                                                   Where asset managers report some of their
asset managers, and where there is overlap,
                                                                •   Southern Pastures Management                                   funds under Core RI, the Core RI fund value
those assets are removed from the total AUM.
                                                                                                                                   was excluded from the Broad RI to eliminate
                                                                                                                                   double counting.

   FIGURE 7 Largest responsible investment asset managers and asset owners

     Accident Compensation Corporation

     New Zealand Supperannuation Fund

   ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited

                           AMP Capital

            ASB Group Investments Ltd

                         HRL Mossion

      Northern Trust Asset Management

                   Mercer (N.Z) Limited


                           Kiwi Wealth

       Government Super Fund Authority

          Fisher Funds Management Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                 p 2016 p 2017
     Harbour Asset Management Limited

                            $ millions    0     2,500   5,000       7,500   10,000   12,500   15,000   17,500   20,000   22,500   25,000   27,500   30,000   32,500 35,000   37,500 40,000

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand
Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


This survey clearly shows that there                        KEY GROWTH FACTORS                                                    Key deterrents
has been a significant increase in the
number of products and strategies subject                                                                                         In the previous year, the largest factor
to responsible investment across the                        56% of respondents attributed growth to                               deterring additional growth was associated
investment industry as well as an increase                  the desire by underlying clients to align                             with concerns around the financial
in AUM in those strategies driven by both by                their investments with their organisational                           performance of responsible investments.
retail and institutional investors.                         missions or values.                                                   This factor has significantly reduced this
                                                                                                                                  year (from 34% to 23%) and when coupled
It is increasingly clear that appropriate and               Half of respondents (50%) identified the                              with performance being identified as the
properly executed RI strategies can have a                  impact of ESG factors on performance as                               second biggest driver of growth, it appears
significant positive impact on the environment              a key driver of growth (again a significant                           that RI has reached a point of inflection with
and society whilst at the same time                         increase on the prior year), and a further                            positive performance being increasingly
generating sustainable financial returns that               35% identified the recognition of ESG risks                           attributed to RI funds.
outperform comparable mainstream funds.                     as important to portfolio valuation. Asset
                                                            managers now are seeing ESG as a value                                A lack of demand from retail investors and
In order to gain insight into the factors behind            creating factor rather than solely one that is                        an associated perceived lack of awareness
the increased use of responsible investment                 driven by client demand.                                              of responsible investment by members of
strategies we asked respondents to identify                                                                                       the public, identified by 40% and 27% of
and rank the key drivers of increased                                                                                             respondents respectively, were the two
adoption of responsible investment                                                                                                most common observations – pointing to
strategies and AUM and the key factors in                                                                                         a need for capacity building and education
the market that have restricted growth.                                                                                           of retail investors as to the availability and
                                                                                                                                  performance benefits of RI products.

   FIGURE 8 Key drivers of market growth by those surveyed                                        FIGURE 9 Key deterrents to RI market growth by those surveyed

                                   33%                                                                   Lack of demand from        24%
              Align to mission
                                   56%                                                                         retail investors     40%
          ESG factors impact       18%                                                                  Lack of awareness by        34%
            on performance         50%                                                                 members of the public        27%
                                   33%                                                                  Lack of demand from         24%
                      ESG risk
                                   36%                                                                  institutional investors     27%
                                   33%                                                                                              34%
 Demand from retail investors                                                                          Performance concerns
                                   25%                                                                                              23%
                 Demand from       33%                                                                          Lack of viable      34%
        institutional investors     8%                                                                        product/options       23%
                                   8%                                                                         Lack of qualified     15%
        Industry competition
                                   8%                                                                         advice/expertise      20%

       International initiatives   4%                                                                 Mistrust/concern about        20%
                                   6%                                                                          greenwashing         17%
    External pressure (NGOs,       15%                                                                                               4%
    media, trade unions, etc)                                                                        Lack of external pressure
                                    6%                                                                                              10%
                                   18%                                                                                               4%
                Fiduciary duty                                                                                  Risk concerns
                                    3%                                                                                               7%
                                   4%                                                                       Lack of legislative      4%
                 Social benefit
                                                          p 2016 p 2017                                         requirements         3%
                                                                                                                                                           p 2016 p 2017

                                         0%   10%   20%   30%   40%     50%     60%                                                       0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%

MARKET DRIVERS AND FUTURE TRENDS Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


For the first time this year the survey asked
respondents to report the time horizon
over which performance is measured and
rewarded. The responses are shown below
in Figure 10.

Respondents reported that performance is
measured over a number of time periods,
the majority reporting a short term (less than
one year and quarterly) and long term (five
years or more) measurement period. Many
respondents identified a number of time
periods over which performance is measured.

It is good to see that the majority of asset
managers’ performances, at least in part, is
measured over a period of five years.

More investigation is needed to understand
the prioritisation of monitoring or focus of
asset owners and investors.

   FIGURE 10 The time horizon over which performance is measured and rewarded

     5 years   83%

     3 years   25%

      1 year   67%

   6 months    50%

   Quarterly   67%

    Monthly    17%

                     0%   10%      20%     30%      40%      50%       60%      70%       80%      90%

Responsible Investment Benchmark Report 2018 | New Zealand


GLOSSARY                                 DEFINITIONS OF RESPONSIBLE                                     Norms-based screening – involves
                                         INVESTMENT STRATEGIES                                          the screening of investments that do not
                                                                                                        meet minimum standards of business
AUM                                                                                                     practice. Standards applied are based on
Assets under management                  Broad responsible investment –                                 international norms such as those defined
                                         investment that applies ESG integration as                     by the United Nations (UN). In practice,
                                         the key responsible investment strategy.                       norms-based screening may involve the
Environment, social and governance
                                                                                                        exclusion of companies that contravene
GSIA                                     Core responsible investment – investment                       the UN Convention on Cluster Munitions,
Global Sustainable Investment Alliance   that applies at least one of the following                     as well as positive screening based on ESG
                                         responsible investment strategies:                             criteria developed through international
                                                                                                        bodies such as the UNGC (United Nations
UN backed Principles for Responsible     • screening of investments – negative,
                                                                                                        Global Compact), ILO (International Labour
Investment                                 positive or norms-based screening;
                                                                                                        Organisation), UNICEF (United Nations
                                         • sustainability themed investing;
RIAA                                                                                                    Children’s Fund) and the UNHRC (United
                                         • impact or community investing;
Responsible Investment Association                                                                      Nations Human Rights Council).
                                         • corporate engagement and shareholder
                                                                                                        Sustainability themed investing – relates
                                                                                                        to investment in themes or assets that
Total assets under management
                                         ESG integration – ESG integration involves                     specifically relate to sustainability themes.
                                         the systematic and explicit inclusion of                       This commonly involves funds that invest in
                                         environmental, social and governance                           clean energy, green technology, sustainable
                                         factors into traditional financial analysis and                agriculture and forestry, green property
                                         investment decision-making by investment                       or water technology. This category also
                                         managers. This approach rests on the                           includes multi-strategy portfolios that
                                         belief that these factors are a core driver                    may contain a variety of asset classes or
                                         of investment value and risk.                                  a combination of these themes.

                                         Negative screening – screening that                            Impact investing – targeted investments
                                         systematically excludes specific industries,                   aimed at addressing social or environmental
                                         sectors, companies, practices, countries                       issues while also creating positive financial
                                         or jurisdictions from funds that do not align                  returns for investors. Impact investing
                                         with the responsible investment goals. This                    includes community investing, which
                                         approach is also referred to as values-based                   involves projects that have a defined social
                                         or ethical screening. Common criteria used                     purpose, as well as environmental investing
                                         in negative screening include gaming,                          that typically aims to finance initiatives that
                                         alcohol, tobacco, weapons, pornography                         address key environmental issues.
                                         and animal testing.
                                                                                                        Corporate advocacy and shareholder
                                         Positive screening – involves screening                        action – refers to the employment of
                                         investment in sectors, companies or projects                   shareholder power to influence corporate
                                         selected for positive ESG or sustainability                    behaviour. This may be conducted through
                                         performance relative to industry peers. It                     direct corporate engagement such as
                                         may also be referred to as best-in-class                       communications with senior management
                                         screening. It involves identifying companies                   or boards, filing or co-filing shareholder
                                         with superior ESG performance from                             proposals and proxy voting in alignment
                                         a variety of industries and markets.                           with comprehensive ESG guidelines.

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